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为了解我国废铅蓄电池回收过程的节能降碳现状,以典型废铅蓄电池回收工艺为研究对象,分析了废铅蓄电池回收过程的产品综合能耗和碳排放情况。结果表明,案例企业的单位产品综合能耗 (当量能耗) 为98.35 kgce·t−1;天然气消耗是最大的能耗来源;铅膏熔炼工序是废铅蓄电池回收过程中产品综合能耗和碳排放量最大的工序;焦粉作为还原剂进入熔炼工序的排放是最主要的碳排放源。在燃料燃烧、能源作为原材料、净购入电力和热力方面,能耗和碳排放量核算是线性相关的,在上述方面寻求节能措施可使废铅蓄电池回收企业实现同时降碳。此外,碳酸盐引起的过程排放和耗能工质也会影响企业的节能降碳效果,建议在后续的核算指南中进行统一规定。本研究结果可为废铅蓄电池回收过程的节能降碳提供参考。  相似文献   

废弃高分子聚合物造成的环境污染问题日益突出,这类废弃物的绿色循环利用近年来备受关注,其中材料化利用是其再生循环的优选途径。概述了废弃高分子聚合物合成环境功能材料的最新研究进展,重点关注噪声污染控制材料、高性能吸水材料、特殊孔材料、吸附材料、催化材料、黏结材料、还原材料和能源转化材料等。介绍了高分子废弃物在这些功能材料合成中发挥的作用、转化方法、材料性能和应用领域,以期为高分子废弃物的高附加值循环利用提供指导。  相似文献   

Recent recalls of lead-contaminated jewelry and the death of a Minnesota child by lead poisoning after swallowing a jewelry charm have highlighted the hazards of leaded jewelry to children. We sought to determine the extent of lead contamination in inexpensive, imported jewelry available in United States retail stores. A total of 139 jewelry items were purchased from ten retail store chains in five different geographic locations. Samples were digested in nitric acid followed by atomic absorption analysis. Accessibility of lead was analyzed by leaching a subset of heavily leaded samples in 0.07 M hydrochloric acid. Almost half (42.6%) of the items assayed were heavily leaded, exceeding 80% lead by weight. Average lead content for all items tested was 44.0%, and one or more heavily leaded items were found in samples from each retail store and each geographic location. Six of ten samples tested for leachability of lead exceeded the US Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines of 175 microg accessible lead. Our results show that much inexpensive children's and costume jewelry imported and sold in the US is heavily leaded. Given the high neurotoxicity of lead to young children, inexpensive jewelry items pose a potential yet avoidable threat to children's health.  相似文献   

杜冰冰  侯慧敏  侯琼  徐鹤  张墨  陈瑛 《环境工程学报》2023,17(12):3832-3842
我国铅蓄电池每年的报废量十分庞大,其不正规回收利用给环境带来了严重污染。近年来,国家为规范废铅蓄电池的回收利用已出台多项政策,但行业内部仍存在许多问题。基于调研说明了废铅蓄电池回收利用的现状,阐述了回收利用过程中的电池流向和保障机制。基于废铅蓄电池回收利用过程各利益相关方复杂的博弈关系引入演化博弈模型,从模型构建、求解和结果可视化几方面说明演化博弈的流程。通过梳理废铅蓄电池回收利用过程中各利益相关方的矛盾冲突,针对正规回收、生产者延伸责任落实、正规再生利用等方面构建三方演化博弈模型。最后,结合模型分析提出相应建议,包括强化物联网技术的应用、出台经济激励政策、建立规范的回收体系、合理规划布局再生铅企业、打击违法行为等。  相似文献   

Taiwan's resource recycling program was formally established in 1989, starting with the mandatory recycling of polyethylene terephthalate bottles. The number of mandatory regulated materials was extended to 8 categories with 27 items by 2002. Because of false data reporting, financial scandal, lack of transparency of the system, and the demand from parliament, the recycling policy has gradually changed from entirely privatized to being nationalized. Currently, the structure is built on six main bodies: fund management committee, consumers, industries responsible, recyclers, fee reviewing committee, and auditing agents. The industries that are responsible submit a fee, which is set by the fee reviewing committee, to the waste recycling fund (WRF), which is operated by the fund management committee. The auditing agents routinely check the responsible industries by documentation review as well as on-site counting to ensure that the fee is correctly submitted. The WRF provides initiatives to collect and dispose of the end-of-life products. The fund is split into a trust fund and a nonbusiness fund to deal with the collection, disposal, and treatment of the listed materials. The latter deals with the supporting works and ensures that the system runs effectively. The ratio of trust fund to nonbusiness fund is 80-20%. It is no doubt that the current practice achieves some improvements. Household waste has been reduced by 22%. And, most importantly, the benefit-to-cost ratio was as high as 1.24. However, similar to other state-owned systems, the resource recycling program has been criticized for false reporting from the responsible industries, a rigid system, and complicated procedures. To build a sustainable enterprise, the recycling program should be privatized as the recycling market and operating procedures are well established and fully mature.  相似文献   

当今世界电子、电器工业快速发展,层出不穷的技术创新与持续膨胀的市场需求加速了电子与电器设备的更新换代,产生了大量的电子与电器废弃物(WEEE)。鉴于WEEE所带来的严重的环境问题及其所含有的金属、贵金属、塑料及玻璃等高利用价值的材料,对WEEE进行资源化再循环处理已成为人们关注的热点。WEEE组成材料在密度、铁磁性、导电性等物理性质方面的较大差异使采用环境友好的机械物理方法对其进行资源化再循环处理成为可能。就WEEE拆解及其所含物质机械物理分离研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

当今世界电子、电器工业快速发展,层出不穷的技术创新与持续膨胀的市场需求加速了电子与电器设备的更新换代,产生了大量的电子与电器废弃物(WEEE).鉴于WEEE所带来的严重的环境问题及其所含有的金属、贵金属、塑料及玻璃等高利用价值的材料,对WEEE进行资源化再循环处理已成为人们关注的热点.WEEE组成材料在密度、铁磁性、导电性等物理性质方面的较大差异使采用环境友好的机械物理方法对其进行资源化再循环处理成为可能.就WEEE拆解及其所含物质机械物理分离研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

采用机械化学法处理废旧锂电池,选择性地回收金属锂,同时将钴转化为钴铁氧体(CoFe2O4)功能材料,并重点考察了不同供氯体和操作参数对Li回收率和Co转化率的影响。研究发现,共价类的供氯体不适于Li的回收和CoFe2O4的制备,离子类的供氯体具有高的反应活性,不仅可以促进Li的氯化,同时还可以保证Co完整地保留在反应残渣中转化为CoFe2O4。将LiCoO2与Fe粉和NaCl混磨,既可以保证将Li转化为水溶性的盐,又可以在球磨过程中将Co与Fe进行晶格重组,保存在球磨残渣中形成磁性功能材料。确立的最佳操作参数为:m(LiCoO2):m(Fe):m(NaCl)为1:2.5:5,球料比50:1,球磨转速600 r·min-1,时间12 h,此时Li回收率达到92%,Co与Fe保留在残渣中转化为CoFe2O4。对产物的晶相组成、形貌和磁性能进行表征发现,所得CoFe2O4结构紧密,具有良好的磁学性能,饱和磁化强度Ms为56.1 emu·g-1,剩余磁化强度Mr为25.8 emu·g-1,矫顽力Hc为1 165.3 Oe。本研究为废旧锂电池的资源化回收提供了一条清洁环保的新途径。  相似文献   

废铅酸蓄电池铅膏性质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给废旧铅蓄电池铅膏的湿法回收工艺提供理论依据,对湖北金洋冶金股份有限公司破碎分选后的废铅膏进行了XRF、XRD、物理分析及化学分析等,确定了废铅膏的主要成分、理化性质等特性。结果表明,废铅膏粒径细小,碾钵磨细后能过120目的筛下物超过77.4%,这对湿法转化是有利的。废铅膏主要组成为64.5%PbSO4、29.5%PbO2、4.5%PbO、0.8%Pb及其他微量杂质元素,杂质主要包括Fe、Sb和Si等。因此,铅膏湿法处理时应该采取合适的净化工艺。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The increasing use of electrical and electronic equipment leads to a huge generation of electronic waste (e-waste). It is the fastest growing waste...  相似文献   

悬浮电解法回收废旧电子印刷线路板中的铜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以废旧电子印刷线路板中的金属铜为处理对象,采用悬浮电解法制取纯铜粉。选择了4个影响铜粉的纯度、脱落率和电流效率的因素,每个因素3个水平进行正交实验。实验结果表明,硫酸铜的浓度、氯离子的浓度和电流密度对铜粉的纯度、脱落率和电流效率有较大的影响。通过对正交实验结果的分析得出最优的电解条件,在此电解条件下可得到铜粉的纯度99.8%、脱落率99.6%和电流效率99.7%。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The major global concern on energy is focused on conventional fossil resources. The burning of fossil fuels is an origin of greenhouse gas emissions...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lead acid battery (LAB) scrap management is an important issue both environmentally and economically. The recovery of lead from battery scrap leads to...  相似文献   

用双硫腙法测定了几种废电池中汞的含量和分布及在不同水环境条件下,汞的浸出率,试图为废电池中各组分去汞后的回收提供理论依据。结果表明,双硫腙测定废电池中汞的方法是可靠的;汞在废电池中主要分布在锌皮(锌粉)和碳包部分;pH对汞的浸出率有较大的影响,浸出率与pH呈负相关。  相似文献   

Egypt is facing a major crisis due to the 1997's 40% increase in the price of imported newsprint. This price increase not only affected the press and publishers, but also placed a burden on the educational system, because most of the government textbooks depend on this type of imported paper. This crisis can be solved entirely by recycling waste paper and depending on recycled paper instead of imported paper. An experimental test facility for paper recycling was designed, manufactured and tested at the American University in Cairo (AUC). The system consists of a shredder, a beater to produce pulp, a flotation cell to remove the ink mechanically, a hand-sheet machine to produce test paper and a press/dryer to dry the paper. The paper produced was tested for physical (tear and tension) and optical (brightness and opacity) properties at different times and temperatures. The system proved to be very efficient.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the acceleration of China’s urbanization process, construction activities have led to a substantial increase in construction waste....  相似文献   

我国电子废弃物管理与资源化对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
电子废弃物对人类环境的影响,已成为全球化的问题.通过对发达国家关于电子废弃物管理以及资源化技术的进展回顾,针对我国目前的情况提出相应的对策:制定延伸生产者责任以及有害物质的停用限期的相应法规;建立电子废弃物回收网络体系;通过国家政策和经济的扶持,尽快建立专门处理电子废弃物的机构;加快我国电子废弃物处理技术的步伐,尽快提高现有工艺及设备.  相似文献   

电子废弃物对人类环境的影响,已成为全球化的问题。通过对发达国家关于电子废弃物管理以及资源化技术的进展回顾,针对我国目前的情况提出相应的对策:制定延伸生产者责任以及有害物质的停用限期的相应法规;建立电子废弃物回收网络体系;通过国家政策和经济的扶持,尽快建立专门处理电子废弃物的机构;加快我国电子废弃物处理技术的步伐,尽快提高现有工艺及设备。  相似文献   

废铅酸蓄电池铅膏柠檬酸浸出动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究废铅酸蓄电池铅膏柠檬酸-柠檬酸钠浸出过程中PbSO4转化率随时间变化,考查了物料粒度、搅拌速度和浸出温度对转化率的影响,建立了反应的动力学方程,并计算了浸出反应表观活化能。结果表明,减小物料粒度、提高浸出温度和适当提高搅拌速度,均可提高硫酸铅转化率。浸出反应表观活化能为67.82 kJ/mol,浸出反应受化学反应步骤控制。  相似文献   

赵忠  杜欢  徐乐  高培  沈伯雄 《环境工程学报》2021,15(12):3982-3991
针对废旧锌锰电池回收利用难,以及光催化剂 TiO2活性低的问题,以废旧锌锰电池和商业二氧化钛为原料,通过球磨法制备了新型复合光催化剂.在紫外光灯照射下,进行了废旧锌锰电池复合改性TiO2对甲苯的光催化氧化实验,并重点探究空速、光照强度、相对湿度和氧气体积分数等关键实验条件对甲苯净化效率的影响.结果表明,改性后的催化剂对...  相似文献   

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