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近年来宁夏对沙尘天气的监测及对沙漠化防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁夏在全区范围内建立沙尘暴监测网络,开展对沙尘天气的应急监测。宁夏作为沙源区和沙尘过往的主要通道,2002年全区共监测沙尘天气12次,沙尘粒径多分布在大于2 1μm。为防治沙漠化,宁夏积极寻求国际间合作,采取退耕还林还草、划管封育、禁牧、把握人工降雨时机等一系列措施,加大对沙漠化的防治力度。  相似文献   

新疆沙尘暴环境影响监测网络体系建设探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨了新疆沙尘暴环境影响监测网络建设的目的、意义,并探索性地提出以新疆环境监测中心站为中心,博尔塔拉、哈密、吐鲁番、巴音郭楞、阿克苏、喀什、和田环境监测站为分支的“梅花型”新疆沙尘暴环境影响监测网络体系。  相似文献   

沙尘暴对大气背景值的影响及遥感技术应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对近十多年来发生在我国西北地区的较大沙尘暴,及其对甘肃大气背景值的影响、沙尘暴降尘的沉降量、区域分布、化学组份、粒度分布,应用则沙尘暴和沙尘暴的危害等内容,进行了为期二年的调查、取样和研究,回答了沙尘暴研究者所关心的一些问题。  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感数据、气象观测资料和江苏省环境空气自动站的可吸入颗粒物的监测数据,对春季中国北方的沙尘暴过程对江苏环境空气中可吸入颗粒物浓度的影响分析发现,沙尘暴所含的沙尘粒子在冷空气的引导下可能进入江苏,对环境空气中可吸入颗粒物浓度将会产生较大的影响;北方沙尘暴所携带的沙尘粒子是春季江苏空气污染的重要来源之一,是预报空气质量异常偏高的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

沙尘暴--一种跨区域的大气环境污染物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对十多年来发生在我国西北地区的较大沙尘暴,沙尘暴尘的沉降量、沉降范围、化学组分、粒径分布、对大气环境降尘背景值的影响等问题进行了调查、分析,综述了这方面的一些研究成果。  相似文献   

沙尘暴路径分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从气象状况、地理条件、沙尘暴路径实际分布等几个方面论述了我省沙尘暴移动的路径。从路径的形成机理谈起:强风、沙源、热不稳定性等因素是沙尘暴路径形成的充分条件,气象状况、地理环境是形成沙尘暴路径的必要条件,通过理论分析得出影响我省的主要沙尘暴路径,勾画出我省沙尘暴的路径并依据事实进一步验证沙尘暴路径。同时对相关的内容进行必要的讨论。  相似文献   

近年来,新疆境内连续发生多次区域性春季沙尘暴,影响南疆和东疆地区十几个城市,其发生时间之早、频率之高、范围之广、强度之大为50年来所罕见。依据近3年南疆及东疆春季爆发的区域性沙尘暴天气的应急监测结果,分析了区域性沙尘暴对南疆及东疆城市环境空气质量的影响,并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

沙尘暴的基本特征和成因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从时空分布、气象要素变化等方面介绍了沙尘暴的基本特征,简要叙述了沙尘暴的危害,并从大风、沙尘物质及不稳定空气条件等方面初步分析了沙尘暴的成因,进一步提出了一些治理措施。  相似文献   

阿图什市2006年"3·12"特强沙尘暴重污染过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了2006年3月12日新疆南疆地区特强沙尘暴的形成原因及机理,着重研究阿图什市空气重污染的变化特征及其与气象条件的关系,并从气象特点、局地影响因子等方面的变化分析空气重污染的成因,进一步研究造成重污染的机制,以期为改善阿图什地区城市大气污染状况提供科学依据与建议.  相似文献   

碳酸盐碳测定在沙尘暴来源地识别中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据中国大气颗粒物特点 ,在国内沙尘暴研究中首次尝试利用碳酸盐碳进行沙尘暴来源地识别。测定了一系列黄沙、大气颗粒物和沙尘暴源区土壤样品。初步了解了上述样品中碳酸盐碳含量情况 ,结合国外研究结果对影响北京的沙尘暴源区进行推测并与其他方法作了比较  相似文献   

Dust Storms are an Indication of an Unhealthy Environment in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dust storms frequently occur in Mongolia and in northern China. Each year there are 30 to 120 dusty days in source regions of Mongolia and 14–20 dusty days on the Korean Peninsula. Intense sand storms and associated dust falls produce environmental impacts in East Asia. This paper discusses the environmental degradation in Mongolia and the social, economic and atmospheric impacts of dust storms in the sink area. The impact of dust storms on environmental compartments as well as their direct and indirect consequences to basic resources like water and energy demand and supply is explained. Governments are encouraged to take appropriate action in specified regions. For monitoring dust storms there is a need for international cooperation to combat growing environmental and human security concerns.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a method for coupling national energy models, to identify the dividends of international cooperation in atmospheric pollution abatement and efficient energy use. It indicates, also, how to solve the resulting large‐scale multinational model. It simulates finally a cooperation of four European countries for curbing their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.  相似文献   

Satellite-retrieved data on aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Ångström exponent (AE) using a moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) were used to analyze large-scale distributions of atmospheric aerosols in East Asia. AOD was relatively high in March (0.44?±?0.25) and low in September (0.24?±?0.21) in the East Asian region in 2009. Sandstorms originating from the deserts and dry areas in northern China and Mongolia were transported on a massive scale during the springtime, thus contributing to the high AOD in East Asia. However, whereas PM10 with diameters ≤10 μm was the highest in February at Anmyon, Cheongwon, and Ulleung, located leeward about halfway through the Korean Peninsula, AOD rose to its highest in May. The growth of hygroscopic aerosols attendant on increases in relative humidity prior to the Asian monsoon season contributed to a high AOD level in May. AE typically appears at high levels (1.30?±?0.37) in August due to anthropogenic aerosols originating from the industrial areas in eastern China, while AOD stays low in summer due to the removal process caused by rainfall. The linear correlation coefficients of the MODIS AOD and ground-based mass concentrations of PM10 at Anmyon, Cheongwon, and Ulleung were measured at 0.4~0.6. Four cases (6 days) of mineral dustfall from sandstorms and six cases (12 days) of anthropogenically polluted particles were observed in the central area of the Korean Peninsula in 2009. PM10 mass concentrations increased at both Anmyon and Cheongwon in the cases of mineral dustfall and anthropogenically polluted particles. Cases of dustfall from sandstorms and anthropogenic polluted particles, with increasing PM10 mass concentrations, showed higher AOD values in the Yellow Sea region.  相似文献   

Metallic elements (As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn) in PM10 aerosols were determined at urban and industrial sites, which are affected by traffic and residential sources, metallurgical activity, and petrochemical and steel works. The effect of the long-range transported Asian Dust on the metal content of aerosols was also examined. At the urban sampling site, concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, Se, and Zn were assigned to road traffic and combustion sources, Ca and Fe to soil dust sources from long-range transported Asian Dusts, and Cr and Ni to metallurgical sources transported from the nearby industrial complex, based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Enhanced Cr and Ni concentrations at the metallurgical industrial site suggest that local emissions from metal-assembly facilities and manufacture of alloys contributed to elevated levels of those metals. We also observed that petrochemical activities contributed to increased levels of Sb and Zn. When Asian Dust events occurred, Ca, Fe, K, and Zn concentrations dramatically increased compared to values without the Asian Dust. Two different types of Asian Dust events were observed. For the Asian Dust event 1 (4/1/2007), the Fe and K concentrations were much higher by a factor of 2–3 than those for the Asian Dust event 2 (3/2/2008), while As, Mn, and Zn concentrations were significantly higher on the Asian Dust event 2. Backward trajectory analysis showed that for the Asian Dust event 2, the air mass had passed over the heavily industrialized zones in China during long-range transport to the current sampling site, suggesting that the As, Mn, and Zn may have originated from industrial sources.  相似文献   

The development of essential services including water and sanitation in many megacities of the economically developing countries of Asia cannot keep pace with their rapidly growing population and accompanying urban and industrial development. The inadequate water supply and poor sanitation services lead to contamination of their water supply. It also leads to the input of sewage water into the groundwater. The problem is seriously acute in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan with a population of over 12 million and growing at 6 percent. This paper examines the problem of water contamination in Karachi. The paper presents the data on water quality from various sources, mainly municipal water supply, vendors and well water; the three major sources of water for domestic use in Karachi. Except municipal water from some areas and during certain periods, water from most other sources contain coliform bacteria, and in many cases faecal coliform, in amounts several magnitudes higher than any standards permit. Many samples have also been found to contain heavy metals including Chromium, Lead, Nickel and Arsenic in amounts excessive of permitted standards. The probable sources of contaminants for the various types of water (piped, vendors, wells) indicate that groundwater may be the main contributor. The very source of this groundwater is predominantly from sewage. The health hazards from consuming such contaminated water are obvious. The paper also evaluates the solutions that are being practiced, proposed or may be feasible, as well as those that are evolving.  相似文献   

Using a two-player differential game approach, this paper deals with the issue of tropical deforestation. The assumption is that developing forestry countries (called the South) do not, or cannot, necessarily have the same utility for forest conservation than the developed countries (called the North). Given the global nature of the problem, we assume that it may be wise that the North offers financial support to the South to help in achieving a sustainable forest policy. We derive sustainable and short-run deforestation policies and provide a transfer mechanism which insures that the South will indeed implement the sustainable one.  相似文献   

Abstact More and more lands worldwide are being cultivated for food production while forests are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. This paper aims to make a long-term forecast on land uses worldwide and provide the publics, researchers, and government officials with a clear profile for land uses in the future. Data of land uses since 1961 were used to fit historical trajectories and make the forecast. The results show that trajectories of land areas can be well fitted with univariate linear regressions. The forecasts of land uses during the coming 25 years were given in detail.Areas of agricultural land, arable land, and permanent pasture land worldwide would increase by 6.6%, 7.2%, and 6.3% respectively in the year 2030 as compared to the current areas. Permanent crops land area all over the world is forecasted to increase 0.64% by 2030. By the year 2030 the areas of forests and woodland, nonarable and nonpermanent land worldwide would decrease by 2.4% and 0.9% against the current areas. All other land area in the world would dramatically decline by 6.4% by the year 2030.Overall the land area related to agriculture would tend to decrease in developed countries, industrialized countries, Europe, and North and Central America. The agriculture related land area would considerably increase in developing countries, least developed countries, low-income countries, Asia, Africa, South America, etc.Developing countries hold larger total land area than developed countries. Dramatic and continuous growth in agricultural land area of developing countries would largely contribute to the expected growth of world agricultural land area in the coming years. Population explosion, food shortage and poverty in the world, especially in developing countries, together caused the excessive cultivation of land for agricultural uses in the past years. Increasing agricultural land area exacerbates the climate changes and degradation of environment. How to limit the growth of human population is a key problem for reducing agricultural land expansion. Development and use of high-yielding and high-quality crop and animal varieties, diversification of human food sources, and technical and financial assistance to developing countries from developed countries, should also be implemented and strengthened in the future in order to slow down or even reverse the increase trend of agricultural land area. Sustainable agriculture is the effective way to stabilize the agricultural land area without food shortage. Through various techniques and measures, sustainable agriculture may meet the food production goals with minimum environmental risk. Public awareness and interest in sustainable agriculture will help realize and ease the increasing stress from agricultural land expansion.  相似文献   

Wind erosion is a phenomenon that is reasonably common in regions where dry winds blow. For the most part, these regions correspond to the dry lands; areas where the soil, generally, is dry and shifting and lacks vegetation for most of the year. The winds are sufficiently strong to lift and move sands and soil particles. The repeated removal of superficial layers by the action of winds can modify the texture of the topsoil, by removing the fine particles and leaving the larger particles. Dust and sandstorm (DSS) is the generic term for a serious environmental phenomenon that involves strong winds that blow a large quantity of dust and fine sand particles away from the ground and carry them over a long distance with significant environmental impacts along the way. In the realm of DSS in Iran country, the people who live in Yazd and Sistan–Baluchestan provinces form a single ecological community due to their geographic proximity and climatic contiguity. The major sources of DSS in the region are believed to be the desert and semidesert areas of the Yazd–Ardakan plain in Yazd province. Both Sistan and Baluchestan are the recipients of this dust. To address the long-range transboundary environmental problem of DSS, a regional cooperation mechanism must be established among the provinces in the region. Yazd–Ardakan plain, with area of about 650,000 ha, is located in the center of Iran, between Yazd and Ardakan cities. The mean annual rainfall is less than 65 mm. Rainfall distribution is a simple modal and more than 70% of it occurs in winter. Plant density varies from 0% to 25%, and Artemisia sieberi is the dominant plant species. The major part of Yazd–Ardakan plain is bare land. According to the recent investigation, more than 20,000-m3 dust with less than 100-μm diameter falls down annually on Yazd city with an area of 7,000 ha. Horizontal visibility is reduced to less than 6 m in stormy days in some parts of Yazd–Ardakan plain. This phenomenon causes car accidents on the main roads of Yazd–Ardakan and can cancel the airplane flights in the stormy days. At present, it is estimated that wind erosion causes more than $6.8 million damages to socioeconomic resources in Yazd plain each year. This paper describes the pattern of occurrence of wind erosion and major contributing factors, summarizes measured rates of wind erosion, outlines the techniques used to mitigate wind erosion hazard, and suggests research priorities. Also, damages of DSS have been estimated and methods for prevention and control are suggested.  相似文献   

The economics of transboundary air pollution in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acid rain is causing substantial damage in all Eastern and Western European countries. This article presents a stepwise linear optimisation model, that places transboundary air pollution by SO2 and NOx in a game theoretical framework. The national authorities of 28 countries are perceived as players in a game in which they can choose optimal strategies. It is illustrated that optimal national abatement programmes may be far from optimal if considered from an international point of view. Several scenarios are discussed, including a reference case, full cooperation, Pareto optimality and a critical loads approach. The need for international cooperation and regional differentiation of abatement programmes is emphasised.  相似文献   

采用文献计量方法,利用CiteSpace软件对Web of Science核心合集中2004—2020年以"Greenhouse Gases Monitoring"为主题词检索到的2 514篇文献进行可视化分析,从时间分布、国际合作、研究机构合作、研究领域、共被引分析和关键词分析等方面,揭示该领域的发展动态、研究实力分布、热点前沿等。结果表明:2004—2020年温室气体监测研究领域的发文数量总体呈现上升趋势,在全球应对气候变化的重大事件时间节点发文数量增幅较大;该领域发文量较多的国家和机构皆以发达国家为主,发展中国家中中国居首位,国家、机构合作关系紧密;温室气体监测研究涉及的学科领域较广,环境科学与生态学、环境科学、工程为排名前3位的学科领域,2010年后研究逐步拓展到建筑学、影像学、计算机科学、经济学等领域;该领域的研究知识基础主要聚焦温室气体浓度监测、来源去向、影响因素及变化趋势分析,温室气体监测技术方法研究及应用,以及森林、农业土壤碳汇研究等方面;通过不同时段关键词分析发现CO2、CH4和N2O一直是温室气体监测研究的重点对象,关注视角逐渐转向多因素、多领域、多技术、多方法、多策略研究。基于分析结果和中国实际,提出今后一段时期中国温室气体监测领域的研究重点和工作方向。  相似文献   

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