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通过全尺寸实验研究低压细水雾对抑制和熄灭B类火灾的有效性。分别使用圆形和方形油盘,以汽油和柴油为燃料进行低压细水雾灭火实验,并进一步研究含微胶囊F-500添加剂的细水雾灭火效果。结果表明,低压细水雾对抑制和熄灭B类火具有一定的有效性,但容易出现灭大火容易灭小火难的现象,并且对于"角落火"难以扑灭。而添加了微胶囊F-500的低压细水雾,灭火效率较纯水细水雾提高约3~5倍,能有效扑灭死角火,同时提高火场能见度。分别用1%、3%、6%的F-500溶液作为灭火介质,实验表明,不同浓度的F-500溶液具有不同的灭火效果。综合考虑经济性和有效性因素:对于大多数B类火灾场合,F-500溶液的最佳配比为1%;对于危险性大或火灾荷载大的场合,微胶囊F-500水溶液的最佳配比为3%。  相似文献   

田兵  陈明毅  刘家豪  丁超  汪箭 《火灾科学》2015,24(3):136-141
热释放速率是描述火灾现象的重要参数,可以表征火灾发展的强烈程度。利用大尺寸的热释放速率实验测量平台开展细水雾对不同种类油池火灭火效率的实验研究,同时分析细水雾对燃烧产物一氧化碳含量的影响。结果表明,热释放速率曲线能直接反映出细水雾对火源的作用,细水雾作用下三种燃料的热释放速率均被有效抑制,且细水雾的流量越大,对油池火的灭火效果越好。燃烧产物一氧化碳在施加细水雾时出现陡增,表明细水雾隔绝氧气,造成不完全燃烧或者燃烧熄灭。  相似文献   

为研究脉冲细水雾灭火效果和灭火机理,采用FDS软件对连续和脉冲细水雾熄灭受限空间油盘火进行了数值模拟。通过模拟和理论分析确定了脉冲细水雾周期为8 s开启、8 s暂停,并设置了冷却和窒息两种灭火条件,对两种细水雾熄灭不同尺寸的柴油池火进行了研究。结果表明:连续细水雾无法熄灭直径15 cm和20 cm的小尺寸油盘火,对直径25 cm中尺寸油盘火的灭火机理为冷却,对直径为30cm和35 cm大尺寸油盘火的灭火机理为窒息;脉冲细水雾能够熄灭不同尺寸的油盘火,且灭火效率高,火焰熄灭均发生在喷头暂停喷水期间,灭火机理为水雾蒸发稀释氧气而窒息。  相似文献   

The total flooding application water mist system is a new type of environmentally-friendly fixed extinguishing system. The optimizing design can improve its fire extinguishing performance. At present, the water mist fire extinguishing system in the engine room of the offshore deepwater semi-submersible support platform has not attracted sufficient attention. In this paper, the water mist in the engine room of a deepwater semi-submersible support platform was studied. It contains the effect of water mist on the heat absorption and oxygen insulation of diesel pool fires. The applicable parameters of the water mist fire extinguishing system were also determined. Moreover, based on the shielding of the fire source in the engine room and the different requirements for water mist extinguishing parameters, a hierarchical multi-parameter combined high-pressure water mist fire extinguishing system was proposed. In the full-scale experimental engine room model, according to the fire extinguishing experiments for diesel pool fires with different areas, this kind of hierarchical multi-parameter water mist system is very effective on shielded and non-shielded fires. In addition, it is still effective even in a non-closed environment coupled with smoke exhausting.  相似文献   

Large cooking oil pool fires, occurring in industrial oil cookers, present a severe hazard to food processing plants due to their size and the large amount of hot oil involved. This paper reports a series of full-scale fire experiments conducted in a large industrial oil cooker mock-up. The characteristics of large cooking oil pool fires and the effect of oil depth and hood position in the oil cooker on fire growth were studied. The use of water mist for extinguishing large oil pool fires and their extinguishing performance under different discharge pressure and with different types of water mist systems were investigated. Experimental results showed that the cooking oil underwent a substantial expansion in volume during heating. The fires developed quickly once the oil auto-ignited. The fire growth rate was affected by the oil depth in the pan and the hood position in the oil cooker. The water mist fire suppression systems effectively extinguished large cooking oil fires and prevented them from re-igniting. Their extinguishing performance was determined by the type of water mist system, discharge pressure and hood position in the oil cooker.  相似文献   

压缩气体射流与水射流混合后所产生的气-水两相射流,可获得连续、高速喷射的细水雾,水滴粒径小,穿入火焰的能力强,可沿水平方向射入火焰中,比喷淋方式水雾灭火可节省90%的用水量,缩短了灭火时间,发挥了细水雾的灭火优势,是细水雾灭火技术的最新发展。所制成的便携式、车载式、固定式的两相射流细水雾灭火装置,可扑灭多种类型的火灾,尤其适合用于扑灭有人存在的空间的火灾。以涡喷发动机为喷射动力的气-水两相射流喷射系统,制成了超大功率的喷射雾状水的消防装备,大幅度提高了控制油、气大火火势的能力和灭火效率。气-水两相射流还有稀释、吹散泄漏出的可燃性气体,防止其点燃的功能,适合于在天然气和有毒有害气体泄漏事故抢险救援中使用。将压缩气体和泡沫液按比例混和后喷射的压缩空气泡沫喷射系统,产生了喷射“干泡沫”的消防车,使灭火用水的利用率提高了8倍,被称为是世界最先进的泡沫灭火技术。气-水两相射流促进了灭火技术革命性的发展,新型的气-水两相射流消防装备不断涌现,展示出了广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

泡沫-细水雾在全尺寸变压器灭火实验中展现出高效灭火性能。纯水细水雾具有冷却效果好、热辐射阻隔能力强的特点,但添加泡沫灭火剂后对其冷却及热辐射阻隔特性的影响机制尚不明确。对泡沫-细水雾和纯水细水雾的冷却与热辐射阻隔特性进行了对比实验,并基于雾特性测试结果对相应性能的差异进行了分析。发现添加泡沫灭火剂后能降低水雾的粒径,从而令泡沫-细水雾的冷却和热辐射阻隔性能优于纯水细水雾。此外,泡沫灭火剂中的阻燃物质也是加速火焰熄灭的重要因素。研究结果可为变压器灭火系统选择、泡沫-细水雾系统工况参数优化等方面提供理论指导。  相似文献   

含微胶囊添加剂的低压细水雾厨房灭火实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过全尺寸实验研究低压细水雾对抑制和熄灭K类火灾的有效性。选用三种喷头进行灭火实验,并选择灭火效果最好的喷头进行含微胶囊F-500添加剂的细水雾灭火实验。结果表明,低压细水雾对抑制和熄灭食用油火灾具有一定的效果,但容易发生复燃。而添加了微胶囊F-500的低压细水雾,灭火效率较纯细水雾提高约3~10倍,且能有效地避免复燃,同时提高了火场的能见度。不同浓度的F-500溶液具有不同的灭火效果,综合考虑经济性和有效性因素,3%浓度的F-500溶液是厨房低压细水雾灭火系统的最佳灭火介质。  相似文献   

Wet benches are typically utilized in semiconductor facilities for wafer and parts cleaning. Heaters and some flammable liquids, such as acetone and isopropyl alcohol (IPA), are employed during the cleaning process. Wet bench fires have caused serious losses in the semiconductor industry. To assess the fire protection performance, several field tests were performed using a water mist system installed in the wet bench. In this study, acetone pan fuel was used as fire source. The test parameters were operational pressure, pan size, nozzle location, cylinder obstruction and degree of door closure. An appropriate design for operating pressure and the location of water mist nozzles extinguished wet bench fires effectively in the early fire stages. The nozzles are suggested to be fixed above or on the each side of the pan, ensuring that mist can completely cover a pan surface with sufficient momentum. With this suggested design, fires can be extinguished in the pan and do not spread over the wet bench.  相似文献   

细水雾灭火技术的研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
细水雾灭火技术主要通过汽化隔氧、冷却燃料和氧化剂以及吸收部分热辐射等效应与火相互作用,降低燃烧化学反应速率和火焰传播速率,达到控制和扑灭火灾的目的,不会产生“二次性环境污染”,可以达到火灾防治洁净化目标。为此,对细水雾抑制火灾的过程和机理进行了实验研究和数值模拟,以促进细水雾灭火技术的发展  相似文献   

含氯化亚铁添加剂细水雾灭火有效性的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为了提高常规细水雾的灭火有效性,拓展其应用范围,本文采用小尺度实验的方法,研究了含氯化亚铁添加剂细水雾在不同燃料种类、添加剂浓度、压力下扑灭池火的有效性。实验结果表明:向细水雾中添加氯化亚铁,显著地影响了它的灭火性能;细水雾的灭火时间随着加入的氯化亚铁的质量浓度变化而发生改变,而且存在一个最短灭火时间浓度;细水雾喷头的工作压力和燃料的类型也对细水雾的灭火性能有影响,喷头工作压力越大,细水雾的平均灭火时间越短;在相同的实验条件下,细水雾灭煤油火的时间要短于灭乙醇火的时间。  相似文献   

细水雾灭油池火时各种影响因素的相对重要度分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
陆强  廖光煊  秦俊  刘江虹 《火灾科学》2002,11(3):164-169
采用实验的方法并与理论分析相结合,对细水雾在扑灭B类火时,占主导地位的灭火机理进行了研究。实验中发现,当液体燃料的闪点相差较大时,其灭火机理往往不尽相同。并且当细水雾的雾特性相差较大时,在灭火中起主导作用的灭火机理常常也各有不同。因而那种单纯以雾滴的粒径分布作为细水雾扑灭燃料闪点较高的油池火时,雾滴的动量分布对细水雾的灭火有效性影响更大。为此,本文还建立了一个简单的模型,试图得到在这种火灾场景下,对细水雾灭火的临界动量要求。  相似文献   

爆震雾化射流用于灭火的可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脉冲细水雾灭火技术在国内外已获得成功应用 ,为进一步提高其灭火效果和简化装备 ,笔者提出了一种基于爆炸推进原理的爆震雾化射流发生装置 ,对其工作原理、动力特性进行了分析。理论分析与初步实验结果表明 ,爆震流体动力源可获得极高的能量密度和输出功率 ,爆震雾化射流具有直流水与雾状水的双重灭火性能 ,其灭火机理是脉冲雾化水的强水力冲击、高效冷却、隔氧阻燃、吸收热辐射及火焰拉伸的共同作用 ,该技术适于开发高效、清洁的便携式个人消防装备  相似文献   

采用大涡模拟、混合物分数燃烧模型和欧拉-拉格朗日粒子运动描述法,对自然通风房间内细水雾与油池火焰作用过程进行数值模拟;探讨细水雾在火羽流的不同区域内的灭火机理;分析雾滴直径在自然通风条件下对细水雾灭火效果的影响。模拟结果表明:细水雾冷却热烟气层分为温度迅速降低和缓慢下降两个阶段;在间歇火焰区和浮力羽流区以及热烟气层主要发挥细水雾的蒸发冷却作用,在恒定火焰区则是蒸发冷却和隔氧窒息共同作用;着火区域封闭性较差时,直径较小的水雾系统的灭火效果较低。  相似文献   

为了研究脉冲细水雾的关键参数,采用FDS软件对不同周期的脉冲细水雾熄灭受限空间油盘火进行了数值模拟,分析了脉冲周期的优化设置、细水雾的灭火效果和灭火机理。根据模拟结果进行参数设置,建立了脉冲细水雾试验平台,对脉冲细水雾熄灭不同尺寸油盘火进行了试验研究,并与数值模拟结果对比。研究表明:脉冲细水雾的最佳周期应满足喷头开启时间接近雾滴降至燃料表面的时间,暂停时间接近雾滴的生存时间;脉冲细水雾能熄灭不同尺寸火源,其灭火效果优于连续细水雾,雾滴蒸发效率更高,灭火机理为水雾蒸发稀释氧气而窒息灭火。  相似文献   

Through a series of full-scale fire experiments and numerical simulations, the effectiveness of water mist system on wind generator could be estimated, and compared with fire parameters, such as exposed or unexposed fire sources, number of nozzles, un-sheltered or sheltered fire sources, and fire source location.The experimental study found that the position of the water mist nozzles and whether the flames inside the oil pan are covered have a significant influence on overall extinguishing efficacy. The water mist system proved to have sound effectiveness on fire suppression in wind generators with sheltered fire source.According to FDS simulations of water mist systems, the simulated temperature curve declined more significantly than that for the actual measurements, indicating that the cooling effect of the simulated water mist was better. However, simulations were used for a situation where water mist was unable to directly extinguish the fire. Analysis of the simulated airflow showed that an opening caused the water to discharge outwards and the airflow was disturbed by the outside; thus, the extinguishing effect was poorer. There was less water with a sheltering object, and thus the extinguishing effect was poorer.  相似文献   

针对渔船火灾危险性进行分析,辨识火灾危险源,通过实验模拟横向对比几种灭火介质的灭火效果。实验中以柴油油盘火模拟渔船早期火灾,并根据发动机舱的特点设置了喷雾火模拟发动机舱火灾,并通过对比几种不同灭火剂的灭火效果得出细水雾灭火有效性能良好,具有应用于实践的可行性,在渔船灭火技术应用中前景广阔的结论。  相似文献   

Effect of water mist on the small-scale solid fuel polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fire in the confined space has been studied experimentally with the heat release rate measured by a cone calorimeter in this paper.The water mist is generated by a single pressure nozzle and the diffusion flame is produced from PVC samples respectively. The LDV/APV system is employed to determine the water mist characteristics. The Cone Calorimeter is used to measure the heat release rate, oxygen and carbon monoxide concentrations and other important parameters of the interaction under various conditions.The results of the test showed that heat extraction cooling (flame cooling and fuel surface cooling) plays a dominating role to suppress the PVC fire, when the water mist with enough volume flux are applied to the diffusion flame in the confined space. The higher the operation pressure, the easier the suppression. The faster the PVC fire suppressed by water mist with large enough water flux, the less the total amount of toxic gases (CO, CO2) produced.  相似文献   

细水雾熄灭障碍物火的实验研究和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余明高  郭明  李振峰  裴蓓 《火灾科学》2008,17(3):159-164
为了研究细水雾灭火系统在网状和条状障碍物阻隔条件下的灭火效果,采用全尺寸试验研究和数值模拟的方法研究了障碍物的形状,位置,遮挡面积以及细水雾工作压力对灭火效果的影响.实验结果表明:提高压力有助于快速有效地熄灭障碍物火;障碍物的位置是影响灭火效果的重要因素,近距离的覆盖使细水雾难以进入火区.障碍物下出现局部高温区,余火难以扑灭,灭火时间至少需要56 s;而障碍物距离火源较远时,卷吸作用下细水雾仍能均匀的进入火区,发挥冷却作用,灭火时间在18 s以内;网状障碍物的遮挡面积,对灭火效果影响不大;相同遮挡面积条件下,条状障碍物火比较难熄灭.  相似文献   

障碍物影响下细水雾灭火有效性的研究具有重要的意义。研究了障碍物与火焰的相对位置、细水雾工作压力、喷头距离火焰垂直距离及水平距离等因素对灭火有效性的影响,以及细水雾作用下火灾烟气中一氧化碳、二氧化碳及氧气浓度的变化规律等。结果表明:高压细水雾可以有效扑救部分有障碍物遮挡的油池火,同时喷头距离火焰的水平距离和垂直距离也显著影响着细水雾的灭火速度;高压细水雾在灭火过程中火场的氧气浓度明显升高,二氧化碳和一氧化碳浓度明显降低;细水雾工作压力较低时,一氧化碳浓度反而有所增加。  相似文献   

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