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Twenty small-to-medium sized business clients who had been previously provided pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance were studied to account for four difficult to quantify indirect benefits. The difficult to quantify benefits studied were reduced operational costs, regulatory burden, future liabilities and time saved from the research or technical assistance provided. Many (70%) clients who implemented new technologies realized operating cost reductions. Frequently (70%) clients who implemented P2 suggestions that reduce the disposal of hazardous waste realized reductions in regulatory burden and future liabilities. Most (90%) clients perceived that the research assistance saved their staff time. On average, clients in this study realized indirect savings of similar magnitude to their direct savings regardless of the scale or type of assistance. This study illustrates the value realized by a business of indirect benefits from pollution prevention implementation, which is particularly important now that publicly traded U.S. companies must disclosure financially significant environmental liabilities.  相似文献   

Accelerated Diffusion of Pollution Prevention Technologies (ADOP2T) is a stepwise model designed to improve the implementation rate of pollution prevention technologies. It focuses on reducing the uncertainty associated with new technologies by providing demonstrations and “how-to” knowledge through pilot testing. Three university-based technical assistance programs collaborated to promote implementation of pollution prevention technologies using the ADOP2T model. This paper briefly describes the model, and discusses the experiences, observations, and results obtained by the technical assistance programs that used the model.  相似文献   

The Toronto Region Sustainability Program (TRSP) is a multi-year action-and-results oriented program which provides small to medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SME) (defined as <500 employees at facility level) in the GTA with pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance, coupled with a financial incentive to address the root causes of their pollutants and waste streams and improve their environmental performance. The program has been successful in establishing partnerships with three orders (levels) of government and a third party delivery agent—the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA)—to achieve significant reductions in pollutants/waste generation and to promote the implementation of pollution prevention practices within SME manufacturing facilities. This paper shares insights on how the program works and uses case studies as illustrative examples to highlight the P2 methods adopted, the resulting environmental burden reductions, as well as the value-added benefits to the TRSP clients' business bottom line. Furthermore, this paper outlines the findings of a survey conducted by OCETA to identify TRSP clients' key drivers for program participation, their implementation status, and the challenges encountered in implementing P2 projects. It is hoped that the insights from this paper will expand the boundaries of P2 knowledge within the P2 community, and motivate SMEs in various sectors to incorporate P2 as a sustainable business strategy.  相似文献   

The Pollution Prevention 1997: A National Progress Report identifies pollution prevention initiatives as potentially the most effective for reducing risks to human health and the environment, as well as the most cost-effective method of environmental protection. So it is no surprise that much of the implementation of pollution prevention by local governments has been driven due to the cost savings it provides. Pollution prevention initiatives have been proven to reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce risk, reduce liability, and provide a safer work environment. However, as many local governments have experienced budget and resource reductions, their pollution prevention programs have been impacted. Local governments, working to continue pollution prevention initiatives in spite of declining budgets, have had to change their approaches, be creative, and innovate. Montgomery County, Maryland has implemented a number of pollution prevention strategies for its own County operations. The linkages established between cost savings they achieve and environmental benefits provided have been used to continue to expand the County's pollution prevention efforts. This paper provides an overview of the pollution prevention measures and approaches that have been implemented in Montgomery County for its internal operations.  相似文献   

The 1989 Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) instituted a preventive approach to chemical pollution and wastes: reducing toxic chemicals at the source through prevention planning, public reporting of chemical input, and fees for chemical use. The act also created the Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance for Toxics Use Reduction (OTA), a voluntary program, to make onsite visits to companies that request assistance. OTA staff review the use of toxic chemicals at the facility, and make recommendations for either using substitutes, or using the chemicals more efficiently. Because TURA requires covered companies (large quantity toxics users) to report chemical input (what they use), output (resulting chemical waste), and a production index, it is possible to measure trends in toxics use relative to production, and waste byproduct per pound of chemical use input. These are uniquely precise measurements of a company's ability to accomplish the form of pollution prevention known as toxics use reduction.From 1993 to 2002, companies used approximately 500 million pounds (227 million kg) less toxic chemicals than they were expected to use, based on past performance. Those companies that received onsite technical assistance visits from OTA made substantially greater improvements in TUR performance than those not visited, and as compared to their own performance after being visited. They reduced an average of 9.4% more toxics use after being visited than before, and the difference was statistically significant. More companies in the visited group made progress than companies not visited, and had greater reductions than those not visited by nearly all measures.The results of two additional studies supported these findings of program effectiveness. One study examined companies that dropped out of the system, and found that those that were visited employed toxics use reduction to achieve below-threshold use amounts more frequently than those that were not visited. The other study, an independent research project using econometric methods to determine the causative relevance of provided assistance, found OTA's service to be an explanatory factor associated with significant toxics use and byproduct reductions.  相似文献   

After five years of assisting Nebraska businesses, the Partners in Pollution Prevention program at the University of Nebraska contracted with an independent third-party to conduct a survey to determine clients' perceptions on the value of the technical assistance. A second assessment method, reassessment interviews, consisting of site visits by interns, supported many of the findings of the initial survey, allowed for exploration to better understand some initial responses, and collected metrics related to implementation of specific pollution prevention suggestions. A combined approach using more than one evaluation tool may be helpful to other environmental service providers in assessing impact of their programs.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Cleaner Production (CP)/pollution prevention concept application in Lithuanian companies demonstrates a number of opportunities in waste minimization and pollution prevention areas aimed at sustainable development.To compare the efficiency of various CP methods and to identify the preventive methods with the highest energy saving possibilities in different Lithuanian sectors of the economy the database “The implementation of Cleaner Production in Lithuania” was used. This database was developed in line with CP implementation methodology and contains technical, environmental, economic and financial information on implemented CP innovations in Lithuanian companies during the last decade. In addition, several applicable CP innovations are described in case studies.  相似文献   

As part of Ontario's Toxics Reduction Strategy, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment provided funding for two years to a partnership of the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to deliver a Cleaner and Greener Manufacturing Program, which will include the development and delivery of training and technical assistance programs on toxics reduction and pollution prevention (P2). Over the next two years, OCETA and CME will be working with small-to-medium sized manufacturers to demonstrate the business value of toxics reduction and pollution prevention planning to help motivate businesses to move into a greener economy.  相似文献   

Electric utilities in the United States will soon be required under the federal Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Mercury Rule to significantly reduce mercury emissions. Coal-fired power plants, including the Lower Colorado River Authority's (LCRA) Fayette Power Project (FPP) have demonstrated that the selective purchasing of coal with low mercury content can result in significant reduction of pollution. This selective activity, commonly known as “green purchasing”, has been applied to the procurement of coal. For example, the use of low-sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin deposits of Wyoming results in the prevention of a significant amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) releases to the atmosphere when compared to other sources of coal in the United States. This same philosophy (selective purchasing of coal) can be employed to prevent mercury emissions and substantially reduce mercury removal costs for electric utilities burning coal. Data analysis confirms that low-mercury coal is available and that selective purchasing of low-mercury coal is possible.LCRA has implemented an extensive pollution prevention program and their green purchasing efforts have been expanded to influence coal purchasing choices. Coal purchasing is limited to the Gillette Coal Field from the Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming. Three sets of coal quality data which include LCRA's Coal Quality Database (CQD), a database created from the Information Collection Request (ICR) conducted by the EPA in 1999, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coal Quality (COALQUAL) Database were analyzed. Lab accuracy issues were found to have undermined the reliability of certain records in both the CQD and ICR databases, however, both remain valuable resources. The independent sets of coal quality data and technical reports show measurable differences in mercury concentration in coal in the Gillette Coal Field, both geographically (coal mine) and by depth (coal seam). A preliminary cost benefit analysis indicates that substantial cost savings in operating and maintaining mercury control equipment will be realized with low-mercury coal. Currently, low-mercury coal can be purchased without a significant premium.  相似文献   

我国尾矿库情况复杂,安全及环境风险高,监管难度大,系统分析尾矿库的环境风险,开展有效管控非常重要.尾矿中含有重金属等有毒有害物质,随着矿山废水、废渣、粉尘排放会对周围环境造成危害,特别是突发事故发生时,废水及尾矿会短时间内大量排入环境,而产生重大人员伤亡、财产损失和生态环境损害.因此,不仅要开展正常工况下的污染防控,更要注重从源头防止事故次生的环境风险.本文从尾矿库安全风险防范化解、环境污染风险防控、突发事故应急管理梳理并分析了相关法律、政策.此外,总结并讨论了典型制度,涉及项目准入、责任与落实、监测预警制度.总体上,安全风险管控制度较为完善,但污染风险管控制度存在诸多问题,如体制尚未完全捋顺、责任落实抓手不够、监测预警能力不足等.针对目前管控存在的问题,立足于全国尾矿库数量原则上只减不增的新需求,提出相关工作建议:一是要厘清各部门责任,进一步完善尾矿库环境风险管控制度体系;二是要提高各方责任落实能力,推动制度落地见效;三是要开展技术及政策支持,推动尾矿资源综合利用.  相似文献   

Rising waste levels in Canada necessitate renewed waste reduction efforts, with a focus on prevention. Extended Producer Responsibility is an important policy tool, which has the potential to impact materials management systems and drive pollution prevention efforts. This article contrasts the European approach to producer responsibility with “product stewardship” initiatives in Canada, highlighting British Columbia's experience with “full product stewardship”. Lessons from European and Canadian stewardship programs highlight the importance of designing EPR programs with clear legislation that encourages sustainable product design by delivering a full range of signals to producers. Recommendations are developed for advancing EPR in Canada.  相似文献   

Industrial production processes contribute the most diverse group of emissions to air, water, and land pollution. These forms of pollution were the initial focus of environmental regulations requiring control efforts. Under optimum conditions, industrial waste streams pass through some type of treatment to minimize toxicity prior to being released into the environment. Business, government, and interest groups have previously assumed that industrial productivity and environmental quality were diametrically opposed. In other words, enhanced industrial productivity resulted in environmental damage and, conversely, environmental protection resulted in costs to business. However, companies that have implemented pollution prevention (P2) strategies to address their environmental problems have usually found that their facility's productivity can improve, while at the same time waste and pollution can be reduced. Where previous environmental strategies focused on end-of-pipe control efforts, P2 strategies are implemented at the design or process phase. While there are many examples of individual companies successfully implementing P2, consensus shows P2 adoption by the business community advancing at a rate far slower than expected. Most government agencies that currently promote P2 are not typically viewed as credible sources of innovation by industry. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), however, may be able to capitalize on their dual status as respected members of the local community as well as experts in waste management thus serving as credible proponents of P2. The paper discusses how POTWs are working with industrial users to promote P2, as well as their interest in doing so and their requirements for technical assistance. Survey results are provided that describe how POTW personnel in the State of Illinois believe they could best promote P2.  相似文献   

Since the 2000 inception of “Hospitals for a Healthy Environment” (H2E)—a US Environmental Protection Agency and American Hospital Association pollution prevention partnership—the healthcare industry has made a concerted effort to eliminate mercury and reduce other toxics.The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP), at the University of Minnesota, used H2E tools over the course of two years (2001–2003) to demonstrate the effectiveness of pollution prevention at healthcare facilities. As a result at least 22% of Minnesota hospitals are engaged in documented pollution prevention efforts. Twenty-nine facilities have eliminated 75% of their mercury or are working towards that goal. MnTAP was able to document healthcare facilities that have eliminated 394 lb of mercury, 751 gal of hazardous chemicals and 250,000 lb of solid waste, saving $152,600. MnTAP continues to provide pollution prevention assistance to the healthcare sector.  相似文献   

In 1989 Canada established a national goal; divert 50 percent of the nation's municipal solid waste from disposal by 2000. The province of Nova Scotia was the first and only province to achieve this goal. In the early 1990s, Nova Scotia relied on substandard land-based disposal, incineration, and open burning. Pollution prevention was minimal. In 1995, Nova Scotia adopted a comprehensive, province-wide strategy based on pollution prevention to fundamentally change its historical approach and to achieve the diversion goal. The strategy has been effective, has achieved substantial environmental benefits, and program costs are comparable to other North American systems. This paper examines and analyzes the strategy and its current construct to assess whether the Nova Scotia strategy is a model program worthy of consideration at national and other sub-national levels.  相似文献   

The paper reports the experiences of a medium size gold-plated jewelry company, located in São Paulo – Brazil, in order to reduce waste and pollution. Actions taken for this purpose are described, as well as the key factors affecting progress, the changes that have been introduced, their cost-effectiveness and the additional benefits accomplished. A waste minimization project was carried out to obtain environmental and economic benefits. The first cleaner production (CP) interventions targeting the improvement of the company's environmental performance are also described and related to economic benefits. Local scale performance indicators were employed to evidence the economic and the material savings by kilogram of piece produced. Additionally, savings achieved included 86% reduction in volume of degreasing solution and 36% reduction in electricity consumption. The results are complemented with the use of global scale performance indicators (Material intensity, MIs, and Emergy accounting), which look at upstream impacts and evaluate the environmental performance of the system on the biosphere scale, respectively. Material savings (MIs) account for each matter flow to and from a chain of processes from raw material to the final products, and were calculated in order to estimate the changes avoided in material flows and cycles due to the reduced use of inputs by the company. The total emergy of the savings is used as a quantitative measure of the total environmental support to the flows of energy and matter involved in the process, and is calculated to assess the work of nature spared by the reduced use of materials and energy by the company. Emergy values were converted to currency. Global scale performance indicators have shown that little changes within the company reduce upstream impacts and that benefits to the environment are greater than that observed in the companies neighborhood.  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,我国在经济持续增长、能源消耗不断增加的同时,及时缓解了各类主要的大气环境问题,有效避免了欧美发达国家曾经出现的严重大气污染灾害.然而,目前我国仍然面临着大气污染尤其是二次污染的严峻挑战.为此,非常有必要全面梳理与分析新中国成立70年以来,特别是自20世纪70年代至今,我国大气污染防治的历程、成就与经验.结果表明:我国在各阶段的大气污染防治过程中均取得了较为明显的环境空气质量改善成就与较为丰富的污染防控经验,并在此过程中形成了具有中国特色的大气污染防治理论与管理模式,构建了系统科学的大气污染综合防控体系.今后我国大气污染治理工作应进一步明确各级政府主体责任,强化重点污染源治理,继续调整优化四大结构,统筹兼顾,强化区域联防联控,强化科技能力建设,注重大气环境问题预测,加强环境科学与技术研究,共同推进大气污染防治,打赢蓝天保卫战.   相似文献   

畜禽养殖废弃物及农业氮磷流失造成的环境面源污染已经成为太湖流域湖泊和水体污染的主要来源之一.通过现场勘查、文献查阅、实地调研等方法,对以太仓为代表的江苏太湖流域畜禽养殖及农业氮磷流失造成的农村生态环境污染问题进行了分析,研究提出了污染防治示范区构建的指导思想、基本原则、技术路径、技术及模式创新点,用五大发展新理念指导污染防治示范区构建,创新畜禽养殖废弃物及农业氮磷污染防治的产业化模式、区域分散畜禽粪便收集服务的社会化体系、覆盖农业氮磷污染防治全程的可控化技术体系.  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to demonstrate to Bosnian and Herzegovinian industries that significant reductions in water use, wastewater discharge and pollution load can be obtained at little or no cost and that efficient use of resources and reduction of waste generation at source are clearly preferable compared with the end-of-pipe wastewater treatment. The project was performed on a small-scale slaughterhouse industry “Sahbaz” using a methodology prescribed by the Regional Activity Center for Cleaner Production from Barcelona and the Ministry of Environment of Spain. Upon detailed diagnosis of the industrial process and waste flows generated, the opportunities for environmental improvement were identified and CP measures were recommended and implemented. In the first three months of project implementation the amount of water saved and BOD reduced was 32 percent while salt consumption was reduced by 40 percent. Total annual net savings resulting from the application of selected measures were 669 €/year.  相似文献   

针对从环境规划视角分析中国治污减排与经济发展关系问题,本文从中国“九五”计划之前,探讨了改革开放以来30多年来的治污减排工作,重点探讨了近二十年的五年计划,从五年环境规划的视角分析了中国治污减排从工业“三废”治理、企业达标排放、污染物总量控制到环境质量改善和风险防范的历程,并从治污减排与经济发展演进关系的角度,对各时期治污减排的工作重点,尤其是五年环境保护规划的关注点进行介绍与评述。  相似文献   

Environmental problems caused by recycling wasted paper at a board paper mill provide the material of this study. Two scenarios have been investigated: The first being the treatment of the end-of-pipe, and the second being the control and management of pollution problems through the application of in-plant control and pollution prevention measures. Comparison between the two alternatives, based on a cost-benefit analysis and compliance with National Environmental Laws was done. From this study it was apparent that the implementation of the pollution prevention measures such as the recovery of fiber, reduction of fresh water consumption, and optimization of white water usage proved to be very cost effective. All the implemented solutions have short payback periods and resulted in great savings compared with the treatment of the end-of-pipe.  相似文献   

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