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附子是四川省著名的道地药材之一,其产量占全国总产量的70%以上,并在省内实现了深度的产学研发合作.道地药材因其质优、量大、疗效好受到产学研单位的广泛重视.对四川附子的道地性与道地性迁移进行了研究,以期为进一步深入研究及开发利用四川附子提供参考.  相似文献   

药用植物资源生态研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
药用植物资源生态研究目前主要集中在中药材资源现状及道地性、濒危药用植物生态和保护生物学、药用植物人工栽培及连作问题等方面,而对于药用植物与环境之间相互作用的机理和定量研究报道相对较少。药用植物资源生态学主要有两个发展趋势,其一是多学科理论和技术方法广泛用于药用植物资源调查和管理,以解决药用植物资源分布、蕴藏量估算、区划等问题;其二是环境污染、土地利用变化和气候变化背景下,药用植物的人工规范化栽培技术、药材产品质量控制和野生药用资源植物保护与永续利用的理论与方法研究,实现中医药和民族医药的健康发展和生物多样性保护。  相似文献   

万县地区总面积达4424.26万亩,约有2/3的陆地面积是山地,其地形地貌复杂,气候温和,雨量充沛,日照充足,年平均气温为13.8~18.6℃,年日照数1200~1600h,年降雨量为1050~1300mm。本区分布有丰富的中草药资源。据统计,有常见中草药1600余种,分属182科774属,其中植物药1 474种,动物药106种,矿物药20种,列入收购的商品药材有300余种,具有药效、经济、观赏价值的有300余种,药用动植物中有不少国家濒危保护对象,如金钱豹、杜仲、银杏、荷叶金钱、八角莲、厚朴等40余种。该区是全省药材主产区之一,系川广重要药材集散地,栽培中药的历史悠久。道地中药材达20余种,如川  相似文献   

微量元素对动植物和人类的生长发育起着不可缺少的作用,它与人体健康、人类疾病发生和防治的关系越来越引起人们的关注。微量元素与中医药有密切的关系,也逐步为近年来的研究所证实。“道地药材”是中药材中的优质佳品,在中医临床用药中起着重要作用。我们对味连、川芎等9种川产道地药材进行了18种微量元素分析。结果表明,  相似文献   

为探讨渝产栀子的产业化发展思路和对策,采用到产地进行资源分布情况、种质资源类型、开发利用现状等多方面调查的方法,并对收集到的全国不同产地的20余份栀子商品药材进行了鉴定分析,总结了渝产栀子药材生产中存在的问题.对比四川、湖南和江西等地区栀子药材的种植、开发现况,结合现代药理研究成果和市场需求,分析了渝产栀子开发利用的前景和方向,为渝产栀子高附加值的深入开发提供参考.  相似文献   

归纳<国家珍稀濒危保护植物名录>、<国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)>和<国家重点保护野生药材物种名录>,黄山市拥有珍稀濒危药用植物42种,通过对其种类、分布,药用部位、功能主治的介绍,以期为制定黄山市珍稀濒危药用植物的保护措施和合理开发利用提供参考.  相似文献   

本文报道了暗紫贝母的生态分布、植被的种类组成及其区系分析,并通过相似系数法对暗紫贝母分布的群落进行了数值分类,为川贝母的野生抚育和药材生产保护区的建立提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文在调查羌族地区民间医药的基础上,对羌族地区的珍稀名贵,濒危和特有药用植物资源进行了调查研究,结果得出该地区有中国珍稀濒危保护药用植物32种,国家重点保护野生药材11种,四川省名贵中草药39种,四川省特有药用植物10种,并重点论述了它们的生境分布,特点及其药用价值,其研究结果为该地区珍稀名贵,濒危和物有药用植物资源的保护,管理和开发利用研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

薄层扫描法分析黄芪中黄芪甲苷含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究不同产地、不同生长期野生与栽培黄芪中黄芪甲苷含量的变化,确定其最佳采收期,为更好地开发利用黄芪资源提供理论依据。建立其分析方法,为黄芪的现代质量评价体系提供参考数据,扩大黄芪药源。采用薄层扫描法,结果表明黄芪甲苷在1.1—5.5μg范围内具有良好的线性关系,R2=0.998,n=3;平均回收率(n=3)为100.50%,RSD=2.19%。吉林省临江种植基地10月20日采收的黄芪中黄芪甲苷含量最高为1.195%,10月15日采收的黄芪甲苷含量为1.164%。不同产地的黄芪中黄芪甲苷的含量为甘肃吉林临江内蒙古黑龙江吉林长春河北。黄芪药材在贮存6个月之后的黄芪甲苷含量有所下降。该方法简便、精密度高、结果准确可靠,并确立了黄芪药材的最佳采收期为3年生10月中下旬。种植基地黄芪药材可代替野生黄芪药材使用,为黄芪药材的药用资源和深入开发利用提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

四川省中药资源具有种类多,蕴藏量大,水平分布和垂直分布明显,地道药材质量好,民族药物丰富和栽培药材产值高等特点。1986年统计,全省有中草药4550种。其中,植物药3962种,动物药344种,矿物药44种,产量和产值均约占全国的1/10。四川省在开发利用中药中,存在着资源蕴藏量不清、常用中药减少、产销失调、加工能力低等问题。建议在中药开发利用机构、决策系统、资源政策、生产经营和保护方面采取措施,合理利用中药资源。  相似文献   

真实储蓄可以用于评价一个国家或地区的可持续发展状况。本文对真实储蓄的基本理论进行了分析,在此基础上,计算了秦皇岛市的真实储蓄,并对计算结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

Shark finning is prohibited in many countries, but high prices for fins from the Asian market help maintain the international black-market and poaching. Traditional shark fin bans fail to recognize that the main driver of fin exploitation is linked to cultural beliefs about sharks in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, shark finning should be addressed considering the social science approach as part of the fishery management scheme. This paper investigates the cultural significance of sharks in traditional Chinese and Hawaiian cultures, as valuable examples of how specific differences in cultural beliefs can drive individuals’ attitudes toward the property of shark finning. We suggest the use of a social science approach that can be useful in the design of successful education campaigns to help change individuals’ attitudes toward shark fin consumption. Finally, alternative management strategies for commercial fishers are provided to maintain self-sustainability of local coastal communities.  相似文献   

Traditional strategies of resource use in lowland coastal areas may play a very significant role in modern environmental management since, in many ways, the cultural and biological diversity peculiar to these ecoystems that we now wish to protect are the product of human efforts rather than the product of nature alone. We will illustrate this using the example of the so-called closes (enclosures) in the Natural Park of the Aiguamolls de l'Emporda (Catalonia, Spain). Closes are pasture fields surrounded by tree screens that remain inundated part of the year but that can be used for cattle grazing during the rest of the time. Because of agricultural modernization in the 1960s and 1970s many closes were turned into permanent agricultural fields. Since the creation of the Natural Park in 1983, there has been an attempt to recover these traditional land uses although not without some opposition by the farming sector.  相似文献   

万兵 《四川环境》1991,10(1):61-65
综合利用中药资源,开展中药生产中的废料综合利用工作,是保证中药资源永续利用的重要措施和手段。本文概述了中药生产中的综合利用及研究情况,探讨了中药生产中废料资源化技术的开发。  相似文献   

Traditional command-and-control regulations provide few opportunities for total quality environmental management because they usually do not take into account cost and efficiency factors. However, in the past several years both Congress and EPA have shown increasing interest in using incentive-type approaches to regulate the environment. These include taxes, marketable pollution privileges, deposits and refunds, information disclosure provisions, and subsidies. The author details examples of each and discusses how they can effectively complement a quality program.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to metropolitan management have placed stress upon the achievement of physical and economic growth. In recent years attention has turned to environmental concerns and the achievement of sustainable urban development. It is important to define the objectives for the sustainable development of cities and to identify the principles upon which such development can be based.  相似文献   

In line with China's "going out" strategy, China's dam industry has in recent years significantly expanded its involvement in overseas markets. The Chinese Export-Import Bank and other Chinese financial institutions, state-owned enterprises, and private firms are now involved in at least 93 major dam projects overseas. The Chinese government sees the new global role played by China's dam industry as a "win-win" situation for China and host countries involved. But evidence from project sites such as the Merowe Dam in Sudan demonstrates that these dams have unrecognized social and environmental costs for host communities. Chinese dam builders have yet to adopt internationally accepted social and environmental standards for large infrastructure development that can assure these costs are adequately taken into account. But the Chinese government is becoming increasingly aware of the challenge and the necessity of promoting environmentally and socially sound investments overseas.  相似文献   

Increased market internationalization with more and stricter environmental regulations in different countries has caused manufacturers to extend their environmental management practices to cover their supply chain partners. Thus, environmental supply chain management (ESCM) has become an important competitive and environmental strategy for manufacturers to pursue. China, as a global manufacturer, is also facing this balance of economic development with environmental protection. The literature remains unclear on whether internationalization is beneficial or costly when it comes to environmental management practices such as ESCM within China. Further insight into this issue will be useful for organizations in developing and emergent economies to more effectively prepare for internationalizing their operations and markets. Using internationalization drivers that propel the implementation of environmental management practices in the Chinese manufacturing industry, we applied cluster analysis to group a sample of 377 Chinese manufacturers surveyed in 2007 into three clusters: mature internationalization, emergent internationalization, and domestic-focused. Institutional theory within an internationalization context sets the theoretical foundation for evidence that the international environmentally oriented institutional drivers encountered are positively associated with the adoption of ESCM practices by Chinese manufacturers. We also find significant differences in the environmental, economic and operational performance outcomes across the three manufacturer clusters. We conclude that manufacturing organizations experiencing internationalization with a greater extent of adopting ESCM practices tend to perform better.  相似文献   

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) can play an important role in the understanding of ecological systems. Although TEK has complemented scientific and managerial programs in a variety of contexts, its formal incorporation into remote sensing exercises has to date been limited. Here, we show that the vegetation classifications of the Ache, an indigenous hunter-gatherer tribe of the Mbaracayu Forest Reserve in Paraguay, are reflected in a supervised classification of satellite imagery of the reserve. Accuracy of classification was toward the low end of the range of published values, but was reasonable given the difficult nature of separating forest classes from satellite images. Comparison of the resultant map with a more traditionally elaborated vegetation map highlights differences between the two approaches and the gain in information obtained by considering TEK classifications. We suggest that integration of TEK and remote sensing may provide alternative insights into the ecology of vegetation communities and land cover, particularly in remote and densely forested areas where ecological field research is often limited by roads and/or trail systems.  相似文献   

Social organization in deer: Implications for localized management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Populations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) inhabiting many state and national parks and suburban areas have grown to the point that they conflict with human activities. Conflicts range from destruction of vegetation through browsing to public perception that diseases carried by deer pose threats to human health. Traditional modes of hunting to control populations are inappropriate in many of these areas because of intense human development and activity. This article explores an alternative approach for population reduction based on deer social organization. Female white-tailed deer are highly philopatric and female offspring remain near their dams for life. This suggests that a population expands slowly as a series of overlapping home ranges in a form analogous to the petals on a rose. Incorporating the rose petal concept into a model of population growth shows that removal of deer by family unit can potentially alleviate conflicts in localized areas for as many as 10–15 yr.  相似文献   

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