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Italy is an important producer of ceramic tiles, with a high production share in Europe (50%) and worldwide (16%). Since early 1990s, fabric filters have been installed to reduce emissions of dust, lead, fluorine, etc. from firing kilns. Such end-of-pipe technologies can increase energy consumption and production costs. This paper presents a simplified LCA to assess the overall environmental effects of fabric filters in Italian ceramic tiles production. We also calculate the eco-efficiency of such filters, the additional cost per unit reduction of emissions. The results indicate that the environmental drawbacks of the filter are small and that, in comparison to existing eco-efficiency reference values, this air pollution abatement technique can be seen as an eco-efficient technique. These results can be useful in the identification of best available techniques (BAT), which is required under environmental regulations such as EC directive 96/61 (IPPC directive).  相似文献   

A methodology for eco-efficiency reporting is proposed with eco-efficiency indicators for climate change, acidification, photo-oxidant formation, human toxicity, freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, eutrophication, energy consumption and waste generation. The method is applied to emission, consumption and production data of the Flemish industry provided by the Flemish environmental agency for the period 1995–2006. For climate change, acidification, photo-oxidant formation, human toxicity, freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity and eutrophication, the eco-efficiency improved by 39, 55, 41, 58, 72 and 53%, respectively. For each of these impact categories, the total environmental impact decreased despite an increase in production, indicating absolute decoupling of environmental impact from economic growth. The eco-efficiency indicator for energy consumption and waste generation improved by 16 and 14%, respectively. However, due to the increase in production, the total energy consumption and the amount of waste generated increased: for these two environmental themes decoupling from economic growth was relative. Despite the improved eco-efficiency, industry remains one of the main polluters in Flanders. The application of the method to emission, energy consumption and production data of the Flemish industry resulted in a comprehensive and correct source of information for the general public and the government. Moreover, it can serve as a basis for economically and environmentally sound decisions and for the evaluation of the impact of former decisions.  相似文献   

杜艳春  姜畔  毛建素  徐琳瑜 《环境科学》2011,32(5):1529-1536
以工业城市焦作市为例,选择工业能源消费和污染物(包括废水、固体废物、SO2、烟尘等)排放作为环境负荷,定量分析工业分行业的生态效率及分行业特定环境负荷对总环境负荷的贡献率.结果表明,能源效率最高的行业是黑色金属矿采选业(FMM),为43.19万元·tce-1,贡献率为0.003%;废水排放相关环境效率最高的是交通运输设...  相似文献   

Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate (MTPIE), located in Rayong province, eastern of Thailand, was developed by the state enterprise, Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, Ministry of Industry, to serve industries that use natural gas as the main raw material development. This research presents the eco-efficiency evaluation of the petroleum and petrochemical group (PP) in the MTPIE. There are 31 factories in the PP group, which can be divided into three categories: upstream, intermediate, and downstream. The eco-efficiency values of the PP group were evaluated according to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development recommendations. The comparison of eco-efficiency values between three industrial categories in the PP group demonstrates that factories in the downstream category obtained particularly good eco-efficiency results concerning material consumption, water use, and hazardous waste generation. The eco-efficiency trends of the PP group were simply analyzed by snapshot graph. With the availability of the data on environmental indicator, the water use indicator was selected to be an example indicator for analyzing the eco-efficiency trends of the PP group. The eco-efficiency snapshot concerning the net sale and water use during the year of 2003–2005 showed that the eco-efficiency trends of the PP group in the MTPIE shifted from half eco-efficient in 2004 to fully eco-efficient in 2005. This research can provide a basic framework on eco-efficiency evaluation for the industrial sector in Thailand, which will feed into strategic development, and would enable public participation in the discussion on branch developments and contributions to national trends.  相似文献   

The resources sector has come to accept that the global quest for sustainable development is one of the key shapers of its future development and business success. While much uncertainty remains regarding the full ramifications of sustainable development, it is uncontested that preventive environmental and resource productivity strategies, or eco-efficiency (EE), are conditional for the minerals industry's ability to progress in sustainable development. A customised framework for EE in minerals processing is proposed. It connects five prevention practices (process design; input substitution; plant improvement; good housekeeping; and reuse, recycling and recovery) with five resource productivity themes (resource efficiency; energy use and greenhouse gas emissions; water use and impacts; control of minor elements and toxics; and by-product creation). These are illustrated with practical examples from gold, base metals, alumina, aluminium and pigment operations in Australia. This illustrates that EE is possible from technical and operational perspectives, with implementation ultimately depending on the ability of project teams to build a convincing business case. Moreover, from a technology perspective, EE can be fostered at three distinct and mutually reinforcing innovation platforms: operations; plant design; and process technology.  相似文献   

日本钢铁工业发展循环经济简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍日本钢铁工业发展循环经济的实践经验和主要做法,与之相比,指出我国钢铁工业发展循环经济存在的差距,并提出我国钢铁工业依法率先发展循环经济应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

含铬污泥是一种来源广泛、潜在危害大、难于处理的危险废物,常规的处理与资源化技术如固化/稳定化、造砖、制水泥、提取有价金属、制备铬系产品等,往往存在铬泥消纳量小、利用工艺复杂、成品纯度低、操作过程中存在污染转移等限制性因素。将含铬污泥经造球、高温还原、杂质去除、有用金属回收等工序处理后,返回高炉再利用,不仅可节省钢铁企业高昂的委托处理费用,利用其中的有价资源,还可有效避免污染的二次转移,实现危险废物的闭路循环利用。  相似文献   

中国工业行业的生态效率   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
毛建素  曾润  杜艳春  姜畔 《环境科学》2010,31(11):2788-2794
中国工业是资源消费和污染物排放的主要源头,解析工业各行业的生态效率可为中国产业结构调整和整体环境质量改善提供必要信息.在分析工业构成并构建工业系统与外部环境之间关系的基础上,选择能源消费和废水、固体废物、SO2、工业烟尘、粉尘等污染物的排放量作为研究的环境影响类别,界定了与这些环境影响相关的生态效率,估算了中国2007年的工业生态效率现状,结果为:能源效率615.5万元·ktce-1;废水和固废方面的生态效率分别为54.3万元·kt-1和1.9万元·t-1;工业SO2、烟尘和粉尘方面的生态效率分别为59.6、169.2和184.6万元·t-1.深入分析了39个工业部门的生态效率,结果表明,以上几种生态效率具有明显的行业不均衡性,表现为不同行业在不同类型生态效率中的工业排序明显不同;与此同时,对于同一种生态效率,不同工业行业的数值可相差几百倍到几万倍,表明通过优化工业结构将具有较大的提高工业生态效率的可能性.  相似文献   

Eco-efficiency and SMEs in Nova Scotia,Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a study undertaken by the Eco-Efficiency Centre of the levels of eco-efficiency demonstrated by small and medium enterprises in Nova Scotia. The history of eco-efficiency is described and several definitions of the term put forward by the many agencies and organizations promoting it are discussed. Emphasis is placed on definitions used in Canada, particularly those of Industry Canada and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. After reviewing a large number of environmental management and eco-efficiency tools, the Centre determined that none of these were appropriate for small businesses in Nova Scotia and opted to develop its own checklist. The study concludes that levels of eco-efficiency are quite low among businesses in different sectors and furthermore, that more work is needed to find appropriate tools for micro and small businesses that can be more widely used.  相似文献   

Although it had been about 10 years since eco-efficiency and Factor X were proposed, these concepts were not actually utilized in companies. Accordingly, the author proposed eco-efficiency (Factor X) indicators and has actually utilized them since 2001 in companies, and has conducted many case studies of eco-efficiency and Factor X using these indicators. However, there remains an argument: the improvement of eco-efficiency (Factor X) is due to an improvement in functions and there is still a possibility that environmental impacts increase. So, this paper begins with a brief explanation of the proposed eco-efficiency (Factor X) indicators and the case studies. Next, eco-efficiency and ecodesign are discussed. This paper analyzes the relationship between functions and environmental impacts using results of quantitative evaluations and verifies the argument quantitatively. From this analysis result, the author found that most products improved the product's functions while reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

我国钢铁工业一次颗粒物排放量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国钢铁工业生产工艺以及颗粒物控制技术的分类,建立了一个细化到排放节点的自下而上的颗粒物排放模型.结合我国钢铁工业各地区活动水平以及颗粒物控制技术分布的历史变化趋势分析,利用此模型计算了2006—2012年我国钢铁工业一次颗粒物的排放系数和排放量.模型计算结果显示,2006年以来,我国钢铁工业颗粒物控制水平不断提高,PM_(2.5)、PM_(2.5)~10和PM10的排放系数分别降低了21.2%、19.3%和19.0%.钢铁工业一次颗粒物排放量在2006—2011年间持续增长,2011年TSP排放量为602×104t,PM10排放量为200×104t,PM_(2.5)排放量为124×104t;2012年排放量出现下降,TSP排放量为561×104t,PM10排放量为187×104t,PM_(2.5)排放量为116×104t.2012年我国钢铁工业一次PM_(2.5)排放量中的有组织排放占39.5%,无组织排放占60.5%;除加严有组织源管控之外,减少颗粒物无组织排放,对于钢铁工业颗粒物排放控制也非常重要.我国钢铁工业颗粒物排放量分布不均衡,河北、山东、江苏、辽宁、山西5个省的排放超过全国总排放的50%.  相似文献   

从考虑污染变量角度运用SE-DEA模型对河南省2007-2012年的生态效率进行静态评价,通过Malmquist指数分析了生态效率的动态变化趋势,并结合Tobit回归探讨了生态效率的影响因素。结果表明:2007-2012年河南省生态效率(静态)总体上呈平稳上升趋势;河南省各地市(洛阳、许昌除外)生态效率(动态)呈现随时间进步特征,生态效率的改善主要是技术进步的作用所致,受技术效率变动影响较小;经济规模和产业结构是阻碍生态效率提高的主要因素,而市场化程度显著促进了生态效率的提高;环境保护支出对生态效率有明显的促进作用;进出口贸易和外商投资分别对生态效率产生一定的负向和正向影响。  相似文献   

Corporate sustainable development (CSD) can help to force the life sciences industry (LSI) to move from responsibility towards accountability.In terms of sustainability issues, which currently affect and occupy the LSI and their stakeholders, one could speak of 4 generations:
  • •The local side-effects of operations, production, distribution and use.
  • •The effects and risks of the used and applied technologies and methods.
  • •The affordability and access to essential available treatments and products.
  • •The necessity and need for new essential products or treatments for neglected diseases.
In order to make corporations accountable, there have been many efforts in the field of evaluation. These efforts mostly remain very general. The problem is however that the different stakeholders have diverse understandings of the various sustainability issues. The paper proposes a 2-phased stakeholder-oriented evaluation method for evaluating CSD-strategies on specific sustainability issues of the LSI in Basel, Switzerland. During the first phase, corporate commitment is challenged against the stakeholders' expectations. In the second phase, relevant stakeholders evaluate the effective corporate performance against the corporate commitment.The evaluation method was extensively tested with the stakeholders of the LSI in 5 case studies on the 4 issue generations. The method turned out to work and delivered interesting insight into managing sustainability issues.  相似文献   

介绍了我国电解锰行业发展及清洁生产审核的推进情况,通过在电解锰行业开展数轮清洁生产审核,诊断出该行业存在的主要环境污染问题,在行业内建立了规范化的管理制度,推动了清洁生产技术的发展,分析了典型中高费方案实现的环境效益和经济效益。结合电解锰行业清洁生产指标体系,重点分析了2009—2017年行业的有毒有害物质的替代、综合能耗、电流效率等关键性清洁生产指标的变化情况。结果显示,综合能耗由2009年的8 600 kW·h/t(以Mn计,下同)降至目前的6 900 kW·h/t,电流效率总体呈上升趋势。对于经过多轮审核的某企业,其电解槽、剥离方式、直流电耗、锰渣无害化处理和综合利用率、锰渣中水溶性锰浓度(以干基计)等5项评估指标均达到国内领先水平,在行业处于顶尖水平,另一项指标单位产品新鲜水耗也有明显下降,为行业节能减排起到引领作用。  相似文献   

任越  杨俊杰 《中国环境科学》2020,40(3):1166-1175
中国生活垃圾产量大、增速快,若处理方式不当会给环境和社会带来巨大危害,近年来提倡的垃圾分类处理方式是垃圾减量化的关键一环.综合考虑垃圾处理对环境、能源、经济和社会四方面影响,构建适用于垃圾处理的3E+S生态效率评价模型.将垃圾源头分类、末端分类处理方式纳入垃圾处理生命周期中构建4种生活垃圾处理情景.结果表明,混合收运+末端分类的处理情景具有潜在最优生态效率,分类收运+焚烧的处理情景由于源头分类、收运环节更为复杂导致其总环境影响潜值最大,且生命周期成本最高.对比考虑或不考虑社会成本计算得到的生态效率表明,社会成本的加入显著影响生态效率.源头分类是影响生活垃圾分类处理生态效率的敏感性因素,通过降低垃圾源头分类单元过程多余的环境排放和成本或推广使用以末端机械化分类(PGAS)技术为代表的低污染低成本的垃圾分类新技术,都能够提高垃圾处理的生态效率.  相似文献   

An evaluation of mercury emissions from the chlor-alkali industry in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 IntroductionThechlorine alkaliindustryisoneofthesubstantialpartsofthechemicalindustry .Now ,threetypesofelectrolyticcellsareusedtoproducechlorinegasandcausticsoda:theHgcell,thediaphragmcell,andthemembranecell.Chinaisusingthediaphragmcellasthemaintype.Na…  相似文献   

作为经济发展的重要基础产业,钢铁工业在我国国民经济建设中发挥了不可替代的作用。针对钢铁工业发展过程中存在的矛盾和问题,提出发展循环经济,建设资源节约型、环境友好型钢铁工业重点要解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

The iron and steel industry is not only an important foundation of the national economy, but also the largest source of industrial air pollution. Due to the current status of emissions in the iron and steel industry, ultra-low pollutant emission control technology has been researched and developed. Liquid-phase proportion control technology has been developed for magnesian fluxed pellets, and a blast furnace smelting demonstration project has been established to use a high proportion of fluxed pellets (80%) for the first time in China to realize source emission reduction of SO2 and NOx. Based on the characteristics of high NOx concentrations and the coexistence of multiple pollutants in coke oven flue gas, low-NOx combustion coupled with multi-pollutant cooperative control technology with activated carbon was developed to achieve efficient removal of multiple pollutants and resource utilization of sulfur. Based on the characteristics of co-existing multiple pollutants in pellet flue gas, selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) coupled with ozone oxidation and spray drying adsorption (SDA) was developed, which significantly reduces the operating cost of the system. In the light of the high humidity and high alkalinity in flue gas, filter materials with high humidity resistance and corrosion resistance were manufactured, and an integrated pre-charged bag dust collector device was developed, which realized ultra-low emission of fine particles and reduced filtration resistance and energy consumption in the system. Through source emission reduction, process control and end-treatment technologies, five demonstration projects were built, providing a full set of technical solutions for ultra-low emissions of dust, SO2, NOx, SO3, mercury and other pollutants, and offering technical support for the green development of the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

运用数据包络分析(DataEnvelopmentanalysis,DEA)的方法,从环境污染和资源消耗两个方面,建立了工业生态效率评价的指标体系,评价了2008年上海市非中心城区各区县的工业生态效率。结果表明,松江区处于上海市工业生态效率的前沿面,9个区县中有2/3区县的工业生态效率优于上海市平均水平。其中,崇明、嘉定和青浦处于规模报酬递增阶段,奉贤、闵行、浦东、金山、宝山则处于规模报酬递减阶段。最后,基于C2R模型对各区县的投入产出情况进行了优化调整,认为削减SO2的排放量和减少能源的消耗应是各区县提高工业生态效率的关键。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison analysis of eco-efficiency in the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) of Venezuela. The research can be divided into three parts: the first part reviews similar studies in the literature on the level of eco-efficiency exhibited by the companies of Venezuela and other countries. In the second place, the findings of a survey conducted on Venezuelan SMEs allowed the definition of 54 eco-efficiency profiles. Thirdly, six national experts in cleaner production and eco-efficiency were interviewed. The interview was based on a questionnaire similar to that used in the survey of the Venezuelan SMEs. At a second meeting, the experts were asked to discuss on the similarities and differences between their answers and those of the company's managers.The findings of the survey allow us to conclude that Venezuelan SMEs understand the legal environmental regulations that affect them but they do not perceive the influence of external driving forces like customers demand for green products or institutional incentives. The adoption of eco-efficiency practices is not perceived as an incentive to improve competitiveness so that the environmental strategies adopted generally aim at reducing costs or avoiding non-compliance sanctions and negative effects on the company image. Materials recycling and reuse, especially packaging materials, are common practices; however, other environmental tools or practices have not been implemented yet, e.g. environmental management systems (EMS), process, product and services design tools based on the product life cycle, renewable energy resources or green marketing. There are also differences among the eight industrial sectors analyzed, food and chemical industries having the higher index of eco-efficiency practices, and plastic and wood industries the lower.  相似文献   

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