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Every year 90 million tonnes of housed livestock manures are produced in the UK. This is a valuable reservoir of global phosphorus (P) and a point in the cycle where it is vulnerable to being lost from the terrestrial system. Improved manure management for the effective reuse of phosphorus is vital to simultaneously tackle a major source of water pollution and reduce our dependence on imported fertilisers. This paper quantifies, for the first time, the spatial and temporal challenges of recycling the required amount of manure P from areas of livestock production to areas of crop production in eight regions of England. The analysis shows that England has a P deficit and therefore the capacity to fully utilise the manure P on arable land, but that uneven spatial distribution of livestock poses a significant challenge to closing the P loop in agriculture. Two of the eight regions were shown to have surplus manure P, with the remaining six regions having P deficits, indicating that an annual export of 4.7 thousand tonnes P (2.8 million tonnes manure) must take place from the west to the east of the country each year to balance P supply and demand. Moreover, housed manure production peaks between October and February, requiring an excess of 23.0 thousand tonnes P (15 million tonnes manure) to be stored until it can be used for crop fertilisation from March onwards. The results demonstrate the scale of the challenge in managing manure P in an agricultural system that has separated livestock production from crop production, a pattern that is echoed throughout the developed world. To overcome the spatial and temporal challenges, a logistical system is recommended that will balance the nutrient potential (nitrogen and P content and availability) and pollution potential (eutrophication, greenhouse gas emissions, particulates and nitrous oxide from transport) for cost-effective and environmentally compatible redistribution of manure P from areas of surplus to areas of deficit, when required.  相似文献   

In line with the global target of reducing climate change and its impact, this study explored the causal relationship between CO2 emissions, modernized agriculture, trade openness, aggregate and disaggregate energy consumption in 14 African countries from 1990–2013 using a panel quantile estimation procedure. The empirical results showed that value addition to agricultural commodities declines CO2 emissions in countries with high pollution levels. The study revealed a positive nexus between CO2 emissions and energy consumption homogeneously distributed across quantiles. Trade openness was found to lower CO2 emissions in countries with lower and higher levels of environmental pollution. While fossil fuel energy consumption was found to exacerbate CO2 emissions, renewable energy consumption confirmed its mitigating effect on environmental pollution. The institution of climate‐smart agricultural options will sustainably increase productivity and income while adapting to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Diversification of energy technologies with clean and modern energy sources like renewables avoid the over‐dependence on fossil fuels for agricultural purposes. Trade policies can stimulate flows of technology and investment opportunities for specialization in production and economies of scale. Hence, the consideration of policies that boost agricultural sector productivity and create an efficient market for international trade in Africa will help in improving livelihoods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream water chemistry was monitored on two watersheds on the Fernow Experimental Forest in north-central West Virginia to determine the effects of forest fertilization on annual nutrient exports. Ammonium nitrate and triple superphosphate were applied simultaneously at rates of 336 kg ha?1 N and 224 kg ha?1 P2O5, respectively, which are similar to rates used in commercial forest operations. The treatment significantly increased outputs of several ions. Annual outputs of nitrate N increased as much as 18 times over pretreatment levels, and calcium and magnesium increased as much as three times over pretreatment levels the first year after fertilization. Outputs for these nutrients were elevated for all three post-treatment years. Although nitrate N increased significantly, only about 20 percent of the applied fertilizer was accounted for in stream water exports. Outputs of phosphate P declined following fertilization, probably because the watersheds are phosphorus deficient, but by the third year, they slightly exceeded predicted values. Estimated nutrient losses to deep seepage were substantial, especially on the leakier south-facing catchmeat, on which some nutrient losses were equal to or greater than those in stream water. When the nutrient exports associated with both stream discharge and ground water recharge were combined, the percentages of applied N that were lost were similar on the two watersheds, averaging 27.5 percent. Less than 1 percent of the applied P was lost from either watershed in the combination of streamflow and deep seepage.  相似文献   

食物生产不仅依赖水资源,同时产生大量二氧化碳排放,这种资源环境影响存在于食物系统整个产业链。为促进食物系统节水降碳,本文构建了包含5大类共23种具体食物部门的混合生命周期评价模型,对各类食物系统的完全水资源消耗和二氧化碳排放进行了核算与比较。结果表明:(1)不同食物的水资源消耗和二氧化碳排放差异明显,动物性食物的平均水资源消耗和二氧化碳排放强度分别为植物性食物的1.9~15.0倍和1.9~2.7倍;(2)食物系统直接和间接水资源消耗占比较为接近,但二氧化碳排放主要源自上游产业链的间接排放,占比高达80.9%;(3)食物系统间接水资源消耗主要来自农业部门,而间接碳排放主要来自电力生产和供应业、基础化工原料制造业、非金属矿产品行业和交通运输业;(4)从营养元素供给看,动物性食物提供蛋白质和脂肪的资源环境影响高于植物性食物,蔬菜和主食分别在提供维生素C和碳水化合物上具有最小的环境成本。基于本文结果,食物系统节水应主要提高生产环节用水效率,而降碳则主要依靠上游产业减排,特别是发电和化肥生产等行业的协同节水减碳潜力。同时,本文结果也可为未来基于环境影响制定膳食指南提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

The article analyses the perceptions at municipal level of potentials and problems in implementing integrated catchment management of water resources as proposed in the EU Water Framework Directive, expressed in views on how to reduce nutrient leakage from agricultural production. Heads of environmental authorities, spatial planners and environmental officers are among the professionals that will be key actors when implementing the WFD at the local level. Using a process of active focus group interviews, officials from municipal environmental offices studied, reflected upon and discussed the suggested plan concerning their part of implementing WFD. The municipal officers stressed certain conditions that have to be met to implement WFD in a sustainable manner. The most important conditions are clear environmental goals and management plans with support in legislation, which would put the necessary pressure upon local politicians to prioritize the WFD and take action. The respondents perceived the WFD would offer a changed approach in work routines with farmers towards partnerships for sustainable water resource management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: EPIC, a soil erosion/plant growth simulation model, is used to simulate nitrogen losses for 120 randomly selected and previously surveyed cropland sites. Simulated nitrogen losses occur through volatilization, surface water and soil runoff, subsurface lateral flow, and leaching. Physical and crop management variables explain a moderate but significant proportion of the variation in nitrogen losses. Site slope and tillage have offsetting effects on surface and ground water losses. Nitrogen applications in excess of agronomic recommendations and manure obtained off the farm and applied to the sites are significant contributors to nitrogen losses. Farm characteristics such as production of confined livestock, total manure nitrogen available, and farm income per cropland acre explain a relatively large portion of the variability in manure nitrogen applied to survey sites. The results help to identify farm characteristics that can be used to target nutrient management programs. Simulation modeling provides a useful tool for investigating variables which contribute to agricultural nitrogen losses.  相似文献   

Federal and state regulations are being promulgated under the Clean Air Act to reduce hazardous air emissions from livestock operations. Few data are available on emissions from livestock facilities in the USA and the management practices that may minimize emissions. The objective of this study was to measure seasonal and bedding impacts on ammonia emissions from tie-stall dairy barns located in central Wisconsin. Four chambers each housed four Holstein dairy heifers (approximately 17 mo of age; body weights, 427-522 kg) for three 28-d trial periods corresponding to winter, summer, and fall. A 4x4 Latin Square statistical design was used to evaluate four bedding types (manure solids, chopped newspaper, pine shavings, and chopped wheat straw) in each chamber for a 4-d ammonia monitoring period. Average ammonia-N emissions (g heifer(-1) d(-1)) during summer (20.4) and fall (21.0) were similar and twice the emissions recorded during winter (10.1). Ammonia-N emissions accounted for approximately 4 to 7% of consumed feed N, 4 to 10% of excreted N, and 9 to 20% of manure ammonical N. Cooler nighttime temperatures did not result in lower ammonia emissions than daytime temperatures. Ammonia emissions (g heifer(-1) d(-1)) from chambers that contained manure solids (20.0), newspaper (18.9), and straw (18.9) were similar and significantly greater than emissions using pine shavings (15.2). Chamber N balances, or percent difference between the inputs feed N and bedding N, and the outputs manure N, body weight N, and ammonia N were 105, 90, and 89% for the winter, summer, and fall trials, respectively. Relatively high chamber N balances and favorable comparisons of study data with published values of ammonia emissions, feed N intake, and manure N excretion provided confidence in the accuracy of the study results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A two-year study was conducted to assess the effect of hog manure on the losses of nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff and drainage from grain-corn (Zea mays L.) plots, and the importance of spring versus annual loads. Treatments consisted of mineral N-P-K fertilizer applied at rates of 152 kg N ha-1, 35 kg P ha-1, and 86 kg K ha-1; and hog (Sus scrofa domestica L.) manure applied preplant or post-emergence (six-to-eight leaf stage), at 152 kg N ha-1, 39 kg P ha-1, and 112 kg K ha-1. The plots were rototilled (7 cm depth) in spring to incorporate fertilizer and preplant hog manure, and fall chisel-plowed (15 cm depth) to incorporate chopped corn residues. They were arranged in a completely randomized plot design. Flow volumes and nutrient levels in runoff and drainage waters were monitored year round but occurred mainly during the snowmelt (March 25-April 9), and post.snowmelt (April 10-May 13) periods. Of the total amount of water lost during snowmelt, 90 percent was in runoff, while 92 percent occurred as drainage in the post-snowmelt period. Sixty-five percent of the total annual volume of water lost was lost during these two periods as runoff and drainage. Treatments did not affect the annual snowmelt or post-snowmelt N and P loads. Total annual loads averaged 8.0 kg TKN ha-1, 1.8 kg NH4-N ha-1, 43 kg NO3-N ha-1, 0.4 kg TP ha-1, and 0.15 kg PO4-P ha-1. Spring (snowmelt and ost-snowmelt) runoff and drainage loads averaged 2.9 kg TKN ha-1, 1.2 kg NH4-N ha-1, 18 kg NO3-N ha-1, 0.25 kg TP ha-1, and 0.04 kg PO4-P ha-1, which were 40 percent to 70 percent of the yearly nutrient loads. Therefore, the hog manure management systems examined were of no greater threat to the environment than mineral fertilizers. However, spring N and P losses do represent an important part of the annual nutrient loss budget, even with conservation practices.  相似文献   

In flat areas, transport of dissolved nutrients by water through the soil matrix to groundwater and drains is assumed to be the dominant pathway for nutrient losses to ground- and surface waters. However, long-term data on the losses of nutrients to surface water and the contribution of various pathways is limited. We studied nutrient losses and pathways on a heavy clay soil in a fluvial plain in The Netherlands during a 5-yr period. Average annual nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses to surface water were 15.1 and 3.0 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively. Losses were dominated by particulate N (50%) and P (70%) forms. Rapid discharge through trenches was the dominant pathway (60-90%) for water and nutrient transport. The contribution of pipe drains to the total discharge of water and nutrients was strongly related to the length of the dry period in the preceding summer. This relationship can be explained by the very low conductivity of the soil matrix and the formation of shrinkage cracks during summer. Losses of dissolved reactive P through pipe drains appear to be dominated by preferential flow based on the low dissolved reactive P concentration in the soil matrix at this depth. Rainfall occurring after manure application played an important role with respect to the annual losses of N and P in spring when heavy rainfall occurred within 2 wk after manure application.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) calls for various modes of public. These participation and involvement. These are judged as key factors to support the successful implementation in terms of attaining a good water status. This paper aims to explore the role of the 'active involvement' of stakeholders for the effective implementation of the WFD regarding the specific problem of reducing agricultural nitrate pollution of groundwater. Our case of reference is the Hase river catchment in northwest Germany, which is a paradigmatic example of an intensive livestock farming region with high nitrate intakes in groundwater. Emphasis is placed on the various forms of involvement that have recently been or will soon be established in northwest Germany at different spatial and administrative scales. We argue that although the WFD refers to whole river basins as the central unit of governance, it is particularly the regional and local scales that will strongly influence the implementation process. We identify different influencing factors and scenario paths, demonstrating both the uncertainties at stake and the range of possible effects that different outcomes of participatory processes will have. These, in turn, are closely linked to the interests, perceptions and strengths of different actors. Identification of critical paths and decision points enables corridors to be mapped out regarding the anticipated success or failure of regional public participation to reduce diffuse agricultural groundwater pollution.  相似文献   

立足天津市滨海新区大港农业背景情况,采用适宜的方法,分别从种植业、畜禽养殖和水产养殖业三方面分析非点源污染物排放量。结果表明:2010年大港地区农业非点源主要污染物COD排放量为377.67 t,氨氮排放量为72.33 t,畜禽养殖排放的污染已占农业非点源污染的一半以上。在此基础上,分别从优化畜禽养殖的养殖模式、种植业科学施用化学品、水产养殖合理投放饲料等方面提出了大港地区农业非点源污染控制的对策。  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry, reduces N losses when added to composting livestock manure, but its impact on greenhouse gas emissions is unclear. The objective of this research was to assess the effects of PG addition on greenhouse gas emissions during cattle feedlot manure composting. Sand was used as a filler material for comparison. The seven treatments were PG10, PG20, PG30, S10, S20, and S30, representing the rate of PG or sand addition at 10, 20, or 30% of manure dry weight and a check treatment (no PG or sand) with three replications. The manure treatments were composted in open windrows and turned five times during a 134-d period. Addition of PG significantly increased electrical conductivity (EC) and decreased pH in the final compost. Total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), and mineral nitrogen contents in the final composted product were not affected by the addition of PG or sand. From 40 to 54% of initial TC was lost during composting, mostly as CO(2), with CH(4) accounting for <14%. The addition of PG significantly reduced CH(4) emissions, which decreased exponentially with the compost total sulfur (TS) content. The emission of N(2)O accounted for <0.2% of initial TN in the manure, increasing as compost pH decreased from alkaline to near neutral. Based on the total greenhouse gas budget, PG addition reduced greenhouse gas emissions (CO(2)-C equivalent) during composting of livestock manure by at least 58%, primarily due to reduced CH(4) emission.  相似文献   

Rebich, Richard A., Natalie A. Houston, Scott V. Mize, Daniel K. Pearson, Patricia B. Ging, and C. Evan Hornig, 2011. Sources and Delivery of Nutrients to the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico From Streams in the South‐Central United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(5):1061‐1086. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00583.x Abstract: SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) models were developed to estimate nutrient inputs [total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP)] to the northwestern part of the Gulf of Mexico from streams in the South‐Central United States (U.S.). This area included drainages of the Lower Mississippi, Arkansas‐White‐Red, and Texas‐Gulf hydrologic regions. The models were standardized to reflect nutrient sources and stream conditions during 2002. Model predictions of nutrient loads (mass per time) and yields (mass per area per time) generally were greatest in streams in the eastern part of the region and along reaches near the Texas and Louisiana shoreline. The Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River watersheds, which drain nearly two‐thirds of the conterminous U.S., delivered the largest nutrient loads to the Gulf of Mexico, as expected. However, the three largest delivered TN yields were from the Trinity River/Galveston Bay, Calcasieu River, and Aransas River watersheds, while the three largest delivered TP yields were from the Calcasieu River, Mermentau River, and Trinity River/Galveston Bay watersheds. Model output indicated that the three largest sources of nitrogen from the region were atmospheric deposition (42%), commercial fertilizer (20%), and livestock manure (unconfined, 17%). The three largest sources of phosphorus were commercial fertilizer (28%), urban runoff (23%), and livestock manure (confined and unconfined, 23%).  相似文献   

A detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to quantify the contributions of various emission sources to ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and regional haze in the Southeastern United States. O3 and particulate matter (PM) levels were estimated using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system and light extinction values were calculated from modeled PM concentrations. First, the base case was established using the emission projections for the year 2009. Then, in each model run, SO2, primary carbon (PC), NH3, NOx or VOC emissions from a particular source category in a certain geographic area were reduced by 30% and the responses were determined by calculating the difference between the results of the reduced emission case and the base case.The sensitivity of summertime O3 to VOC emissions is small in the Southeast and ground-level NOx controls are generally more beneficial than elevated NOx controls (per unit mass of emissions reduced). SO2 emission reduction is the most beneficial control strategy in reducing summertime PM2.5 levels and improving visibility in the Southeast and electric generating utilities are the single largest source of SO2. Controlling PC emissions can be very effective locally, especially in winter. Reducing NH3 emissions is an effective strategy to reduce wintertime ammonium nitrate (NO3NH4) levels and improve visibility; NOx emissions reductions are not as effective. The results presented here will help the development of specific emission control strategies for future attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the region.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examine the potential for nutrient limitation of algal periphyton biomass in blackwater streams draining the Georgia coastal plain. Previous studies have investigated nutrient limitation of planktonic algae in large blackwater rivers, but virtually no scientific information exists regarding how algal periphyton respond to nutrients under different light conditions in smaller, low‐flow streams. We used a modification of the Matlock periphytometer (nutrient‐diffusing substrata) to determine if algal growth was nutrient limited and/or light limited at nine sites spanning a range of human impacts from relatively undisturbed forested basins to highly disturbed agricultural sites. We employed four treatments in both shaded and sunny conditions at each site: (1) control, (2) N (NO3‐N), (3) P (PO4‐P), and (4) N + P (NO3‐N + PO4‐P). Chlorophyll a response was measured on 10 replicate substrates per treatment, after 15 days of in situ exposure. Chlorophyll a values did not approach what have been defined as nuisance levels (i.e., 100‐200 mg/m2), even in response to nutrient enrichment in sunny conditions. For Georgia coastal plain streams, algal periphyton growth appears to be primarily light limited and can be secondarily nutrient limited (most commonly by P or N + P combined) in light gaps and/or open areas receiving sunlight.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Rainfall, stream flow and groundwater have been sampled systematically throughout Nebraska since 1970 and analyzed for mineral N and P and the character of any sediments contained. Fallout N and P in rainfall ranges from 5–14 pounds N and 1 pounds P/A/yr, increasing from west to east across the state with increasing rainfall. The amount of NH4-N is essentially double that of NO3-N. The mean concentration of 2ppm N in rainfall is four times the mean N concentration of streams, demonstrating a substantial depolluting action of soils and growing crops. Where nutrient levels of streams are elevated, cause can usually be traced especially to industrial, sewage or livestock waste intrusion and not to crop production practices. The only significant quantity of nutrient N and P induced by cultivation is that accompanying sediments from eroded fields. The P content of Nebraska groundwater has remained essentially constant during the past 10 years while average NO3-N has increased slightly, a period during which farmer fertilizer use quadrupled. During the same time, irrigation acreage has increased by 50%, livestock numbers by 30%, with corresponding growth in human population and attendant industries. Indications are that irrigation practice has contributed more than any other factor to the small increase in groundwater NO3-N recorded. Individual cases do exist where groundwater NO3-N has increased substantially, especially in areas of intensive irrigation agriculture on very sandy soils and elsewhere with irrigation development in the proximity of ancient NO3-N deposits in mantlerock above the water table.  相似文献   

As a part of the USEPA's concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) final rule, all CAFOs are required to develop and implement a nutrient management plan (NMP). The USEPA's emphasis on better management of nutrients appropriately targets a critical environmental issue associated with animal production. The concentration of animals in livestock feeding operations, often separate from feed grain production, requires importing of substantial quantities of feed nutrients. Due to the inefficiencies of nutrient utilization in livestock production, quantities of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in manure greater than can be utilized in local crop production often result. With the focus of the USEPA's NMP rules on internal farm manure management planning, nutrient concentrations resulting from animal concentration may not be adequately addressed by compliance with the USEPA rules alone. A review of two mandatory and two voluntary nutrient management strategies is made by comparing whole-farm nutrient balance for a case-study beef cattle feedlot. The results suggest that voluntary BMPs, such as modification to animal feeding program and exporting of manure, can have greater environmental benefits (30-60% reduction in P accumulation for case-study farm) than mandatory NMPs and buffers (5-7% reduction in P accumulation for case-study farm) for a typical beef cattle feedlot. Whole-farm nutrient balance procedures can also be valuable for reviewing the nutrient performance of livestock systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nitrogen and P fluxes, transformations and water quality functions of Lake Verret (a coastal Louisiana freshwater lake), were quantified. Ortho-P, total-P, NH4+-N NO3 -N and TKN in surface water collected from streams feeding Lake Verret averaged 104, 340, 59, 185, and 1,060 mg 1?1, respectively. Lake Verret surface water concentrations of ortho-P, total-P, NH+-N, NO3?-N and TKN averaged 66, 191, 36, 66, and 1,292 μg 1?1. The higher N and P concentrations were located in areas of the lake receiving drainage. Nitrification and denitrification processes were significant in removing appreciable inorganic N from the system. In situ denitrification rates determined from acetylene inhibition techniques show the lake removes 560 mg N m?2 yr?1. Laboratory investigations using sediment receiving 450 μg NH+4-N (N-15 labeled) showed that the lake has the potential to remove up to 12.8 g N m?2 yr?1. Equilibrium studies of P exchanges between the sediment and water column established the potential or adsorption capacity of bottom sediment in removing P from the overlying water. Lake Verret sediment was found to adsorb P from the water column at concentrations above 50 μg P 1?1 and the adsorption rates were as great as 300 μg P cm?2 day?1 Using the 137C s dating techniques, approximately 18 g N m?2 yr?1 and 1.2 g P m?2 yr?1 were removed from the system via sedimentation. Presently elevated nutrient levels are found only in the upper reaches of the lake receiving nutrient input from runoff from streams draining adjacent agricultural areas. Nitrification, denitrification, and adsorption processes at the sediment water interface over a relatively short distance reduces the N and P levels in the water column. However, if the lake receives additional nutrient loading, elevated levels will likely cover a larger portion of the lake, further reducing water quality in the lake.  相似文献   

Golf courses are often considered by the public to be significant nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) nonpoint sources but only limited information exists on nutrient concentrations and loads in golf course groundwater. In this study, we measured N and P concentrations in groundwater and available surface water at six randomly selected Iowa golf courses to assess the loading risk posed by these facilities to groundwater and local rivers. At each course, three shallow monitoring wells were installed, one each on representative tee, fairway, and rough locations. Wells and available surface water were sampled on eight occasions during 2015 and 2016. NO3‐N concentrations were not detected above 1 mg/L at three of the six courses monitored in this study and the overall mean NO3‐N concentration in Iowa golf courses was 2.2 mg/L. The mass of NO3‐N recharged to groundwater averaged 3.3 kg/ha at the six courses, which represents approximately one‐tenth of the NO3‐N load exported by the watershed that contains the course and represented approximately 0.1 to 8% of the fertilizer N applied. Groundwater orthophosphorus concentrations averaged 0.13 mg/L and were similar to those measured in a variety of settings across Iowa. Study results should prove useful in evaluating nutrient contributions from golf courses in Midwestern states where nutrient reduction strategies are being pursued.  相似文献   

Place-based resource management, such as watershed or ecosystem management, is being promoted to replace the media-focused approach for achieving water quality protection. We monitored the agricultural area of a 740-ha watershed to determine the nature and scale of farm material transfers, N and P balances, and farmer decisions that influenced them. Using field data and farmer interviews we found that 3 of 15 farms, emphasizing hog, dairy, or cash crops with poultry production, accounted for more than 80% of the inputs and outputs of N and P for the 362-ha agricultural area (332 ha of managed cropland and animal facilities). Feed for hogs (38% each of total N and P) and manure applied to fields as part of the cash crop and poultry operation (28 and 38% of total N and P, respectively) were the dominant inputs. No crops grown in the watershed were fed to animals in the watershed and more manure nutrients were applied from animals outside than from those in the watershed. A strategic decision by the hog farmer to begin marketing finished hogs changed the material transfers and nutrient balances more than tactical decisions by other farmers in allocating manure to cropland. Since the components of agricultural production were not all interconnected, the fundamental assumption of place-based management programs is not well-suited to this situation. Alternative approaches to managing the effect of agriculture on water quality should consider the organization of agricultural production and the role of strategic decisions in controlling farm nutrient balances.  相似文献   

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