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ABSTRACT: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, designed for use on rural ungaged basins and incorporating a GRASS GIS interface, was used to model the hydrologic response of the Ariel Creek watershed of northeastern Pennsylvania. Model evaluation of daily flow prior to calibration revealed a deviation of runoff volumes (Dv) of 68.3 percent and a Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of-0.03. Model performance was affected by unusually large observed snowmelt events and the inability of the model to accurately simulate baseflow, which was influenced by the presence of fragipans. Seventy-five percent of the soils in the watershed contain fragipans. Model calibration yielded a Dv of 39.9 percent and a Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.04, when compared on a daily basis. Monthly comparisons yielded a Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.14. Snowmelt events in the springs of 1993 and 1994, which were unusually severe, were not adequately simulated. Neglecting these severe events, which produced the largest and third largest measured flows for the period of record, a Dv of 4.1 percent and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.20 were calculated on a daily comparison, while on a monthly basis the Nash-Sutciffe coefficient was 0.55. These results suggest that the SWAT model is better suited to longer period simulations of hydrologic yields. Baseflow volumes were accurately simulated after calibration (Dv= -0.2 percent). Refinements made to the algorithms controlling subsurface hydrology and snowmelt, to better represent the presence of fragipans and snowmelt events, would likely improve model performance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The performance of two popular watershed scale simulation models — HSPF and SWAT — were evaluated for simulating the hydrology of the 5,568 km2 Iroquois River watershed in Illinois and Indiana. This large, tile drained agricultural watershed provides distinctly different conditions for model comparison in contrast to previous studies. Both models were calibrated for a nine‐year period (1987 through 1995) and verified using an independent 15‐year period (1972 through 1986) by comparing simulated and observed daily, monthly, and annual streamflow. The characteristics of simulated flows from both models are mostly similar to each other and to observed flows, particularly for the calibration results. SWAT predicts flows slightly better than HSPF for the verification period, with the primary advantage being better simulation of low flows. A noticeable difference in the models' hydrologic simulation relates to the estimation of potential evapotranspiration (PET). Comparatively low PET values provided as input to HSPF from the BASINS 3.0 database may be a factor in HSPF's overestimation of low flows. Another factor affecting baseflow simulation is the presence of tile drains in the watershed. HSPF parameters can be adjusted to indirectly account for the faster subsurface flow associated with tile drains, but there is no specific tile drainage component in HSPF as there is in SWAT. Continued comparative studies such as this, under a variety of hydrologic conditions and watershed scales, provide needed guidance to potential users in model selection and application.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a continuous daily water balance model called SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) for the conterminous U.S. The local water balance is represented by four control volumes; (1) snow, (2) soil profile, (3) shallow aquifer, and (4) deep aquifer. The components of the water balance are simulated using “storage” models and readily available input parameters. All the required databases (soils, landuse, and topography) were assembled for the conterminous U.S. at 1:250,000 scale. A GIS interface was utilized to automate the assembly of the model input files from map layers and relational databases. The hydrologic balance for each soil association polygon (78,863 nationwide) was simulated without calibration for 20 years using dominant soil and land use properties. The model was validated by comparing simulated average annual runoff with long term average annual runoff from USGS stream gage records. Results indicate over 45 percent of the modeled U.S. are within 50 mm of measured, and 18 percent are within 10 mm without calibration. The model tended to under predict runoff in mountain areas due to lack of climate stations at high elevations. Given the limitations of the study, (i.e., spatial resolution of the data bases and model simplicity), the results show that the large scale hydrologic balance can be realistically simulated using a continuous water balance model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The use of continuous time, distributed parameter hydrologic models like SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) has opened several opportunities to improve watershed modeling accuracy. However, it has also placed a heavy burden on users with respect to the amount of work involved in parameterizing the watershed in general and in adequately representing the spatial variability of the watershed in particular. Recent developments in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have alleviated some of the difficulties associated with managing spatial data. However, the user must still choose among various parameterization approaches that are available within the model. This paper describes the important parameterization issues involved when modeling watershed hydrology for runoff prediction using SWAT with emphasis on how to improve model performance without resorting to tedious and arbitrary parameter by parameter calibration. Synthetic and actual watersheds in Indiana and Mississippi were used to illustrate the sensitivity of runoff prediction to spatial variability, watershed decomposition, and spatial and temporal adjustment of curve numbers and return flow contribution. SWAT was also used to predict stream runoff from actual watersheds in Indiana that have extensive subsurface drainage. The results of this study provide useful information for improving SWAT performance in terms of stream runoff prediction in a manner that is particularly useful for modeling ungaged watersheds wherein observed data for calibration is not available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A deterministic hydrologic model, encompassing the hydrologic regime and all water uses, is developed by integrating empirical hydrologic relationships. The Brandywine Basin, located in southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware, is used as an example to demonstrate this modeling effort. The basin is divided into 19 subwatersheds to account for the spatial variation of resource characteristics. The output of the model is the response of the hydrologic system to various inputs such as precipitation, land use characteristics and policy decisions. This modeling effort is applicable to watersheds similar to the Brandywine Basin in size, and once the model is developed and validated, can be applied continuously in the management and planning of water resources such as predicting the hydrologic effects of proposed projects and simulating hydrologic information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A complex watershed-scale water quality simulation model, the Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) model, was calibrated for a 16 km2 catchment. The simulation step size was 0.33 hours with predicted and recorded hydrologic flows compared on an annual and monthly basis during a total calibration period of four years. Unguided numerical optimization when applied alone did not yield a model parameter set with acceptable predictive capability; instead, it was necessary to apply a critical process that included sensitivity analysis, numerical optimization, and testing of derived model parameter sets to evaluate their performance for periods other than those for which they were determined. Using this critical calibration process, the model was proven to have significant predictive capability. Numerical optimization is an aid for model calibration, but it must not be used blindly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Model predictions of the relatively simple soil compartment model SESOIL are compared with those of the more data-intensive terrestrial ecosystem hydrology model AGTEHM. Comparisons were performed using data from a deciduous forest stand watershed, a grassland watershed, and two agricultural field plots. Good agreement was obtained between model predictions for annual values of infiltration, evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and groundwater runoff. SESOIL model predictions also compare well with empirical measurements at the forest stand and the grassland watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Environmental response to acidic deposition results from movement of water through the ecosystem. As a part of the environmental studies for acidic deposition sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hydrologic classification based on regional baseflow properties was done. To obtain the amount of baseflow, a flow separation method was developed based on the division of streamflows into “baseflow” and “other” runoff sources. Because of the differences in the flow paths and exposure duration, the two components were assumed to be associated with distinct geo-chemical responses. Individual annual hydrographs were analyzed using 31 separation slopes to determine the amount of baseflow. A total of 1575 streamflow stations in the Northeastern U.S. were analyzed through the access of a long-term daily stream-flow data base. An interactive computer program was developed to obtain baseflow properties and other hydrologic characteristics of each station. The output from this analysis was used to perform cluster analysis to classify streamflow behaviors. The clustering output showed different regional boundaries than those currently used by the EPA for water quality studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) watershed management system. BASINS data were used with the NPSM model to predict discharge and sediment concentrations at the outlet of a 103 km2 Ohio watershed. It was concluded that the NPSM model should always be calibrated but only a few of the parameters provided with BASINS needed to be calibrated. For a three‐year study period, there was a 2 percent underestimation of discharge using area weighted precipitation values and a 25 percent overestimation using the single station data in BASINS. A comparison of observed and predicted monthly discharge resulted in an r2 of 0.86 with area‐weighted precipitation and an r2 of 0.74 with the single station data. Calibrating the model to substantially improve sediment predictions was unsuccessful and we concluded that a calibration period of one year was too short. For the three‐year study period, the r2 for sediment was 0.36 with a slope of 0.37 and an intercept of 18.8 mg/l. The mean observed and predicted sediment concentrations were 27.1 mg/l and 22.6 mg/l, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Soil moisture in two layers of a soil near Chickasha, Oklahoma, was simulated, using USDAHL-74 Model of Watershed Hydrology. Weekly values computed for both layers compared well with those observed during the 15-month period. Certain key parameters required adjustments in the model which illustrate the need for accurate input information. The experiment demonstrates that the model, which has previously given good results in continuous streamflow prediction on watersheds up to 100 square miles, can also compute soil moisture continuously at a site. This capability suggests other model uses, for example, in monitoring the disposition of applied chemicals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents an integrated optimal control model that optimizes economic performance of reservoir management in watersheds in which there are significant economic and hydrologic interdependencies. The model is solved using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Results show that application of this model to New Mexico's Rio Chama basin can increase total system benefits over historical benefits by exploiting complementarities between hydroelectricity production, instream recreation, and downstream lake recreation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic landscapes are multiples or variations of fundamental hydrologic landscape units. A fundamental hydrologic landscape unit is defined on the basis of land‐surface form, geology, and climate. The basic land‐surface form of a fundamental hydrologic landscape unit is an upland separated from a lowland by an intervening steeper slope. Fundamental hydrologic landscape units have a complete hydrologic system consisting of surface runoff, ground‐water flow, and interaction with atmospheric water. By describing actual landscapes in terms of land‐surface slope, hydraulic properties of soils and geologic framework, and the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration, the hydrologic system of actual landscapes can be conceptualized in a uniform way. This conceptual framework can then be the foundation for design of studies and data networks, syntheses of information on local to national scales, and comparison of process research across small study units in a variety of settings. The Crow Wing River watershed in central Minnesota is used as an example of evaluating stream discharge in the context of hydrologic landscapes. Lake‐research watersheds in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Nebraska are used as an example of using the hydrologic‐land‐scapes concept to evaluate the effect of ground water on the degree of mineralization and major‐ion chemistry of lakes that lie within ground‐water flow systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data collected at a 79-acre urban watershed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, were used to calibrate and verify the Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model, a parametric watershed model. Standard errors of estimate for the 38 calibration storms were 33 percent and 38 percent, respectively, for volumes and peaks; and for the 46 verification storms were 29 percent and 37 percent, respectively, for volumes and peaks. Correlation coefficients for peaks were 0.8 and 0.95, respectively, for calibration and verification storms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Excessive nitrate‐nitrogen (nitrate) export from the Raccoon River in west central Iowa is an environmental concern to downstream receptors. The 1972 to 2000 record of daily streamflow and the results from 981 nitrate measurements were examined to describe the relation of nitrate to streamflow in the Raccoon River. No long term trends in streamflow and nitrate concentrations were noted in the 28‐year record. Strong seasonal patterns were evident in nitrate concentrations, with higher concentrations occurring in spring and fall. Nitrate concentrations were linearly related to streamflow at daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual time scales. At all time scales evaluated, the relation was improved when baseflow was used as the discharge variable instead of total streamflow. Nitrate concentrations were found to be highly stratified according to flow, but there was little relation of nitrate to streamflow within each flow range. Simple linear regression models developed to predict monthly mean nitrate concentrations explained as much as 76 percent of the variability in the monthly nitrate concentration data for 2001. Extrapolation of current nitrate baseflow relations to historical conditions in the Raccoon River revealed that increasing baseflow over the 20th century could account for a measurable increase in nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In North America the four successive winters from 1974-1975 through 1977–1978 were very different from each other in terms of atmospheric circulation and resulting surface weather conditions. The first year of the sequence there was a near normal circulation pattern. The following years were characterized by the gradual amplification of an upper atmosphere ridge over the West Coast coupled with an eastward displacement of a long-wave trough east of the Rocky Mountains. These changes in circulation brought below normal temperatures to the Midwest, below normal precipition and increasing snowfall which reached record levels in February 1978. These atmospheric changes brought about changes in the flow of the Kankakee River-Total runoff in the winter half-year dropped as precipitation and temperatures dropped; there was a marked retarding of winter runoff and the yield of the watershed increased.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) is designed to compute daily stream discharge using satellite snow cover data for a basin divided into elevation zones. For the Towanda Creek basin, a Pennsylvania watershed with relatively little relief, analysis of snow cover images revealed that both elevation and land use affected snow accumulation and melt on the landscape. The distribution of slope and aspect on the watershed was also considered; however, these landscape features were not well correlated with the available snow cover data. SRM streamflow predictions for 1990, 1993 and 1994 snowmelt seasons for the Towanda Creek basin using a combination of elevation and land use zones yielded more precise streamflow estimates than the use of standard elevation zones alone. The use of multiple-parameter zones worked best in non-rain-on-snow conditions such as in 1990 and 1994 seasons where melt was primarily driven by differences in solar radiation. For seasons with major rain-on-snow events such as 1993, only modest improvements were shown since melt was dominated by rainfall energy inputs, condensation and sensible heat convection. Availability of GIS coverages containing satellite snow cover data and other landscape attributes should permit similar reformulation of multiple-parameter watershed zones and improved SRM streamflow predictions on other basins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Winter Creek is a tributary of the Washita River in south-western Oklahoma. The Soil Conservation Service installed floodwater retarding structures which controlled runoff from 56 percent of a 33-square-mile (8550-hectare) gaged drainage area. Application of a hydrologic model to the flood peaks indicated that the structural treatment reduced the flood peaks an average of 61 percent. The Winter Creek channel has narrowed and deepened since the structural treatment was applied. The severe bank erosion occurring before treatment has been arrested and sediment yield from the watershed has been reduced 50 to 60 percent. In some reaches of the channel there has been a dense growth of trees in recent years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computer model was developed, based on the Green-Ampt infiltration equation, to computed rainfall excess for a single precipitation event. The model requires an estimate of parameters related to hydraulic conductivity, wetting front section, and fillable porosity of the soil layers. Values of parameters were estimated from soil textural averages or regression equations based on percent sand, percent clay, and porosity. Average values of effective porosity and wetting front suction were largely acceptable due to the relatively low variability and low model sensitivity to the parameters. Hydraulic conductivity was the most erratic constituent of the loss rate computation due to the high variability and the high sensitivity of the computed infiltration to the parameter. The performance of the Green-Ampt infiltration model was tested through a comparison with the SCS curve number procedure. Seven watersheds and 23 storms with precipitation of one inch or greater were used in the comparison. For storms with less than one inch of rainfall excess, the SCS curve number procedure generally gave the best results; however, for six of the seven storms with precipitation excess greater than one inch, the Green-Ampt procedure delivered better results. In this comparison, both procedures used the same initial abstractions. The separation of rainfall losses into infiltration, interception, and surface retention is, in theory, an accurate method of estimating precipitation excess. In the second phase of the study using nine watersheds and 39 storms, interception and surface retention losses were computed by the Horton equations. Green-Ampt and interception parameters were estimated from value sin the literature, while the surface retention parameter was calibrated so that the computed runoff volumes matched observed volumes. A relationship was found between the surface retention storage capacity and the 15-day antecedent precipitation index, month of year, and precipitation amount.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: West Bitter Creek floodwater retarding structure site 3 in South Central Oklahoma was instrumented and records obtained and analyzed to obtain information concerning an impoundment water budget that is useful to landowners and designers of these impoundments. On-site loss of water from the impoundment was only 17 percent of the inflow during three years when the annual precipitation averaged 26 inches and the annual inflow averaged 1.4 inches. Runoff from an eroded area with no farm ponds was about 70 percent greater per unit area than from a portion of the watershed where 71 percent of the drainage area was controlled by farm ponds. A previous study indicated, however, that the ponds were reducing runoff only 13 percent. Loss of top soil increases runoff considerably. Only 24 percent of the total runoff into the impoundment was base flow. The flow rate into the impoundment was less than 0.05 cfs 70 percent of the time, and the inflow rate exceeded 10 cfs only 1 percent of the time. SCS runoff curve numbers varied between 57 and 96 for the impoundment watershed with an inverse relation between precipitation amount and curve number apprently caused by partial area runoff from impervious and semi-impervious areas. A comparison of measured event runoff versus event runoff computed by the SCS curve numbers gave an r2 of only 0.44. However, the total computed surface runoff for eight years of record was less than 1 percent below the measured runoff which indicated the curve number method was a good tool for predicting long term runoff for the watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of potential climate change on mean annual runoff in the conterminous United States (U.S.) are examined using a simple water-balance model and output from two atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs). The two GCMs are from the Canadian Centre for Climate Prediction and Analysis (CCC) and the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research (HAD). In general, the CCC GCM climate results in decreases in runoff for the conterminous U.S., and the HAD GCM climate produces increases in runoff. These estimated changes in runoff primarily are the result of estimated changes in precipitation. The changes in mean annual runoff, however, mostly are smaller than the decade-to-decade variability in GCM-based mean annual runoff and errors in GCM-based runoff. The differences in simulated runoff between the two GCMs, together with decade-to-decade variability and errors in GCM-based runoff, cause the estimates of changes in runoff to be uncertain and unreliable.  相似文献   

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