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Linkages between land management activities and stream water quality are reported for a 2480 ha catchment used for dairy farming, sheep–beef farming and forestry in Southland, New Zealand. Our approach was to reconcile measured loads of nutrients exported from the catchment with those estimated based on characterisation of farming practices within the catchment. The latter was based upon detailed surveys of farm practices and soil quality. Monthly stream monitoring showed that median nutrient (N and P), sediment and faecal bacteria concentrations exceeded guidelines recommended for surface waters. Measured specific yields for suspended sediment (SS), total N (TN) and phosphorus (P) discharged from the catchment were 58, 8.2 and 0.43 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively, for the 2001–2005 monitoring period. In comparison, model estimates of N and P losses in drainage and overland flow from farms in the catchment were 10.1 and 0.59 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively. Field measurements, farm management surveys and farm systems modeling have identified some land management practices that appear to be key sources of many of these pollutants. These sources include subsurface drainage systems (including the preferential flow of irrigated effluent through these soils), overland flow from the heavy soils used for dairy farming in the catchment and the practice of intensively wintering cows on forage crops. Modeling suggests that a significant improvement in catchment water quality could be achieved through the implementation of targeted best management practices (BMPs) on dairy farms in the catchment. These include (i) covered feedpad wintering systems for controlling N losses, (ii) nitrification inhibitor use on milking platforms, (iii) deferred irrigation and low rate application of farm dairy effluent and (iv) limiting soil Olsen P to economically optimum levels. The adoption of these BMPs will, in part, depend on their economic viability. This paper therefore presents a double-bottom-line analysis (i.e. environmental and economic) of some of these BMPs and discusses their potential to cost-effectively deliver improved water quality in the Bog Burn catchment.  相似文献   

Soluble P release during soil organic matter decomposition was measured under fluctuating seasonal temperatures in several of Florida's organic soils. Natural soil profiles obtained from seven locations in central and south Florida were used in the study. Soil columns were leached once every 25 days, followed by applying a suction of 100 cm. Soil columns were flooded for 25 days in the months of July and August (between 14 and 21 weeks after initiation of the study for central Florida organic soils and between 11 and 18 weeks for south Florida organic soils) to simulate normal agronomic practice.The amounts of P released into effluent from Florida's organic soils were in the range of 2.9–26.2 μg P/cm3 of soil per year (16–168 kg P ha?1 year?1). This represents 2.2–20% of the total soil P for central Florida organic soils and 0.75–1.1% of total soil P for south Florida organic soils. Soluble ortho-P accounted for about 70–89% of total effluent P for central Florida organic soils and 54–57% of effluent P for south Florida organic soils. Estimated soil P mineralization during organic matter decomposition was about 38–185 kg P ha?1 year?1 for central Florida organic soils and 16–23 kg P ha?1 year?1 for south Florida organic soils. Seasonal temperature fluctuations had minimal influence on the P release into effluent. Flooding the organic soils, however, increased P release into drainage effluent by about 4–8 times, compared with drained conditions.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application as manure to agricultural soils in intensive livestock farming and arable cropping systems often exceeds P offtake by crops. This surplus could lead to P accumulation in soils, making them long-term diffuse sources of P loss to water. We investigated the impact of a range of manuring and fertilization practices in intensive farming systems on the accumulation of P in soils, soil test phosphorus (STP), distribution of organic and inorganic P, P-sorption capacity and degree of soil saturation with P (DSSP). The results from the 10 long-term sites investigated showed increases in both total soil P content and STP values (Olsen-P and Mehlich-3 P), as a result of P surpluses. The net total P accumulation in the soils across the sites ranged from 16 to 232 kg P ha−1 year−1. The effects of long-term P surpluses were a significant reduction in P-retention capacity and increase in DSSP. The sites investigated would attain 25% DSSP in 10–150 years, depending upon the size of P surplus and sorption capacity. A combination of large P surplus and low P-sorption capacity could saturate soils to 25% DSSP within 10–30 years. The values of Olsen (85 mg P kg−1) and Mehlich-3 (305 mg P kg−1) extractable-P predicted for the 25% DSSP are likely to result in environmentally significant P losses.  相似文献   

In many peri-urban areas of Southeast Asia, land use has been transformed from rice-based to more profitable vegetable-based systems in order to meet the increasing market demand. The major management related flows of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were quantified over a 1-year period for intensive small-scale aquatic and terrestrial vegetable systems situated in two peri-urban areas of Hanoi City, Vietnam. The two areas have different sources of irrigation water; wastewater from Hanoi City and water from the Red River upstream of Hanoi. The first nutrient balances for this region and farming systems are presented. The main sources of individual elements were quantified and the nutrient use efficiency estimated. The environmental risks for losses and/or soil accumulation were also assessed and discussed in relation to long-term sustainability and health aspects.The primary source of nutrient input involved a combination of chemical fertilisers, manure (chicken) and irrigation water. A variable composition and availability of the latter two sources greatly influenced the relative magnitude of the final total loads for individual elements. Despite relatively good nutrient use efficiencies being demonstrated for N (46–86%) and K (66–94%), and to some extent also for P (19–46%), high inputs still resulted in substantial annual surpluses causing risks for losses to surface and ground waters. The surplus for N ranged from 85 to 882 kg ha−1 year−1, compared to P and K which were 109–196 and 20–306 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively. Those for Cu and Zn varied from 0.2 to 2.7 and from 0.6 to 7.7 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively, indicating high risk for soil accumulation and associated transfers through the food chain.Wastewater irrigation contributed to high inputs, and excess use of organic and chemical fertilisers represent a major threat to the soil and water environment. Management options that improve nutrient use efficiency represent an important objective that will help reduce annual surpluses. A sustainable reuse of wastewater for irrigation in peri-urban farming systems can contribute significantly to the nutrient supply (assuming low concentrations of potential toxic or hazardous substances in the water). Nutrient inputs need to be better related to the crop need, e.g. through better knowledge about the nutrient concentrations in the wastewater and improved management of the amount of irrigation water being applied.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the impacts of rural land use on lowland streamwater phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations and P loads and sources in lowland streams. Based on weekly water quality monitoring, the impacts of agriculture on streamwater P and N hydrochemistry were examined along a gradient of rural–agricultural land use, by monitoring three sets of ‘paired’ (near-adjacent) rural headwater streams, draining catchments which are representative of the major geology, soil types and rural/agricultural land use types of large areas of lowland Britain. The magnitude and timing of P and N inputs were assessed and the load apportionment model (LAM) was applied to quantify ‘continuous’ (point) source and ‘flow-dependent’ (diffuse) source contributions of P to these headwater streams. The results show that intensive arable farming had only a comparatively small impact on streamwater total phosphorus (TP loads), with highly consistent stream diffuse-source TP yields of ca. 0.5 kg-P ha?1 year?1 for the predominantly arable catchments with both clay and loam soils, compared with 0.4 kg-P ha?1 year?1 for low agricultural intensity grassland/woodland on similar soil types. In contrast, intensive livestock farming on heavy clay soils resulted in dramatically higher stream diffuse-source TP yields of 2 kg-P ha?1 year?1. The streamwater hydrochemistry of the livestock-dominated catchment was characterised by high concentrations of organic P, C and N fractions, associated with manure and slurry sources. Across the study sites, the impacts of human settlement were clearly identifiable with effluent inputs from septic tanks and sewage treatment works resulting in large-scale increases in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) loads and concentrations. At sites heavily impacted by rural settlements, SRP concentrations under baseflow conditions reached several hundred μg-P L?1. Load apportionment modelling demonstrated significant ‘point-source’ P inputs to the streams even where there were no sewage treatment works within the upstream catchment. This indicates that, even in sparsely populated rural headwater catchments, small settlements and even isolated groups of houses are sufficient to cause significant nutrient pollution and that septic tank systems serving these rural communities are actually operating as multiple point sources, rather than a diffuse input.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric NH3 levels near intensive livestock operations can add significant N to local agroecosystems. In this study, the potential atmospheric NH3 sorbed by soil and water was assessed over a 2-year period starting October 2000 in an intensive livestock production area in southern Alberta, Canada. Fifty-two uneven grid sampling sites were selected in the 53,905 ha study area. The sorption rate of atmospheric NH3 was estimated weekly by exposing distilled water and air-dried soil samples to the atmosphere at the sampling sites. The increases in NH4–N content in the samples after 1-week exposure was regarded as an index of the atmospheric NH3 sorbed for that week. The NH3 sorption rates were highly variable across the 52 sites, with water ranging from 4 to 125 kg ha−1 year−1 with a mean of 22 kg N ha−1 year−1 and soil from 5 to 84 kg N ha−1 year−1 with a mean of 20 kg N ha−1 year−1. Considerable variation in NH3–N sorption across the study area reflects the effects of size, direction (upwind or downwind) and proximity of nearby livestock operations or other NH3 sources and operators’ activities around the sampling sites. The NH3 sorption rate at each site also varied considerably in response to weather conditions. The high rate of NH3 input poses a direct risk of surface water eutrophication in intensive livestock operation areas. If fertilizer recommendations are not reduced to account for NH3 sorption by soil, excess N may also contribute to eutrophication through runoff and leaching.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the influence that residue and fertilizer management have on nutrient balances, soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, and crop yields of a flooded rice system in northeast Thailand (1992–1997) and a wheat–forage legume rotation in eastern Australia (1992–1998). Both soils had been subject to at least 18 years of cultivation and had lost up to 90% of the original labile (CL) and 85% of the total carbon (CT).For the rainfed rice cropping systems of northeast Thailand, a system is described in which small applications of leaf litter from locally grown trees are applied annually to rice paddy soils prior to transplanting. Annual applications of 1500 kg ha−1 of leaf litter from different locally grown shrubs for five seasons resulted in increases in rice grain yield in 1997 of between 20 and 26% above the no-leaf litter control. Nutrient balances, determined by the difference between the inputs (fertilizer and added leaf litters) and outputs (grain and straw), indicated net positive balances of up to 457 kg N ha−1, and 60 kg P ha−1, after five seasons of leaf litter applications. Sulfur and potassium balances resulted in net deficits of up to −13 kg S ha−1 and −52 kg P ha−1, where no leaf litter was applied and rice straw was removed following harvest. Soil carbon (C) concentrations increased significantly only where higher fertilizer rate and rice stubble retention were combined.The poor management of fertilizers and crop residues, and excessive cultivation has also resulted in large soil fertility losses in the grain growing areas of Eastern Australia. After five wheat and two legume/fallow crops, negative N balances of up to −303 kg ha−1 were calculated for the treatments where wheat stubble was not retained and bare fallow leys were used. The balance of nutrients such as K, which are contained in larger proportions in stubble, were found to be up to −362 kg ha−1 on the straw-removed treatments and up to +29 kg ha−1 on the straw-retained treatments. Forage legume leys resulted in short term increases in CL and the carbon management index (CMI).Sustainable farming systems require that crop yields are stable through the maintenance of soil fertility and the balance of nutrients in the system. Increases in soil C levels require sustained periods of balanced fertilization and residue retention.  相似文献   

Oil palms (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) are normally planted in fields stripped of all other vegetation. Leguminous cover crops are planted simultaneously to protect the soil surface and to provide other, less tangible benefits. Nutrient cycling, especially of nitrogen, was followed in a commercial oil palm plantation and showed that: (a) legumes contribute about 150 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1 to the system through nitrogen fixation; (b) during the early stages of oil palm growth the legumes absorb 149 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1 from the soil; (c) with a loss of nitrogen through litter fall of 123 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1, legumes accumulate a net amount of 176 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1 in their foliage; (d) in comparison with “natural” covers, leguminous covers reduce leaching losses by 63 kg nitrogen ha?1 year ?1 so that the total benefits of leguminous covers amount to 239 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1; (e) the combined inputs from fertilization and oil palm debris in plots without legumes is 208 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1; and (f) during the initial growth phase, oil palms need only 175 kg nitrogen ha?1 year?1. Since legumes fix nitrogen and thoroughly scavenge the soil for minerals they eventually provide more nitrogen to the oil palms than is needed for growth. This surplus nitrogen is “banked” in the legume foliage. Then, when the rooting system of the oil palms has grown under the inter-rows, competition for nutrients causes a gradual decline in the cover-crop. Nutrients “deposited” in the legumes are thus slowly re-released stimulating root-growth and general development of the oil palm.  相似文献   

Agriculture is an important contributor to global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), in particular for methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Emissions from farms with a stock of ruminant animals are particularly high due to CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation and manure handling, and due to the intensive nitrogen (N) cycle on such farms leading to direct and indirect N2O emissions. The whole-farm model, FarmGHG, was designed to quantify the flows of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) on dairy farms. The aim of the model was to allow quantification of effects of management practices and mitigation options on GHG emissions. The model provides assessments of emissions from both the production unit and the pre-chains. However, the model does not quantify changes in soil C storage.Model dairy farms were defined within five European agro-ecological zones for both organic and conventional systems. The model farms were all defined to have the same utilised agricultural area (50 ha). Cows on conventional and organic model farms were defined to achieve the same milk yield, so the basic difference between conventional and organic farms was expressed in the livestock density. The organic farms were defined to be 100% self-sufficient with respect to feed. The conventional farms, on the other hand, import concentrates as supplementary feed and their livestock density was defined to be 75% higher than the organic farm density. Regional differences between farms were expressed in the milk yield, the crop rotations, and the cow housing system and manure management method most common to each region.The model results showed that the emissions at farm level could be related to either the farm N surplus or the farm N efficiency. The farm N surplus appeared to be a good proxy for GHG emissions per unit of land area. The GHG emissions increased from 3.0 Mg CO2-eq ha−1 year−1 at a N surplus of 56 kg N ha−1 year−1 to 15.9 Mg CO2-eq ha−1 year−1 at a N surplus of 319 kg N ha−1 year−1. The farm N surplus can relatively easily be determined on practical farms from the farm records of imports and exports and the composition of the crop rotation. The GHG emissions per product unit (milk or metabolic energy) were quite closely related to the farm N efficiency, and a doubling of the N efficiency from 12.5 to 25% reduced the emissions per product unit by ca. 50%. The farm N efficiency may therefore be used as a proxy for comparing the efficiencies of farms with respect to supplying products with a low GHG emission.  相似文献   

RothC and Century are two of the most widely used soil organic matter (SOM) models. However there are few examples of specific parameterisation of these models for environmental conditions in East Africa. The aim of this study was therefore, to evaluate the ability of RothC and the Century to estimate changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) resulting from varying land use/management practices for the climate and soil conditions found in Kenya. The study used climate, soils and crop data from a long term experiment (1976–2001) carried out at The Kabete site at The Kenya National Agricultural Research Laboratories (NARL, located in a semi-humid region) and data from a 13 year experiment carried out in Machang’a (Embu District, located in a semi-arid region). The NARL experiment included various fertiliser (0, 60 and 120 kg of N and P2O5 ha−1), farmyard manure (FYM—5 and 10 t ha−1) and plant residue treatments, in a variety of combinations. The Machang’a experiment involved a fertiliser (51 kg N ha−1) and a FYM (0, 5 and 10 t ha−1) treatment with both monocropping and intercropping. At Kabete both models showed a fair to good fit to measured data, although Century simulations for treatments with high levels of FYM were better than those without. At the Machang’a site with monocrops, both models showed a fair to good fit to measured data for all treatments. However, the fit of both models (especially RothC) to measured data for intercropping treatments at Machang’a was much poorer. Further model development for intercrop systems is recommended. Both models can be useful tools in soil C predictions, provided time series of measured soil C and crop production data are available for validating model performance against local or regional agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Four on-farm experiments examined whether modest applications of fertilizers in combination with prunings from native agroforestry trees would be an alternative to maintain the fertility of ferralitic soils in Benin. An application of about 1.9 t ha−1 dry matter of mulch of Senna siamea combined with 30 kg N ha−1, 22 kg P ha−1 and 25 kg K ha−1 as compound fertilizer was compared with (1) 60 kg N ha−1, 43 kg P ha−1 and 50 kg K ha−1 as compound fertilizer alone, (2) mulch of S. siamea alone (about 3.2 t ha−1 dry matter), and (3) a control treatment. Criteria were soil properties, yields, nutrient uptakes, and nutrient budgets. Application of sole mulch had no significant effects (P>0.05) on maize yields, while combined application of prunings and NPK fertilizers or sole NPK increased yields significantly (P<0.05). The most limiting nutrient was P. The local maize cultivar was efficient in P uptake, but not in internal nutrient utilization efficiency; mulch increased significantly the internal P utilization efficiency (P<0.05). Soil properties were interpreted with the QUEFTS (quantitative evaluation of the fertility of tropical soils) computer program. The predicted and measured yields were almost the same for maize without NPK. The measured responses to NPK were much lower than the responses calculated by QUEFTS. The calculated nutrient budgets were split into balances for available nutrients and for those not immediately available (NIA). Nutrient budgets were negative for the control and sole mulch treatments, and positive for the NPK treatments. Mulch improved the balances of NIA nutrients. The present experiment could not prove that combining NPK with mulch is the best option for sustainable agriculture. It may be more economical to apply lower rates of fertilizer to local maize than those applied in the two NPK treatments in the present study.  相似文献   

Reducing phosphorus (P) in dairy diets may result in different types of manure with different chemical composition. Application of these manures to soils may affect the soil P solubility and lead to different environmental consequences. A laboratory incubation study determined the impact of 40 dairy manures on P dynamics in two soil types, Mattapex silt loam (Aquic Hapludult) and Kalmia sandy loam (Typic Hapludult). The manures were fecal samples of lactating cows, collected from commercial dairy farms located in Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States, with a wide range of dietary P concentrations (from 2.9 to 5.8 g P kg−1 feed dry matter, DM). Dried and ground fecal samples were mixed with surface horizon (0–15 cm) of soils at 150 kg P ha−1 and the mixtures were incubated at 25 °C for 21 days. At the end of incubation, water soluble P (WS-P) and Mehlich-3 P (M3-P) in the soil–manure mixtures were substantially higher than the control (soil alone) but were lower than the soils receiving fertilizer KH2PO4 at 150 kg P ha−1. Similarly, the relative extractability of P in soils amended with low- and high-P manures was always lower (<93%) than KH2PO4 suggesting that fertilizer P is more effective at increasing soil solution P in the short-term. Concentrations of WS-P or M3-P in soil–manure mixtures did not differ regardless of the source of manure (i.e. different farms and different diets). This suggests that when the same amount of P is added to soils through manure applications, the solubility or bioavailability of P in soils will be the same. However, P concentrations in feces correlate significantly with that in diets (r = 0.82**); and when the manures were grouped into high-P diets (averaging 5.1 g P kg−1) versus low-P diets (3.6 g P kg−1), manure P was 40% greater in the high-P group (10.6 g kg−1 DM) than the low-P group (7.6 g kg−1 DM). Thus, lowering excess P in diets would reduce P excretion in manures, P accumulation in soils, improve P balance on farms, require less area for land disposal, and decrease potential for P loss to waters.  相似文献   

To date, only a few attempts have been done to estimate the contribution of Mediterranean ecosystems to the global carbon cycle. Within this context, shrub species, composition and structure of the Mediterranean shrublands developing along the Latium coast (Italy) were analyzed in order to evaluate their contribution to carbon (C) sequestration, also taking into consideration the economic benefits at a national level. The considered shrublands had a shrub density of 1,200?±?500 shrubs ha?1. Shrubs were classified into small (S), medium (M) and large (L), according to their volume (V) and leaf area index (LAI). The total yearly carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration per species (SCy) was calculated multiplying the total photosynthetic leaf surface area (spt) of each species by the mean yearly photosynthetic rate and the total yearly photosynthetic activity time (in hours). Q. ilex and A. unedo had the highest SCy (46.2?±?15.8 kg CO2 year?1, mean value), followed by P. latifolia (17.5?±?6.2 kg CO2 year?1), E. arborea, E. multiflora, C. incanus, P. lentiscus, R. officinalis, and S. aspera (6.8?±?4.2 kg CO2 year?1, mean value). The total yearly CO2 sequestration per shrub (SCshy) was 149?±?5 kg CO2 year?1 in L, decreasing 30 % in M and 80 % in S shrubs. Taking into account the frequency of S, M and L and their SCshy, the total CO2 sequestration of the Mediterranean maquis was quantified in 80 Mg CO2 ha?1?year?1, corresponding to 22 Mg C ha?1?year?1. From a monetary viewpoint, this quantity could be valued to more than 500 US$ ha?1?year?1. Extending this benefit to the Mediterranean shrublands throughout the whole country, we obtained a nationwide estimated annual benefit in the order of $500 million.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is becoming increasingly important in the cereal-based cropping system of the Nigerian Guinea savanna zone and this justifies research on its effects on soil N. Although soybean can obtain 50% or more of its N requirement from the atmosphere, the N contribution of the crop to the system depends on the amount of N contained in roots, haulms, and fallen leaves after grain harvest. At four sites in the northern Guinea savanna, the effects on N balance of P fertilizer and soybean varieties of different duration were tested. The varieties received P fertilizer at the rates of 0, 30, and 60 kg P ha−1. The total N accumulated aboveground at harvest averaged 104 kg N ha−1 in the early and medium varieties, and 135 kg N ha−1 in the late varieties. Across all varieties and sites, total N content was increased by 40–47% when P was applied. Apparent N harvest index averaged 85% but was not significantly affected by variety or P rate. When only grain was exported, the calculated N balance of the early and the medium varieties was −2.6 to −12.2 kg N ha−1 while the longer duration varieties had positive N balances ranging from 2 to 10.9 kg N ha−1. The N accrual was negative when P was not applied and ranged from 2.4 to 5.2 kg N ha−1 with P application. The interaction of variety and site on the N balance was significant at P<0.05. N balance at the southernmost site was −14.2 kg N ha−1 compared with 2.6–10 kg N ha−1 at the northern sites where N2 fixation was higher. The estimate of N balance is reduced when soybean haulms are exported. A positive N contribution by soybean is, therefore, possible in a soybean–cereal rotation when: (i) P is applied, (ii) the soybean variety is late maturing, and (iii) only grain is exported.  相似文献   

In much of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the lack of organic soil amendments constitutes one of the principal causes for declining soil fertility in intensifying farming systems. The challenge, therefore, remains to increase the availability of organic inputs and to develop recommendations for their combination with inorganic fertilizers. An on-farm experiment was conducted in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria to evaluate the fertilizer effect of rice (Oryza sativa L.) mill waste (RMW) on a degraded Alfisol. The decomposition and nutrient (N and P) release patterns of RMW were studied using the litterbag technique, and the effect on maize yield and soil properties was determined. The RMW was applied at rates of 0, 5, 10, and 15 Mg DM ha−1 and was applied either unburnt or burnt (farmers’ practice). In both years, compound fertilizer was broadcast during land preparation on all plots at rates of 40 kg N ha−1, 17 kg P ha−1, and 33 kg K ha−1.Results obtained in the litterbag study showed that, at maize harvest, more than 90% of the P had been released from the decomposing RMW. However, around 60% of the organic C and 45% of the N still remained. Compared to the control treatment (0 Mg ha−1 RMW), which yielded 0.55 Mg ha−1, maize (Zea mays L.) grain yields were increased by 95% when 10 Mg ha−1 of unburnt RMW was applied, and by 147% with 15 Mg ha−1 (mean of 2 years). In contrast, burnt RMW did not result in significant yield increases. The cumulative application of 30 Mg ha−1 of unburnt RMW significantly increased the soil organic carbon in the surface soil from 0.7% (0 Mg ha−1 RMW) to 1.3%.The results of this investigation indicate that RMW constitutes a valuable organic input in the Guinea savanna if applied unburnt at rates of 10–15 Mg ha−1 in combination with inorganic fertilizer. The repeated application of unburnt RMW may contribute to the rehabilitation of degraded soils through the buildup of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

To reduce the environmental burden of agriculture, suitable methods to comprehend and assess the impact on natural resources are needed. One of the methods considered is the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, which was used to assess the environmental impacts of 18 grassland farms in three different farming intensities — intensive, extensified, and organic — in the Allgäu region in southern Germany. Extensified and organic compared with intensive farms could reduce negative effects in the abiotic impact categories of energy use, global warming potential (GWP) and ground water mainly by renouncing mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Energy consumption of intensive farms was 19.1 GJ ha−1 and 2.7 GJ t−1 milk, of extensified and organic farms 8.7 and 5.9 GJ ha−1 along with 1.3 and 1.2 GJ t−1 milk, respectively. Global warming potential was 9.4, 7.0 and 6.3 CO2-equivalents ha−1 and 1.3, 1.0 and 1.3 CO2-equivalents t−1 milk for the intensive, extensified and organic farms, respectively. Acidification calculated in SO2-equivalents was high, but the extensified (119 kg SO2 ha−1) and the organic farms (107 kg SO2 ha−1) emit a lower amount compared with the intensive farms (136 kg SO2 ha−1). Eutrophication potential computed in PO4-equivalents was higher for intensive (54.2 kg PO4 ha−1) compared with extensified (31.2 kg PO4 ha−1) and organic farms (13.5 kg PO4 ha−1). Farmgate balances for N (80.1, 31.4 and 31.1 kg ha−1) and P (5.3, 4.5 and −2.3 kg ha−1) for intensive, extensified and organic farms, respectively, indicate the different impacts on ground and surface water quality. Analysing the impact categories biodiversity, landscape image and animal husbandry, organic farms had clear advantages in the indicators number of grassland species, grazing cattle, layout of farmstead and herd management, but indices in these categories showed a wide range and are partly independent of the farming system.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and leaching losses from an intensively managed grazed pasture in the Ythan catchment, Aberdeenshire, UK, were measured and compared over a 17-month period. Simultaneous measurements of farm-wide leaching losses of N2O were also made and catchment-wide fluxes were estimated from existing N leaching data. The relative importance of direct and indirect N2O fluxes at the field, farm and catchment scale was then assessed. At the field scale we found that direct N2O emissions were low (1.2 kg N ha−1 year−1, 0.6% of N input) with indirect N2O emissions via drainage waters comprising a significant proportion (25%) of total N2O emissions. At the whole-farm scale, the N2O-N emission factor (0.003) for leached NO3-N (EF5-g) was in line with the IPCC's recent downward revision. At the catchment scale, a direct N2O flux of 1.9 kg N ha−1 year−1 and an indirect flux of 0.06 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1 were estimated. This study lends further support to the recent downward revision of the IPCC emission factor for N2O arising from leached N in surface and ground waters (EF5-g) and highlights the need for multiple point sampling to ensure that the importance of indirect N2O losses via drainage waters is not misrepresented at the farm and catchment scales.  相似文献   

The rainfall anomaly (RA) associated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has various unwanted impacts on agricultural system globally. The loss of inorganic nitrogen (N) depending on extreme wet or dry conditions is a major concern. The main objective of this study was to adapt site-specific N strategies to mitigate the effects of ENSO on yields of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.; WW) system. After thorough calibration and evaluation, Decision Support Systems for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT, version 4.5) model suite was adapted. Seasonal analysis was used to compare the variability in simulated leached-N, N uptake, and WW yields under long-term historical real-weather conditions. The site X climate interactions and impacts of weather factors on WW yields were assessed across 60 growing seasons in three phases of ENSO: El Niño (EN), La Niña (LN), and neutral (NT). Based on RA, the simulated yields were lower during LN than EN (11 %) and NT (12 %) on coastal sandy-loam soils and higher during LN than EN (13 %) and NT (8 %) on heavy silt loam soils at valley. N strategy with basal of 22 kg N ha?1?+?a split of 112 kg N ha?1 at Feekes (F) 4 stage of WW was adapted for maximum yield and minimum N leaching during LN at valley and NT at coastal sites. However, basal of 22 kg N ha?1?+?two equal splits of 56 kg N ha?1 at both F4 and F6 was found as the most adaptable N strategy during both EN and NT phases at valley and EN and LN at coastal sites.  相似文献   

In ago-pastoral systems of the semi-arid West African Sahel, targeted applications of ruminant manure to the cropland is a widespread practice to maintain soil productivity. However, studies exploring the decomposition and mineralisation processes of manure under farmers’ conditions are scarce. The present research in south-west Niger was undertaken to examine the role of micro-organisms and meso-fauna on in situ release rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) from cattle and sheep–goat manure collected from village corrals during the rainy season. The results show that (1) macro-organisms played a dominant role in the initial phase of manure decomposition; (2) manure decomposition was faster on crusted than on sandy soils; (3) throughout the study N and P release rates closely followed the dry matter decomposition; (4) during the first 6 weeks after application the K concentration in the manure declined much faster than N or P. At the applied dry matter rate of 18.8 Mg ha−1, the quantities of N, P and K released from the manure during the rainy season were up to 10-fold larger than the annual nutrient uptake of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), the dominant crop in the traditional agro-pastoral systems. The results indicate considerable nutrient losses with the scarce but heavy rainfalls which could be alleviated by smaller rates of manure application. Those, however, would require a more labour intensive system of corralling or manure distribution.  相似文献   

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was first introduced to New York apple growers in 1975 through an Extension pilot program. Since that time, growers have become aware of the methods, results and potential benefits of following an IPM approach in their orchards. Differences in pesticide use, demography and behavior between IPM users and non-users are presented in this study. Results showed that > 80% of the apple producers in New York State (NY) incorporate some aspect of IPM into their pest control strategies. IPM users were younger and better educated and had less farm experience than non-users. Cornell Cooperative Extension was considered a primary source of written pest management and pesticide information to NY growers. However, agricultural sales persons were also considered useful by the growers for making pest management decisions. Growers that employed comprehensive IPM practices used 30% less insecticides, 47% less miticides and 10% less fungicides than growers that did not use IPM practices. This resulted in 235 kg active ingredient ha−1 not having to be absorbed by the environment and saved IPM apple growers an average of US$ 95.80 ha−1 year−1 over an 11-year period (1976–1986) without significantly affecting fruit quality.  相似文献   

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