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设计一种由微牛物载体填料和水生植物、水生动物为主要构件的生物栅处理装置(BGD),以强化处理污染景观水体.实验中选择组合填料、美人蕉、泥鳅作为生物栅构成要素,以上海市苏州河支流赤水河河水为实验用水,通过对比实验研究泥鳅在系统中的作用.泥鳅投放密度为650 g m2,以近自然的方式进行静态处理,过程中体系溶解氧(DO)的变化范围为1.9~3.0 mg L-1.BGD组DO水平高于对照组,运行第24 h和48 h,BGD组DO分别为1.96 mg L-1和2.2 mgL-1,而对照组只有1.5 mg L-1.生物栅内泥鳅在根系和填料间往来穿梭,上下运动,增加了生物栅的复氧速率.BGD中dDO/dDOC减少量与溶解性有机碳(DOC)减少量比值]随时间变化曲线斜率KBGD为-0.0042.-K对照<-KBGD,说明BGD中的复氧速率大于对照组.运行48 h时BGD组NH4+-N和TP去除率分别为50.7%和82.4%,比埘照组提高30.9%和23.5%.24 h时BGD组TN去除率为34.4%,较对照组减少14.1.DO水平相对较高有利于NH4+-N、TP的去除,而不利于TN的去除.对照组和BGD组对UV254类物质都有一定去除效果,但对照组的去除率低于BGD组,运行72 h后,去除率分别为36.4%(对照组)和45.4%(BGD:组),泥鳅分泌特定酶能够降解特定的有机物质,有利于UV254的去除.图6表3参17 相似文献
采用由纯天然物质制成的生物激活剂Bio Oxidator^TM(BO)和Nutra Complex^TM(NC)对上海植物园兰室和牡丹园的湖水进行修复。结果表明,施用生物激活剂BO和NC对水体COD、BOD、TP、浊度等均有显著的去除效果。并可显著提升水体溶解氧。所用生物激活剂不含外来菌种,对动物和鱼类无毒性。与其他修复方法相比,该种水体修复技术具有易于操作、成本低、无二次污染等优点,在园林池塘、住宅小区的人工湖以及其它相对封闭或半封闭的水体修复方面,具有良好的推广应用前景。 相似文献
利用巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium),在室内采用投菌法对富营养化景观水体进行预处理试验研究.通过不同的菌液投放量ψ=0.05×10-3、0.1×10-3、0.2×10-3,对水体进行处理,结果表明,巨大芽孢杆菌对富营养化水体中的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、CODcr均有一定的去除效果,其中在投菌量为0.1×10-3时处理效果最好.通过进一步的连续投菌净化试验,水体中的TN、TP、CODcr显著降低,处理后,藻类基本得到控制.由此可见,巨大芽孢杆菌能够有效地去除水体中的有机物、氮、磷,因此,具有净化富营养化水体的作用. 相似文献
利用乙酸钙不动杆菌(Acinetobacter calcoaceticus),在室内采用投菌法对富营养化景观水体进行预处理试验研究.通过不同的投菌量ф=0.05×10-3、0.1×10-3、0.2×10-3,对水体进行处理,结果表明,乙酸钙不动杆菌对富营养化水体中的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、CODcr,均有一定的去除效果,其中在投菌量为O.1×10-3时处理效果最好.通过进一步的连续投菌净化试验,水体中的TN、TP、CODcr显著降低,处理后,水体中叶绿素a的质量浓度为19.1 mg·m-3,去除率为83.7%,藻类基本得到控制.由此可见,乙酸钙不动杆菌能够有效性地去除水体中的有机物、氮、磷,因此具有净化富营养化水体的作用. 相似文献
复合立体生物浮床技术是一种有效的水体污染控制技术。利用竹子制成网格状的立体框架,安放植物、螺蚌等,同时配以弹性材料,形成复合生物浮床。选用芋头、慈姑、荸荠、水芹、蕹菜和美人蕉作为浮床植物,研究其在夏季和秋季对微污染水体中氮磷的去除效果。结果表明,在夏季试验中,蕹菜浮床美人蕉浮床、荸荠浮床、芋头浮床慈姑浮床、水芹浮床;在秋季试验中,芋头浮床慈姑浮床、美人蕉浮床、蕹菜浮床荸荠浮床、水芹浮床。在夏季、秋季试验中,芋头浮床的除氮效果一直很好,对总氮的最大去除率分别达71%和62%;而蕹菜浮床的除磷效果一直很好,对总磷的最大去除率分别达30%和81%。比较了复合立体浮床与传统平面浮床对总氮、总磷处理效果的差异,指出复合立体浮床技术在微污染水体的生态修复方面具有较好的应用前景。 相似文献
酿要用评价化学品对藻类毒性的标准实验方法,研究了1-硝基芘对斜生栅藻生长的影响,得到了1-NP抑制斜生栅藻生长的EC50(96h)为0.1824mg.1^-1,实验结果还表明,1-NP对藻生长的抑制作用随时间的延长而增加,抑制物性表现为特久且强度大,抑制机理为不可逆性抑制。 相似文献
对栅藻分别进行自养和菌藻共培养.自养利用BG11液体培养基,菌藻共培养则采用生活污水,对生活污水I和生活污水Ⅱ进行高压灭菌和未灭菌处理.测定栅藻的生长、去除污水中氮磷能力、甘油三酯积累、光合作用和菌群多样性等.结果显示,自养比菌藻共培养表现出更高的生长速率和更多的色素含量,但菌藻共培养条件下有更高的氮磷去除和油脂积累.特别是生活污水Ⅱ中,甘油三酯浓度比自养提高了140.05 mg·L -1、107.65 mg·L -1,总脂含量分别提高了6.62%、19.46%,但在自养情况下碳水化合物含量达到了45.05%.菌藻共培养中氮磷的去除率较高,其中氨氮的去除率均达到了90%以上.利用高通量测序对未灭菌污水的菌群多样性进行测定,结果显示,YG-2群落丰富度和物种多样性最高,对于抵抗外界环境变化较有利.主导菌群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),有助于污染物的降解.脂质积累较多的污水中菌群物种组成相对丰度在脂肪酸合成起始途径、脂肪酸延伸饱和、霉菌酸盐生物合成等脂肪酸生物合成的二级途径都较大,说明细菌对脂肪酸... 相似文献
曝气生物滤池处理河道污水,具有容积负荷大、处理效率高,占地面积小的特点,但除磷效果差.为了提高曝气生物滤池除磷效果和去除COD、NH3-N和Ss的能力,本文利用贝壳、珊瑚和经过盐酸处理的铝硅酸盐作为曝气生物滤池的填料来处理河道污水.试验结果表明:在pH为中性的条件下,贝壳和珊瑚填料不能去除河道污水的磷酸盐,但经过盐酸处理后的铝硅酸盐填料对河道污水磷酸盐的去除率可达到52.19%,与传统处理方法相比,去除率提高了30%以上;贝壳填料对COD、NH3-N和SS的去除率分别为52.73%、36.75%、53.04%,珊瑚填料去除率分别为57.29%、33.44%、51.03%,经过盐酸处理的铝硅酸盐填料去除率分别为49.29%、33.20%、64.94%;珊瑚填料处理COD效果最好,去除率达到57.29%,这与该填料具有较大的比表面有关;贝壳填料去除NH3-N效果最好,达到36.75%,但与珊瑚填料和铝硅酸盐填料相比,差异不大,最大极差仅3.55%;铝硅酸盐填料去除Ss的效果最好,达到64.94%,这可能与其颗粒小,比较致密有关.综合比较各种填料处理PO4-3-、COD、NH3-N和SS的能力,采用经过盐酸处理铝硅酸盐填料作为曝气生物滤池处理河道污水的填料是适宜的,其最佳水力停留时间为4 h. 相似文献
在荣成天鹅湖藻类暴发区域采集新鲜沉积物和丝状硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha spp.),进行室内模拟试验,监测了生长过程中硬毛藻的生物量、磷富集量以及不同处理水体总磷(TP)和可溶性磷(SRP)质量浓度的变化,并分析了藻类生长对沉积物中各形态磷含量的影响。结果表明,当水体磷含量较高时,硬毛藻生长较快,相对生长速率高达14.88%,之后随着水体磷浓度的下降,生长速率逐渐减小。不同处理间硬毛藻的生物量相差很大,高磷含量处理显著高于低磷处理,最大差值可达26.50 g。随着藻类的生长,水体TP和SRP含量明显降低,其中高磷含量处理的TP质量浓度由0.93 mg·L-1降至0.01 mg·L-1,低磷含量处理水体SRP质量浓度均降至0.006 mg·L-1以下。当水体磷含量降至一定水平,沉积物中磷可向水体释放,其中可还原态磷和铁铝结合态磷的降幅分别为23.98%和12.61%。在高磷含量处理组,藻体中磷的富集量显著升高,且当水体磷含量相同的条件下,有沉积物处理的富集量显著高于无沉积物处理。相关分析表明,藻体生物量与水体TP和SRP的相关性较好,其中高磷含量处理组生物量与水体TP、SRP呈高度负相关,而相对生长速率与之呈显著正相关。结果说明,水体及沉积物中磷均可作为硬毛藻生长的营养来源;另一方面,藻类生长可明显降低水体磷含量,并促进沉积物中磷的释放。 相似文献
针对富营养化水体生物修复和污水深度处理氮磷的去除,将细颤藻、水绵、水网藻、栅裂藻固定在纤维填料上,形成固定化藻膜。用固定化藻膜处理模拟富营养化湖水、实际富营养化湖水、城市污水二级出水、低质量浓度生活污水,考察固定化藻膜去除氮磷的效果。实验结果表明,固定化藻膜具有良好的去除磷、氨氮能力,对水中有机物去除也有一定的促进作用。对TP质量浓度小于5.0mg·L-1,NH4 -N质量浓度小于34.0mg·L-1的污染水体,四种藻膜都有良好的去除氮磷能力,其中栅裂藻去除TP、NH4 -N的能力最强。综合除污能力和藻细胞的可固定性,水绵应是最佳的备选藻种。研究结果显示,固定化藻膜具有良好的除污性能,预示了悬浮载体将在水体生物修复、氧化塘污水处理方面具有重要的潜在应用价值。 相似文献
Contamination of surface waters by pharmaceuticals is now widespread. There are few data on their environmental behaviour, particularly for those which are cationic at typical surface water pH. As the external surfaces of bacterio-plankton cells are hydrophilic with a net negative charge, it was anticipated that bacterio-plankton in surface-waters would preferentially remove the most extensively-ionised cation at a given pH. To test this hypothesis, the persistence of four, widely-used, cationic pharmaceuticals, chloroquine, quinine, fluphenazine and levamisole, was assessed in batch microcosms, comprising water and bacterio-plankton, to which pharmaceuticals were added and incubated for 21 days. Results show that levamisole concentrations decreased by 19 % in microcosms containing bacterio-plankton, and by 13 % in a parallel microcosm containing tripeptide as a priming agent. In contrast to levamisole, concentrations of quinine, chloroquine and fluphenazine were unchanged over 21 days in microcosms containing bacterio-plankton. At the river-water pH, levamisole is 28 % cationic, while quinine is 91–98 % cationic, chloroquine 99 % cationic and fluphenazine 72–86 % cationic. Thus, the most neutral compound, levamisole, showed greatest removal, contradicting the expected bacterio-plankton preference for ionised molecules. However, levamisole was the most hydrophilic molecule, based on its octanol–water solubility coefficient ( K ow). Overall, the pattern of pharmaceutical behaviour within the incubations did not reflect the relative hydrophilicity of the pharmaceuticals predicted by the octanol–water distribution coefficient, D ow, suggesting that improved predictive power, with respect to modelling bioaccumulation, may be needed to develop robust environmental risk assessments for cationic pharmaceuticals. 相似文献
• Microbes enhance denitrification under varying DO concentrations and SIF dosages. • Abiotic nitrate reduction rates are proportional to SIF age and dosage. • Over 80% of the simultaneously loaded NO3−-N and PO43− is removed biologically. ![]() This study focuses on identifying the factors under which mixed microbial seeds assist bio-chemical denitrification when Scrap Iron Filings (SIF) are used as electron donors and adsorbents in low C/N ratio waters. Batch studies were conducted in abiotic and biotic reactors containing fresh and aged SIF under different dissolved oxygen concentrations with NO 3−-N and/or PO 43- influent(s) and their nitrate/phosphate removal and by-product formations were studied. Batch reactors were seeded with a homogenized mixed microbial inoculum procured from natural sludges which were enriched over 6 months under denitrifying conditions in the presence of SIF. Results indicated that when influent containing 40 mg/L of NO 3−-N was treated with 5 g SIF, 79.9% nitrate reduction was observed in 8 days abiotically and 100% removal was accomplished in 20 days when the reactor was seeded. Both abiotic and seeded reactors removed more than 92% PO 43− under high DO conditions in 12 days. Abiotic and biochemical removal of NO 3−-N and abiotic removal of PO 43− were higher under independent NO 3−-N/PO 43− loading, while 99% PO 43- was removed biochemically under combined NO 3−-N and PO 43− loading. This study furthers the understandings of nitrate and phosphate removal in Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) assisted mixed microbial systems to encourage the application of SIF-supported bio-chemical processes in the simultaneous removals of these pollutants. 相似文献
This paper describes a fluorometric method for assaying low levels of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase in seawater. The assay is based on the hydrolysis of the monophosphate ester bond of 3-0-methylfluorescein phosphate. This enzyme is synthesized by many microorganisms when phosphate becomes limiting. Alkaline phosphatase activity was detected in phytoplankton from the nutrient-impoverished surface waters of the subtropical Central North Pacific Ocean. The presence of naturally occurring phosphatase suggests that phosphorus may be limiting to phytoplankton growth in these waters. The phytoplankton in water samples lacking enzyme activity at the time of collection produced phosphatase within 1 to 2 days of incubation at in situ temperatures. 相似文献
Environmental Chemistry Letters - Worldwide contamination of waters by metals, metalloids, and organometallic pollutants is a major health issue. In particular, the occurrence of the selenium... 相似文献
Black-odorous waters are an increasingly common phenomenon characterized by excessive levels of nutrients, the formation of metal sufide precipitates, volatile sulfurous compounds, low dissolved oxygen and high chemical oxygen demand. Black-odorous waters frequently occur in lake and river systems where inputs have restricted circulation. The key remediation issue is the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Here, we present a novel aeration-adsorption system using fiber balls and we study treatment parameters and removal mechanism. Kinetics and changes of the solid phase were followed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Results show complete removal of ammonia N, initially at 31 mg/L, and 92.8% removal of total nitrogen, initially at 29 mg/L, after a 24 h reaction time at pH 9.67. At pH 5.67 and 9.67, total phosphorus and phosphate could be significantly reduced by 90–92% at 3.2–5.2 mg/L after 24 h. Treatment met China’s integrated wastewater discharge standards, demonstrating an effective and robust treatment capability. First-order and second-order kinetic models provided a good fit to the treatment data, indicating physical and chemical adsorption were involved in the treatment reactions. The reaction mechanism involved hydrogen substitution and binding to oxygen. These results present a cost effective and robust approach for the removal of N and P from black, odorous water, providing opportunity to abate environmental contamination. 相似文献
Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disrupting compound, has caused wide public concerns due to its wide occurrence in environment and harmful effects. BPA has been detected in many surface waters and drinking water with the maximum concentrations up to tens of μg·L -1. The physicochemical technology options in eliminating BPA can be divided into four categories: oxidation, advanced oxidation, adsorption and membrane filtration. Each removal option has its own limitation and merits in removing BPA. Oxidation and advanced oxidation generally can remove BPA efficiently while they also have some drawbacks, such as high cost, the generation of a variety of transformation products that are even more toxic than the parent compound and difficult to be mineralized. Only few advanced oxidation methods have been reported to be able to mineralize BPA completely. Therefore, it is important not only to identify the major initial transformation products but also to assess their estrogenic activity relative to the parent compounds when oxidation methods are employed to remove BPA. Without formation of harmful by-products, physical separation methods such as activated carbon adsorption and membrane processes are able to remove BPA in water effluents and thus have potential as BPA removal technologies. However, the necessary regeneration of activated carbon and the low BPA removal efficiency when the membrane became saturated may limit the application of activated carbon adsorption and membrane processes for BPA removal. Hybrid processes, e.g. combining adsorption and biologic process or combining membrane and oxidation process, which can achieve simultaneous physical separation and degradation of BPA, will be highly preferred in future. 相似文献
When exposed to the weather, sulfidic minerals release sulfuric acid, metals and metalloids. This leachate can devastate nearby ecosystems for centuries. This article reports a novel barrier system based on green liquor dregs that reduces acid generation, is inexpensive, and is practical for implementation at operational mines. Two waste rock piles were constructed. One pile was left open to the atmosphere, and the other was sealed with green liquor dregs and partially capped with a polyethylene liner. This test was designed in collaboration with personnel from Boliden Mineral AB, a Swedish mining company in order to ensure that the results would be practical to implement at an operational mine. Leachate flow and chemistry were monitored in both piles over a period of 12 months. Effluent volume was 40 % lower in the test pile, while thirteen of the twenty elements assessed showed average concentrations that were 50 % lower in the test pile than in the control pile. For the most environmentally toxic elements As, Cd, Pb and Hg, reductions were even more significant, ranging between 67 and 87 %. These positive results are hypothesized to be primarily due to the chemical and physical characteristics of the green liquor dregs. The novelty of this result is that it is the first barrier system that fulfills the multiple needs of the Swedish mining industry: It is effective in reducing acid mine drainage while remaining both economical and practical. No other barrier system meets these requirements. 相似文献
Arsenic contamination of water is a major problem worldwide. A possible solution can be approached through developing new sorbents based on cost-effective and environmentally friendly natural biomaterials. We have developed new sorbents based on biomaterial impregnation with iron oxyhydroxide. In this study, raw peat material, iron-modified peat, iron-modified biomass (shingles, straw, sands, cane and moss) as well as iron humate were used for the removal of arsenate from contaminated water. The highest sorption capacity was observed in iron-modified peat, and kinetic studies indicated that the amount of arsenic sorbed on this material exceeds 90 % in 5 h. Arsenate sorption on iron-modified peat is characterised by the pseudo-second-order mechanism. The results of arsenic sorption in the presence of competing substances indicated that sulphate, nitrate, chloride and tartrate anions have practically no influence on As(V) sorption onto Fe-modified peat, whereas the presence of phosphate ions and humic acid significantly lowers the arsenic removal efficiency. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to survey the cation and anion contents of geothermal waters to gather fundamental information on geographical variations. Sixteen sites in hot spring areas on the island of Kyushu in Japan were studied. The study focused on the arsenic content of the samples. Very high arsenic concentrations (more than 0.1 mg/l) were detected in most of the geothermal waters sampled. High contents of boron and fluoride (more than 1.0 mg/l) were also detected in some samples. Arsenic removal was performed on a laboratory scale using columns packed with a magnetite-type adsorbent. The reduction of arsenic contamination to a concentration of less than 0.01 mg/l could be achieved in the early stages of adsorption (bed volume = 200). 相似文献
为了解决富营养化水体原位除藻、除磷同步安全进行的问题,采用黏土(凹凸棒土,AT)与聚合氯化铝(PAC)的复合改性,研究了原料本身(AT、PAC)、原料直接复配(AT+PAC)与复配后再改性处理(PHAT)之间的除磷与除藻效果、铝离子与氯离子的残留风险,并对其中的机理进行了初步探讨.结果表明,改性的PHAT和PAC除磷效率高,总磷去除率可达99.14%±0.31%,显著优于AT+PAC,但PHAT的成本仅为PAC的71.10%.PAC去除无机磷(IP)和可溶性总磷(DTP)的效果更优,PHAT去除有机磷(OP)和颗粒态磷(PP)的效果更优.投加PHAT后水体Al3+和Cl-残留量均符合国家饮用水标准.PHAT对蓝藻的去除率显著高于PAC和AT+PAC,去除率可达97.15%±1.35%,且对低密度蓝藻和高密度蓝藻的去除率差异不显著.比表面积测定结果显示,来源于PHAT中的AT比来源于AT+PAC中的AT单点比表面积提高了19.10%,孔表面积提高了11.13%.且来源于PHAT中的AT在处理富营养化水体前、后的Al含量明显减少.这些结果表明,由黏土结构的优化与络合沉淀的协同所增强的架桥网捕作用可能是PHAT更高效除磷、除藻的原因. 相似文献