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地球是一切生命的摇篮、环境创造孕育了人类,人类又变革开发了环境,人类是组成生态系统中的成员之一,必然参与生态系统中物质循环,能量流和信息流。当前,人口、食物、资源、能源和环境污染以及不可抗拒的自然灾害等问题,陷人类于困境之中。人类生态学就是研究人类与地球环境相互关系的一种科学文化,它具有沟通现在与未来的双向性。本文分别阐述上述困境的形势,并指出缓解的根本出路在于加强人对自然的认识,加强环境意识和生态文化教育。创立生态文化的目的在于协调人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的关系。  相似文献   

初论加强地质环境保护及其对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
加强生态环境保护建设走可持续发展道路是21世纪人类生存与发展的必然要求与历史选择。它要求人与自然必须协调发展。作为生态环境基础的地质环境也必须进一步加强保护,依靠科技进步最大限度地保护地质、生态和大气环境,合理有效地利用自然资源以维护人类的生存环境,促进人类社会的进步。  相似文献   

职业学校必须加强环境教育江苏省射阳县环保局周佩德近几十年来,人类面临着人口、发展和环境三大问题的挑战。环境问题已经超越了国家的界限,成为世界性的热点问题之一,保护人类赖以生存的地球是世界各国人民的共同愿望。1992年,我国提出了环境与发展的十大对策。...  相似文献   

正环境文学能从环境正义思想、环境素养与心灵生态建构,以及环境伦理与道德等多方思考,使公众深入了解环境保护的意义,达到感化和教育的目的以及提升环境保护意识。科学技术像一把双刃剑,一方面它使人类征服和改造自然的能力大大增强,另一方面它也给人类的生存与发展带来了非常严峻的环境挑战[1]。面对日益严峻的环境挑战,人类不得不对自己的发展过程进行深入反思,不得不努力寻求解决环境问题的有效途径。固然,加强科研攻关可以在  相似文献   

环境内分泌干扰物(EDCs)是一类广泛存在于环境中,能干扰正常内分泌功能的天然或人工合成的化合物,严重地威胁着生态环境及人类健康。简要介绍了环境内分泌干扰物的危害性及污染现状,分析探讨了对环境内分泌干扰物的控制、削减对策,并就如何加强生态风险管理谈了看法。  相似文献   

加强高等师范院校非环境专业学生的环境教育东北师范大学环科系袁星,杨彬,王宁环境问题已成为当今人类面临的最重要问题之一。为了提高全民族的环境意识,适应可持续发展战略的需要,迎接21世纪的挑战,必须加强高等师范院校环境教育的普及工作。多年来,我们系在环境...  相似文献   

环境道德建设的意义《关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决议啃出:“全面加强社会主义道德建设,大力倡导文明礼貌、助人为乐、爱护公物、保护环境、遵纪守法的社会公德,……”。我们结合《决议)}开展环境道德教育,具有十分重要的意义。随着人类的进步,经济的发展,环境保护实践活动的不断深入开展,世界十大环境问题的出现,使人类从企图主宰地球,驾驭自然中醒悟过来,认识到黄色的农业文明和黑色的工业文明意味着人类以牺牲环境为代价去换取经济的发展和社会的繁荣,这种发展和繁荣将是不能持久的。在自然界中,人类不论…  相似文献   

当代环境问题的产生在很大程度上与人类高强度的经济活动有关。世界上许多大城市在其发展过程中几乎都曾经历了“先污染,后治理”的曲折途径。但是随着污染控制技术的发展,尤其是随着人们环境意识加强和环境管一理水平提高,老城市的环境  相似文献   

努力构筑生态屏障实现西部山川秀美   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燕子庄严 《青海环境》2003,13(2):50-54,64
生态环境是人类赖以生存和发展的摇篮 ,是经济发展、社会进步的基础。恩格斯指出 :“人本身是自然界的产物 ,是在他们的环境中并且和这个环境一起发展起来的”。人类存在于客观环境中 ,又能动地作用于自然界 ,不断地从广度、深度上加强对自然界的影响力 ,成为自然界发展的重要因素。人类对环境的影响既有积极的、建设性的一面 ,也有消极的和破坏性的一面。前者有利于提高环境质量 ,创造新的适宜人类生存的生态环境 ,而后者则因违背自然规律 ,破坏自然环境 ,导致自然界的报复。1 西部地区生态环境的基本特点和问题西部地区的地形架构 ,是漫…  相似文献   

德国环境信息系统运作简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当今世界经济一体化进程加速和人类环保意识不断提高以及经济发展与环保之间关系日益密切的情况下,德国最近几年加强了环境信息系统的运作,以确保社会与经济可持续发展计划的实现。环境信息系统是通过电子计算机程序和整体系统以及各子系统自动化技术将各种环境原始信息资料及时地、不断地进行搜集、整理、存贮、加工、分类、分析和评价,为联邦政府制定环境保护计划与政策提供依据。同时,环境信息系统还可加强对环境的监测、控制和信息反馈。环境信息系统的主要特征是大量的各种各样的数据和资料共同作用在一个复杂的资料中心。该中心…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This work presents a flexible system called GIS‐based Flood Information System (GFIS) for floodplain modeling, flood damages calculation, and flood information support. It includes two major components, namely floodplain modeling and custom designed modules. Model parameters and input data are gathered, reviewed, and compiled using custom designed modules. Through these modules, it is possible for GFIS to control the process of flood‐plain modeling, presentation of simulation results, and calculation of flood damages. Empirical stage‐damage curves are used to calculate the flood damages. These curves were generated from stage‐damage surveys of anthropogenic structures, crops, etc., in the coastal region of a frequently flooded area in Chia‐I County, Taiwan. The average annual flood damages are calculated with exceedance probability and flood damages for the designed rainfalls of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 year recurrence intervals with a duration of 24 hours. The average annual flood depth in this study area can also be calculated using the same method. The primary advantages of GFIS are its ability to accurately predict the locations of flood area, depth, and duration; calculate flood damages in the floodplain; and compare the reduction of flood damages for flood mitigation plans.  相似文献   

The Interagency Working Group Memo on the social cost of carbon is used to compute the value of information (VOI) of climate observing systems. A generic decision context is posited in which society switches from a business as usual (BAU) emissions path to a reduced emissions path upon achieving sufficient confidence that a trigger variable exceeds a stipulated critical value. Using assessments of natural variability and uncertainty of measuring instruments, it is possible to compute the time at which the required confidence would be reached under the current and under a new observing system, if indeed the critical value is reached. Economic damages (worldwide) from carbon emissions are computed with an integrated assessment model. The more accurate observing system acquires the required confidence earlier and switches sooner to the reduced emissions path, thereby avoiding more damages which would otherwise be incurred by BAU emissions. The difference in expected net present value of averted damages under the two observing systems is the VOI of the new observing system relative to the existing system. As illustration, the VOI for the proposed space-borne CLARREO system relative to current space-borne systems is computed. Depending on details of the decision context, the VOI ranges from 2 to 30 trillion US dollars.  相似文献   

关于完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的飞速发展,环境污染的现象日益严重。目前我国解决环境污染损害赔偿责任纠纷的方式包括两种,即行政处理和诉讼解决。我国环境污染损害赔偿制度尚不完善。本文就完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济提出具体建议,即修改、完善环境污染损害赔偿相关法律制度,使其适应经济和社会可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

李泽琼  谢嘉 《四川环境》1999,18(3):32-36
本文介绍了关于洗涤剂中磷对环境影响的两种典型观点和解决的办法,并从经济和环境的角度进行全面的分析,得出合理的结论和建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper reports on research to develop a methodology for estimating agricultural off-site sediment damage costs and includes an empirical estimate of such damages for a watershed. The economics of off-site sediment damage costs are discussed as a theoretical basis for the procedures developed. A detailed methodology is described for estimating five different types of off-site sediment damages commonly associated with rural watersheds. The methodology is then applied to a central Illinois watershed and estimates of individual types of damage are made. The estimates are combined into an off-site sediment damage function for the watershed, and the usefulness of the damage function for analyzing off-site sediment damages and achieving a reduction in those costs is discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the potential market for emissions permits that the European Union (EU) established in 2005, in a first-mover attitude with regard to the frame of the Kyoto Protocol. To this end the integrated assessment Regional Integrated Climate and the Economy (RICE) model is employed, adapted to the specific objectives intended. A referential paretian-optimum price of US$25.63 tCO2 is obtained around the year 2007, which duplicates the hypothetical harmonized carbon tax. The ratio between the willingness to pay and the net environmental damages as a result of adverse climate change point to the high degree of commitment and the leadership initiative that seem to be assumed by the EU-15, the extended EU including Eastern European countries and the European OECD as a whole, with the hinterland geo-strategic referent represented by Russia and the Ukraine.  相似文献   

生态环境损害的惩罚性赔偿规则首次在《民法典》侵权责任编中确立。针对这项制度创新,本文梳理了惩罚性赔偿规则在不同法律制度中适用范围和适用条件的差异性,并进一步分析惩罚性赔偿在生态环境损害救济体系中所具有的特殊规则和功能定位。在缺乏生态环境领域部门法配套的情况下,《民法典》中惩罚性赔偿规则的适用应基于生态环境的公益性而适当扩大请求权主体范围,基于严格法定性而明确举证责任负担和证明标准,基于生态环境要素的特殊性而完善多样化的赔偿内容和计算方法。  相似文献   

This study builds a general equilibrium model of ecosystem services, with sectors of the economy competing for use of the environment. The model recognizes that production processes in the real world require a combination of natural and human inputs, and understanding the value of these inputs and their competing uses is necessary when considering policies of resource conservation. We demonstrate the model with a numerical example of the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya river basin, in which grain production in the upper basin causes hypoxia that causes damages to the downstream fishing industry. We show that the size of damages is dependent on both environmental and economic shocks. While the potential damages to fishing are large, most of the damage occurs from economic forces rather than a more intensive use of nitrogen fertilizers. We show that these damages are exacerbated by increases in rainfall, which will likely get worse with climate change. We discuss welfare effects from a tax on nitrogen fertilizers and investments in riparian buffers. A 3% nitrogen tax would reduce the size of the hypoxic zone by 11% at a cost of 2% of Iowa's corn output. In comparison, riparian buffers are likely to be less costly and more popular politically.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An implicit price model relating residential lot value to price determining characteristics of land is developed to measure the benefits of a structural flood control project. Special attention is given to the selection of relevant price determining characteristics of residential lots. An implicit price equation is estimated for both the with and without project conditions. Flood damages are quantified through the use of a dummy variable indicating a flood plain location. The analysis shows that annual flood damages were reduced by $15,275.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Traditional procedures for evaluating flood damages to residential dwellings do not reflect intrinsic values when applied to historic homes. Such structures are worth more than that determined by using depth-damage curves provided by insurance companies who assess damage values based upon current labor and material costs. The evaluation of the worth of a historic home and subsequent damages due to inundation can be regarded as a problem of externalities. An assessment technique reflecting historic amenities or what has been termed replication cost is proposed in this paper. Replication costs would have widespread use not only in solving flood dammage problems, but also in any study where historic entities are subject to damages from catastrophies such as hurricanes, soil and beach erosion, and increasing urbanization. If adopted as a technique, it would enhance and preserve the ever-decreasing enclaves of historic homes and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

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