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Summary Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) give acoustically distinct alarm calls to aerial and terrestrial predators. The animals typically give multiple-note trills to predatory mammals, and single-note whistles to flying hawks. During a 9-year study of free-living S. beldingi at Tioga Pass, California, the adaptive significance of the whistle call was investigated. Data were gathered on 664 ground squirrel-hawk interactions, most of which were induced by flying trained raptors over individually marked study animals of known sex and age. The sight of a flying hawk and the sound of whistles stimulated widespread calling and running to shelter by the ground squirrels (Fig. 1). Wild raptors were rarely successful at capturing the rodents once a whistle had been given, and fewer callers than noncallers were killed (Table 1). Individuals of both sexes and all ages whistled equally often (Fig. 4), and females' tendencies to whistle were not affected by the presence of relatives, including offspring (Fig. 5). The most frequent callers were animals in exposed positions: far from cover and close to the predatory bird (Table 2). Taken together the data suggest that unlike trills, which increase vulnerability to terrestrial predators (Table 1) and function to warn relatives, whistle directly benefit callers by increasing their chances of escaping from hawks.  相似文献   

Intensive study of arboreal forest-dwelling primates and their predators in Africa is increasingly revealing that crowned eagles (Stephanoaetus coronatus) are major predators of primates. Gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) are overrepresented in the diets of crowned eagles in Kibale National Park, Uganda, and adult male mangabeys are represented more than females. We focused on the behavior of adult male gray-cheeked mangabeys living in social groups in Kibale National Park (1) to clarify the interactions between mangabeys and eagles that might put adult males at greater risk and (2) to better understand individual variation in behavioral responses to predators. Adult male mangabeys in five groups responded to observer-confirmed presence of crowned eagles 88 times over a 13-month period. While all males gave alarm calls, only the highest-ranking male in each of four groups chased eagles. These males had elevated levels of fecal cortisol metabolites in the days immediately after they engaged in active defense, suggesting that they perceived such behavior as risky. In the one group where male ranks were unstable and there were no infants, no male was observed to chase eagles. We suggest that males pursue the dangerous tactic of chasing eagles only when they are likely to have offspring in the group. Males in larger groups also spent less time alarm calling to crowned eagles (from first to last call in a group), and our observations confirmed that the duration of their alarm calls was related to eagle presence. Thus, eagles spent less time around larger mangabey groups. Alarm calling by adult male mangabeys may signal to this ambush predator that it has been detected and should move on.  相似文献   

In most mammals, larger adult body size correlates with lower fundamental frequency and more closely spaced formants in vocalizations relative to juveniles. In alarm whistles of two free-living rodents, the speckled ground squirrel Spermophilus suslicus and yellow ground squirrel S. fulvus, these cues to body size were absent despite prominent differences in body weight and skull and larynx sizes between juveniles and adults. No significant correlations were found between the individual maximum fundamental frequency and body weight, both within age classes and for pooled samples of all animals within species. Furthermore, the mean alarm whistle maximum fundamental frequencies did not differ significantly between age classes (juvenile versus adult) in the speckled squirrel and were even significantly lower in juvenile yellow squirrels. We discuss the hypothesis that the obfuscation of vocal differences between juvenile and adult squirrels may represent a special adaptation of pup vocal behaviour—a form of “vocal mimicry,” resulting in imitation of adult vocal pattern to avoid infanticide and age-dependent predation risk.  相似文献   

Chick-a-dee calls function in social organization in Poecile (chickadee) species. Recent field and aviary studies have found that variation in chick-a-dee calls relates to the type or proximity of avian predator, or level of threat. Earlier studies on calls in the context of predator stimuli have typically used stationary and perched predator models. For chickadees and other small songbirds, more frequently detected and more dangerous avian predatory stimuli are flying predators. In the present study, we tested whether simulated flying avian predator and control models influenced chick-a-dee calling behavior of wild Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis. At 20 independent field sites, chickadee subjects were presented with wooden models that were painted to resemble either a predatory sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus) or a blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) and that were made to “fly” down a zip line near a feeding station chickadees were using. The note composition of chick-a-dee calls was affected by both the flight of stimuli and type of model. Call variation in this flying predator context suggests interesting similarities and differences with experimental findings with congeners. Finally, increased production of certain notes to the flying of both model types provides support for a “Better Safe than Sorry” strategy. When costs of alarm calling are low but costs of discriminating potentially serious threats may be extremely high, individuals should err on the side of caution, and alarm call to any potentially threatening stimulus.  相似文献   

Where alarm signals function to warn others of the presence of threat, variation is likely to exist in the reliability of alarm signalers. Some signalers, with too low a threshold of excitation, will issue false alarms and should be ignored if potential alarm recipients are to maximize energy gains. We exposed juvenile Richardson's ground squirrels to reliable signalers, whose alarm calls were paired with the presentation of a predator model, and unreliable signalers, whose alarm calls were played when no potential predator was present. Call recipients discriminated among individual alarm callers, and reduced responsiveness to callers that had been unreliable. Thus, like primates, squirrels are capable of forming a concept of reliability by associating an individual's identity with that individual's past performance.  相似文献   

Associations among organisms are thought to form because the benefits, such as increased foraging efficiency or decreased risk of predation, outweigh any costs, such as resource competition. Though many interspecific associations have been described for closely related mammals, few studies have examined the associations between mammals in different orders. The yellow mongoose (Cynictus pencillata), a carnivore, and the Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris), a rodent, co-occur in arid and semi-arid South Africa where they share sleeping burrows, predators, a similar body size, and the capability to emit alarm calls in response to predators. To investigate enhanced predator avoidance as a potential benefit explaining the persistence of this association, we assessed individual mongoose vigilance alone and with squirrels or other mongooses, and with varying interspecific group size, using field observations. We also tested for responses to conspecific and heterospecific alarm calls in both study species using playback experiments. The proportion of time mongoose individuals spent vigilant decreased in the presence of squirrels or other mongooses and was negatively correlated with interspecific group size; a similar pattern was previously shown for conspecific groups of Cape ground squirrels. These results are predicted by both the dilution and collective detection hypotheses. In addition, hetero- and conspecific alarm calls elicited vigilance responses in both species. These results suggest that both species can benefit from the collective detection and dilution arising from their interspecific association and that this interspecific association could be mutualistic.  相似文献   

Some non-human primates produce acoustically distinct alarm calls to different predators, such as eagles or leopards. Recipients respond to these calls as if they have seen the actual predator, which has led to the notion of functionally referential alarm calls. However, in a previous study with free-ranging putty-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans martini), we demonstrated that callers produced two acoustically distinct alarm calls to eagle shrieks and leopard growls, but both alarm calls were given to both predators. We can think of two basic explanations for this surprising result, a methodological and theoretical one. Firstly, acoustic predator models may not always be suitable to test alarm call behaviour in primates, sometimes causing uncharacteristic behaviour. Secondly, referential alarm calling may not be a universal feature of primate alarm call systems. Considering the methodological and theoretical importance of these possibilities, we conducted a follow-up study using life-sized leopard, eagle, and human models on the same population and compared the resulting vocal responses to those given to acoustic predator models. We compared the alarm call series given to each of these predator model types and found a considerable degree of consistency suggesting that the mode of presentation did not affect anti-predator calling strategies. However, evidence for audience effects on calling behaviour was inconclusive. While it appears that predator class is reliably encoded by different call series types irrespective of the mode of presentation, observations of these same call series given in non-predatory contexts indicate that predator class is unlikely to be the relevant organising principle underlying the alarm-calling behaviour in this species. We conclude by offering an alternative, non-referential, account of the alarm-calling system exhibited by this species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Field observations and model-presentation experiments have shown that yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) produce seet calls preferentially in response to brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). In this study, we investigated whether seet calls are functionally referential alarm calls denoting cowbirds by determining whether female warblers responded appropriately to seet calls in the absence of a cowbird, whether alarm calling by warblers varied with response urgency, and how warblers in a population allopatric with cowbirds responded to cowbird and avian predator models and seet playbacks. As a control, we presented chip calls, which are elicited by nest predators as well as by non-threatening intruders, but are not strongly associated with cowbirds. Yellow warblers responded differently to playbacks of seet than chip calls. To seet playbacks, almost 60% of females gave seet calls and rushed to sit in their nests, responses typically elicited by cowbirds, whereas these responses were given infrequently in response to chip calls. Yellow warblers seet called equally in situations that simulated low, medium and high risk of parasitism, which suggests that these calls did not vary with response urgency. In a population allopatric with cowbirds, seet calls were rarely produced in response to cowbird or avian nest predator models and never to seet playbacks. These results suggest that seet calls are functionally referential signals denoting cowbirds and that cowbird parasitism was a strong selective pressure in the evolution of functional referentiality in the seet call of yellow warblers.Communicated by W.A. Searcy  相似文献   

Summary The association of kin in arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) was studied near Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, during the summers of 1977, 1978, and 1979. Males dispersed in this population, thus only females were likely to live near relatives.Close female kin (sisters, mothers/daughters) had greater overlap of home ranges and interacted more amicably and less agonistically than did less closely related females. Closely related females clumped their young at emergence, whereas more distantly related females did not; there was little indication of clumping of pre-emerged young. The overlap of home ranges of distant relatives (known genetic relatives that had not associated in a natal burrow) was intermediate to that of close relatives and non-relatives. The types of interactions between distant relatives were more similar to those between non-relatives than between close relatives.I conclude that female arctic ground squirrels exhibit nepotism. Females may benefit from associations with relatives by sharing watching for predators once juveniles become conspicuous. Male arctic ground squirrels commit infanticide and several females may be more effective at protecting their young from infanticidal males than females living alone. I suggest that clumping of young by close relatives may provide a mechanism allowing distantly related females to identify each other.Address for offprint requests  相似文献   

Summary The responses of individually marked pikas (Ochotona princeps) to terrestrial predators were investigated in 1980 and 1981 in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Pikas uttered short call vocalizations in a variety of contexts: preceding or following an individual's movement, and in response to conspecifics, other nonpredaceous mammals and predators. Adult pikas apparently discriminated contexts in which predators were present by short calling more frequently and for longer duration compared with calling in nonpredator contexts. Short calls uttered by juveniles were similar in all contexts.Adults responded differently to two types of terrestrial predators: weasels and pine martens. Pikas called less frequently in response to weasels than to martens and avoided weasels more often than martens. They delayed the initiation of calling following the first sighting of a weasel more often than to martens. Weasels were determined to be more effective predators of pikas than martens, and these asymmetries in behavior and alarm vocalizations may indicate that responses reduce an individual's risk of predaton by weasels.Both male and female pikas called in response to predators, and residents called more often than nonresidents. The possible function of predator-related vocalization in pikas is discussed. It is suggested that calls to predators may function to warn local residents, which in pikas are usually closely related.  相似文献   

Many mammals warn conspecifics with alarm calls about detected predators. These alarm calls are either functionally referential, urgency based, or they can have multiple functions, including predator deterrence. The taxonomic distribution of these alarm call systems is uneven, with primates providing the best-known examples for a functionally referential system and rodents most examples of an urgency-based system. Reports of different alarm call systems in lemurid primates prompted us to examine the anti-predator behavior of two additional lemur species. In an experimental field study we exposed adult redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) and white sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) to playbacks of vocalizations of their main aerial and terrestrial predators, as well as to their own alarm calls given in response to the presentation of these predators. We scored the subjects' immediate behavioral responses, including alarm calls, from video recordings made during the first minute following a playback. We found that both species gave specific alarm calls only in response to raptor playbacks and the corresponding alarm calls, whereas calls given in response to carnivores and the corresponding alarm calls were also observed in other situations characterized by high arousal. Other behavioral responses, such as gaze and escape directions, corresponded to the hunting strategies of the two predator classes, suggesting that the corresponding vocalizations were categorized correctly. These two lemur species, which represent different families, have therefore independently evolved a mixed alarm call system, characterized by functionally referential calls for diurnal raptors, but not for carnivores. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-001-0436-0 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In many species, individuals suffer major mortality in their first year because of predation. Behaviours that facilitate successful escape are therefore under strong selection, but anti-predator skills often emerge gradually during an individual’s early development. Using long-term data and acoustic recordings of alarm calls collected during natural predator encounters, we aimed to elucidate two largely unsolved issues in anti-predator ontogeny: (1) whether incorrect predator assignment is adaptively age-appropriate, given that vulnerability often changes during development, or whether age-related differences reflect true mistakes made by immature individuals; and (2) the extent to which the development of adult-like competence in alarm-call production and usage is simply a function of maturational processes or dependent upon experience. We found that young meerkats (Suricata suricatta) were less likely to give alarm calls than adults, but alarmed more in response to non-threatening species compared to adults. However, stimuli that pose a greater threat to young than adults did not elicit more calling from young; this argues against age-related changes in vulnerability as the sole explanation for developmental changes in calling. Young in small groups, who were more likely to watch out for predators, alarmed more than less vigilant young in larger groups. Moreover, despite similarities in acoustic structure between alarm call types, calls appeared in the repertoire at different rates, and those that were associated with frequently encountered predators were produced relatively early on. These results indicate that experience is a more plausible explanation for such developmental trajectories than maturation.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships provide an excellent opportunity to study coevolved adaptations. Decades of theoretical and empirical research have illuminated the various behavioral adaptations exhibited by prey animals to avoid detection and capture, and recent work has begun to characterize physiological adaptations, such as immune reactions, metabolic changes, and hormonal responses to predators or their cues. A 2-year study quantified the activity budgets and antipredator responses of adult Belding’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) living in three different California habitats and likely experiencing different predation pressures. At one of these sites, which is visually closed and predators and escape burrows are difficult to see, animals responding to alarm calls remain alert longer and show more exaggerated responses than adults living in two populations that likely experience less intense predation pressure. They also spend more time alert and less time foraging than adults at the other two sites. A 4-year study using noninvasive fecal sampling of cortisol metabolites revealed that S. beldingi living in the closed site also have lower corticoid levels than adults at the other two sites. The lower corticoids likely reflect that predation risk at this closed site is predictable, and might allow animals to mount large acute cortisol responses, facilitating escape from predators and enhanced vigilance while also promoting glucose storage for the approaching hibernation. Collectively, these data demonstrate that local environments and perceived predation risk influence not only foraging, vigilance, and antipredator behaviors, but adrenal functioning as well, which may be especially important for obligate hibernators that face competing demands on glucose storage and mobilization.  相似文献   

Summary I investigated sibling-sibling recognition in captive thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) by cross-fostering lab-born pups shortly after birth. When young reached about 45 days of age, I observed dyadic interactions in a test arena of pairs from four relatedness X rearing groups, and recorded the frequency of exploratory encounters between individuals. Sibs-reared together and nonsibs-reared together exhibited significantly fewer exploratory encounters than either sibs-reared apart or nonsibsreared apart. Young reared together were equally exploratory, regadless of relatedness; similarly, young reared apart, whether they were sibs or nonsibs, showed similar levels of exploration. Thus, the differential treatment of siblings in the lab appears to be based on rearing association and not genetic relatedness per se. I interpret this recognition based on association (rearing familiarity) in the context of the species' social organization and compare my results on S. tridecemlineatus with similar studies on S. beldingi, S. parryii, and S. richardsonii. I also used an olfactory impairment technique (zinc sulfate) and found that differential treatment in thirteen-lined ground squirrels was influenced by olfactory cues.  相似文献   

Mixed-species associations have been described in many vertebrate species, but few behavioral studies have investigated associations between species from different mammalian orders. Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) are highly social rodents that inhabit burrows with two species of mongoose, but the benefits of these interspecific associations to ground squirrels remain unresolved. We compared the behavior of squirrels while solitary, with conspecifics, and in the presence of suricates (Suricata suricatta) and yellow mongooses (Cynictis pencillatus). Squirrels spent less time alert and more time feeding when suricates were present, but increased vigilance in the presence of yellow mongooses. In a series of mobbing trials with a puff adder (Bitis arietans), a common predator of all three species, Cape ground squirrels were the most active in mobbing the snake. Our results suggest that Cape ground squirrels benefit from associating with suricates, but not necessarily with yellow mongooses. Both mongoose species benefit from the burrowing activities of the squirrels for thermoregulation and escape from predators, and a suite of other organisms may similarly benefit from the habitat modifications by Cape ground squirrels, suggesting they could be considered ecosystem engineers of the arid and semi-arid regions of southern Africa. Thus, the association between Cape ground squirrels and suricates appears mutually beneficial, whereas yellow mongooses may merely be commensals of the squirrels.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, many prey rely on chemosensory information from injured (alarm cues) or stressed conspecifics (disturbance cues) to assess predation risk. Alarm cues are considered as a sign of higher risk than disturbance cues. These cues could be used by prey to learn potential new predators. In this study, we tested whether Iberian green frog tadpoles (Pelophylax perezi) exhibited antipredator responses to alarm and disturbance cues of conspecifics and whether tadpoles could associate new predators with alarm or disturbance cues. Tadpoles reduced their activity in the presence of disturbance cues, but only weakly when compared with their response to alarm cues. Also, tadpoles learned to recognize new predators from association with alarm or disturbance cues. However, the period of retention of the learned association was shorter for disturbance than alarm cues. Our results indicate that tadpoles are able to modify their antipredatory behavior according to (1) the degree of risk implied by the experimental cues (2) their previous experience of chemical cues of the predator.  相似文献   

Many mammalian and avian species produce conspicuous vocalizations upon encountering a predator, but vary their calling based on risk urgency and/or predator type. Calls falling into the latter category are termed “functionally referential” if they also elicit predator-appropriate reactions in listeners. Functionally referential alarm calling has been well documented in a number of Old World monkeys and lemurs, but evidence among Neotropical primates is limited. This study investigates the alarm call system of tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus) by examining responses to predator and snake decoys encountered at various distances (reflecting differences in risk urgency). Observations in natural situations were conducted to determine if predator-associated calls were given in additional contexts. Results indicate the use of three call types. “Barks” are elicited exclusively by aerial threats, but the call most commonly given to terrestrial threats (the “hiccup”) is given in nonpredatory contexts. The rate in which this latter call is produced reflects risk urgency. Playbacks of these two call types indicate that each elicits appropriate antipredator behaviors. The third call type, the “peep,” seems to be specific to terrestrial threats, but it is unknown if the call elicits predator-specific responses. “Barks” are thus functionally referential aerial predator calls, while “hiccups” are better seen as generalized disturbance calls which reflect risk urgency. Further evidence is needed to draw conclusions regarding the “peep.” These results add to the evidence that functionally referential aerial predator alarm calls are ubiquitous in primates, but that noncatarrhine primates use generalized disturbance calls in response to terrestrial threats.  相似文献   

How individuals assess, respond and subsequently learn from alarm cues is crucial to their survival and future fitness. Yet this information is not constant through time; many individuals are exposed to different predators throughout their life as they outgrow some predators or move to habitats containing different predators. To maximise overall fitness, individuals should discriminate between different cues and respond and learn from only those that are relevant to their current ontogenetic stage. We tested whether juvenile spiny chromis, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, could distinguish between chemical alarm cues from conspecific donors of different ontogenetic stages and whether the cue ontogenetic stage of the cue donor affected the efficacy of learning about predators. Juveniles displayed a significant antipredator response when conditioned with juvenile chemical alarm cues paired with predator odour but failed to respond when conditioned with predator odour paired with either adult alarm cues or with saltwater. Subsequently, individuals only recognised the predator odour alone as a threat when conditioned with juvenile alarm cues. This demonstrates that prey may be highly specific in how they use information from conspecific alarm cues, selectively responding to and learning from only those cues that are relevant to their developmental stage.  相似文献   

Why do female Belding's ground squirrels disperse away from food resources?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the effects of food provisioning on the natal dispersal behavior of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). We provided extra food to adult and yearling females in their maternal territories during pregnancy and lactation, and to offspring of these females in their natal areas for 6 weeks after weaning. We used unprovisioned young of unprovisioned mothers as controls. Provisioning influenced the probability of dispersal from the natal area by female but not male S. beldingi. All surviving male S.␣beldingi dispersed by 55 weeks of age, regardless of whether they and their mothers received extra food. By contrast, we observed a significant trend, beginning 3 weeks after weaning and continuing through the yearling year, for a greater proportion of provisioned than control female S. beldingi to emigrate from the natal area. Competition for food did not appear to influence natal dispersal of females. However, overall population density, density of females weaning litters, and rates of aggression and vigilance among these females, were higher in provisioned than control areas, suggesting that competition for non-food resources was unusually intense in provisioned areas. We propose that juvenile female, but not juvenile male, S. beldingi may emigrate from the natal site to increase access to areas with low densities of conspecifics. Together with findings of earlier workers, our results suggest that spatial and temporal distributions of environmental resources are important influences on the dispersal behavior of female ground squirrels. Received: 28 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Monkey alarm calls have shown that in the primate clade, combinatorial rules in acoustic communication are not exclusive to humans. A recent hypothesis suggests that the number of different call combinations in monkeys increases with increased number of predator species. However, the existence of combinatorial rules in great ape alarm calls remains largely unstudied, despite its obvious relevance to ideas about the evolution of human speech. In this paper, we examine the potential use of combinatorial rules in the alarm calls of the only Asian great ape: the orangutan. Alarm calls in orangutans are composed of syllables (with either one or two distinct elements), which in turn are organized into sequences. Tigers and clouded leopards are predators for Sumatran orangutans, but in Borneo, tigers are extinct. Thus, orangutans make a suitable great ape model to assess alarm call composition in relation to the size of the predator guild. We exposed orangutans on both islands to a tiger and control model. Response compositionality was analyzed at two levels (i.e., syllable and syllable sequences) between models and populations. Results were corroborated using information theory algorithms. We made specific, directed predictions for the variation expected if orangutans used combinatorial rules. None of these predictions were met, indicating that monkey alarm call combinatorial rules do not have direct homologues in orangutans. If these results are replicated in other great apes, this indicates that predation did not drive selection towards ever more combinatorial rules in the human lineage.  相似文献   

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