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长期以来,我国专科层次的高等职业教育适应地方经济发展的需要,无论在规模,还是结构、质量方面都获得了长足发展.但随着社会主义市场经济的确立,科学技术的迅猛发展,社会对人才的素质、能力、层次的要求越来越高.相应,对教育层次的需求也随之提升.因此,发展四年制本科层次高职教育已成为一种必然和迫切需要.文章就实现本科层次高职教育的客观趋势及其选择模式提出了初步设想.  相似文献   

基于适应"调结构转方式"社会经济发展要求,基于行业企业人才需求的新趋势,基于高职人文素质教育的自身缺陷,在高等职业教育大力推进内涵建设的背景下,高职人文素质教育课程改革必须在更新教育理念树立立科学素养与人文素养融合的文化氛围基础上,结合高职教育特点构建多元化的文化素质教育平台,不断丰富课外文化活动,构筑具有职业人文特色的校园文化,提高教师人文素质,建立高素质的高职师资队伍,才能达到"育人为先"的高等职业教育目标,才能培养出高素质全面发展的人才.参9.  相似文献   

随着农业高等职业教育的发展,大部分的农业高职院校都普遍地采用了负债融资这一形式来维持运转和发展.然而,如果到期没有足够现金流偿债,会使高校陷入财政危机而影响正常教学秩序,形成负债融资风险.本文从改善农业高职院校的负债融资环境,拓展农业高职院校的负债融资渠道,加强农业高职院校的负债融资管理三方面对农业高职院校的负债融资问题进行研究,提出了解决的对策.  相似文献   

最近阅读了由高等教育出版社出版的舒底清先生所著《高等职业教育专业内涵建设》一书,全书大体构架包括高等职业教育专业建设概述、高职院校人才培养模式改革、职业教育课程改革与建设、高职院校师资队伍建设、高职院校实训基地建设、高职院校教学质量监控等6章,以下分为专业建设  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育结构的逐步调整及职业教育层次的日益提升,高职校园文化建设在高等职业教育体系中显示出越来越重要的作用.实践证明,主体性德育观作为思想政治教育的先进内容,不仅为新时期下高职校园文化建设提供了理论支撑,还指明了科学方向.参4.  相似文献   

论高职院校实施素质教育的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了高等职业院校实施素质教育必要性和紧迫性,界定了素质教育的基本内涵和规格体系,从高职院校实施素质教育的教育观念、非智力因素、创造能力培养、隐性课堂建设、基础文明习习惯的养成以及面向全体学生等六个方面提出了建议.  相似文献   

市场营销专业是许多高职院校开设的重要专业之一.随着我国市场经济的进一步发展,市场营销专业的毕业生越来越受到企业的重视,企业对高职院校开设市场营销专业也提出了越来越高的要求.通过分析市场营销人员应具备的能力和高职院校市场营销专业的发展现状,就高职院校市场营销专业建设提出一些初步建议.参3.  相似文献   

科学发展观是新时期全面建设小康社会的重要战略思想,是统领中国经济社会发展的指导思想.高等职业教育要更好地持续发展,就必须坚持科学发展观,走内涵式发展道路.在高职院校内涵建设发展中,特色教育是其提高竞争力的根本;创新管理体制是激发它办学活力的关键;创新办学思路,科学定位是其持续发展的必然要求.以科学发展观为指导探讨三者在高职院校内涵建设中的具体做法,具有重要意义.参7.  相似文献   

高等职业教育人才培养分为受教育前、受教育中、受教育后三个阶段,那么高等职业教育人才培养质量则可以分为生源质量标准、教育教学质量标准和毕业生质量标准,由此构建了高等职业教育人才培养质量标准体系,既包括3个一级指标、11个二级指标,每个二级指标以下还包含若干要求.  相似文献   

提升农业职业教育水平和提高农业职业院校办学效益,要本着收益原则与承受能力原则相结合、公平原则与效率原则相结合、确实原则与透明度原则相结合.在对农业高等职业教育成本补偿的现状进行了较为充分的分析研究后,建议通过合理确定学费补偿标准、增加国家财政负担份额、利用贷款制、发展教育储蓄、实行订单式培养、积极拓展经费来源等途径来完善农业高等职业教育成本补偿.  相似文献   

职业高等教育法律专业的培养目标与专业课程设置初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章认为职业高等教育法律专业应根据自身特色规划培养目标和专业课程,尤其是从理论讲授、实际操作与社会实践三个方面对专业课程的设置作了较为深入的探讨.  相似文献   

该文从TVET角度出发,提出了职业创新能力概念,借鉴发达国家高等职业教育教学体系构建情况,提出了我国高等职业教育教学体系构建的若干原则:普通高中和职业高中适当修完大学一些公共基础课,必须拓宽专业设置面,须慎重考虑基础课、专业基础课与专业课三者之间的学时比例,须拓宽知识教育面、增加选修课程,教学计划实行动态调整,须拓宽办学层次,须加强动手能力培养、增加投入.  相似文献   

台湾职业技术教育的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
台湾普通教育体系与职业技术教育体系衔接紧密,职业技术教育与终身教育相结合,定位准确,培养目标清晰,坚持职业证书制度,建立了多元文凭价值体系,政策优惠,课程开发时考虑配合整体经济发展并兼顾地区发展及学生未来适应生活的需求,力求职业技术课程体系的完整与连贯性,学校本位课程具有机动弹性,人才培养途径是加强建教合作、充实实践教学环节,师资队伍建设采取直接从企业聘请教师或者聘请资深的企业界技术人员到校兼职教授,强调师资的高学历和实务导向并鼓励在职实务进修,运用行业分析编制组织结构严谨教材.当然,台湾教育界同样存在重学轻术、招生困难、投资捉襟见肘、师资设备仍显不足、与全球经济一体化不相适应、就业难等问题.  相似文献   

Environmental management and planning is now considered as a new field of professional expertise. There are even professional associations for interested professionals. To date, urban environmental management has been regarded as a subdiscipline of environmental management, but since the Rio Conference in 1992, with the new focus of urban management on environmental problems, it can itself be considered as a professional field. This paper traces the emergence of the field and tries to identify the new skills required for it. The question of formal training, in higher education, for a new type of professional is raised and discussed. It refers at length to an initiative taken by the Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok) to propose and offer a new graduate programme in this discipline, and draws on the author's experience of an Asian workshop (Bangkok, May 1993) aimed at defining the need for such a new profession in Asia.  相似文献   

在对河北省东部进行的生态意识调查基础上,运用计量经济学方法分析了这些小城镇生态意识水平发展的一些规律,并提出了提高小城镇公众生态意识水平的一些对策。研究发现这些小城镇政府工作人员的整体生态意识处于浅层思考阶段,对指导环境保护仅具有启蒙性的意义,仍需提高到深层意识水平,才能更好地行使环境教育与环境决策的职责。研究还发现生态意识策略首先要加强对小城镇地区公众的生态安全教育,其次是注重转变经济增长方式,发展生态经济;关注中小学生的生态意识培养;同时尽力加强环境管理。  相似文献   


This paper interprets aspects of the implementation of environmental education in a Higher Education Institution, situated in a developing country, to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The paper will allow educators to categorise the multiplicity of ESD programmes and projects in higher education institutions, determine their limitations and acceptability, and benefit from the theoretical framework of affective learning in designing new ESD interventions. The paper will also provide an overview of the processes required to establish ESD in developing and developed countries. This paper will further help universities to develop a better understanding of how integration of the three components of sustainable development – economic development, social development and environmental protection – can be incorporated in higher education. The paper explores the challenges for planning the implementation of ESD in an education faculty, outlining the potential lessons learned that could assist in improving ESD efforts in Faculties of Education.  相似文献   

A broadly defined scientific Capacity Building (CB) for Sustainable Development (SD) is needed all around the world, and the development of innovative capacities in the developing countries is a priority. For this, first we need to know how this concept is applied in some developing countries. In this paper we present some Mexican experiences in the field of capacity building for sustainable development. The main problems are the monodisciplinary training of the specialists, the absence of a sound policy for promotion, career development and assessment of researchers, as well as of their projects when they are interdisciplinary and development-oriented. The main proposals to solve these problems are the creation of mechanisms that foster and legitimize interdisciplinary work; a decentralized planning process with the specific objective of establishing the needs and orientations on a regional basis; provide resources to long-term projects, and finally, consensus on asking international funding agencies for stronger support for public higher education institutions in developing countries in order to increase and strengthen their capacity for education and research in general, and in the field of SD in particular.  相似文献   

Expert testimony is available in cases where persons, qualified through skill, knowledge, experience, education or training can be helpful to the trier of the facts in coming to a determination. Historically, courts have given experts wide latitude with respect to their qualifications as well as to the bases of their opinions. Recently, some courts, because of concern about a developing body of “professional experts”, are taking steps to more carefully survey the opinion of experts before permitting their testimony to get to the jury. Both the historical development and some of the recent decisions are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some conservation biologists question the ability of current university curricula to prepare students to meet the needs of the profession in solving real-life conservation problems or to integrate the goals of conservation biology with other societal goals. The gist of the criticism is that curricula tend to emphasize narrow, technical proficiency at the expense of more integrative, "policy-oriented" problem solving. Conservation biologists' work should be relevant to policy, and I argue that professional participation could become more effective through a broader educational curriculum. Such curricula should teach students three things: (1) an understanding of how the policy-making system works and how human value interactions constitute the core of professional work, (2) mastery of skills in critical thinking and development of an interdisciplinary, "procedural rationality" for analyzing problems and evaluating potential solutions, and (3) development of influence and responsibility within policy systems. Seminars, case studies, and field trips are among the tools that can develop these skills in students. Finally, the education committee of the Society for Conservation Biology has great potential to improve the quality and relevance of professional education.  相似文献   

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