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化工园区安全容量计算模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文探讨了化工园区安全容量的含义。选择了适当的基础安全容量计算模型及事故统计指标,建立了安全容量影响因素体系,在此基础上,运用改进G1法和模糊综合评价法确定各因素的权重和隶属度,进而提出化工园区安全容量的计算模型。  相似文献   

化学工业园区消防规划探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对化学工业园区的迅速发展,大型化工生产装置、储存装置日益增多,重大危险源数量不断增加,火灾、爆炸等重特大事故发生的可能性增大的现状,本文在化学工业园区安全规划工作实践的基础上,提出了化学工业园区消防规划的指导思想、原则和程序,确定了化学工业园区消防安全规划的一般内容,以期为化学工业园区消防安全规划的编制提供指导。  相似文献   

Chemical industry park plays an important role in optimizing the allocation of resources, but an emergency may make a great deal of personnel casualty and property loss. Many casualties are not the result of accidents but are caused by extreme behavior because of the non-adaptive psychology of the evacuees. Panic is one of the non-adaptive psychological behaviors during an evacuation, which is influenced by a variety of factors. Based on the consideration of the disaster environment and the evolution of crowd emotion, a system dynamics model of panic spread is established by using Anylogic software, and simulation experiments are carried out for different disaster severity, visibility, and groups. The results show that the number of people with severe panic increase when visibility decreases or disaster diffuses. Besides, the appropriate proportion of groups can effectively reduce the cooling time of crowd and ease the fears. However, continue to increase the number of groups has no significant effect on the panic control. This work can provide some reasonable guidance for regional emergency evacuation in chemical park.  相似文献   

Preparedness of emergency evacuation for the leakage of toxic substances in chemical plants is very important in order to reduce damage. In order to implement an emergency evacuation properly, it is necessary to comprehensively and concretely determine the conditions of the leakage and atmospheric conditions and predict the consequences of the dispersed gases. Repeated training for emergencies is also essential. In order to realize effective evacuation, a prediction model of the evacuation area that anyone can use to obtain the same results both accurately and promptly is developed in the present study. The prediction model is designed such that the wind speed and atmospheric conditions are automatically set, and the leakage rate is the only input parameter, so that anyone can use the model easily. In addition, the model can also predict the atmospheric parameters for up to 3 h and can calculate the evacuation distance so that smooth evacuation can be achieved for changing atmospheric conditions. Finally, the evacuation area is defined by statistically analysed wind fluctuations, and a series of emergency evacuation measures is implemented.  相似文献   

Accidents in chemical industrial parks always cause fateful damage which can be reduced greatly by providing emergency resources sufficiently and timely. One effective way to enhance the emergency response capacity and agility is by pre-positioning of emergency resources for the potential accidents. The Yangtze River Delta of China is a large region where a large number of chemical industrial parks are concentrated. According to the distributing characteristics of demand points in this region, a mathematical model of hierarchical pre-positioning of emergency resources is proposed to ensure that accidents in all chemical industrial parks in this region can be responded timely and effectively. Considering accident domino effect and minimizing the total cost, the model gives optimal decisions of pre-positioning emergency resources, including the location and inventory of depots. The innovative hierarchical pre-positioning method greatly reduces the total cost in the premise of sufficient preparation for supplying emergency resources. Finally, in a visual graph of the Yangtze River Delta, the model is applied and the result shows its applicability.  相似文献   

A successful emergency management for chemical industrial parks (CIPs) accidents includes the route and shelter selection. Both of them are based on the collection of chemicals, atmosphere, geographic and population databases of CIPs. This decision process can be considered as a kind of transportation-location problem (TLP). In this paper, a conceptual model of emergency decision system for TLP of CIPs has been reported and a new multi-objective TLP model of pedestrian evacuation has also been proposed. The model includes sub-criteria, and the affected areas are categorized into a priority hierarchy based on human vulnerability model (HVM). The model can be used to design shelter places and guide the evacuation of the affected people. Besides, it can maximize the total time satisfaction level of evacuees combined with the routes passable probabilities. Finally, a case study shows that this model is flexible and applicable to various scenarios and risk measures.  相似文献   

为建立科学、合理的化工园区应急避难点,通过对园区企业、园区空间布局等方面调研分析,从安全性、可达性、适宜性3个方面构建化工园区应急避难点选址评估指标体系;结合AHP和熵值法的组合赋权法,对指标权重进行赋权,并基于博弈论思想对权重实现差异最小化处理,计算出各指标贡献率;将模型应用于广东省某化工园区避难所的选址问题,并对该化工园区应急避难点选址进行综合评估,提出针对性的园区避难点选址措施。  相似文献   

祝恺  熊涛  王青松  孙金华 《火灾科学》2015,24(3):167-175
化工园区内危险源数量多,分布广,易发生火灾爆炸等突发性灾害事故,人员应急避难场所选址相对复杂。以后悔值理论为基础,结合效用函数,构建了后悔值模型对化工园区内避难场所选址问题进行研究。主要考虑了园区内各化工企业区域分布、事故影响范围、避难人数需求、事故发生概率等因素对避难所选址的影响,结合灾害时避难人数分布情况和从聚集点向避难所转移实际所需时间提出了等效时间的概念。最后将模型应用于小虎岛化工园区避难所的选址问题,并对模型中表征风险规避程度的参数θ和后悔遗憾程度的参数δ的敏感性进行了分析。  相似文献   

Accidents in chemical industrial parks can result in mass casualties and the risk usually escalates due to domino effects. However, most of the existing models of emergency logistics do not account for domino effect and may be unsuitable for emergency response to accidents in chemical industrial parks. This paper presents a mathematical model proposed for optimal assignments of allocating and scheduling emergency resources for rescuing victims and preventing accident spreading simultaneously. The detailed characteristics of accident scenarios and emergency resources are taken into account. Based on this, the efficiency of emergency response is evaluated by the total number of fatalities and the amount of losses caused by domino effects which are the optimal objectives of the model. A numerical case study was conducted by solving the model using a designed heuristic algorithm. The results showed the applicability and reliability of the proposed model for making optimal assignments for emergency response to accidents in chemical industrial parks.  相似文献   

化工园区的脆弱性是评估园区安全现状的重要指标,采用DEA对抗交叉评价方法对某省5个化工园区的脆弱性进行了评价研究。首先从园区固有危险性、园区承灾体脆弱性以及事故后果损失程度3个方面构建了化工园区脆弱性评估指标体系,通过DEA对抗交叉评价模型得出的效率值对园区事故成灾效率进行了评估,成灾效率越大说明脆弱性越大,反之,脆弱性越小;最后,探讨了5个化工园区脆弱性等级,对其进行了优劣排序,分析了园区脆弱性的影响因素;可为化工园区的管理者提供理论支持。  相似文献   

化工园区的蓬勃发展为我国经济发展做出了重要贡献,与此同时,近年来化工园区的安全状况不容乐观,事故时有发生,缺乏有效的安全规划是事故发生的原因之一,而安全规划依据不完善、操作性不强是化工园区安全规划难以有效落实的重要原因。针对此问题,笔者依据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》等相关法律法规、标准规范,并借鉴国内外化工园区安全规划的先进经验,提炼出化工园区安全规划核心要素,将安全规划要素表作为化工园区安全规划的直接依据,该依据内容具体、较为完整。同时,基于安全规划要素表,本文重点研究了在化工园区生命周期内各阶段应重点规划的内容,指导化工园区各阶段的安全建设以及应重点注意的问题,以期加强化工园区的整体安全。  相似文献   

为了提高化工园区应急管理水平,探索园区应急管理存在的问题,引进可拓理论 对化工园区应急能力进行评估。首先,建立化工园区应急管理能力评估指标体系,选取 预防与应急准备能力、监测与预警能力、应急处置与救援能力以及事后恢复与重建能力 为一级评估指标;管理建设能力、人员培训能力、应急保障能力等9项为二级评估指标 ;规章制度、机构体系、应急预案等31项为三级评估指标。然后,构建化工园区应急管 理能力可拓评估模型,对榆林市某化工园区进行实证评估研究,结果表明:该化工园区 应急管理能力级别变量特征值为2.03,评估级别为良好。  相似文献   

为了研究化工园区应急管理能力的影响指标,从控制事故致因角度出发,得到6个化工园区应急管理能力一级影响指标和32个二级影响指标。为了解决传统专家打分法和层次分析法存在的随意性大、计算结果不可预测的问题,通过考虑专家自然属性权重和采用模糊层次分析法对所得影响指标的权重进行研究,并运用模糊综合评价方法对某化学工业园区的应急管理能力进行评估。结果表明:采用的计算方法可快速计算各影响指标权重;一级影响因素中,人员组织建设和预案及制度建设最为重要,应急基础保障、应急技术支持和指挥协调建设其次,事后处置重要性最低;该化工园区的应急管理能力“较好”。研究成果可为管理者认识化工园区应急管理水平,有序开展化工园区应急管理能力建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Public evacuation preparation exerts an important impact on overall evacuation efficiency during regional evacuations. Early warnings often delay the occurrence of chemical accidents. Studying the characteristics of public evacuation preparation in such accidents will help develop better evacuation strategies considering the actual public response. In this work, the characteristics and factors influencing public evacuation preparation behaviors were analyzed by examining an evacuation case in China. The results indicated that the probability distribution of public's evacuation preparation time during a regional evacuation conforms to a Weibull distribution regardless of whether or not evacuation warnings were received. An estimation model of the traffic flow loading rate in a regional evacuation was then proposed on the basis of this finding. The results of this research can provide a reliable reference for evacuation modeling or logistics optimization for future incidents.  相似文献   

A large amount of hazardous materials and equipment has been extensively employed to produce useful chemicals for our daily lives, but many serious accidents, such as fires, explosions, toxic releases, and so on, that harm human beings and impact the environment have occurred during preparation, operation, and transportation of these chemicals. On 17 May 2007, a toxic release from a boiler explosion in a chemical firm triggered a large amount of xylene (7 ton), isopropanol (8 ton), phosphorus trichloride (44.7 ton), and dimethyl formamide (DMF) (1.37 ton) to be released to the atmosphere with total damages of 2000 m2 level ground. Through concerted efforts from the Yunlin Emergency Response Information Center (YERIC), sponsored by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan and other government sectors, this accident was eventually well controlled after 37 h with 107 people being involved in the rescue action. This study could be applied to lessen the degree of hazard for relevant accidents with an emergency response plan (ERP), and, via Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and photo ionization detector (PID) the toxic concentrations of airborne chemicals that occurred in the industrial area could be analyzed.  相似文献   

王自龙  蒋勇 《火灾科学》2020,29(4):253-260
为确定化工园区突发事故的应急资源需求,提出了一种基于案例推理的化工园区应急资源需求预测方法。该方法主要由三部分组成:(1)基于案例推理的模型构建;(2)化工园区事故的案例描述;(3)基于人工神经网络的案例适应。最后,以石化园区火灾爆炸事故的应急资源需求预测验证该方法的有效性。研究表明,该方法可以实时地对化工园区应急资源需求进行预测,为化工园区的应急资源储备和配置提供支持。  相似文献   

为解决传统疏散模型在计算人员疏散时间时参数不确定的问题,采用离散算法和Fruin模型对传统的Togawa疏散模型进行改进,先将时间离散为多个微小单元,假设各时间单元内人流密度不变,然后通过Fruin模型确定Togawa模型参数值,并运用迭代法累计各单元时间得到疏散时间,提高了计算的精确度.以辽宁工程技术大学博雅楼紧急情况下人员疏散为例进行分析,结果表明,改进的Togawa疏散模型预测的人员疏散时间与实际疏散时间相对误差为3.6%,预测精确度较高.  相似文献   

区域疏散分析是应急管理工作的重要内容。基于CBRN事故区域疏散的特点,引入疏散亚区域的概念,并运用运筹学中图论与离散时间动态网络流的理论和方法,建立CBRN事故区域疏散优化模型。采用RELAX算法求解该模型,并结合CBRN事故时期人员疏散过程详细介绍区域疏散分析的流程。最后将所建模型应用于具体实例,程序运算结果表明群众对紧急疏散通知的反应速度越快,被疏散人数越少以及尽早通知群众疏散时,人员疏散效率明显提高。CBRN事故区域疏散优化模型可为优化和改进CBRN事故区域疏散的方法提供依据。  相似文献   

地下大型商场火灾时期人员疏散计算机模型   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
王志刚 《火灾科学》2001,10(1):57-62
地下商场的火灾危险性决定了地下商场的防火设计应以保护人员的生命安全为首要目标。为此,开发了火灾时期人员疏散计算机模型FEgress,该模型可以计算在建筑物内不同位置处发生火灾时,从火灾发生到人员疏散结束所需的时间,与火灾模拟软件相结合,可以评价火灾时期人员生命的安全性。本文详细阐述了模型的有关概念及计算原理,并简单介绍FEgress的应用。  相似文献   

基于改进层次分析法的化工园区应急能力评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用诱导矩阵的方法对层次分析法进行改进,并将整个计算过程计算机程序化。再利用改进的层次分析法计算出化工园区应急能力各因素的权重。最后根据各因素权重以及各因素的打分情况得到园区的应急能力等级。结果表明:对改进的层次分析法程序化会提高分析速度和精度,并且通过各因素权重分析,对园区的应急能力的改善提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

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