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Low-elevation coastal areas and their populations are at risk during and after the appearance of a storm surge event. Coastal flooding as a result of storm surge events is investigated in this paper for a number of areas around the north-eastern (NE) Mediterranean coastal zone (Adriatic, Aegean and north Levantine seas). The sea level rise (SLR) due to storm surge events is examined for the period 2000?C2004. Wind data, atmospheric pressure and wave data for this period as well as in situ sea elevation measurements (from stations around the Mediterranean coasts) were used. Potential inundation zones were then identified using a 90-m horizontal resolution digital elevation model (DEM). At these zones, the sea surface elevations were calculated for the study period, using the collected data and a 2D storm surge simulation model (1/10o??1/10o) output, examining the sea level alteration in specific coastal areas, where in situ measurements are absent and are characterised as ??risky?? in inundation areas, due to their topography. In order to determine the level of storm track implication on major SLR incidents, the trajectories of the respective storm events were computed. The aim of this paper is to investigate the major storm surge events that appeared during the study period, identify the major ??risky?? costal regions along the north-eastern Mediterranean coast and determine their hazard level due to inundation caused by storm surge phenomena. The combination of the risk level determination of an area and the calculation of sea level alteration is an important tool in terms of predicting and protecting the coastal area from extreme meteorological incidents.  相似文献   

Cocos Bay is a barrier beach under threat of marine erosion from the high energy environment of the Atlantic Ocean. This barrier beach borders the Ramsar listed Nariva Swamp, and helps maintain its delicate wetland ecosystem, however, ongoing coastal erosion at this beach threatens the longevity of this freshwater wetland. Due to the geographical location of Cocos Bay being exposed to Atlantic generated storm events and the low relief of the study area, there is a potential threat of storm surges breaching the barrier beach. Owing to the geological setting of the region (located in an active seismic province with earthquakes, volcanicity and landslides), there also exists the threat of tsunamis. This paper is a GIS simulation of the area extent of inundation and the affected infrastructure from such events. It utilizes a DEM and land-use to quantifying inundation areas, and the extent of vulnerability of various elements. The low relief of the barrier beach renders the area extremely vulnerable from events that trigger sea level increases. Simulations revealed that as little as a 1 m storm surge has the potential to disrupt the Nariva Swamp and threaten coastal infrastructure while higher storm surges and tsunamis have the potential to decimate the entire area. The flood-risk model generated indicates a very high vulnerability to storm surges, along the entire length of the coastline. These results have implications for future development and sustainable management of this ecologically sensitive area.  相似文献   

The increase in intensive aquaculture production in the Bolinao Bay, Philippines reached the point of harmful influence to production stock. Up to the present, there has been no estimation of aquaculture carrying capacity which is based on quantification of processes responsible for (a) water quality inside the units, (b) impact to the seabed and (c) water quality in the whole Bolinao Bay. The numerical estimation of tidal circulation, which is the most dominant part of the hydrodynamical regime in the Bolinao Bay, represents an unavoidable step in the carrying capacity determination considering points (a), (b) and (c). The hydrodynamical model we apply is a free surface, 3D finite element tidal model, forced with sea elevation dynamics at three open boundaries. It incorporates an increase in bottom stress drag coefficients in the coral areas and advanced transport corrected advection scheme. The model simulations of water flow show good agreement with measured currents in the central part of the Bolinao Bay, southern and northeastern channel, while agreement in the areas in vicinity of northern channel is not as tight. In order to provide an insight into the water exchange in aquaculture units, to support local water quality models and seabed deposition models (points (a) and (b)), the area is mapped with neap tide mean, spring tide mean and 14-day mean current velocity contours. The highest 14-day mean velocities are attained in the southern channel (>17 cm s−1), while the mean velocities characteristic for northern part (<6 cm s−1) and shallow areas of coral reefs (<2 cm s−1) are much lower. Area-mean difference between spring tide and 14-day mean velocities is estimated to be 18.32% (std=7.31%), while difference between neap tide and 14-day mean velocities is 17.62 % (std=11.19%). To support global basin-wide water quality models (point (c)), retention of water in the bay is estimated by Lagrangian and Eulerian calculation procedure of mean residence time field. Both calculations estimate the highest (no-wind) residence times (Lan: 25.4 days, Eul: 21.03 days) in the central northern part, but most of the area (Lan: 73.11%, Eul: 79.31%) is characterized by residence time values significantly lower than 15 days. The results are readily applicable for upcoming implementation in the models of local (aquaculture units, seabed) and basin-wide (Bolinao Bay) nutrient dynamics, primary and secondary production, organic matter decomposition and oxygen dynamics.  相似文献   

The tunicate species which frequently form part of each other's environment were assorted into groups by the use of an index derived from the corrected geometric mean of joint occurrence of pairs of species following Fager (1957) and Fager and McGowan (1963). The relationships shown in the temperature-salinity-plankton (TSP) diagrams between species and water properties are also used as a basis for classifying the species. Similar relationships have enabled species to be grouped together and consistent differences between one group and another set them apart.  相似文献   

With large influx of freshwater that decreases sea-surface salinities, weak wind forcing of <10 m s−1 and almost always warm (>28°C) sea-surface temperature that stratifies and shallows the mixed layer leading to low or no nutrient injections into the surface, primary production in Bay of Bengal is reportedly low. As a consequence, the Bay of Bengal is considered as a region of low biological productivity. Along with many biological parameters, bacterioplankton abundance and production were measured in the Bay of Bengal during post monsoon (September–October 2002) along an open ocean transect, in the central Bay (CB, 88°E) and the other transect in the western Bay (WB). The latter representing the coastal influenced shelf/slope waters. Bacterioplankton abundances (<2 × 109cells l−1) were similar to those reported from the HNLC equatorial Pacific and the highly productive northern Arabian Sea. Yet, the thymidine uptake rates along CB (average of 1.46 pM h−1) and WB (average of 1.40 pM h−1) were less than those from the northwestern Indian Ocean. These abundances and uptake rates were higher than those in the oligotrophic northwestern Sargasso Sea (<7 × 108 cells l−1; av 1.0 pM h−1). Concentrations of chlorophyll a (chl a), primary production rates and total organic carbon (TOC) were also measured for a comparison of heterotrophic and autotrophic production. In the WB, bacterioplankton carbon biomass equaled ∼ 95% of chl a carbon than just 31% in the CB. Average bacterial:primary production (BP:PP) ratios accounted for 29% in the CB and 31% in the WB. This is mainly due to lower primary productivity (PP) in the WB (281 mg C m−2 d−1) than in the CB (306 mg C m−2 day−1). This study indicates that bacteria–phytoplankton relationship differs in the open (CB) and coastal waters (WB). Higher abundance and contrastingly low bacterial production (BP) in WB may be because of the riverine bacteria, brought in through discharges, becoming dormant and unable to reproduce in salinities of 28 or more psu. Heterotrophic bacteria appear to utilize in situ DOC rather rapidly and their carbon demand is ∼50% of daily primary production. It is also apparent that allochthonous organic matter, in particular in the western Bay, is important for meeting their carbon demand.  相似文献   

Multibeam echo-sounder (MBES), sub-bottom profiler, singlebeam tracks and public-domain bathymetry geophysical datasets were analyzed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) for accuracy assessment and further used to update the previous map (Curray et al. Mar Pet Geol 19: 1191–1223, 2003) of submarine channel-levee systems in the eastern Bengal Fan near the Andaman region. Comparative analysis of singlebeam with MBES indicated 2.8 % of root-mean-square difference in bathymetry, and could clearly bring out distinct submarine channel profiles. The channel map revealed that the previously named E6 [updated as E7(1a)] and E7 [updated as E7(1b)] channels emanate from the middle and lower Bengal Fan, respectively and merge together at 91.28°E, 10.64°N where they form a second order channel [E7(2)] that flows southward along the east of Ninety-east Ridge. Similarly, two first order channels [E6(1a) and E6(1b)] emanate from the lower Bengal Fan which merge together at 88.78°E, 06.92°N to form a second order channel [E6(2)] that flows along the west of Ninety-east Ridge towards the equator. This channel was previously thought to be linked to the middle Bengal Fan. High-resolution MBES tracks over the channel shows extensive meandering patterns with the channel gently deepening and widening towards south. Variations in the morphology and stratigraphy indicate that the E7 channel is characterized by a curvilinear course, with higher observed sinuosity wherever gradient decreases.  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸滨海湿地的生物多样性特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过2005年、2006年的实地调查和整理相关文献资料分析了莱州湾南岸滨海湿地的生物多样性总体特征,湿地维管束植物和水禽的区系组成特点,并与黄河三角洲滨海湿地的生物多样性特征进行了对比。莱州湾南岸滨海湿地维管束植物区系科的分化程度较低,属的分化程度较高,湿生植物、水生植物在区系中占据重要地位;从生活型角度分析,区系中草本植物、地下芽植物和一年生植物占据优势;从维管束植物区系的地理分布成分看,以温带分布属和世界分布属为主;莱州湾南岸滨海湿地水禽区系的居留型构成以旅鸟和候鸟为主,地理分布成分构成以古北界种为主。莱州湾南岸滨海湿地的维管束植物和水禽种类都明显少于相邻的黄河三角洲滨海湿地。  相似文献   

The microphytoplankton assemblages were studied from water samples collected at eight discrete depths in the top 120 m at five central (open ocean) and four western (shelf/slope region) locations in the Bay of Bengal. The Bay is a low-productive warm pool regime with poor inorganic nutrient inputs to its intensely stratified surface layer despite the very large riverine influx. In addition, the prolonged cloud cover has an adverse effect on the top 25–40 m, on primary production, chlorophyll concentration and phytoplankton assemblages. Microphytoplankton were the most abundant in the northern area of the Bay. A total of 153 phytoplankton species were identified during this study. The most abundant species (at least 1,800 individual cells belonging to a given species or ≥2% of the total counts of identified specimens) during this study were: Thalassiothrix longissima, Thalassiothrix fauenfeldii, Rhizosolenia styliformis, Nitzschia angularis, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Coscinodiscus radiatus, Chaetoceros eibenii, Skeletonema costatum, Coscinodiscus concinnus and Chaetoceros coarctatus. Similarly, there were 20 moderately abundant (≥0.5 but <2%) species. Thirty-three of the least abundant species (<0.5%) occurred at one station. Diatom species, T. fauenfeldii and T. longissima were ubiquitous in the study area. The exclusive occurrence of S. costatum in the northernmost stations suggests that it proliferates only in the low-salinity regions with adequate silica from the land inputs. Abundance of pennate diatoms was higher in the open Bay compared to that of centric diatoms in the more productive northern locations and the western Bay. There appears to be a basic difference between near shore flora and offshore flora. This first analysis of phytoplankton assemblages from the offshore Bay suggests that while there is predominance of only a few species, the Bay harbors very diverse diatom communities that seem to be syntrophic, non-competitive and co-habiting in the generally low nutrient, stratified surface waters.  相似文献   

• MPs in the coastal sediment of south-east coast of India are quantified. • High MPs are recorded near river mouths and nearshore regions. • Polyethylene and polypropylene are the major polymers observed. • MPs contamination is higher than the values reported elsewhere. In view of increasing Microplastics (MPs) contamination in the marine environment and dearth of baseline data, a study was conducted on the abundance, characterization, and seasonal distribution of MPs in the nearshore sediments of the south-east coast of India. Sediment samples (n = 130) were collected at a distance of 1 km and 10 km from the shore region at varying depths (8–45 m) along the Chennai to Puducherry coast (165 km stretch), representing two seasons, i.e., south-west (July 2019 and July 2020) and north-east (January 2020) monsoons. The average abundance of MPs at the 22 offshore sites along the Chennai to Puducherry coast varied from 9±4.3 to 19±12.9 particles/50 g dry weight, in July 2019 and January 2020, respectively. July 2020 had an average abundance of 10±4.5 particles/50 g dry weight. Spatially, high levels of MPs were found at 1km stations and transects in proximity to the river inlets, and temporally, the north-east month recorded the maximum concentration. The dominant morphotype was the filament, and the major polymers were polyethylene and polypropylene. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images revealed the surface irregularity and degradation of MPs due to weathering. The study highlights that high sediment contamination by MPs occurs during heavy rainfall and accumulates closer to river inlets. Eventually, this study suggests that appropriate management of plastic wastes on the landside will reduce MP contamination in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The influence time distribution in Santa María La Reforma coastal lagoon, which is one of the most productive ecosystems in Mexico, has been numerically...  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to validate in the field certain measurement of the heart rate alterations of the bioindicator organism Mytilus galloprovicialis as a tool for ecotoxicological biomonitoring and assessment applications related to coastal and marine environment. The latter was determined by testing the mussels according to the method of functional loading (1-hour lowered salinity stress-exposure). The time of heart rate (HR) recovery (Trec) and the coefficient of HR variation (CVHR) in a group of tested animals were used as biomarkers for the assessment of their physiological state. It was found that the values of the biomarkers in mussels from our reference location were 1.3-1.5 times lower than in mussels from differently polluted coastal areas of the Bay. The study also included an investigation of the relationship between the mussel’s cardiac rhythm characteristics and the bioaccumulation of trace elements in their soft tissues, caused by chronic pollution. The conclusion was drawn that this approach to the physiological testing of mussels could be useful in developing a rapid and low-cost method for the assessment of the health of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

渤海湾海岸带表层沉积物中黑碳的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在渤海湾西海岸潮间带、近海和主要河流采集了85个表层沉积物样品,对黑碳(BC)的质量分数及其分布规律进行了研究,并探讨了BC与沉积物粒度的关系。结果表明:(1)渤海湾海岸带表层沉积物中BC的平均质量分数为(0.65±0.42)mg·g^-1,占总有机碳的比例为16.8%±7.5%,均高于我国其它海岸带;(2)潮间带沉积物中BC的质量分数存在明显的南北分区差异(以天津港码头为界),北区(0.92mg·g^-1)比南区(0.22mg·g^-1)平均高4倍以上;近海和河流样品BC的质量分数也有一定程度的"北高南低"趋势,表明BC在海岸带运移扩散的继承性,河流输入可能是主要途径;(3)潮间带沉积物粒度表现为"北区细"(以粘土质粉砂主)而"南区粗"(以砂为主),反映两个区域的水动力条件和沉积环境不同,是造成BC质量分数区域差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Remote sensing and numerical models are often used to monitor the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in coastal waters; however, the derived SSC varies between the two methods in both space and time. In this study, a method was proposed to assess the spatiotemporal differences in SSC derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images and numerical simulation for coastal waters, using the Bohai Sea in China as an example. An empirical model for SSC retrieval from remote sensed images was initially established. A comparison of the temporal synchronicity over a single day period was performed between the observed data and the numerically simulated results. The range in the SSC at different observation sites was significantly different. Both the SSC values and their daily variation ranges were larger near the estuary of the Yellow River compared with the open area due to the concurrence of tidal flow and the introduction of fresh river water with high turbidity near the estuary. The areas that exhibited spatial differences were defined according to their differences in remotely sensed and numerically simulated SSC distribution patterns. Finally, the reasons for these spatiotemporal differences were discussed. The results provided understanding into the spatiotemporal differences that were introduced when multi-source data were used, thus improving the accuracy of the results when monitoring coastal environments for the management of coastal conservation.  相似文献   

In this paper, an integrated numerical and fuzzy cellular automata model was developed to predict possible algal blooms in Dutch coastal waters basing on the irradiance, nutrients and neighbourhood conditions. The numerical module used Delft3D-WAQ to compute the abiotic conditions, and fuzzy cellular automata approach was applied to predict the algal biomass that was indicated by chlorophyll a concentration. The simulated results of year 1995 were compared with that from BLOOM II model, and the advantages, disadvantages as well as future improvement were presented. In general, through this study, it is seen that the integrated modelling deserves more research inputs because: (1) the hydrodynamic processes and nutrients concentrations can be simulated in details by numerical method; (2) the irregular and sparse water quality and biological data, and the empirical knowledge from experts can be explored by the fuzzy logic technique; (3) the spatial heterogeneity, local interactions and the emerge of patchiness could be well captured through the cellular automata paradigm.  相似文献   

This paper examines a 3-yr EU LIFE-funded project for the management of two especially protected areas on the Maltese coast. Project partners are the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics (ICoD), the Gaia Foundation and the Ministry for the Environment of Malta. Project sites are the Ghajn Tuffieha area on the northwest coast of Malta, and the Ramla Bay area on the island of Gozo. While both sites are in a relatively pristine state and comprise a number of features of ecological and scientific importance, they are also prime recreational areas, hosting thousands of visitors especially during the summer months. The challenge is to manage these sites in a sustainable manner in order to protect their unique ecology while simultaneously controlling and managing the human activities taking place there. The following sequence of activities is being implemented at both sites: surveys of the resources present (biodiversity, habitats, geological and hydrological features, and archaeological heritage), implementation of first intervention measures, and the drawing up and implementation of site-specific management plans, including rehabilitation and protection of biodiversity and habitats, regulations for site use, and awareness raising and educational measures. The management structure of this project supports the concept of decentralization of management of protected areas, through the granting of responsibility for the direct management of these sites to a non-governmental organization, under joint government/EU funding. This paper thus presents the project as a model for similar initiatives for the management of protected sites in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

This contribution characterises the sources and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of the Basque coast (Bay of Biscay). Different source characterisation approaches (i.e. GIS assisted-chemometrics, PAH diagnostic ratios and analyses of composition profiles) were used in combination to successfully identify the factors determining the origin and distribution of PAHs. Urban/industrial combustion processes were identified as the main PAH source. However, the analysis of PAH composition patterns and diagnostic ratios identified secondary natural and petrogenic PAH sources on small spatial scales. The median ∑18PAH concentration ranged from 66 μg kg?1 (d.w.) to 7021 μg kg?1 (d.w.). The Ibaizabal estuary, which supports most of the anthropogenic pressure in the region (i.e. urban development, industrialisation, commercial and recreational harbours), also showed the highest PAH concentrations. On the shelf, human activities, hydrodynamic conditions and geomorphological features led to spatial differences in the PAH concentrations among sectors: the offshore and west sectors were characterised by higher concentrations, while the lowest values were found in the mid and east sectors. The results enhance the knowledge on PAH-related contamination processes and could be used to support the environmental assessment process required under current European marine legislation.  相似文献   

A 2-year field study was carried out to determine the impact of kraft pulp-mill effluents on the fish fauna of a shallow-bay system in north Florida (Apalachee Bay, USA). Offshore areas that received kraft-mill effluents (KME) displayed significant increases in color and turbidity and reductions in (benthic) dissolved oxygen compared to a nearby control area. Estuarine and marsh fish assemblages in areas of acute impact were severely reduced in terms of numbers of individuals (N) and species (S). Offshore areas exposed to varying (chronic) levels of KME were characterized by complex interactions that included seasonal variations of impact. A broad offshore area showed reductions in numbers of individuals and species taken per month. However, the cumulative (annual) number of species taken was the same for polluted and unpolluted (control) areas due to a recruitment of relatively rare species in the areas of impact. Such polluted areas showed decreased dominance as well as qualitative differences in species composition compared to control areas. Inshore bay stations that were most severely affected by KME were dominated by the bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli. While species richness and species diversity were lower at the highly stressed stations, in other outlying areas of moderate impact (reduced N and S) there were no reductions of such parameters compared to control areas. Thus, species diversity was not an indicator of pollution per se, and was useful only when taken in conjunction with various other parameters. Transition areas (between polluted and unpolluted portions of the bay) showed substantial (although periodic) increases in N, S, and species diversity. Equitability indices were unchanged in polluted portions of the bay. In general, the effects of KME on offshore fish assemblages appeared to be due to a complex combination of habitat alteration, reduced benthic productivity, and individual behavioral reactions. The alterations of fish assemblages were compared to other studies in this area on benthic macrophytes and invertebrates in an effort to assess the usefulness of various indices in studies on the long-term effects of pollution on estuarine and coastal systems. It was found that kraft pulp-mill effluents had a pronounced effect on the benthic standing crop of plants and animals, but that intensive sampling over prolonged periods of time was necessary for an adequate assessment of the problem. Overall, there were some significant changes in the biota such as reduced dominance and productivity in polluted areas that were similar for the various types of organisms sampled.  相似文献   

A 17 yr study of a population of the rose star Crossaster papposus (Linnaeus, 1767) in Auke Bay, near Juneau, Alaska, used SCUBA to follow a total of 956 individually marked stars. Population density was relatively constant over the 17 yr of study, although the influx of smaller individuals varied by an order of magnitude. Growth in diameter of individual stars was inversely related to size, with the largest individuals showing negligible growth for periods of months or years. Annual survivorship was relatively high (from 76.3 to 90.4%), and some individuals persisted throughout the study, indicating longevities of at least 20 yr in this species. Observations of food habits indicated that the principal prey item is the reddish scallop Chlamys rubida. In summary, this rose star population was characterized by a relatively stable number of long-lived, slow-growing individuals. Received: 7 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

Based on biologic and environmental materials collected from coastal areas of Bohai Bay (China) in April, 2008, three biotic indices (AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI), Shannon-Wiener Index and W-statistic) were applied together to evaluate the ecological status of the sampling area. The results showed a clear spatial gradient from a worse ecological status in the near-shore areas (especially around Haihe and Jiyun River Estuaries) to a better status in the offshore areas. While all the three indices could assist decision makers in visualizing spatial changes of organic pollutants in Bohai Bay, two indices, i. e., AMBI and Shannon-Wiener index, were effective in distinguishing sites from Haihe River Estuary, Jiyun River Estuary and other area. However, W-statistic can't tell the differences between estuaries and other area. It would be explained that organic pollutants and/or other environ- mental stresses in Bohai Bay were not strong enough to reduce the size ofmacrozoobenthos, which may cause both of the abundance and biomass curves crossed. To our knowledge, this is the first time that several benthic indices were used to assess the benthic ecological status in Bohai Bay, which gave the similar results. Furthermore, there is indication that the ecological status is related to excess input of wastewater along main rivers and outlets. In a word, AMBI, Shannon-Wiener Index and W-statistic could be able to assess the benthic ecological status of Bohai Bay under the organic pollutants pressure.  相似文献   

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