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本区人口、土地和环境的矛盾尤为尖锐,土地生产力水平低,今后除严格法制人口增长外.还必须从内涵和外延上对农业资源进行充分合理的开发利用,提高土地生产力。本文在分析黄土高原区“低荒”资源数量的基础上,探讨了其成因和开发对策。  相似文献   

杨瑞珍 《资源开发与市场》1996,12(3):125-127,143
本区人口,土地和环境的矛盾尤为尖锐,土地生产力水平低,今后除严格控制人口增长外,还必须从内涵和外延上对农业资源进行充分合理的开发利用,提高土地生产力,本文在分析黄土高原区“低荒”资源数量的基础上,探讨了其成因和开发对策。  相似文献   

根据生态足迹模型,对济南市2003年的生态足迹、生态承载力和生态赤字进行了实证计算和分析.结果表明:济南处于不可持续发展中.造成生态赤字大的原因是能源结构、对自然资源开发过度和人口密度大.因此,提高土地生产力、严格控制人口数量、建立资源节约型生产和消费体系势在必行.  相似文献   

分析粮食与耕地资源态势,研究省域土地整理区域差异与对策,为合理制定土地整理规划目标、确保粮食安全提供科学依据.研究结果表明,四川耕地质量差,耕地后备资源贫乏,人地矛盾日益尖锐,粮食安全保障问题日益凸显.为确保粮食安全,经济较发达、人地矛盾尖锐的成都平原区和盆地丘陵区应以农村居民点和农地整理为主,加强中低产田土改造,从深度上挖掘耕地资源潜力,提高耕地粮食综合生产能力;经济较落后的川西南山地区、盆周山地区和川西北高山高原区,土地整理应与退耕还林、治水治沙相结合,改善生态环境,搞好灾后土地整理复垦规划,加强土地整理复垦工作.全省应重点抓好成都平原区农村居民点整理、川南喀斯特地貌农地和炼磺污染地整理、攀西地区土地复垦开发重点工程,以及地震灾区土地整理复垦、生态恢复与重建.  相似文献   

探讨在大型水电工程相继修建的前提下的川西高山地区土地开发整理模式,做到有效增加耕地面积,提高土地利用效率,妥善安置移民。采取实证研究和规范研究相结合的方法进行研究。研究结果表明,川西高山地区土地整理模式可采用工程防护模式、开发未利用地模式、生物工程模式和土地平整模式等。川西高山地区土地整理必须突破水利设施、土壤改造和施工条件差等3项限制性因素,从土地整理的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益的综合体进行整体效益评价。  相似文献   

分析了土地整理对区域生态安全的影响以及影响土地整理的基础条件,提出了基于生态恢复重建的3种土地整理模式。研究结果表明,平原丘陵地震灾区土地整理应以农村居民点整理为主,科学选址,注重地质灾害的防治和避让;地处山区的地震灾区土地整理应搞好山区小流域土地综合整治,以水土流失治理为核心,突出生态效益,搞好损毁耕地的复垦、恢复,重建土地生态环境。  相似文献   

从影响农业生产力的生产要素视角出发,阐释了农业生产力再开发的内涵,分析了我国当前农业生产力开发不足的表现及其产生的原因,并提出了相应的农业生产力再开发对策。  相似文献   

喀什市土地利用总体规划实施以来,土地利用变化对生态环境的影响显著,文章从土地沙化、土壤盐渍化、水环境情况、土壤地膜污染、土壤肥力、生物多样性、沙尘暴、大气污染物时空分布特征等方面分析了喀什市土地生态环境现状,通过分析土地利用规模、结构和布局及基础设施建设、土地开发整理和重大生态建设工程对生态环境的影响,提出喀什市生态改善目标及用地建议.  相似文献   

土地开发整理项目中的权属调整研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地开发整理是在我国现阶段土地资源日益稀缺的严峻情况下,国家为了缓和经济与土地之间的矛盾提出的,目的是实现土地的可持续利用.在此背景下,土地开发整理类型越来越多样化和复杂化,随之带来的土地权属问题日益突出.在对土地开发整理权属问题的本质认识基础上,阐述了权属争议问题的类型,提出了土地开发整理中权属调整的工作措施和技术方案,以及规范化、科学化土地开发整理权属调整的建议.  相似文献   

土地整理效益评价是科学评价土地整理效果的依据.以广东省湛江市丰收农场土地整理项目为例,从经济、社会、生态三方面选取10个评价指标,采取层次分析法确定指标权重,运用模糊综合评价法对项目整理前后的各种效益进行评价与分析.结果表明,项目的实施为项目区带来了显著的经济效益、社会效益、生态效益和综合效益.  相似文献   

吴欣玥 《四川环境》2022,(1):200-208
全域土地综合整治是土地整治的发展演变与创新探索,是生态文明背景下缓解土地资源供需矛盾、推进农用地、建设用地集约高效利用,强化生态空间保护与修复的重要手段。三生空间涵盖了乡村发展所需的空间类型,成为推动生态文明建设、优化国土空间格局、实施乡村振兴战略的载体。着力探讨全域土地综合整治与三生空间逻辑关系,并以全域土地综合整治为手段,探索新时期乡村三生空间治理路径,提出以全域整治盘活存量用地、建立用地指标纵向传导体系、强化生态全要素修复和注重“人-地-财-社区”的制度保障设计等规划策略,以期达到优化乡村空间布局、促进资源要素流动,推动全域全要素精细化管理的目的,以期为同类地区乡村发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

农地整理权属调整的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农地整理是实现耕地总量动态平衡,改善农业生态环境、增加土地产出的重要手段,是国家扶持农业及农村发展的重要举措.总结了我国农地整理权属调整的原则、方法和程序,分析了现阶段农地整理权属调整中存在的公众参与、技术方法、组织管理和法律法规方面存在的问题,并提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

可持续农地整理是实现耕地总量动态平衡的重要手段,也是改善农村生态环境、增加土地产出、促进农业及农村发展的重要举措.从介绍可持续农地整理的概念入手,在分析一般农地整理项目规划设计与可持续农地整理项目规划设计差别的基础上,重点阐述了当前农地整理项目规划设计中存在的问题,并从可持续的角度提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

土壤是经济社会可持续发展的物质基础,关系人民群众身体健康,关系美丽中国建设,保护好土壤环境是推进生态文明建设和维护国家生态安全的重要内容。本文系统梳理了20世纪80年代以来中国土壤环境管理政策发展历程,并将其划分为土壤环境基础调查、农用地土壤污染治理、土壤污染状况调查和试点示范、土壤污染风险管控四个阶段,提出了当前基于风险管控的土壤环境管理总体思路,以及土壤污染预防和保护、农用地分类管理、建设用地准入管理等主要制度具体要求。立足土壤污染防治实际和生态环境保护新形势、新要求,分析今后一段时期中国土壤环境管理的发展趋势,并从制度标准完善、分级分类分区差异化防控、风险协同管控、技术创新等方面提出完善对策与建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: South Florida and the Everglades have been under intensive development since 1850 by Federal and State governments who encouraged and financed extensive drainage and hydraulic changes, primarily for agricultural settlement. Agricultural development of the sugar industry in the northern Everglades adjacent to Lake Okeechobee rapidly progressed only after the 1900s. Political and resource management conflicts have arisen because policies which once favored development are now being reversed by policies and regulation efforts to restore and conserve natural ecosystems. Currently, the environmental and ecological impacts of agricultural land use adjacent to natural wtlands of the Everglades are being assessed. The objectives of this paper are: (1) to outline the historical development of south Florida and the sugar industry, (2) to relate this history to political and management policy changes occurring as it pertains to ecosystem restoration and the multiuser competition for water/land resources, and (3) to propose how integrated resource management might be utilized for a sustainable Everglades and south Florida. This paper outlines the historical paradox of urban settlement, land development, and agricultural production, with efforts in the recent decade to acquire, manage, and preserve land and water resources for natural areas conservation. Only though the use of integrated resource management will the defined resource conflicts be mediated.  相似文献   

聊城市城市生态用地开发与利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市生态用地是城市中重要的自然组分,对维持城市生态系统的持续、稳定和发展有积极作用。在介绍城市生态用地的基础上,将城市生态用地划分为2大类、4个亚类,并简单介绍了城市生态用地的服务功能,最后以山东聊城市中心城区为例,对城市生态用地的开发与利用作了具体分析。  相似文献   

Securing sustainable livelihood conditions and reducing the risk of outmigration in savanna ecosystems hosted in the tropical semiarid regions is of fundamental importance for the future of humanity in general. Although precipitation in tropical drylands, or savannas, is generally more significant than one might expect, these regions are subject to considerable rainfall variability which causes frequent periods of water deficiency. This paper addresses the twin problems of “drought and desertification” from a water perspective, focusing on the soil moisture (green water) and plant water uptake deficiencies. It makes a clear distinction between long‐term climate change, meteorological drought, and agricultural droughts and dry spells caused by rainfall variability and land degradation. It then formulates recommendations to better cope with and to build resilience to droughts and dry spells. Coping with desertification requires a new conceptual framework based on green‐blue water resources to identify hydrological opportunities in a sea of constraints. This paper proposes an integrated land/water approach to desertification where ecosystem management supports agricultural development to build social‐ecological resilience to droughts and dry spells. This approach is based on the premise that to combat desertification, focus should shift from reducing trends of land degradation in agricultural systems to water resource management in savannas and to landscape‐wide ecosystem management.  相似文献   


In the last decade the concept of sustainable development has been widely embraced as the key to environmentally friendly development. However, in many instances the physical sustainability side of the equation stops at a rhetorical level and the ensuing developments fail to respond to ecological imperatives or to protect existing ecological values. Nowhere is this failure more evident than at the urban fringes of Melbourne, Australia, where residential land estate developments relentlessly engulf degraded agricultural lands that often contain the remnants of vegetative and hydrological ecological systems.

This paper postulates that while landscape design practitioners claim the ‘authority of nature’ (and, by extension, the land) for their design inspiration, in reality narrow practice foci and instrumental approaches have meant that the design of estates and subdivisions often make only token reference to ecological underpinnings. It is argued that instrumental influences on design decision-making are embedded in landscape-architectural professional culture and glossed over with an elusive rhetoric of care and concern for the environment. It is further postulated that individual expressions of interest in the land and its systems can make a substantive contribution to sustainable design practice and practical outcomes.  相似文献   

Forests and competing land uses in Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Indigenous forests in Kenya, as in other developing countries, are under heavy pressure from competing agricultural land uses and from unsustainable cutting. The problem in Kenya is compounded by high population growth rates and an agriculturally based economy, which, even with efforts to control birth rates and industrialize, will persist into the next century. Both ecological and economic consequences of these pressures need to be considered in land-use decision making for land and forest management to be effective. This paper presents one way to combine ecological and economic considerations. The status of principal forest areas in Kenya is summarized and competing land uses compared on the basis of ecological functions and economic analysis. Replacement uses do not match the ecological functions of forest, although established stands of tree crops (forest plantations, fuel wood, tea) can have roughly comparable effects on soil and water resources. Indigenous forests have high, although difficult to estimate, economic benefits from tourism and protection of downstream agricultural productivity. Economic returns from competing land uses range widely, with tea having the highest and fuel wood plantations having returns comparable to some annual crops and dairying. Consideration of ecological and economic factors together suggests some trade-offs for improving land allocation decisions and several management opportunities for increasing benefits or reducing costs from particular land uses. The evaluation also suggests a general strategy for forest land management in Kenya.The views and interpretations expressed in this article are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank, its affiliated organizations, or any individual acting on their behalf.  相似文献   

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