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海洋塑料垃圾污染是当前国际社会关注的热点,也是近期国际政府间谈判的重点.本文梳理了全球塑料垃圾产生和泄漏进入海洋的研究进展,回顾了海洋塑料垃圾国际治理进程,提出了我国应对海洋塑料垃圾污染的对策建议.研究显示,截止到2020年全球塑料累积生产量高达96×108 t,但由于各国不完善的废弃物回收和处理体系,每年有5.7×104~26.5×104 t的陆源塑料垃圾通过河流进入海洋,严重危害海洋生物健康.为解决全球海洋塑料垃圾污染问题,各国政府和国际/区域组织积极推进海洋塑料垃圾治理进程.联合国环境大会连续四届通过海洋塑料垃圾治理相关决议,建立一个新的具有法律约束性的塑料污染全球公约已成为可能.为积极应对国际公约和未来履约谈判,提出我国应坚持预防原则、三方共治原则(政府、企业和消费者)和共同但有区别的责任原则积极参与全球海洋塑料垃圾污染治理进程,共建海洋命运共同体.  相似文献   

海洋塑料垃圾污染是当前国际社会关注的热点,也是近期国际政府间谈判的重点.本文梳理了全球塑料垃圾产生和泄漏进入海洋的研究进展,回顾了海洋塑料垃圾国际治理进程,提出了我国应对海洋塑料垃圾污染的对策建议.研究显示,截止到2020年全球塑料累积生产量高达96×108 t,但由于各国不完善的废弃物回收和处理体系,每年有5.7×104~26.5×104 t的陆源塑料垃圾通过河流进入海洋,严重危害海洋生物健康.为解决全球海洋塑料垃圾污染问题,各国政府和国际/区域组织积极推进海洋塑料垃圾治理进程.联合国环境大会连续四届通过海洋塑料垃圾治理相关决议,建立一个新的具有法律约束性的塑料污染全球公约已成为可能.为积极应对国际公约和未来履约谈判,提出我国应坚持预防原则、三方共治原则(政府、企业和消费者)和共同但有区别的责任原则积极参与全球海洋塑料垃圾污染治理进程,共建海洋命运共同体.  相似文献   

近年来,海洋微塑料污染问题已成为全球关注的热点。加强微塑料及其次生来源塑料垃圾的控制,是减少海洋微塑料污染的根本手段。为完善我国塑料和微塑料管理的立法工作,对国内外海洋塑料和微塑料管理立法的现状进行了调查研究。目前涉及塑料垃圾管理的立法较多,但针对性较弱;而关于微塑料管理的立法较少,且主要侧重于对化妆品中的塑料微珠的限制性规定。借鉴国际经验,建议我国在立法中尽快出台个人护理品中微塑料的限制性规定,在环境税中补充塑料垃圾税,完善塑料垃圾回收处理体系,完善海洋微塑料监测和评价体系,建立公众参与制度等。  相似文献   

当前海洋塑料和微塑料污染问题是全球研究热点,随着我国陆源垃圾减量化处置率和生活污水处理覆盖率的提高,重新核算我国海洋塑料垃圾和微塑料排放量尤为重要,基于文献已报道的关于海洋塑料垃圾和微塑料排放量估算的方法并结合相关统计数据对我国相应排放量进行了核算.结果表明:2016年我国向海洋中排放塑料垃圾124×104~331×104 t,略低于2010年的132×104~353×104 t;生活污水处理厂向环境中排放塑料微珠约109.95×1012粒(折合131.78 t),远低于2014年报道的209.7×1012粒(折合306.9 t).此外,2016年我国生活污水处理厂向环境中排放合成化学纤维类微塑料约1 296.95×1012个(折合648.48 t),轮胎与地面摩擦产生合成橡胶轮胎粉尘约78.85×104 t;合成化纤类微塑料和合成橡胶轮胎粉尘等已成为陆源微塑料的重要来源.通过与发达国家和地区在海洋垃圾和微塑料污染、陆源垃圾处置、海洋垃圾污染应对等方面进行比较,未来我国应通过完善"限塑令"和生活垃圾分类体系、尽早实施"塑料微珠"限令、明晰生活污水处理厂微塑料排放状况等手段从源头控制排放,此外需有效控制塑料垃圾和微塑料的输送途径,制定和完善相关法律法规和监测标准,提升我国应对海洋塑料垃圾和微塑料污染的能力和国际影响力.   相似文献   

海洋微塑料污染状况及其应对措施建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋塑料垃圾污染是人类面临的最为急迫的全球海洋环境问题之一,已引起各国政府、公众、科学界、媒体及非政府组织等的广泛关注,并成为当前海洋生态与环境研究的热点问题之一,亟待应对和解决.从水体、沉积物及生物体内海洋塑料垃圾及微塑料污染特征、来源及归趋角度,阐述了海洋微塑料垃圾的分布特征、潜在生态风险和应对措施,以及国内外应对海洋塑料及微塑料污染所采取的管控措施,介绍了各国政府和非政府组织所提出的法律法规和公约倡议.鉴于当前鲜见典型区域塑料污染管控和生态风险评估体系研究,从科学研究和管理控制两个方面,进一步指出现阶段在海洋塑料垃圾及微塑料研究和管控方面存在的诸多问题,如方法学(采集、预处理和分析)的差异性,来源、输运与归趋尚不明确,生态风险评估体系未建立及相关管控的法律法规待健全等.在此基础上对我国海洋塑料和微塑料研究提出建议:①深入研究与国际接轨的标准化塑料及微塑料研究方法学(样本采集、预处理和分析)问题、准确估算入海通量、环境归趋及环境浓度下潜在的生态风险等;②支持开展海洋塑料垃圾和微塑料研究专题的大洋航次(太平洋和印度洋等),系统地开展河流系统-深海海盆-极地等的海洋微塑料综合研究;③研发水环境中塑料和微塑料垃圾的拦截和处理技术,制定和强化塑料及微塑料管控的法律法规和政策措施;④建立完善的海洋塑料垃圾污染公共环境意识教育体系,以唤起公众对海洋污染的关注.   相似文献   

塑料的发明和使用极大地便利了人们的生活,但是日常使用的塑料制品被随意丢弃后,则成为污染环境的源头之一,也成为海洋污染物的重要来源。在此背景下,世界各国开始关注和聚焦海洋塑料污染问题,并进行了广泛的研究。同时,我国海洋塑料污染问题也日益突出。鉴于此,本文对全球海洋塑料的污染状况及其对海洋环境造成的破坏加以分析,梳理了国际、区域(国家)、行业、非政府组织保护海洋生态环境的具体措施,总结出国家层面应制定保护及经济激励政策、企业应积极着手研发替代塑料的产品、开展国际合作等减少海洋塑料垃圾的国际经验,并从国际合作、政府政策、企业引导、社会合作等层面为我国加强海洋塑料污染的防治提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了《循环经济中的欧洲塑料战略》的基本内容,欧盟将在提高塑料回收的经济效益、减少塑料垃圾产生、防治海洋塑料污染、推动投资与创新以及加强国际合作等方面做出进一步努力,以减少废塑料带来的环境问题。本文对以上内容进行了分析,并对我国废塑料管理提出了建议,包括完善立法和技术标准、推进国内废塑料高效循环利用、减少一次性塑料产品的使用以及加强国际合作等方面。  相似文献   

综述了海洋塑料微粒污染多元化来源,在全球海洋广泛分布,近海海域分布相对集中,塑料微粒已逐渐汇聚于深海的特点。其生态反应影响体现在"塑料微粒生物附着"、"生物摄入"、"毒理反应"和"塑料微粒与其它污染物复合毒性"3个方面。未来应加强我国海洋环境中塑料微粒的污染现状及生物摄入状况调查研究,塑料微粒与污染物作用机制和复合毒性研究和塑料微粒生态风险评估方法学研究。最后提出了防止塑料微粒污染需要经过制定法律法规以及各执行机关加大管理力度的有效建议。  相似文献   

页岩气是一种新型的清洁能源,其开发和利用具有重大意义。我国页岩气的开发相对较晚,在页岩气开发和利用的过程中除了面临技术上的困难之外,还面临着法律规制方面保障不完善的难题。目前我国页岩气开发法律规制主要集中在矿产资源、水资源保护、环境影响评价以及财税政策等方面,通过对我国页岩气开发中相关法律规制现状的分析,总结了现存法律规制存在的问题,并提出了完善我国页岩气法律规制的措施与建议,以促进我国页岩气产业的健康发展和国家页岩气产业政策的有效实施。  相似文献   

正曾经,人类认为海洋无限辽阔,并把海洋当作垃圾倾倒的主要场所。然而,随着海洋垃圾在全球海岸迅速累积,因塑料垃圾而伤亡的海洋动物在世界各地不断被发现,微塑料污染遍布全球各大海洋和极地。海洋已然成为了一个"塑料世界"。一、海洋塑料污染的现状海洋垃圾是指在海洋及沿海环境中任何持久性、人造或经过加工的固体废弃物。其中,塑料是海洋垃  相似文献   

Tunnel displays a typical semi-closed environment, and multitudes of the pollutants tend to accumulate. The samples of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter(PM) were collected from the Xiangyin tunnel at Shanghai to investigate the characteristics of the pollutant emissions. The results indicated that both gaseous pollutants and PM exhibited much higher concentrations during the rush hours in the morning and at night due to vehicle emission. Two peaks of the PM concentration were observed in the scope of 0.7‐1.1 and 3.3–4.7 μm, accounting for 14.6% and 20.3% of the total concentrations, respectively.Organic matter(OM), EC, and many water-soluble ions were markedly higher at the rush hours in the morning than those at night, implicating comprehensive effects of vehicle types and traffic volume. The particle number concentrations exhibited two peaks at Aitken mode(25 nm and 100 nm) and accumulation mode(600 nm), while the particle volume concentration displayed high values at the accumulation mode(100–500 nm) and coarse mode(2.5–4.0 μm). The peak around 100 nm was detected in the morning rush hours, but it diminished with the decrease of the traffic volume. Individual-particle analysis revealed that main particles in the tunnel were Fe-rich particles, K-rich particles, mineral particles,Ca–S rich particles and Al–Si particles. The particles collected at the rush hours displayed marked different morphologies, element concentrations and particle sizes compared to the ones collected at the non-rush period. The data presented herein could shed a light on the feature of vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

The Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) was applied to calculate the total maximum daily load of total phosphorus discharged to a reservoir without violating the water quality criteria of 20 μg/l of chlorophyll-a (algae). In addition to a hydroelectric plant at the dam, the reservoir has a thermal power plant on the shore. To simulate the impact of the thermal power plant, WARMF withdraws 113 cms of cooling water from the lake bottom, adds heat to it, and discharges the thermal effluent to the reservoir surface. The circulating water brings the hypolimnion water, which is typically rich in nutrients but low in algae, to the epilimnion. The surface water is enriched in phosphorus but diluted with respect to algae concentration. For the example case, the dilutional effect on algae was found to be more significant than the stimulatory effect of phosphorus. As a result, the total maximum daily load of phosphorus was higher with a thermal power plant than without. Policy makers can learn, through this type of scientific analysis, about the impacts of a thermal power plant and make rational decisions about phosphorus TMDL.  相似文献   

Asplenia associated with situs ambiguus, symmetric liver, bilateral trilobulated lungs, and a complex heart defect was diagnosed on autopsy in a 14-day-old infant. Furthermore, examination of the brain displayed agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) with pachygyria and hydrocephalus. The characteristic association of asplenia with visceroatrial heterotaxia is traditionally named after the Swedish pediatrician, Ivemark. Although exceptional, association of Ivemark syndrome with callosal agenesis has been reported recently. The concept of ‘developmental fields’ describes morphogenetically reactive units of the embryo determining and controlling the development of complex structures in a hierarchical manner. Lateralization defects such as situs inversus, asplenia or polysplenia due to defective left–right axis development, as well as decussation defects such as ACC, are considered as defects of the primary developmental field. Therefore, additional callosal agenesis in Ivemark syndrome may be a coherent and synchronic defect in the primary developmental field rather than a causally independent malformation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

要想使学生在写作这片天地中切实得到创新精神和创新能力的锻炼和培养,创造出前所未有的新形象,"真实"的写作教学思想,应是当务之急,不仅要激发学生写作兴趣,挖掘内心,引发共鸣,而且要教学生做生活的有心人。要切实提高学生的写作水平,教师就必须真正在"真实"上下工夫,一切从生活实际出发,从学生的实际出发,顺应学生的心理,让学生从"要我写"变成"我要写",从"无话可说"变成"有话想说",让学生写真话、言真情,它是作文教学的教学追求。  相似文献   

Mankind is committed to taking sustainable pathways in search of a state of sustainability. Thirty years after the “Limits to Growth” published by the Club of Rome the world is still far from the equilibrium of sustainable development (SD). Technology is postponing the depletion of natural resources but is not solving the problem itself, either because the technology is itself not sustainable or because the application of it is being mismanaged. This article attempts to analyze the wide gap between the strategies drawn up and the effectiveness of the actions taken in implementing sustainability. The paper addresses the issue of whether or not mankind can make the right choices and has the right infrastructure of pathways to do so. In short, an answer is sought to the question, “What are the prerequisites for the fastest rate of sustainable change?” This question is tackled by the four authors. They start from critical arguments concerning the effectiveness of sustainable change, explain the terminology used in the article and identify the main factors for increasing the rate of sustainable change, which are then discussed in detail in each part of the text (EG). Then, each from a different starting point, they comment on self-organization (US), sustainable innovation and cultural regions (HK), global cooperation and regional resources (MB) and sustainable research by universities (EG). The individual contributions, when taken together, form a discussion of the crucial factors or prerequisites for sustainable change. It is concluded that only cooperation between regions and regional stakeholders can give sustainable change the driving force needed to overcome global (political) friction and ensure that it moves forward in equilibrium and at a constant rate. Specific measures are put forward to maximize awareness within and among regions.  相似文献   

An increasing number of organisations are moving towards assessing and reporting their environmental performance in a supply-chain context. Not only are such “footprint”-type assessments seen as more rigorous than sustainability reports created in-house, they also offer more abatement options than assessments limited to an organisation’s premises. Hybrid life-cycle assessment methods combining input-output analysis and process analysis are ideally suited to enumerate organisational footprints, because they were developed to enable overall complete results whilst being application-specific. We apply one of these hybrid methods, the Path Exchange Method to the task of planning for a sustainable campus at the University of Sydney in Australia. We show how this method can be used by an environmental or procurement officer for exploring environmental performance and abatement options across supply chains. We also show how parts of an organisation, for example University faculties, can be assessed and compared against each other. Whilst tools like ones used in this work enable quantitative decision support for procurement and operations policies, it takes staff awareness, engagement and training to successfully put such tools into practice.  相似文献   

3-PBA降解菌BA3的降解特性及基因工程菌构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从石油污染土壤中分离到1株能以3-苯氧基苯甲酸(3-PBA)为唯一碳源生长的细菌,命名为BA3.根据其生理生化特征和16S rDNA序列相似性分析,将该菌鉴定为鞘脂菌属(Sphingobium sp.).该菌株在60 h内对100 mg·L-1的3-苯氧基苯甲酸的降解率达到99%.降解3-苯氧基苯甲酸的最适温度为30℃...  相似文献   

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