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This paper describes the results of the first experimental stage of Phase IV of a Joint Industry Project (JIP) on liquid jets and two-phase droplet dispersion. The objective of this stage of the JIP was to generate experimental rainout data for non-flashing water and xylene experiments. See the overview companion paper I for a wider overview of the problem, model implementation and associated model validation.A range of orifice sizes (2.5 and 5 mm) and stagnation pressures (4–16 barg) were applied. Measurements included flow rate, initial droplet size, plume concentrations/temperatures for a range of downstream locations, and distributed rainout.Instead of the Phase Doppler Anemometry method used for droplet size measurements earlier in the JIP, a photographic technique was applied in an attempt to include measurement of the larger (non-spherical) droplets. This enabled a more accurate evaluation of the initial droplet size distribution and a much clearer understanding of the droplet morphology. The results showed that the droplet behaviour in the jet is more complex than had been anticipated with the mass distribution dominated by a very small number of large non-spherical droplets. Consequently a large number of spray images were required to evaluate an accurate size distribution.Distributed rainout was measured by weighing the amount of rainout in trays positioned along the jet direction. The rainout results showed a good degree of repeatability and internal consistency. They indicated that an increasing proportion of the released material did not rainout for increasing pressure. Rainout distance also increased with increasing pressure. Evaporation of the liquid was confirmed by temperature measurements, which showed the effect of evaporative cooling.Xylene concentration measurements (up to 1%) were carried out using a direct reading photoionization detector calibrated for xylene (measuring vapour only). For a limited dataset, the accuracy of these measurements was estimated by means of comparison against an alternative more time-consuming concentration method (xylene absorption onto a charcoal filter; measuring both vapour and liquid). The concentration measurements displayed several consistent qualitative features. For example, at a given downstream distance, the peak concentration increases with increasing pressure and nozzle diameter and the vertical height at which the peak is achieved increases. The cross-stream profiles displayed a consistent tendency to increased concentration at the edge of the jet, and the reason for this has not been established.Finally recommendations are provided for potential future work.  相似文献   

Many accidents involve two-phase releases of hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere. This paper describes the results of a third phase of a Joint Industry Project (JIP) on liquid jets and two-phase droplet dispersion. The aim of the project is to increase the understanding of the behaviour of sub-cooled non-flashing and superheated flashing liquid jets, and to improve the prediction of initial droplet size, droplet dispersion and rainout.Phase III of the JIP first included scaled experiments for materials with a range of volatilities (water, cyclohexane, butane, propane and gasoline). These experiments were carried out by Cardiff University including measurements of flow rate and initial droplet size across the full relevant range of superheats. See the companion paper II for further details of these experiments and the derivation of new refined correlations for droplet size distribution and Sauter Mean Diameter. Furthermore large-scale butane experiments were carried out by INERIS (France) to ensure that for more realistic scenarios the derived droplet size correlations are accurate.Model validation and model improvements were carried out by DNV Software, including validation of release rate and initial droplet size against the above scaled and large-scale experiments. New correlations for droplet size distribution and Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) were implemented into the Phast discharge model. These were compared against a range of other droplet size and rainout correlations published in the literature, in conjunction with validation against an extensive set of experiments. It was shown that the new droplet size correlation agrees better against experimental data than the existing Phast correlation. To further improve the rainout prediction, the Phast dispersion model (UDM) was also extended to allow simultaneous modelling of a range of droplet sizes and distributed rainout (rather than rainout at one point).  相似文献   

Many commonly used atmospheric dispersion models are limited to continuous or instantaneous releases only, and cannot accurately simulate time-varying releases. The current paper discusses a new enhanced dispersion formulation accounting for time-varying effects resulting from a pressure drop in a vessel or pipe, and presuming no rainout. This new formulation is implemented in the Unified Dispersion Model (UDM), and is planned to be included in a future version of Phast.First existing methods are summarised for modelling finite-duration and time-varying releases, and limitations of these methods are identified.Secondly the new mathematical model is summarised. The new formulation presumes a number of ‘observers’ to be released at successive times from the point of discharge. The UDM carries out pseudo steady-state calculations for each observer, where the release data correspond to the time at which the observer is released. Subsequently the model applies a correction to the observer concentrations to ensure mass conservation when observers move with different velocities. Finally effects of along-wind diffusion (due to ambient turbulence) are included by means of Gaussian integration over the downwind distance. This results in reduced concentrations while the cloud travels in the downwind direction.The benefits of the new UDM methodology are illustrated for the case of a H2S toxic release from a long pipeline representative of some extremely sour fields in the Middle East that are now being developed. Using corrected observer concentrations and along-wind diffusion significantly reduces toxic effect distances when compared to the current Phast 7.1 approach.  相似文献   

The consequence modelling package Phast examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to the far-field dispersion including the modelling of rainout and subsequent vaporisation. The original Phast discharge and dispersion models allow the released substance to occur only in the vapour and liquid phases. The latest versions of Phast include extended models which also allow for the occurrence of fluid to solid transition for carbon dioxide (CO2) releases.As part of two projects funded by BP and Shell (made publicly available via CO2PIPETRANS JIP), experimental work on CO2 releases was carried out at the Spadeadam site (UK) by GL Noble Denton. These experiments included both high-pressure steady-state and time-varying cold releases (liquid storage) and high-pressure time-varying supercritical hot releases (vapour storage). The CO2 was stored in a vessel with attached pipework. At the end of the pipework a nozzle was attached, where the nozzle diameter was varied.This paper discusses the validation of Phast against the above experiments. The flow rate was predicted accurately by the Phast discharge models (within 10%; considered within the accuracy at which the BP experimental data were measured), and the concentrations were found to be predicted accurately (well within a factor of two) by the Phast dispersion model (UDM). This validation was carried out with no fitting whatsoever of the Phast extended discharge and dispersion models.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the first stage of Phase III of a Joint Industry Project (JIP) on liquid jets and two-phase droplet dispersion. This stage included scaled experiments for water, gasoline, and cyclohexane for a range of superheats and nozzles with different aspect ratios. Additional experiments for butane and propane were conducted as a validation exercise and are discussed in the companion paper. Moreover this paper provides recommendations for atomisation correlations in the regimes of mechanical break-up, transition to flashing, and fully flashing. The objectives of this scaled experimental programme are to : (i) provide confidence in the previously proposed modelling methodology (Phase II) across a broad range of initial conditions (ii) update the models’ correlations to generalise further its applicability (iii) recommend further model improvements. Development of new correlations for Sauter Mean Droplet diameter (SMD) and droplet size distribution is based on a best fit of the current scaled experimental data. The new data endorses the previous tri-functional Phase II approach including regimes for mechanical break-up, transition to flashing, and fully flashing, which is hence updated in the new Phase III SMD model. Considerable effort is devoted to capturing the full droplet size range under low-superheat conditions. Also, new enhancements in PDA technology were adopted to enable better quality data under high-superheat conditions. The priority recommendation for further model improvement is better characterisation of the poor quality releases under low-superheat conditions, where this work indicates that extremely broad droplet size distributions are likely. A companion paper (Part I) presents a more general overview of the dispersion problem, implementation of the correlations and subsequent performance against both the current scaled experiments and additional large-scale butane experiments.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations were performed to assess the potential chlorine leak scenario in the super-urban area of South Korea, where the human population density is very high and numerous buildings exist near operational water treatment facilities. Flame acceleration simulator (FLACS) was used to predict the consequence from accidental chlorine releases out of one of the water treatment facilities for the nearby area having a size of 5 km × 3 km approximately. The ability to precisely implement 3-D geometries is crucial for a successful 3-D simulation. Thus, a method was proposed to rapidly and accurately implement geometry by importing computer aided-design (CAD) files provided by a government agency, and processing them using Auto CAD and MicroStation software programs. An accidental release from an 18-ton tank was simulated with three different wind directions to determine the expected evacuation distances. Results from the study showed that the endpoint distances varied depending on the density and arrangement of the buildings. Moreover, we employed physical barriers with varying heights for mitigating the effects of toxic gas releases and simulated how effectively they decreased the concentration of released chlorine.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the modelling of the discharge and subsequent atmospheric dispersion for carbon dioxide releases using extensions of models in the consequence modelling package Phast. Phast examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to the far-field dispersion including the modelling of rainout and subsequent vaporisation. The original Phast discharge and dispersion models allow the released chemical to occur only in the vapour and liquid phases. As part of the current work these models have been extended to also allow for the occurrence of liquid to solid transition or vapour to solid transition. This applies both for the post-expansion state in the discharge model, as well as for the thermodynamic calculations by the dispersion model. Solid property calculations have been added where necessary. The above extensions are generally valid for fluid releases including CO2. Using the extended dispersion formulation, a sensitivity study has been carried out for mixing of solid CO2 with air, and it is demonstrated that solid effects may significantly affect the predicted concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the validation of discharge and subsequent atmospheric dispersion for both unpressurised and pressurised carbon dioxide releases using the consequence modelling package Phast.The paper first summarises the validation of the Phast dispersion model (UDM) for unpressurised releases. This includes heavy gas dispersion from either a ground-level line source (McQuaid wind-tunnel experiments) or an area source (Kit-Fox field experiments). For the McQuaid experiments minor modifications of the UDM were made to support line sources. For the Kit Fox experiments steady-state and 20-s finite-duration releases were simulated for both neutral and stable conditions. Most accurate predictions of the concentrations for finite duration releases were obtained using the UDM Finite Duration Correction method.Using experiments funded by BP and Shell and made available via DNV's CO2PIPETRANS JIP, the paper secondly summarises the validation of the Phast discharge and dispersion models for pressurised CO2 releases. This modelling accounted for the possible presence of the solid CO2 phase following expansion to atmospheric pressure. These experiments included both high-pressure steady-state and time-varying cold releases (liquid storage) and high-pressure time-varying supercritical hot releases. Both the flow rate and the concentrations were found to be predicted accurately.The above validation was carried out with no fitting whatsoever of the Phast extended discharge and dispersion models.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of a research programme concerning the modelling capabilities of accidental releases of heavier-than-air toxic gases. The existing theory, which includes the strength of the source and the subsequent development of the released cloud under representative environmental conditions, is described. Comparison of the ZZB-2 system predictions with field data from the Desert Tortoise and Lyme Bay V, ammonia and chlorine releases, shows excellent agreement at distances between ≈ 200 m and a few kilometres from the source. The correlation between observed and predicted cloud concentrations, was in all cases significant at a confidence level better than 95%.  相似文献   

It is very important and necessary to perform quantitative hazard analysis for possible accidental leakage from an underground gas storage cavern in salt rock. An integrated quantitative hazard analysis method for natural gas jet release from salt caverns is presented in this paper, which was constituted by a revised model for gas leakage rate calculation, a consequence analysis and a model of probability assessment for harm. The presented method was validated by comparing the analytical results with the data collected from the real accidents (including the leakage, jet fire, fireball and vapor cloud explosion). It is indicated that the proposed method was more accurate than the TNT equivalence method for vapor cloud explosion and gave more reasonable results when applied to the consequence analysis for the thermal radiation from jet fire and fireball.  相似文献   

In case of accidents involving releases of hazardous materials, calculating the gas dispersion is essential for assessing risks. In general, the leaked chemical is assumed to be instantly dispersed to the atmosphere if the leak occurs in the outdoor location. However, a different approach should be made for the incidents when sources are located inside a building. For the indoor release, the gas will be diluted prior to the release to the atmosphere and the gas release from a building to the atmosphere demands the application of another model before the dispersion calculation. The indoor release model calculates average indoor concentration and volumetric flowrate to the exterior. The model is fast and reasonably accurate compared to rigorous but time-consuming computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. The model results were compared with experimental data, and CFD simulation results both with simple geometry to demonstrate validation and assess the performance of the indoor release model. Lastly, the behavior and effect of mitigation of indoor release were demonstrated by using the model results.  相似文献   

为研究油气并行管道中,天然气管道喷射火对相邻输油管道内流体与管壁的热影响,设计并搭建天然气喷射火对输油管道热影响实验平台。实验平台由环道及冷却系统、火焰系统、控制及数据采集系统3个部分组成。完成平台搭建并验证环道系统气密性后,以0#柴油为介质,开展验证实验。研究结果表明:火焰系统工作可靠且可控,冷却系统能够将柴油温度控制在初馏点以下,数据采集系统能够正常采集油品压力、温度、流量、管壁温度、火焰温度等预定数据,实验平台具备一定可行性与安全性。实验平台可进行在不同管道规格及材质、火灾形式、油品介质及流速条件下的热影响实验。实验平台结合材料性能进行测试,可研究喷射火对管材性能的影响,为油气并行管道的安全运行提供相关实验依据。  相似文献   

This study developed an improved model for the dispersion of released toxic gases, SLABi, based on the widely used model SLAB. Two major improvements enhanced the model's ability to represent observations. First, SLAB was upgraded to account for temporal variation in wind vectors. Thus, real-time changes in meteorological conditions can be considered in dispersion forecasting. Second, a source term module was developed and embedded in SLABi to standardize the procedure of emission calculation. Both the standard SLAB model and the SLABi model were applied to a case study to evaluate the impact of time-varying winds on the dispersion of released gases. The results showed that meteorology has a significant influence on the dispersion of released gases. The SLABi model can provide decision makers with timely and accurate guidance, so as to minimize hazards to people and the environment.  相似文献   

The deterioration of environmental conditions can influence evacuee decisions and their subsequent behaviors. Simulating evacuee behaviors enhances the robustness of engineering procedural designs, improves the accuracy of egress models, and better evaluates the safety of evacuees. The purpose of this paper is to more accurately incorporate and validate evacuee crawling behavior into the buildingEXODUS egress model. Crawling data were incorporated into the model and tested for accurate representation. Once confirmed, the data were compared to another crawling data set for validation. The buildingEXODUS model demonstrated the ability to incorporate and compare the effects of crawling behavior. The paper further suggests some enhancements to be made to models that attempt to simulate crawling.  相似文献   

We present the results of a parametric sensitivity analysis of a widely used model for atmospheric dispersion of toxic gases, in order better to understand the influence of user-adjustable parameters on model outputs. We have studied 60 min continuous release scenarios for three different products (nitric oxide, ammonia and chlorine), chosen to cover a range of physical characteristics and storage conditions. For each product, we have broken down base-case scenarios into a number of sub-scenarios corresponding to different release conditions which determine physical phenomena (flow rate, release angle, release elevation and atmospheric stability class). The use of statistical tools to analyze the results of a large number of model executions allows us to rank model parameters according to their influence on the variability of a number of model outputs (distances and concentrations), on a per-scenario and per-product basis. Analysis of the results allows us to verify our understanding of the modeling of cloud dispersion.  相似文献   

We investigate team member feelings of collective psychological ownership (CPO) over teamwork products, the psychological paths that lead to it, and its impact on team workers' evaluations of team effectiveness, turnover intentions, and intentions to champion teamwork products. We focus on the teamwork product as an important target of ownership feelings, building on theories of self-extension, psychological ownership, and team emergent states. In Study 1, we validate measures for three ownership activating experiences (OAE) that have been proposed as paths to CPO (control over, intimate knowledge regarding, and investment in the teamwork product) using two samples of individual team workers (n = 210 and n = 140). In Study 2 (n = 183) and Study 3 (n = 200), we use surveys and a multiwave design to show that team workers' feelings of CPO mediate the relationship between investment in and intimate knowledge regarding the product and team effectiveness evaluations, team turnover intentions, and intentions to champion the work product. In Study 4 (n = 48 teams), CPO was predicted by the ownership activating experiences, at the team level. This research additionally highlights the benefits to organizations of creating conditions for the emergence of employee feelings of shared ownership over teamwork products.  相似文献   

为动态模拟有毒气体储罐泄漏扩散事故(toxic gas vessel leakage and dispersion,以下简称为TLD)的扩散过程,基于高斯点源瞬时泄漏模型,添加时间因子,将TLD的泄漏过程转换为一系列瞬时点源泄漏的叠加过程,从而获得任意时刻、任意位置的有毒气体浓度分布方程。以某氯气泄漏事故为例,模拟了有毒气体的扩散过程。结果表明,在初始阶段有毒气体储罐泄漏扩散的影响范围是逐步增大的;泄漏持续到一定时间,扩散过程趋于稳定;若假设泄漏条件不变,则此后的扩散过程类似于连续泄漏,影响范围保持不变。经与ALOHA软件的计算结果对比,两者在泄漏5分钟以后的模拟结果基本一致,本文所述模型模拟计算结果可信。  相似文献   

为增强我国应急预案的实用性和有效性,改善现有的应急预案准则性强,可操作性弱的情况,笔者运用比较分析的方法,评述了3个版本的美国应急通用任务列表,从作用、结构和内容等方面比较各版本的通用任务表间的不同以及各自优缺点,并从理论和现实2个方面分析通用任务列表版本变迁的原因,为我国应急预案和应急准备的建立提供可借鉴的经验和参考,并对其未来发展提出建议。  相似文献   

The paper describes the analysis of the potential effects of releases from compressed gaseous hydrogen systems on commercial vehicles in urban and tunnel environments using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Comparative releases from compressed natural gas systems are also included in the analysis.

This study is restricted to typical non-articulated single deck city buses. Hydrogen releases are considered from storage systems with nominal working pressures of 20, 35 and 70 MPa, and a comparative natural gas release (20 MPa). The cases investigated are based on the assumptions that either fire causes a release via a thermally activated pressure relief device(s) (PRD) and that the released gas vents without immediately igniting, or that a PRD fails. Various release strategies were taken into account. For each configuration some worst-case scenarios are considered.

By far the most critical case investigated in the urban environment, is a rapid release of the entire hydrogen or natural gas storage system such as the simultaneous opening of all PRDs. If ignition occurs, the effects could be expected to be similar to the 1983 Stockholm hydrogen accident [Venetsanos, A. G., Huld, T., Adams, P., & Bartzis, J. G. (2003). Source, dispersion and combustion modelling of an accidental release of hydrogen in an urban environment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, A105, 1–25]. In the cases where the hydrogen release is restricted, for example, by venting through a single PRD, the effects are relatively minor and localised close to the area of the flammable cloud. With increasing hydrogen storage pressure, the maximum energy available in a flammable cloud after a release increases, as do the predicted overpressures resulting from combustion. Even in the relatively confined environment considered, the effects on the combustion regime are closer to what would be expected in a more open environment, i.e. a slow deflagration should be expected.

Among the cases studied the most severe one was a rapid release of the entire hydrogen (40 kg) or natural gas (168 kg) storage system within the confines of a tunnel. In this case there was minimal difference between a release from a 20 MPa natural gas system or a 20 MPa hydrogen system, however, a similar release from a 35 MPa hydrogen system was significantly more severe and particularly in terms of predicted overpressures. The present study has also highlighted that the ignition point significantly affects the combustion regime in confined environments. The results have indicated that critical cases in tunnels may tend towards a fast deflagration, or where there are turbulence generating features, e.g. multiple obstacles, there is the possibility that the combustion regime could progress to a detonation.

When comparing the urban and tunnel environments, a similar release of hydrogen is significantly more severe in a tunnel, and the energy available in the flammable cloud is greater and remains for a longer period in tunnels. When comparing hydrogen and natural gas releases, for the cases and environments investigated and within the limits of the assumptions, it appears that hydrogen requires different mitigation measures in order that the potential effects are similar to those of natural gas in case of an accident. With respect to a PRD opening strategy, hydrogen storage systems should be designed to avoid simultaneous opening of all PRD, and that for the consequences of the released energy to be mitigated, either the number of PRDs opening should be limited or their vents to atmosphere should be restricted (the latter point would require validation by a comprehensive risk assessment).  相似文献   

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