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A standard spherical apparatus for measuring explosion characteristics was modified to give increased and controlled turbulence within a dust–air mixture. This was intended to mimic the local effects which may occur during industrial dust explosions, particularly secondary ones which may develop in ducts or mine galleries where the initial explosion causes an increased air velocity and suspension of further quantities of dust.The results show that there may be a doubling of the maximum explosion pressure and of the rate of pressure rise during the explosion under more turbulent conditions. This is significant for modelling of dust explosions and suggests that explosion relief may be inadequate if this factor is not taken into consideration.The modified apparatus therefore gives a laboratory method for assessing the effect of turbulence in dust explosions.  相似文献   

The explosion characteristics of propane–diluent–air mixtures under various temperatures and pressures were investigated using a 20-L apparatus. The explosion limits of propane diluted with nitrogen or carbon dioxide were measured at high temperatures from 25 to 120 °C. The results showed that the upper explosion limit (UEL) increased, and the lower explosion limit (LEL) decreased with the rising temperature. The explosion limits of propane diluted with nitrogen or carbon dioxide were also measured at high pressures from 0.10 to 0.16 MPa. The results showed that the UEL increased, and the LEL almost remainedunchanged along with increased pressure. Under the same initial operating conditions, the concentration of nitrogen required to reach the minimum inerting concentration (MIC) point was higher than the concentration of carbon dioxide. Finally, the study investigated the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) of propane under various initial temperatures, initial pressures, and inert gases. The LOC of propane decreased approximately linearly with increased temperature or pressure, and the LOC of propane dilution with carbon dioxide was greater than dilution with nitrogen from 25 to 120 °C or from 0.10 to 0.16 MPa, which indicated that the dilution effect of carbon dioxide was better than that of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the vapor–liquid two-phase diethyl ether (DEE)/air mixtures (mist) on the explosion parameters was an important basis of accident prevention. Two sets of vapor–liquid two-phase DEE/air mixtures of various concentrations were obtained with Sauter mean diameters of 12.89 and 22.90 μm. Experiments were conducted on vapor–liquid two-phase DEE/air mixtures of various concentrations at an ignition energy of 40.32 J and at an initial room temperature and pressure of 21 °C and 0.10 MPa, respectively. The effects of the concentration and particle size of DEE on the explosion pressure, the explosion temperature, and the lower and upper flammability limits were analyzed. Finally, a series of experiments was conducted on vapor–liquid two-phase DEE/air mixtures of various concentrations at various ignition energies. The minimum ignition energies were determined, and the results were discussed. The results were also compared against our previous work on the explosion characteristics of vapor–liquid two-phase n-hexane/air mixtures.  相似文献   

The Ignition Temperature (IT) of stoichiometric tetrafluoroethylene–air mixtures on hot walls was determined in a 3-dm³-reactor. Tests at elevated pressure conditions were performed, namely at 5, 15 and 25 bar(a), showing a decrease of the IT with the initial pressure. Furthermore, the measured ignition temperatures of stoichiometric tetrafluoroethylene–air mixtures were lower than the ignition temperatures required for the decomposition pure tetrafluoroethylene (Minimum Ignition Temperature of Decomposition, MITD) reported in previous works.Equations from the Semenov thermal explosion theory on spontaneous ignition were used to identify approximate combustion kinetics of tetrafluoroethylene from the experimental results. The determined kinetics was used for the prediction of the IT of stoichiometric tetrafluoroethylene-air by simplified calculation methods. A very good agreement with the experimental results was observed.  相似文献   

The effects of enriching natural gas with hydrogen on local flame extinction, combustion instabilities and power output have been widely studied for both stationary and mobile systems. On the contrary, the issues of explosion safety for hydrogen–methane mixtures are still under investigation.In this work, experimental tests were performed in a 5 L closed cylindrical vessel for explosions of hydrogen–methane mixtures in stoichiometric air. Different compositions of hydrogen–methane were tested (from pure methane to pure hydrogen) at varying initial pressures (1, 3 and 6 bar).Results have allowed the quantification of the combined effects of both mixture composition (i.e., hydrogen content in the fuel) and initial pressure on maximum pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and burning velocity. The measured burning velocities were also correlated by means of a Le Chatelier’s Rule-like formula. Good predictions have been obtained (at any initial pressure), except for mixtures with hydrogen molar content in the fuel higher than 50%.  相似文献   

Optical technologies have progressed rapidly in the past 15 years. One application of laser technology in underground coal mines currently under evaluation is the remote measurement of explosive methane gas. Federal regulations require that atmospheric monitoring systems used in gassy underground mines where permissible equipment is required shall be intrinsically safe. Mine Safety and Health Administration criteria for the evaluation and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus contain no specific guidance for optoelectronic components such as diode lasers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is conducting a study to help provide a scientific basis for developing appropriate safety guidelines for optical equipment in underground coal mines. Results of experiments involving ignition of methane–air mixtures by collections of small heated particles of Pittsburgh seam coal and black iron oxide are reported. The inert but more strongly absorbing iron oxide targets consistently ignited methane–air mixtures at lower powers than the coal targets. Minimum observed igniting powers for laser energy delivered by 200, 400 and 800 μm core fiber optic cables and directed onto iron oxide targets in methane–air atmospheres were 0.6, 1.1, and 2.2 W, respectively. Comparisons with the results of other researchers are made. A thermal layer theoretical approach to describing the process is included as an appendix.  相似文献   

A vented chamber, with internal dimensions of 150 mm × 150 mm × 500 mm, is constructed in which the premixed methane–air deflagration flame, propagating away from the ignition source, interacts with obstacles along its path. Three obstacle configurations with different cross-wise positions are investigated. The cross-wise obstacle positions are found to have significant effects on deflagration characteristics, such as flame structure, flame front location, flame speed, and overpressure transients. The rate of flame acceleration, as the flame passes over the last obstacle, is the highest at the configuration with three centrally located obstacles, whereas the lowest is observed at the configuration with three obstacles mounted on one side of the chamber. Compared with the side configuration, the magnitude of overpressure generated increases by approximately 80% and 165% for the central and staggered configurations, respectively. Furthermore, flame propagation speeds and generated overpressures for both the central and staggered configurations are greater, which should to be avoided to reduce the risk associated with turbulent premixed deflagrations in practical processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for detection and location of leaks in a single pipe, by means of transient analysis, of hydrogen–natural gas mixtures flows. The method uses transient pressure waves initiated by the sudden closure of a downstream shut-off valve. The presence of a leak in a pipe partially reflects these pressure waves and allows for the location of the leak. Pressure waves are governed by two coupled non-linear, hyperbolic partial differential equations with pressure dependent coefficients. The fluid pressure and velocity are considered as two principal dependent variables. To determine the leak location, the mathematical formulation has been solved by the characteristics method of specified time intervals. The computed results describe the influence of the leak on pressure time-history and the effect of hydrogen mass fraction in the mixture on the leak discharge behaviour. It was found that transient pressure is much important in the case of hydrogen than that in the case of natural gas.  相似文献   

With the popularity of refrigerants in the process industries, the potential safety problems caused by the use of refrigerants have attracted worldwide attention as people have realized their inherent explosion characteristics of refrigerants. This paper studied the explosion characteristics of refrigerant 2, 3, 3, 3–tetrafluoropropene (R1234yf) at different concentrations and initial pressures based on a 20 L experimental apparatus. The experimental results illustrated the peak overpressure of R1234yf increased with the rise of initial pressure. At a constant ambient temperature of 25 °C, the maximum rate of pressure rise and deflagration index showed an N-shaped trend with the increase of the refrigerant concentration from 6.8% to 10%. The maximum rate of pressure rise and deflagration index increased first and then decreased with the increase of the refrigerant concentration at atmospheric pressure, while they presented an M-shaped trend at pressurization condition. The peak overpressure, the maximum rate of pressure rise, and deflagration index reached 0.742 MPa, 4.04 MPa s−1, and 1.1 MPa.m.s−1 with a refrigerant concentration of 7.6%, respectively, which were less than those of refrigerant propane and difluoromethane (R32) at the optimal concentration. Furthermore, R1234yf exhibited better safety performance compared with refrigerant R32 in the same flammability classification.  相似文献   

The flammability of refrigerants is a major cause of refrigerant explosion incidents. Studying the explosion characteristics of refrigerants at different initial temperatures can provide significant benefits for solving the safety problems of refrigerants under actual working conditions. This paper studied the effects of the initial temperature and refrigerant concentration on the explosion characteristics of refrigerant 2, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoropropene (R1234yf) at 0.1 MPa. The curves of explosion characteristics with different initial temperature revealed the same variation trend ranged from 25 °C to 115 °C. Specifically, as the refrigerant concentration was raised, the peak overpressure, the maximum rate of pressure rise, and laminar burning velocity increased initially and decreased afterwards, along with maximum values at the refrigerant concentration of 7.6%. When the refrigerant concentration was 7.6%, the peak overpressure declined exponentially with the initial temperature rise, while the maximum rate of pressure rise increased linearly. The laminar burning velocity calculated from the spherical expansion method indicated that the flame propagation was gradually accelerated by the increase of initial temperature, which coincided with the change of the maximum rate of pressure rise. Meanwhile, experiments and CHEMKIN simulation results demonstrated the effects of elevated temperature from 20 °C to 50 °C on the explosion limits of R1234yf. The lower explosion limit reduced and the upper explosion limit increased with rising initial temperature. In general, R1234yf exhibited moderate combustion and lower explosion risk, compared with traditional refrigerants.  相似文献   


Objective: To meet increasing customer demand, many vehicle manufacturers are now offering a panoramic sunroof option in their vehicle lineup. Currently, there is no regulatory or consumer test aimed at assessing the potential for ejection mitigation of roof glazing, which leaves manufacturers to develop internal performance standards to guide designs. The goal of this study was to characterize the variety of occupant-to-roof impacts involving unbelted occupants in rollover crashes to determine the ranges of possible effective masses and impact velocities. This information can be used to define occupant retention requirements and performance criteria for roof glazing in occupant ejection protection.

Methods: This study combined computational (MADYMO and LS-Dyna) simulations of occupant kinematics in rollover crashes with laboratory rollover crash tests using the dynamic rollover test system (DRoTS) and linked them through controlled anthropomorphic test device (ATD)-to-roof (“drop”) impact tests. The DRoTS and the ATD drop tests were performed to explore impact scenarios and estimate dummy-to-roof impact impulses. Next, 13 sets of vehicle kinematics and deformation data were extracted from a combination of vehicle dynamics and finite element model simulations that reconstructed variations of rollover crash cases from the field data. Then occupant kinematics data were extracted from a full-factorial sensitivity study that used MADYMO simulations to investigate how changes in anthropometry and seating position would affect occupant–roof impacts across all 13 cases. Finite element (FE) simulations of ATD and Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC) human body model (HBM) roof impacts were performed to investigate the most severe cases from the MADYMO simulations to generate a distribution of head-to-roof impact energies.

Results: From the multiparameter design of experiment and experimental study, kinematics and energy output were extracted and analyzed. Based on dummy-to-roof impact force and dummy-to-roof impact velocity, the most severe rollover scenarios were identified. In the DRoTS experiments followed by the drop tests, the range of identified impact velocities was between 2 and 5.8 m/s. However, computational simulations of the rollover crashes showed higher impact velocities and similar effective masses. The largest dummy-to-roof impact velocity was 11 m/s.

Conclusions: This study combined computational and experimental analyses to determine a range of possible unbelted occupant-to-roof impact energies. These results can be used to determine design parameters for an impactor for the assessment of the risk of roof glazing ejection for unbelted occupants in rollover crashes.  相似文献   

High temperature flame fronts generated in methane–air explosions are one of the major hazards in underground coal mines. However, the distribution laws of the flame region in explosions of this type and the factors influencing such explosions have rarely been studied. In this work, the commercial software package AutoReaGas, a finite-volume computational code for fluid dynamics suitable for gas explosion and blast problems, was used to carry out numerical simulations of a series of methane–air explosion processes for various initial premixed methane–air regions and cross-sectional areas in full-scale coal tunnels. Based on the simulated results and related experiments, the mechanism of flame propagation beyond the initial premixed methane–air region and the main factors influencing the flame region were analyzed. The precursor shock wave and turbulence disturb the initial unburned methane–air mixture and the pure air in front of the flame. The pure air and unburned mixture subsequently move backward along the axial direction and mix partially. The enlargement of the region containing methane induces that the range of the methane–air flame greatly exceeds the initial premixed methane–air region. The flame speed beyond the initial region is nonzero but appreciably lower than that in the original premixed methane–air region. The length of the initial premixed methane–air region has substantial influence on the size of the flame region, with the latter increasing exponentially as the former increases. For realistic coal tunnels, the cross-sectional tunnel area is not an important influencing factor in the flame region. These conclusions provide a theoretical framework in which to analyze accident causes and effectively mitigate loss arising from the repetition of similar accidents.  相似文献   

Several safety characteristics of dusts are determined in the 20-L-sphere (also known as SIWEK Chamber) according to international standards. Dust cloud ignition is carried out using pyrotechnical igniters. Due to various disadvantages of such igniters the need for alternative ignition sources arises again and again. An alternative could be an ignition source which is known as “exploding wire” or “fuse wire”. The paper presents test results of a comparative study between both ignition sources for the determination of the safety characteristics “Maximum Explosion Pressure” and “Maximum Rate of Explosion Pressure Rise” of five selected dusts in the 20-L-sphere. In addition to that the ignition mechanisms of both ignition sources were analyzed by high speed camera recordings and the ignition energy was determined with electric and calorimetric recordings. The paper shows results of measurements of the ignition energy of both ignition sources as well as sequences of the flame propagation.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an experimental investigation on fast flame propagation and the deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) and following detonation propagation in a semi-confined flat layer filled with stratified hydrogen–air mixtures. The experiments were performed in a transparent, rectangular channel open from below. The combustion channel has a width of 0.3 m and a length of 2.5 m. The effective layer thickness in the channel was varied by using different linear hydrogen concentration gradients. The method to create quasi-linear hydrogen concentration gradients that differ in the range and slope is also presented. The ignited mixtures were accelerated quickly to sonic flame speed in the first obstructed part of the channel. The interaction of the fast flame propagation with different obstacle set-ups was studied in the second part of the channel. The experimental results show an initiation of DDT by one additional metal grid in the obstructed semi-confined flat layer. Detonation propagation and failed detonation propagation were observed in obstructed and unobstructed parts of the channel.  相似文献   

A set of 34 experiments on vented hydrocarbon–air and hydrogen–air deflagrations in unobstructed enclosures of volume up to 4000 m3 was processed with use of the advanced lumped parameter approach. Reasonable compliance between calculated pressure–time curves and experimental pressure traces is demonstrated for different explosion conditions, including high, moderate, low and extremely low reduced overpressures in enclosures of different shape (Lmax:Lmin up to 6:1) with different type and position of the ignition source relative to the vent, for near-stoichiometric air mixtures of acetone, methane, natural gas and propane, as well as for lean and stoichiometric hydrogen–air mixtures. New data were obtained on flame stretch for vented deflagrations.The fundamental Le Chatelier–Brown principle analog for vented deflagrations has been considered in detail and its universality has been confirmed. The importance of this principle for explosion safety engineering has been emphasized and proved by examples.A correlation for prediction of the deflagration–outflow interaction number, χ/μ, on enclosure scale, Bradley number and vent release pressure is suggested for unobstructed enclosures and a wide range of explosion conditions. Fractal theory has been employed to verify the universality of the dependence revealed of the deflagration–outflow interaction number on enclosure scale.In spite of differences between the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon–air and hydrogen–air systems, they both obey the same general regularities for vented deflagrations, including the Le Chatelier–Brown principle analog and the correlation for deflagration–outflow interaction number.  相似文献   

The effect of internal shape of obstacles on the deflagration of premixed methane–air (concentration of 10%) was experimentally investigated in a semi-confined steel pipeline (with a square cross section size of 80 mm × 80 mm and 4 m long). The obstacles used in this study were circular, square, triangular and gear-shaped (4-teeth, 6-teeth and 8-teeth) orifice plates with a blockage ratio of 75%, and the perimeter of the orifice was regarded as a criterion for determining the sharpness of the orifice plate. The overpressure history, flame intensity histories, flame front propagation speed, maximum flame intensity and peak explosion overpressure were analyzed. The explosion in the pipeline can be divided into two stages: initial explosion and secondary explosion. The secondary explosion is caused by recoiled flame. The perimeter is positively related to the intensity of the recoiled flame and the ability of orifice plate to suppress the explosion propagation. In addition, the increase in the perimeter will cause the acceleration of the flame passing through the orifice plate, while after the perimeter of the orifice reaches a certain value, the effect of the increase in perimeter on explosion excitation becomes no obvious. The overpressure (static pressure) downstream of the orifice plate is the result of the combined effect of explosion intensity and turbulence. The increase in perimeter leads to the increase in turbulence downstream of the orifice plate which in turn causes more explosion pressure to be converted into dynamic pressure.  相似文献   

An experimental study of flame propagation, acceleration and transition to detonation in stoichiometric hydrogen–methane–air mixtures in 6 m long tube filled with obstacles located at different configurations was performed. The initial conditions of the hydrogen–methane–air mixtures were 1 atm and 293 K. Four different cases of obstacle blockage ratio (BR) 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4 and three cases of obstacle spacing were used. The wave propagation was monitored by piezoelectric pressure transducers PCB. Pressure transducers were located at different positions along the channel to collect data concerning DDT and detonation development. Tested mixtures were ignited by a weak electric spark at one end of the tube. Detonation cell sizes were measured using smoked foil technique and analyzed with Matlab image processing toolbox. As a result of the experiments the deflagration and detonation regimes and velocities of flame propagation in the obstructed tube were determined.  相似文献   

The paper describes the experimental investigation of detonation initiation in a mixture of kerosene–oxidant in a short test tube. Various mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen were used as an oxidant, from pure oxygen to the composition of air. The goal of the study was to determine the minimum diameter of the tube and the minimum level of energy needed for the direct initiation of detonation. As a result of the measurements the pressure courses were obtained for two kinds of cases: with and without (only shock waves) of fuel injection. The results of both kinds of measurements were compared, providing information about the initiation of detonation in a fuel–oxidizer mixture. Brief analyses of the results for different initiators and different oxidizers were performed and compared with the shock wave and Chapman–Jouget velocity.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of branch tunnels on explosion propagation, experiments were performed in five different configuration tunnels (straight configuration and configurations with 1 branch, 2 branches, 3 branches and 4 branches). Pressure and flame transducers were used to record the history of the pressure development and track the velocity of the flame front. It was shown that the branch tunnels had ability to enhance the maximum overpressure, rate of overpressure rise, and deflagration index (KG) of the gasoline–air mixture explosion due to the turbulence induced by the branch tunnels. The overpressure rise rate and KG of the explosion increased as a function of the number of branch tunnels. Experiments also showed that the maximum flame speed increased as the branch number increasing from 0 to 3 due to the enlargement of turbulence induced by the branch tunnels. However, an increase of branch number did not always lead to an enhancement of flame speed because the heat loss was intensified resulting from the increase of flame surface caused by the branch tunnels. When the number of branch tunnels exceeded 3, the maximum flame speed dropped.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the limiting (minimum) concentrations of hydrogen in oxygen, in the presence of added helium, at elevated temperature and pressure related to the practical operational case. A 5 L explosion vessel, an ignition sub-system and a transient pressure measurement sub-system were used. Through a series of experiments carried out using this system, the limiting concentrations of hydrogen in oxygen and helium at different initial pressures and temperatures for the practical operational case were studied, and the influence of ignition energy and initial temperature on the limiting concentration of hydrogen in oxygen and helium was analyzed and discussed. The variation of ignition energy within the studied range is found to have a significant effect on the limiting concentration of hydrogen in oxygen and helium at lower initial temperature. However, when the ignition energy is higher than 32 mJ, the limiting hydrogen concentration remains almost changeless as the initial temperature increases from 21 °C to 90 °C. The limiting explosible concentration of hydrogen–oxygen–helium mixture decreases as the ignition energy increases when the initial temperature is lower. When the initial temperature is higher, the ignition energy has little effect on the limiting hydrogen concentration of hydrogen–oxygen–helium mixtures. When the initial temperature reaches 90 °C, the limiting hydrogen concentration remains almost changeless with an increase in ignition energy. The limiting explosible concentration of hydrogen in the mixtures, at the initial temperature of 21 °C and the ignition energy of 0.5 mJ, is 8.5% and that of oxygen is 11.25%.  相似文献   

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