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Past clients who were provided pollution prevention technical assistance were reassessed to quantify program impact in terms of implementation, money saved and waste reduced. Although the most complex and in-depth projects resulted in the largest savings and waste reduction on a per client basis, small business clients realized similar monetary and solid waste savings as larger industrial clients when normalized by the technical assistance time applied. Clients who were referred by project partners had similar implementation and higher savings than those who were ‘cold called’. This program's monetary savings and implementation rates were compared to other pollution prevention assistance provider's results. This comparison identified some difficulties in conducting multi-program comparisons.  相似文献   

The Pollution Prevention 1997: A National Progress Report identifies pollution prevention initiatives as potentially the most effective for reducing risks to human health and the environment, as well as the most cost-effective method of environmental protection. So it is no surprise that much of the implementation of pollution prevention by local governments has been driven due to the cost savings it provides. Pollution prevention initiatives have been proven to reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce risk, reduce liability, and provide a safer work environment. However, as many local governments have experienced budget and resource reductions, their pollution prevention programs have been impacted. Local governments, working to continue pollution prevention initiatives in spite of declining budgets, have had to change their approaches, be creative, and innovate. Montgomery County, Maryland has implemented a number of pollution prevention strategies for its own County operations. The linkages established between cost savings they achieve and environmental benefits provided have been used to continue to expand the County's pollution prevention efforts. This paper provides an overview of the pollution prevention measures and approaches that have been implemented in Montgomery County for its internal operations.  相似文献   

The Toronto Region Sustainability Program (TRSP) is a multi-year action-and-results oriented program which provides small to medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SME) (defined as <500 employees at facility level) in the GTA with pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance, coupled with a financial incentive to address the root causes of their pollutants and waste streams and improve their environmental performance. The program has been successful in establishing partnerships with three orders (levels) of government and a third party delivery agent—the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA)—to achieve significant reductions in pollutants/waste generation and to promote the implementation of pollution prevention practices within SME manufacturing facilities. This paper shares insights on how the program works and uses case studies as illustrative examples to highlight the P2 methods adopted, the resulting environmental burden reductions, as well as the value-added benefits to the TRSP clients' business bottom line. Furthermore, this paper outlines the findings of a survey conducted by OCETA to identify TRSP clients' key drivers for program participation, their implementation status, and the challenges encountered in implementing P2 projects. It is hoped that the insights from this paper will expand the boundaries of P2 knowledge within the P2 community, and motivate SMEs in various sectors to incorporate P2 as a sustainable business strategy.  相似文献   

As part of Ontario's Toxics Reduction Strategy, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment provided funding for two years to a partnership of the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to deliver a Cleaner and Greener Manufacturing Program, which will include the development and delivery of training and technical assistance programs on toxics reduction and pollution prevention (P2). Over the next two years, OCETA and CME will be working with small-to-medium sized manufacturers to demonstrate the business value of toxics reduction and pollution prevention planning to help motivate businesses to move into a greener economy.  相似文献   

Industrial production processes contribute the most diverse group of emissions to air, water, and land pollution. These forms of pollution were the initial focus of environmental regulations requiring control efforts. Under optimum conditions, industrial waste streams pass through some type of treatment to minimize toxicity prior to being released into the environment. Business, government, and interest groups have previously assumed that industrial productivity and environmental quality were diametrically opposed. In other words, enhanced industrial productivity resulted in environmental damage and, conversely, environmental protection resulted in costs to business. However, companies that have implemented pollution prevention (P2) strategies to address their environmental problems have usually found that their facility's productivity can improve, while at the same time waste and pollution can be reduced. Where previous environmental strategies focused on end-of-pipe control efforts, P2 strategies are implemented at the design or process phase. While there are many examples of individual companies successfully implementing P2, consensus shows P2 adoption by the business community advancing at a rate far slower than expected. Most government agencies that currently promote P2 are not typically viewed as credible sources of innovation by industry. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), however, may be able to capitalize on their dual status as respected members of the local community as well as experts in waste management thus serving as credible proponents of P2. The paper discusses how POTWs are working with industrial users to promote P2, as well as their interest in doing so and their requirements for technical assistance. Survey results are provided that describe how POTW personnel in the State of Illinois believe they could best promote P2.  相似文献   

The Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) model is widely cited as an effective blend of mandatory and voluntary components, and is considered a model nation-wide and internationally. There is ample documentation of the reductions in toxic chemical use achieved by Massachusetts facilities under TURA. The present study was designed to gather other information about the experience of these facilities. Through an online survey and telephone interviews, the study investigated how these facilities are achieving toxics use reduction, how TURA affects internal company dynamics, what benefits and difficulties facilities experience, and how their experiences in the program have changed over time. Survey results indicate that the benefits experienced most frequently by facilities subject to TURA requirements are increased management attention to environmental practices; improved worker health and safety; and financial savings. Most frequently cited obstacles to TUR implementation are technical feasibility problems; financial costs; concerns about product quality; and customer requirements. Survey results also indicate that the TUR planning process is most useful in the first and second planning cycles, although most respondents indicated that they sometimes identify useful TUR options in subsequent planning cycles as well. Over all, the results indicate that facilities are continuing to experience significant benefits from the TURA program, while they also continue to face some challenges. These results provide a snapshot of the experience of Massachusetts facilities 20 years since the inception of the TURA program. They also provide baseline information that will be useful for later evaluations of the effects of statutory changes to TURA adopted in 2006 and implemented in subsequent years. The study also included a preliminary assessment of the experience of Massachusetts municipal agencies, community organizations, small business associations and others that receive assistance from the TURA program.  相似文献   

The 1989 Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) instituted a preventive approach to chemical pollution and wastes: reducing toxic chemicals at the source through prevention planning, public reporting of chemical input, and fees for chemical use. The act also created the Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance for Toxics Use Reduction (OTA), a voluntary program, to make onsite visits to companies that request assistance. OTA staff review the use of toxic chemicals at the facility, and make recommendations for either using substitutes, or using the chemicals more efficiently. Because TURA requires covered companies (large quantity toxics users) to report chemical input (what they use), output (resulting chemical waste), and a production index, it is possible to measure trends in toxics use relative to production, and waste byproduct per pound of chemical use input. These are uniquely precise measurements of a company's ability to accomplish the form of pollution prevention known as toxics use reduction.From 1993 to 2002, companies used approximately 500 million pounds (227 million kg) less toxic chemicals than they were expected to use, based on past performance. Those companies that received onsite technical assistance visits from OTA made substantially greater improvements in TUR performance than those not visited, and as compared to their own performance after being visited. They reduced an average of 9.4% more toxics use after being visited than before, and the difference was statistically significant. More companies in the visited group made progress than companies not visited, and had greater reductions than those not visited by nearly all measures.The results of two additional studies supported these findings of program effectiveness. One study examined companies that dropped out of the system, and found that those that were visited employed toxics use reduction to achieve below-threshold use amounts more frequently than those that were not visited. The other study, an independent research project using econometric methods to determine the causative relevance of provided assistance, found OTA's service to be an explanatory factor associated with significant toxics use and byproduct reductions.  相似文献   

This study examines the monetary value of social costs—private costs and negative externalities—that could be avoided by energy conservation actions. A novel Air Resource Co-Benefits (ARCoB) model has been developed in this study to assess the comprehensive social benefits of greenhouse gas GHG mitigation policy. The rollback model is used to estimate changes in air pollutant concentrations attributed to the emission reductions. Change in ozone concentration is converted from non-methane hydrocarbons based on the maximum ozone increment reactivity. In addition to saved medical expenditure, years of potential life lost (YPLL) is estimated based on the exposure-response coefficients for mortality and is calculated with abridged life table. Two cases of energy efficiency improvement in different scales are analyzed to estimate the annual co-benefits of abatements of air pollutants and greenhouse gas in 2009: 1) the energy intensity reduction in the industrial sector and 2) energy saving at Taipei Taiwan City Hall. Results indicate the saved energy cost accounted for 66 % and 70 % in the first and second case, respectively, and was a major part of the total benefit from energy conservation. The saved air pollution fee was 7.8–8.5 times lower than the averted health cost of medical expenditure, which was US$10.34 million in the first case, in which there were also averted YPLL of 3,478 person-years or averted deaths of 311 persons per year.  相似文献   

京津冀及周边地区是我国最具有代表性的空气污染较严重的城市群,为探究重污染地区空气污染的疾病负担及其未来空气质量改善的健康效益,基于环境因子人群疾病负担评估的基本方法,评估了京津冀及周边地区“2+26”城市2015年的PM2.5相关疾病负担,并对该地区在“十四五”及中长期PM2.5污染控制目标下的未来PM2.5疾病负担进行了预估研究,分析了PM2.5污染控制目标带来的健康效益.结果表明:①2015年“2+26”城市PM2.5所致超额死亡数为15.11×104例.②若不考虑人口变化,未来空气质量按“十四五”及中长期PM2.5污染控制目标改善,预计到2025年、2030年和2035年“2+26”城市PM2.5所致超额死亡数将分别降至11.49×104、10.62×104和9.85×104例,比2015年分别减少了23.96%、29.72%和34.79%.③分年龄段和分疾病对比发现,65岁以上老年人群PM2.5相关超额死亡数的占比较高且有上升趋势,与PM2.5相关的心脑血管系统疾病(中风和缺血性心脏病)的超额死亡数在PM2.5相关超额死亡总数中占比最大,且有增加的趋势.研究显示,京津冀及周边地区“2+26”城市未来空气质量的改善将大幅降低空气污染相关疾病负担,带来显著的健康效益,但由于人口增长和老龄化的影响,未来较长时间内我国空气污染带来的疾病负担依然较重,应持续改善空气质量,并关注脆弱人群的健康防护,以进一步降低空气污染相关疾病负担.   相似文献   

The Enviroclub initiative was developed by three federal government agencies (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions, Environment Canada and the National Research Council Canada) to assist small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in improving their profitability and competitiveness through enhanced environmental performance. An Enviroclub consists of a group of 10–15 SMEs, each of which carries out one profitable pollution prevention project. To support this practical experience, business participants attend 4 days of workshops on various themes related to environmental performance, spread out over a period of about 6 months. Enviroclubs have been undertaken in several regions of Quebec, and are delivered by not-for-profit organisations, mainly Enviro-Access and the Centre québécois de développement durable. Projects implemented in seven Enviroclubs brought annual savings of CAD$5.1 million and multiple environmental benefits including annual reductions in resource use, such as water (536,000 m3), petroleum products (225,000 litres), wood (11,300 m3) and emissions, such as greenhouse gases (17,100 tonnes equivalent CO2), hazardous wastes (708 tonnes) and toxic substances (53 tonnes).  相似文献   

2013-2017年珠江三角洲主要大气污染控制措施减排效果评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自2013年《大气污染防治行动计划》发布以来,珠江三角洲(PRD)地区实施了严格的大气污染防控政策,在全国率先实现PM2.5浓度连续3年达标,然而,已实施的控制措施对污染物的减排效果尚不清楚.因此,本研究通过广泛收集2013—2017年珠三角地区大气污染源活动水平数据与控制措施,建立2013—2017年实际控制与未控制情景的污染物趋势排放清单,对主要控制措施的减排效果进行了量化.结果表明,2013—2017年珠三角地区SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5和VOCs 5种污染物排放分别下降了55%、24%、55%、54%和10%.相比于未控制情景,实际控制情景下2017年5种污染物分别实现61%、40%、68%、70%和41%的减排.在各类管控措施中,工业提标对5种污染物减排分别贡献了39%、46%、66%、69%和25%;销号整治对VOCs减排贡献最大(32%),对其它污染物减排贡献约10%;清洁能源改造主要对SO2和PM减排有所贡献,其中,煤改气、低硫煤、低硫油对SO2减排有主要贡献(均为15%左右),低灰分煤对PM10(12%)和PM2.5(19%)减排有较大贡献;机动车提标、淘汰黄标车对NOx(22%、17%)和VOCs(23%、12%)减排有较大贡献.本研究可为珠三角和其它地区针对不同大气污染物科学制定防控政策与措施提供基础数据和科学支撑.  相似文献   

风险全周期管理是推进汞污染地块风险管控,有效实现地块安全可控的重要方式.在《关于汞的水俣公约》全球履约背景下,为有效提升汞污染地块的风险预防与管控能力,该文对汞污染地块风险管控技术体系进行了深入研究.在深入分析污染地块健康风险全生命周期特征的基础上,围绕地块风险源头-暴露途径-环境受体3个核心风险要素,并结合国内外技术研发与工程示范经验,构建出适用于此类污染地块的风险全周期分类管控技术体系.该体系根据土壤与地下水风险管控标准评价地块污染水平,并结合地块敏感目标和暴露途径等暴露情景对地块进行分类管控决策.通过对工程修复、风险管控、制度控制等进行多技术有机耦合,可实现对汞污染地块全方位、多角度、系统化的风险管理,即在风险产生、风险发展与风险消褪的各个环节,分别施以源头预防、过程控制及长期管理措施,有效遏制地块新增风险的基础上,实现污染地块风险的安全可控.该技术体系存在如下特征:1)基于风险的管理决策可以反映地块管理的科学内涵;2)分类风险管控策略可以有效节约成本,实现最大的管控净效益;3)以全生命周期管理为基本理念,实现“源头-过程-末端”的全流程风险控制.  相似文献   

Electric utilities in the United States will soon be required under the federal Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Mercury Rule to significantly reduce mercury emissions. Coal-fired power plants, including the Lower Colorado River Authority's (LCRA) Fayette Power Project (FPP) have demonstrated that the selective purchasing of coal with low mercury content can result in significant reduction of pollution. This selective activity, commonly known as “green purchasing”, has been applied to the procurement of coal. For example, the use of low-sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin deposits of Wyoming results in the prevention of a significant amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) releases to the atmosphere when compared to other sources of coal in the United States. This same philosophy (selective purchasing of coal) can be employed to prevent mercury emissions and substantially reduce mercury removal costs for electric utilities burning coal. Data analysis confirms that low-mercury coal is available and that selective purchasing of low-mercury coal is possible.LCRA has implemented an extensive pollution prevention program and their green purchasing efforts have been expanded to influence coal purchasing choices. Coal purchasing is limited to the Gillette Coal Field from the Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming. Three sets of coal quality data which include LCRA's Coal Quality Database (CQD), a database created from the Information Collection Request (ICR) conducted by the EPA in 1999, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coal Quality (COALQUAL) Database were analyzed. Lab accuracy issues were found to have undermined the reliability of certain records in both the CQD and ICR databases, however, both remain valuable resources. The independent sets of coal quality data and technical reports show measurable differences in mercury concentration in coal in the Gillette Coal Field, both geographically (coal mine) and by depth (coal seam). A preliminary cost benefit analysis indicates that substantial cost savings in operating and maintaining mercury control equipment will be realized with low-mercury coal. Currently, low-mercury coal can be purchased without a significant premium.  相似文献   

大气污染防治综合科学决策支持平台的开发及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大气污染防治和环境治理的紧迫性和复杂性需要科学有效的决策,而以费效评估为标志的综合决策评估模型是支撑环境决策和管理的重要工具.当前以ABaCAS(Air Pollution Control Cost-Benefit and Attainment Assessment System,空气污染控制成本效益与达标评估系统)为代表的综合决策评估模型可以实现对特定减排方案的费效评估,然而无法支持开展基于费效的达标路径优化,以及对应不同环境目标下减排策略的优化制定.针对上述问题,建立了大气污染防治综合科学决策支持平台.该平台以ABaCAS的4个核心模块为基础,建立了新的基于环境目标的反算技术(LE-CO)及优化集成运行模式(ABaCAS-OE),实现了对不同环境目标要求的减排量反算,并对优化的减排策略下的空气质量改善效果、目标可达性、控制成本及健康收益进行快速估算.将大气污染防治综合科学决策支持平台应用到京津冀及周边地区"2+26"城市,反算了2035年达标要求下的减排情景,以及对应减排方案的费用与效益.结果表明,相较于2015年,预测了2035年京津冀及周边地区的PM2.5、SO2、NOx、VOCs、NH3排放量需分别减排70%~87%、49%~85%、66%~74%、51%~66%、0~40%才可达标,并且该情景可以带来可观的效益,费用-效益比达3.7.未来大气污染防治综合科学决策支持平台的研究将进一步面向多目标、多行业、多组分、多区域的精细化调控技术,实现经济、能源、排放、浓度、成本、健康、生态、气候一体化的综合决策,以全面支撑我国大气污染防治的综合科学决策.   相似文献   

南京青奥会期间管控措施空气质量改善效果评估   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
基于2012年环境统计数据库,量化了南京青奥会期间江苏省13个省辖市临时管控措施的主要大气污染物减排量;应用WRF-CMAQ(天气研究和预报模式-公共多尺度空气质量模型)模拟了不采取控制措施(情景0)和采取工业临时管控措施(情景1)下的ρ(PM2.5),并结合实际观测数据开展南京青奥会期间管控措施空气质量改善效果评估. 结果表明:与情景0相比,在采取燃煤控制、工业停限产、工地停工、区域联防联控等临时管控措施的情景1下,南京和江苏省ρ(PM2.5)月均值分别降低了8%和4%;对比情景0的模拟结果和实测值可知,在采取了临时管控和应急管控措施的情况下,南京和江苏省ρ(PM2.5)平均分别降低了21%和12%. 在13个省辖市中,2014年8月南京工业SO2、NOx和烟粉尘减排量分别为2 062、3 037、835 t,月减排比例分别为24%、30%、27%,减排效果突出,PM2.5改善效果显著,提示内源特别是工业污染控制对当地大气污染治理至关重要. 在扩散条件相对不利的情况下,模型模拟预期的几次重污染并未出现,说明通过加大管控力度可有效减轻或避免重空气污染事件的发生.   相似文献   

北京市能源消费正面临着污染物减排和保障居民健康的双重约束. 针对未来城市能源消费设计BAU(基准情景)和2个分别基于近期和中长期节能环保要求的受控情景(EC1、EC2),模拟预测了3个情景下主要大气污染物(SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5)在目标年(2020年)的排放水平,以确定大气污染减排潜力. 分别采用综合暴露-反应关系模型(IER)和泊松回归模型,评估北京市居民对PM2.5暴露的健康风险,估算健康损失的经济价值. 结果表明:相较BAU情景,在EC1情景下, SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5减排率分别达到52.95%、49.77%、32.82%、41.41%,可减少PM2.5暴露下居民死亡和发病219 783例,其中死亡1 295例、住院3 920例、门诊182 558例、患病32 011例,获得健康效益111.87×108元;在EC2情景下,SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5的减排率分别达到66.61%、63.42%、54.96%、57.44%,可减少PM2.5暴露下居民死亡和发病519 234例,其中死亡2 930例、住院9 248例、门诊427 070例、患病79 986例,获得健康效益290.10×108元. 相较EC1情景,EC2情景可产生更大的减排潜力和居民健康效益. 从空间分布上来看,北京主城区因能源方案优化获得的健康效益较大,约占总健康经济效益的60%.   相似文献   

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are synthetically produced compounds primarily used for cooling purposes and with strong global warming properties. In this paper, we analyze the global abatement costs for achieving the substantial reductions in HFC consumption agreed in the Kigali Amendment (KA) of the Montreal Protocol from October 2016. We estimate that compliance with the KA is expected to remove 39 Pg CO2eq or 61% of global baseline HFC emissions over the entire period 2018–2050. The marginal cost of meeting the KA targets is expected to remain below 60 €/t CO2eq throughout the period in all world regions except for developed regions where legislation to control HFC emissions has already been in place since a few years. For the latter regions, the required HFC consumption reduction is expected to come at a marginal cost increasing steadily to between 90 and 118 €/t CO2eq in 2050. Depending on the expected rate of technological development and the extent to which envisaged electricity savings can be realized, compliance with KA is estimated attainable at a global cost ranging from a net cost-saving of 240 billion € to a net cost of 350 billion € over the entire period 2018 to 2050 and with future global electricity-savings estimated at between 0.2% and 0.7% of expected future electricity consumption.  相似文献   

Because of the recent growth in ground-level ozone and increased emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), VOC emission control has become a major concern in China. In response, emission caps to control VOC have been stipulated in recent policies, but few of them were constrained by the co-control target of PM2.5 and ozone, and discussed the factor that influence the emission cap formulation. Herein, we proposed a framework for quantification of VOC emission caps constrained by targets for PM2.5 and ozone via a new response surface modeling (RSM) technique, achieving 50% computational cost savings of the quantification. In the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, the VOC emission caps constrained by air quality targets varied greatly with the NOx emission reduction level. If control measures in the surrounding areas of the PRD region were not considered, there could be two feasible strategies for VOC emission caps to meet air quality targets (160 µg/m3 for the maximum 8-hr-average 90th-percentile (MDA8-90%) ozone and 25 µg/m3 for the annual average of PM2.5): a moderate VOC emission cap with <20% NOx emission reductions or a notable VOC emission cap with >60% NOx emission reductions. If the ozone concentration target were reduced to 155 µg/m3, deep NOx emission reductions is the only feasible ozone control measure in PRD. Optimization of seasonal VOC emission caps based on the Monte Carlo simulation could allow us to gain higher ozone benefits or greater VOC emission reductions. If VOC emissions were further reduced in autumn, MDA8-90% ozone could be lowered by 0.3-1.5 µg/m3, equaling the ozone benefits of 10% VOC emission reduction measures. The method for VOC emission cap quantification and optimization proposed in this study could provide scientific guidance for coordinated control of regional PM2.5 and O3 pollution in China.  相似文献   

近20年来,随着经济社会的快速发展与污染防治工作的不断深入,我国大气污染特征发生显著变化,特别是京津冀及周边城市空气质量显著改善,大气污染特征与来源构成出现结构性变化,十分有必要对这20年来大气污染的演变历程加以梳理总结. 本文选取北方特大工业城市——天津市为研究对象,基于20年来连续监测数据与相关统计学方法,结合天津市历年大气颗粒物源解析结果,总结了该地区大气污染特征的演变过程. 结果表明:天津市环境空气质量在过去20年出现明显好转,大气污染类型由燃煤扬尘为主的一次混合型逐渐演变为O3与PM2.5为代表的二次复合型. 历年源解析结果表明,天津市2020年秋冬季二次硫酸盐贡献率比2011年同期减少了74.1%,燃煤贡献率则下降了31.6%;扬尘和机动车尾气尘贡献率分别从2011年的17.7%和19.9%降至2020年的15.8%和18.2%;而2020年二次硝酸盐贡献率比2011年增长了63.3%. 过去20年天津市重大污染防治措施的有效性分析表明,能源结构调整和“双散”替代使煤炭消耗量减少,PM2.5浓度下降与煤炭消耗量减少呈显著相关〔偏相关系数(R)=0.879,P<0.05〕;粗颗粒(PM2.5~10)浓度下降与绿化覆盖率增加呈显著相关〔偏相关系数(R)=?0.859,P<0.05〕;大规模取缔中小燃煤锅炉及脱硫除尘等重大举措的实施,使得SO2浓度显著下降〔秩相关系数(rs)=?0.958 6,P<0.05〕. 研究显示,近20年来大气污染防治减排措施的实施使得天津市环境空气质量明显改善,未来要紧密结合国家“双碳”战略,进一步优化产业与能源结构,实现空气质量的持续改善.   相似文献   

工业源治理是改善环境空气质量的重要途径,而如何开展精准治污仍然是目前亟需回答的问题.以天津市西青区为例,基于第二次全国污染源普查数据,对工业企业开展污染物排放绩效定量评价,并深入探究排放绩效评价应用于工业源精细化管控治理的意义、可行性以及存在的问题.结果发现,西青区各行业的排放绩效水平差异较大.污染物排放绩效水平与行业企业的自身属性、发展规模和管理水平有较为密切的关系.整体来看,家具制造业、金属制品业、黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业等生产工艺本身产污量大且中小型企业居多的行业排放绩效水平偏差,而以计算机通信和其他电子设备制造业、汽车制造业为代表的高端行业排放绩效水平整体偏好.各行业中不同企业排放绩效差异也较大,其中金属机械制造类行业中绩效最差的11家企业工业产值对行业贡献0.06%,而PM排放量贡献达到8.50%;橡胶和塑料制品业中绩效最差的19家企业工业产值对全行业贡献4.76%,而VOCs排放量贡献却达到43.59%.同时,分别参照生态环境部相关技术指南和绩效评价结果设计减排方案,发现后者在减排同等规模污染物排放量时,减排成本最高可低于前者约90%.各行业、企业污染物排放绩效的差距,经济效益和环境成本的不协调,以及排放绩效评价对于精准减排的重要指引作用,充分证明开展排放绩效评价的必要性.结果表明污染物排放绩效评估可有效支撑宏观产业结构调整和中观、微观的工业企业环境治理,为精准治污提供重要参考路径.  相似文献   

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