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Nitrate (NO(3)) loss from arable systems to surface and groundwater has attracted considerable attention in recent years in Ireland. Little information exists under Irish conditions, which are wet and temperate, on the effects of winter cover crops and different tillage techniques on NO(3) leaching. This study investigated the efficacy of such practices in reducing NO(3) leaching from a spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) system in the Barrow River valley, southeast Ireland. The study compared the effect of two tillage systems (plow-based tillage and noninversion tillage) and two over-winter alternatives (no vegetative cover and a mustard cover crop) on soil solution NO(3) concentrations at 90 cm depth over two winter drainage seasons (2003/04 and 2004/05). Soil samples were taken and analyzed for inorganic N. During both years of the study, the use of a mustard cover crop significantly reduced NO(3) losses for the plowed and reduced cultivation treatments. Mean soil solution NO(3) concentrations were between 38 and 70% lower when a cover crop was used, and total N load lost over the winter was between 18 and 83% lower. Results from this study highlight the importance of drainage volume and winter temperatures on NO(3) concentrations in soil solution and overall N load lost. It is suggested that cover crops will be of particular value in reducing NO(3) loss in temperate regions with mild winters, where winter N mineralization is important and high winter temperatures favor a long growing season.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparative analysis of alternative methods of constructing composite indicators to measure the sustainability of the agricultural sector. The three methods employed were Principal Component Analysis, the Analytic Hierarchy Process and a Multi-Criteria technique. The comparison focused on the irrigated agriculture of the Duero basin in Spain as a case study, using a dataset of indicators previously calculated for various farm types and policy scenarios. The results enabled us to establish a hierarchy of preferred policy scenarios on the basis of the level of sustainability achieved, and show that the most recent CAP reform is the most sustainable agricultural policy scenario. By analyzing the heterogeneity of different farms types in each scenario, we can also determine the main features of the most sustainable farms in each case. The analysis demonstrates that full-time farmers with small to medium-sized farms and sowing profitable crops are the most sustainable farm types in all the policy scenarios. All of this information is useful for the support of agricultural policy design and its implementation, as we attempt to improve the sustainability of this sector.  相似文献   

The soil fumigants 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and chloropicrin (CP) are often used for controlling soil-borne plant pathogens and parasitic nematodes before reestablishing new vineyards and orchards. To evaluate crop safety and environmental risks with the replant fumigation, four field experiments were performed over 2 yr to examine 1,3-D and CP lateral movement away from the treated fields. Shank injection with or without a virtually impermeable film (V1F) was used in two vineyard fumigation experiments, and spot drip application without tarp cover was used in two orchard experiments. Results showed that 1,3-D and CP gases moved laterally to 6 m from the treated fields when the fumigants were applied by shank injection. The maximum 1,3-D or CP soil gas concentration at 6 m was approximately 10 ng cm(-3) when the fumigated plot was not cover with a tarp. With VIF, the measured maximum concentration increased to approximately 100 ng cm(-3). In the spot drip application, maximum 1,3-D and CP gas concentrations reached approximately 100 ng cm(-3) but at 1.5 m radial distance from the point of fumigant injection.  相似文献   

During the past decade bark beetle (Ips typographus) attacks killed nearly all of the Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] stands in the unmanaged zone in the highlands of the Bavarian Forest National Park. This study was conducted to predict if and how long the catastrophic event might cause elevated nitrate NO3(-) concentration in seepage water, and if the presence of ground vegetation may reduce NO3(-) leaching. A chronosequence approach was used to investigate NO3(-) leaching before and after the death of trees. Additionally, the impact of ground vegetation coverage on NO3(-) leaching was determined. Flux weighted yearly NO3(-) concentrations were significantly elevated in the first 5 yr after the dieback compared with intact stands (27 micromol(c) L(-1)), with highest concentrations in the fifth year after the dieback (579 micromol(c) L(-1)). Lowest NO3(-) concentrations were observed 17 yr after the dieback (10 micromol(c) L(-1)). Suction cups in places without ground vegetation showed significantly higher NO3(-) concentrations of 163 to 727 micromol(c) L(-1) (Year 2-5 after the dieback) than suction cups without vegetation. However, net uptake of N by ground vegetation observed during the first 7 yr after the dieback was low on a plot scale. Compared with other severe disturbances in forests, NO3(-) concentrations were elevated for a longer period. Due to high rates of precipitation, NO3(-) dilution occurred and concentrations remained mostly below the European critical level for drinking water. Part of the observed heterogeneity in NO3(-) concentrations could be attributed to different patterns of ground vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

Management of water quality in drinking water catchments is of ongoing, high importance as nitrate concentrations are often still very high. We analysed the Augsburg catchment in Germany, a unique example where a result-oriented approach has been implemented. We investigated the historical evolution of the water protection programme, the result-oriented payment contracts with farmers, and farmer satisfaction with the contracts, based on interviews with the water utility and farmers as well as an analysis of the literature. Today, the water protection programme has been successfully implemented, and a significant reduction of nitrate concentration was achieved due to the following factors: (1) investment of non-negligible amounts of money for high compensation and remuneration payments, (2) different contract options, (3) farmers’ participation in the negotiation process for result-oriented payment contracts, (4) involvement of “outside” people and institutions in negotiation processes, (5) anticipation of starting a programme when nitrate levels were still far below legislative thresholds, and (6) a political and legislative framework allowing direct decisions by a water supplier.  相似文献   

We have assessed the current state of knowledge relative to methods used in assessing sub-tidal benthic habitat quality and the classification of benthic habitats. While our main focus is on marine habitat, we extensively draw on knowledge gained in freshwater systems where benthic assessment procedures are at an advanced stage of maturity. We found a broad range of sophistication/complication in terms of the methods applied in assessing and mapping benthic habitats. The simplest index or metric involved some assessment of species richness, while the most complicated required utilizing multi-variate analysis. The simplest mapping attempts equated physical substrate with benthic habitat while the most sophisticated relied on extensive environmental preference and groundtruth data for species of concern. The leading edge of methods for benthic habitat mapping involves combining the advances in optical and acoustic methods that allow for routine classifying and mapping of the seafloor with biological and habitat data for species of concern. The objective of this melding of dispirit methods is to produce benthic habitat maps with broad system wide coverage and sound biological underpinning. It is clear that the disparity in information density between the physical and biological sides of the equation currently hinder applicability and acceptability of benthic habitat mapping efforts. In addition to the lack of basic information on the biological and environmental tolerances of targeted species, the proliferation of metrics for characterizing and assessing biological conditions further clouds the usefulness of any broad scale mapping attempt. The problem of data density mismatch between physical and biological methods will likely not be solved until acoustic methods can routinely resolve the elusive biological components that make a physical substrate a habitat.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of wheat straw charcoal (WSC) and mustard straw charcoal (MSC) as adsorbents for the removal of nitrate-nitrogen from water has been investigated. Commercial activated carbon (CAC) was used as a standard for comparison. The adsorption effectiveness of MSC was highest followed by CAC and WSC irrespective of the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the range of 0-25mg/l. The effects of temperature in the range of 15-28 degrees C on adsorption by WSC and MSC have also been investigated. It was observed that the temperature dependence of the adsorption effectiveness of MSC was higher than that of WSC and CAC. It is concluded that the MSC can be used for the in situ treatment by adsorption of nitrate-nitrogen in underground and surface water.  相似文献   

This study applied hydrogeological characterization and isotope investigation to identify source locations and to trace a plume of ground water contaminated by nitrate. Most of the study site is agricultural fields with the remainder being residential. A poultry farm is also within the study area, so that potential point and nonpoint sources were present. Estimates of seasonal ground water recharge from irrigation and precipitation, leakage of sewage, and the regional ground water flow were linked to the seasonal changes in isotopic values. Ground water recharge largely occurred in spring and summer following precipitation or irrigation, depending on the locations. Natural and fertilized soils were identified as nonpoint sources of nitrate contamination in this area, while septic and animal wastes were identified as small point sources. The seasonal changes in the relative impact of these sources on ground water contamination were related to such factors as source distribution, the aquifer confining condition, precipitation rate, infiltration capacity, recharge rate, and the land use pattern.  相似文献   

Organic soil improvers are mainly used for their potential for preventing soil losses. This study investigates the physicochemical properties of six different organic soil improvers and their effects on the properties and productivity of reconstituted anthropic soils during short-term application compared to farm manure. Treatment materials were obtained from Tunisian agricultural waste composts (almond shell (AS), sesame bark (SB), olive cake (OC), olive mill wastewater sludge (OMWS) and poultry manure (PM)) as well as mixtures of compost-manure (CM). The characterization of soil conditioners shows that (i) nitrogen contents are higher in olive wastes and PM-based composts; (ii) carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) and the organic matter (OM) contents are in the ranges of 14.1-29.7 and 19.3-64.5%, respectively; (iii) the electrical conductivity (EC) is higher in manure (M) and compost-manure mixture (4.8-10.4 mS/cm) and (iv) pH values are alkaline (8.2-8.8). Treatments were applied as components of a reconstituted soil at a rate of 14 kg/m2. Except for the manures, the mixtures of soil and treatment material (in a ratio of 600 L/28 kg) were placed in metallic basins to form the reconstituted anthropic soil. Plot areas of 2 m2 were used for each treatment and 2 × 2 m2 for the control. An assessment of the geochemical properties of soils during the cultivation period reveals variations in soil organic matter (SOM) contents as well as pH and EC values. Soil productivity is determined by quantitative and qualitative comparison of tomato fruits obtained from each plot amended with manure-treated soil.  相似文献   

Assessment and management of air quality for an opencast coal mining area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study for the assessment and management of the air quality was carried out at Lakhanpur area of Ib Valley Coalfield in Orissa state in India. The 24-h average concentrations of total suspended particulate (TSP) matter, respirable particulate matter (PM10), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were monitored during 1 year period. Samplings were done at a regular interval through out the year at 13 monitoring stations in the residential areas and four monitoring stations in the mining/industrial areas. The 24-hr average TSP and PM10 concentrations ranged from 338.8 to 799.8 microg m(-3) and 102.5-425.6 microg m(-3) for industrial area, and 72.3-497.1 microg m(-3) and 40.8-171.9 microg m(-3) for residential area, respectively. During the study period 24-hr and annual average TSP and PM10 concentrations exceeded the respective standards set in the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) protocol at most residential and industrial areas. However, 24-hr and annual average concentrations of SO2 and NOx were well within the prescribed limit of NAAQS both in the residential and industrial areas. The annual and 24-hr average concentrations varied from 23.3 to 36.8 microg m(-3) and 16.0-55.2 microg m(-3) for SO2 and 23.9-41.9 microg m(-3) and 19.0-58.1 microg m(-3) for NOx, respectively. The temporal variations of TSP and PM10 fitted polynomial trend with an average correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.77 (+/-0.17) for TSP and 0.85 (+/-0.10) for PM10. On average the PM10 in the ambient air of the mining area constituted 31.94 (+/-1.76)% of the TSP. The linear regression correlation coefficient (R2) between TSP with PM10 and NOx with SO2 was 0.86 (+/-0.12) and 0.57 (+/-0.20), respectively. Maximal concentrations of TSP and PM10 occurred within the mining site based on the kriging technique. A management strategy is formulated for effective control of air pollution at source and other mitigative measures recommended including implementation of green belts around the sensitive areas where the concentration of air pollutants exceeded the standard limit.  相似文献   

A quantitative understanding of the relationship between terrestrial N inputs and riverine N flux can help guide conservation, policy, and adaptive management efforts aimed at preserving or restoring water quality. The objective of this study was to compare recently published approaches for relating terrestrial N inputs to the Mississippi River basin (MRB) with measured nitrate flux in the lower Mississippi River. Nitrogen inputs to and outputs from the MRB (1951 to 1996) were estimated from state-level annual agricultural production statistics and NOy (inorganic oxides of N) deposition estimates for 20 states that comprise 90% of the MRB. A model with water yield and gross N inputs accounted for 85% of the variation in observed annual nitrate flux in the lower Mississippi River, from 1960 to 1998, but tended to underestimate high nitrate flux and overestimate low nitrate flux. A model that used water yield and net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs (NANI) accounted for 95% of the variation in riverine N flux. The NANI approach accounted for N harvested in crops and assumed that crop harvest in excess of the nutritional needs of the humans and livestock in the basin would be exported from the basin. The U.S. White House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment (CENR) developed a more comprehensive N budget that included estimates of ammonia volatilization, denitrification, and exchanges with soil organic matter. The residual N in the CENR budget was weakly and negatively correlated with observed riverine nitrate flux. The CENR estimates of soil N mineralization and immobilization suggested that there were large (2000 kg N ha-1) net losses of soil organic N between 1951 and 1996. When the CENR N budget was modified by assuming that soil organic N levels have been relatively constant after 1950, and ammonia volatilization losses are redeposited within the basin, the trend of residual N closely matched temporal variation in NANI and was positively correlated with riverine nitrate flux in the lower Mississippi River. Based on results from applying these three modeling approaches, we conclude that although the NANI approach does not address several processes that influence the N cycle, it appears to focus on the terms that can be estimated with reasonable certainty and that are correlated with riverine N flux.  相似文献   

Nitrate losses from subsurface tile drained row cropland in the Upper Midwest U.S. contribute to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Strategies are needed to reduce nitrate losses to the Mississippi River. This paper evaluates the effect of fertilizer rate and timing on nitrate losses in two (East and West) commercial row crop fields located in south-central Minnesota. The Agricultural Drainage and Pesticide Transport (ADAPT) model was calibrated and validated for monthly subsurface tile drain flow and nitrate losses for a period of 1999-2003. Good agreement was found between observed and predicted tile drain flow and nitrate losses during the calibration period, with Nash-Sutcliffe modeling efficiencies of 0.75 and 0.56, respectively. Better agreements were observed for the validation period. The calibrated model was then used to evaluate the effects of rate and timing of fertilizer application on nitrate losses with a 50-yr climatic record (1954-2003). Significant reductions in nitrate losses were predicted by reducing fertilizer application rates and changing timing. A 13% reduction in nitrate losses was predicted when fall fertilizer application rate was reduced from 180 to 123 kg/ha. A further 9% reduction in nitrate losses can be achieved when switching from fall to spring application. Larger reductions in nitrate losses would require changes in fertilizer rate and timing, as well as other practices such as changing tile drain spacings and/or depths, fall cover cropping, or conversion of crop land to pasture.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of spring water samples in Shoubak area in the southern Jordan. The samples were collected from May 2004 to May 2005. All samples were analyzed for temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+), major anions (Cl, NO3, HCO3, SO42−, PO43−, F), and trace metals (Fe2+, Al3+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Cd2+). Water quality for available springs showed high salinity through long period of contact with rocks. The ion concentrations in the water samples were from dissolution of carbonate rocks and ion exchange processes in clay. The general chemistry of water samples was typically of alkaline earth waters with prevailing bicarbonate chloride. Some springs showed elevated nitrate and sulfate contents which could reflect to percolation from septic tanks, cesspools, and agricultural practices. The infiltration of wastewater from cesspools and septic tanks into groundwater is considered the major source of water pollution. The results showed that there were great variations among the analyzed samples with respect to their physical, chemical and biological parameters, which lie below the maximum permissible levels of the Jordanian and WHO drinking water standards. The results indicate that the trace metals of spring’s water of Shoubak area do not generally pose any health or environmental problems. Factor analysis was used to identify the contributers to water quality. The first factor represents major contribution from anthropogenic activities, while the second one represents major contribution from natural processes.  相似文献   

Leachate from waste disposal sites (WDS) can significantly affect the soil physical, chemical and biological qualities, reducing soil health and agricultural productivity. However, there is a paucity of data on soil quality for understanding soil health impact due to WDS in Uganda. This study's aim was to understand, using the Kiteezi landfill site, how WDS impact soil properties. Soil samples were collected over 4 months in and around the landfill from three locations, and the soil quality data of the nearby area were used as baseline data for assessing the impact on soil due to WDS in the area. There were significant increases in the concentration of all studied parameters at the landfill except total N. The concentrations of ammonium (14.84 ± 1.76 mg/kg), nitrate (127.96 ± 18.36 mg/kg), and pH (7.8) were above the optimum levels. The levels of available P (181.4 ± 28.9 mg/kg) and exchangeable bases; K (2.23 ± 0.24 mg/kg), Na (1.17 ± 0.14 mg/kg), Mg (3.35 ± 0.3 mg/kg) and Ca (14 ± 1.1 mg/kg) cmol (+)/kg were optimal for plant growth. The calculated CEC of 20.75 cmol (+)/kg) showed that soils have a good potential to supply plant nutrients. Heavy metal levels were still below the permissible limit. Hence, the study shows that although WDS may contribute to the increase of soil fertility, they can potentially reduce the overall productivity of soil by increasing nutrient levels beyond optimum levels.  相似文献   

A study of two small streams at Akumadan and Tono, Ghana, was undertaken during the rain and dry season periods between February 2005 and January 2006 to investigate the impact of vegetable field runoff on their quality. In each stream we compared the concentration of current-use pesticides in one site immediately upstream of a vegetable field with a second site immediately downstream. Only trace concentrations of endosulfan and chlorpyrifos were detected at both sites in both streams in the dry season. In the wet season, rain-induced runoff transported pesticides into downstream stretches of the streams. Average peak levels in the streams themselves were 0.07 microg L(-1) endosulfan, 0.02 microg L(-1) chlorpyrifos (the Akumadan stream); 0.04 microg L(-1) endosulfan, 0.02 microg L(-1) chlorpyrifos (the Tono stream). Respective average pesticide levels associated with streambed sediment were 1.34 and 0.32 microg kg(-1) (the Akumadan stream), and 0.92 and 0.84 microg kg(-1) (the Tono stream). Further investigations are needed to establish the potential endosulfan and chlorpyrifos effects on aquatic invertebrate and fish in these streams. Meanwhile measures should be undertaken to reduce the input of these chemicals via runoff.  相似文献   

China is the largest rice producing and consuming country in the world, but rice production has given way to the production of vegetables during the past twenty years. The government has been trying to stop this land-use conversion and increase the area in rice-vegetable rotation. Important questions that must be answered to determine what strategy is best for society are, “What is the reason behind this conversion?”; “Which system is more productive and which is more sustainable?”; and “How can economic policy be used to adjust the pattern of farmland use to attain sustainable development?” To answer these questions, a combined evaluation of these agricultural production systems was done using emergy, energy and economic methods. An economic analysis clearly showed that the reason for this conversion was simply that the economic output/input ratio and the benefit density of the vegetable production system were greater than that of rice. However, both energy and emergy evaluations showed that long-term rice was the best choice for sustainable development, followed by rotation systems. The current price of rice is lower than the em-value of rice produced from the long-term rice system, but higher than that of rice produced from the rotation system. Scenario analysis showed that if the government increases the price of rice to the em-value of rice produced from the long-term rice system, US$0.4/kg, and takes the value of soil organic matter into account, the economic output/input ratios of both the rice and rotation systems will be higher than that of the vegetable system. The three methods, energy, emergy and economics, are different but complementary, each revealing a different aspect of the same system. Their combined use shows not only the reasons behind a system’s current state or condition, but also the way to adjust these systems to move toward more sustainable states.  相似文献   

We present an integrated methodology for the optimal management of nitrate contamination of ground water combining environmental assessment and economic cost evaluation through multi-criteria decision analysis. The proposed methodology incorporates an integrated physical modeling framework accounting for on-ground nitrogen loading and losses, soil nitrogen dynamics, and fate and transport of nitrate in ground water to compute the sustainable on-ground nitrogen loading such that the maximum contaminant level is not violated. A number of protection alternatives to stipulate the predicted sustainable on-ground nitrogen loading are evaluated using the decision analysis that employs the importance order of criteria approach for ranking and selection of the protection alternatives. The methodology was successfully demonstrated for the Sumas-Blaine aquifer in Washington State. The results showed the importance of using this integrated approach which predicts the sustainable on-ground nitrogen loadings and provides an insight into the economic consequences generated in satisfying the environmental constraints. The results also show that the proposed decision analysis framework, within certain limitations, is effective when selecting alternatives with competing demands.  相似文献   

Unfertilized buffer strips (BS) are widely accepted to reduce nitrogen (N) loads from agricultural land to surface water. However, the relative reduction of N load or concentration (BS effectiveness, BSE), varies with management and local conditions, especially hydrogeology. We present novel experimental evidence on BSE for 5-m-wide grass BS on intensively drained and managed plain agricultural lowland with varying hydrogeology. We selected characteristic sites for five major hydrogeological classes of the Netherlands and installed paired 5-m-wide unfertilized grass (BS) and reference (REF) treatments along the ditch. The REF was managed like the adjacent field, and BS was only harvested. Treatments were equipped with reservoirs in the ditch to collect and measure discharge and flow proportional N concentration for 3 or 4 yr. In addition, N concentration in upper groundwater was measured. We found a statistically significant BSE of 10% on the peat site. At the other sites, BSE for N was low and statistically insignificant. Low BSE was explained by denitrification between adjacent field and ditch, as well as by the site-specific hydrologic factors including low proportion of shallow groundwater flow, downward seepage, low residence time in the BS, and surface runoff away from the ditch. We emphasize that a REF treatment is needed to evaluate BSE in agriculture and recommend reservoirs if drainage patterns are unknown. Introduction of a 5-m-wide BS is ineffective for mitigating N loads from lowland agriculture to surface waters. We expect more from BS specifically designed to abate surface runoff.  相似文献   

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