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Summary Variance in lifetime mating success was measured for individuals of a population of Enallagma hageni, a non-territorial damselfly in northern Michigan. E. hageni is an explosive breeder with scramble competition for mates. Highly skewed operational sex ratios resulted in intense male-male competition which took the form of interference with tandem pairs. 41% of the males failed to mate in their lifetime as opposed to only 3.6% mating failure in females. The effect on mating success of size, age, longevity, and time spent at the breeding site were investigated. Intermediate sized males obtained the most matings, and male lifetime mating success was highly correlated with longevity.  相似文献   

We investigated how morphological traits of territorial males in the polygynous bat Saccopteryx bilineata were related to their reproductive success. Because of the frequency of aerial courtship displays and defence manoeuvres, and the high energetic costs of flight, we expected small and symmetric males to be better able to court females on the wing and to monopolize copulations with females in their harems. We predicted that small and symmetric males would sire more offspring within the colony and a larger portion of the young born within their harem than large or asymmetric males. We measured size and fluctuating asymmetry of 21 territorial males and analysed their reproductive success in 6 offspring cohorts (n=209 juveniles) using 11 microsatellite loci. As predicted, small and symmetric males had, on average, a higher reproductive success in the colony than large and asymmetric males. The percentage of young sired by males within their harem increased as males decreased in size, but was not influenced by fluctuating asymmetry. As fluctuating asymmetry of males correlated with their reproductive success within the colony but not within their harems, we infer that fluctuating asymmetry is probably related to female choice, whereas male size is probably important for harem defence on the wing.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Mitani and Rodman (1979) showed that a simple measure of the defendability of the range area could differentiate fairly successfully between territorial and non-territorial species of primates. Their analysis has, however, been much criticised on the grounds that it considered only the day journey length and the diameter of the range area. We develop a number of more realistic indices of territory defendability that take into account both the length of the boundary to be defended and the detection distance as well as linear measures of range size. These indices (a) discriminate between territorial and non-territorial species more successfully than the Mitani-Rodman index and (b) allow the results to be extended to species which do not forage in cohesive groups. However, our results suggest that the Mitani-Rodman analysis was in many ways correct.  相似文献   

In a field experiment on the island of Helgoland (southeast North Sea), we investigated whether migration strategy or competition between the sexes cause the differential timing of spring migration of male and female northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) (males migrating earlier). The study included two subspecies, heading towards Greenland/Iceland and Scandinavia, respectively, and is based on colour-ringing and remote weighing of individuals. Despite food offered ad libitum, most Scandinavian birds left the island on the day of arrival or stayed only 1–3 days, whereas more than half of Greenlandic/Icelandic birds stayed for up to 12 days and refuelled rapidly. In the latter subspecies, males showed a positive correlation of departure fuel load and fuel deposition rate, resembling time-minimizers in optimal migration theory. In contrast, females departed irrespective of fuel deposition rate, with an approximately constant level of fuel stores. This level was lower than in males, but sufficient to enable by-passing of stopover sites en route, allowing us to regard females as time-minimizers also. Since females are not able to reach Greenland without additional refuelling elsewhere and males appeared to have a larger potential for by-passing stopover sites, time-selection seems to be more pronounced in males and may be the reason for earlier migration of males. Intraspecific aggressive interactions between colour-ringed birds were predominantly won by the initiator, by males and by larger birds, whereas fuel load and subspecies did not affect the outcome. Although compared to females, males were more often dominant at the feeding stations or held territories, refuelling patterns could not be explained by dominance. Subordinate or non-territorial birds did not refuel at a lower rate or depart with lower fuel loads than dominant or territorial birds. In non-territorial birds, the restricted access to feeding stations was made up with larger doses of food taken per visit, leading to the same energy intake as that of dominant and territorial birds. Therefore, competition during stopover could be eliminated as the reason for differential timing of migration of male and female wheatears, but this result may be species-specific.Communicated by W. Wiltschko  相似文献   

Male reproductive investment may signify a considerable cost to male insects that produce sperm packages or spermatophores. Male butterflies allocate much of their active time budget to mate location, and they may adopt different behavioural strategies to do so. In the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria L.), males adopt either a territorial wait-and-fight strategy (territorial perching) or a fly-and-search strategy in wider areas (patrolling). In this study, we analysed the impact of male age, male size and male behaviour (i.e. behavioural strategies and levels of activity) on spermatophore investment (i.e. spermatophore mass, number of eupyrene sperm bundles). As predicted, reproductive investment increased with male age and size. Nevertheless, the increase of spermatophore mass with age and the number of eupyrene sperm bundles (i.e. fertile sperm) was stronger in low-activity males compared to active flying males. This suggests that flight activity has a negative impact on male reproductive investment. However, males that were forced to fly in the laboratory produced more eupyrene sperm bundles than resting males. We discuss the potential effects of male–male competition and predation risk on current versus future male reproduction. Males adopting different mate-locating strategies (perching and patrolling) in outdoor cages did not differ in spermatophore traits as was predicted from their very different flight performances. Copulations of territorial perching males took somewhat longer than copulations with non-perching males. There was a significant family effect of spermatophore size and of the expression of male mate-locating strategies suggesting heritable variation. Female traits (i.e. age and size) did not strongly affect spermatophore production. We discuss the results relative to both ultimate and proximate explanations of the complex relationships between butterfly activity, behavioural strategies, age and spermatophore production.  相似文献   

Summary At the National Bison Range (western Montana, USA), pronghorn (Antilocapra american) maintained a territorial mating system from as early as 1965 through 1978. Preliminary observations in 1981 suggested that the mating system had changed. Data from the ruts, 1982–1984 revealed a progressive decay in territoriality. In this paper, data from the territorial years 1969–1978 are contrasted with data from the decay years 1982–1984, with results as follow: 1. In 1982–84, fewer territories were defended than in 1969–78. This was attributable to a smaller proportion of males defending territories in 1982–84, not to a smaller number of males. 2. In 1982–84, most territory owners either abandoned their territories early in ruts, or lost control of females on them following frequent, persistent intrusions by non-territorial males. Abandonment and loss of control did not occur in 1969–78. 3. In 1982–84, territorial males that maintained control of females on their territories did so by shrinking their zones of defense to small areas around female groups. 4. In 1982–84, following the disruption or severe disturbance of all territories, many females left territories, and mated elsewhere, with non-territorial males. In 1969–78, most females remained on territories throughout rut, and mated with territory owners. —The mating system change followed catastrophic winter mortality, 1978–79, that removed 75% of the males, including all males older than 5 years, and all male fawns, from the population. In 1982–84, the number of males present was not different from the number of males in 1969–1978, but the frequency distribution of male ages was strongly shifted toward younger ages. The small number of older males, 1982–84, likely resulted in smaller proportions of males initially defending territories, and in less effective territory defense. When females then clustered on the few territories where defense was at first successful, they attracted large numbers of non-territorial males. The resulting high rates of raids on these territories, coupled with reduced defense radii by territorial males, allowed females only 12% reclining time (summer percentage was 39%). This increased energy cost, plus an apparently greater risk of injury on weakly defended territories, appeared to prompt many females to seek calmer matings elsewhere. Also, if female pronghorn practiced mate selection based upon horn or body size, they may have reduced their efforts to remain on territories in 1982–84. Males from 1969–78 were larger than males from 1982–84, and showed greater variance in horn size. At least two conditions appear to influence the tendency of males to be territorial. First, males must be at least three years old before they attempt to defend a territory. Second, the declining proportion of males defending territories, 1982–84, that coincided with an increasing number of males three years and older, suggests that males also decide whether or not to attempt territory defense based upon the frequency of territorial defense in the population.  相似文献   

Summary The territorial and mating systems of the satyrid butterfly Oeneis chryxus were studied for 3 years on individually marked populations in algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario. Males defended territories in a dry open forest clearing by means of chases and spiral flights with conspecifies. Defended areas did not contain food or oviposition sites required by females. Territories were not uniformly distributed over the study area; the highest density of territories was clustered over bare ground covered with sand and small stones rather than areas of vegetation. This pattern of distribution of territories occurred during each year of the study. The patterns of occupancy of territories showed a high degree of consistency from one day to the next, some males defending a given territory for as many as 11 consecutive days. Removal experiments showed that a surplus of non-territorial males did not exist. Vacant territories in the high-density area were absorbed by neighboring males; those in the low-density area remained empty. Male size was not correlated with territory position in the study are. Wing patterning (i.e. size of spots) differed between males occupying territories on sandy/stony versus vegetated areas. The territorial and mating systems of O. chryxus resemble lek polygyny, and are more similar to some vertebrate lek systems than to hilltopping or landmark territoriality.  相似文献   

Saccopteryx bilineata has a polygynous mating system in which males defend females in a harem territory. Harem defense and courtship include energetically costly flight maneuvers and hovering displays. We tested if (1) harem males have a greater field metabolic rate than non-harem males or females and if (2) the field metabolic rate of harem males is correlated with the number of females in a harem territory. We measured the energy budget in 32 S. bilineata with the doubly labeled water method and compared these estimates with behavioral observations in the daytime roost. Among adult bats, field metabolic rate varied with body mass by an exponent of approximately two. We found no significant difference in field metabolic rate or mass-specific field metabolic rate between harem and non-harem males. The mass-specific field metabolic rate of harem-males increased with harem size. The latter finding supports the hypothesis that the energy costs of courtship display and territorial defense influence the energy budget of harem males. Overall, field metabolic rates of S. bilineata were lower than those of similarly sized bats of the temperate zone and only 2.3 times above the basal metabolic rate recorded for this species. We suggest that male S. bilineata did not take advantage of their metabolic capacity because a prudent allocation of energy to activities of harem maintenance is an adaptive strategy for males in this mating system.  相似文献   

Summary Adult male tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus, practise alternative (territorial or sneaker/satellite) reproductive strategies that are correlated with differences in throat color and body size. In this study we raised tree lizards from hatching in the laboratory to examine the question of whether the phenotypic expression of secondary sex coloration and body size can be facultatively influenced by social or abiotic environmental factors. We compared males reared in the laboratory under different social and environmental conditions to males in the field and found no effect of different conditions on phenotypic differentiation (Figs. 2–4). Thus, phenotypic differences between morphs probably result largely from nonfacultative expression of different genotypes. This suggests that alternative male morphs practise a mixed evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) rather than one morph making the best of a bad situation. However, in the context of ESS theory it is difficult to explain our further result that the nonterritorial morph in this species grows faster and reaches a larger adult body size than the territorial morph (Fig. 5).  相似文献   

Divergence of sexual signals in sympatry can arise as a consequence of (1) interspecific competition for resources, (2) selection against maladaptive hybridization, or (3) as a result of selection to reduce the cost of interspecific aggression; termed agonistic character displacement (ACD). Calopterygid damselflies have emerged as a model system for studying the evolution of divergent sexual signals due to the repeated evolution of sympatric species pairs with fully and partially melanized wings. Damselfly wing patterns function during both courtship and territory defense. However, the relative contributions of natural and sexual selection to phenotypic divergence and enhanced isolation in sympatry remain unclear in many cases. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that interference competition, in the form of increased interspecific male–male aggression, drives the evolution of character displacement in sympatry between two species of North American damselflies, Calopteryx aequabilis and Calopteryx maculata, that show no evidence of ecological divergence or ongoing hybridization. In paired behavioral trials, we found that interspecific male aggression related to territory defense varied between site, species, and as a function of the relative abundance of con- vs. hetero-specific males. Specifically, we found that large-spotted C. aequabilis males received increased intra- and interspecific aggression but that aggression against large-spotted males declined during the middle of the flight season when both species were equally abundant. Based on these results, we suggest that ACD leads to enhanced species recognition, and may be a common outcome of the antagonism between interspecific male–male competition and the countervailing force of intraspecific sexual selection favoring increased wing melanization among territorial damselfly species.  相似文献   

We tested female choice for male wing and tarsus length and body mass in the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), a species in which males average about 10% smaller than females. We also studied how male characters are related to their hunting success. In the laboratory, females preferred lighter males with shorter tarsi as mates, if the difference in those characters between competing males was larger than average. Lighter and shorter-winged males seemed to be better hunters than heavier and longer-winged males. Field observations in a year in which voles were scarce suggested that shorter-winged males were also better food providers in courtship feeding than longer-winged males,although in good vole years such a relationship was not found. We argue that females may prefer to pair with smaller males, because they have higher flight performance and better hunting success than heavier males. By doing so, females may gain direct breeding advantages. We conclude that both female choosiness and the hunting efficiency of males well contribute to reversed sexual size dimorphism (RSD, females larger than males) in the kestrel. Received: 18 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 17 August 1996  相似文献   

We examined the social organization and reproductive pattern of a population of Sparisoma cretense L. at Lampedusa Island (Italy). During the breeding season (July to September) individuals occur either in territorial or in non-territorial groups, which quantitatively differ with respect to use of space, sex-ratio and sexual activity. Territorial groups consist of one male plus one to three females, whereas in non-territorial groups as many as 54 fish share a common area. Among non-territorial groups, variations, in both sex-ratio and behavior, suggest they could represent either feeding aggregations or reproductive aggregations. Spawning, always in pairs, occurs daily in a short period of time before dusk and has been observed only in territorial groups. Group spawning has never been observed, but another alternative mating tactic, streaking on pair spawning, was recorded. In the non-breeding season fish do not aggregate in organized social units. Histological examination of gonads showed that adults are larger than 12 cm total length. Females have an asynchronous ovary, typical of species spawning several times during the breeding season. Males show secondary testes, indicating that their gonads develop ovaries as juveniles, which are later redifferentiated into functional testes. Histological and demographic data seem to indicate that, as in other species of this genus, prematurational sex-change occurs. The sexual pattern appears to be essentially gonochoristic, but the potential for sex-change is not excluded. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle, a species with exclusive male parental care, males limit female reproductive success because of their limited brood pouch space and long pregnancy. Sexual size dimorphism is absent in these 1-year-old animals but increases with age so that older females are larger than similarly aged males. Because fecundity is related to size in both sexes and increases more rapidly with body size in females than in males, the difference in growth increases female fecundity more, relative to male fecundity, as the fish get older. We therefore predicted that male limitation of female reproductive success is even more severe when all age classes are considered. To measure a female's maximum reproductive rate, she was provided with three males. Small 1-year-old females produced as many eggs, or produced eggs at the same rate, as a male of similar size could care for. Small females filled on average 1.06 males within the time span of one male pregnancy and actually produced on average 10 eggs fewer than needed to fill a similarly sized male. Large 2-year-old females, in contrast, produced on average a surplus of 149 eggs and filled 2.7 similarly sized males within the course of one pregnancy. The difference between females of the two size classes was highly significant. Males prefer to mate with larger females if given a choice. In nature sex ratios are equal, and males limit female reproductive success in the whole population. Therefore, small females are more severely constrained by mate availability than are larger females because males choose to mate with larger females. Offprint requests to: A Berglund  相似文献   

The present study provides the first analysis of the feeding macroecology of territorial damselfishes (Perciformes: Pomacentridae), a circumtropical family whose feeding and behavioral activities are important in structuring tropical and subtropical reef benthic communities. The analyses were conducted from data collected by the authors and from the literature. A strong positive correlation was observed between bite rates and sea surface temperature (SST) for the genus Stegastes. A negative correlation was found between bite rates and mean body size for the genera Stegastes and Pomacentrus, but this relationship was not significant when all territorial pomacentrids were analyzed together. A negative correlation between body size and SST was observed for the whole group and for the genera Stegastes, and Pomacentrus. No relationship was found between territory size and feeding rates. Principal Components Analysis showed that differences in feeding rates accounted for most of the variability in the data. It also suggested that body size may be important in characterizing the different genera. In general, tropical species are smaller and have higher bite rates than subtropical ones. This study extended the validity of Bergmann’s rule, which states that larger species or larger individuals within species occur towards higher latitudes and/or lower temperatures, for an important group of reef fishes. The identification of large-scale, robust ecological patterns in the feeding ecology of pomacentrid fishes may establish a foundation for predicting large-scale changes in reef fish assemblages with expected future changes in global SST.  相似文献   

Males of some territorial calopterygid damselflies show an elaborate courtship display that involves high-frequency wing-beats directed toward an incoming female. Although it has been suggested that female mate preference is based on some characteristics of male’s courtship display, it is unclear whether the courtship display varies between males or is influenced by environmental conditions. We combined two recent technologies, thermographic imaging and high-speed digital videography, to show that the wing-beat frequency during courtship (i.e., courtship intensity) in a damselfly, Mnais costalis, is correlated with thorax temperature. Our data indicated that (1) male thorax temperature was associated with solar exposure in his territory, (2) environmentally derived thermal gain enhanced courtship intensity, (3) hotter males were more likely to copulate than others, and (4) female thorax temperature during oviposition within a territory was associated with solar exposure. Males with territories that have longer exposure to sun spots are expected to attain higher thorax temperatures for longer and so are able to successfully court more females. We suggest that females benefit from mating with hot males because they will be on a warmer territory while ovipositing. Hot males might also have greater mate guarding ability, and/or eggs may develop faster in warmer territories.  相似文献   

The ability of territorial lizards to discriminate between scents of neighbors and non-neighbors might contribute to decreasing the costs of aggressive interactions. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a field study to analyze the spatial relationships between male Iberian rock-lizards, Lacerta monticola. We then used the same individuals in a laboratory experiment to test whether male lizards can use chemical cues to discriminate between familiar conspecific males (those whose home ranges overlapped) and unfamiliar conspecific males (those whose home ranges did not overlap, and whose home range centers were at least 50 m apart). Differences in tongue-flick rates in the presence of chemical cues suggested that male L. monticola discriminated between odors of familiar and unfamiliar males. The behavioral responses were also dependent on relative differences in body size between the responding male and the unfamiliar male that donated the scent: There was a significant negative correlation between tongue-flick rates emitted in cages of unfamiliar males and the body size differences between males. In contrast, when the donor of the scent was a familiar male, the tongue-flick rate was not dependent on body size differences. These results are compatible with individual discrimination through chemical cues in male L. monticola.  相似文献   

While extensive empirical and theoretical work has focused on the evolution of costly cooperation (particularly in group-living species), less attention has been paid to more low-risk or immediately beneficial forms of cooperation. In some non-group-living darters, alloparental care (or allocare) by subordinates has been noted to result from by-product benefits as small territorial (subordinate) males adopt and provide care to the abandoned eggs of large territorial (dominant) males. In the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), allocare also results from sneak fertilization. However, information on the rate of allocare by tessellated darters is contradictory: prior behavioral work suggested that it is very common, while a genetic examination showed males to primarily care for their own young. We found behavioral and genetic evidence of very high levels of allocare at our study location. The relative size of the assigned fathers of young to the alloparental male is consistent with the idea that initial allocare primarily results from sneak fertilization (“cuckoldry-based allocare”), but later allocare results from subordinate males caring at previously abandoned nests (“adoption-based allocare”). Larger males appeared to breed more frequently at different nests, but did not father more individual offspring than smaller males. Finally, low relatedness between abandoning and alloparenting males suggests that kin selection does not contribute to alloparental care. We discuss how variation in nest availability may explain the inconsistent findings of the rate of alloparental care in the tessellated darter, and how increased research in this and similar systems can expand our understanding of the evolution of cooperation.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a well-recognised agent in the evolution of sperm and ejaculate structure, as well as variation in female quality. Models of the evolution of ejaculate expenditure predict that male body condition, female fecundity and the risk and intensity of sperm competition may be the ultimate factors shaping optimal ejaculate size. We investigated sperm allocation in Austropotamobius italicus, a freshwater crayfish exhibiting a coercive mating system and external fertilisation, in relation to male and female traits and copulation behaviour under laboratory conditions. We found that mating males were sensitive to female size and produced larger ejaculates when mating with larger females, which were more fecund in terms of number of eggs produced. We found no evidence for female egg production being sperm-limited, as the number of eggs was not dependent on male sperm expenditure. Copulation duration and number of ejaculations reliably predicted the amount of sperm transferred, and both these behavioural measures positively covaried with female body size. These results indicate that male freshwater crayfish can modulate their sperm expenditure in accordance with cues that indicate female fecundity. In addition, a novel finding that emerged from this study is the decrease in sperm expenditure with male body size, which may either suggest that large, old male crayfish are better able than small males to economise sperm at a given mating to perform multiple matings during a reproductive season, or that they experience senescence of their reproductive performance.  相似文献   

We examined adult-juvenile conflict in the guanaco (Lama guanicoe). During spring, territorial males become increasingly aggressive toward all juveniles born the previous year and begin expelling them from family groups. In an apparent effort to reduce aggression, juveniles display submissive crouches when being observed, approached, or attacked by the territorial male. Therefore, we assessed the influence of juvenile submissive behavior on the timing of dispersal and also examined if dispersal time was related to survival and reproductive performance as adults. We also evaluated hypotheses regarding the evolution of juvenile mammalian dispersal in the context of if and how each may favor the forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos by territorial males. Juveniles generally dispersed in late spring and early summer, and a nearly equal proportion of females (n=46; 48%) and males (n=49; 52%) dispersed. More-submissive animals generally dispersed later than less-submissive animals. Juvenile sex and dispersal time were not related to survival. In contrast, juvenile sex and dispersal time were related to reproductive performance. The probability of reproducing was highest when juveniles dispersed early and decreased with increasing time in family groups prior to dispersal. The largest proportion of juveniles was forced to disperse during a 2-week interval following the peak of the breeding season. Competition for food resources is likely very intense at this juncture and territorial males may force older juveniles to disperse in order to divert food resources to younger neonates. Additionally, juveniles may be forced to disperse after territorial males mate their mothers to prevent lost mating opportunities, because females leave territories when their offspring disperse and possibly prior to mating with males. We conclude that the forced dispersal of juvenile guanacos by territorial males is ultimately driven by competition for food resources on territories. The timing of dispersal, however, may be tempered by the chronology of matings between territorial males and particular adult females, and/or genetic relatedness between territorial males and juveniles.  相似文献   

Territoriality among male red-winged blackbirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary To test theories recently proposed to explain territorial dominance in animals, we performed several versions of experiments in which male red-winged blackbirds were removed from their territories, held in captivity for varying periods, and then released to challenge their replacements. Males removed for 7 to 49 h recovered their territories from replacement males, either when released or over the following few days or weeks. The duration males were held off territory, the duration replacement males occupied territories, and the original owners' awareness before fighting that they had been replaced, apparently did not influence contest outcomes, but whether the new owner was a neighbor or a previously non-territorial male had some effect. The pattern of territory recovery observed most closely supports the hypothesis that territorial dominance in redwings arises from asymmetries in local knowledge and experience between owners and challengers, although another hypothesis, the Resource Holding Potential hypothesis, was not entirely ruled out. We discuss design of removal experiments to test territoral dominance, and propose that ecologies of particular species may powerfully influence outcomes of these experiments.  相似文献   

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