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印染废水的污染与控制   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文详细介绍了印染废水的污染源和印染废水的危害 ,提出了印染行业进行污染控制的具体途径。  相似文献   

无机—有机膨润土对活性艳红染料废水的处理   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
对天然膨润土进行有机、无机以及无机—有机改性。结果表明无机—有机改性土能将有机长链季铵盐很好的插入膨润土层间 ,大大增大了它的吸附能力。并研究了改性后的膨润土在吸附活性艳红 X-3 B染料废水中的应用 (与活性炭进行了比较 )。  相似文献   

关于完善“大气污染防治法”的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气是人类和其他生物赖以生存和发展的基本环境要素之一。而自工业革命以来,大气受到了人类活动的影响,污染状况急剧恶化。例如著名的伦敦烟雾事件,而在中国情况也不容乐观,中国是一个在环境上回旋余地极小的大国,没有任何可能像某些先行国家那样,等到环境恶劣到极点后再来治理。但中国又是一个发展中国家,别人走过的先发展经济、再治理污染的道路,中国不可避免地也会走一遭。因此,本文通过介绍中国大气污染和大气污染立法的现状,对《大气污染防治法》存在的几点不足进行分析,并提出相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

Pollution prevention holds great promise for China as a strategy for curbing environmental degradation in the face of rapid industrial growth. This potential is demonstrated in the electroplating sector in China, where some firms are pursuing pollution prevention aggressively with results that include increased profits and significant cutbacks in pollution. We conducted research in four Chinese cities to investigate pollution prevention in the electroplating industry. Our study finds that firms with successful pollution prevention programs shared three main characteristics. First, they took a proactive approach towards cutting pollution. Proactive firms in our research employed pollution prevention as an overall environmental management strategy for their companies, and they possessed leaders and managers who demonstrated a strong commitment to pollution reduction goals and activities. Firms with successful pollution prevention programs also employed comprehensive environmental management systems. These systems assigned managers and workers responsibilities for pollution prevention through the use of rules, training, monitoring, and penalties and rewards. Finally, firms that undertook extensive pollution prevention measures employed staff with relatively high levels of technical knowledge and ability. Our results suggest that the aggressive adoption of pollution prevention by Chinese firms can help China address the widespread problems of inefficiency and poor management in Chinese firms, and the rapid spread of industrial pollution in rural areas.  相似文献   

Micelle dyeing with low liquor ratio is novel fabric dyeing method for cleaner production. Preparation and interaction of dye-surfactant micelles using dibutyl maleic acid ester sodium sulfate surfactant were investigated by UV-Vis spectra. Dyeing properties of cellulose fabrics using micelle dyeing with low liquor ratio were discussed by color yields (K/S), color differences (ΔE), exhaustion (E), fixation (F) and reactivity (R) of three reactive dyes. The results show that reactive dye molecules could be solved in surfactant micelles and form stable dye-surfactant micelles. Micelles formed by dibutyl maleic acid ester sodium sulfate had good anti-agglomeration effect on dye solutions. Liquor ratio of micelle dyeing for cellulose fabrics could be reduced from 1:15 to 1:5. Leveling properties of three reactive dyes using micelle dyeing were good. The exhaustion, fixation and reactivity of all three dyes using micelle dyeing were similar with the conventional dyeing technology. Wet rubbing, washing and perspiration fastnesses of dyed samples using micelle dyeing were also good. Micelle dyeing with low liquor ratio can save a large amount of water and energy.  相似文献   

Environmental problems caused by recycling wasted paper at a board paper mill provide the material of this study. Two scenarios have been investigated: The first being the treatment of the end-of-pipe, and the second being the control and management of pollution problems through the application of in-plant control and pollution prevention measures. Comparison between the two alternatives, based on a cost-benefit analysis and compliance with National Environmental Laws was done. From this study it was apparent that the implementation of the pollution prevention measures such as the recovery of fiber, reduction of fresh water consumption, and optimization of white water usage proved to be very cost effective. All the implemented solutions have short payback periods and resulted in great savings compared with the treatment of the end-of-pipe.  相似文献   

Pollution prevention has developed as an attractive method for improving the environmental performance of companies. Often the concept is promoted in a project format, for instance in a regional perspective or for a specific sector of industry. This article analyzes the contribution of pollution prevention projects to the transformation of industry. Different formats that have been carried out in the Netherlands during the last 8 years are evaluated in terms of direct results (implemented measures and their effects) and long-term effects. The main issue in this article is what contribution pollution prevention has in evoking structural changes towards more sustainable behavior in companies. The general conclusion is that pollution prevention is at least potentially a powerful and interesting concept. The current formats used to promote pollution prevention show some serious deficits, especially in failing to elicit a learning process within participating companies. The trend towards the use of quickscans as a prevention method is worrying in this respect. Some recommendations are given to improve future projects.  相似文献   

This paper documents over 20 years of progress in the United States to advance environmental protection through pollution prevention and other performance-based initiatives and regulations. This paper highlights a number of different approaches and strategies used at the state and federal government levels while outlining emerging barriers to the overall effectiveness of the existing US environmental protection system. As a result, the authors provide specific recommendations to accelerate the use and evolution of performance-based initiatives and regulations to achieve the goal of sustainable consumption and production systems.  相似文献   

Fish processing, especially squid, creates high strength biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) wastewater that must be pretreated prior to sewer discharge. This study evaluated (1) new squid processing techniques, (2) advanced biological/chemical treatment technologies to meet local wastewater discharge regulations, and (3) recycling opportunities for materials formerly discarded as waste. Low technology modifications such as improved housekeeping/management systems were implemented in order to obtain initial reductions in BOD loadings. Various high technology separation processes, aimed at removing soluble BOD from the process effluent, were evaluated. A first order cost–benefit analysis based on capital and operating costs, BOD reduction efficiencies, and worker health risk factors indicated that a modified biological trickling filter was the best available pretreatment technology for squid processing wastewater.  相似文献   

A coagulation/flocculation process using the composite flocculant polyaluminum chloride-epichlorohydrin dimethylamine (PAC-EPI-DMA) was employed for the treatment of an anionic azo dye (Reactive Brilliant Red K-2BP dye). The effect of viscosity (ηup), basicity (B = [OH]/[Al]) and organic content (WP) on the flocculation performance as well as the mechanism of PAC-EPI-DMA flocculant were investigated. The ηup was the key factor affecting the dye removal efficiency of PAC-EPI-DMA. PAC-EPI-DMA with an intermediate ηup (2400 mPa.sec) gave higher decolorization efficiency by adsorption bridging and charge neutralization due to the co-effect of PAC and EPI-DMA polymers. The WP of the composite flocculant was a minor important factor for the flocculation. The adsorption bridging of PAC-EPI-DMA with ηup of 300 or 4300 mPa.sec played an important role with the increase of WP, whereas the charge neutralization of them was weaker with the increase of WP. There was interaction between WP and B on the removal of reactive dye. The composite flocculant with intermediate viscosity and organic content was effective for the treatment of reactive dyeing wastewater, which could achieve high reactive dye removal efficiency with low organic dosage.  相似文献   

This paper examines the major pollution prevention and Cleaner production (CP) issues in the mining industry. Past problems with pollution has made waste minimization an issue of enormous importance for many mining companies. Since the advent of the first major environmental legislation circa-1970, there has been substantial improvement in environmental performance at the mine sites of these firms, including a reduction in noxious air emissions, a decrease in levels of toxic contaminants in effluent discharges, and a major upgrading in land management. All of these improvements are directly attributed to a corporate abandonment of conventional, end-of-pipe apparatuses, and subsequent integration of cleaner technologies and strategies, including highly efficient environmental equipment, heavily retrofitted control systems, and comprehensive environmental management plans. Although hundreds of mining districts have already benefited from installing systems that foster pollution prevention and CP, in select instances, these have not proven to be realistic waste management remedies. Major barriers, particularly economic, technologic, and legislative ones, have both individually and collectively impeded the implementation of pollution prevention and CP strategies in such cases. Many of these barriers appear insurmountable but improved planning, employee education, and increased government intervention would spell continued success in an industry that has already made enormous strides in the arena of environmental management.  相似文献   

江苏省印染污泥现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对江苏省四大纺织基地进行调研,掌握了17家典型的印染企业污水处理量、污泥脱水及处置方式.同时,取样分析了印染污泥中重金属镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、总铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)和镍(Ni)及含水率、低位热值、灰分和氯离子含量的变化情况.研究表明:采用板框压滤脱水的印染污泥平均含水率可达66.42%,便于焚烧处置;将近1/2的污泥低位热值低于污泥助燃焚烧的限值,需对污泥处理工艺和脱水方式加以改进;污泥处理过程中含氯药剂的加入使得Cl-含量波动较大,焚烧时需加强对二英的监测;17家印染企业污泥中重金属平均含量均低于江苏省城市污泥重金属平均含量,但Zn的含量却远高于评价标准.本文可为江苏省印染污泥焚烧及污染防治工作提供技术支持.  相似文献   

分析了印染生产工艺和废水水质,论述了印染废水的用于洗煤的可行性.指出印染企业选址于建有热电厂和洗煤厂的矿区比较合理,实现经济可持续性发展.  相似文献   

马军 《世界环境》2011,(2):22-23
在过去的十年中,中国经济增长持续保持在接近两位数的水平。而如此高速的工业化过程,给中国脆弱的生态环境带来了巨大压力。2009年以来,一系列的重金属毒害事件以及接二连三的企业泄漏、爆炸事件提示我们,工业企业依然是最为重要的污染源头,控制企业的点源排放依然是极为紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

为了掌握天津市工业污染源污染状况,对2010年天津市各区县工业污染源进行调查统计。结果表明,2010年天津市各区县工业废水入河量共计6556.79万t,COD入河量共计9656.67t,氨氮入河量共计1939.87t。大沽排污河中污染物COD和氨氮的排入量最大,分别为5783.56t和1274.87t。滨海新区COD等标污染负荷值和氨氮等标污染负荷比均最高,分别为50.49%和56.34%;东丽区、西青区、蓟县、宁河县的COD和氨氮等标污染负荷比也较高。因此在进行水环境管理时,应对这些区县作为核心管理对象。  相似文献   

随着工业的发展,科技的进步,也带来了一系列的环境问题. 如何来解决这个难题呢? 本文论述了环境污染治理的过程,提出了从污染防治到污染防止的历史的必然  相似文献   

大辽河主要污染源营养盐输入特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解大辽河主要污染源包括上游浑河、太子河及其支流海城河和沿程排污口等对大辽河营养盐输入特征,通过国标测定方法,于2013年7月对13个采样点各形态N、P质量浓度的变化和百分含量进行研究.结果表明,大辽河上游来水中浑河DON、太子河NO-3-N、海城河NH+4-N、PO3-4-P、DOP质量浓度较高,与地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838-2002)相比,除太子河TP表现为Ⅳ类水质外,其余TN、TP均表现为劣Ⅴ类水质,浑河水体中N形态以DON为主,而太子河和海城河以NO-3-N为主,除海城河水体P形态以DOP为主外,其余均以TPP为主.主要排污口中TN均表现为劣Ⅴ类水质,TP则为Ⅳ至劣Ⅴ类不等,其中纱厂潮沟、港监潮沟这2个排污口NH+4-N、TN和TP质量浓度均最高,但主要排污口水体N形态均以DIN为主,水体P形态则表现不一.而大辽河TN、TP质量浓度较高,超过地表水环境质量标准的Ⅴ类限值,且NO-3-N和TPP分别是其主要形态.总体上,通过对大辽河上游来水、排污口与大辽河干流营养盐分析表明,大辽河营养盐受其沿岸主要排污口的影响较为显著,主要排污口污水排放对大辽河水质的影响不容忽视.  相似文献   

三氯氢硅是制备多晶硅的重要原料,三氯氢硅极易挥发,在空气中易燃,并能与空气形成爆炸混合物,其化学性质很不稳定,遇水或水蒸气发生剧烈的放热反应,形成有毒的腐蚀性氯化氢烟雾;通过对三氯氢硅建设项目工艺流程及产污环节分析,探讨了该类项目生产过程废气、废水、噪声、固体废物等污染物的种类、成分及产生量,在此基础上提出了相应的污染控制措施,对该类项目环境影响评价工作有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

由于人口增长速度过快,城市化进程也在不断地推进,地下水资源污染比较严重,地下水被污染后,给人类的生存造成威胁,对人类的生产和生活造成影响,因此,我们要采取措施,保护好地下水资源.文章中主要分析了城市地下水污染的状况,描述了地下水污染的特征,对此提出了治污的方法,主要采取防治相结合的方式,来治理城市的地下水的污染情况,从而使之能良好地运行,有效控制城市地下水的污染,使得城市居民能喝上放心水.  相似文献   

通过梳理分析当前国内外学术界关于水污染的已有研究成果。从动态传导视角出发,首先筛选近些年来国内外发生的典型水污染事件,梳理发现它们污染传导背后的共同规律,然后提出在水污染传导全程中主要包括:污染传导发生、污染传导过程、污染传导后果3大基本要素。最后,重点研究水污染事件中污染传导的过程,并将这些传导过程分为传导中断型、传导释放型、传导转移型3种不同类型,研究梳理这3种不同类型的污染传导过程的生成机理。以期能够提升人们对水污染事件中污染传导的本质及规律的认识。  相似文献   

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