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Occupational accidents suffered by workers in Spain when using ladders were analyzed over a six year period from 2003-2008, during which the total of notified ladder-related accidents amounted to 21,725. Method: Different accident-related factors were identified for the purpose of developing a pattern of those factors that had the greatest influence on the seriousness and the fatality of such accidents. Thus, a series of variables were examined such as age and length of service of the injured worker, firm size, the work sector, the injury suffered, and the part of the body that was injured. Since falls is the most frequent and most serious of ladder related occupational accidents, a special analysis of falls was performed. Results: The findings showed that the seriousness of ladder-related accidents increased with the age of the injured worker. Likewise, accidents at places other than the usual workplace were more serious and registered higher fatalities than those that occurred at the usual place of work. Conclusions: The analysis of falls from ladders established that accidents in smaller-sized firms were of greater seriousness and involved more fatalities than those in larger-sized firms. The investigation also underlined the need for stricter compliance with preliminary safety assessments when working with ladders.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of studies, which were carried out in the Institute of Occupational Safety Engineering at Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) during 2001–2004. The objective was to estimate the number of occupational accidents that caused death or at least three days’ absence from work. The estimates were based on the figures gathered from selected ILO member states. This paper discusses also how globalization has affected occupational accidents trend in developing and developed regions.  相似文献   

我国安全生产统计工作所依托的行政手段还不能完全适应变化中的市场经济环境 ,政府安全生产管理不到位 ,监管不严 ,各类事故的少报、瞒报、不报现象相当普遍 ,极大地影响了伤亡事故统计的准确性。2 0 0 4年我国已实施新的《工伤保险条例》 ,笔者认为 ,会在一个较长的时期内对生产事故统计带来较明显的影响 ,使生产事故造成的伤亡人数统计变得更为全面和科学 ,这种影响必然会对原有统计偏差的修正 ,有利于今后加强和完善对安全生产的宏观决策和管理 ,会从根本上促进安全生产水平的提高。  相似文献   

R/S分析方法是一种检验时间序列服从独立随机分布假设或非线性特征的有效工具.本文应用R/S分析方法实测了几类全国安全生产事故Hurst指数,表明几类全国安全生产事故发生具有持续性的特点,研究成果对于指导政府、企业认识安全生产规律,科学决策具有参考意义.  相似文献   

Characteristics of worker accidents on NYSDOT construction projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: This paper aims at providing cost-effective safety measures to protect construction workers in highway work zones, based on real data. Two types of accidents that occur in work zones were: (a) construction work area accidents, and (b) traffic accidents involving construction worker(s). METHODOLOGY/RESULTS: A detailed analysis of work zone accidents involving 36 fatalities and 3,055 severe injuries to construction workers on New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) construction projects from 1990 to 2001 established that five accident types: (a) Struck/Pinned by Large Equipment, (b) Trip or Fall (elevated), (c) Contact w/Electrical or Gas Utility, (d) Struck-by Moving/Falling Load, and (e) Crane/Lift Device Failure accounted for nearly 96% of the fatal accidents, nearly 63% of the hospital-level injury accidents, and nearly 91% of the total costs. These construction work area accidents had a total cost of $133.8 million. Traffic accidents that involve contractors' employees were also examined. Statistical analyses of the traffic accidents established that five traffic accident types: (a) Work Space Intrusion, (b) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space, (c) Flagger Struck-by Vehicle, (d) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Entering/Exiting Work Space, and (e) Construction Equipment Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space accounted for nearly 86% of the fatal, nearly 70% of the hospital-level injury and minor injury traffic accidents, and $45.4 million (79.4%) of the total traffic accident costs. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this paper provide real statistics on construction worker related accidents reported on construction work zones. Potential preventions based on real statistics have also been suggested. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The ranking of accident types, both within the work area as well as in traffic, will guide the heavy highway contractor and owner agencies in identifying the most cost effective safety preventions.  相似文献   

我国高速公路交通事故特征分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
随着我国高速公路的快速发展,高速公路交通事故逐年上升,高速公路交通事故死亡人数明显增加.分析表明:现阶段我国高速公路交通事故严重程度不断增加,高速公路的安全性尚未有效体现出来;与一般道路交通事故相比,高速公路交通事故有着明显不同的特征和规律.随着高速公路建设的进一步快速发展,我国的高速公路交通事故仍有可能呈继续上升趋势.  相似文献   

工业机器人是高科技机电产品,在工业领域广泛应用,可以代替人们从事繁重的、危险性的工作,但由于工业机器人故障所造成的人身伤害事故也时有发生,从工业机器人的可靠性、工业机器人事故案例、能量类型分类等多角度对工业机器人事故进行了分析,从事故树分析法(FTA)、基本安全性原则、工业安全技术等几方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

针对当前突发事件应急演练存在的策划方面尚无统一标准、组织实施缺失执行规范等问题,在综合考察国内外演练设计相关成果基础上,从应急处置实际出发提出以突发事件情景构建、“责任人—资源—措施—事故应对”匹配、演练其他相关问题为要点的突发生产事故应急演练准备模式,并借助石化企业二甲苯泄漏模拟处置实例建立了以桌面推演、模拟测试及过程评估为核心的突发生产事故应急演练实施方法。廓清了突发生产事故应急演练的思路、方法和步骤,对企业组织开展应急演练和有效处置突发事件具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

分析了尿素合成塔发生化学爆炸的可能性.利用经验公式计算出塔内上部空间气相在正常生产和非正常生产状态下的爆炸极限范围,并计算出非正常生产状态下气相化学爆炸产生的压力和能量范围.计算结果与现场数据吻合.爆炸所产生的压力作用于液面上,根据静压传递原理,尿液内各点与外压相等,超过尿塔正常工作压力,并导致破裂.  相似文献   

近期重特大事故灾难频发,表现出我国安全管理水平和应急处置能力依然不足。为引导地区或企业有序地开展应急准备工作,设计了事故灾难类重大突发事件情景构建概念模型,分析了概念模型中的“机会窗”和“准备效益”等重要理念,总结了概念模型在我国当前阶段的重要指导意义。最后,以某化工园区为真实背景,开展了生产安全事故情景构建的原型研究,证明了在事故灾难领域开展情景构建的实际价值。  相似文献   

Monique Lortie 《Safety Science》2012,50(9):1792-1800
The aim of the study was to analyze the narratives in accident files to document the circumstances of accidents in a beverage delivery company, in particular, in regard with the activities performed at the time of the accident and the deviations reported. A second aim was to understand the impact of the transformations introduced by the company on accident patterns. Narrative material from 546 files covering a 7-year period was analyzed. Special attention was given to collecting information on the activities conducted at the time of the accident, including location, foot support base, operation, and material involved. The analysis allowed specifying elements that have good potential for improving handling situations and decreasing accident risks. Three categories of deviation were analyzed: situations reported as particular or difficult, unforeseen events, and dysfunction reported in the activity itself. Results show that several external factors play an important role in the occurrence of accidents. Most of these factors are beyond risk analysis of handling situations. The impact of the transformations on the number, seriousness, and causes of accidents was dramatic. Analysis shows that current investigative risk tools are insufficient in helping management predict how decisions will affect safety. The discussion situates the results within the various theories of musculoskeletal mechanisms of injury.  相似文献   

价格对中国煤矿事故的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对我国目前煤炭产业严峻的安全形势,本文采用、统计的方法,分析了煤炭价格和产量与煤矿安全生产事故之间的相关关系,验证煤炭价格与煤矿安全生产事故的发生存在协整关系,而且煤价是煤矿伤亡事故的致因,并进一步做回归分析,并尝试从价格的角度揭示煤矿安全生产事故发生的规律。  相似文献   

杨艳林 《环境与发展》2020,(4):156-156,158
突发性环境污染事故应急预案方案中主要包括污染物的应急监测以及污染事故的处置方案。其中应急监测的工作在于明确造成环境污染的化学物品的种类、浓度、数量、已造成污染范围、已造成的破坏程度、事故未来发展事态等。通过应急监测所整理的信息数据,应急预案组织工作小组可以迅速的对突发性环境污染事故做出科学合理的决策。本文针对突发性环境污染事故应急监测工作方案进行梳理总结,指导组织管理人员如何快速的组织应急监测工作。  相似文献   

邢春燕  韩雪峰 《安全》2007,28(12):23-26
建筑行业作为一个高危险行业,由于作业条件、人员素质、管理水平等原因而事故频发并具有自身的事故特点.从国内外建筑行业事故类型、事故发生时间规律特点分析,探究建筑行业事故发生的内因和外因,从而为行业主管部门、安全监管部门提供一定依据以促进建筑企业生产的本质安全化.  相似文献   

Right-Turn-on-Red (RTOR), in its “Western” version allows motorists to turn right on a red signal after stopping and yielding, unless specifically prohibited by a sign. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Western RTOR on pedestrian and bicycle accidents in selected jurisdictions adopting the rule in the mid-1970s. The results showed significant increases in pedestrian and bicyclist accidents involving right-turning vehicles at signalized locations following the introduction of Western RTOR. These increases were: 40 % for pedestrians and 82 % for bicycles in New York State; 107 % for pedestrians and 72 % for bicycles in Wisconsin; 57 % for pedestrians and 80 % for bicycles in Ohio; and 82 % for pedestrians in New Orleans. Analysis of police accident reports suggested that drivers stopped for a red light are looking left for a gap in traffic and do not see pedestrians and bicyclists coming from their right. Countermeasure research and development was recommended to deal with this well defined problem which involves between 1 % and 3 % of all pedestrian and bicycle accidents.  相似文献   

无伤害事故由于没有造成伤害,往往被人们所忽视。事实上,事故的后果是具有随机性的,因此,在安全管理中,应重视对无伤害事故的管理,做好无伤害事故的收集、调查、分析、统计、处理和研究,从中找出事故规律,以采取防范措施,达到预防伤害事故发生的目的。  相似文献   

周琳    薛宇敬阳    刘希扬   《中国安全生产科学技术》2016,12(10):185-190
组织管理原因是一类重要的事故致因,对其全面了解才能有效预防事故。就组织管理原因对事故的作用机理、定义与内容、事故分析对其研究的现状进行文献综述。通过文献梳理发现,在一维链式事故模型和系统论为基础的事故模型中,组织管理原因对事故作用机理不同,但对事故发生都具有重要作用。现阶段研究中,组织管理原因没有统一的定义和内容,但具有的区别于其他事故致因的特性能得到共识。现阶段常见的事故分析模型对组织管理原因进行定量和定性分析,但仍需继续完善。最后,对组织管理原因的研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

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