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我队是一个拥有1300余人的综合地质队,长年在江淮之间的丘陵地区流动、分散作业。从1966年建队到1985年的20年间共发生工伤事故177起,重伤42人;死亡2人。分析历年工伤事故统计资料发现:工伤事故多为物体打击和起重伤害;钻探生产是工伤事故最多、最严重的作业(见附表),物体打击、起重伤害、高处坠落和机器工具伤害大多发生在这一生产过程中;从伤害部位来看,大多为手部、头面部的局部和腰扭伤事故,多部位同时伤害大多是坠落事故造成的。  相似文献   

不同地区中小企业发生的工伤事故有其自身的特点和规律。通过对江苏省某市2001—2004年发生在中小企业的工伤死亡事故进行实证分析发现:该市工伤死亡事故集中发生在非煤矿山、建筑等6行业的中小企业中,事故类别以高处坠落、物体打击等6种为主;工龄较短的中青年职工在罹难者人数中所占比例较高;工伤死亡事故的发生频率夏季高于其他3个季节;事故发生的主要原因是违反操作规程。笔者认为:应促进企业增加安全投入,尤其要重视“软”投入;监管部门要明确安全监管重点,分类分级管理企业,以控制和预防工伤事故的发生。  相似文献   

在生产作业过程中,意外的高处坠落和物体打击事故时有发生。在建筑、矿山、电力、冶金、石油勘探、隧道工程、森林采伐等作业场所都存在发生高处坠落和物体打击事故的可能。这类事故发生突然,不及躲闪。事故发生时,头部伤害造成死亡和重伤的危险性最大。怎样才能帮助工人防御、减轻高处坠落和物体打击的危害呢?佩戴安全帽无疑是一个很好的预防措施。  相似文献   

北京建筑行业工伤死亡事故去年一季度发生9起,死亡9人,今年一季度发生6起,死亡6人,少于去年同期。今年一季度发生的工伤死亡中,物体打击二起,死2人,起重伤害二起,死2人;高空坠落一起,死1人;坍塌挤压一起,死1人。在亚运会即将召开之际,我们争取将北京市建筑行业工伤死亡事故的发生率再降低一些,创造出比去年同期更好的成绩来,迎  相似文献   

1996年福建省林业系统发生因工伤亡事故27起,死亡12人,重伤19人。死亡率为0.113%,重伤率为0.179‰。与1995年对比事故数上升12.5%,死亡人数上升100%,重伤人数下降9.53%。1事故分析1.1按事故类别分物体打击类8起,死亡3人,重伤5人,分别占总数的29、23%、25%、26.32%;高处坠落类5起,死亡1人,重伤4人,分别是占总数的18.52%、8.33%、21.05%;起重、车辆伤害类5起,死亡2人,重伤3人,分别占总数的18.52%、16.67%、15.79%;机械伤害类3起,重伤3人分别占总数的11.11%、15.79%;火灾类2起,死亡4人,重伤…  相似文献   

在工作场所,由于物体打击而发生的工伤、死亡事故屡见不鲜,且占有相当大的比例。据我队1986~1990年工伤事故统计,物体打击居其他各类事故之首(见附表)。因此,控制物体打击事故的发生,对减少工伤事故,保障操作人员的安全,具有积极的意义。对物体打击事故的特点、原因进行探索,可为制定相应的防范措施提供依据。  相似文献   

李钢 《劳动保护》2010,(8):100-102
在建筑、矿山、电力、冶金等作业场所中,高处坠落和物体打击事故时有发生。这类事故发生突然,人员来不及躲闪,对作业者头部造成重伤的危险性大。怎样才能帮助作业者防御事故、减轻伤害?佩戴安全帽无疑是一个很好的预防措施。安全帽是指作业场所内生产者所佩戴的、对人体头部受坠落物及其他特定因素引起的伤害起防护作用的帽子。  相似文献   

建筑安装施工是工程建设实施阶段的生产活动。它与工矿企业明显的不同,其特点是产品固定、体积大、生产周期长、施工流动性大、露天高空作业多、机械化程度低。以手工操作为主。由于施工的复杂性。流动分散、工作环境差,因此施工的不安全因素相对较多。伤亡事故多发生在高空坠落、物体打击、机械伤害等方面。工伤事故的发生,不仅职工个人痛苦,家庭蒙受其害,也必然影响其他职工的情绪,影响施工进度,影响企业的经济效益,使企业的声誉受到损害。可以说建安企业的施工安全是个很严峻的问题。然而,施工安全问题同其它事物一样,具有客观…  相似文献   

高处坠落、坍塌和物体打击是建筑施工行业的“三大伤害”。高处坠落事故频发,其主要原因是作业现场防护不到位和作业人员安全防护措施不足。要遏制高处坠落事故多发频发的势头,在建筑施工领域推行安全生产责任保险,是有效降低事故带给受害者本人和家庭重大损失的重要方式。同时,优化建筑施工领域的保险方案设计,做好事故预防服务,才能有效地降低高空坠落事故的发生率。  相似文献   

供电企业生产的特点是专业较多,作业点多面广,作业现场存在触电、高空坠落、物体打击等诸多危险因素。因此供电企业安全管理的主要落脚点是在作业现场。实践证明。现场作业失去监护或者监护不到位是导致事故发生的一个主要原因。[编者按]  相似文献   

中小企业安全投资状况的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
近年来,我国中小企业的安全生产问题十分突出,重特大事故频发。导致当前中小企业安全生产形势严峻的主要原因之一,是企业安全投资欠账太多。笔者对江苏省某市100家中小企业安全生产状况进行了调查,并对取得的若干企业的安全投资数据进行了分析。结果显示:近5年,无论是企业安全总投资,还是企业人均安全投资,均呈现增长趋势,而企业间安全投资水平差距较大;不同行业、不同性质企业的安全投资结构和人均安全投资指标差异明显,建筑行业和原为私营性质的企业应成为政府部门监管的重点;人均安全总投资与工伤事故起数对应相关,通过加大预先的安全投入,可以有效地预防或减少工伤事故。  相似文献   

本文总结了珠江三角洲地区部分乡镇企业发生工伤事故的现状、职业安全卫生方面存在的问题及由工伤事故所造成的经济损失的思考等。从研究的资料分析发现,近几年乡镇企业中工伤事故重伤率在18.00/10万以上,死亡率在70.00/10万以上,均高于国有企业。其中重伤率以村办企业(2.41‰)和中外合资企业(1.96‰)最高,死亡率以村办和国内独资企业最高(0.33‰,0.29‰)。  相似文献   

All fatal occupational injuries compensated by the Social Security Corporation (SSC) in Jordan during the period 1980–1993 were studied. Variables considered in the analysis included gender, age, nationality, occupation, salary, cause of injury, body part injured and cause of death. The overall fatality rate, of the 705 cases reviewed, was 25.5/100,000/year. The majority (98%) of fatalities were males. The risk of fatal injuries increased with age. Workers over 55 years, had the highest annual fatality rate (37.8). Immigrant workers had a higher fatality rate (32.26) than Jordanians (23.95). Unskilled workers constituted 58.3% of decedents and professionals had the highest fatality rate (52.9). Transportation sector had the highest fatality rate (122.4) followed by construction (50.6). Over the study period, fatality rates tended to decrease significantly in manufacturing, construction and trade economic sectors while no such trend was established by transportation, agriculture and services sectors. The leading causes of fatal injuries were motor-vehicle related accidents (63.0%) and fall of persons (11.1%). Head was the body part most injured and was involved in 46.6% of all deaths. Haemorrhage was the main reported cause of death (24.5%). It is concluded that intervention measures targeting specific occupations (transportation and construction) and causes of fatalities such as motor-vehicle incidents are needed.  相似文献   

简要介绍部分国家工伤保险差别费率情况;通过对相关数据的分析,提出我国工伤保险差别费率分类应以行业工伤事故死亡风险、重伤和轻伤风险、职业病风险和基金支出情况为指标和依据,尤其不能忽视行业轻伤和职业病风险指标;计算了我国近几年各行业工伤事故的个人死亡风险。建议:增加行业风险类别和工伤保险费率差距范围;完善工伤事故、职业病和工伤保险统计指标体系;工伤保险基金应加大对预防、康复、科研、教育培训工作的投入。  相似文献   

Occupational accidents still constitute one of the major problems in Turkey, as they do all over the world. Every year, nearly one thousand people die due to occupational accidents and two thousand people are injured, becoming temporarily or permanently disabled. This leads to social and economic problems for these people. As a result, families suffer from occupational accidents socially and psychologically. On the other hand, the economy of the country and the employers are faced with economic loss and work day loss. The aim of this study is to assess the results of occupational accidents occurring between the years 2000 and 2005 in Turkey in terms of various criteria. In this study, a fluctuation in Turkey in the number of occupational accidents between 2000 and 2005 and a downward fluctuation in the number of deaths resulting from occupational accidents have been observed. Permanent disabilities have also shown a falling trend since 2002. Occupational accidents are mostly seen in the sectors of manufacture of metal goods (except for machines), construction, the textile industry, coal mining and manufacture of transportation vehicles, while the deaths of workers and permanently disabled persons due to occupational accidents are mostly seen in the construction sector.  相似文献   

安全生产“十二五”规划若干统计指标考量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
生产安全事故统计指标是安全生产监督管理及宏观决策重要依据。为进一步完善我国职业伤害统计指标体系,对安全生产规划中若干指标的科学性和实用性以及存在问题进行了探索。在进行初步实验计算、理论分析和国内外安全生产事故主要统计指标特点对比研究后,提出:在该规划指标中调整或删去"亿元国内生产总值死亡率";增加非致死性事故统计数据,以能更好代表职业伤害事故总量;适度应用重特大事故起数指标和提高十万人死亡率统计指标精确性等几点建议。作者认为应加强职业伤害指标体系研究,从而尽快实现我国统计指标与国际接轨,在《国际劳工统计年鉴》中重现中国职业伤害统计数据。  相似文献   

Status and future tasks of coal mining safety in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In general, contexts of coal mining safety involve technology, administration and socioeconomic environment as well. This paper presents statistical analysis of China coal mine accidents in recent years and analyzes the reasons causing coal mining high risk from technical and socioeconomic viewpoints. Social and economic reform has been unleashing social, economical factors that are driving a fundamental transformation of new workplace safety problems and making China coal mining safety take on Chinese features. Compared with major state-owned and local state-owned coalmines, township and village coalmines are most dangerous coal mines with highest occupational risks. The incidence and death toll of ceiling accidents are higher than those of accidents such as gas, machinery, electricity, transportation, flood, and fire. New organizational risks appeared with rapid development of state-owned coal mines’ reorganization. Low skilled labors restrict both technical renovation and safety management. The Government has adopted a systematic arrangement to improve coal mining safety such as closing the township and village coalmines that cannot meet the standard of safety, reinforcing the supervision over coal mining safety, strengthening technological renovation and enhancing work safety input.  相似文献   

Data mining for occupational injuries in the Taiwan construction industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a higher rate of occupational injury in the construction industry than most other industries on average. However, steps can be taken to reduce worker risk through effective injury prevention strategies. In this article, association rule mining is employed in identifying the characteristics of occupational injuries in the construction industry. Accident reports during the period 1999–2004 are extracted from case reports of the Northern Region Inspection Office of the Council of Labor Affairs of Taiwan. In addition to general factors, several factors related to weather conditions are included in this article. The results show that there are some patterns of occupational injuries in the construction industry. The effect of rain on the occurrence of fatalities is of great significance. Proposed inspection plans should be in accordance with the type of construction and environmental evaluation. The findings identified in this article provide a direction for more effective inspection strategies and injury prevention programs.  相似文献   

1900个乡镇工业的工伤职业病医疗保障现状分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在调查的1900个乡镇工业企业中,有9.3% 的企业对职工工伤职业病没有任何保障,其中尤其是个体联户所办企业则高达15% 。按行业进行分析,最易发生工伤职业病的各种矿山采选业、建材生产业,能给予报销医疗费的企业占78.5% ,部分给予报销的企业占10.2% ,不予报销企业占11.3% 。从保障程度看,能给予全部报销医疗费的企业仍以乡办企业为最高(93.2% ),其次为村办企业(90.2% )和个体联户所办企业(88.5% )  相似文献   

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