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资源型城市产业协同机会和能力评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国资源型城市在建设过程中为国家发展提供了大量的能源和原材料,但随着资源的耗费和受经济体制改革等因素的影响,资源型城市的发展遇到了前所未有的挑战.关注资源型城市的产业协同发展可以为资源型城市的可持续发展提供有益的借鉴.但如何发现并开展资源型城市产业协同项目尚缺乏有效的方法和途径.本文在重点关注开展产业协同影响要素的基础上,借鉴澳大利亚奎纳纳地区的产业协同实践和产业协同能力评价模型,通过国外产业协同机会确认模型的介绍,结合澳大利亚奎纳纳地区的三个产韭协同实践案例,分别介绍伴生产品协同和基本生产资料协同两种产业协同的主要实现方式.通过产业协同实现地区和产业的可持续发展.其主要的影响因素包括可行的技术、可靠的企业和运行许可.这些模型运用到实践均可促进我国资源型城市的良好发展.  相似文献   

从混沌系统的角度分析企业环境是一种新的企业管理观念。企业如何适应混沌的外部环境,制订有效的发展战略,从丽实现可持续发展。是研究企业战略管理的一个重要课题。企业所面临的动态环境表现在商业活动日趋全球化、速度日益成为关键要素、战略环境复杂程度大大加深及可测度大为下降、技术对企业战略环境的影响越来越强等方面。由于环境的动态性、复杂性、非均衡性和不确定性等特点。如何认识和把握环境。是企业管理实践中的难题,需要理论和方法上的创新。基于混沌系统理论的假设,企业管理者要抛弃精确预测的管理理念。提高系统的自组织协同能力,建立柔性化的组织结构,使企业与环境达到和谐状态,实现企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

长期以来资源型城市为国家提供了主要生产资料,为我国经济与社会发展做出巨大贡献。但资源型城市原有的粗放型发展模式使资源型城市发展普遍面临严峻困境。资源型城市必须转变原有发展模式,选择以科技产业为支撑的可持续发展模式。科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展系统包括经济子系统、社会子系统、环境子系统和资源子系统四个子系统。在分析四个子系统各因素间因果关系的基础上构建整个系统的因果关系模型,进而构建系统的流图模型,并综合运用多种方法建立变量间方程,从而初步建立起科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展的系统动力学模型。对模型进行检验表明,模型真实、有效、可信。可进一步运用该模型进行政策模拟。通过设置四个政策变量,企业RD投入系数、企业对产学研RD投入比例、政府对产学研RD投入比例、产学研运作效率的取值,从而设定了五种模式以进行政策模拟。政策模拟的结果显示:只提高RD投入并不能有效促进科技产业发展;只提高对产学研协同创新的资金投入,而不注重提高产学研协同创新的运作效率,也会造成RD资源的浪费;提高RD投入的同时全面支持产学研协同创新是促进科技产业与资源型城市可持续协同发展的最佳政策模式;RD资源有限的资源型城市,通过全面支持产学研协同创新也能较好地促进科技产业与资源型城市的可持续协同发展。政府、金融资本、科技中介机构对产学研协同创新成功运作从而实现科技经济一体化发展至关重要,实现"府产学研资介"六位一体协同运作是实现产学研协同创新的关键,是促进科技产业与资源型城市的可持续协同发展的最佳政策实施模式。  相似文献   

在可持续发展过程中。政府、民间组织、企业和个人都有其能够发挥作用的地方.但是。地方政府可以说是实现地方可持续发展之关键。以浙江省东阳市横店镇可持续发展实验区为个案。深入探讨地方政府与地方可持续发展的关系。文章的一个基本结论是,从横店镇可持续发展实验区案例来看.我国乡村的可持续发展应该走政府主导的模式.而只有强化地方政府的能力(包括规划、资源与领导能力等)。方能培育地方良治(good governance)与支持可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过解释结构模型(ISM)和主客观赋权法对影响海洋经济可持续发展指标进行分析,采用多主体演化模型模拟海洋经济的四个子系统的协同演化机制,探寻实现海洋经济可持续发展的路径。模拟结果表明,未来实现海洋经济可持续发展需要经过如下两步走的路径:首先以保护海洋资源环境为主导,利用经济和社会发展促进资源环境修复和保护;其次当海洋资源环境修复到一定程度后,选择经济社会与资源环境协同发展的模式,实现全面协调可持续发展的海洋经济发展目标。  相似文献   

本研究关注矿产资源密集型区域经济系统内产业结构演变问题。在资源储量不断下降、环境压力持续增强的发展阶段,矿产资源密集型区域的产业结构往往显示出资源路径依赖的单一结构,在资源枯竭阶段,这种产业结构会制约区域经济的增长。对于该类型区域而言,实现可持续发展的关键就在于如何实现区域产业结构的优化,最明显的标志则是产业规模的变化。由此,本研究尝试构建矿产资源密集型区域经济系统协同演化模型,以对产业结构变化过程中不同产业企业数量波动的趋势进行解释。首先对矿产资源密集型区域经济系统的性质进行了分析,考虑到在资源枯竭阶段其产业结构会发生较大的变化,整个区域经济系统的演进趋势存在起伏,系统运动轨迹可以用logistic方程描述;其后,导入了Allee效应项来解释区域经济周期波动的现象,并对系统性质进行判定,对系统平衡点的稳定性进行了分析;在此基础上,论文以白银市为案例,对其科技型和资源依赖型企业的规模变化进行了分析,发现其不同类型企业规模的波动趋势符合研究预设的logistic方程的运行轨迹。研究认为,第一,在资源枯竭阶段,科技型企业的数量会增长;第二,在技术入侵的前提下,两类企业的数量会增长;第三,在资源枯竭阶段,科技型企业的存活依赖更大的企业种群密度。  相似文献   

引导企业节能的政策选择模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为经济主体的企业既是能源和资源的主要消耗者。又是环境污染的主要排放源。因此。有利于节约能源、减少污染的企业节能成为实现社会、经济和生态可持续发展的根本途径。然而,我国企业节能管理和节能市场处于初级阶段。企业节能工作进展缓慢,企业的节能成本远远大于所能获得的收益,因此缺乏主动节能动力,如何选择并建立有效引导企业节能的政策模式成为政府亟待解决的问题。为此。结合现有节能政策。在政府与企业之间进行完全信息动态博弈分析,然后,依据当前企业整体的节能管理状态以及节能市场的发展程度。构建出有效引导企业节能的政策选择模型.进而为政府制定行之有效的节能政策提供理论依据和具体建议,以推动中国节能战略的实施,促进节能目标的实现。  相似文献   

基于DPSIR概念模型的农业可持续发展宏观分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
DPSIR概念模型继承了PSR模型的优点,是分析评估环境系统有效工具,本文以DPISR概念模型为指导,系统分析了农业业系统的现状,塑造这一现状的驱动力和压力,探讨了农业对于互不干涉和人类健康的影响,以及实现农业可持续发展的政策响应,目的是建立农业可持续发展的指标体系和实现农业资源的优化配置,本文认为DPSIR概念模型有利于分析复杂系统的因果关系,能有效整合资源开发,环境保护和经济发展。  相似文献   

解决环境和气候问题已经成为促进中国可持续发展的前提。对于实施温室气体减排和空气污染协同控制而带来的狭义协同效益研究,国外已经开展了20多年的研究;如何从宏观角度来探究在解决环境和气候问题,同时带来持续的经济增长与社会发展的协同效益是学术界迫切需要研究的重要问题。本文对近年来国内外与环境和发展有关的广义协同效益研究领域进行了回顾,对规范分析和实证分析两大类文献进行梳理。规范分析的思路是将能源、环境等因素纳入经济增长模型中,使用动态优化理论方法,推导各要素的最优增长率;实证分析则是使用国家或城市的实际发展数据,估算与环境、经济和社会发展相关的各增长率的最优值,并将此最优值与实际值进行比较,评价实际发展的可持续程度。通过对已有研究的分析,本文指出广义协同效益研究已兴起但尚未形成完善体系,至今仍未出现将经济增长、环境保护、资源节约、公共健康、教育等诸多因素都考虑在内的综合研究(特别是定量研究),以保持环境可持续发展为前提、探讨同时实现经济与社会可持续发展的协同效益研究目前还很缺乏。广义协同效益从可持续发展视角来考虑社会福利最大化问题,能为分析环境、经济和社会发展三者关系提供一种新思路和新方法,且研究结果也可对本世纪中国可持续发展政策的制定提供科学建议和理论依据。  相似文献   

矿业企业社会责任是促进经济发展、环境保护与社会和谐的重要途径。本文在对矿业企业社会责任、矿产资源可持续发展相关研究文献进行综述的基础上,研究提出矿业企业社会责任绩效体系,分别是安全生产责任、市场效益责任、资源效率责任、环境保护责任、社区发展责任、员工权益责任。为了更好地提高矿业企业社会责任绩效,必须加强社会责任相关法律法规建设、推动企业内部治理与信息披露,以及发挥社区、非政府组织、媒体、金融机构的作用。  相似文献   

Integration of indigenous knowledge and ethnoscientific approaches into contemporary frameworks for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources will become increasingly important in policies on an international and national level, both in countries that are industrialised and those that have a developing status. We set the scene on how this can be done by exploring the key conditions and dimensions of a dialogue between ȁ8ontologiesȁ9 and the roles, which ethnosciences could play in this process. First, the roles of ethnosciences in the context of sustainable development were analysed, placing emphasis on the implications arising when western sciences aspire to relate to indigenous forms of␣knowledge. Secondly, the contributions of ethnosciences to such an ȁ8inter- ontological dialogueȁ9 were explored, based on an ethnoecological study of the encounter of sciences and indigenous knowledge in the Andes of Bolivia, and reviewed experiences from mangrove systems in Kenya, India and Sri Lanka, and from case-studies in other ecosystems world-wide, incl. Australia, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Nepal, Niger, Philippines, Senegal, South-Africa and Tanzania.  相似文献   

Information regarding the distribution of volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations and exposures is scarce, and there have been few, if any, studies using population-based samples from which representative estimates can be derived. This study characterizes distributions of personal exposures to ten different VOCs in the U.S. measured in the 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Personal VOC exposures were collected for 669 individuals over 2-3 days, and measurements were weighted to derive national-level statistics. Four common exposure sources were identified using factor analyses: gasoline vapor and vehicle exhaust, methyl tert-butyl ether (MBTE) as a gasoline additive, tap water disinfection products, and household cleaning products. Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes chloroform, and tetrachloroethene were fit to log-normal distributions with reasonably good agreement to observations. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene and trichloroethene were fit to Pareto distributions, and MTBE to Weibull distribution, but agreement was poor. However, distributions that attempt to match all of the VOC exposure data can lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the level and frequency of the higher exposures. Maximum Gumbel distributions gave generally good fits to extrema, however, they could not fully represent the highest exposures of the NHANES measurements. The analysis suggests that complete models for the distribution of VOC exposures require an approach that combines standard and extreme value distributions, and that carefully identifies outliers. This is the first study to provide national-level and representative statistics regarding the VOC exposures, and its results have important implications for risk assessment and probabilistic analyses.  相似文献   

The host specificity of flukes belonging to the genus Sphaerostomum (S. bramae and S. globiporum) in the center and at the periphery of the genus range is discussed. Both fluke species are specific parasites of cyprinids. However, fish of nine other families and one cyclostome species have also been recorded as their hosts. At the periphery of the range, the spectrum of definitive hosts is broader than in the center owing to a greater number of unspecific hosts. In the center, unspecific hosts are represented by six fish species (Esox lucius, Misgurnus fossilis, Perca fluviatilis, Lota lota, Gymnocephalus cernuus, and Salmo sp.), four of which are predators. At the periphery, 11 fish species, including six predators (Anguilla anguilla, Barbatula barbatula, Cottus gobio, Cobitis taenia, Coregonus lavaretus, Salmo trutta, Alosa sp., Potamoschistus minutus, E. lucius, P. fluviatilis, and L. lota), and the cyclostome Lampetra fluviatilis are unspecific hosts. In the peripheral populations, compared to central, flukes manifest greater adaptive plasticity and can infest new hosts.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in radiological assessment of discharges of naturally occurring radionuclides into the terrestrial environment. Such assessments require parameter values for the pathways considered in predictive models. An important pathway for human exposure is via ingestion of food crops and animal products. One of the key parameters in environmental assessment is therefore the soil-to-plant transfer factor to food and fodder crops. The objective of this study was to compile data, based on an extensive literature survey, concerning soil-to-plant transfer factors for uranium, thorium, radium, lead, and polonium. Transfer factor estimates were presented for major crop groups (Cereals, Leafy vegetables, Non-leafy vegetables, Root crops, Tubers, Fruits, Herbs, Pastures/grasses, Fodder), and also for some compartments within crop groups. Transfer factors were also calculated per soil group, as defined by their texture and organic matter content (Sand, Loam, Clay and Organic), and evaluation of transfer factors' dependency on specific soil characteristics was performed following regression analysis. The derived estimates were compared with estimates currently in use.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde, an economically important chemical, is classified as a human carcinogen that causes nasopharyngeal cancer and probably leukemia. As China is the largest producer and consumer of formaldehyde in the world, the Chinese population is potentially at increased risk for cancer and other associated health effects. In this paper we review formaldehyde production, consumption, exposure, and health effects in China. We collected and analyzed over 200 Chinese and English documents from scientific journals, selected newspapers, government publications, and websites pertaining to formaldehyde and its subsequent health effects.Over the last 20 years, China's formaldehyde industry has experienced unprecedented growth, and now produces and consumes one-third of the world's formaldehyde. More than 65% of the Chinese formaldehyde output is used to produce resins mainly found in wood products — the major source of indoor pollution in China. Although the Chinese government has issued a series of standards to regulate formaldehyde exposure, concentrations in homes, office buildings, workshops, public places, and food often exceed the national standards. In addition, there have been numerous reports of formaldehyde-induced health problems, including poisoning and cancer. The lack of quality epidemiological studies and basic data on exposed populations emphasizes the need for more extensive studies on formaldehyde and its related health effects in China.  相似文献   

The endangered species Melica virgata was studied with respect to geographic distribution, the recent state of cenopopulations, the characteristics of habitats, phytocenotic relationships, morphology, and specific ecological and physiological features. The data on the introduction, biochemical composition, and economic significance of M. virgata are presented, and measures aimed at species conservation are proposed.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles, like Pterostichus oblongopunctatus, living in metal contaminated areas may be exposed to elevated levels of metals within their diets. However, when compared to other second order consumers, they have one of the lowest observed levels of metals, indicating methods of detoxification to deal with such toxicants. In this study, we investigated if chronic, multigenerational exposure to metals leads to resistance to toxic metal concentrations, and if so, what are the costs associated with them. Adult organisms were collected from two sites, a polluted and a reference site near Olkusz, in southern Poland. These adults were immediately mated, and eggs were collected twice weekly to assess the effects in the larvae of the F(1) generation. Larvae were randomly exposed to one of four artificial mediums: control, 50 mg kg(-1) Cd, 500 mg kg(-1) Zn, and a combined treatment of 50 mg kg(-1) Cd and 500 mg kg(-1) Zn to investigate possible interactions. Individuals were sacrificed at 10, 30, and 40 days. Although metals were not accumulated in larvae (p>0.05), larvae fed the Cd or the Zn treatment grew significantly slower, and had the lowest survival rate (p<0.05) in respect to control. Out of metal treated animals, those on the combined treatment of CdZn grew the quickest and had the highest observed survival (p<0.05). Although previous studies have demonstrated changes in adult population parameters under chronic, multigeneration exposure to toxic metal concentrations, our study did not reveal any changes in the larval stage.  相似文献   

Interpreting and applying the concept of sustainable development is increasingly viewed as being the way to promulgate just and practicable economic, environmental and social policy. It is thus important that there be increased public and political awareness concerning the origins of economic theory, and its early relationship to sustainability concepts. While the term 'sustainable development' was popularised by the World Commission on Environment and Development report Our Common Future in 1987, it is generally recognised that notions of sustainability were promoted in `limits to growth' and 'green' discourses in the early 1970s (Meadows et al.: 1974, The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome, Potomac Associates and Pan Books, London and Sydney). However, there is little acknowledgement of the way in which nineteenth century intellectuals, from a range of disciplines, conceptualised the importance of balancing economic, social and environmental sustainability in their quest for justice and the conservation of nature.There was a considerable exchange of ideas on `political economy' and nature across Europe, and later the Americas, from the middle of the eighteenth century. This discourse reached its intellectual peak in the nineteenth century. During that era there was a proliferation of literature that was aimed at improving the human condition and recognising humanity's dependence upon nature. In Europe and the USA the participants in the debate included Cantillon, Quesnay, Condorcet, Galiani, Von Hayek, Marx and George. Due to the breadth of this influential body of work, we focus here on the British Victorian thinkers such as Darwin, Malthus, Martineau and Mill. These thinkers influenced each other in developing their theories and ideas in science, politics, economics and philosophy, and were influenced in turn by an earlier generation of intellectuals, such as Adam Smith. For the Victorian thinkers, conserving nature while trying to improve the distribution of wealth was a not a paradox, but a moral duty, and for them Smith's `rational' pursuit of self-interest could only be followed if it did not interfere with 'the rules of justice'. We argue that the manner in which these thinkers conceptualised their theories and ideas represents the nineteenth century origins of sustainability concepts.  相似文献   

Hot spots in Brazil include a variety of ecosystems, such as mangroves, forests, and the Brazilian savannah, locally called cerrado. Some of the rural populations in these hot spots are the caiçaras in SE Atlantic Forest coast, and the caboclos in the Amazon. In this study, we are concerned especially with the knowledge of caiçaras and caboclos, associated with practices that might have implications for management. Data were gathered through interviews with adults at the various communities studied, and through systematic observations, including samples of fishing trips and the mapping of fishing spots used in the Atlantic Forest coast. The use of resources from the surrounding vegetation includes collection of plants, cultivated fruit gardens, the swidden system, and a careful and managed extraction of fibres. Among animal resources, food taboos seem to be useful practices that might contribute to the maintenance of local natural resources. Potential management practices should be locally developed, such as the informal division of fishing spots in Atlantic Forest sites, and the maintenance of the diversity of cassava varieties in both the Atlantic Forest and Amazonian areas.  相似文献   

选择青藏高原多年冻土区工程迹地的人工恢复植物和紫花针茅草原的优势植物以及对应的土壤样品进行对照,利用原子吸收法分析了它们的矿质元素含量特征。结果表明:多年冻土区工程迹地人工恢复区植物的元素含量:>1 000 μg/g的元素有Ca、P和Na,100~1 000 μg/g的元素有Mn、K、Fe、Mg和Al;而对照紫花针茅草原优势植物的元素含量:>1 000 μg/g的元素有Ca和Na,100~1 000 μg/g的元素有P、Mn、K、Fe、Mg和Al。人工恢复区土壤元素含量:>1 000 μg/g的元素有Ca、Fe和Mn,100~1000 μg/g的元素有Mg、K、Al、P和Na;对照紫花针茅草原土壤元素含量:>1 000 μg/g的元素有Ca、Fe,100~1 000 μg/g的元素有Mn、Mg、Al、K、P和Na。该区域植物和土壤元素含量都属于Ca > K 型。人工恢复植物和对照的紫花针茅草原植物对土壤元素的吸收能力具有较高的相似性。K和Al元素的累积与其他元素没有显著的相关关系,其他元素之间为正相关关系,元素之间的吸收累积属于协同作用,无明显的撷抗作用  相似文献   

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