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Activities in offshore oil and gas (OOG) that cause environmental impacts can be systematically managed through an environmental management system (EMS). Environmental performance evaluation (EPE) is an essential part of an EMS. However, previous studies on EPE indicate that existing lists of indicators little insight into how indicators are modified to more accurately assess environmental performance.In this paper, a way is proposed to identify and define specific environmental performance indicators on a case-by-case basis, which consists of five steps: (1) describing environmental requirements; (2) determining favourable outcomes corresponding to the requirements; (3) identifying required activities or issues to achieve the outcomes; (4) searching for proper measures of the activities or issues; and (5) generating a list of key indicators. Based on these steps, a quality function deployment (QFD) approach is developed to determine key indicators and evaluate environmental performance. To handle uncertainties in QFD, the decision makers’ evaluations are quantified through rough numbers using the concept of rough sets. The outputs of the proposed approach are different environmental performance indices. Using these indices, decision makers can easily determine whether an improved performance has been achieved through an EMS. The proposed approach is transparent and promising for use as a unified tool for EPE. An application of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a numerical example.  相似文献   

Environmental indicators allow a firm to make measurements related to its environmental performance. In practical terms, they can be used to form a measuring, benchmarking and monitoring tool to track environmental performance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).Within an Environmental Management System (EMS), environmental indicators can be used to check if a firm has met the targets it is required to set for itself. It can also be used in firms that have not yet implemented an EMS. The use of an Environmental Indicators System (EIS) is thus recommended for SMEs, many of which do not have an EMS, in order to enhance their environmental performance. As noted in A Guide to Corporate Environmental Indicators published by the Federal Environment Ministry (Bonn) and the Federal Environmental Agency (Berlin), three categories of environmental indicators can be developed, depending on whether they describe: (1) a company's environmental impact (environmental performance); (2) the management's environmental activities; or (3) the external condition of the company's environment.The objective of this paper is to present how environmental indicators were established and implemented for Philippine SMEs and to show that the indicators significantly correlate with the environmental performance of the SMEs. In order to test this hypothesis, a survey-questionnaire was designed and administered among SMEs covering six industrial sectors in the Philippines. Based on the survey responses, a Gap analysis between the environmental performances of SMEs and state-of-the-art companies was performed. The Gap analysis showed that environmental indicators were indeed able to capture the features of actual environmental performance.Further, a structural equation model was proposed and validated. It yielded a significant linkage between the environmental indicators and environmental performance.  相似文献   

In this paper an integrated methodological approach is presented for the evaluation of the implementation of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) in facilities operated under Integrated Prevention Pollution and Control (IPPC) Directive, based on the development and application of a set of sub-indices. An aggregated form of sub-indices that could be used as a composite IPPC facility index is proposed. A sector specific index can be derived from facilities composite indices.This approach uses environmental performance data from European Polluting Emissions Register (EPER) reports, environmental permits and BAT Reference Documents, and gives a coherent and interesting picture of the degree of BAT implementation and an indication of IPPC obligations fulfilment.A specific application is demonstrated concerning the paper manufacturing sector in Greece. It is concluded for this sector that there is a measurable discrepancy from the BAT fulfilment obligations and that the most problematic sub-indices are the “Releases to Water” and “Releases to Air”.  相似文献   

Training and communication are essential elements in the implementation of environmental management systems (EMS). This study is based on two main questions: (i) What methods for training and communication will support the implementation of EMS at a university? and, (ii) How did faculty and staff perceive the training and communication activities? The study includes a literature review, a case study of methods for training and communication, and results of a semi quantitative survey of the perception of training and communication. All activities took place at the University of Gävle (Sweden). The University of Gävle was certified according to ISO 14001 in 2004. Practical experiences from the implementation of EMS in industry were used as reference.The literature review indicates that training is a key factor during implementation of EMS, and that training may change attitude and behaviour among managers and employees. Similar conclusions can be drawn from this study. The case study, and practical experiences from industry, indicate that similar methods of EMS training and communication can be shared by industry and universities. However, “academic freedom” and “critical thinking” may result in the need for more interactive training methods at a university than in industry. The results of the survey indicate that the training and communication have increased awareness of environmental issues. A deeper understanding of the personal role in the EMS was also observed. It can be concluded that the EMS training and communication team has a demanding task to introduce the concept of indirect environmental aspects at a university. Lecturers and researchers should be convinced that the greening of a college involves more than, for example, reducing the consumption of paper. The main role of EMS at a university should be to focus on indirect environmental aspects, for example, to introduce environmental and sustainability issues in courses and research.  相似文献   

The EMAS Regulation (Reg 761/01 EC) is EU scheme implemented by the European Commission since 1993 and it is for the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) by any organization. The EMS was originally proposed by the European Commission and by the ISO as the frontrunner of a series of policy tools that enable companies to simultaneously pursue environmental objectives and competitive targets in a synergetic way.Based on the unique dataset of the EVER project, this paper investigates whether or not an EMS implemented within the EMAS Regulation has any effect on firm performance both from an environmental and a competitive point of view. Our econometric analysis shows the positive impact of a well-designed environmental management system on environmental performance and, as a consequence, on technical and organizational innovations. Effects on other competitive variables such as market performance, resource productivity and intangible assets are not strongly supported.  相似文献   

环境信息化是国民经济和社会信息化的重要组成部分,是促进环境保护工作发展的重要推动力量。开展环境信息化水平的评价研究,有利于提高管理机构的科学管理水平,提升环境保护系统的行政效率和业务能力。在深入分析大量环境信息化研究成果的基础上,选取6个一级指标和18个二级指标,构建了环境信息化水平评价指标体系,应用网络分析法(ANP)在Super Decisions软件中建立了指标体系的教学模型,并对模型进行了求解。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the issues involved with environmental indicator development for policy by looking at three recent examples from data and theory-driven approaches. The “Environmental Sustainability Index 2001” report from World Economic Forum, YCELP and CIESIN is taken as an example of the data-driven approach, whereby data availability is the central criterion for indicator development and data is provided for all selected indicators. The other two examples are theory-driven, whereby, the focus is on selecting the best possible indicators from a theoretical point of view and data availability is considered only one of the aspects involved. These examples are the Heinz Center’s1999 report on the “State of the Nation’s Ecosystems” and the US National Research Council (NRC) report on “Ecological Indicators for the Nation”. The reports and approaches are discussed and compared in order to determine their strengths and weaknesses. From this lessons are drawn for future environmental indicator work as a basis for policymaking. In the conclusions four important issues are addressed: (1) data availability; (2) ecosystem specificity of indicators; (3) spatial and conceptual aggregation of indicators and (4) baseline or reference values for indicators. For each of these issues recommendations are made.  相似文献   

Materials selection is a multidisciplinary activity, which integrates a large number of knowledge fields and professional domains. In fact a material selection decision should capture not only the functional performance required for the application but should also consider the economical and environmental impacts originated all along the product life cycle. In this paper a life cycle engineering (LCE) approach is proposed to support material selection, integrating the performance of the material for the specific application in technological, environmental and economical dimensions throughout the duration of the product. The methodology proposed compares a set of candidate materials and, through the aggregation of the three dimensions (technical, economical and environmental), identifies the “best material domains”. These “best material domains” are presented in a ternary diagram, which allows a global comparison of the candidate materials and supports an informed decision as regards the selection of the “best material” according to different business scenarios and corporate strategies. The methodology was applied to a case study aiming the use of new metallic materials (high strength steels and aluminium alloys) for an automobile fender currently made of mild steel and the evaluation of potential benefits as regards the global performance of the material.  相似文献   

The relationship between economy and environmental impacts has been an essential topic in the discussion on environmental problems for a long time. From the 1990s, this relationship has gained a position in environmental policy as well. De-coupling the use of natural resources from economic growth has been set as one of the policy goals in the sixth Environmental Action Programme by the European Commission. In the scientific discussion, the concept of environmental Kuznets curve deals closely with the de-coupling or de-linking phenomenon. Aggregated material flows, on the other hand, have often been considered as a macro-level proxy of environmental degradation. Different methods or approaches have been designed for “sustainability” or “carrying capacity” evaluation as well. The objective of this article is (i) to discuss the possibilities and limitations of using environmental and economic indicators in the sustainability analysis at the macro level, (ii) to present a theoretical framework for the linking analysis including a classification of the degrees of de-linking/re-linking environmental impacts from/to economic growth, and (iii) to give an empirical example by using indicators of direct material flows as a proxy of environmental degradation and by applying the framework into the European Union and its 15 member countries. The results show that the trend in the European Union is a weak de-linking of material flows from economic growth during the years 1980–2000. In other words, material intensity of the economy has generally decreased due to increased efficiency, but the absolute amount of material use has increased, although at a lower rate of increase than economic growth. On the other hand, there is a quite large variation between different EU member countries. However, absolute decrease in the use of materials cannot be found as a continuous trend between the years 1980 and 2000 in any of the studied EU member countries.  相似文献   

The measurement framework of the green productivity (GP) of a product system, or process, and its improvement are discussed. Two types of GP indicators are developed to help understand the practical concept and executive approaches of GP, using environmental management tools such as life cycle assessment (LCA) and total cost assessment (TCA). GP index is defined as the ratio of productivity of a system to its environmental impacts. This index is intended for estimating the GP performance of an existing product or process and comparing it with other equivalents. Specifically, the GP index is a measure of the GP performance of a product system throughout its entire life cycle. The “overall” GP index can be divided into a “direct” GP index and an “indirect” GP index which are intended to analyze the GP performances of direct production processes and indirect upstream processes, respectively. For internal managerial decision, GP ratio is developed to select one alternative out of a list of contenders in order to improve the GP performance of an existing system. In addition, GP portfolio is drawn up to check the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives. A case study of a petrochemical company in Korea is provided as an example for illustrating the feasibility of the indicators developed here (GP index and GP ratio) for the measurement of GP and its improvement.  相似文献   

混凝土是建筑工程和海岸工程中使用量最大、应用范围最广的建筑材料。将矿物掺合料作为辅助胶凝材料加入混凝土中,既能废物利用提高环境效益,还可以提升混凝土的部分性能。为准确评估矿物掺合料混凝土安全性、耐久性和环境友好性,提出了一种矿物掺合料混凝土综合评价方法。基于环境影响生命周期评估(LCA)理论,通过实景数据与资料调研建立了粉煤灰、粒化高炉矿渣粉、煤矸石粉、赤泥、玻璃粉5种矿物掺合料的环境影响清单和矿物掺合料混凝土对于7种环境影响指标的计算方法。采用社会支付意愿法(WTP),以环境保护税、资源税为框架,将不同环境影响指标统一货币化,并结合混凝土的强度和耐久性指标提出矿物掺合料混凝土的性能与环境效益综合评价方法,以期为发展环境友好高性能混凝土提供定量评价依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework called the CSR Deliberation Matrix for the structuring of CSR issue identification, stakeholder dialogues, indicator selection and reporting, with an overarching goal to achieve an appropriate balance between sensitivity to individual situations and the benefits of “generic” indicators applicable to a large spectrum of reporting contexts.We suggest guidelines to (1) define the full spectrum of sustainability concerns and of relevant stakeholder dialogue contexts; (2) mobilise a relevant “data bank” which provides a profile of candidate CSR indicators; (3) obtain a parsimonious selection of indicators in a site-level CSR reporting process through a stakeholder dialogue; and (4) obtain a “representative diversity” of indicators at the interface of site-level and higher-level CSR reporting contexts.  相似文献   

参照测量不确定度评定与表示的国家技术规范,基于近年来我国燃煤电厂常规污控设备协同脱汞的现场测试数据(文献报道和实测值)及各省原煤w(汞)的实测值,初步构建了国内燃煤电厂烟气汞排放不确定度的计算方法,并以2010年的燃煤量、污控方式布局为基础,计算了该年度汞排放的不确定度. 结果表明:2010年我国燃煤电厂烟气汞排放的总不确定度为48.8t,占平均排放总量的34.3%;其中60.2%源于污控设备脱汞效率的不确定度,39.8%源于原煤w(汞)的不确定度;采用ESP(静电除尘)、ESP+WFGD(静电除尘+湿法脱硫)、SCR+ESP+WFGD(选择性催化还原脱硝+静电除尘+湿法脱硫)和FF(袋式除尘)大气污控组合的机组各存在6.0、32.2、9.7和0.9t的烟气汞排放不确定度,分别占各对应机组烟气汞排放量的19.3%、32.8%、84.6%和53.6%,其中SCR+ESP+WFGD污控组合烟气汞排放的相对不确定度最大. 随着我国烟气脱硝工作全面推行,2015年以后,SCR+ESP+WFGD污控措施(组合)的机组所占比例将会提高到66%以上,如果仍以现有数据为基础,则来自SCR+ESP+WFGD污控措施(组合)机组的烟气汞排放不确定度将会大幅增加,因此急需增加对该类装置脱汞效率的实测样本数量.   相似文献   

结合石油库的特点,建立了以人员因素、设备设施管理、储存介质状态、环境因素及管理因素等5项一级指标、20项二级指标的安全管理绩效评价体系;为克服安全管理绩效评价的主观随意性,采用“熵权+TOPSIS”法构建了评价模型,以10家石油库企业所采集的信息为算例,对石油库安全管理绩效评价进行了实例研究,结果表明“熵权+TOPSIS”法评价模型有效改善了评价结果的客观性和可靠度,可帮助石油库企业及时发现安全管理短板,明确改进方向,提升安全管理绩效水平。  相似文献   

化工企业环境风险综合评价模式及其应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
针对现有化工企业环境风险评价模式在指标筛选与不确定性处理方面的不足,构建了包括源项因子、过程因子和受体因子3项一级指标、14项二级指标的评价指标体系层次结构;并提出了基于模糊层次分析法的指标权重确定方法和基于模糊隶属度的指标风险水平确定方法,计算化工企业环境风险综合评价值,判定风险等级.以上海某化工企业作为案例,验证了本评价模式的有效性;根据评估,若将该企业迁至人口密度较低的工业区(低于2000人/km2)并控制风险物质在容器设备中的充装率(低于80%),可使其风险综合评价值从0.75(Ⅳ级风险)降至0.5(Ⅲ级风险).  相似文献   

《国家环境保护“十二五”规划》是中国环保行业重要的纲领性文件。根据国家和广西对开展“十二五”规划中期评估工作的相关要求,采用定量定性相结合,辅助逻辑判断的方式,对广西涉及国家要求的142个指标,从目标指标完成情况、环境质量现状、重点领域工作开展、环境保护公共服务体系完善及保障措施落实等5个方面评估广西实施国家环境保护“十二五”规划实施情况。最后,总结得出规划实施过程中存在的问题,并提出“十二五”后期部署及对策建议。  相似文献   

The environmental performance evaluation (EPE) of organizations is becoming an autonomous management tool. The main goal of this research was to assess the state of EPE practice in the Portuguese defence sector, as a particular part of public services. A questionnaire survey was conducted involving all Portuguese military units that have a person in charge of environmental issues. The questionnaire was designed to assess: (i) the importance and drivers of EPE; (ii) the ISO 14031 knowledge and implementation; (iii) the knowledge and use of environmental indicators; (iv) the optimal format for indicators; and (v) the advantages and drawbacks of using environmental indicators. Despite various initiatives driving environmental practices in public organizations, most of that experience is only centred on an environmental management system, and EPE is quite a new issue. Nevertheless, general environmental performance evaluation is a growing reality and one in which Portuguese military units are taking an increasing interest. Overall respondents agree on the importance of measuring and communicating environmental performance related to their main missions and activities. The main drivers for EPE in military units are the prevention of health risks and compliance with regulations. However, to date, ISO 14031 and environmental performance indicators are almost unknown in the respondent military units. Among the three military branches, the Navy revealed the worst environmental performance evaluation knowledge, awareness and practice.  相似文献   

通过试点证明,建立并认证环境管理体系(ISO14000)对企业的好处是多方面的,特别对强化企业环境管理,改善企业环境行为,发迹企业形象起到了十分明显的作用,该文对如何在城市或区域建立环境管理体系作了一些探讨,首先就城市或区域建立环境管理体系的必要性与可能性进行了阐述,然后就其如何的基本思路,基本框架,以及思想与物质基础等作了较详细的论述,笔者认为,城市或区域推行ISO14000标准,应用把基点放在  相似文献   

As the resource to voluntary action grows wider, a question must be held on the factors that influence the performance of a Voluntary Agreement as an environmental policy instrument. Our goal in this paper is to answer that question, outlining the main variables that make a Voluntary Agreement simultaneously efficient, effective and just. Using several articles on the subject of voluntary action, under the themes of “economic regulation” and of contracts under “asymmetric information”, as well as available reports on the Portuguese and European experience on the use of Voluntary Agreements, we will undertake this objective following three steps: (i) we begin by underlining the main factors that justify the private and public option for Voluntary Action. (ii) We then present an analysis of the co-regulation process under the requirements of the three E criteria: efficiency, effectiveness and equity. (iii) Finally we conclude by presenting an “evaluation table” that summarises the elements that we found to be the most important for the “performance” of the voluntary action in each one of those criteria.  相似文献   

In recent years, evaluating the robustness of environmental models results has become essential in order to effectively support decision makers to define suitable emission control strategies. This evaluation is performed in literature through uncertainty and sensitivity analyses. Therefore, the application of such methodologies to air quality Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) is extremely challenging. In fact, in this case uncertainty and sensitivity analyses should be assessed not only for each single component of the system, but also for the overall IAM. In the paper, an attempt is made to extend and systematize the information available on uncertainty/sensitivity analysis, at first considering environmental models in general, and then focusing on air quality IAMs. The study aims to offer a tentative framework addressed to modelers and decision makers in the implementation of IAM and evaluation of its results. The framework has been tested on Lombardy region (Northern Italy). The results show how the uncertainty on Drivers of emissions propagates on the whole modelling chain characterizing an integrated assessment study.  相似文献   

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