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随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,公民社会正在我国逐渐兴起.与此相应,传统的泛政治化的德育也须进行相应的转变,从单纯的政治教育向多样化的公民教育发展,从单向灌输向多渠道的疏导发展,从封闭教育向开放教育发展,从过高的理想目标向注重现实道德的践履发展,从强调绝对服从向培养公民的独立自主人格和平等自由观念发展.  相似文献   

针对现行公务员录用分配制度存在的问题,通过细致的分析,探讨关于公务员录用分配的最佳策略.决策过程中以应聘者能力与各部门要求的偏差为标准,建立模型,且考虑所有应聘者的意愿时,分三种情况进行讨论:都服从志愿调配;都不服从志愿调配;既有服从调配的、又有不服从志愿调配的,使模型更接近实际情况.  相似文献   

居住区室外热环境的预测、评价与城市环境建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用改进的CTTC(集总参数)模型并结合计算流体力学模拟得到的小区风扬,可定量分析太阳辐射,绿化及建筑布局等因素对小区热环境的影响,并对小区不同区域内的热环境进行预测和评价,其结果可指导住区室外环境设计及规划,介绍了模拟预测小区室外热环境的方法,并结合实例进行了模拟计算和评价分析。  相似文献   

The evident physical continuity in the cycles of water in air, soil, lake, river, estuary and sea is difficult to describe accurately; there is also a chemical continuity that is impossibly complex in detail but has unifying principles that need to be explored. Amid current somewhat myopic concern about the effects of certain toxic metals in the environment specifically in relation to man it is appropriate to reflect on the wider issues of aquatic chemistry that affect the human environment. These issues embrace the aquatic chemistry of the countryside and the health of the population and reciprocally the impingement of human activities on the aquatic realm. If one can demonstrate a coherent core of chemical principles there may also be an implied need for more enlightened co-ordination in the study of aquatic chemistry, its applications and developments. At present, fundamental chemistry, water and wastewater technologies, environmental chemistry and epidemiology are discrete provinces of aquatic science. Insularity is even more serious in professional affiliations and consequently job qualifications; also among the central, local and industrial bodies who establish legislation and set and administer standards for water.

Benefits of greater collaboration and co-ordination would reach not only scientists, learned institutions, managers and the general public here but would also lead to much more effective understanding and practical help in other lands where water supply and water-related problems are enormously more acute.  相似文献   

根据质量守恒定律推导出环境与资源的数学关系,从而揭示了环境污染产生的根本原因,找到了解决环境和资源问题的根本途径,为发展循环经济,实现环境与资源可持续发展提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

天津市津南区传字营村以家庭为开展种,养,加和庭院经济为基础的一体化生态农业建设,以沼气综合利用为纽带,创建了养猪(牛)-沼气-种菜(果)-养鱼良性循环的生态农业新模式,通过推广和采用无公害水稻栽培管理技术、良种化和保护害虫天敌等生物防治措施,取得了明显的重庆,经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyls,PCBs)是一组氯代烃类化合物,有较强的生物毒性效应。研究通过采集中国某典型电子垃圾拆解区手工拆解场和焚烧场不同环境介质(大气、土壤、饮用水、食物等)分析15种PCBs同系物的污染水平。利用主成分/因子分析方法分析不同拆解场PCBs的来源。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的毒性当量因子(TEFs)方法评价了两个拆解场环境介质中8种PCBs同系物的毒性。结果显示研究区大气、土壤、饮用水、农作物和农产品样品中PCBs同系物浓度均高于国际已有报道的同种介质中的PCBs污染水平,其中PCB-047和PCB-171污染最为严重。手工拆解场各介质PCBs同系物中PCB-047、PCB-171所占比例为2%~87%;焚烧场各介质PCBs同系物中PCB-047、PCB-171所占比例为2%~90%;来源分析表明除手工拆解场PCB-126和焚烧场PCB-114外,其余PCBs的来源具有相似性;毒性当量(TEQ)评价结果显示区内大气∑TEQ PCBs最高。环境介质中除红薯干外,∑TEQ PCBs均是焚烧场高于手工拆解场,且TEQ PCB-126和TEQ PCB-169的毒性当量最高。  相似文献   

可持续环境与自然资源发展核算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对自然资源耗减价值的核算范围、核算原理、核算方法及环境污染损失价值时间长度的确定进行了论述。为准确的核算绿色GDP,研究资源、环境与经济发展之间的关系,提供了准确的数量依据。  相似文献   

生态建筑及其绿色生态住区环境效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从生态建筑的内涵出发,以国内外生态建筑实例为理论依据,绿色生态住区为对象性,阐述了绿色生态住区的开发与建设,应遵循生态设计理论和生态美学观念,符合可持续发展规律,并将绿色生态住区的构建视为生态建筑的观察平台,指出生态建筑的规划与设计必须考虑环境的生态、社会及其经济效益的统一。  相似文献   

Geochemical Environment and Health Problems in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China is a very large developing country covering vast territories and having a complex natural environment. It has an enormous population and numerous endemic diseases. The total population of China is 14 x 10(8) of which 3 x 10(3) live in endemic disease-affected areas and 0.48 x 10(3) suffer from these diseases. The distribution of the endemic diseases has obvious geographical characteristics. Among the most harmful and widely distributed of the endemic diseases are Kaschin-Beck disease, Keshan disease, iodine deficiency, endemic fluorosis and hepatic carcinoma. The geographical environments have a close relationship to endemic diseases and are influenced by climate, geology, landform, soil, food and drinking water. Drinking water is the key issue, since polluted water, or water lacking in or having an excess of certain minerals and elements, as well as water containing certain organic components, has been shown to be harmful to human health. Research has shown that some diseases can be reduced or eliminated by paying attention to the way drinking water is obtained, as well as by improving the nutritional values of the food by eliminating negative components. Fifty years of research has already gone into this subject and there is still much research to be done. This paper puts forth a model of health problems related to geographical environment and the importance of continued research in this field.  相似文献   

天津市经济,能源与环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析建国50年来天津市经济,能源和环境发展历程的基础上,论述了三者之间的关系,并得出天津市的经济,能源与环境系统由80年代初的高增长,高消耗,高污染型向经济高增长,能源低增、环境污染负增长的良好性循环方向发展的结论。  相似文献   

Thallium in the Environment and Health Effects   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Thallium is present in the natural environment in low concentration, being found most frequently in the sulphide ores of a number of heavy metals. Atmospheric emission and deposition from industrial sources has resulted in raised levels in the vicinity of mineral smelters, coal burning power plants, brick works and cement plants. In contaminated areas, raised levels are found in vegetables, fruit and in farm animals. Thallium is used industrially in small quantities, with uses in electronics, in the production of certain glasses and crystals and in medical diagnostics. It has in the past been commonly used as a rodenticide, but its use has now been banned in many countries. Thallium salts are now considered to be amongst the most toxic compounds known. With regard to population exposure, an epidemiological study in an area with high thallium concentrations in soil and garden vegetables centred on a cement plant, has found evidence of a dose response relationship between thallium concentration in urine and a number of non-specific subjective symptoms. Much further research is required to investigate the possible adverse health effects of thallium following population exposure.  相似文献   

我国民用机场航空噪声影响现状及原因分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
描述了我国民用机场航空噪声影响的现状,通过调查发现航空噪声影响严重、比较严重、一般和轻微的民用机场数量分别占全国航班机场总数的0.83%、14.05%、14.88%和70.24%。论文分析了该问题在法规标准、管理、环境影响评价、规划控制和技术研究等5个方面原因。  相似文献   

Mineral activities are a potential source of environmental damage, but the traditional role of minerals and metals in material well-being of man is too easily forgotten in the rigmarole of environmental protective response especially among the inhabitants of the Industrially Developed Nations (IDN). It is imperative that the needs and interests of both the mining industry and the environmentalists converge to a common point of understanding for the continued economic development of the world.People of the Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) on the other hand, are caught in a vicious struggle of basic existence and any talk of environmental damage/protection is, therefore, extraneous to their way of life. But the modern tools of progress so eagerly sought by the LDC for the development of their resources including minerals could destroy their environment, very likely beyond repair, if their public policy objectives do not include any timely preventive measures for the protection of their environment.  相似文献   

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