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Monitoring is critical for environmental management. Environmental management decisions are dependent on monitoring; the same holds for reporting for legal purposes and reporting the environmental performance of the company. For improvement-based environmental management, an extensive monitoring system is needed. Such monitoring should be partly physical and partly financial. The core of physical monitoring should consist of materials accounting based on a mass balance of inputs and outputs of plants and measurements of releases. Financial monitoring should be focused on integrating all environmental costs into product costs. The aim of this survey is to find out how and what is actually monitored and why companies are conducting environmental monitoring. To address these issues investigations were carried out using structured interviews in seven large internationally operating companies. We found that legislation is the main reason for monitoring releases. The frequency of monitoring and which materials are monitored are also mainly dependent on legislation. None of the companies in our survey is using the extensive monitoring system needed for improvement-based environmental management. The financial part of the monitoring system was the least developed, but also the physical part showed many deficiencies. High uncertainties are possible in the results of monitoring. The companies studied have no comprehensive policy as to monitoring environmental costs and integrating these costs into product costs. The companies studied are monitoring environmental management system results infrequently. Accounting materials in order to determine a mass balance is not executed by the companies studied. Audits should be part of the monitoring program. All of the companies studied have regular audits. The audits are used mainly by most of the companies to control the working of the environmental management system.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of environmental innovations on company competitiveness of both the environment industry and related sectors in the region of Munich. The focus is on the drivers of these innovations and their respective effects on innovating companies. Not only innovations in the area of end-of-pipe technologies, but also the development of integrated products and production methods are examined. In a regional case study approach, a sample of 14 manufacturing and service companies in Munich (Southern Germany) was interviewed. Essentially, environmental innovation is driven by a mixture of factors internal and external to the firm: not only regulatory pressure, but also cost pressure, competitive advantages, technological lead and customer pressure are important drivers. Regulatory pushed innovations contribute to the competitive performance of sample companies in a similar way as environmental innovations which are carried out voluntarily. That would yield proof for the so-called Porter hypothesis which assumes that environmental legislation stimulates innovation and leads to “win–win” opportunities where simultaneously pollution is reduced and productivity increased.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an empirical study carried out on a sample of certified industrial companies that operate in the United States, with the aim of identifying some of the critical factors for successful implementation of the ISO 14001 registration process. The paper reveals that it takes most of the companies between 8 to 19 months to obtain ISO 14001 certification. In addition, the ISO 14001 elements requiring the greatest effort are: identifying environmental aspects, environmental management system (EMS) documentation, training, EMS audits, operational control, environmental management program, objectives and targets, and document control. The survey also reveals that high certification cost and lack of other available resources are the greatest obstacles for implementing the ISO 14001 standard.  相似文献   

Toxics reduction aims at reduced releases of toxic substances. Toxics use reduction (TUR) has been advocated as a simple and effective method of reducing toxic pollution. Here we analyse five cases of process modifications given by companies as examples of toxics reduction. All of the companies mentioned environmental legislation as a reason for toxics reduction and three also mentioned legislation aimed at occupational health and safety as a reason. The methods used for process modification are different. Three stressed input substitution and one product reformulation. These four resulted in toxics use reduction. The fifth company modified the hazardous waste process from disposal to treatment of the waste. In two of the three cases where input substitution was performed, the risks shifted from toxic to inflammable. In two of the three cases where occupational health and safety legislation was mentioned as a reason for process modification, the working environment improved after process modification. In all cases there are still environmental and/or occupational risks after modification. In four of the five cases there were increases in costs. To reach toxics reduction, companies should develop a strategy, a program, goals and an evaluating procedure, the latter also intended to evaluate the risks.  相似文献   

During recent decades, the impact of industrial organisations on the environment has become clearly evident. It has also become more difficult to hide and more expensive. Globally, this has caused many enterprises to put all their efforts into seeking management instruments that allow them to reduce their negative impact on the environment as well as improving their economic efficiency. This environmental interest is either voluntary or forced by customers or by legal pressure. Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) are among the many tools that have appeared to fulfil that goal and that have drawn international researchers’ attention. The most popular system and the one most often used is the ISO 14001 standard.This paper examines empirically the influence that this certification exerts on the company’s pollutant emission policy. The analysis was carried out in four regions of Spain: Asturias, Cantabria, Galicia and Castilla-León and includes 126 industrial organisations. The goal of this paper is to investigate the behaviour of the companies according to their emissions policies once they have achieved the ISO 14001 certification. In the paper the Toxics Release Index of 56 certified companies is compared with the Index of 70 non-certified companies. Through a statistical analysis based on the Student’s t-test and the Mann–Whitney U test, it was concluded that ISO 14001 does not represent an environmental proactivity signal clearly enough to result in a reduction of the company’s environmental polluting index.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to analyze different factors behind the disclosure of corporate information on issues related to opportunities arising from climate change worldwide.To achieve that purpose we formulated a dependency model in which the dependent variable corresponds to the creation of a disclosure index on greenhouse gas emissions based on the opportunities arising from climate change and disclosed by companies on their websites. The sample used comprises companies from different countries and activity sectors considered as the most sensitive to greenhouse gas emissions.The results obtained point out that companies with higher environmental performance disclose a larger volume of information on opportunities arising from climate change on their websites, compared to companies with lower environmental performance. Likewise, companies from countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol disclose a higher volume of information on greenhouse gas emissions on their websites, compared to companies from countries which have not ratified it.  相似文献   

Worker health and safety and environmental protection are not always considered simultaneously when attempting to reduce or eliminate hazardous materials from our environment. Cleaner Production-Pollution Prevention (CPPP), as primary prevention, has the ability to shift worker health and safety strategies from control to prevention, where exposure prevention precedes exposure control. This paper evaluates the effect of Cleaner Production-Pollution Prevention in the form of toxics use reduction (TUR) on worker health and safety at three printed wire board facilities covered under the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act. In-depth case study analysis, including an assessment of each facility’s health and safety status, explores the root causes of the worker health and safety changes attributable to the TUR interventions. By exploring the relationship between worker health and safety and environmental protection within the corporate structure; we can identify the factors driving companies to reduce toxics both inside and outside of their plants, as a single concern.While traditionally there have been divergent paths of practice for worker health and safety and environmental protection, the two are closely connected. It is important, however, to consider the implications of risk transfer/shifting between the general and work environment. In order to avoid this risk shifting, worker health and safety perspectives and goals must be more clearly incorporated into the Cleaner Production-Pollution Prevention/TUR management system. This study opens a dialog around the effects of environmental intervention programs on worker health and safety. We realize now that while CPPP/TUR reduces exposure to toxic substances in the general environment, it also offers unique opportunities to reaffirm primary prevention principles in the work environment.  相似文献   

As a result of increasing global awareness about the importance of the environment, depletion of natural resources and legal pressures for companies to manage their processes in a sustainable manner, ISO 14001 systems have been gaining increasingly more importance in the organizational scenario. These elements are even more critical in emerging nations due to less awareness and fewer demands by governments and the population in relation to environmental issues. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to verify the benefits and difficulties of Environmental Management Systems based on ISO 14001 at industries in the state of São Paulo – Brazil (an emerging country) by conducting a survey to subsidize the proposal for actions in the public, academic and private sectors to promote the use of this standard of reference and strengthen its results in Brazil. A questionnaire was sent to 194 companies from the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality database. 69 answered, representing a return rate of 35.36%. The main benefits identified are related to the development of preventive environmental actions, reduction in the consumption of power, water, gas and fuel oil, and a positive influence on other internal management processes. The main difficulties are related to cost increases from ISO 14001 management systems and the constant changes in environmental legislation in Brazil. Some actions are proposed at the end of the analyses to intensify the use and improve the results of this standard, such as changes in government legislation and its collective development and implementation in industries.  相似文献   

陈勇 《内蒙古环境科学》2006,18(2):17-20,38
面对日趋严峻的资源与环境危机,加强刑法在环境保护中的作用,实现环境刑事立法生态化,这是当今世界各国的共识。目前,我国环境刑事立法也有较大发展,但仍存在诸多不足,有待进一步完善。本文阐述了刑法介入环境保护的必要性,并结合国外环境刑事立法现状,分析了我国环境刑事立法中存在的问题及因应之策。  相似文献   

论环境权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境权是对环境价值的分配、利用和保护的权利.可以分为公环境权和私环境权,二者具有不同的法律内容和特点.公环境权表现为国家的环境行政权和司法权,私环境权则应当成为民事主体的一项基本民事权利.对后代人环境权的理解与现行立法存在着冲突,应当正确认识后代人的环境权,科学设定当代人的环境权利和义务.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of ISO 14001 in environmental supply management practices in Swedish companies. It discusses the existing and potential role of ISO 14001 for three key operational tasks of environmental supply chain management: to communicate the requirements to the supplier, to motivate and enable the supplier, and to verify that the supplier follows the requirements. The study used three different research methods: interviews with environmental managers, focus group discussions and a survey of two multinational companies and their operating units in several countries.It concludes that cooperation between the purchasing and environmental functions within a company is frequently not sufficiently achieved in implementation of ISO 14001; this makes the communication of customer requirements to suppliers less efficient. Building close relationships with suppliers is important to overcome initial difficulties, but this often conflicts with having a large supplier base. For the supplier to have an ISO 14001 certificate is seldom an absolute requirement, however, preference is often given to such suppliers. The value of the ISO 14001 certificate, as a proof of environmental performance, is a combination of the supplier's environmental ambitions, the advancement of supply chain practices of the customer and the ambitions of the certification bodies. Supplier audits are not commonly used as they are resource-consuming. Monitoring and verification approaches need further development.  相似文献   

A growing awareness of the impacts of pollution on the environment, coupled with the introduction of sectoral effluent standards by the Mauritian environment authorities, have led to the current situation whereby the sugar factories need to introduce appropriate water and wastewater management systems. The cane-sugar industry has been given 3 years to comply with the legislation on effluent standards. During that 3 year period the industry will have to investigate cleaner production opportunities, select appropriate waste treatment technologies, gain operational experience and confidence with the technology and introduce environmental management systems. The case-study taken from the cane-sugar industry in Mauritius illustrate the extent to which environmental improvements are possible through cleaner production.  相似文献   

美国的环境立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对美国环境立法发展状况的分析,阐述了美国环境法规的特点,及其在国家加强行政环境管理等方面的作用。立法不完善,是美国环境立法的主要问题。  相似文献   

随着公众环保意识的不断增强,上市公司环境行为日益受到关注,对上市公司的环境管理水平也提出了新要求。上市公司应配备专业环境管理队伍,完善并实施企业环境管理制度,在日常环境管理中应注意环境影响评价和“三同时”手续的办理,及时进行排污申报并办理排污许可证,制定并执行环境监测计划,保证环保设施稳定运行,确保污染物达标排放,妥善处理生产过程中产生的一般固废和危险废物,做好事故应急预案,避免出现环境污染事件,并根据相关要求开展清洁生产审核,进行环境信息公开。  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(10-11):1095-1106
This study explores the development of environmental and sustainability reporting in Sweden and the dynamics behind the corporate decision to introduce, or not to introduce, third-party assurance of voluntary reports. The results are based on interviews with 28 Swedish companies, an analysis of corporate environmental/sustainability/annual reports as well as interviews with assurance providers. Between 1990 and 2003, the number of corporate voluntary reports increased and by 2003 approximately one-third of the reports were subject to third-party assurance. In general, the assured companies were positive in regards to the perceived benefits from third-party assurance, e.g. guidance on how to develop efficient internal reporting systems and increased credibility for published data. The companies without assurance were hesitant to adopt the concept. Their main arguments included the high cost of assurance and the lack of evidence that third-party assurance would result in enhanced credibility. According to the companies, the driving forces for the future development of assurance practices will most probably consist of a combination of proactive approaches from leading companies, generally accepted reporting guidelines and assurance methods, increased pressure from stakeholders and the general acceptance that third-party assurance creates benefits for the company and its stakeholders. In conclusion, this study calls for more attention to be paid towards establishing possible links between methods for third-party assurance and increased credibility for corporate environmental or sustainability reports.  相似文献   

准确运用环境行政自由裁量权是各级环境保护行政主管部门依法行政的一个重要方面。通过阐述环境行政自由裁量权的概念、合理性的界定,提出环境保护行政主管部门应从坚持立法目的、正当考虑、保持连续性等方面规范自由裁量权的行政行为。  相似文献   

大气是人类乃至其他生物赖以生存和发展的必不可少的环境要素之一。面对近来中国中东大部分地区爆发的雾霾天气,虽具一定偶然性,但纠其根本原因是由重经济发展、轻环境治理的发展模式埋下的恶果,这也使大气污染治理陷入年年治、年年雾的怪圈。大气污染防治是一项系统工程,不是简单从一时的环境应急处理就能解决的。还需要从立法、行政决策、社会监督管理、公众参与、引入市场机制等宏观层面统筹大气污染防治工作,才能从根本上解决顽疾。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on efficiency gains that voluntary environmental initiatives may achieve within the firm. Current debate concerning the extent and significance of inefficiencies within firms is critically important to the progress of energy and environmental policies.Several recent lines of inquiry in microeconomics help explain the persistence of inefficiencies within firms. In addition, two of the most prominent new approaches in the field of business strategy — resource-based strategy and the “capabilities perspective” — focus on the heterogeneity among firms and the resulting pockets of inefficiency within firms. They suggest at least three generic strategies for voluntary environmental initiatives — challenging outdated organizational routines, creating opportunities for differentiation, or complementing firms' resource investment trajectories. These generic approaches suggest that there is considerable scope for further experimentation with voluntary environmental initiatives.  相似文献   

环境行政诉讼制度作为我国行政诉讼制度的重要组成部分,近年来对推动我国环境法制建设,促进环保领域依法行政发挥了十分重要的作用。本文分析了我国和西方环保先进国家在环境行政诉讼原告资格方面的立法现状,并进行比较研究,指出应借鉴了国外的相关立法及实践经验,以完善我国环境行政诉讼法律制度。  相似文献   

The metal finishing industry is water intensive. Surveys of South African metal finishing companies indicate that water consumption is as high as 400 L/m2 of metal surface treated, whilst best available practice can achieve less than 10 L/m2. The industry uses hazardous chemicals such as chrome VI, cadmium, nickel and cyanide. If consumption of these chemicals can be optimized, quantities of heavy metals released into the environment will be reduced. In some cases where cleaner production techniques were applied by local companies, heavy metals have been completely eliminated from effluents discharged to municipal sewers, which represent a significant benefit to the urban environment. This benefit was accompanied by significant reduction in the use of chemicals, with a concomitant cost saving and competitive advantage to the companies concerned.A Danish environmental aid initiative promoted cleaner production in the South African metal finishing industry. Local consultants were trained by Danish experts in this field. The general methodology was to conduct an audit of the chemical, water, human resource and environment aspects of the company and compare it to best available practice. Once the review was completed, a detailed feasibility was performed on systems and equipment required to reduce chemical consumption, water consumption, human resources and environmental impact. Applied to a number of South African companies, these methods have typically achieved reductions of the order of 90% in water use and 50–60% in the use of chemicals.There were difficulties in applying the Danish methodology to South African metal finishing companies, as it makes use of quantitative indices derived from the process operations. The companies are often small and technically unsophisticated, and do not have ready access to the process data that are needed. An alternate system is required to simplify the evaluation and optimization process. This paper proposes a case study on a fuzzy-logic operator based evaluation system that outputs the cleaner production status of the company. The model is compared to an established cleaner production tool.  相似文献   

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