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The relative contribution of kelps and other food sources to the diet of consumers in shallow coastal communities has been hotly debated in recent years. It has been suggested that considering proxies instead of phytoplankton isotopic signatures can lead to an overestimation of kelp contribution through isotopic mixing models. We analysed spatial patterns in carbon isotopic ratios of the dominant primary sources and consumers at two subtidal sites in Brittany (France) prior to the anticipated 2011 phytoplankton bloom to determine which of kelp and phytoplankton is the dominant food source in Laminaria hyperborea forests. We found simultaneous spatial variations for consumers, kelps and deposited particulate organic matter, suggesting that kelp-derived organic matter is a key component of associated food webs for at least part of the year.  相似文献   

In coastal wetlands, the increasing level of disturbance from recreational activities could threaten waterbird populations, which overall are showing decreasing trends. Despite the crucial contribution of waterbirds to biodiversity, empirical studies measuring the effects of disturbance on them remain scarce, especially in terms of the impact upon their roosting sites. We developed an experimental treatment to measure the effects of a pedestrian walking on a site used by overwintering waterbirds in a wetland of international importance. We registered 156 events (88 at high tide) of flushing birds, totaling 4,018 individuals. Each treatment drove the flushing of 1?C5?% of the wintering populations of nearly all species present during high tide. In addition, 1.5?% of the Eurasian curlew wintering population was driven to change site. All the effects were found to be reduced during other tidal periods. Therefore, allowing recreational use in a previously undisturbed area can systematically increase daily energy expenditure of significant percentages of different waterbird populations during high tide, and even cause birds to avoid a site completely. These effects will probably be even worse given that our results were derived only from a disturbance source of low magnitude and frequency. We recommend that, prior to developing recreational areas close to the shoreline, coastal wetland managers should study the habitat use of waterbirds during high tide in relation to total waterbird populations using the wetland.  相似文献   

By rapidly modifying key habitat components, habitat restoration is at risk of producing attractive cues for animals without providing habitats of sufficient quality. As such, individual fitness components, such as reproduction, could be reduced and restored habitats could become ecological traps. This risk notably appears by using artificial constructions in restoration projects, yet few studies have evaluated their efficacy in a robust way. We investigated this by analyzing 154 islets that were created or restored to improve the conservation status of 7 colonial Laridae species in the South of France. From 2007 to 2016, we compared occupancy dynamics and breeding parameters of these species between the restored sites and 846 unmanaged nesting sites. We also explored species’ preference for different nesting site characteristics and their respective effect on breeding parameters. Restored nesting sites were 2–9 times as attractive as unmanaged sites for all species except the Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Colonization probability was up to 100 times higher in sites already used by other species the previous year and increased with distance to the shore until >0.2 when distance was over 250 m. Abandonment probability was 29–70% lower when breeding was successful the previous year in all species except the Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis). Productivity and breeding success probability were 2 times higher on managed sites. Distance from the shore was an important attractive characteristic of artificial nesting sites in all species. Other nesting site characteristics had species-specific effects on colonization, abandonment, and breeding success. Our results indicate that managed nesting sites are successful conservation tools for colonial Laridae in the Mediterranean and do not act as ecological traps. Our study showed that testing the ecological trap hypothesis is a robust way to evaluate the success of restoration projects of breeding habitats.  相似文献   

Predictive modelling to map subtidal communities is an alternative to “traditional” methods, such as direct sampling, remote sensing and acoustic survey, which are neither time- nor cost-effective for vast expanses. The principle of this modelling is the use of a combination of environmental key parameters to produce rules to understand species distribution and hence generate predictive maps. This study focuses on subtidal kelp forests (KF) on the coast of Brittany, France. The most significant key parameters to predict KF frequency are (1) the nature of the substrate, (2) depth, (3) water transparency, (4) water surface temperature and (5) hydrodynamics associated with the flexibility of algae in a flow. All these parameters are integrated in a spatial model, built using a Geographical Information System. This model results in a KF frequency map, where sites with optimum key parameters show a deeper limit of disappearance. After validation, the model is used in the context of Climate Change to estimate the effect of environmental variation on this depth limit of KF. Thus, the effects of both an increase in water temperature and a decrease in its transparency could lead to the complete disappearance of KF.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from many regions suggests that most species would be least negatively affected if human food demand were met through high-yield agricultural production and conservation of nonfarm ecosystems (land sparing), rather than through wildlife-friendly farming over a larger area (land sharing). However, repeated glaciation and a long history of agriculture may lead to different results in regions such as western Europe. We compared the consequences of land sparing and land sharing on breeding bird species in 2 lowland regions of England, The Fens, with 101 species, and Salisbury Plain, with 83. We derived density–yield responses for each species and then estimated regional population size under regional food production strategies, including land sharing and land sparing, a range of intermediate strategies, and a novel mixed strategy. In both regions, more species achieved maximum regional population size under land sparing than land sharing. In The Fens, the majority of birds were loser species (estimated to have smaller populations under all food production strategies than in the preagricultural baseline scenario), whereas in Salisbury Plain the majority were winners (smaller populations in the preagricultural baseline scenario). Loser species overwhelmingly achieved maximum regional population size under land sparing, whereas winner species achieved maximum regional population size under either land sharing or an intermediate strategy, highlighting the importance of defining which groups of species are the target of conservation. A novel 3-compartment strategy (combining high-yield farming, natural habitat, and low-yield farming) often performed better than either land sharing or land sparing. Our results support intermediate or 3-compartment land-sparing strategies to maximize bird populations across lowland agricultural landscapes. To deliver conservation outcomes, any shift toward land sparing must, however, ensure yield increases are sustainable in the long term, do not entail increased negative effects on surrounding areas, and are linked to allocation of land for nature.  相似文献   

为了初步研究有机磷农药二嗪磷对鸟类的毒性作用,采用室内饲喂染毒的方法,分析了二嗪磷对鹌鹑、鹧鸪及斑鸠3种鸟脑组织乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活性的影响。鹌鹑、鹧鸪采用经食饲喂,染毒剂量分别为0、40、80、160、320、600mg·kg-1饲料和0、400、800、1600、3200、6000mg·kg-1饲料,试验周期8d;斑鸠采用拌种饲喂(1mL50%二嗪磷乳油拌500g麦种),染毒剂量为0、1.2、2.0、4.0、8.0mg·kg-1体重,一次性染毒后进行常规饲养,试验周期15d。结果表明,二嗪磷对3种鸟脑组织AChE活性均有一定程度的抑制作用:各染毒组死亡鸟AChE活性较对照降低显著(p<0.05,p<0.01),活性抑制率均超过40%;各染毒组存活鸟AChE活性较对照也有所降低,但活性抑制率均未超过20%.以上结果提示,抑制脑组织AChE活性可能是二嗪磷致鸟类死亡的重要原因。  相似文献   

Most rapidly changing areas are beset by intensified conflicts of use, where the environmental dimension plays an increasingly important role. These antagonistic situations represent a challenge for continuing and launching territorial public actions for integrated resource management. This contribution aims to highlight the socio-spatial dynamics of conflicts of use relating to the environment and provides methodological elements to characterise the conflictual processes at work in rapidly changing areas. It sets out elements of research on the Languedoc-Roussillon coastal zone, based on the hypothesis that sustainable management of territories’ gains by being acquainted with conflict mechanisms (the emergence factor, modes of dissent, methods of regulation) and the actors involved (role, organisation, strategies), in time and in space. An interpretative framework for the conflictual processes relating to the environment is proposed, in order to provide a complementary analysis of the typologies of existing conflicts.  相似文献   

Among the important alternatives for land conservation is the US Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) that celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2015. This paper explores how landowners decide on alternative land-use choices made available by the expiration of CRP contracts in Kansas. The study uses survey data and multinomial Logit models to predict land-use choices. Two models were tested. The first model does not incorporate variables concerning farmer perceptions and attitudes about land-use choices, while the second model does. The results show that CRP re-enrollment depends on factors, such as years of experience in cropping and percent of cropland irrigated. However, when perception variables are added, the models become more robust in explaining other land choice alternatives. The results suggest that as the perception of unfairness of more inflexible environmental policy rises, these farmers may be more likely to re-enroll their marginal land in the CRP program.  相似文献   

In Europe, Britain was relatively early in being aware of the necessity of conserving natural coastal sites, though not as early as The Netherlands. In the 1960s and 1970s, increasing economic and tourist pressures in Europe prompted measures geared to the protection of other coasts in Europe. The promptness of the British reaction was a result of a sensitive public opinion and of powerful private trusts (National Trust with Enterprise Neptune) rather than of a commitment by the Government. In France a specific organization, in part inspired by the British principle, was set up. However, the French system is based much more on a public authority, theConservatoire de l’Espace Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres and on legislation (Coastal Law of 1986). Although very different in the beginning, French and British conservation politics today show many similarities, along with the similarities in the concerns of both countries.  相似文献   

The concept of shifting baselines in conservation science implies advocacy for the use of historical knowledge to inform these baselines but does not address the feasibility of restoring sites to those baselines. In many regions, conservation feasibility varies among sites due to differences in resource availability, statutory power, and land‐owner participation. We used zooarchaeological records to identify a historical baseline of the freshwater mussel community's composition before Euro‐American influence at a river‐reach scale (i.e., a kilometer stretch of river that is abiotically similar) in the Leon River of central Texas (U.S.A.). We evaluated how the community reference position and the feasibility of conservation might enable identification of sites where conservation actions would preserve historically representative communities and be likely to succeed. We devised a conceptual model that incorporated community information and landscape factors to link the best conservation areas to potential cost and conservation benefits. Using fuzzy ordination, we identified modern mussel beds that were most like the historical baseline. We then quantified housing density and land use near each river reach identified to estimate feasibility of habitat restoration. Using our conceptual framework, we identified reaches of high conservation value (i.e., contain the best mussel beds) and where restoration actions would be most likely to succeed. Reaches above Lake Belton were most similar in species composition and relative abundance to zooarchaeological sites. A subset of these mussel beds occurred in locations where conservation actions appeared most feasible. Our results show how to use zooarchaeological data (biodiversity data often readily available) and estimates of conservation feasibility to inform conservation priorities at a local spatial scale.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mass balance in calculations with the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS). An error is pointed out that concerns the calculation of the surface fluxes on slopes. This error affects all the prognostic variables in RAMS when sloping terrain is involved. Here we explain how the error can be corrected. To study the impact of the error, we compared simulations with the uncorrected and corrected model. The model contains CO2 transport, and online mass balance calculations were performed for this tracer. Without correction, effective surface CO2-fluxes on mountain slopes were found to be enhanced under certain common conditions to several times the parameterized fluxes. Neglecting this error may cause substantial deviations in both forward and inverse model calculations. After the correction a very good closure of the mass balance is obtained. The correction also modifies the meteorological parameters, although the consequences were limited compared to the CO2-fluxes.  相似文献   

The diversity of soil Collembola was studied in two sites of the central Pyrenees (France). In each site a seminatural beech forest was compared to a conifer plantation. At the Rille site planted spruce and naturally regenerated beech forest were established on ancient meadows, and at the Carmil site a fir plantation had locally replaced the natural beech forest. Thirty-two soil cores of 250 cm3 were collected in each forest type at each site, and core fauna were extracted with a Berlese-Tullgren funnel. Differences in structure and composition of collembolan communities were observed from original to planted forest, and these changes followed different patterns at the two sites. In both cases, however, the diversity of the fauna was impoverished in the plantation. The endemic component suffered a particularly severe loss in species richness and abundance, whereas non-endemic species were more weakly affected. Endemic biota, which from a conservation perspective represent the most valuable element of the fauna, were its most vulnerable component. Endemic species and endemic areas therefore deserve particular attention when biodiversity fluctuations caused by reforestation are studied. This could lead to reassessment of the potential effects of artificial reforestation on the biodiversity of temperate forests. There is a general need for a systematic inventory and protection of forests with endemic soil biota.  相似文献   

A male genital defect was reported in a Nucella lapillus (L.) population at Dumpton Gap (England). This defect was termed Dumpton syndrome (DS) and appears to be a genetic feature. Its main characteristic is the absence of penis (aphally) in males and in females. In 1992, such a phenomenon was discovered in populations in the vicinity of Brest (Brittany, France). DS-affected females exhibit fewer tributyltin-induced imposex characteristics than expected in normal individuals. The percentage of female sterilization is thus lower, favouring population survival. In consequence, the DS is considered to be a pollution-resistance feature. Comparison with the Dumpton population revealed similarities and differences in the DS characteristics. It is thus hypothesized that the DS observed at the two locations is due to two different biological mechanisms. Indeed, aphallic males with a split prostate were observed but no underdevelopment of their vas deferens and testis was noted in the present study. In this gonochoristic gastropod species, the most DS-affected males in Brest possess an ovotestis and it is thus hypothesized that feminity is remnant in N. lapillus. Incidence of abnormality is ten times higher in females than in males. This suggested that a sex-difference operates in the Brest phenomenon.  相似文献   

The contribution of derelict industrial sites to the conservation of rare plants in the British Isles is reviewed. Many sites have acquired considerable biological interest and have been designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest or nature reserves. In most cases the development of wildlife interest has in the past been fortuitous rather than planned. There is, however, increasing evidence that the deliberate re-development of specific areas of derelict land for wildlife conservation is technical feasible. Whilst the forward planning of new mineral developments must continue to take account of existing wildlife values to minimise potential conflict and losses, nature conservation may, in certain circumstances, be considered as viable an endopoint as the more commonplace objectives of landscape rehabilitation. Further development of this policy could provide a means of compensating for the inevitable losses that will occur in the future, and greater attention must be paid to the potential of derelict industrial sites in this context.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatio-temporal patterns of atmospheric carbon dioxide transport predicted by the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). Forty-eight hour simulations over northern New England incorporating a simple representation of the diurnal summertime surface carbon dioxide forcing arising from biological activity indicate that, in its native formulation, RAMS exhibits a significant degree of mass non-conservation. Domain-wide rates of non-physical mass gain and mass loss are as large as three percent per day which translates into approximately eleven parts per million per day for carbon dioxide — enough to rapidly dilute the signature of carbon dioxide fluxes arising from biological activity. Analysis shows that this is due to the approximation used by RAMS to compute the Exner function. Substitution of the exact, physically complete equation improves mass conservation by two orders of magnitude. In addition to greatly improving mass conservation, use of the complete Exner function equation has a substantial impact on the spatial pattern of carbon dioxide predicted by the model, yielding predictions differing from a conventional RAMS simulation by as much as forty parts per million. Such differences have important implications both for comparisons of modeled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations to observations and for carbon dioxide inversion studies, which use estimates of atmospheric transport of carbon dioxide in conjunction with measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations to infer the spatio-temporal distribution of surface carbon dioxide fluxes. Furthermore, use of the complete Exner function equation affects the vertical velocity and water mixing ratio fields, causing significant changes in accumulated precipitation over the region.  相似文献   

A tidal bore is a series of waves propagating upstream as the tidal flow turns to rising, and the bore front corresponds to the leading edge of the tidal wave in a funnel shaped estuarine zone with macro-tidal conditions. Some field observations were conducted in the tidal bore of the Garonne River on 7 June 2012 in the Arcins channel, a few weeks after a major flood. The tidal bore was a flat undular bore with a Froude number close to unity: $\hbox {Fr}_{1} = 1.02$ and 1.19 (morning and afternoon respectively). A key feature of the study was the simultaneous recording of the water elevation, instantaneous velocity components and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) estimates, together with a detailed characterisation of the sediment bed materials. The sediment was some silty material ( $\hbox {d}_{50} \approx 13~\upmu \hbox {m}$ ) which exhibited some non-Newtonion thixotropic behaviour. The velocity and SSC estimate were recorded simultaneously at high frequency, enabling a quantitative estimate of the suspended sediment flux at the end of the ebb tide and during the early flood tide. The net sediment flux per unit area was directed upstream after the bore, and its magnitude was much larger than that at end of ebb tide. The field observations highlighted a number of unusual features on the morning of 7 June 2012. These included (a) a slight rise in water elevation starting about 70 s prior to the front, (b) a delayed flow reversal about 50 s after the bore front, (c) some large fluctuations in suspended sediment concentration (SSC) about 100 s after the bore front and (d) a transient water elevation lowering about 10 min after the bore front passage. The measurements of water temperature and salinity showed nearly identical results before and after the tidal bore, with no evidence of saline and thermal front during the study.  相似文献   

FemaleEuchaeta marina (Prestandrea, 1833) have one large, thin-walled lipid sac, whereas femalePleuromamma xiphias (Giesbrecht, 1889) have two separate and morphologically distinct lipid storage sites. One lipid site inP. xiphias corresponds to the mesenteric tissue that surrounds the anterior region of the midgut. The morphology of these cells resembles that of mammalian brown adipocytes. The cytoplasm is filled with extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum, numerous mitochondria and several deposits of intracellular lipid. The second lipid site ofP. xiphias lies in the posterior region of the metasome and resembles the thin-walled lipid sac ofE. marina. Both lie adjacent to, but are not contiguous with, the narrow mesenteric tissue surrounding the last region of the midgut. Both sacs contain a single, large deposit of intracellular lipid enclosed by a very thin rim of cytoplasm and resemble mammalian white adipocytes. The different habitats and reproductive processes of these two copepod species may relate to the observed variations in lipid cell morphology. The reserve lipid inE. marina plays a primary role in reproduction and is linked closely with the continuous cycle of oocytic maturation. The lipids synthesized and stored byP. xiphias, a strong vertical migrator, may be influenced by food availability, a function of their mesopelagic habitat. The primary role of the reserve lipids in this copepod may be to provide energy during migrations and between feeding periods, with relatively less lipid being allocated to reproduction.  相似文献   

P. Domanski 《Marine Biology》1986,93(2):171-180
Bottom and near-bottom decapod shrimp communities from two northeast Atlantic abyssal sites (ca. 4 040 and 5 440m) were examined in 1984 and 1985. In both cases, an increase in abundance was observed in the bottom 90 m of the water column, with the largest numbers of shrimps occurring closest to the sediment surface (10 to 25 m off the bottom). The benthopelagic communities were composed of species drawn from both pelagic and benthic habitats rather than being specific and discrete. Hymenodora glacialis was the dominant species at the shallower site but it was absent from the near-bottom samples at the deeper one. H. acanthitelsonis, however, occurred at both sites. Several new depth records have been established, and there are two recordings of species previously unknown to the eastern Atlantic basin. Vertical migration and differences in modes of reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

• PANI/Ti(OH)n(4n)+ exhibited excellent adsorption capacity and reusability. • Adsorption sites of Cr(VI) were hydroxyl, amino/imino group and benzene rings. • Sb(V) was adsorbed mainly through hydrogen bonds and Ti-O-Sb. • The formation of Cr-O-Sb in dual system demonstrated the synergistic adsorption. • PANI/TiO2 was a potential widely-applied adsorbent and worth further exploring. Removal of chromium (Cr) and antimony (Sb) from aquatic environments is crucial due to their bioaccumulation, high mobility and strong toxicity. In this work, a composite adsorbent consisting of Ti(OH)n(4n)+ and polyaniline (PANI) was designed and successfully synthesized by a simple and eco-friendly method for the uptake of Cr(VI) and Sb(V). The synthetic PANI/TiO2 composites exhibited excellent adsorption capacities for Cr(VI) and Sb(V) (394.43 mg/g for Cr(VI) and 48.54 mg/g for Sb(V)), wide pH applicability and remarkable reusability. The adsorption of Cr(VI) oxyanions mainly involved electrostatic attraction, hydrogen bonding and anion-π interactions. Based on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and FT-IR analysis, the adsorption sites were shown to be hydroxyl groups, amino/imino groups and benzene rings. Sb(V) was adsorbed mainly through hydrogen bonds and surface complexation to form Ti-O-Sb complexes. The formation of Cr-O-Sb in the dual system demonstrated the synergistic adsorption of Cr(VI) and Sb(V). More importantly, because of the different adsorption sites, the adsorption of Cr(VI) and Sb(V) occurred independently and was enhanced to some extent in the dual system. The results suggested that PANI/TiO2 is a promising prospect for practical wastewater treatment in the removal of Cr(VI) and Sb(V) from wastewater owing to its availability, wide applicability and great reusability.  相似文献   

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