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Reproductive patterns of three intertidal salt-marsh gammaridean amphipods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B. Borowsky 《Marine Biology》1980,55(4):327-334
Among three sympatric species of epibenthic amphipods found at different tide marks at Jamaica Bay, New York (USA), the length of time juveniles spend with the mother increases and the number of juveniles per brood decreases as tidal height increases. Each brood has two developmental periods: (1) the embryonic period, from ovulation to hatching; (2) the juvenile period, from hatching to emergence from the marsupium. Gammarus palustris, found at the high-tide mark, has a mean juvenile period of 1.7 days and a mean brood size of 12.4 offspring; G. mucronatus, found at mean-tide mark, has a mean juvenile period of 0.8 days and a mean brood size of 27.4 offspring; Melita nitida, found at low-tide mark, has a mean juvenile period of 0.5 days and a mean brood size of 30.0 offspring. Further, the range of days that a juvenile may emerge is widest for G. palustris (0 to 8 days after hatching) and narrowest for M. nitida (0 to 2 days).This work was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. at the City University of New York.  相似文献   

The gammaridean amphipods Cymadusa compta (Smith), Gammarus mucronatus Say, Melita nitida Smith and Grandidierella bonnieroides Stephensen from a seagrass community in the Indian River estuary of Florida (USA) fed variously upon large drift algae, small algae epiphytic on seagrasses and seagrass leaf debris and detritus. Consumption was measured in the laboratory using an index (CI) equivalent to mg ingested mg-1 amphipod day-1. Observations revealed that the amphipods fed by macrophagy, an attack upon large algae and seagrass debris, and by microphagy, small particle detritus feeding and scraping of plant surfaces for diatoms and other epiphytic algae. C. compta was a macrophagous feeder with a generalized diet of algae and seagrass debris, preferring epiphytic algae and drift algae at mean rates of 1.10 and 0.87 CI, respectively. Gammarus mucronatus fed upon epiphytes and seagrass debris equally at mean rates of 0.90 and 0.97 CI, respectively. The diet of M. nitida condisted primarily of epiphytes, consumed at an average rate of 1.05 CI. Grandidierella bonnieroides fed in a specialized microphagous manner, grooming plant surfaces for small particle detritus and diatoms at an approximate CI rate of 1.45. Assimilation of plants ingested, as reflected by carbon-14 uptake, varied similarly among the 4 amphipods. Epiphytic algae appeared to be most useful as food, providing means of 41 to 75% carbon-14 uptake as ingesta. Drift algae and seagrass debris were of less value, with means varying between 11 and 24 % of carbon-14 uptake by the amphipods. The data show a pattern of feeding which resembles resource partitioning of food both by size and kind. Other evidence, however, including population limitation by predators and an apparent overabundance of food, indicate that resource partitioning as seen may be an artifact, and one which has no co-evolutionary basis among the present species.Contribution No. 102 of Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   

Corals within the scleractinian family Fungiidae were observed to move toward light (positive phototaxis). Negative phototactic movement was not observed in any of the specimens tested. On sandy substratum, Diaseris distorta moved faster (max. speed of 3 cm h-1) than other species. Although D. distorta has symbiotic algae, phototactic movement also was observed both in bleached corals and in those treated with a specific inhibitor (dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea) of photosynthesis. D. distorta was phototactic even on a glass plate, and climbed up a steep slope (up to 30°). Based on experiments with Fungia fungites and D. distorta, soft tissues at the peripheral region of the dise seem to be responsible for movement via peristalsis. It is suggested that positive phototaxis in symbiontbearing fungiid corals is an important trait for selection of favorable habitats.  相似文献   

Filial cannibalism in burying beetles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Infanticide is a common phenomenon in many animal groups, but filial cannibalism, the deliberate killing and consumption by parents of their own young, is extremely unusual. The burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst has a limited food supply, in the form of a buried corpse, on which to raise its young. On corpses weighing 10–15 g, clutch size in the lab is such that complete hatching can support without severe reduction in the individual weights of final instars. The parents reduce the brood by killing and eating almost half of the first stage larvae. It is suggested that, in the field, predation of eggs and newly hatched larvae may be heavy, and that the excess eggs are laid as an insurance. If survival is then unusually high, superfluous young are killed by the parents before competition for food can occur.  相似文献   

Sex,cannibalism and sticklebacks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Two closely related species of sticklebacks (Pisces:Gasterosteidae), breeding in the same site at the same time, showed different patterns of egg cannibalism. In Gasterosteus aculeatus the intensity of cannibalism was density-dependent and females were the most important cannibals. In G. wheatlandi cannibalism was not density-dependent and males ate more eggs than females. This study indicates that sex-specific patterns of cannibalism can differ widely between species despite their similar ecology, and it provides evidence inconsistent with a currently popular explanation for egg cannibalism.  相似文献   

1.  A variety of different orientation mechanisms have been proposed by various authors working with different populations of talitrid amphipods, but, to date, no adequate attempt has been made to determine how many such mechanisms may be employed by a single population, or what their relative importance may be under different sets of conditions in nature.
2.  In this study it is shown that populations of talitrids with a sun-compass response for cross-shore orientation, as demonstrated in an experimental chamber, also possess a guidance system dependent upon local beach landmarks. The relevant landmarks, apparently high landforms behind the beach, will tend to dominate over celestial information when the two conflict. If such landmarks are missing or insufficiently prominent, however, the celestial compass will be relied upon by the amphipod for both seaward and landward movements.
3.  Of the several non-visual mechanisms proposed by various authors, none are convincingly documented, and none appear likely to play a major role in cross-beach orientation.

Female cannibalism and male courtship tactics in threespine sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Female threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) frequently raid male nests and eat all the eggs therein. We tested the hypothesis of Vickery et al. (1988) that females prefer to raid nests containing large numbers of eggs than ones with smaller numbers of eggs. This hypothesis is based on the finding that females spawning in nests containing many eggs will have reduced hatching success because of egg crowding. By consuming the male's eggs and forcing him to rebuild his nest, raiding females might obtain a new opportunity to spawn under better conditions. Our results were consistent with the first prediction of this hypothesis that females were more likely to spawn in nests containing fewer eggs than in nests with many eggs. However, this may be the result of males becoming less receptive to females as the number of eggs in their nests increases. Prediction 2 was that females should raid those nests containing the most eggs. Contrary to this prediction, males defending only one clutch were as likely to have their nests raided by groups of females as males defending several clutches of eggs. Female cannibalism is therefore unlikely to have evolved as a means of gaining access to a male defending a small number of eggs. We also examined the tactics used by males to counter female raids. Most raids occur when the male is courting, and nests are more vulnerable to shoals of females than to single females. Therefore, we hypothesized that males with eggs preferentially court a single female rather than large groups of females, and that males without eggs court both groups indiscriminately. We also predicted that males restrict the number of females they mate with when risk of having their nest raided is high. Our results indicate that: (1) both males with eggs and those without eggs minimize the risk of female cannibalism by courting solitary females rather than groups of females and (2) males limit the number of females that lay eggs in their nest when several potentially raiding females are present. Offprint requests to: G.J. FitzGerald  相似文献   

Feeding and swimming of lysianassid amphipods in a shallow cold-water bay   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential for dispersal by lysianassid amphipods and their localization to carrion in a shallow cold-water bay in the Middle Saint Lawrence Estuary were assessed by means of endobenthic sampling, SCUBA observations, measures of swimming speeds, and by exposure of bait (50–100 g of fish) in traps. Seventy-five to 99.9% of animals attracted to traps were lysianassid amphipods belonging to five species. Lysianassid species were spatially segregated in the Bay at low tide but all were more or less dispersed at high tide. Second cohortAnonyx sarsi Steele and Brunel,Boeckosimus edwardsi andOnisimus littoralis (Krøyer) were more dispersed than the small first cohort individuals. Second cohortA. sarsi were crawlers or low (0–0.5 m off the bottom) suprabenthic swimmers in the day, but upper (0.5–2 m) suprabenthic swimmers at night. In contrast, first cohortA. sarsi were crawlers or low suprabenthic swimmers day-and-night, whileOrchomenella pinguis (Boeck) followed this swimming pattern at night but were generally akinetic in the day. Mean swimming speeds ofA. sarsi (13.6 cm s-1) andOn. littoralis (12.1 cm s-1) were 2 to 3 times greater than those ofOr. pinguis (7.4 cm s-1) andPsammonyx nobilis (Stimpson) (4.4 cm s-1). Catchability coefficients (i.e. ratio number of individuals per trap:endobenthic abundance) were 74 (A. sarsi), 8 (On. littoralis), 7 (Or. pinguis), and 0.7 (P. nobolis) m2 of bottom. Gut content analysis indicated thatA. sarsi fed mostly on large carrion, whileOn. littoralis were markedly opportunistic, andOr. pinguis andP. nobilis relied on detritus, algae, and small crustaceans.  相似文献   

Entire-brood cannibalism by mouthbrooding males of the cardinal fish Apogon doederleini was investigated in temperate waters of southern Japan during two breeding seasons. The rate of cannibalism was 17–18% in each season and did not differ among age-groups. However, the seasonal pattern of cannibalism differed markedly among age-groups: young (1- and 2-year-old) males frequently cannibalized early broods, especially the first brood, of the season, whereas cannibalism by middle-aged (3- and 4-year-old) and old (5- and 6-year-old) males mainly occurred late in the breeding season. We explain this difference in terms of trade-offs between current and future reproduction. Young males, whose future reproductive success is enhanced by the growth increment, may allocate more time and energy to growth by cannibalizing early broods. In contrast, for older males who have had more breeding cycles and grow little, cannibalism could be a way to reverse the deterioration in their somatic condition that occurs as the breeding season progresses. It is also likely that the current reproductive loss entailed by the cannibalism is effectively compensated by quick re-mating with another female. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted after revision: 20 July 1997  相似文献   

Amphipods, trapped at depths of 1 410 to 5 330 m and incubated in situ in the presence of a radiolabeled protein as a food source, were fractionated to measure the distribution of label in the major biochemical constituents: low molecular pools, ethanol and base soluble proteins, lipids, polysaccharides and nucleic acids. The results suggest lipid energy storage and enhanced microbial growth within the amphipod guts as compared to growth on the uningested food material. The merits and limitations of this general approach are critically evaluated.  相似文献   

We investigated the benefits of larval cannibalism in the Neotropical mosquito Trichoprosopon digitatum. The clutch size of the mosquito in the field was strongly correlated with adult female size, indicating a fitness advantage to being large. In controlled laboratory experiments, we compared the survivorship and eventual adult sizes of larvae that were given the opportunity to cannibalise conspecifics throughout their lifetimes with the survivorship and adult sizes of larvae that were prevented from cannibalising. Since the benefits of cannibalism are likely to depend on the context in which it occurs, the experiment was conducted at two levels of alternative food availability. When food availability was high most larvae survived to adulthood, females cannibalised more than males and there was no measurable advantage to cannibalism in terms of survival rate, emergence time or adult size. Larvae were significantly more cannibalistic when food availability was lower, although under these conditions no larvae survived to adulthood. Nevertheless, under low food an important fitness benefit to cannibalism was revealed: individuals which had the opportunity to cannibalise survived significantly longer as larvae than those which did not. This increased longevity is likely to provide an important advantage to mosquito larvae when they wait for the input of unpredictable food sources. Received: 7 October 1995/Accepted after revision: 13 April 1996  相似文献   

Food composition and food requirements of four amphipod species of the Black Sea — Dexamine spinosa (Mont.), Amphithoe vaillanti Lucas, Gammarellus carinatus (Rathke), Gammarus locusta L. — were studied and an attempt made to assess the quantitative composition of the food, daily rhythms of feeding, and daily food rations. The composition of the food of the above-named amphipods is similar and consists primarily of seaweeds. Daily feeding intensity is characterized by a distinct increase during the dark period (D. spinosa, A. vaillanti); however, in G. locusta feeding intensity increases in the morning. The daily food rations of amphipods vary greatly (from 1.7 to 360% of the specimens' body weight), depending upon factors such as the kind of food, age, sex, the physiology of specimens, and the water temperature. The total quantity of food eaten by the populations of these amphipods in the coastal zone of the Black Sea amounts to 4000 g organic matter per square metre within 1 year.  相似文献   

Scavenging abyssal amphipods from the North-East Atlantic ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A baited trap set on the bottom (4855 m) in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean caught over 600 specimens belonging to 7 species of lysianassid amphipods. Photographic evidence showed a slow build up of numbers and demonstrated fluctuations apparently related to current and pressure changes and to the presence of fish. Length-frequency distributions for the more abundant species reveal size classes related to growth stages. Paralicella caperesca produces a single brood of about 90 eggs. Maturity in this species may be attained in 7 to 11 moults, the precise number possibly being determined by food availability. Orchomene gerulicorbis requires about 11 moults to reach maturity, and females are double-brooded. Mortality within the trap is discussed. A comparison of species of Paralicella and Orchomene based on morphological, developmental, reproductive and ecological characters indicates that the former genus are specialized necrophages whereas the latter are opportunist generalists. The abundance and mobility of necrophagous amphipods indicate that they play a very significant role in the trophic web.  相似文献   

Three species of infaunal gammaridean amphipods, Rhepoxynius abronius (Phoxocephalidae), Eohaustorius washingtonianus, and E. estuarius (Haustoriidae) were tested in a water-only system to assess their sensitivity to tributyltin (TBT) without the influence of factors that could affect bioavailability. When mortality (LC50) was the endpoint, the results indicated that R. abronius was 20 times more tolerant to tributyltin than either haustoriid species; however, when mortality plus reburial behavior (EC50) was assessed, the difference was only about 10 times. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) was also consistently lower in R. abronius (11.1 to 16.5 times) than in the haustoriids; however, when the LD50 was calculated, the concentration in the tissues associated with 50% mortality for each species was not significantly different. The large disparity in species' response is attributed to reduced uptake and a potentially greater ability to metabolize this compound by R. abronius. An analysis of TBT uptake confirmed that R. abronius was able to accumulate less TBT and hence maintain a low body burden for a given water concentration. The results of a separate uptake study were used to formulate a hypothesis for observed differences in reburial behavior. Because the rate of TBT uptake was lower in R. abronius, we propose that the slower rise in toxicant body burden allowed for a gradual response in this species which included a sublethal effect (non reburial), compared to a rapid rise in the body burden for E. estuarius which caused the response to quickly proceed from no effect to death.  相似文献   

Hyperiid amphipods in the eastern part of the South Pacific gyre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies were made of Amphipoda Hyperiidea collected in 1987 with a pelagic trawl in the South Pacific anticyclonic gyre in the vicinity of the Nazca and Sala y Gómez ridges (17°35 to 26°01S, 80°10 to 100°50W), at depths ranging from 50 to 300 or 600 m. Forty-three hauls contained 7 198 specimens, comprised of 119 species within 43 genera. Two of the species appeared to be new for science; two others were found in the Pacific Ocean for the first time. A comparison with hyperiid collections from other tropical Pacific regions revealed great stability of oceanic faunal composion. However, the collections differed considerably in their dominant species. Furthermore, comparison of Hyperiidea from various parts within the investigated area of the South Pacific gyre also reflected differences in dominant species. The degree of these mesoscale spatial differences was comparable to that among the central regions of the northern and southern anticyclonic gyres.  相似文献   

Each of fourFucus species occurring on the Atlantic coast of Canada was presented to two species of gammarid amphipods in no-choice and multiple-choice laboratory experiments. We also measured concentrations of anti-herbivore phlorotannins in each of theFucus species. The study site was Cranberry Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada, and experiments were conducted in 1988. In a multiple-choice experiment,F. vesiculosus was very heavily grazed. Other species were much less affected. In a no-choice experiment,F. evanescens, F. spiralis andF. vesiculosus were eaten at similar rates, whileF. distichus was barely grazed. These results correlate with measurements of phorotannin concentrations in each of the species.F. distichus had much higher concentrations than did the other species (which were not significantly different among themselves). There is no general clear-cut relationship between grazer deterrence and competitive capability within the fucoid guild studied.  相似文献   

To what extent densities of amphipods associated with red algae are related to food value or habitat form and architecture were investigated. Four epiphytic red algae common on kelp stipes (Laminaria hyperborea) were sampled, and the densities of three species of associated amphipods were analysed. The algae were chosen to represent different structures and levels of architectural complexity. Palmaria palmata and Delesseria sanguinea are leaf-shaped, and Ptilota gunneri and Polysiphonia elongata are branched. The algae were later fed to the common epiphyte-associated amphipods Ampithoe rubricata, Jassa falcata and Caprella septentrionalis in no-choice laboratory experiments. Survival and growth were measured. J. falcata was found at the highest densities on P. gunneri and D. sanguinea, C. septentrionalis was found in highest densities on P. elongata, and P. gunneri and A. rubricata were found at the highest densities on P. gunneri. The survival and growth were highest on P. palmata for all amphipods. This indicates that the form and function of the algal host is more important for the distributions of amphipods than the food value. Interspecific distribution differences between amphipods may have been related to differences in their body form and size, as well as to crypsis.Communicated by L. Hagerman, Helsingør  相似文献   

Summary Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor is an iteroparous maternal mouthbrooding cichlid fish living in small and shallow waters in East Africa. It is subjected to large seasonal variations of population density. Laboratory experiments show that with increasing density and time after spawning the number of offspring present in the mouth decreased. By experimentally varying density and the numbers of fertilized and unfertilized eggs in the mouth at the end of spawning the following causes of brood size reduction were identified: (1) At high densities some of the spawned eggs are stolen by conspecifics before they are taken into the mouth. Of the eggs taken up a considerable proportion is unfertilized. (2) Unfertilized eggs are selectively swallowed from day 2 to day 5 after spawning. (3) Some of the fertilized eggs are also swallowed during mouthbrooding. (4) If the number of eggs in the mouth falls below a critical value of approximately 20% of the number of eggs spawned, they are all swallowed. By contrast, predation by conspecifics is insignificant as long as the brood is in the mother's mouth. The causes and functions of the mother's filial cannibalism are discussed.  相似文献   

A flume study of drift in marine infaunal amphipods (Haustoriidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. Grant 《Marine Biology》1980,56(1):79-84
Amphipods of the infaunal family Haustoriidae are characteristic of high-energy marine sands and occur both in the sediment and the overlying water column. Sediments in this habitat are subject to constant reworking by tidal currents, suggesting that resident amphipod populations are affected by this disturbance in a phenomenon similar to freshwater invertebrate drift. A controlled-velocity laboratory flume was used to examine the effect of haustoriid density, current velocity, illumination, and food availability on drift rates to determine a causal basis for drift. Drift is densityindependent and greatest at night and during high current flow; it is also greater at night from sterile sediment than from untreated sand. Flume transport was usually less than 10% of amphipods present in the sediment. Haustoriids captured downstream were mostly adults occurring in a 1:1 sex ratio, suggesting no obvious function of drift in reproduction. Current-induced displacement of haustoriids may produce the patchiness in distribution observed in nature. Disturbance of the bed could also function to keep amphipod densities below the carrying capacity of the local environment. In certain cases, food limitation may cause amphipods to actively leave the substrate. Under all conditions, greater drift rates in darkness are probably adaptive in avoidance of predators. Despite the nature of sediment movement in a high-energy environment, haustoriid drift may have an active as well as passive component.  相似文献   

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