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Twenty small-to-medium sized business clients who had been previously provided pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance were studied to account for four difficult to quantify indirect benefits. The difficult to quantify benefits studied were reduced operational costs, regulatory burden, future liabilities and time saved from the research or technical assistance provided. Many (70%) clients who implemented new technologies realized operating cost reductions. Frequently (70%) clients who implemented P2 suggestions that reduce the disposal of hazardous waste realized reductions in regulatory burden and future liabilities. Most (90%) clients perceived that the research assistance saved their staff time. On average, clients in this study realized indirect savings of similar magnitude to their direct savings regardless of the scale or type of assistance. This study illustrates the value realized by a business of indirect benefits from pollution prevention implementation, which is particularly important now that publicly traded U.S. companies must disclosure financially significant environmental liabilities.  相似文献   

污染源产排污数据是一切环保工作的基础,确保真实可信具有十分重要的意义.为此,分析了影响污染源产排污数据质量的主要因素:受经济利益驱动的自身因素;受政绩利益驱动的管理因素和受地方保护驱动的政府因素等.在新环保法未得到充分贯彻,排污单位、环保主管部门和地方政府三者违法成本均低于守法成本的条件下,以博奕论为分析工具讨论了三种影响因素产生负面作用的必然性,并根据分析结果针对性地提出了提高数据质量的应对策略.  相似文献   

美国清洁空气战略规划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为维护和改善空气质量,2003年美国EPA制定了未来5年的清洁空气战略规划,包括室外空气、室内空气、大气改善、辐射防护以及科学研究5个组成部分.EPA的战略规划措施为:①强调与州、地方、部落之间的紧密合作,加大与非政府组织和专业团体间交流;②采取创新的方法制定出有关政策、规章和非规章性措施,包括绩效方法、激励与自愿计划、环境管理系统、提高环境工作者积极性措施等;③继续加大国际间协作,减少越境污染的发生.   相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,我国在经济持续增长、能源消耗不断增加的同时,及时缓解了各类主要的大气环境问题,有效避免了欧美发达国家曾经出现的严重大气污染灾害.然而,目前我国仍然面临着大气污染尤其是二次污染的严峻挑战.为此,非常有必要全面梳理与分析新中国成立70年以来,特别是自20世纪70年代至今,我国大气污染防治的历程、成就与经验.结果表明:我国在各阶段的大气污染防治过程中均取得了较为明显的环境空气质量改善成就与较为丰富的污染防控经验,并在此过程中形成了具有中国特色的大气污染防治理论与管理模式,构建了系统科学的大气污染综合防控体系.今后我国大气污染治理工作应进一步明确各级政府主体责任,强化重点污染源治理,继续调整优化四大结构,统筹兼顾,强化区域联防联控,强化科技能力建设,注重大气环境问题预测,加强环境科学与技术研究,共同推进大气污染防治,打赢蓝天保卫战.   相似文献   

Pollution prevention has developed as an attractive method for improving the environmental performance of companies. Often the concept is promoted in a project format, for instance in a regional perspective or for a specific sector of industry. This article analyzes the contribution of pollution prevention projects to the transformation of industry. Different formats that have been carried out in the Netherlands during the last 8 years are evaluated in terms of direct results (implemented measures and their effects) and long-term effects. The main issue in this article is what contribution pollution prevention has in evoking structural changes towards more sustainable behavior in companies. The general conclusion is that pollution prevention is at least potentially a powerful and interesting concept. The current formats used to promote pollution prevention show some serious deficits, especially in failing to elicit a learning process within participating companies. The trend towards the use of quickscans as a prevention method is worrying in this respect. Some recommendations are given to improve future projects.  相似文献   

东辽县畜禽养殖污染现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据第一次全国污染源普查成果,对东辽县畜禽养殖业污染现状进行了介绍,指出了畜禽养殖污染主要是专业化畜禽养殖造成的,专业化畜禽养殖污染是农村面源污染的主要来源,已成为影响环境质量的重要因素。据此,提出了防治畜禽养殖污染的对策。  相似文献   

Environmental problems caused by recycling wasted paper at a board paper mill provide the material of this study. Two scenarios have been investigated: The first being the treatment of the end-of-pipe, and the second being the control and management of pollution problems through the application of in-plant control and pollution prevention measures. Comparison between the two alternatives, based on a cost-benefit analysis and compliance with National Environmental Laws was done. From this study it was apparent that the implementation of the pollution prevention measures such as the recovery of fiber, reduction of fresh water consumption, and optimization of white water usage proved to be very cost effective. All the implemented solutions have short payback periods and resulted in great savings compared with the treatment of the end-of-pipe.  相似文献   

分析建筑施工中环境污染防治成本,对提高环境治理效能和降低治理成本方面具有重要意义.提出基于自适应博弈均衡模型的建筑施工中环境污染防治成本分析模型,采用主成分分析方法构造环境污染防治的约束代价参量模型,根据经验模特分解求得博弈关系模型,结合自适应博弈均衡方法求得最优解,实现最小化治理成本和最大化建筑施工效能组合.实验结果表明,采用该模型进行分析,有效降低治理成本,保障了环境治理和建筑施工的质量达标.  相似文献   

This paper documents over 20 years of progress in the United States to advance environmental protection through pollution prevention and other performance-based initiatives and regulations. This paper highlights a number of different approaches and strategies used at the state and federal government levels while outlining emerging barriers to the overall effectiveness of the existing US environmental protection system. As a result, the authors provide specific recommendations to accelerate the use and evolution of performance-based initiatives and regulations to achieve the goal of sustainable consumption and production systems.  相似文献   

Understanding the material purchase value of wastes and emissions and related processing costs is the essential contribution of an Environmental Management Accounting methodology proposed by a United Nations expert working group organised through the Division for Sustainable Development (UNDSD). Tracing costs and benefits according to this UNDSD methodology, considered as a “reflexive” modernization strategy in this article, sheds new light on cleaner production initiatives for corporate sustainability. Information on the first category of costs, waste and emission treatment, is generally the most accurate. Information on the second category, prevention and environmental management costs, is more difficult to determine because this category overlaps with, or is confused with, the first category of costs. Data for the two novel and innovative cost categories of the material purchase value of waste and emissions and related processing costs are even harder to obtain. Frequently, the costs are either hidden in overhead accounts or are not recorded because they are not required in conventional accounting systems. The outcome is that companies, even though they may profess otherwise, have very little knowledge about their full environmental costs, cost saving opportunities, or how best to achieve cleaner production initiatives to promote corporate sustainability. A more systematic application of the UNDSD EMA methodology would provide a better record of costs and act as a catalyst in promoting cleaner production processes. This application inevitably requires “reflexive institutions” including “reflexive corporations”, that is, corporations with the capacity to examine the side effects of their operations as modernization rebounds upon them.  相似文献   

Economies of scale have led to the production of animals at large facilities concentrated in selected regions. Such production is accompanied by environmental problems. In the US, federal and state governments have enacted new legislation and regulatory provisions to respond to problems created by concentrated animal production, with an emphasis on eliminating water pollution. While such efforts may advance environmental quality, a more fundamental issue is whether adequate consideration has been given to the broader issue of what concentrations of animals means for the rural environment. Concentrations of animals use large quantities of antibiotics, reduce landscape diversity, and are accompanied by the loss of native species. To respond to these issues, governments need to devise additional regulatory controls that place production costs on producers and preclude practices denigrating the environment. Regulatory efforts that champion small-scale operations and activities rather than supporting industrial-sized farms through commodity price supports also warrant consideration.  相似文献   

Electric utilities in the United States will soon be required under the federal Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Mercury Rule to significantly reduce mercury emissions. Coal-fired power plants, including the Lower Colorado River Authority's (LCRA) Fayette Power Project (FPP) have demonstrated that the selective purchasing of coal with low mercury content can result in significant reduction of pollution. This selective activity, commonly known as “green purchasing”, has been applied to the procurement of coal. For example, the use of low-sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin deposits of Wyoming results in the prevention of a significant amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) releases to the atmosphere when compared to other sources of coal in the United States. This same philosophy (selective purchasing of coal) can be employed to prevent mercury emissions and substantially reduce mercury removal costs for electric utilities burning coal. Data analysis confirms that low-mercury coal is available and that selective purchasing of low-mercury coal is possible.LCRA has implemented an extensive pollution prevention program and their green purchasing efforts have been expanded to influence coal purchasing choices. Coal purchasing is limited to the Gillette Coal Field from the Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming. Three sets of coal quality data which include LCRA's Coal Quality Database (CQD), a database created from the Information Collection Request (ICR) conducted by the EPA in 1999, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coal Quality (COALQUAL) Database were analyzed. Lab accuracy issues were found to have undermined the reliability of certain records in both the CQD and ICR databases, however, both remain valuable resources. The independent sets of coal quality data and technical reports show measurable differences in mercury concentration in coal in the Gillette Coal Field, both geographically (coal mine) and by depth (coal seam). A preliminary cost benefit analysis indicates that substantial cost savings in operating and maintaining mercury control equipment will be realized with low-mercury coal. Currently, low-mercury coal can be purchased without a significant premium.  相似文献   

随着《大气污染防治行动计划》和《打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划》的深入实施,我国环境空气质量总体得到明显改善,大气颗粒物污染整体减轻,与此同时臭氧污染问题逐渐凸显,臭氧已成为继PM2.5后影响城市空气质量改善和达标管理的另一主要空气污染物.欧洲作为国际上较早开始关注臭氧污染的地区之一,虽然尚未完全解决这一问题,但已取得了一定成效并积累了较为丰富的经验.目前我国的臭氧污染防治工作尚处于起步阶段,面临着多方面的挑战,研究欧洲臭氧污染防治经验对推进我国臭氧防控具有重要的指导意义.该研究全面收集和整理了欧洲国家臭氧污染防治相关法律法规、标准和管理制度等资料,梳理欧洲国家臭氧污染防治历程,分析欧洲国家臭氧前体物排放量变化趋势及臭氧污染演变特征;在此基础上,总结欧洲臭氧污染防治经验,结合对我国目前开展的臭氧污染防治工作以及存在不足的分析,得出对我国臭氧污染防控的几点启示:①加强臭氧污染防治顶层设计;②完善基础支撑科技能力建设;③深化臭氧污染防治科学研究;④加快长效环境行动计划的制定;⑤构建区域协调与协作机制.   相似文献   

孙强  赵胜军  唐慧 《交通环保》2001,22(4):25-27
机动车污染已成为城市大气污染的主要污染源之一。并且机动车的噪声污染及废旧汽车的废物污染也越来越严重。中国已初步建立了以《大气污染防治法》为主干,以《环境噪声污染防治法》为辅助的机动车污染防治法规体系,但在管理思想及管理手段和管理环节上仍需进一步完善。  相似文献   

2013年11月16日能源基金会(美国)主办的"重塑蓝天:空气质量管理国际研讨会"在北京召开。环境保护部污染防治司司长赵英民、能源基金会主席Eric Heitz、中国工程院院士、清华大学环境学院教授郝吉明、原环境保护部核安全总工程师杨朝飞等200多位业界领导、专家、学者和媒体人士参加会议。国内外专家针对中国面临的空气质量问题,从宏观战略、区域防治和行业政策等方面展开深入讨论,提出应对方案。会上环境保护部污染防治司赵英民司长代表中国环境保护部致辞,他回顾中国政府大气污染防治工作进展,指出下一步中国大气污染防治工作将积极贯彻国务院近期出台的《大气污染防治行动计划》,以保障人民群众身体健康为出发点,大力推进生态文明建设,着力构建大气污染防治的新机制,切实改善环境空气质量。本文根据赵司长致辞录音整理以飨读者。  相似文献   

论述了上海市环境保护的目标任务。根据第二次全国工业污染防治会议的精神,提出了进一步防治工业污染的具体措施。通过更新观念、转变战略,严格控制重点工业污染源,加强环保法制建设,加强以经济手段防治污染,发展环保科技研究和环保产业,不断提高全民环境意识等途径,将工业污染防治提高到一个新的水平,从而保证环境目标的实现。  相似文献   

凌欣  韩雪 《海洋环境科学》2021,40(6):970-974, 980
渤海是半封闭型内海,陆源污染是渤海海洋环境污染的主要原因。以海洋本身为空间范围进行污染防治仍是末端控制的方法。以陆海统筹和基于生态系统的海洋综合管理理论为基础,将渤海污染防治的空间范围延展到入海河流,构建流域?河口?近岸海域污染防治机制,实行海陆一体化的污染防治战略,有利于解决渤海的环境问题。流域?河口?渤海近岸海域污染防治机制可以从污染防治协调管理、总量控制、科学规划和生态补偿等方面进行制度设计。  相似文献   

Various cleaner production (CP) audits have been conducted in the South African metal finishing industry. These studies have been successful in effecting changes to the general status of the local metal finishing industry. In this paper, the initiatives undertaken by a Danish government sponsored project are detailed. The project included the conducting of in-plant assessments, using a tailor-made tool for CP benchmarking. Details on this tool's operations and typical results are presented. Typical assessments indicated potential water savings of 78%, with chemical savings of approximately 30%. The plant modifications undertaken in order to achieve the CP objectives, are described. The affects of these initiatives on local municipal wastewater treatment works are detailed with specific reference to significant reductions in incoming wastewater-borne heavy metals. The main challenge for companies has been data retrieval for the tool and overcoming social barriers for implementing the improvement options. Recommendations include redesigning the assessment tool.  相似文献   

Pollution prevention holds great promise for China as a strategy for curbing environmental degradation in the face of rapid industrial growth. This potential is demonstrated in the electroplating sector in China, where some firms are pursuing pollution prevention aggressively with results that include increased profits and significant cutbacks in pollution. We conducted research in four Chinese cities to investigate pollution prevention in the electroplating industry. Our study finds that firms with successful pollution prevention programs shared three main characteristics. First, they took a proactive approach towards cutting pollution. Proactive firms in our research employed pollution prevention as an overall environmental management strategy for their companies, and they possessed leaders and managers who demonstrated a strong commitment to pollution reduction goals and activities. Firms with successful pollution prevention programs also employed comprehensive environmental management systems. These systems assigned managers and workers responsibilities for pollution prevention through the use of rules, training, monitoring, and penalties and rewards. Finally, firms that undertook extensive pollution prevention measures employed staff with relatively high levels of technical knowledge and ability. Our results suggest that the aggressive adoption of pollution prevention by Chinese firms can help China address the widespread problems of inefficiency and poor management in Chinese firms, and the rapid spread of industrial pollution in rural areas.  相似文献   

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD): causes,treatment and case studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(12-13):1139-1145
This paper describes Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) generation and its associated technical issues. As AMD is recognized as one of the more serious environmental problems in the mining industry, its causes, prediction and treatment have become the focus of a number of research initiatives commissioned by governments, the mining industry, universities and research establishments, with additional inputs from the general public and environmental groups. In industry, contamination from AMD is associated with construction, civil engineering mining and quarrying activities. Its environmental impact, however, can be minimized at three basic levels: through primary prevention of the acid-generating process; secondary control, which involves deployment of acid drainage migration prevention measures; and tertiary control, or the collection and treatment of effluent.  相似文献   

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