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用溶剂萃取-白土精制法对4种废机油进行了再生研究,萃取过程剂油质量比为3∶1,萃取温度为60℃,减压蒸馏回收溶剂。白土精制过程中白土质量为油质量的10%,精制温度为185℃。精制后4种废机油的密度、凝点、黏度、闪点、酸值等都有不同程度的改善。  相似文献   

《大学语文》作为高职高专的一门公共基础课,因其丰富的人文内蕴、情感价值和审美趣味而承担了进一步提高大学生人文素质、增进文化修养的功能,从而培养大学生具有深厚人文精神的理想人格。在《大学语文》教学活动中开展探究性教学,既是教育改革全面实施素质教育的客观要求,也是大学生自我提升的内在需要。以讲授苏轼的《水调歌头·明月几时有》一课为例,阐述如何在高职高专《大学语文》课程的教学活动中引导和组织学生开展探究性教学。  相似文献   

A prospective study of maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) measurement for the selection of pregnancies with an increased risk of fetal trisomy 21 was undertaken in 24 000 pregnancies from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1990. Maternal serum was sampled at 15-18 weeks of gestation. hCG was measured in one laboratory, with one technique. This ‘hCG high level’ technique was developed for this screening. Amniocentesis was offered to each woman with a maternal serum hCG level above the cut-off. The follow-up of the pregnancies is known in 92 per cent of cases. The combination of hCG values and maternal age gave a detection efficiency of 63 per cent for trisomy 21 with rates of amniocentesis of 30 per cent for patients aged 37 years, 20 per cent for patients aged 35 or 36 years, and 5 per cent for patients under 35 years of age. Based on this prospective study, an individual risk was calculated combining the serum hCG value and maternal age. Seventy-four per cent of trisomy 13, trisomy 18, triploidy, and 5p- deletion were detected either in the same selected group of women or in combination with ultrasonography performed when hCG values were very low. The follow-up study showed that women who had high or low hCG values represented a group at high risk for fetal or perinatal death.  相似文献   

A rare complication of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is described: myocardial infarction of the recipient fetus. Myocardial infarction and hydrops are considered to be consequences of hypertension in the recipient. No other organs were affected. Pathological signs of intrauterine hypertension were estimated by the thickness of vessel walls and signs of hypertrophied myocardial cells. In the heart of the recipient fetus there was a chronic myocardial infarction near the apex cordis on the anterior wall with an aneurysm 4×5 mm in diameter. Diagnosis was based on light microscopic examination. The poor myocardial systolic function resulted in hydrops. Since the mother was administered β sympathomimetics in therapeutic doses the contribution of the drug to the myocardial infarction is uncertain, but we would like to suggest this as a possible adverse effect in TTTS. The present case is the first reported myocardial infarction in connection with the syndrome. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对城市绿地进行科学评价有助于人们正确认识和改造城市绿地建设,为城市绿地规划和管理提供参考。以2007—2016年嘉峪关市城市绿地为研究对象,从数量、结构、功能三个方面构建评价指标体系,通过障碍度模型,识别影响城市绿地生态水平的障碍因子。结果表明:(1)10 a来嘉峪关市城市绿地生态水平整体呈波动上升趋势,级别由较低等级提高到高等级,但目前城市绿地生态水平属于低层次、不稳定的高等级阶段,城市绿地建设工作压力还很大。(2)从准则层看,嘉峪关市城市绿地生态水平的主要威胁变化较为明显,数量指标和结构指标是主要障碍因子;从指标层看,各年份主要障碍因子不尽相同,最大障碍因子历经了从人均公园绿地面积、树种丰富度到净化空气能力的演变。  相似文献   

Maternal serum markers for trisomy 21 screening (MSS) can be assayed in women ≥35 years in an attempt to reduce the need for invasive procedures and thereby avoid their side effects. Our objective was to compare, in women ≥35, eight different software packages dedicated to second trimester MSS, thus providing reliable data for patient counselling. A simulation study was carried out on 189 sera from women with Down syndrome fetuses and 11 962 sera from mothers of unaffected babies. The first step was to estimate the joint distribution of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG). The second step was to calculate trisomy 21 detection and false-positive rates for each software according to maternal age (35–45 years), using the usual 1:250 risk threshold. Agreement between software packages was measured using 2×2 kappa coefficients. Detection rates and false-positive rates increased with maternal age. Depending on the software, 57–71% detection rates were achieved at 35 years with 12–18% false-positive rates. At 45 years, 61–100% detection rates were achieved with 66–95% false-positive rates. Up to 39 years, all softwares were concordant (kappa coefficients >0.75). In the range 35–45 years, false-positive and detection rates increased substantially with maternal age and differences between software packages are observed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The histochemical measurement of urea-resistant alkaline phosphatase from maternal blood neutrophils is known to have a high detection rate for the prenatal detection of Down's syndrome pregnancies. However, because the histochemical method is laborious and subjective to use, it has not gained widespread acceptance in prenatal screening programmes. We present a simple and objective method for the measurement of urea-resistant alkaline phosphatase by flow cytometry. The method should allow the design of larger studies aimed at evaluating the role of neutrophil urea-resistant alkaline phosphatase in the prenatal screening for Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

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