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Mesopelagic fish were collected from a cruise with the R.V. “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen” to the northern Red Sea and the interior Gulf of Aden off the Republic of Djibouti in March 1981. Off the Republic of Djibouti five species of mesopelagic fishes were caught and in the Red Sea six species. Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) were dominant in both areas. In the Red Sea Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin) were also abundant. The mesopelagic fish caught in the Red Sea showed a pattern of vertical migration similar to that observed in other areas, in spite of the special hydrographical regime. The number of gill rakers of B. pterotum caught in the Red Sea differed significantly from that of all other populations studied. The number of photophores of M. muelleri apparently do not differ much from other populations. B. pterotum from the Red Sea mature at a larger size than other populations, while M. muelleri mature at a smaller size. The relative fecundity of M. muelleri is higher in the Red Sea than in other regions studied, while no significant difference was observed in B. pterotum. Both species appear to be opportunistic feeders. Their feeding chronology in the Red Sea seems to be similar to those observed in other areas.  相似文献   

Growth and age of Chaetodon larvatus were studied using growth bands in otoliths and length-frequency analyses. Otoliths of 180 C. larvatus were extracted and measured. Polished sections of sagittae revealed alternating opaque and translucent bands corresponding with a seasonal growth pattern. Both mass and size of the otoliths continue to grow steadily throughout life. Length-at-age data revealed very fast growth during the first year. Growth proceeded at a decreasing rate during the second and the third year; fishes older than 3 years did not grow noticeably. No difference in growth patterns between males and females could be detected. The growth parameters obtained for the whole population are: the asymptotic length (L )=10.64 cm, growth constant (K)=1.14 year−1 and the theoretical age at length zero (t 0)=−0.30 year. The maximum age recorded was 14 years. Length frequency data collected at a recruitment site confirmed the fast growth of juveniles.  相似文献   

Six cerithiid snail species occur on rocky intertidal flats along the Sinai coasts of the Red Sea: Clypeomorus moniliferum, Cerithium caeruleum, C. scabridum, C. columna, Clypeomorus tuberculatum and Cerithium echinatum. The present study, conducted at 22 stations covering almost the whole length of Sinai, covered the 4 yr period from October 1972 to August 1976, and describes the habitat occupancy of 5 of these species (C. echinatum is excluded for lack of data). Several of these species (sometimes all) often occur together, and in such cases are distincly segregated by habitat. However all species considerably overlap in their distribution along the axes of four major interrelated abiotic gradients, thus excluding the possibility that habitat segregation is determined by larval settlement preferences. Other distributional patterns observed at some sites, such as lack of overlap or contact between belts of the various species and the relative abundance of food available to all species, make postlarval competitive interactions unlikely. The existence and the degree of proximity of a coral reef with its associated predatory fishes, influence the cerithiids' distributional patterns. Differences between the cerithiid species in their vulnerability to fish predation, associated with differences between sites in the abundance and the accessibility of predatory fishes, and in the availability of refuges for each cerithiid species, can satisfactorily explain the observed distributional patterns including co-occurrence with habitat segregation. It is proposed that habitat segregation is caused by predation on young stages by generalist fishes which may totally eliminate a certain species at a given site; the same site may provide refuges for recruits of another species, allowing these to survive to an advanced age. In general, the flat's structural complexity is associated with its diversity of refuges from predation, and hence with the number of co-existing species. This mechanism for co-existence and habitat segregation in tropical Cerithiidae may also be instrumental in maintaining the high species diversity of other tropical benthic communities.Paper No. 12 in the series Colonization of the Eastern Mediterrancan by Red Sea species immigrating through the Suez Canal  相似文献   

Chambers and canal system in the shells of Operculina ammonoides (Gronovius) and Heterostegina depressa d'Orbigny contain different protoplasm. The connections between the two main parts of the protoplasmic body are much smaller than the connections from chamber to chamber by the stolo system. The connections between chamber and canal system are located in the marginal sulcus and at the base of the chamber. The chamber protoplast (including the stolo system) is protected by a relatively thick, lamellar, mucopolysaccharide membrane — called organic lining — which represents also the template for the mineralization of the shell. Together, organic lining and shell form the cell wall. Over the pore holes in the lateral chamber walls, the organic lining thins out, but is not perforated. The plasma membrane below the organic lining seems to be differentiated by a bossy surface with comparatively coarse granules. The symbionts are concentrated below the lateral wall of the chambers, nestling against 2 or 3 pore-hole depressions. The differentiation of the organic lining, the plasma membrane below the pore holes, and the position of the symbionts in the chamber plasma point to a physiologic relationship between pores and symbionts. The cell organelles in the chamber protoplasm indicate the mainly metabolic function of the chamber protoplast. The protoplasm in the canal system is covered only by the plasma membrane, and is particularly rich in microtubuli similar to ordinary foraminiferal rhizopods. The canal system is, therefore, interpreted as consisting of a system of invaginations of the cell wall determining the morphology of proximal parts of the pseudopods.  相似文献   

Tagging and transplantation experiments on a total of 1538 cels (Anguilla anguilla L.) caught in the German Bight near the islands Helgoland and Föhr, as well as in the area northwest of the Elbe estuary near Cuxhaven and in the port of Hamburg, resulted in recapture of 77 eels (5.0%). Of the recaptured eels 64% were reported from the area of their original capture. Some homed from distances of 180 km. Eels tagged and released within the area of original capture (control experiments) were recaptured only in these areas. A maximum migration speed of at least 1 km/h was found in one case, and of 3 km/h in another. Average speed of migration may, however, have been much lower, since in most other cases recaptures were reported at least 2 weeks after release. The homing abilities demonstrated cannot in all cases be accounted for by olfactory sensitivity alone; home areas were in some cases located in such a way that the water circulation in the southern North Sea could not have provided any lead for the migrating eels.  相似文献   

Approximately 22 species of sea anemones and 20 species of alcyonarians were found on the reef fringing the shallow water at Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba) and other localities along the Red Sea coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Investigations showed that these 2 groups of non-scleractinian coelenterates from (on different substrates) well identified colonies, part of them inhabiting sandy bottoms, other groups growing on the reef surface. Observations lead to the conclusion that several of the sea anemones and alcyonarians can act, under certain conditions, as factors limiting the development of hermatypic corals. In some areas, several species of the 2 groups of animals are found together with their symbiotic partners, such as fishes and crustaceans.This research has been sponsored partly by a grant from the Smithsonian Institution, No. SFC-7-0074 to L. B. Slobodkin (N. Y.) and L. Fishelson (T.-A.).  相似文献   

The sponge Latrunculia magnifica was found to be toxic for fish. A toxin has been isolated from this sponge by organic extraction-column chromatography and thin-layer chromatography. Several chemical properties of the toxin were determined by spectroscopic analysis. Toxicity tests were performed on the fish Gambusia affinis. In vitro experiments showed the toxin to be a cholinesterase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Bryaninops, Gobiodon, Paragobiodon and Pleurosicya are the most abundant genera of coral-associated gobies. These genera are adapted to live among coral, while other small reef gobies (e.g., the genus Eviota) show no obligate association with this living substrate. Thirteen coral-associated species and two Eviota species were sampled from different regions of the Red Sea, along with four populations/species of Gobiodon from the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. A molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using partial sequences of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes, 1,199 base pairs in total. Several clades were consistently resolved in neighbor joining-, maximum parsimony-, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. While each of the four genera Gobiodon, Paragobiodon, Bryaninops and Pleurosicya proved to be monophyletic, their relative position in the phylogeny did not support an emergence of coral-associated gobiids as a monophyletic assemblage. Instead, two separate monophyletic sub-groups were discovered, the first comprising Gobiodon and Paragobiodon, and the second Bryaninops and Pleurosicya. Our molecular phylogenetic examinations also revealed one unassigned species of Gobiodon from the Maldives as a distinct species and confirmed three putative and yet unassigned species from the Red Sea. Moreover, the uniformly black colored species of Gobiodon are not monophyletic but have evolved independently within two distinct species groups. Genetic distances were large in particular within Pleurosicya and Eviota. Estimated divergence times suggest that coral-associated gobies have diversified in parallel to their preferred host corals. In particular, divergence times of Gobiodon species closely match those estimated for their typical host coral genus Acropora.  相似文献   

The distribution of the main herbivorous fishes (Acanthuridae, Scaridae, Siganidae) was studied across a coral reef of the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Visual counts were realized by diving along transects (200 m long and 5 m wide), parallel to the shore, at 10 stations located from the lagoon to 40 m deep on the outer reef slope. Herbivorous reef fishes reach their highest abundance on the reef front, where 234 fishes were counted per 1,000 m2. Their density decreases on the reef flat, with an average of 150 fish 1,000 m-2, and is lowest on the outer reef slope (69 fish 1,000 m-2). Surgeonfishes form 63% of the herbivorous ichthyofauna, parrotfishes 35%, and rabbitfishes 2%. Families and species display different distributions according to biota. The Acanthuridae dominate on the reef flat, whereas the Scaridae are more numerous on the outer reef slope. The evolution of the social structure of the main species was observed: the adults generally school in the lagoon and on the reef flat, but are mainly solitary on the reef slope. The distribution of juvenile individuals is more restricted: they are concentrated on the reef front and on the upper part of the reef slope.This study is part of a cooperation programme between the University of Nice (France) and the University of Jordan, to study the ecology of the coral reefs and the surrounding waters of the Jordanian coast (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea)  相似文献   

A total of 12 feeding experiments were conducted in the northern Gulf of Aqaba during spring (March/April) and autumn (September/October) 2002 at the Marine Science Station (MSS) in Aqaba. Females of three species of clausocalanids were selected: Clausocalanus farrani, C. furcatus and Ctenocalanus vanus. Natural occurring particle (NOP) larger than 5 μm were investigated as food source. The ambient chlorophyll a concentration at sampling depth (∼70 m) ranged between 0.15 and 1.00 μg chl a l−1 and NOP concentrations ranged between 1.78 and 14.0 × 103 cells l−1 during the sampling periods. The division of particles into five size classes (5–10, 10–20, 20–50, 50–100 and >100 μm) revealed that most of the particles were found in the size classes below 50 μm (81–98%), while most of the natural occurring carbon (NOC) was concentrated in the size classes larger than 20 μm (70–95%). Ingestion rates were food density dependent rather than size dependent ranging between 0.02 and 1.65 × 103 NOP ind−1 day−1 and 0.01 and 0.41 μg NOC ind−1 day−1, respectively, equivalent to a body carbon (BC) uptake between 0.4 and 51.8% BC day−1. The share of the size classes to the total ingestion resembled in most cases the size class composition of the natural particle community.  相似文献   

One specimen of the tropical sea urchin Tripneustes gratila, distributed along the rocky subtide of Eilat, Israel, was found to be hermaphroditic, producing fertile sperm and eggs. In this case, internal self-fertilization, producing embryos along the gonads, was also observed.  相似文献   

The food of 3 feather-stars, Lamprometra klunzingeri Hartlaub, 1890), Heterometra savignii (J. Müller, 1841) and Capillaster multiradiatus (Linnaeus, 1758), from the shallow water of Eilat (Red Sea) was found to be composed of planktonic and semi-benthalic organisms with a strong dominance of zooplankton. Monthly analyses of stomach contents showed seasonal changes in the participation of various systematic units in the diet. Food-comprising organisms were found to be selected according to size, and those measuring up to 400 formed 90% of the diet.This research has been sponsored partly by the Oceanic Biology Branch, Office of Naval Research, U.S.A. under contract N 62558-4556 and contract F 671052 67C 0043 between the Office of N.R. and the Tel-Aviv University. It represents part of the M.Sc. thesis of the first named author (in the framework of Red Sea investigations headed by Dr. L. Fishelson).  相似文献   

Highly dimorphic species like southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina, SES hereafter) frequently exhibit resource partitioning according to sex and/or age classes. We measured carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of 404 blood samples (136 males and 268 females from Kerguelen Islands, 49°21′S, 70°18′E) from 2004 to 2011. Assuming that the distribution of carbon isotopes (δ13C value) reflects the two main foraging grounds (Polar Frontal and Antarctic Zones), we quantified the proportion of SES foraging within each zone in relation with size, a proxy for their age. We found a clear shift from Polar Frontal to Antarctic waters as male SES aged, but no relation as far as females is concerned. We also observed a widening range of nitrogen isotopic (δ15N) values, suggesting that both males and females expanded their diet spectra with age. Whereas males increased their trophic level, females remained constant on average, with some adult females feeding both at lower and at higher trophic levels than juveniles.  相似文献   

Specimens of the Indo-Pacific piscivorous gastropod Conus magus Linnaeus, 1758 were either collected by SCUBA in the field in Palau (1983–1984) or raised in the laboratory from egg capsules. C. magus captures adult fish with a specially modified radula tooth. Radula morphology was analyzed in a size range of individuals from 4.1 to 43.7 mm shell length, which encompassed early postmetamorphic juveniles to adults. Post-metamorphic C. magus juveniles are too small to consume fish, and all individuals below 9 mm possess a juvenile radula tooth totally different from that of the adult and resembling that of some vermivorous Conus species. The only food remains found in the digestive tracts of juveniles were the setae of syllid polychaetes. All individuals above 10.5 mm possessed adult teeth and had only fish remains in the gut. Two specimens, 10.1 and 9.2 mm in shell length, had intermediate-type radula teeth.  相似文献   

In order to provide a background picture of the water quality of the Egyptian Red Sea a number of hydrological and chemical parameters have been measured bimonthly in 2000. Few data are available on this area, which is apparently subjected to an increasing human impact due to recreational (swimming and diving), industrial (mainly phosphate shipping and industry) and fishing/harbor activities. The results of the present study indicate that changes in the salinity and pH were not significant with highly oxygenated seawaters. The levels of suspended solids (as total suspended matter, TSM) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were generally low and showed an homogeneous distribution in the study region. The ratio of chlorophyll-a to total suspended matter concentrations increased between November and March and decreased from May to September. Chlorophyll-a was significantly correlated with transparency and total suspended matter concentrations in July, September and November. Nitrogen, phosphorus and reactive silicate concentrations were generally low, and allowed classifying the Egyptian Red Sea coastal water as oligotrophic to mesotrophic. The middle region of the study area, which was located between Safaga and Qusair displayed relatively high phosphate contents when compared with other coastal areas. The high values of N:P ratios indicate that PO 4 -P is the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in the Red Sea coastal waters, with the possible exception of the middle region. Significant relationships were found between chlorophyll-a concentrations and nutrient levels in different sampling periods. Spatial distribution patterns of the studied variables revealed that productivity of the Red Sea coastal waters is mostly controlled by phosphate concentrations, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Seven sediment samples from mangrove sediments of the Red Sea were taken in order to evaluate the possible contamination of the sediments by trace metals (iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)). Sequential extraction techniques were performed to study the different geochemical forms of these metals. X-ray diffraction analysis has been performed to correlate the mineralogical composition with the geochemical forms of the studied elements. The results of Fe and Mn contents indicate that they are in large part from lithogenous origin. The elevated concentrations are associated with the residual form ranged from 70 to 93% for Fe and 46 to 70% for Mn. The percentage of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb in the non-residual form was much greater than that of the residual fractions. This reflects the high mobility and bioavailability of these metals in mangrove sediments of the Red Sea. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the presence of silicate components including quartz, feldspars and clay minerals in some locality. Non-silicate components recorded in the study area as calcite as well as, Mg-calcite. Quantitatively both components i.e. silicate and carbonate varied according to their source material.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of selected metals (Fe, Ni, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Hg and Cd) and their partition in the different chemical forms (speciation) were determined in benthic sediments from Mar Piccolo, Taranto (Ionic Sea, southern Italy). The aim of this study was to assess the degree of sediment contamination and bioavailability of metals, very important for Italian mussel culture, in a semi-enclosed marine ecosystem. In sediments, grain size distribution, total organic carbon (TOC), and humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids contents were also determined. The compounds TOC, HA and FA, in fact, have a great influence on metal complexation. High concentrations of copper, lead, zinc and mercury were found, especially in sediments of the first inlet of Mar Piccolo. Statistical analysis of results shows significant correlation among Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations and the influence of organic matter on the sediment distribution of Cu, Pb and Zn. Metal speciation analysis, carried out with sequential extraction method, shows that Fe and Ni are present in sediments mainly as sulphides. Mn and Pb are present principally in an ion-exchangeable form or bound to carbonate and Cu is associated to organic matter. Metal pollution index (MPI), calculated as a weighed mean of the metal contamination factors in each station, shows that with regard to Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, some stations investigated are unpolluted (MPI <1), whereas in other areas, pollution level is not very high. On the contrary, for mercury, the pollution level in the first inlet of the basin is very high.  相似文献   

In Chinquihue Bay, a sheltered locality in Southern Chile, female Crepidula dilatata Lamarck brood egg masses which differ in intracapsular development. In some, all eggs develop and are hatched as free veliger larvae (indirect development). In others, only some of the eggs develop and hatch as young adults (direct development), the rest being consumed as nurse eggs. Two possible interpretations are considered: intrapopulation variation of developmental pattern in a species, and the coexistence of two sibling species. Stages of the intracapsular development are described and illustrated. Fecundity varies according to size of the female. For females brooding eggs with indirect development it is estimated at between 3840 and 85575 embryos per spawn; for females with eggs undergoing direct development, embryo production per egg mass is estimated at between 70 and 812. A comparison is made between females brooding the two kinds of egg masses. Minor differences exist in adult coloration, shape of egg capsules, egg diameters, spawning season and their abundance and distribution in the intertidal. Brooding females with eggs displaying indirect development are significantly larger than those with eggs of direct development. The latter females form chains subtidally but not intertidally as do females bearing eggs with indirect development. On these females with pelagic larvae, chains frequently include sedentary males which reach large sizes. On basal females with direct development, chains contain mostly other females, suggesting that matings are temporary and by errant males. These results are compared with existing information in the literature for other species both in this genus and in other marine invertebrates. It is concluded that two sympatric sibling species with different modes of development are present in the morphospecies C. dilatata Lamarck in Southern Chile.Devoted to Dr. E.F. Kilian, Zoologisches Institut der Universität Gießen, FRG.  相似文献   

The distribution of phosphate, nitrate and silicate values obtained from 300 samples and of biomass determined by displacement volume in about 1,900 vertical plankton hauls (65, 200 and 330 m) collected from 8 oceanographic station during 1974–1975 in the Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) are summarized and illustrated by crosssections. Generally, the Gulf is poor in nutrients and the data indicate that it is filled with upper (150 m) Red Sea waters, flowing in over the sill of Tiran. Nutrient content of the upper and deep waters immediately outside the sill are well within the known range of those in the northern Red Sea. Biomass values are relatively low in the Gulf are generally similar to those reported from the northern Red Sea. Both nutrients and biomass values display seasonal and bathymetric variations in the Gulf and outside the sill.  相似文献   

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