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Multifunctional landscapes--perspectives for the future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New methods in landscape ecology to study the link between landscape between landscape heterogeneity and landscape functionality are needed.Heterogeneity is a basic characteristic of Iandscape,and landscape fnction is the capacity to change the structural heterogeneity of a landscape ystem.In most developed countries the industrialisation of agriculture has in general resulted in a change of agricultural landscapes from a small-grained heterogeneous pattern towards more monotonous and monofunctional landscapes.During the 1990‘s this trends seems to have changed due to a diversification of rural land use and new trends in urbanisation.Weather these phases of landscape development should be expected in developing countries is a totally open question.Dealing with the study of multifunctionality of landscapes it is proposed to distinguish between ecological functionality of landscape ecosystems,functionality.Further,the relation between function,space and scale is important by the determination of spatial and time segregation as well as spatial and time integration of multifunctionality in landscapes.  相似文献   

根据西南一农业园区规划前后土地利用变化的结果,借助地理信息系统技术,运用景观生态学基本理论分析了农业园区规划前后景观格局变化,主要结果为:规划后区域优势景观类型仍为耕地,但各类生境斑块的生态系统能力有所下降,农村居民点的集中建设有利于景观破碎化程度减轻,但路网的建设又加重了景观破碎化。在农业园区的规划中,须考虑林地和自然保留地这两类土地类型的合理分布,特别是现有生态系统较好的斑块,对评价区生物多样性的保持具有重大意义。  相似文献   

位处我国四川、云南、西藏三省(区)接壤的横断山区,为“世界屋脊”——青藏高原的东南部分,素以山高谷深、地质地理环境独特、生物与矿产资源丰富著称于世。其土地资源丰富,利用类型众多,但人口稀少、土地开发水平较低。清查与评价该山区各类土地资源的数量、质量与生产潜力,对其土地合理利用与经济振兴具有重要意义。本文仅就川西滇北横断山区的土地资源特征与农业利用评价原则等问题作一概述与探讨,供今后进一步工作之参考。  相似文献   

In many areas of the world, socioeconomic and political factors are increasingly impacting spatial patterns of land use and land cover in the landscape. Much of the land in the United States has been divided using a grid-based system that was implemented to realize socioeconomic and political goals rather than to protect and conform to biophysical differences. The borders of individual parcels of land often reflect the boundary lines created by this system. These borders are important components of policies related to land management such as zoning and private land use decisions. The potential impact this system of land division may have on spatial patterns in a landscape remains unclear. The majority of landscape research has focused exclusively on biophysical differences occurring over relatively large areas of land and ignored possible finer-scale, human impacts on landscape composition and configuration. There is a need for research on spatial patterns occurring over areas that match socioeconomically or politically important units of land in order to improve understanding of relationships between human related processes and ecosystem functions and to create better management policies.This research explores whether the system of land parcelization is evident in patterns of land use and land cover in the landscape of south-central Indiana. In particular, it investigates whether parcel boundaries correspond to distinct changes in the composition and configuration of forest, developed, and agricultural lands. This research uses theory and methodology from geography, geographic information science, and landscape ecology to analyze patterns of land use and land cover in a rural to semi-rural county in south-central Indiana. A classification of a remotely sensed image is used as a basis for calculating metrics of landscape composition and configuration with the use of a geographic information system. The metrics are calculated for areas of forest, developed, and agricultural land associated with a sample of parcels chosen to represent all the parcels within Monroe County. The values for areas near the parcel boundaries are compared with the values for areas at relatively short distances from the parcel boundaries. This comparison indicates whether there is a distinct change in the composition or configuration of the landscape occurring at approximately the parcel boundaries.The results suggest that in Monroe County, Indiana, changes in the composition of the landscape, particularly the amount of area covered by agriculture and forest, correspond with parcel boundaries. Changes in the configuration of agricultural and, to a lesser extent, developed lands also occur near parcel boundaries. The results support the hypothesis that the grid-based system of parcelization has affected spatial patterns of land use and land cover. These results illustrate the potential impact socioeconomic and political systems may have on spatial patterns in a landscape.  相似文献   

The temporal nature of agricultural landscape change, where both intra- and inter-annual processes and changes are often at work, renders traditional methods of landscape change assessment not completely effective. Additionally, seasonal and longer-term shifting patterns of cultivation can sometimes appear as permanent landscape change when in fact they actually are simply a local change in spatial arrangement. To address these complexities, this work tests an approach that is longitudinal in character and based upon assessing the structure of landscape change as well as the landuse/landcover (LULC) change. Set in rural northeast Thailand, patch dynamics are examined through use of LULC change trajectories built from an image time series and temporal patterns built from pattern metrics. The given unit of observation is the pixel, and its “life history” is constituted by the values derived from the images of a satellite time series, which are then reconstituted at the patch level for better ecological interpretation. The hypothesis that underpins this approach is that the nature of the trajectory is associated with the function of the land in that patch and in the neighborhood of surrounding patches. Hence, different trajectories of LULC spatial arrangement may suggest, for example, differences in the stability or dynamics of LULC over time and space, which are further suggestive of land sustainability or resilience, or conversely land conversion or dynamism. The study area for this research is a marginalized, agrarian environment in northeast Thailand, a region that has undergone deforestation of upland forests for the cultivation of commercial field crops, intensification of lowland rice for subsistence as well as local and regional sales and global export, and LULC scenarios altering the savanna landscape that serves as the background matrix. The analysis here characterizes the relative stability and temporal dynamics of LULC at the patch level. Pattern metrics calculated at the patch level are assessed as the spatial organization of landscape units that represent: (1) transitional areas of LULC dynamics occurring as peripheral expansion, (2) LULC change from forest to agriculture through deforestation, or (3) agriculture to forest through secondary plant succession, with savanna serving as a transitional matrix. In short, this paper proposes and tests a method for assessing the temporal persistence of LULC through pattern metrics. The method contributes a technique for analyzing the landscape ecology of sites as a function of their stability/dynamics within a scale-explicit context, and contributes to the growing body of work on relating scale, pattern, and process.  相似文献   

南京市土地利用与生态环境协调发展研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
协调土地利用与生态环境的关系是区域土地利用规划的重要环节. 利用统计分析法、文献资料法,结合实地调研,综合分析评价了南京市不同土地利用类型对生态环境的影响. 结果表明:建设用地对生态环境的影响主要体现在工业污染、城镇生活污染、地质灾害、城市热岛效应等方面. 农业用地对生态环境的影响具有农业面源污染问题严峻,高效生态农业有利于稳定和改善生态环境的两面性. 未利用土地对于维护和改善生态环境意义重大. 针对实际,提出建立不同土地利用类型的环境友好型土地利用模式,协调土地利用与生态环境的关系,并提出进行土地利用的环境影响程度分级研究、加强生态环境研究与监测、优化区域土地利用布局等建议.   相似文献   

IntroductionWetlandisoneoftherichestbiodiversityareasintheearth .Biodiversityshouldincludefourlevels:hereditydiversity ,speciesdiversity ,ecosystemdiversityandlandscapediversity .Speakingfromcertainangles,theprotectionofecosystemdiversityandlandscapediver…  相似文献   

Sustainable development and the definition of indicators to assess progress towards sustainability have become a high priority in scientific research and on policy agendas. In this paper, we propose a consistent and comprehensive framework of principles, criteria and indicators (PC&I) for sustainability assessment of agricultural systems, referred to as the Sustainability Assessment of Farming and the Environment (SAFE) framework. In addition we formulate consistent and objective approaches for indicator identification and selection. The framework is designed for three spatial levels: the parcel level, the farm level and a higher spatial level that can be the landscape, the region or the state. The SAFE framework is hierarchical as it is composed of principles, criteria, indicators and reference values in a structured way. Principles are related to the multiple functions of the agro-ecosystem, which go clearly beyond the production function alone. The multifunctional character of the agro-ecosystem encompasses the three pillars of sustainability: the environmental, economic and social pillars. Indicators and reference values are the end-products of the framework. They are the operational tools that are used for evaluating the sustainability of the agro-ecosystems. The proposed analytical framework is not intended to find a common solution for sustainability in agriculture as a whole, but to serve as an assessment tool for the identification, the development and the evaluation of agricultural production systems, techniques and policies.  相似文献   

景观生态学在农业景观生态规划和设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从景观生态学的基本原理入手,阐述景观生态学在农业景观生态规划中的应用。认为农业景观规划设计不仅关注景观的“土地利用”、“土地肥力”以及人类的短期需求,更强调景观的生态价值和美学价值及其带给人类的长期效益。农业景观生态规划设计的中心任务就是创建一个可持续发展的整体区域生态系统。中国生态农业是典型的持续农业。依据景观生态学原理和典型生态农业模式经验,探求中国生态农业景观特征及其景观生态学意义,进而针对农业景观的生物生产、经济发展、生态平衡和社会持续4大功能,提出农业景观生态规划应遵循的5项原则,即提高异质性原则、继承自然原则、关键因子调控原则、因地制宜原则和社会满意原则。  相似文献   

Wetland is one of the richest biodiversity areas in the earth. The main purpose of establishing wetland protected area is to protect biodiversity, and the protection of ecosystem diversity and landscape diversity is the key to protect biodiversity. In order to protect regional ecosystem and landscape, it is a good way to establish wetland comprehensive protected area which connected wetland nature reserves by habitat corridors. The Sanjiang Plain as a study area, its landscape evaluation index system on wetland protected area was studied, and some problems on landscape planning and ecology construction were further approached in this paper. It showed that establishing wetland comprehensive protected area is very important to protect regional wetlands, to maintain ecological balance,and to improve the sustainable development of agriculture and industry in this region.  相似文献   

不同耕作措施下土壤有机碳含量的模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
应用甘肃农业大学定西旱农综合试验站的2001-2008年长期定位实验数据对DNDC模型进行验证,4个处理的相对误差均小于±10%,均方根误差在6.41%~12.96%之间,模型模拟值与实测值表现出较强的一致性,证明DNDC在模拟预测该地区土壤有机碳储量上是可行的。对定位试验的4个处理的长期(100 a)模拟表明,免耕覆盖秸秆(NTS)和传统耕作+秸秆还田(TS)能够较大幅度地提高土壤有机碳含量,其土壤有机碳含量分别较初始值增加了74.76%和71.13%,免耕(NT)处理下土壤有机碳含量增加了39.18%,趋势较为平缓。而传统耕作不覆盖(T)处理下土壤有机碳呈下降趋势,较初始值减少了35.54%。土壤有机碳含量对土壤性状以及耕作管理措施变化的响应模拟研究表明,秸秆还田和施用有机肥是最有效的提高土壤有机碳含量的耕作措施,而土壤性状,尤其是初始有机碳含量是影响土壤有机碳变化的最主要敏感因素。DNDC模型模拟得出,实行秸秆覆盖或还田及免耕等耕作措施将有效持续地增加土壤有机碳含量,提高土壤的可持续利用能力。  相似文献   

Core concepts of landscape ecology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1IntroductionLandscapeecologyisanewlyemergedtransdisiplinarysubject.Thismultidisciplinecharacteristicbringsbenefitstoitsdeve...  相似文献   

研究山区土地利用转型背景下乡村景观格局演变与转型,对山区现代化农业可持续发展和景观格局优化具有一定的指导意义。以三峡库区草堂溪流域为研究对象,利用ArcGIS 10.2和Fragstats 4.2软件,采用样带梯度分析结合景观格局分析方法,基于地形和社会经济因素,分别在河谷地区和山地丘陵地区设置5条样带,对研究区2000—2018年不同方向样带上景观格局梯度演变和驱动机制进行分析比较。结果表明:(1)景观类型整体变化幅度大致可分为较稳定型、逐年递减型和波动递增型,且景观转型的重点主要体现在耕地收缩、果园扩张和林地恢复性增长。(2)2000—2018年,研究区河谷地区的景观类型逐渐多样化,土地利用集聚,呈现空间集约化;而山地丘陵地区景观类型逐渐单一化,林地恢复。整体上由生产型景观格局转型成生态经济型、生态调节型为主的景观格局。(3)社会经济发展和政府政策导向等因素导致研究区内土地利用发生转型,在土地利用转型背景下的乡村景观格局也发生了相应的转变。研究结果可为类似山区土地资源的合理利用、生态治理和乡村振兴提供借鉴价值。  相似文献   

苏北辐射沙洲海岸带农业景观生态分析与优化设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陶丽华  朱晓东  桂峰 《环境科学》2001,22(3):118-122
在世界上具有独特环境资源意义的苏北辐射沙洲位于南黄海西南隅,其不断并岸成陆产生大片开发潜力巨大的农用土地资源.但目前存在诸如岸线冲淤、生态脆弱、过度与无序开发等环境资源问题.在实地综合调研的基础上,运用景观生态学的基本理论,对区域农业景观空间格局进行调整与优化设计,提出促进区域农业生态-经济-美学多重价值同步提高,实现持续农业的有效途径,并以具典型特征的如东县作为个案分析,提出了调整与优化设计的建议.  相似文献   

矿区废弃地的恢复生态学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
矿区废弃地的恢复生态学研究已成为恢复生态学的一个重要的研究领域。本文论述了恢复生态学的主要理论及采矿废弃地的恢复工程技术,并对矿山生态恢复中的生物多样性、景观生态学、植被生态学、生态经济学、安全经济学及可持续发展等学科领域进行了综述。  相似文献   

The incorporation of landscape ecological and fragmentation analyses within remote sensing science has expanded the inferential capabilities of such research. This issue presents a series of papers on the use of landscape ecological techniques to explore the relationship between land cover and land use spatial pattern and process in an international, comparative context. Methodologically, researchers seek to link spatial pattern to land use process by integrating geographic information systems (GIS), socio-economic, and remote sensing techniques with landscape ecological approaches. This issue brings together papers at the forefront of this research effort, and illustrates the diversity of methods necessary to evaluate the complex linkages between pattern and process in landscapes across the world. The analyses focus on major forces interacting at the earth’s surface, such as the interface of agricultural and urban land, agriculture and forestry, and other pertinent topics dealing with environmental policy and management. Empirical analyses stem from many different ecological, social and institutional contexts within the Americas, Africa, and Asia.  相似文献   

高速公路环境景观评价的研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
总结了以往高速公路绿化工程中出现的弊端 ,提出了高速公路两翼景观评价的必要性 ;从景观生态学角度将高速公路两翼景观划分为五类 :既自然景观、半自然景观、农业景观、郊区景观和人工建筑景观 ;以景观生态学为理论框架 ,从美学质量、景观阈值、景观敏感度、特殊价值四个方面讨论了高速公路两翼的景观评价方法。  相似文献   

刘玉  蒋治  王浩森 《自然资源学报》2020,35(10):2444-2459
北京减量提质发展背景下,农业地域功能主要体现在优质农产品生产、生态保护、高端休闲娱乐供给、新业态示范、产业链拓展与融合以及就业收入拉动等方面。以184个街道、乡镇为基本研究地域单元,测算了北京农业地域功能并剖析了空间分异特征。研究发现:北京农业地域功能空间分异与城市空间开发结构密切相关,总体上表现为自城乡结合部核心区、拓展区到远郊区呈圈层递增态势;城乡结合部拓展区农业地域功能衰退趋势显著,对城市空间开发的约束变弱;远郊区农产品供给、生态保护和就业安置等基本和传统功能较强而产业融合、新业态等高级与现代功能偏低,农业地域功能仍有较大提升空间。通过OLS基本回归和分位数回归发现,土地因素是影响北京农业地域功能的关键因素,其中区位因素决定农用地规模进而影响农业地域功能,房价因素通过加速农用地流转对功能最弱地区的农业地域功能具有明显抑制作用。非农产业对农业地域功能具有促进而非挤压替代作用。  相似文献   

复垦区景观异质性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景观生态学目前发展较为迅速,研究的领域也日渐广泛,不仅有理论的探讨,也有应用方面的研究,从研究领域来看,研究较多的还是农业景观,森林景观、自然保护区与国家公园。复垦区景观异质性的研究还较少见,本文就这一问题作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

土地可持续利用评价的指标体系与方法   总被引:258,自引:10,他引:258  
本文分析了土地利用系统和土地可持续利用的特点,阐述了土地利用的持续性是土地利用适宜性在时间上的扩展,从生态、经济和社会3方面建立了土地可持续利用评价的指标体系。在不同的空间尺度上,土地可持续利用评价的主导因素也不同,从田块-农场-流域或景观-区域或国家-全球,土地利用可持续利用的主要约束因素分别是农业技术-微观经济-生态因子-宏观经济和社会因子-宏观生态因子,依据这一特点,提出了区域土地可持续利用的评价过程。  相似文献   

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