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生命安全教育是学校安全管理工作的重要组成部分,也是预防校园安全事故的重要手段。为提升学校安全管理水平,更好地保障学生生命安全,本文从目前学校最关注的防溺水工作入手,探讨生命安全教育的概念和相关内涵,进而构建生命安全教育体系,并提出生命安全教育的具体实施路径,为学校生命安全教育工作提供指引和参考。  相似文献   

校园安全事关全体师生的生命和财产,事关学校和社会的稳定和发展.坚持预防为主、防治结合、加强教育、群防群治的原则,通过安全教育,增强学生的安全意识和自我防护能力;只有通过齐抓共管,营造全校教职员工关心和支持学校安全工作的局面,才能切实保障师生安全和财产不受损失,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序.  相似文献   

朱勤 《安全》2018,39(5):68-70
校园是学生学习、生活的综合场所,现代高等教育是开放式的教育,高校改革中呈现出前所未有的开放性,校园成了一个多元化、多因素、多层次的社会公共场所,安全工作的对象已不仅仅是校内人员,这使得高校的消防管理工作难度加大。切实做好大学校园消防安全工作,防止火灾发生,是校园安全的重要环节。因此,构建高校消防安全隐患常态化排查整治工作机制对高校营造安稳的学校环境以及保障教育教学正常进行具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

实验室安全是校园安全稳定的重要组成部分,本文结合实际工作及思考,从法治角度、隐患预防、考核准入、安全教育、信息化建设、经费投入等角度提出建设意见,以便有利于保障师生员工人身与财产安全,保障学校正常秩序,防范和遏制实验室安全事故发生。  相似文献   

一、立法香港的劳动安全法制基于《工厂及工业经营条例》(第五十九章)。顾名思义,条例所涉及的劳动人口只限于受雇于制造业、建造业和饮食业人员,其他行业的从业人员一律不在受保护之列。新的政策是:所有行业的工作安全和健康事宜,除极少数例外,都应受到法律保护。这个政策上的改变将会透过职业安全及健康草案来落实,而草案一旦通过,受保障的劳动人口将由现时的80万,跃升至310万。为配合扩大保障范围和体现现代安全管理的新趋势,新法律在策略上有基本的改变。早年的立法模式倾向于将准则一板一眼地详细列出,新的做法趋于将目标…  相似文献   

正校园体育运动中,安全管理和安全教育是永恒的主题之一。校园体育安全,涉及到学生的身心健康,一旦出现问题,可能会对学生的健康成长造成极大的伤害,并且给学生家庭带来伤害和损失。体育老师作为学校体育运动安全教育的重要组织者,应采取多种方法和技巧,在体育课程教育教学过程中,合理渗透安全教育,提升整个学校的运动安全管理和运动安全教育水平,努力构建和谐安全的校园,保障学生健康安全成长。  相似文献   

校园安全涉及方方面面,隐患类型多种多样,难以面面俱到。因此,学校安全教育应以培养学生安全意识做起,抓住重点环节的安全教育,指导学生掌握自救互救知识,锻炼自我防护技能,以此保障学生人身安全,促进学生身心健康发展,确保学校和社会的安全稳定。  相似文献   

方晓君 《中国安防》2015,(Z2):40-43
看守所是对罪犯和重大犯罪嫌疑分子进行临时羁押的场所,是羁押依法被逮捕、刑事拘留的犯罪嫌疑人的机关。其主要任务是依据国家法律对被羁押的犯罪嫌疑人实行武装警戒看守,保障安全;对犯罪嫌疑人进行教育;管理犯罪嫌疑人的生活和卫生;保障侦查、起诉和审判工作的顺利进行。为保障这些任务安全、高效的执行,顺应信息化时代的需求,看守所需要安全技术以及各种信息化技术的支撑,近  相似文献   

正校园安全无小事,安全是教育办学的底线要求。校园是学生密集之地,且中小学生的自我保护能力较弱,一旦出现校园安全问题,其给学生带来的伤害是难以估量的。在校园安全问题上,政府、教育主管部门、学校和家长都抱有同一个目标:保护孩子的生命健康安全。虽然校园安全问题很重要,学校也在努力为孩子们创造一个平安的校园环境,但是各种校园安全意外还是会时有发生,给学校安全管理带来新挑战。特别是小学校园,为了保障孩子们的生命健康安全,  相似文献   

开学伊始,为切实加强校园安全工作,维护正常的教育教学秩序,严防安全事故的发生,保障师生的生命和财产安全,舒兰市教育局通过开学前举办安全法律知识讲座、开展"校园安全管理整治月"活动、狠  相似文献   

The conditions that give rise to drinking and driving are complex, with multiple and interrelated causes. Prevention efforts benefit from an approach that relies on the combination of multiple interventions. Health promotion provides a useful framework for conceptualizing and implementing actions to reduce drinking and driving since it involves a combination of educational, behavioral, environmental, and policy approaches. This review draws on data from a range of settings to characterize the effectiveness of various interventions embedded within the health promotion approach. Interventions considered part of the health promotion approach include: (1) economic interventions (2) organizational interventions, (3) policy interventions, and (4) health education interventions, including the use of media, school and community education, and public awareness programs. Effective health promotion strengthens the skills and capabilities of individuals to take action and the capacity of groups or communities to act collectively to exert control over the determinants of alcohol-impaired driving. There is strong evidence for the effectiveness of some components of health promotion, including economic and retailer interventions, alcohol taxation, reducing alcohol availability, legal and legislative strategies, and strategies addressing the servers of alcohol. There is also evidence for the effectiveness of sobriety checkpoints, lower BAC laws, minimum legal drinking age laws, and supportive media promotion programs. Other interventions with moderate evidence of effectiveness include restricting alcohol advertising and promotion, and actions involving counter advertising. Health education interventions alone that have insufficient evidence for effectiveness include passive server training programs, school drug and alcohol education programs, community mobilization efforts, and health warnings. Because each intervention builds on the strengths of every other one, ecological approaches to reducing alcohol-impaired driving using all four components of the health promotion model are likely to be the most effective. Settings such as schools, workplaces, cities, and communities offer practical opportunities to implement alcohol-impaired driving prevention programs within this framework.  相似文献   

随着驾校考试手段的变化,大量电子、通信设备应用于考场,其雷击风险越来越高。做好驾校考场的雷电综合防护工程对避免和减少雷电灾害损失具有重要作用。通过对邹平安星驾校科目二考场项目的防雷工程进行剖析,指出驾校雷电防护要点,就如何做好直击雷、雷电感应和雷击电磁脉冲防护设计进行了初步探讨。按照安全、经济、有效的原则,对邹平安星驾校科目二考场采用避雷线进行直击雷防护,并运用接地、分流、屏蔽、等电位连接、安装电涌保护器等措施进行雷电感应和雷击电磁脉冲防护。该工程经过5年夏季雷暴季节的考验,没有因雷击造成灾害损失。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Unsafe driving and passenger behaviors place teens at increased risk for fatal and nonfatal crashes. This study evaluated the short-and long-term efficacy of the You Hold the Key (YHTK) Teen Driving Countermeasure. METHOD: A two-page survey was completed by high school students at pretest, posttest, and long-term (6-month) posttest. RESULTS: YHTK was associated with significant immediate and long-term improvements in teen seatbelt use, safe driving, and perceived confidence in preventing drunk driving. Compared to pretests, students at immediate and long-term posttest more frequently wore seatbelts when driving or riding, required passengers to wear seatbelts, and limited the number of passengers to the number of seatbelts in the vehicle. Students were more likely at both posttests to avoid drinking and driving and to say no to riding with a friend who had been drinking. SUMMARY: YHTK was associated with increases in safe teen driving and passenger behaviors. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Success of YHTK is most notably due to its comprehensive nature. Future programs should consider comprehensive strategies when attempting to modify teen behaviors.  相似文献   

交通事故致因中的人为因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为改善交通安全状况,减少交通事故,从最主要的因素——人为因素出发,分析其影响。导致事故发生的主要原因是:驾驶员处理交通事件的能力(包括新手、老年、酒精、药物、疲劳、压力等),驾驶员在驾驶时采取冒险行为(包括不正确使用安全带、超速、犯罪、自杀等)。结果表明:新手驾驶、饮酒驾驶、疲劳驾驶、不正确使用安全带驾驶等仍是影响交通安全的主要因素。  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to reproduce the results of a previous investigation on the safety benefits of individualized training for older drivers. We modified our method to address validity and generalizability issues.

Methods: Older drivers were randomly assigned to one of the 3 arms: (1) education alone, (2) education?+?on road training, and (3) education?+?on road?+?simulator training. Older drivers were recruited from a larger urban community. At the pre- and posttests (separated by 4 to 8 weeks) participants followed driving directions using a Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation system.

Results: Our findings support the positive influence of individualized on-road training for urban-dwelling older drivers. Overall, driving safety improved among drivers who received on-road training over those who were only exposed to an education session, F(1, 40) = 11.66, P = .001 (26% reduction in total unsafe driving actions [UDAs]). Statistically significant improvements were observed on observation UDAs (e.g., scanning at intersections, etc.), compliance UDAs (e.g., incomplete stop), and procedural UDAs (e.g., position in lane).

Conclusion: This study adds to the growing evidence base in support of individualized older driver training to optimize older drivers’ safety and promote continued safe driving.  相似文献   

Introduction: Automobile manufacturers are developing increasingly sophisticated driving automation systems. Currently, the highest level of automation available on the market is SAE Level 2, which provides sustained assistance for both lateral and longitudinal vehicle control. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how drivers’ perceptions of what behaviors secondary to driving are safe while a Level 2 system is operating vary by system name. Methods: A nationally representative telephone survey of 2005 drivers was conducted in 2018 with questions about behaviors respondents perceived as safe while a Level 2 driving automation system is in operation. Each respondent was asked about two out of five system names at random for a balanced study design. Results: The name “Autopilot” was associated with the highest likelihood that drivers believed a behavior was safe while in operation, for every behavior measured. There was less variation observed among the other four SAE Level 2 system names when compared with each other. A limited proportion of drivers had experience with advanced driver assistance systems and fewer of these reported driving a vehicle in which Level 2 systems were available. Drivers reported that they would consult a variety of sources for information on how to use a Level 2 system. Conclusions: The names of SAE Level 2 driving automation systems influence drivers’ perceptions of how to use them, and the name “Autopilot” was associated with the strongest effect. While a name alone cannot properly instruct drivers on how to use a system, it is a piece of information and must be considered so that drivers are not misled about the correct usage of these systems. Practical Applications: Manufacturers, suppliers, and organizations regulating or evaluating SAE Level 2 automated driving systems should ensure that systems are named so as not to mislead drivers about their safe use.  相似文献   

Introduction: Even though the majority of youth in the U.S. work, and workers under the age of 18 are seriously injured on the job at higher rates when compared to adults, most adolescents lack instruction on workplace safety and health. Method: This qualitative study examines the extent to which selected U.S. school districts provide workplace safety and health instruction to students and explores the factors that influence districts’ decision to adopt a free, foundational occupational safety and health (OSH) curriculum. Results: Results from key informant interviews conducted with a purposive sample of 34 school administrators revealed that only a third of the districts have at least 75% of their students receive some instruction on workplace safety and health, while 15% indicated they provide no instruction on this topic. District staff who indicated that they provide OSH instruction stated that it is most often taught through career and technical education (CTE; 65%) and/or health classes (26%). They believed the benefits of providing this instruction include assisting students to get jobs (38%) and helping students learn about safety (32%), while competing demands (44%) and time constraints (41%) were identified as barriers to providing OSH education to students. Conclusions: Given the importance of work to teens and their increased risk of work injury, interested stakeholders—including parents, teachers, employers, and the public health community—should promote the inclusion of workplace safety and health instruction in U.S. secondary schools. Practical Applications: This research fills a gap in current knowledge about the extent to which OSH is currently taught within U.S. secondary schools, enumerates barriers and facilitators to the inclusion of workplace safety and health instruction in schools, presents a free, foundational curriculum in workplace safety and health, and provides directions for future research on the vital role schools can play in preparing the future workforce for safe and healthy employment.  相似文献   

IntroductionDrivers' ability to comprehend the meaning of traffic signs is essential to safe driving. Drivers' personal characteristics are believed to play a crucial role in determining drivers' comprehension of traffic signs.MethodThis study investigates the role of age, gender, marital status, license category, educational level, driving experience, monthly income, and number of traffic violation during the last five years in drivers' comprehension of 39 posted traffic signs in the city of Irbid, Jordan. These signs include 15 regulatory signs, 17 warning signs, and 7 guidance signs. A total of 400 paper-based surveys were completed by drivers with different socio-economic characteristics. Subsequently, a decision tree was created for each category of traffic signs to identify the most influential factors affecting drivers' comprehension. Each tree was created twice; once using the whole data set for building and validating the tree, and a second time only using 80% of the data for building and 20% for validating.ResultsThe accuracy of the generated trees in predicting drivers' comprehension of regulatory, guidance, and warning traffic signs was 70%, 71%, and 66.5%, respectively, when using the whole data for building and validating the tree, and was 65%, 62.5%, and 61.3%, respectively, when using only 80% of the data for building and the remaining for validating.ConclusionsThe generated decision trees showed that driving experience, marital status, age, and education background are the most influential factors in determining drivers' comprehension of traffic signs as they were primary splitters in such trees.Practical applicationThe rules obtained from the decision tree can be utilized by transportation agencies to determine the drivers who need help with understanding the road traffic signs.  相似文献   

道路交通环境中驾驶疲劳的生成模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为预防由驾驶疲劳引起的交通事故,有必要研究在道路、交通和环境的综合影响下驾驶疲劳的生成机理。基于生理、心理学中的经典理论,借鉴国内外相关的研究成果,采用理论推理的方法对驾驶疲劳生成过程中驾驶员唤醒水平的变化规律及其影响因素进行分析。在此基础上建立了驾驶疲劳的生成模型,并将模型应用于工程实际。通过驾驶员唤醒水平的变化,指出驾驶疲劳的生成时刻,及其对驾驶时间的规定和道路、景观设计的影响。该模型以唤醒水平为核心,描述驾驶疲劳生成过程中驾驶员唤醒水平的变化规律,强调道路交通环境对驾驶员唤醒水平的影响。  相似文献   

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