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A high-temperature distillation technique was developed for determining and chemically identifying the bound (nonextractable) residues of 14C-prometryn in an organic soil and plants. A considerable portion of the bound 14C residues in the incubated organic soil was identified as prometryn. These residues were absorbed by plants grown in the soil. Hono-and di-N-dealkylated metabolites of prometryn were present in the plant bound 14C residues and a major portion of bound residues as associated with lignin. Soil-bound 14C residues were also released from soil by microbes. The bound 14C residues in soil were associated with humin, humic acid, and fulvic acid fractions. Thermoanalytical methods were used to obtained information on the nature and location of 14C bound residues in soil and humic materials.  相似文献   

Causes of phytotoxicity of metsulfuron-methyl bound residues in soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The bioavailability and phytotoxicity of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl were studied using 14C-labeling and bioassay with oil rape (Brassica napus L.). Soil bound residues at the concentration of 0.27 and 0.53 nmol g(-1) resulted in significant inhibition of oil rape seedling growth. The biologically active component of the bound residues was identified to be metsulfuron-methyl parent compound. Other metabolites, including the hydrolysis product 2-methylformate-benzenesulfonamide, showed no toxicity to the test species. This study suggests that residues of metsulfuron-methyl bound previously to the soil matrix could be again released upon planting. The phytotoxicity of metsulfuron-methyl bound residues was mainly caused by the metsulfuron-methyl parent compound that became available during plant growth.  相似文献   


The degradation of [phenyl‐U‐14C]methabenzthiazuron (MBT) and formation of bound residues in the surface soil of an orthic luvisol were studied under constant climatic conditions (20°C, 40 % of maximum water holding capacity). In two treatments (with and without preincubation in the soil) maize straw was amended at a rate of 1.5 g/100 g dry soil in addition to the application of MBT. The mineralization of uniformly labeled maize straw was studied simultaneously. In additional flasks, MBT was incubated at 0, 10 and 30°C with and without addition of maize straw.

The turnover of the amended maize straw led to an enhanced dissipation of MBT which was mainly due to the formation of bound residues. This corresponded to a higher microbial activity in the soil after straw amendment and the intensive mineralization of the radiolabeled maize straw. About 2–3 % of the applied radioactivity from the radiolabeled maize straw was measured in the soil microbial biomass 10 and 40 days after application whereas 14C from MBT was only incorporated into soil microbial biomass in the treatments with straw amendment.

Within the bound residue fractions relatively more radioactivity was measured in fulvic and humic acids after straw amendment. Increasing temperatures promoted the dissipation of MBT and the formation of bound residues in both treatments, but without amendment of maize straw these effects were far less pronounced. The laboratory scale degradation experiment led to similar results as were found in a corresponding lysimeter study. Differences that were observed could be explained by different temperature regimes of the experiments and time of aging in soil.  相似文献   


The relative biological availability of [benzene ring‐U‐14C] and Ctriazine‐U‐14C] anilazine for maize plants was studied in a degraded loess soil in a standardized microecosystem. The total uptake of radiocarbon in the course of the 4‐week experiment was 3.1 and 4 % respectively of the radioactivity applied if anilazine was uniformly mixed into the soil immediately before beginning the experiment. However, if anilazine was subjected to a degradation at 65 % of the maximum water holding capacity of the soil and temperatures varying daily between 16 and 27°C for 100 days before the plant experiment then the uptake was reduced to 0.4 or 0.7 % respectively. The uptake from soil with non‐extractable (bound) anilazine residues was similarly low. The mineralization rate of aged and bound anilazine residues was below 0.1 % of the radioactivity applied. Up to 2/3 of the radioactivity present in the soil after the plant experiment remained in the humic fraction.  相似文献   

Effect of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil on rice growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Li ZJ  Xu JM  Muhammad A  Ma GR 《Chemosphere》2005,58(9):1177-1183
A pot experiment was conducted to appraise the hazards of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil at six levels (0, 0.050, 0.089, 0.158, 0.281, and 0.500 mg kg(-1)) to the growth of four rice varieties (Xiushui 63, Eryou 810, Liangyoupeijiu, and Zhenong 952). The morphological characteristics of rice roots like root number, total length, surface area of rice roots, and rice biomass were determined. The results showed that the bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil impacted the growth of rice. Root number, total length of roots, surface area of roots, and biomass were restrained by bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil. The inhibition rate of root growth increased from 69.46-81.32% to 85.18-95.97% with the increasing of levels of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl from 0.05 mg kg(-1) to 0.50 mg kg(-1). The number of rice roots could be taken as a sensitive index to screen the rice varieties endurable to bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil and to predict the potential hazards of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil to rice. The level of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil causing the root numbers decreased by 50% (IC50) followed the order of Xiushui 63 < Eryou 810 < Liangyoupeijiu < Zhenong 952.  相似文献   

Three different soils were incubated under field conditions with 14C-ring labelled atrazine. After six months, the soils were exhaustively extracted with methanol and sonicated in water. The dispersed material was then fractionated by sieving, sedimentation and centrifugation, and each fraction was separated into humin, fulvic and humic acids. In all soils, the well humified organic matter and the atrazine residues were mainly located in the 20-2 and 2-0.2 μm fractions. There was a very large concentration of bound residues in the coarsest fractions, especially in the 200-50 μm fraction. These could be related to the active degradation of coarse plant residues, or to bioconcentration by soil actinomycetes and fungi.  相似文献   

Atrazine and phenanthrene (Phen) sorption by nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC), black carbon (BC), humic acid (HA) and whole sediment and soil samples was examined. Atrazine sorption isotherms were nearly linear. The single-point organic carbon (OC)-normalized distribution coefficients (KOC) of atrazine for the isolated HA1, NHC1 and BC1 from sediment 1 (ST1) were 36, 550, and 1470 times greater than that of ST1, respectively, indicating the importance of sediment organic matter, particularly the condensed fractions (NHC and BC). Similar sorption capacity of atrazine and Phen by NHC but different isotherm nonlinearity indicated different sorption domains due to their different structure and hydrophobicity. The positive relationship between (O + N)/C ratios of NHC and atrazine log KOC at low concentration suggests H-bonding interactions. This study shows that sediment is probably a less effective sorbent for atrazine than Phen, implying that atrazine applied in sediments or soils may be likely to leach into groundwater.  相似文献   

The humic monomer catechol was reacted with 14C-isoproturon and some of its metabolites, including 14C-4-isopropylaniline, in aqueous solution under a stream of oxygen. Only in the case of 14C-4-isopropylaniline, incorporation in oligomers, in fulvic acid-like polymers, and in humic acid-like polymers was observed. The main oligomer was identified by mass spectrometry as 4,5-bis-(4-isopropylphenylamino)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-dione. Oligomers and polymers containing bound 14C-4-isopropylaniline were subjected to biodegradation studies in a loamy agricultural soil during 55 days by quantifying 14CO2 evolved. In all cases, significant mineralization rates could be determined, which, however, were much smaller than those of free 14C-4-isoproturon and free 14C-4-isopropylaniline in the same soil.  相似文献   

为了分析机动车尾气氮氧化物净化催化剂的催化性能 ,建立了一套尾气模拟评价体系 ,分别使用电化学法、化学发光法和比色法 3种氮氧化物分析手段进行检测。结果表明 ,3种方法都能在一定精度范围内测量机动车尾气中的氮氧化物 ,化学发光法测量精度高 ,响应时间短 ,能够及时地反映发动机运转过程中的氮氧化物浓度变化情况 ,是一种较好的分析手段。电化学法随着使用时间推移 ,响应时间变长 ,灵敏度降低 ,需要及时更换传感器。比色法通过化学吸收可以测定氮氧化物的浓度 ,不能实现连续在线分析 ,只能采样测量。在分析中 ,还尝试利用一些辅助设备 ,将尾气中的NO和NO2转化后再通入测量仪器 ,实现测量总氮氧化物或其中某一气体的功能  相似文献   

The bacterial degradation of three thiomethyl-substituted veratrylglycerol-ß-arylethers, model compounds for soil-bound pesticide residues was investigated. Two of the model compounds were transformed to the corresponding sulfoxides.  相似文献   

Soil and benthic organisms may be exposed to contaminants via different routes: (pore) water, soil or sediment, and food. Depuration of the contaminant from the organisms may take place via the same routes and, additionally, via biotransformation, reproduction, etc. Whereas uptake from and depuration to water can be predicted well, predictions for soil or sediment are less accurate. One of the reasons may be the reduced bioavailability of the contaminant in the soil or sediment. In biomimetic approaches, such as solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) or measurements with C18-discs, the freely dissolved concentration in the (pore) water is determined. The SPME-fiber or C18-disc may serve as a surrogate organism, but sometimes underestimates, and sometimes overestimates bioavailability. The soil (or sediment) availability ratio (SARA) method, that uses organisms to study the uptake of freshly added and 'aged' chemicals, is proposed to study the magnitude of the reduction in bioavailability. SARA also includes the organism-specific exposure and depuration routes.  相似文献   

A Dankwardt  B Hock 《Chemosphere》2001,45(4-5):523-533
The application of immunochemical methods for the investigation of non-extractable (bound) residues is reviewed. Non-extractable residues may be presented to antibodies as antigenic determinants, which are exposed for instance in plant tissue and humic substances. Fluorescent probes as well as enzyme markers have been applied for the detection of bound residues. The application of antibodies labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and phycoerythrin revealed the presence of atrazine in cryosections of atrazine-treated corn leaves and water plants. Atrazine could be localized by antibodies coupled to fluorescent markers in soil from corn fields but not in atrazine-free soil. Quantitative results were obtained by the application of enzyme immunoassays to the investigation of triazine and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) residues, bound to soil humic acids. Finally, the use of antibodies with different recognition patterns provides information on the ligation of non-extractable residues to the matrix.  相似文献   

The paper discusses key aspects of the European Union (EU) regulatory policy related to the persistence and bound residues of agricultural pesticide active substances in soil. This is examined in the context of the EU Authorisations Directive (91/414/EEC) which will gradually replace existing national systems of agricultural pesticide regulation within EU Member States. Discussion is concentrated on this directive, looking in particular at the Uniform Principles therein and the possible ways that these decision-making guidelines could be developed into a regulatory framework. The aim in this process of negotiated development is to identify any questions or data requirements that will be needed for persistent pesticides or soil bound residues, over and above those generally required for all compounds. The present EU regulatory position on soil non-extractable or bound residues is examined and possible future improvements to the system are described and discussed.  相似文献   

[Carbonyl-14C]methabenzthiazuron (MBT) was applied to growing winter wheat in an outdoor lysimeter. The amount applied corresponded to 4 kg Tribunil/ha. 140 days after application the 0-2.5 cm soil layer was removed from the lysimeter. This soil contained about 40% of the applied radioactivity. Using 0,01 M CaCl2 solution or organic solvents, the extractable residues were removed from the soil. The bioavailability of the non-extractable as well as aged residues remaining in the soil was investigated in standardized microecosystems containing 1.5 kg of dry soil. During a 4 weeks period the total uptake (4 maize plants/pot) amounted up to 3.6; 2.2; and 0.9% of the radioactivity from soils containing aged MBT residues, MBT residues non-extractable with 0.01 M CaCl2 or MBT residues non-extractable with organic solvents, respectively. About 20% of the radioactivity found in maize leaves represented chromatographically characterized parent compound. At the end of the plant experiment the soil was extracted again with 0.01 M CaCl2 and with organic solvents. The soil extracts and also the organic phases obtained from the aqueous fulvic acid solution contained unchanged parent compound.  相似文献   

Ortega J  Helmig D 《Chemosphere》2008,72(3):343-364
The high reactivity and low vapor pressure of many biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) make it difficult to measure whole-canopy fluxes of BVOC species using common analytical techniques. The most appropriate approach for estimating these BVOC fluxes is to determine emission rates from dynamic vegetation enclosure measurements. After scaling leaf- and branch-level emission rates to the canopy level, these fluxes can then be used in models to determine BVOC influences on atmospheric chemistry and aerosol processes. Previously published reports from enclosure measurements show considerable variation among procedures with limited guidelines or standard protocols to follow. This article reviews this literature and describes the variety of enclosure types, materials, and analysis techniques that have been used to determine BVOC emission rates. The current review article is followed by a companion paper which details a comprehensive enclosure technique that incorporates both recommendations from the literature as well as insight gained from theoretical calculations and practical experiences. These methods have yielded new BVOC emission data for highly reactive monoterpenes (MT) and sesquiterpenes (SQT) from a variety of vegetation species.  相似文献   


[Carbonyl‐ C]methabenzthiazuron (MBT) was applied to growing winter wheat in an outdoor lysimeter. The amount applied corresponded to 4 kg Tribunil/ha. 140 days after application the 0–2,5 cm soil layer was removed from the lysimeter. This soil contained about 40 % of the applied radioactivity. Using 0,01 M CaCl2 solution or organic solvents, the extractable residues were removed from the soil. The bioavailability of the non‐extractable as well as aged residues remaining in the soil was investigated in standardized microecosystems containing 1.5 kg of dry soil. During a 4 weeks period the total uptake (4 maize plants/pot) amounted up to 3,6; 2,2; and 0,9 % of the radioactivity from soils containing aged MBT residues, MBT residues non‐extractable‐with 0,01 MCaCl2 or MBT residues non‐extractable with organic solvents, respectively. About 20 % of the radioactivity found in maize leaves represented chromatographically characterized parent compound. At the end of the plant experiment the soil was extracted again with 0,01 M CaCl2 and with organic solvents. The soil extracts and also the organic phases obtained from the aqueous fulvic acid solution contained unchanged parent compound.  相似文献   

A loamy clay soil containing unextractable 14C-ring labeled atrazine residues was incubated in microcosms under abiotic and biotic conditions. The mineralization activity of the soil microflora was evaluated by the release of total CO2 and 14C02. After 63 days of sample incubation the total organic carbon mineralization was of 1.71%, that of 14C-residues was of 0.72% of the initial radioactivity. No direct relationship was established between the mineralization of atrazine residues and the global mineralization. The contribution of soil microorganisms in the release of 14C-residues was weak. The availability of non-extractable residues was mainly controlled by physico-chemical factors. The low value of the reextractability rate and the distribution of bound residues during the soil sample incubation shown the active role of organic matter in detoxification procedure. Ninety percent of the residues remained bound after 63 days of incubation and were thus, potentially available without biocide activity.

The fractionation of soil organic matter allowed to specify the distribution of bound residues within the organic compartments. After a long-stay of pesticides in soils, approximately 65% of bound residues were associated with humin.  相似文献   


14C‐carbaryl and 14C‐1‐naphthol form soil bound residues which get partially released when barley was grown. 14C‐residues could be detected in both shoot and root in the case of carbaryl treatment while only roots showed 14C‐residues in the case of 1‐naphthol. Flooding enhanced release of the bound residues while soil amendment did not. There was greater mineralization of bound residues of carbaryl than that of 1‐naphthol. Rice straw amendment enhanced mineralization.  相似文献   

The humic monomer catechol was reacted with (14)C-isoproturon and some of its metabolites, including (14)C-4-isopropylaniline, in aqueous solution under a stream of oxygen. Only in the case of (14)C-4-isopropylaniline, incorporation in oligomers, in fulvic acid-like polymers, and in humic acid-like polymers by covalent bonds was observed. The main oligomer was identified by mass spectrometry as a trimer, 4,5-bis-(4-isopropylphenylamino)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-dione. Biomineralization of (14)C-compounds to (14)CO(2) in a loamy soil and release of (14)C from soil columns into percolate water decreased in the order: free isoproturon >free 4-isopropylaniline>fulvic acid-like polymers>trimer>humic acid-like polymers. In soil columns, a small but measurable migration of (14)C from polymers from upper to deeper soil layers could be detected; most of this (14)C was bound again in a non-extractable form. It is concluded that aniline-derived pesticides bound in soil by covalent binding may not be fully undegradable, nor fully immobile.  相似文献   

The focus of the studies presented in the preceding companion paper (Part A: Review) and here (Part B: Applications) is on defining representative emission rates from vegetation for determining the roles of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in atmospheric chemistry and aerosol processes. The review of previously published procedures for identifying and quantifying BVOC emissions has revealed a wide variety of experimental methods used by various researchers. Experimental details become increasingly critical for quantitative emission measurements of low volatility monoterpenes (MT) and sesquiterpenes (SQT). These compounds are prone to be lost inadvertently by uptake to materials in contact with the sample air or by reactions with atmospheric oxidants. These losses become more prominent with higher molecular weight compounds, potentially leading to an underestimation of their emission rates. We present MT and SQT emission rate data from numerous experiments that include 23 deciduous tree species, 14 coniferous tree species, 8 crops, and 2 shrubs. These data indicate total, normalized (30 degrees C) basal emission rates from <10 to 5600ngCg(-1)h(-1) for MT, and from <10 to 1150ngCg(-1)h(-1) for SQT compounds. Both MT and SQT emissions have exponential dependencies on temperature (i.e. rates are proportional to e(betaT)). The inter-quartile range of beta-values for MT was between 0.12 and 0.17K(-1), which is higher than the value commonly used in models (0.09K(-1)). However many of the MT emissions also exhibited light dependencies, making it difficult to separate light and temperature influences. The primary light-dependent MT was ocimene, whose emissions were up to a factor of 10 higher than light-independent MT emissions. The inner-quartile range of beta-values for SQT was between 0.15 and 0.21K(-1).  相似文献   

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