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Qian H  White PS  Song JS 《Ecology》2007,88(6):1440-1453
Conclusions from past studies on the roles that historical and regional factors and contemporary and ecological factors have played in regulating large-scale patterns of species richness have been controversial. Conflicting past results were likely affected by differences in the range of environments analyzed and the scales of observation. Eastern North America and eastern Asia are ideal regions for examining the relative effects of historical and regional factors and contemporary and ecological factors on large-scale patterns of plant species richness because these two regions are closely matched in terms of climate and because their floras originated from the same paleoflora but have experienced different histories of development since the late Paleogene when climate cooling caused their separation. We report on a comprehensive data set of 471 floras ranging from 10 km2 to 4.7 x 10(6) km2 and spanning a wide range of climate and latitude (from 21 degrees to 55 degrees N) to examine whether the contribution of region relative to climate persists from small to large floras and increases from cooler to warmer climates. We found that eastern Asia is richer than eastern North America when sample area, maximum elevation, and climate are accounted for, that this difference diminishes toward higher latitudes, and that elevation plays a much stronger role in eastern Asia than in eastern North America. Our analysis reconciles contemporary/ecological and historical/regional explanations for species richness variation and helps explain why different conclusions have been reached by different authors working in the same geographical areas: the strength of the region effect itself varies with location and range of climatic conditions of the observations.  相似文献   

Enright NJ  Mosner E  Miller BP  Johnson N  Lamont BB 《Ecology》2007,88(9):2292-2304
The fire-prone shrublands of southwestern Australia are renowned for their high plant species diversity and prominence of canopy seed storage (serotiny). We compared species richness, abundance, and life history attributes for soil and canopy seed banks in relation to extant vegetation among four sites with different substrate conditions and high species turnover (50-80%) to identify whether this unusual community-level organization of seed storage might contribute to maintenance of high species richness. Soil seed bank (SSB) densities were low to moderate (233-1435 seeds/m2) compared with densities for other Mediterranean-type vegetation and were lowest for sites with highest canopy seed bank (CSB) species richness and lowest nutrient availability, but not richness or abundance of resprouters. Annuals were infrequent in the lowest nutrient sites, but there was no evidence that small SSB size was due to low seed inputs or a trade-off between seed production/storage and seed size in response to low nutrient availability. Sorensen's similarity between SSB and extant vegetation was 26-43% but increased to 54-57% when the CSB was included, representing levels higher than reported for most other ecosystems. Resprouting species were well represented in both the SSB and CSB, and there was no evidence for lower seed production in resprouters than in non-sprouters overall. The SSB and CSB held no species in common and were characterized by markedly different seed dispersal attributes, with winged or small seeds in the CSB and seeds dispersed by ants, birds, and wind (though none with wings) in the SSB. There was no evidence of spatial differentiation in the distribution of seeds of SSB species between vegetated and open microsites that might facilitate species coexistence, but most woody non-sprouters showed aggregation at scales of 1-2 m, implying limited seed dispersal. High similarity between overall seed bank (SSB + CSB) and extant species composition, high number of resprouting species, and seed dispersal processes before (SSB) and after fire (CSB) leading to differential spatial aggregation of post-fire recruits from the two seed bank types may buffer species composition against rapid change and provide a mechanism for maintaining species coexistence at the local scale.  相似文献   

A two-year experiment was conducted on the Black Mesa Coal Mine near Kayenta, Arizona to investigate the growth and establishment of seven plant species in unmined soil (undisturbed soil) and coal-mine soil (spoils). Natural rainfall (20 cm/yr) and natural rainfull plus sprinkler irrigation (50 cm/yr) were the irrigation treatments applied to each soil material. Plant species grew better in unmined soil than in coal-mine soil. Supplemental irrigation water resulted in more plant growth than did natural rainfall alone in both soil materials; however, there were highly significant differences among species. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and all of the annual perennial grasses used, excluding Indian ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides Ricker), produced effective ground cover on both soil materials when they received supplemental irrigation water. Fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens Pursh.) had low germination (emergence), seedling establishment, and stem production during the first year of growth; however, in the second year of growth, this species produced a dense ground cover on coal-mine soil with natural rainfall plus irrigation. In revegetating the Black Mesa Coal Mine, Harlan II barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Super X wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) provided initial protective cover until adapted perennial species could be established for permanent stabilisation. The Black Mesa Research Study indicated that irrigation water during seedling establishment was essential for the effective stabilisation of coal-mine soils in a semiarid environment.  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and European hare (L. europaeus) overlap in central Sweden, but they occupy separate food niches in winter. In Scandinavia, the European hare is mainly a grazer while mountain hare is a predominant browser. Browse contain high amounts of secondary metabolites, such as phenols, compared to grass. This raises the question if the two hare species differ in their metabolic tolerance of plant phenols and that these differences influence their food choice.Phenolic excretion in urine increased significantly with phenolic intake in both species. Excretion of glucuronic acid conjugates, one of the major pathways of elimination of phenols in both hare species, is positively correlated to phenolic intake and excretion. However, the extent of excretion of phenolics by this route was different in the two species of hare. European hares excreted substantially more glucuronic acid per amount of phenolics than mountain hare. The phenols were metabolized to a larger extent in the mountain hare, indicating a higher detoxification capacity. From these results it is likely that European hare have a higher cost for the detoxification of plant phenols compared to mountain hare. This cost and negative effect on sodium balance when feeding on browse may prevent exploitation of forest habitats by European hares, whereas mountain hare are better able to do so.  相似文献   

Two Palaemon prawn species, P. adspersus Rathke and P. squilla (L.), occur along the European Atlantic coast. In areas heavily affected by tides (Netherlands and France), one species, P. squilla, inhabits the intertidal zone, and P. adspersus is found subtidally in the Zostera marina meadows. In areas with small tidal ranges (Sweden) both species occur in the Z. marina zone, and here the body size of P. squilla is reduced, something that in turn reduces reproductive output in this species. Is adaptive improvement in non-tidal P. squilla populations prevented by too extensive gene flow from tidal areas? To wanswer this, genetic differentiation was studied by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Each of the two species was sampled at five sites along the European Atlantic coast. Twenty-two enzymes representing 25 loci were scored. Significant genetic heterogeneity between sites was found in both species. Thus the extensive gene flow hypothesis was not supported by the results, and non-tidal populations ought to have the possibility to adapt to local conditions.  相似文献   

Egan SP  Ott JR 《Ecology》2007,88(11):2868-2879
Herein we report results of transplant experiments that link variation in host plant quality to herbivore fitness at the local scale (among adjacent plants) with the process of local (demic) adaptation at the landscape scale to explain the observed distribution of the specialist gall former Belonocnema treatae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) within populations of its host plant, Quercus fusiformis. Field surveys show that leaf gall densities vary by orders of magnitude among adjacent trees and that high-gall-density trees are both rare (< 5%) and patchily distributed. B. treatae from each of five high-gall-density trees were reared on (1) the four nearest low-gall-density trees, (2) the four alternative high-gall-density trees, and (3) their natal trees (control). Each treatment (source X rearing site) was replicated three times. Nine components of performance that sequentially contribute to fitness were evaluated with over 21000 galls censused across the 25 experimental trees. When reared on their natal trees and compared with low-gall-density neighbors, transplanted gall formers had higher gall initiation success (P < 0.05), produced more (P < 0.001) and larger galls (P < 0.001), and produced a higher proportion of galls that exceeded the threshold size for natural enemy avoidance (P < 0.05). Comparison of gall-former performance on natal vs. alternative high-gall-density trees demonstrated significant (P < 0.001) differences in six performance measures with five differing in the direction predicted by the hypothesis of local adaptation. Overall, these linked experiments document direct and indirect effects of host plant variation on gall-former performance and demonstrate convincingly that (1) high-gall-density trees equate to high-quality trees that are surrounded by trees of relatively lower quality to the herbivore and (2) gall-former populations have become locally adapted to individual trees.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in plant species effects on soil N and P dynamics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Eviner VT  Chapin FS  Vaughn CE 《Ecology》2006,87(4):974-986
It is well established that plant species influence ecosystem processes, but we have little ability to predict which vegetation changes will alter ecosystems, or how the effects of a given species might vary seasonally. We established monocultures of eight plant species in a California grassland in order to determine the plant traits that account for species impacts on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling. Plant species differed in their effects on net N mineralization and nitrification rates, and the patterns of species differences varied seasonally. Soil PO4- and microbial P were more strongly affected by slope position than by species. Although most studies focus on litter chemistry as the main determinant of plant species effects on nutrient cycling, this study showed that plant species affected biogeochemical cycling through many traits, including direct traits (litter chemistry and biomass, live-tissue chemistry and biomass) and indirect traits (plant modification of soil bioavailable C and soil microclimate). In fact, species significantly altered N and P cycling even without litter inputs. It became particularly critical to consider the effects of these multiple traits in order to account for seasonal changes in plant species effects on ecosystems. For example, species effects on potential rates of net N mineralization were most strongly influenced by soil bioavailable C in the fall and by litter chemistry in the winter and spring. Under field conditions, species effects on soil microclimate influenced rates of mineralization and nitrification, with species effects on soil temperature being critical in the fall and species effects on soil moisture being important in the dry spring. Overall, this study clearly demonstrated that in order to gain a mechanistic, predictive understanding of plant species effects on ecosystems, it is critical to look beyond plant litter chemistry and to incorporate the effects of multiple plant traits on ecosystems.  相似文献   

Straub CS  Snyder WE 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1605-1615
Concern over biodiversity loss, especially at higher trophic levels, has led to a surge in studies investigating how changes in natural enemy diversity affect community and ecosystem functioning. These studies have found that increasing enemy diversity can strengthen, weaken, and not affect prey suppression, demonstrating that multi-enemy effects on prey are context-dependent. Here we ask how one factor, plant species identity, influences multi-enemy effects on prey. We focused on two plant species of agricultural importance, potato (Solanum tuberosum), and collards (Brassica oleracea L.). These species share a common herbivorous pest, the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), but vary in structural and chemical traits that affect aphid reproductive rates and which may also influence inter-enemy interactions. In a large-scale field experiment, overall prey exploitation varied dramatically among the plant species, with enemies reducing aphid populations by approximately 94% on potatoes and approximately 62% on collards. Increasing enemy diversity similarly strengthened aphid suppression on both plants, however, and there was no evidence that plant species identity significantly altered the relationship between enemy diversity and prey suppression. Microcosm experiments suggested that, on both collards and potatoes, intraspecific competition among natural enemies exceeded interspecific competition. Enemy species showed consistent and significant differences in where they foraged on the plants, and enemies in the low-diversity treatment tended to spend less time foraging than enemies in the high-diversity treatment. These data suggest that increasing enemy diversity may strengthen aphid suppression because interspecific differences in where enemies forage on the plant allow for greater resource partitioning. Further, these functional benefits of diversity appear to be robust to changes in plant species identity.  相似文献   

土壤种子库植物种类组成与土壤采集地植被的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤种子库作为区域自然植被恢复的途径之一,在实际应用之前有许多课题需要研究,土壤种子库出芽植物组成与土壤采集地自然植被的关系就是一个需要弄清的问题。文章从土壤种子库的生态学意义出发,首次对森林表土作为城市自然植被恢复绿化手段的可能性进行了探讨。试验材料取自日本大阪府箕面市大阪国际文化公园都市建设地,选取面积为20m×20m的栓皮栎Quercusvariabilis群落,采集林下5cm厚森林表土;试验场地设在大阪府枚方市山田池公园的一隅荒地,共设置4个试验区,每个试验区7个试验处理,计28个试验小区。研究结果表明:土壤种子库植物种类组成与表土采集地的植被关联性较低,但与种子散布型关系密切;表土的不同铺撒厚度在木本植物出现的种类、出芽个体数、生存个体数等方面都表现出明显的差异性。  相似文献   

The properties of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from gill tissue of the tanner crab Chionocetes bairdi, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase from skeletal muscle of C. bairdi and the yellowfin sole Limanda aspera were examined over the physiological temperature range of the animals. Both animals were obtained in the Bering Sea in winter, and their enzymes appear to be remarkably cold-adapted. Affinity of sole LDH for substrate appears to increase with decreasing temperature, thus keeping reaction rate essentially independent of temperature at physiological concentrations of the substrate. Calculated values of activation energy are low, in keeping with the argument that organisms from cold environments have enzymes with a reduced energy of activation. In addition, Hill plots of the substrate saturation curves for lactate dehydrogenase from muscle of sole indicate that there is a facilitation of allosteric behaviour at low temperatures. Maximum affinity of sole LDH for substrate in the absence of univalent cations occurs at 3°C, while in the presence of 150 mN K+, it occurs between 0° to-2°C. The effects of Mg2+ on enzyme activity appear to be determined by concentration of substrate and temperature. Thus, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase are stimulated more effectively by Mg2+ at low temperature and at low substrate levels whereas, at high concentrations of substrate, they are relatively independent of the bivalent cation. All four dehydrogenases are affected by the univalent cations Na+, K+ and NH4 + in a manner which appears to be determined, in part at least, by concentration of substrate and by temperature. These findings suggest mechanisms for the maintenance and regulation of enzyme activity in poikilothermic tissues at low and changing temperatures.  相似文献   

Conservation of biodiversity in managed forest landscapes needs to be complemented with new approaches given the threat from rapid climate change. Most frameworks for adaptation of biodiversity conservation to climate change include two major strategies. The first is the resistance strategy, which focuses on actions to increase the capacity of species and communities to resist change. The second is the transformation strategy and includes actions that ease the transformation of communities to a set of species that are well adapted to the novel environmental conditions. We suggest a number of concrete actions policy makers and managers can take. Under the resistance strategy, five tools are introduced, including: identifying and protecting forest climate refugia with cold-favored species; reducing the effects of drought by protecting the hydrological network; and actively removing competitors when they threaten cold-favored species. Under the transformation strategy, we suggest three tools, including: enhancing conditions for forest species favored by the new climate, but currently disfavored by forest management, by planting them at suitable sites outside their main range; and increasing connectivity across the landscape to enhance the expansion of warm-favored species to sites that have become suitable. Finally, we suggest applying a landscape perspective and simultaneously managing for both retreating and expanding species. The two different strategies (resistance and transformation) should be seen as complementary ways to maintain a rich biodiversity in future forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that in order to infer ecological processes from observed patterns of species abundance we need to investigate the covariance in species abundance. Consequently, an expression for the expected covariance of pin-point cover measurements of two species is developed. By comparing the observed covariance with the expected covariance we get a new type of information on the spatial arrangement of two species. Here the discrepancy between the observed and expected covariance may be thought of as a measure of the spatial configuration of the two species that may indicate underling ecological processes. The method is applied in a case study of Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa on dry heathland sites. The observed covariance of Calluna and Deschampsia at the level of the sites was positively and significantly correlated with the expected covariance. Negative covariance was observed on sites where both Calluna and Deschampsia had a high cover, which is in agreement with the notion that both species form distinct patches. Oppositely, at sites where both species have a low cover, we found that both the expected and observed covariance were positive. The proposed measure for the expected covariance of two species does capture information on the combined spatial configuration of the two species if the species are common. We show how this may be relevant for understanding the underlying ecological processes leading to the observed covariance.  相似文献   

Bouma TJ  De Vries MB  Herman PM 《Ecology》2010,91(9):2696-2704
Many ecosystems are greatly affected by ecosystem engineering, such as coastal salt marshes, where macrophytes trap sediment by reducing hydrodynamic energy. Nevertheless, little is known about the costs and benefits that are imposed on engineering species by the traits that underlie their ecosystem engineering capacity. We addressed this topic by comparing ecosystem engineering efficiency defined as the benefit-cost ratio per unit of biomass investment for two species from the intertidal habitat: the stiff grass Spartina anglica and the flexible grass Puccinellia maritima. These species were selected for their ability to modify their habitat by trapping large quantities of sediment despite their contrasting growth form. On a biomass basis, dissipation of hydrodynamic energy from waves (a proxy for benefits associated with ecosystem engineering capability as it relates to the sediment trapping capability) was strikingly similar for both salt marsh species, indicating that both species are equally effective in modifying their habitat. The drag forces per unit biomass (a proxy for costs associated with ecosystem engineering ability as it relates to the requirements on tissue construction and shoot anchoring to prevent breaking and/or washing away) were slightly higher in the species with flexible shoots. As a result, stiff Spartina vegetation had slightly higher ecosystem engineering efficiency, due to lower engineering costs rather than to a higher engineering effect. Thus, Spartina is a slightly more efficient rather than a more effective ecosystem engineer. Ecosystem engineering efficiency was found to be a species-specific characteristic, independent of vegetation density and relatively constant in space. Analyzing ecosystem engineering by quantifying trade-offs offers a useful way toward developing a better understanding of different engineering strategies.  相似文献   

Measurements of primary productivity and its heterogeneity based on satellite images can provide useful estimates of species richness and distribution patterns. However, species richness at a given site may depend not only on local habitat quality and productivity but also on the characteristics of the surrounding landscape. In this study we investigated whether the predictions of species richness of plant families in northern boreal landscape in Finland can be improved by incorporating greenness information from the surrounding landscape, as derived from remotely sensed data (mean, maximum, standard deviation and range values of NDVI derived from Landsat ETM), into local greenness models. Using plant species richness data of 28 plant families from 440 grid cells of 25 ha in size, generalized additive models (GAMs) were fitted into three different sets of explanatory variables: (1) local greenness only, (2) landscape greenness only, and (3) combined local and landscape greenness. The derived richness–greenness relationships were mainly unimodal or positively increasing but varied between different plant families, and depended also on whether greenness was measured as mean or maximum greenness. Incorporation of landscape level greenness variables improved significantly both the explanatory power and cross-validation statistics of the models including only local greenness variables. Landscape greenness information derived from remote sensing data integrated with local information has thus the potentiality to improve predictive assessments of species richness over extensive and inaccessible areas, especially in high-latitude landscapes. Overall, the significant relationship between plants and surrounding landscape quality detected here suggests that landscape factors should be considered in preserving species richness of boreal environments, as well as in conservation planning for biodiversity in other environments.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of α, β, γ and δ hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers was studied in broth medium and soil microcosm by Bacillus circulans and Bacillus brevis isolated from contaminated soil. Degradation of α and γ isomers by both the bacterial isolates was higher than thermodynamically stable β and δ isomers. However, B. circulans was found more effective than B. brevis for β and δ isomers. Maximum rate of degradation was recorded at 150 mg/L followed by 100 and 50 mg/L. Soil microcosm study revealed maximum degradation of HCH isomers in the treatment containing natural soil, pesticide and bacterial inocula than the treatment having sterilised soil, pesticide and bacterial isolates. Chloride release was positively co-related with HCH degradation in broth medium as well as in soil microcosm, suggesting that B. circulans and B. brevis hold promising potential by having efficient enzyme(s) required for dechlorination of HCH from contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Harrison KA  Bol R  Bardgett RD 《Ecology》2007,88(4):989-999
The growing awareness that plants might use a variety of nitrogen (N) forms, both organic and inorganic, has raised questions about the role of resource partitioning in plant communities. It has been proposed that coexisting plant species might be able to partition a limited N pool, thereby avoiding competition for resources, through the uptake of different chemical forms of N. In this study, we used in situ stable isotope labeling techniques to assess whether coexisting plant species of a temperate grassland (England, UK) display preferences for different chemical forms of N, including inorganic N and a range of amino acids of varying complexity. We also tested whether plants and soil microbes differ in their preference for different N forms, thereby relaxing competition for this limiting resource. We examined preferential uptake of a range of 13C15N-labeled amino acids (glycine, serine, and phenylalanine) and 15N-labeled inorganic N by coexisting grass species and soil microbes in the field. Our data show that while coexisting plant species simultaneously take up a variety of N forms, including inorganic N and amino acids, they all showed a preference for inorganic N over organic N and for simple over the more complex amino acids. Soil microbes outcompeted plants for added N after 50 hours, but in the long-term (33 days) the proportion of added 15N contained in the plant pool increased for all N forms except for phenylalanine, while the proportion in the microbial biomass declined relative to the first harvest. These findings suggest that in the longer-term plants become more effective competitors for added 15N. This might be due to microbial turnover releasing 15N back into the plant-soil system or to the mineralization and subsequent plant uptake of 15N transferred initially to the organic matter pool. We found no evidence that soil microbes preferentially utilize any of the N forms added, despite previous studies showing that microbial preferences for N forms vary over time. Our data suggest that coexisting plants can outcompete microbes for a variety of N forms, but that such plant species show similar preferences for inorganic over organic N.  相似文献   

Invasive species are one of the fastest growing conservation problems. These species homogenize the world's flora and fauna, threaten rare and endemic species, and impose large economic costs. Here, we examine the distribution of 834 of the more than 1000 exotic plant taxa that have become established in California, USA. Total species richness increases with net primary productivity; however, the exotic flora is richest in low-lying coastal sites that harbor large numbers of imperiled species, while native diversity is highest in areas with high mean elevation. Weedy and invasive exotics are more tightly linked to the distribution of imperiled species than the overall pool of exotic species. Structural equation modeling suggests that while human activities, such as urbanization and agriculture, facilitate the initial invasion by exotic plants, exotics spread ahead of the front of human development into areas with high numbers of threatened native plants. The range sizes of exotic taxa are an order of magnitude smaller than for comparable native taxa. The current small range size of exotic species implies that California has a significant "invasion debt" that will be paid as exotic plants expand their range and spread throughout the state.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on the Black Mesa Coal Mine, Kayenta, Arizona in 1977 and 1978 to study the effectiveness of Hold-Gro Erosion Control Fabric (a product from the Gulf States Paper Corporation, Tuscaloosa, Alabama) in the establishment of plants on coal mine soil following the surface mining of coal. Four plant species were planted: (1) spring barley (Horduem vulgare L.), an annual grass (2) crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), a perennial grass (3) alfalfa (lucerne) (Medicago sativa L.), a perennial legume and (4) fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens Pursh.), a perennial shrub. Seeds of each plant species were planted in reclaimed coal mine soil in the spring of the year by both broadcast seeding (conventional culture) and the incorporation of seeds in Hold-Gro Erosion Control Fabric. Average numbers of seedlings established and percent ground cover for all species studied were higher in areas where conventional culture was used than they were in areas where seeds were incorporated in Hold-Gro Erosion Control Fabric. The incorporation of seeds in Hold-Gro Erosion Control Fabric in the establishment of plant species on coal mine soil was not an effective cultural practice in the southwestern United States. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of M.A. Norem with portions of the research involving this contribution. The authors also express their appreciation to the Gulf States Paper Corporation in Tuscaloosa. Alabama for providing the Hold-Gro Erosion Control Fabrie used in this research. Contribution from the Arizona Agr. Exp. Stn., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721. Approved for publication as Arizona Agr. Exp. Stn. Research Contribution No. 3767.  相似文献   

Plantations of rapidly growing trees are becoming increasingly common because the high productivity can enhance local economies, support improvements in educational systems, and generally improve the quality of life in rural communities. Landowners frequently choose to plant nonindigenous species; one rationalization has been that silvicultural productivity is enhanced when trees are separated from their native herbivores and pathogens. The expectation of enemy reduction in nonindigenous species has theoretical and empirical support from studies of the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) in the context of invasion ecology, but its relevance to forestry has not been evaluated. We evaluated ERH in the productive forests of Galicia, Spain, where there has been a profusion of pine plantations, some with the indigenous Pinus pinaster, but increasingly with the nonindigenous P. radiata. Here, one of the most important pests of pines is the indigenous bark beetle, Tomicus piniperda. In support of ERH, attacks by T. piniperda were more than twice as great in stands of P. pinaster compared to P. radiata. This differential held across a range of tree ages and beetle abundance. However, this extension of ERH to forestry failed in the broader sense because beetle attacks, although fewer on P. radiata, reduced productivity of P. radiata more than that of P. pinaster (probably because more photosynthetic tissue is lost per beetle attack in P. radiata). Productivity of the nonindigenous pine was further reduced by the pathogen, Sphaeropsis sapinea, which infected up to 28% of P. radiata but was absent in P. pinaster. This was consistent with the forestry axiom (antithetical to ERH) that trees planted "off-site" are more susceptible to pathogens. Fungal infections were positively correlated with beetle attacks; apparently T. piniperda facilitates S. sapinea infections by creating wounds and by carrying fungal propagules. A globally important component in the diminution of indigenous flora has been the deliberate large-scale propagation of nonnative trees for silviculture. At least for Pinus forestry in Spain, reduced losses to pests did not rationalize the planting of nonindigenous trees. There would be value in further exploration of relations between invasion ecology and the forestry of nonindigenous trees.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that populations may not be well adapted to their local environments, and as a result, recent interest has focused on understanding factors that constrain adaptive evolution. This study presents data suggesting gene flow may constrain the ability of larvae of the streamside salamander Ambystoma barbouri to avoid predation by fish via escape behavior and life history tactics. Streamside salamander larvae face conflicting selection pressures in different streams. Some streams are ephemeral, where larvae should be active to feed, grow, and reach metamorphosis before stream drying. Other streams contain predatory fish, where larvae should be generally inactive to avoid predation. Previous work has shown that streamside salamander larvae exhibit ineffective antipredator behavior by having inappropriately high activity levels with fish, resulting in high predation in laboratory and field experiments. This study investigated the possibility that gene flow from larvae in ephemeral habitats may reduce the escape performance of larvae from populations with fish and alter their life history characteristics to increase their susceptibility to fish predation. I assayed escape behavior (speed, acceleration, and duration of escape) and life history characteristics (hatching date, size, stage) associated with predator avoidance among laboratory-reared larvae from four populations. As predicted, two populations (one with fish and the other fishless and ephemeral) connected by gene flow were not significantly different in almost all assays. In contrast, larvae from an isolated population with fish had significantly stronger escape behaviors and delayed hatching than both an isolated population that lacked a history of fish co-occurrence and the population with fish but gene flow from a fishless population. These results support theory suggesting that gene flow can constrain adaptive evolution. Received: 22 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 4 April 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

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