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An experimental program was conducted to investigate vertical oil dispersion of surface oil spills under non-breaking regular waves. The variation in oil concentration caused by oil dispersion in a water column was studied to determine the vertical oil dispersion profile. The experiments were performed using different waves characteristics for different volumes of oil spill to evaluate the variation in oil concentration at three depths at two sampling stations. The correlations between oil concentration and the main parameters of wave characteristics, oil spill volume, sampling depth, and distance of sampling stations to spill location were assessed. The results revealed that the trend of variation in oil concentration versus wave steepness is linear. The results obtained from experimental measurements indicated that the oil concentrations at mid-depth were 44–77 % and the concentrations near the flume bed were 12–33 % of the concentration near the water surface.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The need to balance computational speed and simulation accuracy is a key challenge in designing atmospheric dispersion models that can be used in scenarios where...  相似文献   

We carried out a field study of the plume discharged by a near-shore wastewater outfall near the Akashi Strait, Japan. Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and a tow-body CTD, we measured the near-surface salinity and temperature fields in the region throughout an M2 tidal cycle. We filtered the data in T–S space to remove water masses other than the wastewater, and then used the adiabatic mixing assumption to calculate the concentration of wastewater in the far field of this plume. Averaging the T–S fields of repeated surveys over a time period during which the tidal regime did not change substantially, allowed comparison of the time-averaged plume with the analytical solution for a plume diffusing in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The resulting vertical turbulent diffusion coefficients agreed well with those resulting from Thorpe scales determined via a vertically-profiling CTD, as well as with the canonical value for open channel flow of D z = 0.067hu *. The corresponding horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficients, however, were two orders of magnitude larger than those typically observed in straight channels, and an order of magnitude larger than those observed in meandering rivers. This is likely a result of enhanced horizontal mixing due to barotropic eddies generated by the interaction of strong tidal flow with headlands and levees, as well as due to the time-varying nature of tidal flow, and baroclinic spreading of the buoyant wastewater plume.  相似文献   

Engines in boats and ships using total loss lubrication deposit a significant proportion of their lubricant and fuel directly into the water. Their impact on the Australian coastline and marine ecosystems is of great concern. The purpose of this study was to document the velocity and concentration field characteristics of a submerged swirling water jet emanating from a propeller in order to provide information on its fundamental characteristics. The properties of the jet were examined far enough downstream to be relevant to the eventual modelling of the mixing problem. Measurements of the velocity and concentration field were performed in a turbulent jet generated by a model boat propeller (0.02 m diameter) within a 0.4 m-wide and 0.15 m-deep flume, operating at 1,500 and 3,000 rpm in a weak co-flow of 0.04 m/s. The measurements were carried out in the Zone of Established Flow up to 50 propeller diameters downstream of the propeller. Results pertaining to radial distribution, self-similarity, standard deviation growth, maximum value decay and integral fluxes of velocity and concentration fitted with empirical correlations. Furthermore, propeller-induced mixing and pollutant source concentration from a two-stroke engine were estimated.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton photosynthetic response to vertical movement in a mixed layer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
J. Marra 《Marine Biology》1978,46(3):203-208
14C uptake was measured in experimental bottles suspended at a series of fixed depths (using subsamples from one sample depth), and was compared with estimates obtained from bottles provided with vertical movement similar to that which might occur in Langmuir circulations. In most experiments, the vertically cycled bottles gave estimates of integral photosynthesis 19 to 87% higher than estimates from the control series. Evidence from laboratory experiments detailing the change in photosynthesis over time at various irradiance levels shows that a higher lightsaturated photosynthetic rate under variable light conditions could account for the enhanced integral photosynthesis found in the bottles provided with vertical movement.  相似文献   

Temperature data obtained from NUC Tower, San Diego, California during May–June 1968 provide input to a three-wave period version of MOVER, a computer model that simulates organism diurnal vertical migration through an internal wave field. The locally characteristic wave periods are 21.50 h, 12.50 h and 0.42 h. The phase of the modeled interval wave spectrum matches the field observations for a 10-day period preceding and including a red tide. MOVER's output shows a rapid aggregation of representative phytoplankton under all modeled conditions. The aggregation or red tide occurs at the geographic location of NUC Tower under certain organism behavioral regimes. Whether these conditions actually occurred at NUC Tower in May 1968 is not certain from the available data.  相似文献   

利用Li-6400光合测定系统测定拉瑞尔L.tridentata的光合生理特性及其对CO2摩尔分数升高和干旱的响应。结果表明:土壤水势在-0.884 5 MPa以上,L.tridentata的光合器没有任何损害,抵御干旱的能力很强;适当的增加CO2摩尔分数有利于提高光饱和点、光量子利用效率和最大净光合速率,且CO2摩尔分数升高的正效应要大于土壤水分胁迫的负效应,因而在一定程度上CO2摩尔分数的增加,提高了L.tridentata的抗旱能力;随着光合有效辐射的增强和CO2摩尔分数的升高,叶片净光合速率、CO2饱和点和羧化速率都有增大趋势,叶片对高摩尔分数CO2利用效率提高;不同土壤水分条件下,叶片气孔导度和蒸腾速率都随着CO2摩尔分数的升高而降低,水分利用效率随着CO2摩尔分数的升高而升高;既能饱和叶片的RubisCO,又不至于造成气孔大量关闭的CO2摩尔分数在700~800μmol.mol-1左右,说明目前的CO2摩尔分数还不足以饱和拉瑞尔的RubisCO酶。未来CO2摩尔分数升高,将对拉瑞尔的光合作用有所促进,并可能提高拉瑞尔对干旱的适应能力。  相似文献   

● Collaborative treatment of plastics and OS was established to improve oil quality. ● PE addition successfully improved OS pyrolysis process by deploying H/Ceff ratio. ● Higher H/Ceff ratio promoted cracking to obtain more gas and light oil fractions. ● The degradation of PE and OS was promoted each other under their temperature range. Pyrolysis is an effective method to treat oily sludge (OS) due to its balance between oil recovery and nonhazardous disposal. However, tank bottom OS contains a high content of heavy fractions, which creates obstacles for pyrolysis due to the high activation energy. The incomplete cracking of macromolecules and secondary polymerization decreases the oil quality and causes coking during the operation process. This study introduced polyethylene (PE) into OS to deploy the H/Ceff ratio of feedstocks for pyrolysis. A strong interaction between OS and PE during copyrolysis could be observed from the TG/DTG curves. PE tightly participated in OS degradation, while OS also promoted PE degradation at high temperature. Apparent pits were generated in solid residues from copyrolysis, which was attributed to the uniform and violent gas release. In addition to HCN, other nitrogenous and sulphurous pollutants were inhibited. Accordingly, more gas products were attained after PE addition with more value-added compositions of alkanes and alkenes. Although the oil yield decreased after PE addition, the oil products from copyrolysis possessed higher heating values and higher contents of light fractions with short chains as well as paraffins. Consequently, copyrolysis of OS and PE significantly improved the pyrolysis process and resulted in high oil quality.  相似文献   

利用中国唯一的稻麦轮作臭氧FACE(free-air O3 concentration enrichment,开放式空气臭氧浓度增高)试验平台,研究近地层臭氧浓度升高对稻田不同生育时期植株氮吸收量、土壤氮含量与脲酶活性、土壤氨氧化细菌与反硝化细菌数量以及成熟期土壤硝化与反硝化作用强度的影响。结果发现,臭氧浓度升高条件下,单株水稻(Oryza sativaL.)的氮吸收量趋于升高,土壤全氮含量趋于下降、脲酶活性趋于增强,在成熟期土壤全氮与对照相比平均下降9%,土壤脲酶活性与对照相比平均升高13%。在水稻整个生长季节,土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的数量均呈现出先增多后减少的趋势,且均在开花期达到峰值,但臭氧熏蒸土壤与对照相比趋于升高;在水稻成熟期,土壤中单个氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的活性均趋于下降,土壤硝化强度和反硝化强度与对照相比也平均下降17%和24%。结果表明,近地层臭氧浓度升高条件下,稻田土壤氮素转化因为水稻氮素吸收增强而加快,土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的数量均趋于增多,但它们的生理代谢活性均趋于下降。  相似文献   

Flexible traits can be crucial in helping animals meet the challenges of a highly variable environment. We examined whether coral reef fishes systematically alter their swimming behaviour in response to temporal changes in hydrodynamic conditions. Exploiting site-based differences in wave energy impinging on reef habitats over calm and rough weather, we found many reef fishes changed their swimming behaviour alongside increases in wave-driven water motion. Most fishes tended to orient their bodies parallel to oncoming wave-driven flow and recruited additional stabilising fins during rough weather; such changes in swimming behaviour aid stability and minimise drag. However, not all species displayed such flexibility, with fishes possessing highly tapered pectoral fins and high levels of swimming performance continuing to successfully navigate reef habitats without significantly altering their swimming behaviour. We highlight how labile behaviours augment the morphology and performance of species to underpin their occupation of habitats subject to variable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

To investigate the roles of light in initiating, controlling and directing nocturnal vertical migration, photoresponses of the adult, female copepod Acartia tonsa Dana were measured under simulated natural underwater light conditions using a video system. Copepods were adapted to a range of background light levels and tested with the following stimuli: absolute quantal intensity, absolute change in quantal intensity and relative (%) change in quantal intensity. The stimulus initiating vertical movements was relative change in quantal intensity, while responsiveness was controlled by the level of light adaptation. A. tonsa swam upward in response to decreases. Response with minimal stimulation occurred at an adaptation intensity close to that in the copepod's natural habitat at the time of the migratory ascent (near the bottom of the Newport River estuary, North Carolina, near sunset). Analysis of the angles of upward movement showed that light is not a directional cue. Relative increases in intensity resulted in sinking, with minimal stimulation required at an adaptation intensity close to that in the field when the migratory descent occurs near sunrise. These results offer a reasonable explanation of how light cues may shape nocturnal vertical migratory patterns.  相似文献   

Good (1953, 1982) proposed a generalized diversity index which includes as special cases both Shannon's and Simpson's indices. This index can be further generalized as described in Baczkowski et al. (1997, 1998). In this paper the first four moments of this generalized index are derived for both a general species abundance distribution and the case with all species abundances equal, the equiprobable case. This allows the skewness and kurtosis of the index to be determined and thus gives information about the distribution of the index.  相似文献   


Dimethyldithioarsinic acid (DMDTAV), present in such intense sources as municipal landfill leachate, has drawn a great deal of attention due to its abundant occurrence and different aspect of toxicity. The hydrosulfide (HS) concentration in leachate was studied as a major variable affecting the formation of DMDTAV. To this end, the HPLC–ICPMS system equipped with the reversed-phase C18 column was used to determine DMDTAV. Simulated landfill leachates (SLLs) were prepared to cover a mature landfill condition with the addition of sodium sulfate and sulfide at varying concentrations in the presence of dimethylarsinic acid (DMAV). The concentration of sodium sulfide added in the SLLs generally exhibited a strong positive correlation with the concentration of DMDTAV. As such, the formation of DMDTAV in the SLLs is demonstrated to be controlled by the interactive relationship between DMAV and the HS.


《Ecological modelling》2006,190(1-2):41-54
A one-dimensional, two-layer lake model is used to simulate the daily temperature and oxygen profile of an English Lake in response to changes in wind, air temperature and radiation. The thermal model component derives from the TEMIX lake model originally developed by the Institute of Limnology in St. Petersburg [Mironov, D.V., Golosov, S.D., Zilitinkevitch, S.S., Kreiman, K.D., Terzhevik, A.Y., 1991. Seasonal changes of temperature and mixing conditions in a lake. In: Zilitinkevitch, S.S. (Ed.), Modelling Air–Lake Interactions. Springer-Verlag, pp. 74–90]. This paper describes the model's adaptation and its extension to incorporate dissolved oxygen to simulate periods of anoxia of short duration during summer stratification. The new oxygen model component, which is based on mass-balance principles, divides the lake into two layers in a similar way to the thermal model. Its primary purpose is to model periods of anoxia for use in studies of fish survival. The model has been tested over a 10-year period from 1991 to 1999 using daily weather data and fortnightly observations of chlorophyll a and secchi depth. Ten years of fortnightly oxygen measurements, together with 2 years of more detailed (hourly) oxygen data, indicate that simulated and observed oxygen levels are in reasonable agreement considering the sparseness of the chlorophyll observations. The balance between the relative effects of temperature and BOD on oxygen depletion is of particular importance to model accuracy.  相似文献   

Mesoscale transport and dispersion of air pollutants from a few major point sources in the Mississippi Gulf coastal region is calculated using a coupled modeling system consisting of the atmospheric dynamical model WRF and the lagrangian particle model HYSPLIT. The sensitivity of the dispersion model results to the meteorological fields is studied by conducting an ensemble of simulations using the WRF model for the same dispersion case. Several parameterization schemes for the physical processes of boundary layer turbulence and land surface temperature/moisture prediction in WRF are used in various combinations to produce different meteorological members which are then used for dispersion simulation. The uncertainty in the simulated concentration probabilities to the meteorological model configurations and the ensemble mean are presented. The parameters used for determining the uncertainties include the wind fields, temperature, area of concentration and the levels of concentration. The results indicate that dispersion model results are influenced by the choices made in respect of the planetary boundary layer and land surface schemes in the mesoscale model to produce the meteorological forecast thereby leading to certain amount of uncertainty in the resultant concentrations. Results show that the specific choices made about the atmospheric model configuration can significantly after the simulated concentrations.  相似文献   

Induction of benzo (a) pyrene monooxygenase (BPMO) activity occurred in Blennius pavo, a species with a restricted territorial range, in response to exposure to a Diesel 2 oil. A response delay of 14 days was found at a concentration of 170 ppb and of 3 days when the water was saturated with Diesel 2 oil. When induced fish were transferred to clean water, elevated BPMO activity was maintained at a high level for at least a month. A benthic protochordate, Microcosmos sulcatus, showed no increase in BPMO activity when exposed to these concentrations even after 30 days of exposure. Field observations revealed a great variation in the BPMO activity from B. pavo caught at different sites. Fish from contaminated sites had significantly elevated levels of BPMO activity. Sardine schools caught at different sites had different, low levels of BPMO activities. However, specimens from the same school had closely similar levels of enzyme activity. An oil pollution incident (New Year 1977 oil spill in Northern Adriatic Sea) caused an increase in the BPMO activity in the livers of Blenniideae, reaching a peak on the 23rd day (representing an 8.5-fold increase in the background level), followed by a decrease in activity until a new background level, 3 times that of the original background level, was reached on the 45th day. This new background level is constant (through May-5 months after the incident). Measurement of BPMO activity in the livers of nonmigrant fish could serve as a useful biochemical parameter for monitoring and evaluation of acute or long-term oil pollution at a given site.  相似文献   

Regular sea urchins show pentaradial symmetry: they have round bodies made of five almost identical sectors. There is no preference in which sector should be anterior in their locomotion. Anthocidaris crassispina is exceptional among regular sea urchins. Morphometry showed that their tests had radial symmetry but the overall body shape showed bilateral symmetry because of the uneven distribution of spine length. This bilateral axis did not correspond to the ambulacrum III—interambulacrum 5 axis, which is the bilateral axis of irregular sea urchins. Their behavior in relation to this bilaterality was observed in the aquarium. At rest, most of them stayed in the upper corner of the aquarium keeping the sector with the shortest spine length (the shortest sector) toward the water surface. At walking, most of them moved on the vertical wall just under the water surface keeping the shortest sector directing to the water surface. When they walked in the open space, they moved in a random direction with respect to the bilaterality of the spines. The bilaterality and the behavior of this sea urchin were interpreted as the adaptation to defense not to efficient locomotion.  相似文献   

Several reaction schemes, based on the conserved scalar theory, are implemented within a stochastic Lagrangian micromixing model to simulate the dispersion of reactive scalars in turbulent flows. In particular, the formulation of the reaction-dominated limit (RDL) reaction scheme is here extended to improve the model performance under non-homogeneous conditions (NHRDL scheme). The validation of the stochastic model is obtained by comparison with the available measurements of reactive pollutant concentrations in a grid-generated turbulent flow. This test case describes the dispersion of two atmospheric reactant species (NO and O3) and their reaction product (NO2) in an unbounded turbulent flow. Model inter-comparisons are also assessed, by considering the results of state-of-the-art models for pollutant dispersion. The present validation shows that RDL reaction scheme provides a systematic overestimation (relative error of ca. 85% around the centreline) in computing the local reactant consumption/production rate, whereas the NHRDL scheme drastically reduces this gap (relative error lower than 5% around the centreline). In terms of NO2 production (or reactant consumption), neglecting concentration fluctuations determines overestimations of the product mean of around 100% and a NO2 local production of one order of magnitude higher than the reference simulation. In terms of standard deviations, the concentration fluctuations of both the passive and reactive scalars are generally of the same order of magnitude or up to 1 or 2 orders of magnitudes higher than the corresponding ensemble mean values, except for the background reactant close to the plume edges. The study highlights the importance of modelling pollutant reactions depending on the instantaneous instead of the mean concentrations of the reactants, thus quantifying the role of the turbulent fluctuations of concentration, in terms of scalar statistics (mean, standard deviation, intensity of fluctuations, skewness and kurtosis of concentration, segregation coefficient, simulated reaction rate). This stochastic particle method represents an efficient numerical technique to solve the convection–diffusion equation for reactive scalars and involves several application fields: micro-scale air quality (urban and street-canyon scales), accidental releases, impact of odours, water quality and fluid flow industrial processes (e.g. combustion).  相似文献   

Standing crops and the vertical distribution of four groups of ciliates, autotrophic naked ciliates (ANC), heterotrophic naked ciliates (HNC ), mixotrophic naked ciliates (MNC) and loricated ciliates (LC ), were analysed in relation to phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the western Pacific. Data were gathered from the upper 60 to 200 m of water in the subarctic North Pacific in spring, in the subtropical North Pacific in spring, in Toyama Bay in summer, off eastern Australia in spring and off Sanriku in spring and fall. Of the four groups, the standing crop of HNC (cells l−1) showed the highest correlation to phytoplankton chloro- phyll a [CHL, μg l−1; r=0.66, n=365 (HNC=490 ×CHL 0.653)]. Depths of the maximum layers of HNC and MNC were usually shallower than that of chlorophyll a, while those of ANC and LC occurred frequently beneath the chlorophyll maximum layer. This indicates that these four ciliate groups are substantially different from each other, and that each group holds a different ecological position in the marine microbial food web. Received: 27 October 1997 / Accepted: 27 June 1998  相似文献   

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