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<正>近年来,由于不加节制的利用及非法贸易的威胁,全球的穿山甲已接近灭绝。根据最新的世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)物种红色目录,全球8种穿山甲均被列入濒危级别以上,其中中华穿山甲、马来穿山甲被列为极危,离灭绝仅一步之遥。然而,究竟有多少穿山甲被商业利用,在已公布的信息中,一直是个未知数。中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会濒危物种基金  相似文献   

田阳阳 《绿叶》2014,(2):79-86
正禾花雀列入濒危物种,等同大熊猫的濒危级别,是一个非常大的遗憾,需要立即展开有效的执法,进行抢救性的保护。前不久,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)更新物种红色目录时,将广东著名野鸟禾花雀(学名黄胸鹀Emberiza aureola)由"易危"级别提升至与大熊猫同一级别的"濒危"级别。世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)驻华代表朱春全博士表示:"禾花雀列入濒危物种,等同大熊猫的濒危级别,是一个非常大的遗憾,需要立即展开有效的  相似文献   

贵州山区是我国一个植物多样性较丰富的地区,仅野生观赏植物(含园林及行道绿化,美化树种)就有300多种,其中120多种属珍稀受危观赏物种。文章着重对36种主要珍稀濒危观赏植物的分布、生境、濒危类型、程度等进行了分析,并从观赏植物本身的生理生态习性、贵州山区生境本底的严酷性(土壤瘠薄,可有效利用的地表水匮乏等)、人类不合理干扰活动(如过渡采收、毁林垦荒等)方面探讨了该地区观赏植物多样性的受危原因。在此基础上,结合目前西部大开发中生态建设的要求,提出了该地区受危观赏植物的保护对策。  相似文献   

王涧冰 《环境教育》2006,(12):60-61
为了野生动物贸易能够持续发展,各国制定了相应的野生动物保护法规,禁止濒危动物的捕杀和贸易,对一些受到绝灭威胁的物种限制其贸易量,以防止因狩猎和贸易对野生动物生存和持续利用造成威胁。国际上于1975年签署了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)》,CITES公约的目的是通  相似文献   

中国国际商会举办拒绝海豹产品贸易座谈会2011年3月28日下午,中国国际商会和首都爱护动物协会在国际商会大厦共同举办了一场主题为"关注动物保护,倡导绿色贸易"的座谈会。会上,中国国际商会副会长做了会议致辞,美国国际人道对待动物协会(HSI)加拿大执行  相似文献   

随着全球工业化和城市化的快速发展,野生动物及其栖息地保护面临着前所未有的挑战。本文识别了我国的野生动物保护存在的主要问题:(1)现行《野生动物保护法》对野生动物保护范围界定过窄,资源利用主导思维干扰了野生动物保护,缺乏对生态系统与生物安全的足够重视。(2)由于现行野生动物保护立法、执法和管理制度不健全甚至缺失,导致野生动物驯养繁殖交易市场长期混乱,甚至成为非法野生动物交易的"洗白工具"。(3)社会公众群体尊重和保护野生动物意识淡薄,全民参与和监督举报机制不健全。本文认为,我国应该实施最严格的野生动物保护制度,实现人与野生动物平等、文明、和谐相处,建议:(1)树立尊重野生动物物种生存权、人与野生动物文明和谐相处的理念,摒弃野生动物资源利用观,重构人与野生动物平等共存关系。(2)清晰界定野生动物法律定义,扩大野生动物保护范围,围绕捕猎、繁育、运输、储存、转让、食用等环节,全面、科学、精准地构建最严格的野生动物保护制度。(3)立足于全面保护野生动物,严格禁止滥食滥用野生动物和过度商业化利用,实行野生动物保护利用特许制度,并大幅提高标准严格控制交易和利用,建立职责清晰的执法监管和惩治体系。(4)建立最严格的野生动物保护公众参与和司法治理体系,实施野生动物非法贸易、猎杀的行政公益诉讼制度,引导公众建立爱护保护野生动物、不食不用野生动物的文明行为,最终实现人类社会与野生动物的文明和谐共处。  相似文献   

正2016年5月1日上午,在湖南郴州莽山自然博物馆门口,一群游客争先恐后地与一位穿着迷彩服、头发花白的老人合影,他就是被称为"蛇博士"的湖南莽山野生蛇类保护专家陈远辉——世界上第一个发现莽山烙铁头蛇的人。女承父业报大爱1984年春季,莽山林管局职工医院医生陈远辉在莽山抓到一条没见过的蛇。经过多年研究,他把整理后的相关资料递交给了国家动物保护机构。1990年8月,经中科院院士赵尔宓鉴定,确  相似文献   

为了获得抗性强、生长快的长吻(鱼危)新的种质资源,四川省农科院水产研究所与四川大学生物系合作,进行了导入外源基因培育长吻(鱼危)良种研究,在长吻(鱼危)(Leiocassis longirostris)的人工授精卵出现胚胎之后,注射1~2μl 的外源胡子鲶(Clars cecuther)DNA 于长吻(鱼危)胚盘与卵黄中间的缝隙处,使胡子鲶 DNA 转移到长吻(鱼危)胚胎中,同时创造良好的环境条件使其继续发育孵化出鱼苗。1991年获长吻(鱼危)转基因鱼400余尾。经过1991~1992年的培育表现情况良好,初见成效。  相似文献   

国际贸易发展近50年来,虽然人们普遍认识到自由贸易会给各国的经济带来好处,但是由于世界范围内经济发展的不平衡,很多发展中国家的经济仍然需要一定程度的关税保护。这一点已经被关税与贸易总协定(GATT)和世界贸易组织(WTO)所承认。中国在“复关”、“入世”以后,有必要清醒认识到WTO带来的经济自由化与我国执行的贸易保护性质的关税制度之间的必然联系。经济自由化与贸易保护经济自由化是指在国家完成市场经济的初期建设后,解除和放宽各种不必要的经济管理措施,借助合理的市场机制来降低原有体制造成的经济扭曲,充分发挥市场对…  相似文献   

罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区是当今世界残存纯血统野骆驼种群主要分布区域,也是野骆驼模式标本产地。随着自然生态环境变化,特别是受人类活动影响,野骆驼分布区域及数量、生境质量都随之发生了变化。本文分析了野骆驼变化因素影响,提出较合理的野骆驼保护对策,对进一步掌握罗布泊野骆驼活动区域、生活规律,以及改善野骆驼生存环境,实现野骆驼种群数量持续增长,由濒危物种降至易危物种具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Fire and logging in nutrient-poor temperate forests with certain ericaceous understory plants may convert the forests into heaths. The process of disturbance-induced heath formation is documented by using examples ofCalluna in western Europe,Kalmia in Newfoundland, andGaultheria (salal) in coastal British Columbia. In a cool, temperate climate, rapid vegetative growth ofCalluna, Kalmia, and salal following disturbance results in increasing organic accumulation (paludification), nutrient sequestration, soil acidification, and allelochemicals. These are thought to be the main reasons to conifer regeneration failure in disturbed habitats. If continuation in forest is a land-use objective, then temperate forests with an ericaceous understory should not be logged unless effective silvicultural methods are devised to control the ericaceous plants and restore forest regeneration. Preharvest vegetation control may be considered as an option. Failure to control the understory plants may lead to a long-term vegetation shift, from forest to heathland, particularly in nutrient-poor sites. Successful methods of controllingKalmia andGaultheria, however, have yet to be developed. While theKalmia- andGaultheria- dominated heathlands are undesirable in Canada and the Pacific Northwest, a wide range ofCalluna heathlands of western Europe are being conserved as natural and seminatural vegetation.  相似文献   

Urban ecological systems: scientific foundations and a decade of progress   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Urban ecological studies, including focus on cities, suburbs, and exurbs, while having deep roots in the early to mid 20th century, have burgeoned in the last several decades. We use the state factor approach to highlight the role of important aspects of climate, substrate, organisms, relief, and time in differentiating urban from non-urban areas, and for determining heterogeneity within spatially extensive metropolitan areas. In addition to reviewing key findings relevant to each state factor, we note the emergence of tentative "urban syndromes" concerning soils, streams, wildlife and plants, and homogenization of certain ecosystem functions, such as soil organic carbon dynamics. We note the utility of the ecosystem approach, the human ecosystem framework, and watersheds as integrative tools to tie information about multiple state factors together. The organismal component of urban complexes includes the social organization of the human population, and we review key modes by which human populations within urban areas are differentiated, and how such differentiation affects environmentally relevant actions. Emerging syntheses in land change science and ecological urban design are also summarized. The multifaceted frameworks and the growing urban knowledge base do however identify some pressing research needs.  相似文献   

In water stressed regions, water managers are exploring new horizons that would help in long‐range streamflow forecasts. Oceanic‐atmospheric oscillations have been shown to influence streamflow variability. In this study, long‐lead time streamflow forecasts are made using a multiclass kernel‐based data‐driven support vector machine (SVM) model. The extended streamflow records based on tree ring reconstructions were used to provide a longer time series data. Reconstructed data were used from 1658 to 1952 and the instrumental record was used from 1953 to 2007. Reconstructions for oceanic‐atmospheric oscillations included the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, and North Atlantic Oscillation. Streamflow forecasts using all four oscillations were made with one‐year to five‐year lead times for 21 gages in the western United States. This is the first study that uses both instrumental and reconstructed data of oscillations in SVM model to improve streamflow forecast lead time. SVM model was able to provide “satisfactory” to “very good” forecasts with one‐ to five‐year lead time for the selected gages. The use of all the oscillation indices helped in achieving better predictability compared to using individual oscillations. The SVM modeling results are better when compared with multiple linear regression model forecasts. The findings are statistical in nature and are expected to be useful for long‐term water resources planning and management.  相似文献   

Urban gardens are important sources of sustenance for communities with limited access to food. Hence, this study focuses on food production in gardens in the Toledo metropolitan area in Northwest Ohio. We administered surveys to 150 garden managers from November 2014 to February 2015 in our attempt to better understand how neighbourhood racial composition and poverty levels are related to staffing and voluntarism, food production and distribution, the development of infrastructure, and the adoption of sustainability practices in urban gardens. The results from 30 gardens are presented in this paper. We used Geographic Information Systems to map the gardens and overlay the map with 2010 census data so that we could conduct demographic analyses of the neighbourhoods in which the gardens were located. Though the gardens were small – two acres or less – up to 46 varieties of food were grown in a single garden. Gardens also operated on small budgets. Food from the gardens was gifted or shared with friends, family, and neighbourhood residents. Gardens in predominantly minority neighbourhoods tended to have fewer institutional partners, less garden infrastructure, and had adopted fewer sustainable practices than gardens in predominantly White neighbourhoods. Nonetheless, residents of predominantly minority and high-poverty neighbourhoods participated in garden activities and influenced garden operations. Volunteering and staffing were racialised and gendered.  相似文献   

Collisions with deer and other large animals are increasing, and the resulting economic costs and risks to public safety have made mitigation measures a priority for both city and wildlife managers. We created landscape models to describe and predict deer-vehicle collision (DVCs) within the City of Edmonton, Alberta. Models based on roadside characteristics revealed that DVCs occurred frequently where roadside vegetation was both denser and more diverse, and that DVCs were more likely to occur when the groomed width of roadside right-of-ways was smaller. No DVCs occurred where the width of the vegetation-free or manicured roadside buffer was greater than 40 m. Landscape-based models showed that DVCs were more likely in more heterogeneous landscapes where road densities were lower and speed limits were higher, and where non-forested vegetation such as farmland was in closer proximity to larger tracts of forest. These models can help wildlife and transportation managers to identify locations of high collision frequency for mitigation. Modifying certain landscape and roadside habitats can be an effective way to reduce deer-vehicle collisions.  相似文献   

Manganese entering impounded water will undergo a cyclic transformation. Oxidation precipitates manganese from top waters. At the bottom of the lake, biological activity will render manganese soluble by both intracellular as well as extracellular activity. The study was made to demonstrate that biological reduction and transformation, organometallic complexation, together with the presence of carbon dioxide and the lowering of pH all have some effect on the solubility of manganese. Dissolved manganese may be brought back to top waters during the lake overturn and therefore deteriorates the water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Mathematical models for predicting watershed surface flow responses are available, most of which are elaborate nonlinear numerical surface and channel flow models linked with infiltration models. Such models may be used to make predictions for ungaged areas, assuming an acceptable fitting of the model to the topography and roughness of the real system. For some application purposes, these models are impractical because of their complexity and expensive computer solutions. A procedure is developed that uses a complex model of an ungaged area to derive a simpler parametric nonlinear system model for repetitious simulation with input sequences. The predicted flow outputs are obtained with the simpler model at significant savings of money and time. The procedures for constructing a complex kinematic model of a 40 acre (161,880 m2) reference watershed and deriving the simpler system model are outlined. The results of predictions from both models are compared with a selected set of measured events, all having essentially the same initial conditions. Peak discharges ranged from 3 to 118 ft3/sec (0.085 to 3.34 m3/sec), which includes the largest event of record. The inherent limitations of lumped systems models are demonstrated, including the bias caused by their inability to model infiltration losses after rainfall ceases. Computer costs and times for the models were compared. The derived simple model has a cost advantage when repeated use of a model is required. Such an applications hydrologic model has an engineering tradeoff of reduced accuracy, and lumping bias, but is more economical for certain design purposes.  相似文献   

Water treatment residuals (WTR) can reduce runoff P loss and surface co-application of P-sources and WTR is a practical way of land applying the residuals. In a rainfall simulation study, we evaluated the effects of surface co-applied P-sources and an Al-WTR on runoff and leacheate bioavailable P (BAP) losses from a Florida sand. Four P-sources, namely poultry manure, Boca Raton biosolids (high water-soluble P), Pompano biosolids (moderate water-soluble P), and triple super phosphate (TSP) were surface applied at 56 and 224kgPha(-1) (by weight) to represent low and high soil P loads typical of P- and N-based amendments rates. The treatments further received surface applied WTR at 0 or 10gWTRkg(-1) soil. BAP loss masses were greater in leachate (16.4-536mg) than in runoff (0.91-46mg), but were reduced in runoff and leachate by surface applied WTR. Masses of total BAP lost in the presence of surface applied WTR were less than approximately 75% of BAP losses in the absence of WTR. Total BAP losses from each of the organic sources applied at N-based rates were not greater than P loss from TSP applied at a P-based rate. The BAP loss at the N-based rate of moderate water-soluble P-source (Pompano biosolids) was not greater than BAP losses at the P-based rates of other organic sources tested. The hazards of excess P from applying organic P-sources at N-based rates are not greater than observed at P-based rates of mineral fertilizer. Results suggest that management of the environmental P hazards associated with N-based rates of organic materials in Florida sands is possible by either applying P-sources with WTR or using a moderate water-soluble P-source.  相似文献   

The SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regression on Watershed attributes) model was used to simulate annual phosphorus loads and concentrations in unmonitored stream reaches in California, U.S., and portions of Nevada and Oregon. The model was calibrated using de‐trended streamflow and phosphorus concentration data at 80 locations. The model explained 91% of the variability in loads and 51% of the variability in yields for a base year of 2002. Point sources, geological background, and cultivated land were significant sources. Variables used to explain delivery of phosphorus from land to water were precipitation and soil clay content. Aquatic loss of phosphorus was significant in streams of all sizes, with the greatest decay predicted in small‐ and intermediate‐sized streams. Geological sources, including volcanic rocks and shales, were the principal control on concentrations and loads in many regions. Some localized formations such as the Monterey shale of southern California are important sources of phosphorus and may contribute to elevated stream concentrations. Many of the larger point source facilities were located in downstream areas, near the ocean, and do not affect inland streams except for a few locations. Large areas of cultivated land result in phosphorus load increases, but do not necessarily increase the loads above those of geological background in some cases because of local hydrology, which limits the potential of phosphorus transport from land to streams.  相似文献   

The interactions between humans, animals and the environment have shaped human values and ethics, not only the genes that we are made of. The animal rights movement challenges human beings to reconsider interactions between humans and other animals, and maybe connected to the environmental movement that begs us to recognize the fact that there are symbiotic relationships between humans and all other organisms. The first part of this paper looks at types of bioethics, the implications of autonomy and the value of being alive. Then the level of consciousness of these relationships are explored in survey results from Asia and the Pacific, especially in the 1993 International Bioethics Survey conducted in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. Very few mentioned animal consciousness in the survey, but there were more biocentric comments in Australia and Japan; and more comments with the idea of harmony including humans in Thailand. Comparisons between questions and surveys will also be made, in an attempt to describe what people imagine animal consciousness to be, and whether this relates to human ethics of the relationships. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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