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针对当前黑色治金矿山企业选矿生产尾矿品位上升、金属流失严重问题,阐述了利用原有设备实施工艺改造,探索采用“内循环方式”回收尾矿金属,以降低尾矿品位,提高经济效益,节约矿石资源。  相似文献   

首钢水厂选矿厂多年来利用磁滑轮用尾气及回收工艺和尾矿回收再选工艺,降低了尾矿品位,提高了金属回收率,为矿山的可持续发展和资源的开发与保护提供了新思路。  相似文献   

对从锂离子电池阴极材料中浸出回收有价金属的研究进行综述。从浸出试剂、浸出条件及机理方面分析了酸浸法、氨浸法和生物浸出等浸出方法对废旧锂离子电池阴极材料中金属的浸出效果。在还原剂存在条件下,无机酸能高效浸出阴极材料中有价金属;氨浸能选择性浸出金属。总结了各分离纯化工艺的优缺点,萃取能专一性地回收目标金属,沉淀法因工艺简单而广泛应用。综上,只有充分考虑各工艺优缺点,才能实现废旧锂离子电池的无害化回收。  相似文献   

有效利用尾矿资源推进科技成果产业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国金属矿山储存的尾矿超过50亿t,而且每年以3亿t的数量增长。尾矿排入河道,沟谷,低地,污染水土大气,破坏环境,乃至造成灾害,尾矿的治理和利用是十分紧迫的事情。尾矿综合回收有价组分可创造巨大财富。要加强环保治理,实行整体利用;通过工程示范,技术攻关,建立高附加值的产业,变害为宝,推进科技成果产业化。  相似文献   

计算机图像分析系统用于含稀有金属的矿冶废料的技术评估,可以极大地加快这些物料的研究过程,并且获得大量量化、可靠的多种矿相的工艺特性。用计算机图像分析系统(这是一种快捷模式)获得的预测技术参数已被实验研究进一步证实,用机械选矿法从含金的选矿尾矿及冶金矿渣中提取稀有金属(金、铂族金属),可达65%的的回收率。由此获得的各各上技术指标用于开发从冶金废料中提取有价成分的方案,并研究合理的废物利用途径。  相似文献   

攀钢矿业公司选矿厂尾矿输送存在不少问题,致使大量含钒、钛金属的尾矿排入金沙江,引起长江域环境污染和金属资源的大量流失。在科学技术关解决了输尾主体设备的砂泵、管道的耐磨性能的情况下,对尾矿输送系统进行全面改造,使尾矿输送入率达93%以上。在此基础上又针对其尾矿浓缩性能较好的特点,进行尾矿高浓度输送试验研究和尾矿输送系统高浓度改造。  相似文献   

尾矿资源化利用的问题、条件及相关政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是矿产资源生产和消费大国.由于我国矿产资源的特点是单一大型矿床少、共伴生和贫矿难选矿多、矿石自然品位较低等,加上采选技术、加工技术及设备落后等原因,矿产资源回收率低、单位矿产品的废弃物产生量大,造成我国可利用的资源不足等问题,所以尾矿资源的利用显得十分必要和迫切,但尾矿的利用必须以经济可行且对环境不造成二次污染为前提.论述了尾矿资源化利用必须解决的问题,并就尾矿资源化利用提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

黄浦 《矿山环保》2002,(4):18-20
介绍了攀钢矿业公司选矿厂“尾矿全部过江入坝”和“尾矿高浓度输送”系统的两次攻关改造过程。通过改造,选矿厂最大限度地提高了尾矿入坝率,避免了环境污染,保存了大量尚难利用的贵重金属,有效地利用了废水资源,降低了能耗。在当今的环保和可持续发展要求下,作为大中型选矿企业,要改善选矿生产环境条件下,创造良好的社会效益和经济效益,实现可持续发展,就应加强“尾矿入坝”工作,为此必须搞好尾矿输送系统的改造。本对矿山系统尾矿输送的技术和管理有一一借鉴作用。  相似文献   

上海贵稀金属提炼厂是一家专业性“三废”综合利用工厂,担负着全市一千三百多家工厂企业“三废”回收利用任务。从一九七九年到一九八四年,共回收提炼黄金一万五千两;白银三百零四万  相似文献   

提升固废综合利用水平是近年各类政策、法规、标准的要求,从固废资源属性入手,全面分析和评价固废资源属性特征,有利于固废综合利用技术的开发应用,是提升固废综合利用水平的有效途径。本文针对目前固废资源属性特征评价体系缺失、资源属性数据缺乏等问题,以有色金属工业固废为例建立了一套资源属性评价体系。从有色金属工业固废自身的物质和能量属性,以及使其成为固废的环境、经济、技术、社会等6个维度构建评价指标体系,形成定性和定量相结合的14项指标,并以锡尾矿为例,进行实证。结果表明,除能量维度外,对锡尾矿开展资源化利用的综合潜力较大,其最具潜力的利用途径是回收有价金属,其次是作为陶瓷制品的原料,评价也指出未来在锡尾矿作为建材利用的技术方面仍需要加强研发和应用推广。评价结果以定量为主结合定性描述,为锡尾矿资源化利用方向提供了具体参照和指导,也为探索固废资源属性全面评价、完善固废资源属性数据库提供理论和方法学的借鉴。  相似文献   

为分析铁尾矿路用对道路沿线土壤环境质量影响的程度,对铁尾矿化学成分及有害物质进行测定,以秦巴山区的山地黄棕壤作为道路建设的耕土环境,把铁尾矿按70%~90%的推荐比例掺入,铁尾矿中的重金属按照最不利的全浸入式扩散进行分析,对黄棕壤中重金属含量超过限制要求的重金属进行安全修复,使铁尾矿道路沿线黄棕壤的重金属含量满足限制要...  相似文献   

A range of soil amendments including diammonium phosphate fertilizer (DAP), municipal biosolids (BS), biosolids compost, and Al- and Fe-based water treatment residuals were tested on Pb-, Zn-, and Cd-contaminated yard soils and tailings at the Tar Creek NPL site in Oklahoma to determine if amendments could restore a vegetative cover and reduce metal availability in situ. For the yard soils, all amendments reduced bioaccessible (assessed with a physiologic-based extraction method) Pb, with reductions ranging from 35% (BS+Al, DAP 0.5%, DAP+Compost+Al) to 57% (Compost+Al). Plant Zn (Cynadon dactylon L.) and NH4 NO3-extractable Cd and Zn were also reduced by a number of amendments. For the tailings, all amendments excluding BS reduced bioaccessible Pb, with the largest reductions observed in the DAP 3% and DAP3%+BS treatments (75 and 84%). Plant growth was suppressed in all treatments that contained DAP for the first season, with the highest growth in the treatments that included compost and biosolids. In the second year, growth was vigorous for all treatments. Plant Zn and Cd and extractable metal concentration were also reduced. A number of treatments were identified that reduced bioaccessible Pb and sustained a healthy plant with reduced metal concentrations. For the yard soil, Compost+Al was the most effective treatment tested. For the tailings, BS+DAP 1% was the most effective treatment tested. These results indicate that in situ amendments offer a remedial alternative for the Tar Creek site.  相似文献   

Disposal of iron ore tailings along the shore of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong has altered the adjacent environment. Due to the ever-expanding population, the vast development of various industries, and the lack of sanitary control, the existing pollution problem of Tolo Harbour is serious. The iron ore tailings consist of a moderate amount of various heavy metals, e.g., copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc, and a lower level of macronutrients. A few living organisms have been found colonizing this manmade habitat. Higher metal contents were also found in the tissue ofPaphia sp. (clam);Scopimera intermedia (crab);Chaetomorpha brychagona (green alga);Enteromorpha crinita (green alga); andNeyraudia reynaudiana (grass). The area can be reclaimed by surface amelioration using inert materials, soils, or organic substrates, and by direct seeding, using nontolerant and tolerant plant materials. Reclamation of the tailings would improve the amenity of the adjacent environment and also mitigate pollution escaping to the sea.  相似文献   

The planning and design of golf course developments is influenced by many factors. This paper focuses on the environmental ramifications of insufficient or lack of compliance with standard environmental and economic planning practices. Specifically, it looks at a tourist destination location that was under the influence of extensive land development and investment speculation. The Gold Coast in Australia was the focal point for large overseas investment due to changes in government legislation regarding foreign investment. Due to the economic climate in the second half of the 1980s many golf course resort developments were built, approved, or planned. Many of these circumvented normal business and environment planning processes. The result has been a dangerous concentration of golf facilities in environmentally sensitive areas and an oversupply of golf facilities. Both of these matters are discussed in terms of the general planning process and the potential economic and environmental impacts to the Gold Coast and similar destinations in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Toxicity testing is a means of establishing the environmental risk of a uranium tailings release. It is valuable in designing tailings containment structures because it assists in setting acceptable levels of risk for the design. This paper presents details of toxicity tests of the tailings from Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory, Australia. The results suggest that the non-radiological toxicity of the tailings is low. The environmental risk of a tailings release is more likely to be related to the physical impacts of the tailings, including infilling of billabongs and changes in the sedimentology of riparian ecosystems rather than their biogeochemical impact. Two major results were: (1) water from treatment with washed tailing fines were not toxic to Hydra viridissima, and (2) mixtures of washed tailings fines and natural floodplain sediment (overlying water or elutriates) were not toxic to Hydra viridissima or Moinodaphnia macleayi.  相似文献   

运用遥感技术,对粤北地区尾矿库进行调查发现,粤北地区尾矿库主要包括金属矿山、非金属矿山、选冶场所尾矿库,安全隐患较多,环境污染较为突出,地质灾害风险明显,二次矿山资源浪费较为严重。近年来,广东省及各市县等地方政府部门加强了对粤北地区尾矿库的管理,取得了一定的成效,未来应进一步加强监管和治理力度,提高尾矿资源利用水平。  相似文献   

Phytostabilization may limit the leakage of metals and As from submersed mine tailings, thus treatment of acid mine drainage with lime could be reduced. Tall cottongrass (Eriophorum angustifolium Honckeny) and white cottongrass (E. scheuchzeri Hoppe) were planted in pots with unlimed (pH 5.0) and limed (pH 10.9) tailings (containing sulfides) amended with sewage sludge (SS) or a bioashsewage sludge mixture (ASM). Effects of the amendments on plant growth and plant element uptake were studied. Also, effects of plant growth on elements (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and concentrations of SO4(2-), in the drainage water as well as dissolved oxygen in tailings, were measured. Both plant species grew better and the shoot element concentrations of white cottongrass were lower in SS than in ASM. Metal concentrations were lowest in drainage water from limed tailings, and plant establishment had little effect on metal release, except for an increase in Zn levels, even though SO4(2-) levels were increased. In unlimed tailings, plant growth increased SO4(2-) levels slightly; however, pH was increased and metal concentrations were low. Thus, metals were stabilized by plant uptake and high pH. Amendments or plants did not affect As levels in the drainage water from unlimed tailings. Thus, to reduce the use of lime for stabilizing metals, phytostabilization with tall cottongrass and white cottongrass on tailings is a sound possibility.  相似文献   

Abandoned mine tailings sites in semiarid regions remain unvegetated for extended periods of time and are subject to eolian dispersion and water erosion. This study examines the potential phytostabilization of a lead-zinc mine tailings site using a native, drought-tolerant halophyte, quailbush [Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Wats.]. In a greenhouse study germination, growth, and metal uptake was evaluated in two compost-amended mine tailings samples, K4 (pH 3) and K6 (pH 6) at 75, 85, 90, 95, and 100% mine tailings, and two controls, off-site and compost. Microbial community changes were monitored by performing MPN analysis of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria as well as heterotrophic plate counts. Results demonstrate that germination is not a good indicator for phytostabilization since it was only inhibited in the unamended K4 treatment. Plant growth was significantly reduced in 95 and 100% mine tailings, while growth in 75, 85, and 90% treatments was similar to the off-site control. Quailbush accumulated elevated levels of the nutrient metals Na, K, Mn, and Zn in the shoot tissues; however, metal accumulation was generally below the domestic animal toxicity limit. Initially, autotrophic population estimates were four to six logs higher than heterotrophic counts, indicating extremely stressed conditions. However, post-harvest, heterotrophic bacterial counts increased to normal levels (approximately 10(6) CFU g-1 dry tailings) and dominated the rhizosphere. Therefore, with compost amendment, quailbush has good potential as a native species candidate for phytostabilization of mine tailings in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

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