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This paper analyses the contents and species distributions of rare earth elements (REEs) in the water-suspended particulate-sediment system of the Baotou section of the Yellow River, China, with known anthropogenic REE input from industrial discharges. The major forms of REEs were suspended and dissolved in the mainstream and the tributaries of the Baotou section, respectively. The concentrations of the dissolved and suspended REEs had the same trends in the overlying water along the mainstream, which increased from the Seqi section (site A) to the mouth of the Sidaosha River (site D), reaching a maximum value at site D, and tending to decrease thereafter. The contents of REEs in sediment cores showed enrichment with light rare earth elements (LREEs). The bound to carbonates and to Fe–Mn oxides are the major forms of REE in the secondary phase and the REE exhibited LREE enrichment pattern and moderate Eu depletion in suspended particulates and surface sediments. The contents and species distributions of REEs in the water-suspended particulate-sediment system of the Baotou section suggest that the anthropogenic source of REEs from Baotou city have enhanced REE accumulation to the Baotou section. This information is important for predicting possible pollution resulting from anthropogenic REE input into rivers.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements in our environment are becoming important because of their utilization in permanent magnets, lamp phosphors, superconductors, rechargeable batteries, catalyst, ceramics and other applications. This study was conducted to evaluate the level of rare earth elements (REE) and the variability of their anomalous behavior in groundwater samples collected from Lagos and Ogun States, Southwest, Nigeria. REE concentrations were determined in 170 groundwater samples using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, while the physicochemical parameters were determined using standard methods. Lagos State groundwater is enriched with REE [sum REEs range (mean ± SD)]; [0.365–488 (69.5 ± 117)] µg L?1 than Ogun State groundwater [sum REEs range (mean ± SD)]; [1.14–232 (22.6 ± 41.1)] µg L?1. Boreholes are more enriched with REEs than wells. Significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation (R = Pearson) was recorded in Lagos State groundwater between sum REEs and Fe (R = 0.55). However, there were no significant correlations between sum REEs, pH (R = 0.073) and HCO3 2? (R = 0.157) in Ogun State groundwater. Chondrite-normalized plot shows that Lagos groundwater exhibits positive Ce anomaly, while Ogun State groundwater does not. The source of REE in Lagos State may be from the ocean and leaching from wastes dumpsites, while the source in Ogun State groundwater may be from the rocks.  相似文献   

海南省土壤中稀土元素的生物有效态含量和总量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用高灵敏度、低检出限的ICP-MS研究了海南省土壤中稀土元素总量和有效态含量.结果表明:海南土壤中各稀土元素总量均高于全国背景值,是全国背景值的110160%,各稀土元素的有效态含量与总量之间的相关系数在0.6630.949范围内变化(p<0.01,n=63),具有明显正相关性.为深入探讨和评估土壤中稀土元素的生态和环境效应,制定农用稀土开发利用过程中的环境保护对策提供科学依据,将土壤中稀土元素总量和有效态含量结合起来研究是很有必要的;文章研究首次得出如下结论:海南土壤中生物有效态稀土元素含量占总量的23`%,显示出稀土元素生物有效性程度很高,所以稀土微肥在农业上的应用,在海南省应该区别不同的土壤类型,避免盲目向土壤中添加稀土,对保护土壤环境,维护农业生态系统有积极的科学指导意义.  相似文献   

对广西热带亚热带典型岩溶区土壤-植物系统13种元素分布特征及相关性进行了研究.结果表明:与非岩溶区植物相比,岩溶植物Ca、Al含量比较高,Na、Fe、Mn、Si、K、P的含量较低.植物体内元素的分布特点是:叶>茎>根;石灰土更易富集Fe、P、K、Cu、Zn和Co.大多数土壤元素含量随纬度的降低而降低,Fe和Zn表现较为明显,而Mn和Si在热带较中亚热带的更易淋失.土壤中与Fe元素明显相关的元素最多,包括Mn、Zn、Co、S、Al,其相关性分别为Mn> Al > Co > Zn > S,其中,Fe与Mn、S呈负相关,与Zn、Co、Al呈正相关;植物中的Na、Fe、Si、P、Al与土壤中对应的元素相关性显著,呈正相关关系,主要体现在土壤的A层;植物对大量元素的吸收强于对微量元素的吸收,其中,对Mn的吸收能力最强(8229.38%),主要集中在根部的Al(0.57%)和Fe(0.0049%)的吸收能力最小.  相似文献   

Rare earth element (REE) content in suspended and dissolved phases from the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) has been measured. Vertical profiles of several dissolved REEs along the water column reflect the 3-D oceanographic features of the studied area and identifies the different water masses present there. Shale-normalized REE distribution patterns and derived parameters calculated for the suspended particulate show different atmospheric dust-surface inputs and their interactions with seawater. Finally, combined information from [La/Yb]N, ratios, REE/La ratios and Eu anomalies measured in the suspended particulate suggest an important contribution of volcanic materials from the Etna volcano and Saharan dust to the lithogenic fraction of the suspended particulate.  相似文献   

Rare earth element (REE) content in suspended and dissolved phases from the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) has been measured. Vertical profiles of several dissolved REEs along the water column reflect the 3-D oceanographic features of the studied area and identifies the different water masses present there. Shale-normalized REE distribution patterns and derived parameters calculated for the suspended particulate show different atmospheric dust-surface inputs and their interactions with seawater. Finally, combined information from [La/Yb]N, ratios, REE/La ratios and Eu anomalies measured in the suspended particulate suggest an important contribution of volcanic materials from the Etna volcano and Saharan dust to the lithogenic fraction of the suspended particulate.  相似文献   

论述了稀土元素在动物脑部的蓄积性、对脑的毒性以及稀土区人群的脑部毒性效应,分析了稀土农业应用和稀土厂“三废”对生态环境和人群健康的潜在危害。  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - The demand for valuable metals such as rare earth elements and platinum group metals is rising fast in the context of the&nbsp;depletion of natural resources...  相似文献   

稀土元素的脑部蓄积性、毒性及其对人群健康的潜在危害   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
陈祖义 《农村生态环境》2005,21(4):72-73,80
论述了稀土元素在动物脑部的蓄积性、对脑的毒性以及稀土区人群的脑部毒性效应,分析了稀土农业应用和稀土厂“三废”对生态环境和人群健康的潜在危害。  相似文献   

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