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转型期乡村空间利用问题成为影响粮食安全的重要因素,开展乡村空间综合治理成为推动粮食生产有序转型的重要动力。系统分析乡村空间治理导向的粮食生产转型机制及其安全效应,有益于完善粮食安全的理论和实践分析。本文以乡村空间治理导向的粮食生产转型内在机制分析为突破,结合平原农区典型案例进行实证研究,并探讨了乡村空间治理与粮食安全的内在关系。主要结论如下:(1)乡村空间的不合理利用是限制粮食生产高效运转的重要因素。(2)乡村空间“物质—权属—组织”治理,通过改变粮食生产所需的基础条件达到优化粮食生产的目的,推动粮食生产朝着规模化、高效化、绿色化和公正化转型。(3)香埠村空间治理显著改善了该村粮食生产条件,有效协调粮食安全保障与乡村转型发展的交互作用关系。(4)乡村空间治理能力现代化是提升粮食安全保障能力的重要手段和途径。传统农区开展乡村空间“物质—权属—组织”的综合治理,有利于保障转型期粮食安全,落实“藏粮于地”战略,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Cleaner Production addresses system transformation by examining progress, stumbling blocks and opportunities for sustainable consumption and production in a specific country, Finland, set within a global context. The articles present and analyse top-down policy efforts, bottom-up efforts by municipalities, activities by companies and actions by consumers. They provide material for discussions on the shift from sustainability planning to enhancing system transformation, on the implications of globalisation for system boundaries, on the transformation of complex systems, on learning processes and on methods of assessing transitions. Without providing a singular solution, the articles show that issues of sustainability should be explored in different ways within different contexts, and experimented with. There is a continuous need for transformations and reflexive learning, since conditions are likely to become very different, not least due to climate change. The notion of change and transformation will be high on the agenda of the Rio+20 conference, as will similar efforts to promote large-scale transformations of consumption and production.  相似文献   

世界能源百年变局与国家能源安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在百年未有之大变局的背景下,我国当前所面临的能源形势日趋复杂,能源安全愈加成为攸关国家经济发展的重大战略。新形势下,无论是学科层面上世界能源地理与国家能源安全的科学问题、研究对象、研究方法等,还是国家现实需求上全球能源治理体系与国际能源合作等问题,都亟待专家学者们深入交流与讨论。通过“一问一答”的访谈方式,展示主持人与九位学界或业界访谈嘉宾基于不同视角的问答内容。分别围绕能源安全的内涵与全球能源治理模式、我国能源安全面临的挑战与对策、全球能源地缘政治形势的新变化、世界能源生产空间和消费空间不平等地理格局下的能源安全、全球能源低碳转型趋势下的中国能源高质量发展、重大突发公共卫生事件影响下的全球能源供需格局变化、未来能源地理学的研究前景与重要研究方向等一系列内容发表观点。以期达成一定共识,从而更好地研讨世界能源地理学的关键问题,并积极应对世界能源的百年变局,提出保障国家能源安全的应对措施等。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘peaks’ in the production of natural resources has attracted attention in the area of energy production, with concerns about ‘peak oil’ driving recent research and investment in alternative sources of energy. There are fundamental and important differences between a peak in the production of oil and peaks in the production of metalliferous minerals, but in both cases production changes from ‘easier and less expensive’ early in a resource’s life to ‘difficult and expensive’ as time progresses. The impacts of this change in production circumstances require critical consideration in the governance of national and sub-national mineral endowments.This paper develops a framework for evaluating the impacts of changing patterns of mineral production. The framework considers three criteria: availability of a resource (considering its geological characteristics and geographical distribution); society’s addiction to the resource (its centrality and criticality to economic, social and environmental systems); and the possibility of finding alternatives (whether the resource can be substituted or recovered). An initial assessment against these criteria provides an overview of how a production peak might affect the production of minerals in Australia and the impacts that this might have on the Australian economy.Assessing important resources against these three criteria will be imperative in future considerations regarding the roles minerals and metals play as service providers in our economic, social and environmental systems. Additionally, this analysis should prompt a reassessment of the value of minerals beyond economic measures. Indicators derived from these criteria will inform strategies that can address future changes in production characteristics – meeting challenges with strong governance, and realising opportunities with proactive policy.  相似文献   

王力  冯相昭  马彤  高健 《环境科学研究》2022,35(8):2006-2014
我国已将应对气候变化全面融入国家经济社会发展的总战略,采取积极措施,有效控制重点工业行业温室气体排放,开展减污降碳协同研究对于城市实现大气环境质量改善与低碳转型发展具有重要意义. 本研究以国家大气污染防治重点区域——汾渭平原中渭南市为例,采用LMDI分解方法并运用LEAP模型,通过构建多种情景模拟分析污染减排、能源结构改善及产业结构调整等政策对渭南市未来能源消费、大气污染物减排潜力的影响,预测了该市碳达峰时间及峰值水平. 结果表明,能源结构改善、产业结构优化、交通运输调整具有显著的污染物与温室气体协同减排效果,而压减落后产能、工业炉窑改造、工业污染物排放标准升级等传统环境治理的潜力逐渐减小. 建议渭南市应积极推进产业结构优化升级、着力改善能源结构、加快推进交通运输结构优化,倒逼能源、产业、交通结构绿色低碳转型和生态环境质量协同改善,牵引经济社会发展全面绿色转型,实现减污降碳协同效应.   相似文献   

全球化与粮食安全新格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界正面临“百年未有之大变局”,中国与全球的粮食安全面临重大挑战。为了系统认知全球化与粮食安全的新格局、新问题和新路径,邀请了十位来自不同专业领域的知名专家,就耕地增产潜力、农业水土资源与粮食生产、食物浪费、国际农产品贸易、重点农产品保供稳供、全球农业食物系统、双循环与企业行动、全球粮食生产与消费、国际粮安治理、粮食安全研究前沿等领域进行了一对一的交流访谈。访谈结果表明:全球农业食物系统进入复合型高风险时代,国际粮安治理面临资源、约束力、行动力等方面的挑战,凸显国家粮食安全尤其是进口依赖型农产品的保供稳供压力,需要加强国内农业供给侧改革与需求侧管理。全球化发生新变化,考验中国深化农业对外开放、参与全球粮安治理、实现国家粮食安全的能力水平。面对复杂的国际国内形势,国家粮食安全治理需要坚持系统思维、统筹国内国际、瞄准全产业链、强调风险管控、处理好政府与市场关系,进一步深入研究食物系统和粮食安全、生态系统和粮食安全、高质量发展与粮食安全、农业对外开放与粮食安全、双循环新格局与粮食安全等方面的具体方式路径,为新时期建立健全“以我为主、立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑”的国家粮食安全战略提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The challenge of making central requirements work at local levels is a common problem for environmental governance throughout the world. Countries can learn from one another's approaches, but must understand the local context in which they are set. This paper compares the features of the China and US environmental governance systems that need be understood by those working between the systems. Key features include: (1) common values which shape the environmental governance choices in both countries, but which may have different practical meanings in each country; (2) America's common law-based environmental governance system, and China's civil law system, which involves plan(s) as well as law; (3) America's Federal central-local system, and China's unitary central local system. This paper concludes by suggesting areas in which further comparative understanding may be of value, including: (1) better understanding of the role of plan and law in China's governance system; (2) comparing the American Federal-state agreement system for implementation of environmental law with the China central-local system of target responsibility agreements for plan implementation; (3) improving understanding of nongovernmental resources needed to assure compliance with environmental laws and plans; (4) identifying institutions that can coordinate central-local and cross-border environmental governance.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部土族家庭能源消费特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宏庆  邢冉  姜璐  陈兴鹏  薛冰 《自然资源学报》2020,35(11):2793-2802
家庭能源消费特征因受地理环境及文化等影响而存在显著的人文空间差异,尤其是对于特色或边远少数民族地区,迫切需要加强相关调查实证研究。基于青海省100户土族家庭的实地调研,从收入水平分组视角考察其能源消费特征,分析家庭能源消费活动的环境效应,并构建物质流模型予以可视化分析。结果表明:土族家庭年人均能源消费量为3473 kgce,以煤炭、薪柴和秸秆等为主;随着收入水平提升,能源消费结构逐渐向多元化转变且对能源重要性的认知逐渐从生物质能源转向商品能源。家庭能源消费导致的年人均CO2、N2O、NOX、SO2和TSP的产生量分别为1856.87 kg、117.10 g、254.46 g、451.87 g和520.74 g。未来应增强清洁能源利用水平,统筹推进青藏高原地区生活能源消费的可持续转型。  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a basic state policy of China. Changing the unsustainable production and consumption patterns plays an important role in implementing this policy. In this paper, taking private traffic pattern of Beijing as an example, we compare the life-cycle environmental impacts of different scenarios. Assumptions which concern the role of both consumers and producers are taken in scenarios' development. Scenario results show that combing sustainable consumption and production patterns is essential for future. This paper gives some policy implications about the role of government in promoting sustainable private traffic patterns in Beijing.  相似文献   

The need for effective multi-level governance arrangements is becoming increasingly urgent because of complex functional interdependencies between biophysical and socioeconomic systems. We argue that social capital plays an important role in such systems. To explore the relationship between social capital and participation in resource governance arenas, we analyzed various small-scale fisheries governance regimes from the Gulf of California, Mexico. The components of social capital that we measured include levels of fishers’ structural ties to relevant groups and levels of trust in different entities (i.e. cognitive component). We collected data using surveys and interviews with residents of small-scale fishing communities adjacent to marine protected areas. We analyzed the data using a logistic regression model and narrative analysis. The results of our quantitative analysis highlight the multidimensional nature of social capital and reveals complex relationships between different types of social capital and fisher participation in monitoring, rulemaking and MPA design. Furthermore our qualitative analysis suggests that participation in fisheries conservation and management is not fully potentialized due to the social and historical context of participatory spaces in Mexico.  相似文献   

乡村生产要素(人—地—资本)协同转型,即劳动力转移、农地流转、资本循环协同演进,对乡村发展至关重要。本文构建了要素协同转型的理论框架,探讨影响因素的作用机制;以湖南岳阳市为例,揭示了要素转型发展水平,探究了要素协同的时空演化;从内生和外源两个维度,探讨了协同水平空间异质性的影响因素。基于要素转型会由“失配”转向“协同”的理论假说,实证发现:劳动力转移水平远高于农地流转和资本循环,三者空间分异显著;要素协同程度不高但在增强,空间集聚明显;坡度、耕地资源禀赋、距县城的距离、政府农业农村投入分别是关键的内生与外源解释因素,除距县城距离仅有正向影响外,其余因素正、负向影响并存。政策举措应因地制宜。  相似文献   

Through shifts toward interactive and participatory forms of environmental governance, knowledge dynamics may come into play that differ from those of traditional forms of policy-making. This paper investigates how shifts of environmental governance and knowledge are related. In order to do so, it reconstructs the development of the governance of recreational boating in the Dutch Wadden Sea on the empirical basis of interviews, document analysis, and a focus group. Moreover, it analyzes this development by means of an analytical framework that combines governance modes, knowledge systems and knowledge–governance interfaces. Our results show that in the last decades partly an accumulation and partly a sequence of various governance arrangements concerning recreational boating has occurred; this has entailed a shift from predominantly centralized governance to a combination of governance modes with a stronger emphasis on decentralized, interactive and self-governance. This shift has occurred together with an increasing prominence of qualitative local knowledge, stakeholders’ knowledge, and the integration of various forms of knowledge. Furthermore, a shift has taken place toward more participatory knowledge–governance interfaces. Our analysis suggests that environmental governance and knowledge are interconnected in various ways: the regulatory and epistemic aspects of environmental issues are bound up with each other, and governance and knowledge are coproduced and mutually constitutive. Key lessons from this analysis are that room for experimentation is an important factor in improving environmental governance, and that increasing stakeholder involvement in governance implies that new modes of jointly creating and exchanging knowledge may need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

土地承载力是人地关系的基础表征,开展土地承载力评价可以为实施农业空间治理、制定农业发展政策等提供参考。以西藏自治区为例,基于人体每日所需热量、蛋白质和脂肪评价土地的现实承载力及其变化。评价结果表明:(1)西藏自治区土地承载指数从2004-2016年一直维持在80.66%~89.84%之间,处于平衡有余状态。(2)未来西藏自治区土地承载指数将会持续保持在87.5%之上,呈现先升后降的变化态势,在2032年达到峰值,届时土地承载指数将会超过92.56%;此后将会持续下降,在2050年将低于90%。以土地承载力评价为基础,根据未来食物消费需求变化和西藏自治区的自然条件,提出不增加农牧业开发强度,保持农牧业生产空间规模稳定,并逐步优化调整农牧业发展结构,适度降低粮食种植面积,在适宜地区扩大蔬菜、瓜果种植,以及发展草牧业经济等建议。  相似文献   

Variations in land requirements for meat production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Production of meat requires substantial amounts of feed grains which in turn require vast amounts of land. Future population growth and increase in consumption will raise the demand for meat and with it the land required for meat production. This paper analyses the various factors that affect land requirements for meat production. Meat production by Dutch broilers, pigs and beef cattle on their current feeds are compared and options for change are evaluated with respect to their nutritional needs. Differences in land requirements of a factor of 3 were found between different agricultural production systems and feeds as well as between types of livestock. It is shown that broilers have the lowest land requirement while beef cattle have the highest. The variation in feed crop yields between agricultural systems is discussed. It is concluded that due to the large variation within the system there is potential for reduction in the land requirements for meat production.  相似文献   

Most research linking global environmental change and food security focuses solely on agriculture: either the impact of climate change on agricultural production, or the impact of agriculture on the environment, e.g. on land use, greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and/or biodiversity. Important though food production is, many other factors also need to be considered to understand food security. A recent international conference on “Environmental Change and Food Security: Bridging Science, Policy and Development for Adaptation” included a range of papers that embraced the multiple dimensions of the food systems that underpin food security. The major conclusion from the conference was that technical fixes alone will not solve the food security challenge. Adapting to the additional threats to food security arising from major environmental changes requires an integrated food system approach, not just a focus on agricultural practices. Six key issues emerged for future research: (i) adapting food systems to global environmental change requires more than just technological solutions to increase agricultural yields; (ii) tradeoffs across multiple scales among food system outcomes are a pervasive feature of globalized food systems; (iii) within food systems, there are some key underexplored areas that are both sensitive to environmental change but also crucial to understanding its implications for food security and adaptation strategies; (iv) scenarios specifically designed to investigate the wider issues that underpin food security and the environmental consequences of different adaptation options are lacking; (v) price variability and volatility often threaten food security; and (vi) more attention needs to be paid to the governance of food systems.  相似文献   

There is a well-recognised need to transform existing systems of production and consumption towards a more sustainable orientation. However, there is much uncertainty about how to achieve sustainability transitions in practice, and what transition advocates and actors can do to catalyse and steer regime transformation. We therefore need evidence of how transitions are operationalised, in order to better understand the on-ground dynamics of regime change. To address this gap, this research paper examines three contemporary cases of transformational change in the Australian urban water sector and the dominant strategic approach to change adopted in each city. It focuses on the strategic behaviour of actors, in particular examining how agents navigate and respond to the opportunities and constraints of their context, and what initiatives (or combination thereof) can facilitate innovation diffusion and regime transformation. The results reveal three distinct patterns of change, each of which favour particular strategic interventions by transition proponents.In order to incubate transformational change, the results suggest that actors may be best served by initially employing strategies that are immediately compatible with their existing context. However, examination of the strengths and weaknesses of each pattern confirm that no single strategic approach is in itself sufficient, and in order to embed a novel innovation and bring about regime change, actors will eventually need to broaden the range of interventions used. The results also reveal the possibility of a ‘pattern-dependence’ that actors need to deliberately work to overcome in order to fully mainstream the desired change. These findings therefore provide insight into the links between regime transformation, patterns of change and actor strategies while also offering practical guidance that can be used to inform the design and implementation of regime transformation agendas and programs.  相似文献   

南海是中国最大的边缘海,也是目前海洋国土管控问题最多的区域。首先从海洋国土的概念、内涵和属性分析入手,归纳海洋国土开发与管控的特殊性和复杂性;同时溯及南海国土资源的开发历程,确定当前存在的主要国土空间安全问题。以此为基础,梳理南海国土开发与管控的相关议题,将其分为资源—生态维度和人文—制度维度两大问题群,并结合当前研究动态,对相关议题进行评述和讨论。本文认为:南海国土开发与管控的核心议题主要集中在三个方面,即南海开发与管控的基础理论研究、南海区域开发及规划的应用政策研究以及南海国土开发与管控问题的多尺度实证研究。希冀本文对厘清中国海洋国土开发与管控的研究课题,进一步完善中国海洋国土管控机制起到积极的参考作用。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been rising scientific and policy interest in the adaptive governance of social-ecological systems. A systematic literature review of adaptive governance research during the period 2005–2014, demonstrates a vibrant debate taking place that spans a variety of empirical and theoretical approaches. The particular strength of adaptive governance is that it provides a theoretical lens for research that combines the analyses of novel governance capacities such as adaptive capacity, collaboration, scaling, knowledge and learning. As a way to give greater depth and analytical rigour to future studies over the next decade and beyond, we highlight the added value of theoretical multiplicity (i.e., focusing on the combination of theories to address complex problems). We argue that theoretical multiplicity can encourage stronger synergies between adaptive governance and other theoretical approaches and can help address epistemologically grey areas in adaptive governance scholarship, such as power and politics, inclusion and equity, short term and long term change, the relationship between public policy and adaptive governance.  相似文献   

We address the future of science and governance for the California Delta, focusing on the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, an interagency, multi-stakeholder effort to understand and manage the Delta for multiple purposes. We portray a Delta history as a coevolutionary process between science, governance and ecosystems. Global integrated environmental assessments (IEA) provide insights into understanding complex, dynamic socio-ecological systems. Many of the discursive stakeholder and scientific activities that have arisen under CALFED are similar to IEA and remain essential to the shared learning needed to effectively interact with a dynamic Delta. More deliberately enmeshing environmental monitoring, analysis, and collective learning into Delta governance will improve outcomes.  相似文献   

Climate governance in Small Island developing States (SIDS) is a pressing priority to preserve livelihoods, biodiversity and ecosystems for the next generations. Understanding the dynamics of climate change policy integration is becoming more crucial as we try to measure the success of environmental governance efforts and chart new goals for sustainable development. At the international level, climate change policy has evolved from single issue to integrated approaches towards achieving sustainable development. New actors, new mechanisms and institutions of governance with greater fragmentation in governance across sectors and levels (Biermann and Pattberg, 2008) make integration of policy in the area of climate change governance even more of a challenge today. What is the Caribbean reality regarding policy coherence in climate change governance? Are the same climate change policy coherence frameworks useful or indeed applicable for environmental governance in developing states more generally and for SIDS in particular? What are the best triggers to achieve successful climate change policy integration in environmental governance—especially as the complex interconnectivity of new actors, institutions and mechanisms make the process of integration even more challenging? What facilitates and what hampers climate policy integration in the regional Caribbean context? This article reviews the debates around policy coherence for climate change governance, creates a framework to test or measure policy coherence and examines how relevant this has been to regional climate change governance processes in Commonwealth Caribbean States. The study found that though at the regional level, there is substantial recognition of the importance of and mechanics involved in climate policy coherence, this has not translated to policy coherence at the regional and national levels. There is a large degree of fragmentation in the application of climate policy in each Caribbean Island with no mechanism to breach the gap. Silos in public environmental governance architectures, unwillingness to share data, insufficient political will; unsustainable project-based funding and lack of accountability among actors are the main challenges to climate policy coherence. The findings fill a gap in the literature on the elements of climate policy coherence from a SIDS perspective.  相似文献   

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