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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The use of industrial byproducts as replacement of natural aggregates has been extensively investigated to design eco-friendly roads. One of the...  相似文献   

The presence in waste of emerging pollutants (EPs), whose behaviours and effects are not well understood, may present unexpected health and environmental risks and risks for the treatment processes themselves. EP may include substances that are newly detected in the environment, substances already identified as risky and whose use in items is prohibited (but which may be present in old or imported product waste) or substances already known but whose recent use in products can cause problems during their future treatment as waste. Several scientific studies have been conducted to assess the presence of EP in waste, but they are mostly dedicated to a single category of substance or one particular waste treatment. In the absence of a comprehensive review focused on the impact of the presence of EP on waste treatment schemes, the authors present a review of the key issues associated with the treatment of waste containing emerging pollutants. This review presents the typologies of emerging pollutants that are potentially present in waste along with the major challenges for each treatment scheme (recycling, composting, digestion, incineration, landfilling and wastewater treatment). All conventional treatment processes are affected by these new pollutants, and they were almost never originally designed to consider these substances. In addition to these general aspects, a comprehensive review of available data, projects and future R&D needs related to the impact of nanoparticles on waste treatment is presented as a case study.  相似文献   

In today’s flush based urban sanitation systems, toilets are connected to both the centralized water and wastewater infrastructures. This approach is not a sustainable use of our water and energy resources. In addition, in the U.S., there is a shortfall in funding for maintenance and upgrade of the water and wastewater infrastructures. The goal of this paper was to review the current knowledge on composting toilets since this technology is decentralized, requires no water, creates a value product (fertilizer) and can possibly reduce the burden on the current infrastructure as a sustainable sanitation approach. We found a large variety of composting toilet designs and categorized the different types of toilets as being self contained or central; single or multi chamber; waterless or with water/foam flush, electric or non-electric, and no-mix or combined collection. Factors reported as affecting the composting process and their optimum values were identified as; aeration, moisture content (50–60%), temperature (40–65 °C), carbon to nitrogen ratio (25–35), pH (5.5–8.0), and porosity (35–50%). Mass and energy balance models have been created for the composting process. However there is a literature gap in the use of this knowledge in design and operation of composting toilets. To evaluate the stability and safety of compost for use as fertilizer, various methods are available and the temperature–time criterion approach is the most common one used. There are many barriers to the use of composting toilets in urban settings including public acceptance, regulations, and lack of knowledge and experience in composting toilet design and operation and program operation.  相似文献   

The thermal effects on the airflow within a street canyon, which are produced by the variation of direct solar heating of the street sides and ground, are examined in this article. The investigation is based on the experimental results of the Nantes'99 campaign and numerical simulations performed with the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code CHENSI using the standard k- model. The Nantes'99 experimental campaign was performed in a North-to-South oriented central street canyon of Nantes, France. It was observed that a thin thermal layer develops locally within a few centimetres from the heated wall. It is anticipated that, the convective flow close to the windward wall, which was visualised during the experiment, carries air masses from the street level upwards, where normally cleaner air is transported. Consequently, thermal effects may be important for the air quality in the street.Based on the temperature and wind flow measurements, the flow and temperature fields were simulated first in two dimensions with the CFD code CHENSI. It was found that CHENSI overestimates the thermal effects on the canyon airflow showing the main re-circulation simulated in the isothermal case to change into two counter-rotating vortices after the inclusion of the heating of the windward wall. A reason for this overestimation is possibly the temperature wall function implemented for such thin thermal boundary layers in conjunction with the limitations in grid resolution.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how greenhouse gases are accounted and reported in the waste sector in South Africa. Developing countries (including South Africa) do not have binding emission reduction targets, but many of them publish different greenhouse gas emissions data which have been accounted and reported in different ways. Results show that for South Africa, inventories at national and municipal level are the most important tools in the process of accounting and reporting greenhouse gases from waste. For the development of these inventories international initiatives were important catalysts at national and municipal levels, and assisted in developing local expertise, resulting in increased output quality. However, discrepancies in the methodology used to account greenhouse gases from waste between inventories still remain a concern. This is a challenging issue for developing countries, especially African ones, since higher accuracy methods are more data intensive. Analysis of the South African inventories shows that results from the recent inventories can not be compared with older ones due to the use of different accounting methodologies. More recently the use of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) procedures in Africa, geared towards direct measurements of greenhouse gases from landfill sites, has increased and resulted in an improvement of the quality of greenhouse gas inventories at municipal level.  相似文献   

Metals have rapidly accumulated in the anthroposphere, especiallyin urban areas, indicating possible environmental and resource problems. Here, Stockholm City was chosen for a case study of urban metal flows, i.e. metal inflow to, metals in the stock of,and metal outflow from the anthroposphere to the biosphere. Themetal stock of Stockholm is large and still growing. The large amounts of metals in the solid waste fraction totally dominatethe outflow from the city. For major parts of the stock, the emissions from goods in use are negligible. There are, however,goods applications corresponding to significant emissions: e.g. the traffic sector (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb), the tapwater system (Cu), roofs/fronts or other metal surfaces (Cu, Zn). Today's known metal flows from the anthroposphere of Stockholm to the biosphere and sewage sludge are quantitatively dominated by Zn(34 ton y-1) and Cu (14 ton y-1). Historical and present emissions have resulted in high metal concentrations insediments (especially Cd, Hg and Pb, but also Cu and Zn), groundwater (Cu, Hg) and in soils (Hg, Cu, Pb). At present theannual median concentrations are below the Swedish limits for metals in sewage sludge, even if the safety margins aresmall for Cd, Hg and to some extent Cu. The flows of Cu and Zn to Stockholm soils are high with a significant accumulationindicating an environmental impact in a longer time perspective.High levels of metals in surface sediments in the waterenvironments reflects an ongoing input where these metals aretransported from known (Cu, Zn) and or partly unknown (Cd, Hg, Pb) sources. In future urban areas, monitoring of metal flows must be performed both in the anthroposphere and the biospherein order to have a pro active approach to urban environmentalproblems and to get prompt answers to measures taken.  相似文献   

Australia's National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and Other Noxious and Hazardous Substances (the National Plan) has operated since 1973. The objectives of the National Plan are based on Australia's obligations as a signatory to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation 1990 and a responsibility to protect natural and artificial (man made) environments from the adverse effects of oil pollution and minimise those effects where protection is not possible.The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is the managing agency of the National Plan, working together with the States and Northern Territory governments, other Commonwealth agencies, ports, and the shipping, oil and exploration industries, to maximise Australia's marine pollution response capability.The 1990s have been a period of significant change for oil spill response arrangements in Australia. The National Plan was extended in 1998 to cover chemical spills and is currently in the process of implementing the oil spill response incident control system (OSRICS). A fixed wing aerial dispersant spraying capability was implemented in 1996 and a research and development program has been put in place. The development of a computer-based National Oil Spill Response Atlas was a major project completed during 1999.  相似文献   

The Austrian Landfill Ordinance provides limit values regarding the reactivity for the disposal of mechanically biologically treated (MBT) waste before landfilling. The potential reactivity determined by biological tests according to the Austrian Standards (OENORM S 2027 1-2) can be underestimated if the microbial community is affected by environmental conditions. New analytical tools have been developed as an alternative to error-prone and time-consuming biological tests. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in association with Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-R) was used to predict the reactivity parameters respiration activity (RA4) and gas generation sum (GS21) as well as to detect errors resulting from inhibiting effects on biological tests. For this purpose 250 MBT-waste samples from different Austrian MBT-plants were investigated using FT-IR spectroscopy in the mid (MIR) and near infrared (NIR) area and biological tests. Spectroscopic results were compared with those from biological tests. Arising problems caused by interferences of RA4 and GS21 are discussed. It is shown that FT-IR spectroscopy predicts RA4 and GS21 reliably to assess stability of MBT-waste materials and to detect errors.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to assess the current situation regarding glass litter on the streets and children’s attitudes, and behavior concerning glass litter. Out of 240 interviewed children, 41.7% admitted glass littering. This was reflected in the high incidence of injuries caused by street glass among children; 140 (58.3%) of the children interviewed had been injured by broken glass at least once while walking outdoors and 95 of the children had received professional medical care for the lacerations. As reported by the children who admitted to glass littering, the most effective elements (29.6%) in preventing them from littering the streets with glass were moral and religious convictions, and the next most effective practice (20.4%) was improved street cleanliness. Preventive measures such as encouraging moral and religious convictions among children, more effective street cleaning by local authorities, improved footwear, education, and glass recycling incentives, as well as engaging the community in street cleaning campaigns, are all needed to address this public health hazard.More recreational facilities should be provided. Public awareness initiatives led by environmentalists, social workers, primary health care providers or home healthcare providers may also help educate children to wear shoes, prevent glass injuries and increase glass litter awareness.  相似文献   

A comparison between numerical simulations and wind tunnel modelling has been performed to examine the variation with streamwise aspect ratio (width/height, W/H) of the mean flow patterns in a street canyon. For this purpose a two-dimensional (2-D) cavity was subjected to a thick turbulent boundary layer flow perpendicular to its principal axis. Five different test cases, W/H = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 and 2.0, have been studied experimentally with flow measurements taken using pulsed-wire anemometry. The results show that the skimming flow regime, with a large vortex in the canyon, occurred for all the cases investigated. For the cavities with W/H 0.7 a weaker secondary circulation developed beneath the main vortex. The narrower the canyon, the smaller the wind speed close to the cavity ground, giving increasingly poor ventilation qualities. The corresponding numerical results were obtained with the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code CHENSI that uses the standard k- model. The intercomparison showed good agreement in terms of the gross features of the mean flow for all the geometries examined, although some detailed differences were observed.  相似文献   

Using a dual species methane/acetylene instrument based on cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS), the dynamic plume tracer dispersion method for quantifying the emission rate of methane was successfully tested in four measurement campaigns: (1) controlled methane and trace gas release with different trace gas configurations, (2) landfill with unknown emission source locations, (3) landfill with closely located emission sources, and (4) comparing with an Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) instrument using multiple trace gasses for source separation. The new real-time, high precision instrument can measure methane plumes more than 1.2 km away from small sources (about 5 kg h?1) in urban areas with a measurement frequency allowing plume crossing at normal driving speed. The method can be used for quantification of total methane emissions from diffuse area sources down to 1 kg per hour and can be used to quantify individual sources with the right choice of wind direction and road distance. The placement of the trace gas is important for obtaining correct quantification and uncertainty of up to 36% can be incurred when the trace gas is not co-located with the methane source. Measurements made at greater distances are less sensitive to errors in trace gas placement and model calculations showed an uncertainty of less than 5% in both urban and open-country for placing the trace gas 100 m from the source, when measurements were done more than 3 km away. Using the ratio of the integrated plume concentrations of tracer gas and methane gives the most reliable results for measurements at various distances to the source, compared to the ratio of the highest concentration in the plume, the direct concentration ratio and using a Gaussian plume model. Under suitable weather and road conditions, the CRDS system can quantify the emission from different sources located close to each other using only one kind of trace gas due to the high time resolution, while the FTIR system can measure multiple trace gasses but with a lower time resolution.  相似文献   

Journal of Polymers and the Environment - This work aimed to investigate the biopolyethylene (BioPE)/wood powder (WP) composites compatibilized with polyethylene-grafted maleic anhydride (PE-g-MA),...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - A transition from petroleum-based plastic bags to biodegradable and compostable bioplastic bags will affect stakeholders across the value chain of...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-021-01257-w  相似文献   

Risk assessment of two sections (I and II) of an old landfill (ALH) in Styria (Austria) in terms of reactivity of waste organic matter and the related potential of gaseous emissions was performed using conventional parameters and innovative tools to verify their effectiveness in practice. The ecological survey of the established vegetation at the landfill surface (plant sociological relevés) indicated no relevant emissions over a longer period of time. Statistical evaluation of conventional parameters reveals that dissolved organic carbon (DOC), respiration activity (RA4), loss of ignition (LOI) and total inorganic carbon (TIC) mostly influence the variability of the gas generation sum (GS21). According to Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectral data and the results of the classification model the reactivity potential of the investigated sections is very low which is in accordance with the results of plant sociological relevés and biological tests. The interpretation of specific regions in the FT-IR spectra was changed and adapted to material characteristics. Contrary to mechanically–biologically treated (MBT) materials, where strong aliphatic methylene bands indicate reactivity, they are rather assigned to the CH vibrations of plastics in old landfill materials. This assumption was confirmed by thermal analysis and the characteristic heat flow profile of plastics containing landfill samples. Therefore organic carbon contents are relatively high compared to other stable landfills as shown by a prediction model for TOC contents based on heat flow profiles and partial least squares regression (PLS-R). The stability of the landfill samples, expressed by the relation of CO2 release and enthalpies, was compared to unreactive landfills, archeological samples, earthlike materials and hardly degradable organic matter. Due to the material composition and the aging process the landfill samples are located between hardly degradable, but easily combustible materials and thermally resistant materials with acquired stability.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study provides an overview of calcium rich industrial wastes usage in construction materials, their properties and different applications...  相似文献   

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