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The purpose of this study is to develop a model for optimal nonpoint source pollution control for the Fei-Tsui Reservoir watershed in Northern Taiwan. Several structural best management practices (BMPs) are selected to treat stormwater runoff. The complete model consists of two interacting components: an optimization model based on discrete differential dynamic programming (DDDP) and a zero-dimensional reservoir water quality model. A predefined procedure is used to locate suitable sites for construction of various selected BMPs in the watershed. In the optimization model, the objective function is to find the best combination of BMP type and placement, which minimizes the total construction and operation, maintenance, and repair (OMR) costs of the BMPs. The constraints are the water quality standards for total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations in the reservoir. A zero-dimensional reservoir water quality model of the Vollenweider type is embedded in the optimization framework to simulate pollutant concentrations in Fei-Tsui Reservoir. The resulting optimal cost and benefit of water quality improvement are depicted by the model-derived trade-off curves. The modeling framework developed in the present study could be used as an efficient tool for planning a watershed-wide implementation of BMPs for mitigating stormwater pollution impact on the receiving water bodies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured monthly from January 1971 to December 1982 at 1-m depth intervals at 13 stations in Keowee Reservoir in order to characterize spatial and temporal changes associated with operation of the Oconee Nuclear Station. The reservoir water column was i to 4°C warmer in operational than in non-operational years. The thermo-dine was at depths of 5 to 15 m before the operation of Oconee Nuclear Station, but was always below the upper level of the intake (20 m) after the station was in full operation; this suggests that pumping by the Oconee Nuclear Station had depleted all available cool hypolimnetic water to this depth. As a result summer water temperatures at depths greater than 10 m were usually 10°C higher after plant operation began than before. By fall the reservoir was nearly homothemious to a depth of 27 m, where a thermocine developed. Seasonal temperature profiles varied with distance from the plant; a cool water plume was evident in spring and a warm water plume was present in the summer, fall, and winter. A cold water plume also developed in the northern section of the reservoir due to the operation of Jocassee Pumped Storage Station. Increases in the mean water temperature of the reservoir during operational periods were correlated with the generating output of the power plant. The annual heat load to the reservoir increased by one-third after plant operations began. The alteration of the thermal stratification of the receiving water during the summer also caused the dissolved oxygen to mix to greater depths.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Predicting the likelihood of a drought markedly enhances the efficiency of reservoir operations. This study applies the kriging method and time series analysis to predict inflows to Shihmen Reservoir in northern Taiwan. A subsequent reservoir operation simulation is employed to determine the drought lead time (DLT), the time before the onset of a drought. A more efficient reservoir operational strategy can be established with the aid of DLT and the probability of successful drought prediction (P s). Simulation results of reservoir operation over a period of three decades demonstrate that, at one month DLT, the kriging approach achieves 0.86 of P s for moderate droughts and 0.94 of P s for severe droughts. The kriging approach generally outperformed the time series approach in terms of DLT, P s of drought prediction, and the number of correctly predicted drought events.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The RIVMOD hydrodynamic model was used to route upstream flows through a 115 km section of the Carson River and Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada. RIVMOD results will later be used to predict sediment movement and ultimately to determine mercury transport within the river/reservoir system. Significant modifications to the model computer code were necessary to represent the narrow, steeply sloping rectangular channel and relatively shallow sloping floodplain of the Carson River and its confluence with the Lahontan Reservoir. These changes include expansion of the continuity and momentum equations to account for rapidly changing channel widths along with the characterization of a complex cross-sectional shape. This modified version of the RIVMOD model can handle shallower side slopes and much more severe flood flow simulations than the original version. A 0.25 km spatial increment was required in the zone of confluence between the river and reservoir. Model predictions show excellent agreement with observed downstream flow and reservoir stage for the entire 1986 water year, which includes one of the most severe flood events of recent record. (KEY TERMS: hydraulics; modeling; simulation; surface water hydrology.)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the last decade much research has been devoted to applying the systems analysis approach to water resources problems. A popular research goal has been determination of the “best” method of operating a multipurpose reservoir. The goal of this study was to derive the economically optimum flood control diagram for a multipurpose reservoir by systems analysis. The technique employed to optimize the flood control diagram was programmed so that the optimization process could be applied to other multipurpose reservoirs. Two computer programs developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Hydrologic Engineering Center were utilized with modifications to simulate the operation of Folsom Reservoir in central California. Economic analyses were incorporated along with an optimization technique into the reservoir operations program; and the resultant program was capable of routing a sequence of monthly reservoir inflows, computing benefits for various flood control diagrams (as dictated by the optimization procedure), and selecting the economically optimum flood control diagram. The univariate gradient technique was the optimization procedure employed. The two computer programs are on file at the Hydrologic Engineering Center in Davis, California.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is one of the most serious environmental and public health problems, and such land degradation can be effectively mitigated through performing land use transitions across a watershed. Optimal land use management can thus provide a way to reduce soil erosion while achieving the maximum net benefit. However, optimized land use allocation schemes are not always successful since uncertainties pertaining to soil erosion control are not well presented. This study applied an interval-parameter fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming approach to generate optimal land use planning strategies for soil erosion control based on an inexact optimization framework, in which various uncertainties were reflected. The modeling approach can incorporate predefined soil erosion control policies, and address inherent system uncertainties expressed as discrete intervals, fuzzy sets, and probability distributions. The developed model was demonstrated through a case study in the Xiangxi River watershed, China’s Three Gorges Reservoir region. Land use transformations were employed as decision variables, and based on these, the land use change dynamics were yielded for a 15-year planning horizon. Finally, the maximum net economic benefit with an interval value of [1.197, 6.311] × 109 $ was obtained as well as corresponding land use allocations in the three planning periods. Also, the resulting soil erosion amount was found to be decreased and controlled at a tolerable level over the watershed. Thus, results confirm that the developed model is a useful tool for implementing land use management as not only does it allow local decision makers to optimize land use allocation, but can also help to answer how to accomplish land use changes.  相似文献   

A chance-constrained linear programming model, which utilizes multiple linear decision rules and is useful for river basin planning, is used to evaluate the effects of risk and reliability on optimal reservoir design. Streamflow forecasts or predictions can be explicitly included in the linear program. The risk associated with the predictions is included in the model through the use of cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of streamflows which are conditioned on the predictions. A multiple-purpose reservoir on the Gunpowder River in Maryland is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the model. In order to provide the decision makers with complete and useful information, trade-off curves relating minimum reservoir capacity (a surrogate for dam costs), water supply and flood control targets, and the reliability of achieving the targets are developed. The trade-off curves may enhance the decision maker's ability to select the best dam capacity, considering technological and financial constraints as well as the trade-offs between targets, risks, and costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The determination of optimum reservoir operating rules for reservoirs with multiple conflicting objectives is still a difficult task - despite many publications in this field. In this paper a three-step Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) method is presented, the emphasis of which is placed on the necessity to make the work easy for the decision maker, which many MODM techniques fail to achieve. The method is applied to the development of a compromise optimum operating rule for a multi-purpose reservoir. In the first step of the method stochastic DP is chosen which is combined with the “weighting method” allowing combination of various objectives into one objective function. By systematically varying the weights for the objectives a large number of pareto optimum reservoir operating rules is generated. In the second step of the method the performance of all these operating rules is tested with the aid of a model simulating reservoir operation. The results are statistically analyzed and the reliabilities for attaining the various objectives are computed. The third step of the model applies another MODM technique which allows the decision maker - in a computer dialog - to select his optimum reservoir operating rule from the large number of pareto optimum solutions generated in step 1. Here he can specify his preferences for the various objectives. For this purpose two alternative MODM techniques are offered: Compromise Programming and the SEMOPS method. Their performance is shown along with the generation and selection of operating rules for the multi-objective Wupper reservoir system in Germany.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The proposed removal of Ballville Dam was assessed by (1) using a new Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based method for calculating reservoir sediment storage, (2) evaluating sediment properties and contamination from core data, and (3) assessing downstream impacts from sediment routing calculations. A 1903 (pre‐dam) map was manipulated using GIS to recreate the reservoir bathymetry at time of dam construction and used in combination with a detailed 1993 bathymetric survey to calculate sediment volumes and thickness. Reservoir sediment properties and geochemistry were determined from 14 sediment vibracores. Annual sedimentation rates varied from 1.7 to 4.3 g/cm2/yr based on Cesium‐137 (137Cs) and Lead‐210 (210Pb) geochronology and dated flood layers. The pore fluid geochemistry (Ba, Co, Cu, Mn) of four cores showed surficial enrichments in Cu, while Co and Mn show secondary peaks within the sediments. GIS calculations showed that a designed channel through the former reservoir able to accommodate the 10 percent Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) would require removing approximately 0.35 million m3 of sediment (27 percent of the reservoir fill), either by dredging at a cost of up to $6.3 million or by releasing fine grained sediment downstream. A sediment routing model was applied for the critical 6 km downstream using four cross sections. The sediment routing model predicts that, for flows exceeding minimum Mean Daily Flow (1924 to 1998 data), greater than 90 percent of this sediment would be transported through downstream reaches into Lake Erie (Sandusky Bay).  相似文献   

Velocity and depth preference curves for juvenile and adult red shiners (Notropis lutrensis) were developed for each season of the year. The incremental methodology, developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for quantifying the amount of physical habitat available for fish, was applied as a basis for recommending minimum stream flows for life stages of red shiners and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in the Washita River below Foss Reservoir. The minimum stream flow required to support populations of red shiners and channel catfish was estimated to be 0.60 m3/s during all months except April and May, during which flushing flows of 3.0 m3/s were recommended. Under drought conditions a contingency flow of 0.18 m3/s was recommended for August through March, a flushing flow of 2.4 m3/s for April and May, and a flow of 0.30 m3/s for channel catfish spawning in June and July. Standing crop of adult red shiners per weighted usable area averaged 2.73 g/m2 (27 kg/ha) for two sites on the Washita River. A positive relation between standing crop and weighted usable area was suggested. Use of the incremental methodology on the study reach below Foss Reservoir required 96 person-hours of labor, excluding training, travel, and developing preference curves, and a total cost of $1,762, of which $1,200 was for the purchase of equipment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An heuristic iterative technique based upon stochastic dynamic programming is presented for the analysis of the operation of a three reservoir ‘Y’ shaped hydroelectric system. The technique is initiated using historical inflow data for the downstream reservoir. At each iteration the optimal policies for the downstream hydroelectric generating unit are used to provide relative weightings or targets for operation of upstream reservoirs. New input inflows to the downstream reservoir are then obtained by running the historical streamflow record through the optimal policies for the upstream reservoirs. These flows are then used to develop a new operating policy for the downstream reservoir and hence new targets for the upstream reservoirs. The process is continued until the operating policies for each reservoir provide the same overall system benefit for two successive iterations. Results obtained from the procedure are compared to the results obtained by historical operation of the system. The procedure is shown to develop operating policies which give benefits which are as close to the historical benefits as can be expected given the choice of the number of storage state variables.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: For many years, a commonly used strategy for source water protection in Taiwan has been setting up arbitrary, fixed‐width buffer zones near sensitive waters, such as water‐supply reservoirs, and prohibiting any development in their watersheds. However, such regulations are now often viewed as infringing by the government on landowners' property rights, a situation that has led to citizen protests. This paper describes a proposed strategy that is water‐quality based and uses a quantitative zoning approach. A reservoir's watershed is divided into several zones beginning from the normal water line to the divide. Different levels of best management practices (BMPs) are required for controlling runoff pollution in different zones. The layout of the management zones is based on a number of factors such as reservoir classification, water quality conditions, and physical characteristics of the watershed. The goal of promoting such an approach is to try to balance the needs of watershed development and water quality protection. A case study using the Tapu Reservoir Watershed in Northern Taiwan as an example for illustrating the proposed zoning approach is presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two dynamic programming models — one deterministic and one stochastic — that may be used to generate reservoir operating rules are compared. The deterministic model (DPR) consists of an algorithm that cycles through three components: a dynamic program, a regression analysis, and a simulation. In this model, the correlation between the general operating rules, defined by the regression analysis and evaluated in the simulation, and the optimal deterministic operation defined by the dynamic program is increased through an iterative process. The stochastic dynamic program (SDP) describes streamflows with a discrete lag-one Markov process. To test the usefulness of both models in generating reservoir operating rules, real-time reservoir operation simulation models are constructed for three hydrologically different sites. The rules generated by DPR and SDP are then applied in the operation simulation model and their performance is evaluated. For the test cases, the DPR generated rules are more effective in the operation of medium to very large reservoirs and the SDP generated rules are more effective for the operation of small reservoirs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The main objective of this paper is to present a stockastic dynamic programming model useful in determining the optimal operating policy of a single multipurpose surface reservoir. It is the unreliability of forecasting the amount of future streamflow which makes the problem of a reservoir operation a stochastic process. In this paper the stochastic nature of the streamflow is taken into account by considering the correlation between the streamflows of each pair of consecutive time intervals. This interdependence is used to calculate the probability of transition from a given state and stage to its succeeding ones. A dynamic programming model with a physical equation and a stochastic recursive equation is developed to find the optimum operational policy. For illustrative purposes, the model is applied to a real surface water reservoir system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Mathematical optimization techniques are used to study the operation and design of a single, multi-purpose reservoir system. Optimal monthly release policies are derived for Hoover Reservoir, located in Central Ohio, using chance-constrained linear programming and dynamic programming-regression methodologies. Important characteristics of the former approach are derived, discussed, and graphically illustrated using Hoover Reservoir as a case example. Simulation procedures are used to examine and compare the overall performance of the optimal monthly reservoir release policies derived under the two approaches. Results indicate that, for the mean detention time and the corresponding safe yield target water supply release under existing design of Hoover Reservoir, the dynamic programming policies produce lower average annual losses (as defined by a two-sided quadratic loss function) while achieving at least as high reliability levels when compared to policies derived under the chance-constrained linear programming method. In making this comparison, the reservoir release policies, although not identical, are assumed to be linear. This restricted form of the release policy is necessary to make the chance-constrained programming method mathematically tractable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Development of optimal operational policies for large-scale reservoir systems is often complicated by a multiplicity of conflicting project uses and purposes. A wide range of multiobjective optimization methods are available for appraising tradeoffs between conificting objectives. The purpose of this study is to provide guidance as to those methods which are best suited to dealing with the challenging large-scale, nonlinear, dynamic, and stochastic characteristics of multireservoir system operations. As a case study, the selected methodologies are applied to the Han River Reservoir System in Korea for four principal project objectives: water supply and low flow augmentation; annual hydropower production, reliable energy generation, and minimization of risk of violating firm water supply requirements. Additional objectives such as flood control are also considered, but are imposed as fixed constraints.  相似文献   

/ The management of industrial reservoirs for hydroelectric energy can cause severe impacts to surrounding communities. This study examines the generation of dust along the northern foreshore zones of Williston Reservoir in northern British Columbia. The dust is generated in the spring when the reservoir levels are low and impacts a relocated First Nations' village (Tsay Keh) at the north end of the reservoir. Data were gathered to provide an overview of the physical conditions that contribute to the dust problem, including a social survey, soil analysis, and vegetation inventory. The study provides a scoping method to assess a large-scale and complex problem with respect to dust management along a large reservoir. Methods for dust control include short- and long-term solutions that integrate the use of native vegetation along the foreshore zones of the reservoir.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a concerted effort by the Taiwan Water Resources Bureau, the City of Taipei, and the Bureau of Fei‐tsui Reservoir Management to protect the water quality in the Fei‐tsui Reservoir.The reservoir is the major source of water supply for over two million people in the metropolitan area of Taipei. Over the years the reservoir has suffered from siltation and more recently eutrophication. The sources of the pollution are traced to the hundreds of tea gardens, rice fields and other agricultural areas in the watershed and to urban sources such as construction sites. Large amounts of nutrients enter the reservoir by way of storm water runoff during storm or typhoon events. Since 1999, various agencies have worked to initiate an effort to reduce nonpoint pollution in the Fei‐Tsui Reservoir watershed. Practices being considered include nonstructural measures such as nutrient management, and structural measures such as swales, detention basins, and wetlands, in addition to erosion and sediment control methods. A number of field tests have been completed on the performance of selected best management practices (BMPs). A strategy for implementing the BMPs at the watershed scale has been developed based on a total maximum daily load (TMDL) analysis that is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The goal programming approach for multipurpose reservoir operation has been proposed and applied to the Bhadra reservoir system, having irrigation and hydropower production as dual purposes, in India. The objective of the model is to satisfy sequentially a series of operating criteria. Two goal programming models, one with the objective function as minimizing the deviations from storage targets and the other with the objective function as minimizing the deviations from release targets, have been formulated and applied to the reservoir system under study. The results proved that the model with release targets is preferred over the model with storage targets for determining operational policies for multipurpose reservoir system.  相似文献   

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