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本文介绍了浙江省发展生态农业的情况,并根据实际,着重从生态平衡、能源开发利用、环境效应上进行论述;初步介绍了一些可行性的生态农业的试点单位。  相似文献   

生态农业的发展,是经济、社会和环境保护协调发展的产物。作者提出生态农业的给排水循环系统作为现有模式的延伸和补充,让生态农业在经济、社会、环境的协调发展中发挥更大的作用,最大限度地消除农业污染,为农业可持续发展提供技术支持和可靠保证。  相似文献   

生态农业概念析辩   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态农业(Eco—agriculture)首先是由C.J.Walters和C.J.Fensan等人于1979年提出的,而后许多学者对生态农业进行了研究,建立了不同的学派,目前关于何谓生态农业,国内外仍论说纷纭,莫衷一是。M.Kiley-Worthington等著《生态农业及其有关技术》(1981年)一书是经典的生态农业专著,书中指出:“生态农业就是:要建立及维持一个特殊类型的农业系统,即建立和维持一个生态上自我维持、低输入且经济上有生命力的小型农业生态系统。这种小型农业系统能达到最大的生产而又不引起大的或长时期在伦理学及道德上不能被接受的环境改变。”他认为建立生态农业必须具备以下七个最主要的条件:  相似文献   

阐述了资源循环型农业的基本概念及其特征,根据循环经济的相关理论和国内外农业发展的实际情况,指出中国农业应在生态农业的基础上,朝着资源循环型农业的目标发展。  相似文献   

对昌东村生态农业建设和自然资源保护情况进行了总结,并对其取得的成效进行了分析。结果表明,生态村建设是农村经济可持续发展必由之路,昌东经验对亚热带丘陵地区发展农村经济有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

山东省各地自然资源、地理条件、经济条件和技术条件差异很大.各地以生态学为原理,遵循经济学的法则,运用系统工程的方法因地制宜地建立了类型不同、形式各异的生态农业模式,分别确定不同的发展战略和措施.从1985年试点工作开始以来,已在滨海、山区、丘陵、平原、城郊,相继建立了28个不同类型和层次的生态农业示范基点,并创建了不少新的模式.在这些类型和模式中,主要运用了以下几项生态学原理:  相似文献   

本文对东南亚大学农业生态系统研究网、东南亚地区农业生态系统现状以及我国生态农业的发展和农村生态系统的研究情况作一概括介绍。  相似文献   

光合细菌在农业面源污染控制方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内外面源污染日趋严重的现状,提出了利用光合细菌既可有效控制农业面源污染,又能促进生态农业发展.故对光合细菌在种植业、畜禽养殖业、水产养殖业等产生的面源污染控制中的作用机理和应用现状进行了综述.  相似文献   

积极发展农村沼气工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼气是一种清洁卫生的能源。通过沼气这个中心环节,使农业废弃物得到充分利用。本工程以较小的投入获得了较多的产出,既提高了经济效益,又有利于改善生态环境,保护农业生态平衡。鄞县甲村乡上李家村沼气工程的建设,不仅改变了农村燃料结构,为农村提供了清洁卫生的新能源,还减轻了农业废弃物对环境的污染,促进农业废弃物的资源化利用,为发展生态农业创造了条件。  相似文献   

1993年10月11日至11月5日,生态农业——经济、社会地持续土地使用短训班在菲律宾举行。主办单位为德国国际发展基金会(DSE),协办单位为东南亚农业研究中心(SEARCA)。23名学员分别来自14个亚非发展中国家,授课教师包括菲律宾大学教授,菲律宾农业研究所专家,美国农业专家和德国农业博士。授课内  相似文献   

The effects of atmospheric fluorides on plants are summarized with respect to the level of biological organization at which they occur. The factors that determine the occurrence and degree of these effects are reviewed briefly. A series of economic effects on agriculture is postulated and its possible relationship to the botanical effects of fluorides is discussed.  相似文献   

农业生物技术与污染防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前农业生物技术飞速发展,在解决人类的资源短缺、效益衰减等问题的同时,也显示出其巨大的环境效益,但任何科学技术都是“双刃剑”,主要论述了农业生物工程在污染防治中积极和消极两方面的作用,并对如何防治“基因污染”提出了建议。  相似文献   

发展有机农业,保护生态环境   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从有机农业的定义、发展目标、基本原理和哲学思想等方面阐述了发展有机农业与保护生态环境的关系与意义。  相似文献   

A database of global agricultural primary production has been constructed and used to estimate its energy content. The portion of crops available for food and biofuel after postharvest losses was evaluated. The basic conditions for agriculture and plant growth were studied, to ensure sustainable scenarios regarding use of residues. The available energy contents for the world and EU27 was found to be 7,200–9,300 and 430 TWh, respectively, to be compared with food requirements of 7,100 and 530 TWh. Clearly, very little, or nothing, remains for biofuel from agricultural primary crops. However, by using residues and bioorganic waste, it was found that biofuel production could theoretically replace one-fourth of the global consumption of fossil fuels for transport. The expansion potential for global agriculture is limited by availability of land, water, and energy. A future decrease in supply of fossil energy and ongoing land degradation will thus cause difficulties for increased biofuel production from agriculture.  相似文献   

The absorption of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan by aqueous solutions of chlorine, sodium hydroxide, and chlorine plus sodium hydroxide was studied using a two-inch diameter absorption column packed with ¼ inch Intalox saddles. Absorption rates were noticeably affected by chemical reactions occurring in the aqueous chlorine and hydroxide media. These solutions were studied as a means of controlling sulfur-containing gas emissions from kraft paper mills. The absorption studies indicated that aqueous chlorine solutions at a pH above 12 were effective absorbents for hydrogen sulfide removal in absorption equipment designed to tolerate sulfur in suspension. The absorption of methyl mercaptan in aqueous chlorine solutions appeared to be impractical since dimethyl disulfide was apparently the only product formed and was stripped from the tower by the gas stream. Sodium hydroxide solution was an effective absorbent for both methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide when hydroxide to sulfide or mercaptan feed ratios were greater than 1 or 1.8, respectively. The mercaptan absorption coefficient was approximately twice that for sulfide absorption.  相似文献   

A report of some experiences with air pollution problems associated with the cotton ginning industry and the application of agricultural insecticides and herbicides.  相似文献   

农业的环境保护及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业环境是社会环境的重大组成部分,保护好农业环境是当前一个非常重大和十分紧迫的任务。文章分析了农业环境保护中存在的问题,并提出有关对策。  相似文献   


The assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture has emerged as a recognizable field of research over the past 15 years or so. In a relatively short period, this area of work has undergone a number of important conceptual and methodological developments. Among many questions that have been debated are the adaptability of agriculture to climate change and the importance of land management adjustments in reducing the adverse effects of climate change. In turn, this latter focus has spawned a discussion regarding the nature of adaptation and the ability of agriculture to respond to sudden and rapid climatic changes. In this paper we present an overview of this debate.

It is argued that the first generation of climate change impact studies generally ignored the possibility that agriculturalists may adjust their farming practices in order to cope with climate change or to take advantage of new production opportunities. This conceptual oversight has been largely eliminated over the past five years or so. However, questions remain surrounding the likelihood that various adaptive strategies will actually be deployed in particular places. In this paper, we stress the importance of studying adaptation in the context of decision-making at the individual farm level and beyond.  相似文献   

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