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Abstract: In the United States, voluntary incentive programs that aid conservation of plant and wildlife species on private lands provide a structural solution to the problem of protecting endangered species by reducing costs and enhancing benefits to landowners. We explored the potential for incentives to encourage landowners to manage land cover for the benefit of endangered songbirds in central Texas (U.S.A.) by asking landowners to indicate their preferences for financial incentives, technical assistance, and regulatory assurances. We identified owners of potential songbird habitat and collected data in face‐to‐face interviews and self‐administered questionnaires. We used a latent‐class stated‐choice model to identify 3 classes of landowners whose choices varied on the basis of their attitudes and perceived social norms: (1) strong positive attitude, perceived social pressure to participate, and willing to participate with relatively few incentives, (2) weak positive attitude, perceived no social pressure to participate, and required strongest incentives, and (3) negative attitude, perceived social pressure not to enroll, and unwilling to participate regardless of incentive structure. Given this heterogeneity in preferences, conservation incentives may increase management of land cover to benefit endangered species on private lands to some degree; however, exclusive reliance on incentives may be insufficient. Promoting conservation on private lands may be enhanced by integrating incentives into an approach that incorporates other strategies for conservation, including social networks and collaborative processes that reinforce social norms.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Identifying the factors that influence the extinction risk of animals is essential in conservation biology because they help identify endangered species and provide the basis for their preservation. We present a comparative study that uses data from the literature on the diet and morphological specialization of European and North American bat species to investigate the effect of specialization on extinction risk. We focused on bats because many species are endangered and their high ecological diversity makes them a good model system for our purpose. After correcting for phylogenetic inertia, we compared the influence of dietary niche breadth as a measure of food specialization and of wing morphology as a measure of foraging strategy, habitat adaptation, and migratory ability on the vulnerability of 35 insectivorous bat species. Our results do not support the hypothesis that a narrow dietary niche breadth is related to high extinction risk. Instead they suggest that habitat specialization, which is reflected in wing morphology, influences the extinction risk of bats. Our study shows that an initial risk assessment in temperate-zone bats could be based on data of wing morphology but not on dietary data obtained from fecal analyses.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The ethical, legal, and social significance of the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) is widely appreciated. Much of the significance of the act arises from the legal definitions that the act provides for the terms threatened species and endangered species. The meanings of these terms are important because they give legal meaning to the concept of a recovered species. Unfortunately, the meanings of these terms are often misapprehended and rarely subjected to formal analysis. We analyzed the legal meaning of recovered species and illustrate key points with details from "recovery" efforts for the gray wolf ( Canis lupus ). We focused on interpreting the phrase "significant portion of its range," which is part of the legal definition of endangered species. We argue that recovery and endangerment entail a fundamentally normative dimension (i.e., specifying conditions of endangerment) and a fundamentally scientific dimension (i.e., determining whether a species meets the conditions of endangerment). Specifying conditions for endangerment is largely normative because it judges risks of extinction to be either acceptable or unacceptable. Like many other laws that specify what is unacceptable, the ESA largely specifies the conditions that constitute unacceptable extinction risk. The ESA specifies unacceptable risks of extinction by defining endangered species in terms of the portion of a species' range over which a species is "in danger of extinction." Our analysis indicated that (1) legal recovery entails much more than the scientific notion of population viability, (2) most efforts to recover endangered species are grossly inadequate, and (3) many unlisted species meet the legal definition of an endangered or threatened species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Detailed data are rarely available to show how interventions such as captive breeding programs can create an uncontrolled demand for live specimens of endangered species. We present a case study of the effect of a planned, internationally recognized captive breeding program on trade in the endangered babirusa wild pig from July to December 1998. Although the program had not yet begun, international interest in the captive breeding of babirusas gave hunters and dealers the false impression that there was a potentially lucrative and officially sanctioned national and international demand for any live babirusas they might catch. Swift action by the Indonesian authorities halted this trade, but the study provides a warning about the damage that can be caused to the conservation of a species if management programs are instituted without a full understanding of the practicalities of its conservation, particularly interactions between the species and local people.  相似文献   

Recreation is a leading cause of species decline on public lands, yet sometimes it can be used as a tool for conservation. Engagement in recreational activities, such as hiking and biking, in endangered species habitats may even enhance public support for conservation efforts. We used the case of the endangered Ohlone tiger beetle (Cicindela ohlone) to investigate the effect of biking and hiking on the beetle's behavior and the role of recreationists’ knowledge of and attitudes toward Ohlone tiger beetle in conservation of the species. In Inclusion Area A on the University of California Santa Cruz (U.S.A.) campus, adult Ohlone tiger beetles mate and forage in areas with bare ground, particularly on recreational trails; however, recreation disrupts these activities. We tested the effect of recreation on Ohlone tiger beetles by observing beetle behavior on trails as people walked and road bikes at slow and fast speed and on trails with no recreation. We also surveyed recreationists to investigate how their knowledge of the beetle affected their attitudes toward conservation of the beetle and stated compliance with regulations aimed at beetle conservation. Fast cycling caused the beetles to fly off the trail more often and to fly farther than slow cycling or hiking. Slow cycling and hiking did not differ in their effect on the number of times and distance the beetles flew off the trail. Recreationists’ knowledge of the beetle led to increased stated compliance with regulations, and this stated compliance is likely to have tangible conservation outcomes for the beetle. Our results suggest management and education can mitigate the negative effect of recreation and promote conservation of endangered species. Efectos del Conocimiento de una Especie en Peligro sobre las Actitudes y Comportamientos Declarados de los Recreacionistas y el Significado del Manejo de la Conformidad para la Conservación del Escarabajo Tigre de Ohlone  相似文献   

New ecosystem management policies at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, emphasize the need for public education and involvement in the changing focus of natural resource practices. To collect baseline information for ecosystem management, we measured and compared the knowledge, attitudes, and interests of critical Eglin audiences: recreational users and neighboring citizens. Factor analysis of surveys of 700 permitted recreational users and 1000 neighboring citizens revealed four content areas for measuring knowledge and attitudes: (1) native and endangered species, (2) fire ecology, (3) forest resources, and (4) ecosystem management. Overall, both audiences lacked basic ecological knowledge and held neutral to slightly positive attitudes toward the key content areas. Recreational users were significantly more knowledgeable than general citizens about native and endangered species, fire ecology, and forests. However, citizens held significantly more positive attitudes toward native and endangered species conservation and ecosystem management concepts. Eglin's consumptive recreationists (hunters and anglers) held the most negative views. Sociodemographic information from the surveys suggest that the recreational users and neighboring citizens are a stable, educable population that would respond positively to programs aimed at improving knowledge of and attitudes toward ecosystem management goals at Eglin.  相似文献   

针对中国植物园稀有濒危植物的保护现状和存在问题进行分析,重点讨论了稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效性问题,涉及稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的生长和适应问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园重复栽培问题、稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的有效种群大小问题、科学记录系统和监测中心的建立问题。就稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护的可持续发展提出了若干对策与建议:以植物园为基础形成保护的网络系统;加强稀有濒危植物迁地保护规划并突出重点;加强科学记录系统和监测中心的建立;多方筹措资金,加强支持强度;加强人才培训与学术交流。  相似文献   

Abstract: Starch-gel electrophoresis was used to examine the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in two Adenophora species: the narrow endangered Adenophora lobophylla and its widespread congener, A. potaninii . Based on allozyme variation at 18 putative loci, we measured high levels of genetic variability both in the endangered and the widespread species, with 83.3% of the loci being polymorphic. The mean expected heterozygosity within populations (   H ep  ) and within species (   H es  ) were 0.234 and 0.244 for A. potaninii and were as high as 0.210 and 0.211 for A. lobophylla . There was higher differentiation among populations in A. potaninii (   F ST = 0.155) than in A. lobophylla (   F ST = 0.071). The high levels of genetic diversity in the present allozyme survey are consistent with the morphological variation observed in these species and may be attributed to high outcrossing rates in the Adenophora species. In addition, A. lobophylla was identified as a distinct species on the basis of Nei's genetic distances and thus should be given a high priority for protection. It is noteworthy that the endangered A. lobophylla maintains much higher genetic diversity than most endemic or narrowly distributed plant species in spite of its restricted distribution. We hypothesize that A. lobophylla has become endangered for ecological and stochastic reasons, including habitat destruction or environmental changes, mud slides, and human disturbance such as grazing and mowing. Consequently, habitat protection is of particular importance for conserving this endangered species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Captive propagation and reintroduction programs for rare and endangered species rarely include testing of techniques prior to initiation of recovery efforts. To experimentally test the effects of rearing social, altricial birds with or without a conspecific, parental model (a puppet), we used Common Ravens ( Corvus corax ) in southwestern Idaho as surrogates for the endangered Hawaiian Crow ( Corvus hawaiiensis ) and Mariana Crow ( Corvus kubaryi ). A puppet is believed to reduce sexual and filial imprinting on human caretakers. We raised 49 ravens without a puppet and 25 ravens with a puppet. We initiated puppet-rearing when birds were 7 days of age and continued until 60 days of age, when nestlings could eat well on their own. The influence of puppet-rearing was tested as part of a factorial design that also tested for the effects of conspecific tutoring and age at release. Rearing ravens with a puppet did not affect social behaviors prior to release, dispersal from the release area, or integration with wild birds after release. Ravens raised with a puppet, however, were more fearful of caretakers and more vigilant prior to release, characteristics that may have improved their chances for survival after release. It is important for researchers to consider the species and the desired pre- and post-release behaviors to determine if rearing with a puppet is appropriate for their recovery efforts. These considerations can be taken into account by using a surrogate species prior to recovery efforts and creative management approaches in the initial phases of an endangered species recovery program.  相似文献   

The ranges of wolves (Canis lupus) and bears (Ursus arctos) across Europe have expanded recently, and it is important to assess public attitudes toward this expansion because responses toward these species vary widely. General attitudes toward an object are good predictors of broad behavioral patterns; thus, attitudes toward wolves and bears can be used as indicators to assess the social foundation for future conservation efforts. However, most attitude surveys toward bears and wolves are limited in scope, both temporally and spatially, and provide only a snapshot of attitudes. To extend the results of individual surveys over a much larger temporal and geographical range so as to identify transnational patterns and changes in attitudes toward bears and wolves over time, we conducted a meta‐analysis. Our analysis included 105 quantitative surveys conducted in 24 countries from 1976 to 2012. Across Europe, people's attitudes were more positive toward bears than wolves. Attitudes toward bears became more positive over time, but attitudes toward wolves seemed to become less favorable the longer people coexisted with them. Younger and more educated people had more positive attitudes toward wolves and bears than people who had experienced damage from these species, and farmers and hunters had less positive attitudes toward wolves than the general public. For bears attitudes among social groups did not differ. To inform conservation of large carnivores, we recommend that standardized longitudinal surveys be established to monitor changes in attitudes over time relative to carnivore population development. Our results emphasize the need for interdisciplinary research in this field and more advanced explanatory models capable of capturing individual and societal responses to changes in large carnivore policy and management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect that endangered species regulation has on natural resource development. Specifically, we use data from competitive auctions to estimate the effect that land-use regulation protecting endangered caribou in the Canadian province of Alberta has on the price producers pay for the right to extract oil. We exploit a regression discontinuity design to evaluate how prices differ along regulation boundaries that constrain resource development. The auction format and the regulation discontinuity allow us to measure the total cost of the regulation. We find that producers pay 24% less on average for oil leases that are regulated and that the total net present value cost of the regulation exceeds $1.15 billion for leases sold between 2003 and 2012, all of which is borne by the government. In spite of these costs, the populations of endangered caribou remain in widespread decline.  相似文献   

The U.S. Endangered Species Act grants protection to species, subspecies, and "distinct population segments" of vertebrate species. Historically, Congress included distinct population segments into endangered species legislation to enable the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to implement a flexible and pragmatic approach in listing populations of vertebrate species. Recently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service have proposed a policy that would narrowly define distinct population segments as evolutionarily significant units based on morphological and genetic distinctiveness between populations. Historically, the power to list species or populations as distinct population segments has been used to tailor management practices to unique circumstances; grant varied levels of protection in different parts of a species' range; protect species from extinction in significant portions of their ranges as well as to protect populations that are unique evolutionary entities. A strict redefinition of distinct population segments as evolutionarily significant units will compromise management efforts because the role of demographic and behavioral data will be reduced. Furthermore, strictly cultural, economic, or geographic justifications for listing populations as threatened or endangered will be greatly curtailed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In recent centuries bird species have been deteriorating in status and becoming extinct at a rate that may be 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than in prehuman times. We examined extinction rates of bird species designated critically endangered in 1994 and the rate at which species have moved through the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List categories of extinction risk globally for the period 1988–2004 and regionally in Australia from 1750 to 2000. For Australia we drew on historical accounts of the extent and condition of species habitats, spread of invasive species, and changes in sighting frequencies. These data sets permitted comparison of observed rates of movement through the IUCN Red List categories with novel predictions based on the IUCN Red List criterion E, which relates to explicit extinction probabilities determined, for example, by population viability analysis. The comparison also tested whether species listed on the basis of other criteria face a similar probability of moving to a higher threat category as those listed under criterion E. For the rate at which species moved from vulnerable to endangered, there was a good match between observations and predictions, both worldwide and in Australia. Nevertheless, species have become extinct at a rate that, although historically high, is 2 (Australia) to 10 (globally) times lower than predicted. Although the extinction probability associated with the critically endangered category may be too high, the shortfall in realized extinctions can also be attributed to the beneficial impact of conservation intervention. These efforts may have reduced the number of global extinctions from 19 to 3 and substantially slowed the extinction trajectory of 33 additional critically endangered species. Our results suggest that current conservation action benefits species on the brink of extinction, but is less targeted at or has less effect on moderately threatened species.  相似文献   

Predicting the Risk of Extinction through Hybridization   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Abstract: Natural hybridization threatens a substantial number of plant and animal species with extinction, but extinction risk has been difficult to evaluate in the absence of a quantitative assessment of risk factors. We investigated a number of ecological parameters likely to affect extinction risk, through an individual-based model simulating the life cycle of two hybridizing annual plant species. All parameters tested, ranging from population size to variance in pollen-tube growth rates, affected extinction risk. The sensitivity of each parameter varied dramatically across parameter sets, but, overall, the competitive ability, initial frequency, and selfing rate of the native taxon had the strongest effect on extinction. In addition, prezygotic reproductive barriers had a stronger influence on extinction rates than did postzygotic barriers. A stable hybrid zone was possible only when habitat differentiation was included in the model. When there was no habitat differentiation, either one of the parental species or the hybrids eventually displaced the other two taxa. The simulations demonstrated that hybridization is perhaps the most rapidly acting genetic threat to endangered species, with extinction often taking place in less than five generations. The simulation model was also applied to naturally hybridizing species pairs for which considerable genetic and ecological information is available. The predictions from these "worked examples" are in close agreement with observed outcomes and further suggest that an endemic cordgrass species is threatened by hybridization. These simulations provide guidance concerning the kinds of data required to evaluate extinction risk and possible conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Understanding how species interactions drive succession is a key issue in ecology. In this study we show the utility of combining the concepts and methodologies developed within the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research program with J. H. Connell and R. O. Slatyer's classic framework to understand succession in assemblages where multiple interactions between early and late colonists may include both inhibitory and facilitative effects. We assessed the net effect of multiple species interactions on successional changes by manipulating the richness, composition, and abundance of early colonists in a low-shore assemblage of algae and invertebrates of the northwestern Mediterranean. Results revealed how concomitant changes in species richness and abundance can strongly alter the net effect of inhibitory vs. facilitative interactions on succession. Increasing richness of early colonists inhibited succession, but only under high levels of initial abundance, probably reflecting the formation of a highly intricate matrix that prevented further colonization. In contrast, increasing initial abundance of early colonists tended to facilitate succession under low richness. Thus, changes in abundance of early colonists mediated the effects of richness on succession.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The contemporary southwestern United States is characterized by fire-adapted ecosystems; large numbers of federally listed threatened and endangered species; a patchwork of federal, state, and private landownership; and a long history of livestock grazing as the predominant land use. I compared eight sites in southern Arizona and New Mexico to assess the interacting effects of these characteristics on conservation practices and outcomes. There was widespread interest and private-sector leadership in restoring fire to southwestern rangelands, and there is a shortage of predictive scientific knowledge about the effects of fire and livestock grazing on threatened and endangered species. It was easier to restore fire to lands that were either privately owned or not grazed, in part because of obstacles created by threatened and endangered species on grazed public lands. Collaborative management facilitated conservation practices and outcomes, and periodic removal of livestock may be necessary for conservation, but permanent livestock exclusion may be counterproductive because of interactions with land-use and landownership patterns.  相似文献   

Attitudes have been a commonly used psychological measure of program effectiveness in conservation social science research. The major limitation of this approach is that attitudes do not always translate into behavior and therefore may not provide an accurate assessment of program success. Given that achieving conservation goals generally relies on understanding and changing human behavior, we argue for the need to assess behavior rather than attitudes as an indicator of conservation outcomes. Psychological theory shows that attitudes and behavior are distinct, but related, concepts. Measuring conservation behaviors involves identifying the target behavior or behaviors and the optimal time to measure and then selecting the most appropriate method of measurement (i.e., direct observation, objective indicators, self-reported behavior, and behavioral intentions) that considers the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. We call for conservation programs to focus on influencing behavior rather than attitudes alone and encourage conservation practitioners and researchers to collect high-quality behavioral data to more effectively inform policy and programs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, a species is classified as endangered, threatened, or recovered based on the extent to which its survival is affected by one or more of five subjective factors. A key criticism of the act is that it makes no reference to quantitative or even qualitative parameters of what constitutes "danger of extinction." Without objective standards to guide decisionmakers, classification decisions fall prey to political and social influences. We recommend the development of species-specific, status-determining criteria as a means to rationalize and expedite the listing process and reclassification decisions, independent of the requirement for delisting criteria in recovery plans. Such criteria should (1) clearly define levels of vulnerability, (2) identify gaps in information on life-history parameters, and (3) address uncertainty in existing data. As a case study, we developed preliminary criteria for bowhead whales (    Balaena mysticetus ). Thresholds for endangered and threatened status were based on World Conservation Union ( IUCN) Red List criteria and population viability analyses. Our analysis indicates that particular attention must be focused on population structure within the species to appropriately classify the degree to which one or more components of a species are vulnerable to extinction. A similar approach could be used in the classification of other species. According to our application of the IUCN criteria and those developed for similar species by Gerber and DeMaster (1999) , the Bering Sea population of bowhead whales should be delisted, whereas the other four populations of bowheads should continue to be considered endangered.  相似文献   

I describe three theoretical approaches to endangered species conservation: public-sector models, private-sector models, and mixed models. Criteria to consider in evaluating these models are scientific, economic, legal, ethical, and administrative. The history of conservation efforts on behalf of the endangered Whooping Crane ( Grus americana ) is used as an example of a mixed-model approach (one that involves both public- and private-sector organizations and individuals) to the conservation of endangered species. Evaluation of Whooping Crane conservation efforts, using the specified criteria, suggests that this mixed model gets relatively high marks in all areas. My recommendations for endangered species conservation activities include (1) ensuring that all potential sources of scientific expertise and "caring" are included, (2) developing a robust national funding mechanism for endangered species conservation efforts, and (3) creating streamlined administrative structures and operating procedures tailored to the unique needs of each endangered species conservation team. Broader implications of the Whooping Crane story for conservation biology as a profession and for conservation biologists as individuals include (1) being inclusive rather than exclusive in conservation planning and implementation, (2) recognizing the power of individual initiative and commitment, (3) collecting basic data over an extended period of time, and (4) emphasizing the importance of communication, cooperation, and coordination.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated strong fertility selection for a self-fertile, homostyle morph due to pollinator loss in an isolated population of Primula sieboldii , an endangered heterostylous species. To predict genetic consequences of the selection we developed a deterministic genetic model based on a classical "supergene" model, and we studied the effects of pollinator availability and inbreeding depression on temporal changes of morph frequencies through model simulation. Because of the severe pollinator limitation experienced by the population, fast, irreversible loss of the thrum morph from the population was predicted, even if high inbreeding depression was assumed. To prevent the breakdown of the normal breeding system of the species, morph frequency monitoring for timely active management should be implemented. Active management should include hand pollinations and pollinator therapy—reintroduction and reestablishment of suitable pollinator populations. The method we adopted in this study to parametrize pollinator availability can be used widely in conservation modeling for a range of plant species that have multiple mating types with different degrees of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

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