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This review describes the more important features of the emission, chemistry, transport and deposition of pollutants involved in acid deposition. Global emissions, both natural and man-made, of sulphur and nitrogen oxides are discussed and examples of spatial distributions and trends over the last century presented. The more significant chemical and physical processes involved in the transformation of the primary emissions into their acidic end products are described, including a summary of the approximate timescales of the processes involved. Measurements and modelled calculations of spatial and temporal patterns in the deposition of acidic pollutants by both wet and dry pathways are presented.  相似文献   

Dickman M 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):209-217
To test the hypothesis that Bti was specific to mosquito larvae, the granular form of Bti was tested on commonly found Hong Kong species from four naturally occuring aquatic insect orders and one species of decapod crustacean (Neocardina serra). Because data on Bti impacts on species in tropical and subtropical countries is relatively rare, the present study was conducted in Hong Kong's New Territories. Using static acute toxicity bioassays, all mosquito larvae exposed to Bti at the recommended dosage were dead except for some dark pigmented fourth instar individuals that had stopped feeding prior to emergence and as a result, did not ingest the Bti toxin. The only non-target species killed by the Bti were some chironomid species. In 1998 Bti inoculated pools along the Tai Tan River in the New Territories of Hong Kong had significantly fewer chironomids and mosquito larvae than control pools. By January, 1999, these same Bti inoculated pools still had no mosquito larvae in them, however, chironomids were no longer significantly rarer when compared to the control ponds. Thus, it would appear, that during the 1998-99 study in which Bti was added to the study sites at weekly intervals, Bti resistant chironomid species replaced Bti sensitive species in the Bti inoculated pools.  相似文献   

Daily average levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the time-matched, relative humidity-corrected airborne respirable suspended particulate (RSP*) data from four air quality monitoring stations of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Network were subjected to analysis employing a linear multivariate model for visibility in Hong Kong. The respective NO2 and RSP* contributions to the extinction coefficient for Hong Kong Observatory, σext(HKO) are estimated to be between 6–31% (mean: 17%) and 58–68% (mean: 62.5%), with a remainder of 11–30% (mean: 21%). The latter includes a small contribution due to Rayleigh scatter. The observed σext agrees reasonably well with model prediction. During the July–October 1999 period, the particle scattering coefficient, σsp was determined at City University (CityU) in Kowloon with the aid of an integrated nepthelometer employing 3, 1-h sampling periods. This daily average value of σsp(CityU) is well correlated with the corresponding σext(HKO). It is provisionally estimated that the fractional contribution by particulate absorption to σext(HKO) is likely to be less than that by particulate scattering. A reasonable apportionment for σext(HKO) is ∼39% particulate scattering, 19–29% particulate absorption, 17% gaseous absorption, and an estimated mean Rayleigh scatter of ∼4.3%. The unaccounted 16% is due to a negative bias assigned to deficiencies in sampling and in the various assumptions made. Results of continuous, 8-h daytime nephelometric measurements of σsp at the CityU, and the water-soluble ambient RSP constituents sampled in tandem at the same site during the February–April 2000 period suggest that SO4*, NH4* and K are apparently associated with light scattering at CityU. However, only the SO4* at this sampling site is related to time-matched σext(HKO). Based on these and other results from a previous study, it is concluded that (i) σext(HKO) is proportional to σsp, measured elsewhere in Hong Kong at distances between several to ∼10 km from the HKO headquarters and (ii) most of the fine SO4 aerosol in Hong Kong is apparently advected into the territory.  相似文献   

About 3600 tonnes food waste are discarded in the landfills in Hong Kong daily. It is expected that the three strategic landfills in Hong Kong will be exhausted by 2020. In consideration of the food waste management environment and community needs in Hong Kong, as well as with reference to the food waste management systems in cities such as Linköping in Sweden and Oslo in Norway, a framework of food waste separation, collection, and recycling for food waste valorization is proposed in this paper. Food waste can be packed in an optic bag (i.e., a bag in green color), while the residual municipal solid waste (MSW) can be packed in a common plastic bag. All the wastes are then sent to the refuse transfer stations, in which food waste is separated from the residual MSW using an optic sensor. On the one hand, the sorted food waste can be converted into valuable materials (e.g., compost, swine feed, fish feed). On the other hand, the sorted food waste can be sent to the proposed Organic Waste Treatment Facilities and sewage treatment works for producing biogas. The biogas can be recovered to produce electricity and city gas (i.e., heating fuel for cooking purpose). Due to the challenges faced by the value-added products in Hong Kong, the biogas is recommended to be upgraded as a biogas fuel for vehicle use. Hopefully, the proposed framework will provide a simple and effective approach to food waste separation at source and promote sustainable use of waste to resource in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Chiu ST  Lam FS  Tze WL  Chau CW  Ye DY 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):101-108
In 1997, concentrations of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) were analysed in green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) from three mariculture zones located in the north-east (Kat O), south (Lo Tik Wan) and to the west (Ma Wan) of Hong Kong. Spatial differences in the concentration of metals were found, chromium and copper were higher at Ma Wan and Lo Tik Wan compared to Kat O in the north-east. In contrast, the highest levels of lead (mean = 4.37 microg/g dry wt) were recorded at Kat O. There were no differences in the level of nickel between the study sites. A comparison of the metal concentrations in mussels with the results of a previous study seven years before, in 1990, showed a twofold increase in the mean levels of cadmium for all three sites. However, levels of the other metals in 1997 were lower by 12-32% for chromium, 32-39% for copper and 24-25% for nickel. The greatest reductions were recorded for lead: Kat O (39%), Ma Wan (51%) and Lo Tik Wan (75%). This may be related to the introduction of lead-free petrol in 1991. Despite the apparent reduction in some heavy metal bioaccumulation between 1990 and 1997, from a public health risk perspective, the data suggest a continued need for monitoring of heavy metals in mussels from mariculture zones.  相似文献   

The properties of an acid rain episode that could influence the germination of pollen in corn, Zea mays L., were evaluated by treating silks with a simulated acid rain and measuring the subsequent germination of pollen on the silks. The data indicated that acid rain creates an inhospitable environment for pollen germination on the silk surface. Reduced germination appeared directly related to the acidity of the rain, but not the sulphate concentration. Rinsing silks with a pH 5.6 rain after treatment with a pH 2.6 rain did not increase pollen germination above that on silks treated only with a pH 2.6 rain, suggesting the reduced germination was due to physical and/or chemical modifications of the silk surface and not to residual acid on the tissue. Pollen germination on silks was inhibited even when silk tissue was exposed to a simulated rain of pH 2.6 for <1.5min.  相似文献   

Over a twelve year period from 1996 to 2007, 76 dust storm related events (as days) in Hong Kong were selected for study, based on Aluminium and Calcium concentrations in PM10. Four of the 76 events reach episodic levels with exceedances of the Hong Kong air quality standards. The purpose of the study is to identify and characterize dust sources impacting Hong Kong.Global distribution of aerosols in NASA’s daily aerosol index images from TOMS and OMI, are compared to plots generated by NRL(US)’s Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System. Possible source areas are assigned by computing air parcel backward trajectories to Hong Kong using the NOAA HYSPLIT model. PM10 and elemental data are analyzed for crustal mass concentrations and element mass ratios.Our analysis reveals that 73 out of the 76 dust events (96%) involve non-East Asian sources-the Thar, Central/West Asian, Arabian and Sahara deserts (Saharan influence is found in 63 events), which are previously not known to affect Hong Kong. The Gobi desert is the most frequent origin of dust, affecting 68 dust events while the Taklamakan desert impacts only 30 of the dust events. The impact of the Gobi desert in March and December is apparently associated with the northeast monsoon in East Asia.Our results also show a seasonal pattern in dust impact from both East Asian and more remote sources, with a maximum in March. Dust event occurrences are conspicuously absent from summer. Dust transport to Hong Kong is commonly associated with the passage of frontal low-pressure systems.The coarse size fraction of PM10 concentrations were, as indicated by Al, Ca and Fe concentrations, about 4–8 times higher during dust events. The mean Ca/Al ratios of sources involving the Taklamakan desert are notably higher than those for non-East Asian sources owing to a higher Ca content of most of the East Asian deserts. The Fe/Al ratios follow a similar trend.Contributions from the desert sources are grossly estimated where possible, by using the average Al abundance of 8% in the upper continental crust to convert the Al mass in the PM10 to dust concentrations. This is done for the six events identified with air mass purely of non-East Asian origin and the two events related only to the Thar/Arabian/Sahara deserts. Results reveal that the average contribution from the non-East Asian sources (including C/W Asia) is approximately 10% and, that from the Thar/Arabian/Sahara deserts is about 8%.  相似文献   

Distributions and concentrations of PAHs in Hong Kong soils   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Surface soil (0-10 cm) samples from 53 sampling sites including rural and urban areas of Hong Kong were collected and analyzed for 16 EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Total PAH concentrations were in the range of 7.0-410 microg kg(-1) (dry wt), with higher concentrations in urban soils than that in rural soils. The three predominant PAHs were Fluoranthene, Naphthalene and Pyrene in rural soils, while Fluoranthene, Naphthalene and Benzo(b + k)fluoranthene dominated the PAHs of urban soils. The values of PAHs isomer indicated that biomass burning might be the major origin of PAHs in rural soils, but vehicular emission around the heavy traffic roads might contribute to the soil PAHs in urban areas. A cluster analysis was performed and grouped the detectable PAHs under 4 clusters, which could be indicative of the PAHs with different origins and PAHs affected by soil organic carbon contents respectively.  相似文献   

High levels of p,p'-DDT were detected in Hong Kong breast milk sampled in 1976 and 1985. Monitoring DDT levels in human breast milk in this region is important to identify trends in exposure. As part of the 2002-03 WHO/EURO coordinated exposure study, the concentrations of DDT and its metabolites were determined in 10 pooled milk samples classified by geographic origin and dietary history, comprising milk samples from 238 primiparous mothers giving birth in Hong Kong. Analysis was performed by Gas Chromatography (GC) with electron capture detector and confirmed by GC/Mass Spectrometry. The sum-DDT concentration (range: 0.92-2.05mg/kg fat) was age-dependent and indicated a decreasing trend since the 1970s. Mothers who recently came from mainland China had higher p,p'-DDT to p,p'-DDE ratios, suggesting a more recent exposure compared to women mainly residing in Hong Kong. The average Hong Kong sum-DDT level (1.50mg/kg fat) was among the highest of the contemporary levels (range: 0.12-1.97mg/kg fat; median: 0.40mg/kg fat) in the 16 countries/regions participating in the 2002-03 WHO/EURO exposure study. This is probably due to the previous extensive DDT exposure and continuing use of DDT in agriculture in mainland China. Despite the apparent decrease of DDT body load over 30 years, the environmental health hazard from DDT contamination in the Pearl River Delta region remains a concern. Measures to eradicate illegal use of DDT in mainland China and regular food monitoring programs are needed in the region. Despite the presence of DDT and other persistent organic pollutants in human breast milk, breastfeeding should continue to be strongly supported for its life-long benefits to infants.  相似文献   

Guo H  Lee SC  Louie PK  Ho KF 《Chemosphere》2004,57(10):1363-1372
Ambient air quality measurements of 156 species including 39 alkanes, 32 alkenes, 2 alkynes, 24 aromatic hydrocarbons, 43 halocarbons and 16 carbonyls, were carried out for 120 air samples collected at two sampling stations (CW and TW) in 2001 throughout Hong Kong. Spatial variations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere were investigated. Levels of most alkanes and alkenes at TW site were higher than that at the CW site, while the BTEX concentrations at the two sites were close. The BTEX ratios at CW and TW were 1.6:10.1:1.0:1.6 and 2.1:10.8:1.0:2.0, respectively. For major halogenated hydrocarbons, the mean concentrations of chloromethane, CFCs 12 and 22 did not show spatial variations at the two sites. However, site-specific differences were observed for trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene. Furthermore, there were no significant differences for carbonyls such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone between the two sites. The levels of selected hydrocarbons in winter were 1-5 times that in summer. There were no common seasonal trends for carbonyls in Hong Kong. The ambient level of formaldehyde, the most abundant carbonyl, was higher in summer. However, levels of acetaldehyde, acetone and benzaldehyde in winter were 1.6-3.8 times that in summer. The levels of CFCs 11 and 12, and chloromethane in summer were higher than that in winter. Strong correlation of most hydrocarbons with propene and n-butane suggested that the primary contributors of hydrocarbons were vehicular emissions in Hong Kong. In addition, gasoline evaporation, use of solvents, leakage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas leakage and other industrial emissions, and even biogenic emissions affected the ambient levels of hydrocarbons. The sources of halocarbons were mainly materials used in industrial processes and as solvents. Correlation analysis suggested that photochemical reactions made significant contributions to the ambient levels of carbonyls in summer whereas in winter motor vehicle emissions would be the major sources of the carbonyls. The photochemical reactivity of selected VOCs was estimated in this study. The largest contributors to ozone formation were formaldehyde, toluene, propene, m,p-xylene, acetaldehyde, 1-butene/i-butene, isoprene and n-butane, suggesting that motor vehicles, gasoline evaporation, use of solvents, leakage of LPG, photochemical processes and biogenic emission are sources in the production of ozone. On the other hand, VOCs from vehicles and gasoline evaporation were predominant with respect to reactions with OH radical.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper examined the concentrations of nineteen perfluorochemicals (PFCs), including perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, carboxylates, and sulfonamides in samples collected from Hong Kong wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and sediments. The study was the first to use an external isolator column to assist in the quantification of PFCs in environmental samples without having to make internal modifications to a liquid chromatography system. Perfluorooctanesulfonate was found to be the dominant PFC pollutant in Hong Kong, and the WWTP sludge was the major sink of PFCs discharged from the urban areas. Compared to discharge influenced by industrial activities, much less perfluorooctanoate was found in waste streams. The significantly lower level of perfluorodecanesulfonate in WWTP sludge reflects the important influence of consumer products on PFC distribution. The dominance of even-chain length perfluoroalkyl carboxylates in all of the WWTP sludge samples investigated further suggests the strong aerobic degradation of fluorotelomer alcohols in WWTPs.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's persistent unhealthy level of fine particulate matter is a current public health challenge, complicated by the city being located in the rapidly industrializing Pearl River Delta Region of China. While the sources of the region's fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are still not well understood, this study provides new source information through ground measurements and statistical analysis of 24 elements associated with particulate matter collected on filters. Field measurements took place over 4 months (October 2002, December 2002, March 2003, and June 2003) at seven sites throughout the Pearl River Delta, with three sites located in Hong Kong and four sites in the neighboring province, Guangdong. The 4-month average element concentrations show significant variation throughout the region, with higher levels of nearly every species seen among the northern Guangdong sites in comparison to Hong Kong. The high correlation (Pearson r>0.8) and similar magnitudes of 11 species (Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Br, Rb, and Pb) at three contrasting sites in Hong Kong indicate that sources external to Hong Kong dominate the regional levels of these elements. Further correlative analysis compared Hong Kong against potential source areas in Guangdong Province (Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Guangzhou). Moderate correlation of sulfur for all pairings of Hong Kong sites with three Guangdong sites in developed areas (average Pearson r of 0.52–0.94) supports the importance of long-distance transport impacting the region as a whole, although local sources also clearly impact observed concentrations. Varying correlative characteristics for zinc when Hong Kong sites are paired with Shenzhen (average r=0.86), Guangzhou (average r=−0.65) and Zhongshan (average r=0.45) points to a source area located south of Guangzhou and locally impacting Zhongshan. The concentration distribution and correlative characteristics of bromide point to sources located within the Pearl River Delta, but the specific location is yet inconclusive. Uniquely poor correlation of eight species (Al, Si, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Rb, and Pb) for the pairing of Hong Kong sites with Guangzhou, in addition to the relatively higher concentrations measured at Guangzhou, indicates a significant regional impact due to land development and industrial activities in the Guangzhou vicinity.  相似文献   

Comparison of PM2.5 carbon measurement methods in Hong Kong, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples from Hong Kong, China, were analyzed for organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and total carbon (TC) by three thermal protocols (low-temperature IMPROVE and high-temperature STN and NIOSH) and two optical monitoring methods: reflectance and transmittance. Good agreement (+/-10%) for TC among the three protocols was observed for sample loadings of 1-55 microg m(-3). The two protocols using a reflectance pyrolysis correction showed best agreement for EC, with <20% differences found for approximately 80% of the samples. Hong Kong has a large diesel fleet, and for some heavily loaded samples the light transmittance was too low for quantitative detection, resulting in large uncertainties in the OC/EC split based on transmittance. Hong Kong experienced OC levels similar to those at US sites, but has much higher EC concentrations. OC/EC ratios range from 2 to 5 at two US sites and from 0.2 to 1.2 at three Hong Kong sites.  相似文献   

P K Lau  A Koenig 《Chemosphere》2001,44(1):9-15
An attempt has been made to establish a mass balance of industrial organic solvents in Hong Kong. It is estimated that only a small portion, less than 4%, of all the organic solvents consumed in Hong Kong are collected as waste solvents and properly treated, while the remainder are used either in the formulation of solvent containing products, or are lost to the environment through vapour emissions, leaks and spills, or dumped illegally. It was found that solvent recycling has been a common practice in some industries but the existing level of solvent recycling in Hong Kong is difficult to estimate. About 87.4% of all the waste organic solvents disposed of at the licensed facilities are potentially recyclable although whether they can be recycled in practice depends on many factors. Examples of existing waste organic solvent management and recycling practices from selected industries in Hong Kong are presented. The economic feasibility of current and future potential recycling systems is evaluated for a few selected cases. An integrated waste organic solvent management strategy is proposed to minimize adverse impacts of organic solvents to the environment and human health.  相似文献   

利用连云港酸雨观测资料和颗粒物浓度数据,分析了2008—2016年该地区酸雨的变化特征,同时讨论了酸雨发生前污染物浓度及其源地分布特点。结果表明:(1)统计时段内,连云港南、北部年均酸雨日数分别为33.2、21.3d;酸雨的年均pH分别为4.35和4.46,均达到强酸雨等级;8—9月酸雨日数最多,1月最少,但冬季酸雨频率较高。(2)连云港南、北部酸雨发生前平均连续无降水日数分别为2.8、4.0d,且连续性降水的酸雨酸性并不会因为前一天有降水而明显减弱。(3)酸雨开始前,南部地区大气中SO2平均质量浓度达27.6μg/m3,为北部地区的两倍。基于拉格朗日混合单粒子轨迹(HYSPLIT)模式的后向轨迹聚类分析表明,西北和偏南两种路径在连云港南、北两地强酸雨发生前气团轨迹中占比较大,均达60%以上,其源地分别对应华北和长三角两个工业集中、SO2等污染物排放高的地区。  相似文献   

As part of an environmental impact assessment for building a new town in Junk Bay, continuous measurement of SO2 and particulate concentrations was carried out from October 1981 to June 1982 at three sites in Junk Bay to study the air quality in the area. Flame photometric SO2 analyzers were used to measure ambient SO2 level, whereas tape monitors were used to measure the ambient suspended particulate level (in terms of soiling index, or coefficient of haze per 1000 feet). It was found that the mean SO2 concentrations at the three monitoring sites ranged from 5μg m−3 to 35μg m−3. Maximum daily values up to about 250 μg m−3 and hourly values up to 800 μg m −3 had been recorded on occasion. Comparison of the hourly meteorological data and the hourly SO2 concentrations in four high-SO2-level days suggested that the ‘sulfur dioxide episodes’ were all associated with very light wind speeds and local sources. The mean coefficient of haze level in Junk Bay was less than one, which corresponded to very slight particulate pollution.  相似文献   

Five streams were studied on the Northern Appalachian Plateau of Pennsylvania from October 1988 through June 1989 to determine chemical changes that occur during episodic storm run-off and the responses of fish to these events. These second-order streams flowed through undisturbed, wooded, sandstone bedrock catchments with surface areas ranging from 500 to 1000 hectares. Median pH of precipitations was about 4.2, and among streams it ranged from 5.0 to 6.2. During storm events, pH declined by as much as 1.2 units and peak concentrations of total monomeric Al ranged from < 0.01 to 0.75 mg litre(-1). Organically bound A1 was generally a minor component of total monomeric A1. Wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were found in all streams, although only a remnant population existed in the most acidic stream. Sculpins (Cottus bairdi or C. cognatus) were collected only in the two streams with the least severe episodes. Mortality of brook trout and sculpins in in situ bioassays ranged from 0 to about 80% among streams during acidic episodes and was positively related to concentrations of total dissolved Al. Radio-tagged brook trout moved downstream during episodes when Al reached toxic concentrations. Some displaced trout were found near groundwater seeps, where pH was higher and dissolved Al was lower than in the main channel.  相似文献   

Cheung KC  Leung HM  Kong KY  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2007,66(3):460-468
Axial and ventral muscle from 10 each species of freshwater and marine fish purchased from markets in Hong Kong were analyzed for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (total DDTs including DDE, DDD and DDT) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Among the 10 freshwater fish species, rice field eel (Monopterus albus) showed significantly higher levels of DDTs in both ventral (125 ng/g wet wt) and axial muscle (127 ng/g wet wt) than the other species. The highest concentration of PAHs was detected in catfish (Clarias fuscus), with 24.8 ng/g in ventral muscle and 9.1 ng/g in axial muscle. As to marine fish, snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii) showed significantly higher levels of DDT and its metabolites (1018 ng/g in ventral and 409 ng/g wet wt in axial tissues) than all other marine fish species. The overall concentrations of PAHs in marine fish species were 15.5-57.0 ng/g (axial muscle) and 18.1-118 ng/g wet wt (ventral muscle) where yellow seafin (Acanthopeyrus latus) and golden threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) exhibited the highest concentrations of PAHs in the axial and ventral muscles, respectively. In general, results showed that levels of PAHs in Hong Kong market fish was low and do not expect to cause any concern for human consumption. However, the levels of DDTs in fish samples ranged from 1.10 to 1018 ng/g wet wt, and based on a fish consumption rate of 142.2g/day to calculate the screening value of 14.4 ng/g wet wt for human consumption (USEPA, 2000. Guidance for assessing chemical contaminant, data for use in fish advisories, vol. 1: fish sampling and analysis, third ed. EPA 823-R-95-007. Office of Water, Washington, DC), there were 9 out of 20 (45%) muscle samples of freshwater fish species and 14 out of 20 (70%) muscle samples of marine fish species had elevated levels of DDTs exceeded the screening value. It was also suggested to use ventral muscle for detecting concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in fish.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is a densely populated city situated in the fast developing Pearl River Delta of southern China. In this study, the recent data on ozone (O3) and related air pollutants obtained at three sites in Hong Kong are analyzed to show the variations of O3 in urban, sub-urban and rural areas and the possible regional influences. Highest monthly averaged O3 was found at a northeastern rural site and lowest O3 level was observed at an urban site. The levels of NOx, CO, SO2 and PM10 showed a different spatial pattern with the highest level in the urban site and lowest at the rural site. Analysis of chemical species ratios such as SO2/NOx and CO/NOx indicated that the sites were under the influences of local and regional emissions to varying extents reflecting the characteristics of emission sources surround the respective sites. Seasonal pattern of O3 is examined. Low O3 level was found in summer and elevated levels occurred in autumn and spring. The latter appears different from the previous result obtained in 1996 indicating a single maximum occurring in autumn. Principal component analysis was used to further elucidate the relationships of air pollutants at each site. As expected, the O3 variation in the northeastern rural area was largely determined by regional chemical and transport processes, while the O3 variability at the southwestern suburban and urban sites were more influenced by local emissions. Despite the large difference in O3 levels across the sites, total potential ozone (O3+NO2) showed little variability. Cases of high O3 episodes were presented and elevated O3 levels were formed under the influence of tropical cyclone bringing in conditions of intense sunlight, high temperature and light winds. Elevated O3 levels were also found to correlate with enhanced ratio of SO2 to NOx, suggesting influence of regional emissions from the adjacent Pearl River Delta region.  相似文献   

Chen GH  Leong IM  Liu J  Huang JC  Lo IM  Yen BC 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):7-13
Determination of oxygen deficit in the Hong Kong Shing-Mun River was based on the oxygen uptake by water, algal respiration and river sediment and the oxygen supplied to the river by surface reaeration and algal photosynthesis. A systematic study was conducted to examine the effect of water temperature, flow velocity and water depth on both the oxygen demands and the oxygen supplies. The oxygen budget of a water column in a selected section of the river was modeled. The results of the oxygen budget analysis showed that when water temperature was around 10 degrees C (the lowest temperature in the river), no deficit was observed. When water temperature was 10 degrees C to 20 degrees C, a small oxygen deficit appeared, especially in the deeper water. At the highest water temperature (30 degrees C), the oxygen deficit was maximal, -6.84 g O2/m2/day, in the night-time during the Spring tide period.  相似文献   

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