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研究福建省永定县经济发展与环境质量的关系,对其实现可持续发展有着非常重要的意义.利用永定县1996-2007年相关统计数据,建立了人均GDP与典型环境质量指标(工业废水排放置、工业固体废物产生量、工业废气排放量)的模型,分析了它们之间的函数关系.结果表明:工业废水排放量与人均GDP的关系曲线呈直线单调递减;工业固体废物...  相似文献   

天津市工业污染物排放特征及其成因的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1992—2008年天津环境经济数据,采用环境库兹涅茨曲线模型,建立了天津工业污染物排放与经济增长的科学评价模型,与典型的倒U型环境库兹涅茨曲线不同,天津工业污染物排放模型有三次函数模型和指数函数模型,目前工业废气排放量和工业固体废物产生量处于上升趋势,而工业废水中的COD、工业烟尘和工业粉尘排放量出现下降趋势。通过计算工业污染物排放及其影响因子之间的灰色关联度,定量剖析1992年后天津工业污染物排放的库兹涅茨曲线的成因。结果表明,天津市环境污染变化的主要影响因子包括工业总产值、国际贸易(外商直接投资)、能源消费、城市发展、工业污染治理、环境科研投入以及排污费征收。  相似文献   

经济增长和环境污染之间的关系常用环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)来描述,典型的EKC一般呈倒"U"形。对福建省1988—2008年的经济与环境系列数据研究表明,福建省工业"三废"排放与人均GDP之间存在明显的相关性,但并不完全符合EKC曲线的典型倒"U"模型。工业废水和工业SO2拟合曲线均为"U"+倒"U"形,EKC的转折点已分别到达;工业废气排放曲线为"U"形的右半部分,EKC的转折点尚未出现。因此,福建省要进一步调整产业结构,提升第三产业在整个国民经济中的比例,优化第二产业结构,减少工业废气排放量,争取尽早跨越EKC转折点。  相似文献   

选取废水、废气、工业固体废物、SO2和COD等指标,分析了中国1980—2008年主要污染物排放量与人均收入之间的关系,利用库兹涅茨模型,估算出主要污染物排放的拐点及对应的时间,并解析了影响环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)的主要因素。结果显示,仅SO2的EKC呈"倒U型",COD的EKC波动幅度较大,近年总体呈下降趋势,废水、废气、工业固体废物与人均收入之间基本呈递增关系,废水EKC斜率有降低趋势,可以判断未来几年有出现拐点的迹象。废气、工业固体废物EKC斜率仍有增加的趋势,难以判断未来几年有出现拐点的迹象。建议继续强化环保政策,严格环境准入,促进产业结构优化升级,提高产业技术水平,控制污染物排放,促进EKC拐点提前出现。  相似文献   

国家海洋局2012年6月25日发布的《2011年中国海洋环境状况公报》(简称公报)显示,2011年,我国江河污染物入海量上升。54条主要江河携带入海的污染物总量约1 673万t,比2010年略有增加。公报显示,检测的445个入海排污口全年达标排放次数占监测总次数的52%,与上年相比提高6%。污水中主要污染物的达标率较往年有所升高,但仍对排污口邻近海域环境质量  相似文献   

基于环境库兹涅茨曲线的经济增长与环境质量实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分别建立环境库兹涅茨曲线和基于扩展的环境库兹涅茨曲线模型,对广西的经济增长和环境质量进行了相关性分析。研究表明,除了工业废水排放量(Ewater)对人均GDP的环境库兹涅茨曲线的关键转折点还未来到,工业废气排放量(Egas)、工业SO2排放量(ESO2)、工业固体废弃物排放量(Ewaste)、NOX浓度(cNOX)、COD排放量(ECOD)、NH3-N排放量(ENH3-N)等6个指标对人均GDP的环境库兹涅茨曲线的关键转折点都已出现;lnEwater、lnEgas、lnESO2、lnEwaste、lncNOX、lnECOD、lnENH3-N均与专利申请数负相关,且截面效应均为正;lnEwater、lnEgas、lnESO2、lnEwaste、lncNOX、lnECOD、lnENH3-N与第二产业产值占全部产值的比重、污染源治理投资额正相关;lnEwater、lnEgas、lnESO2、lncNOX、lnENH3-N与非农业人口的人口密度负相关,lnEwaste、lnECOD与非农业人口的人口密度无关。  相似文献   

大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用大气污染物扩散模式可以模拟不同尺度、气象、地形条件下工业污染物在大气中的输送与扩散特征,为大气监测、城市环境规划和空气质量预报等工作提供科学依据.归纳了目前广泛应用于模拟工业污染物扩散的模式,着重介绍了近年来国内外对这些模式的主要应用研究进展,比较了各模式在应用上的优缺点,并对大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究前景进行了讨论.  相似文献   

通过收集和整理较长时期的时间序列数据,选用变异系数、集中率和地理集中指数对中国工业主要污染物的空间集聚特点进行分析。结果表明,近20年来中国工业主要污染物的排放量不断增加。其中,工业固体废弃物产生量的年均增长率最大。工业SO2排放量在空间上的集中化程度最低,并且集中化程度呈现继续下降的趋势;工业废水排放量在区域的分布较集中,空间集中趋势较明显;工业固体废弃物产生量的集中化程度一直相对较高,而空间变化不明显。针对工业主要污染物的空间变化特点提出了相关政策建议,为中国工业污染物的区域防控提供参考。  相似文献   

人工湿地植物泌氧与污染物降解耗氧关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验采用静态水培方法研究了香蒲(Typha orientalis)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)和水葱(Scirpus validus)3种常见湿地水生植物潜在泌氧能力、去污效果,并对水生植物泌氧量与污染物降解耗氧量进行了计算分析,从而阐明湿地植物泌氧与污染物降解耗氧之间的关系。结果表明,3种植物泌氧能力由大到小依次为:芦苇香蒲水葱,其中,芦苇比放氧速率、面积泌氧率均最高,分别为3.36 mg O2/(g.d)和4.35 g O2/(m2.d)。植物对湿地系统中污染物的去除有重要影响,各植物系统COD去除速率在3.46~3.77 g/(m2.d)之间;NH4+-N去除速率在0.07~0.13 g/(m2.d);TN去除速率在0.25~0.27 g/(m2.d);TP去除速率均为0.09 g/(m2.d);均好于无植物空白系统。计算表明,各植物体系泌氧量在0.48~0.55 g O2/d之间;各植物体系COD、NH4+-N耗氧量在0.41~0.46 g O2/d之间;植物净泌氧量在0.02~0.12 g O2/d之间。植物泌氧量与COD、NH4+-N耗氧量呈显著正相关关系。若应用人工湿地处理城镇生活污水,各植物体系COD最大去除负荷在3.81~4.35 g/(m2.d)之间,NH4+-N最大去除负荷在0.83~0.95 g/(m2.d)之间,最大水力负荷在1.65~1.89 cm/d之间。  相似文献   

采用MM5-CALPUFF模型,选取2014年及2020年作为典型代表年,将准东经济技术开发区全部工业源分为4大类,分别模拟典型代表年份下所有行业及不同的行业对经济技术开发区的SO2污染贡献。结果表明:在2020年规划建设企业全部投产后,SO2在各个受体点处的浓度比2014年企业排放浓度增加倍数约为2~8倍,增加倍数较高的地区有奇台县、老君庙和奇台硅化木等区域。2014年各个行业贡献的比率大小顺序为电解铝行业>电力行业>化工行业>煤炭开采行业。在各个受体点处贡献率范围分别为50%~85%,6%~29%,3%~23%,1%~21%。2020年各个行业贡献比率大小排序与2014年一致,但贡献率占比发生变化,行业贡献率的范围分别为47%~83%,12%~41%,<10%,<10%。开发区预打造煤电基地,大力发展电力行业,电力企业的贡献构成比例也随之增加。  相似文献   

天津市能源消费与经济增长的灰色关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能源是实现经济增长的重要生产因素,能源发展对经济发展起着决定性作用。目前,天津市经济正处在快速增长时期,经济增长对能源的消耗依赖性很强,可能会导致能源紧张和供不应求。能源的短缺又会影响经济的健康发展,正确分析和处理好能源与经济的关系,对天津市的经济可持续发展很重要。基于灰色关联分析,研究能源消费与经济增长的关系,侧重从能源消费总量、单位GDP能耗、能源消费结构(用煤炭消费量表示)、原油消费量和天然气消费量方面探讨能源消费与经济增长(用GDP表示)的关联度。结果表明,5者与经济增长存在显著的正相关关系,煤炭消费量和能源消费总量与经济增长的关联度均大于单位GDP能耗与经济增长的关联度,天津市的经济增长对煤炭的依赖短期内难以改变。  相似文献   

In China, local governments of many areas prefer to give priority to the development of heavy industrial clusters in pursuit of high value of gross domestic production (GDP) growth to get political achievements, which usually results in higher costs from ecological degradation and environmental pollution. Therefore, effective methods and reasonable evaluation system are urgently needed to evaluate the overall efficiency of industrial clusters. Emergy methods links economic and ecological systems together, which can evaluate the contribution of ecological products and services as well as the load placed on environmental systems. This method has been successfully applied in many case studies of ecosystem but seldom in industrial clusters. This study applied the methodology of emergy analysis to perform the efficiency of industrial clusters through a series of emergy-based indices as well as the proposed indicators. A case study of Shenyang Economic Technological Development Area (SETDA) was investigated to show the emergy method’s practical potential to evaluate industrial clusters to inform environmental policy making. The results of our study showed that the industrial cluster of electric equipment and electronic manufacturing produced the most economic value and had the highest efficiency of energy utilization among the four industrial clusters. However, the sustainability index of the industrial cluster of food and beverage processing was better than the other industrial clusters.  相似文献   

随着社会经济快速发展,上海市交通需求量逐年增长,导致交通运输行业的能源消费量以及碳排放量不断增加。研究了1998—2012年上海市交通碳排放量与城市发展的关系,并对该市的交通碳排放量进行了预测与情景分析。结果表明,上海市交通碳排放量与人均GDP、人均消费支出、城市化率均呈显著的正相关关系。协整检验显示,上海市交通碳排放量与上海市城市发展存在协整关系。对交通碳排放量影响最显著的是城市化率,其次是人均GDP,再次是人均消费支出。在正常、低碳、强化低碳情景下,2050年上海市的交通碳排放量分别为46 599.24万、28 196.70万、9 575.47万t。通过转变发展方式,有望科学合理地减少交通碳排放量。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - As the most sensitive and typical oasis city in the arid region of China, Jiayuguan, the role of land use change and urbanization in this region is...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental quality and economic activity have a strong relationship. Carbon emissions remain one of the world’s most dangerous environmental...  相似文献   

Air pollution caused by ship exhaust emission is receiving more and more attention. The physical and chemical properties of fuels, such as sulfur content and PAHs content, potentially had a significant influence on air pollutant emissions from inland vessels. In order to investigate the effects of fuel qualities on atmospheric pollutant emissions systematically, a series of experiments was conducted based on the method of actual ship testing. As a result, SO2, PM and NOx emission rates all increased with the increase of main engine rotating speed under cruise mode, while PM and NOx emission factors were inversely proportional to the main engine rotating speed. Moreover, SO2 emission factor changed little with the increase of the main engine rotating speed. In summary, the fuel-dependent specific emission of SO2 was a direct reflection of the sulfur content in fuel. The PM emission increased with the increase of sulfur content and PAHs content in fuel. However, fuel qualities impacted little on NOx emissions from inland vessels because of NOx formation mechanisms and conditions.

Implications: Ship activity is considered to be the third largest source of air pollution in China. In particular, air pollutants emitted from ships in river ports and waterways have a direct impact on regional air quality and pose threat on the health of local residents owing to high pollutants concentration and poor air diffusion. The study on the relationship between air pollutant emissions and fuel quality of inland vessels can provide foundational data for local authority to formulate reasonable and appropriate policies for reducing atmospheric pollution due to inland vessels.  相似文献   

The concentration of a pollutant in an industrial region is primarily a function of source strength and rate of dispersion by the wind. Removal by deposition has little effect on the local concentration. This is illustrated by a simple box model.  相似文献   

Vehicle emission inventory is a critical element for air quality study. This study created systemic methods to establish a vehicle emission inventory in Chinese cities. The methods were used to obtain credible results of vehicle activity in Beijing and Shanghai. On the basis of the vehicle activity data, the International Vehicle Emission model is used to establish vehicle emission inventories. The emissions analysis indicates that 3 t of particulate matter (PM), 199 t of nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), 192 t of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and 2403 t of carbon monoxide (CO) are emitted from on-road vehicles each day in Beijing, whereas 4 t of PM, 189 t of NO(x), 113 t of VOCs, and 1009 t of CO are emitted in Shanghai. Although common features were found in these two cities (many new passenger cars and a high taxi proportion in the fleet), the emission results are dissimilar because of the different local policy regarding vehicles. The method to quantify vehicle emission on an urban scale can be applied to other Chinese cities. Also, knowing how different policies can lead to diverse emissions is beneficial knowledge for other city governments.  相似文献   

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