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Using water curtain system to forced mitigate ammonia vapor cloud has been proven to be an effective measure. Currently, no engineering guidelines for designing an effective water curtain system are available, due to lack of understanding of complex interactions between ammonia vapor cloud and water droplets, especially the understanding of ammonia absorption into water droplets. This paper presents numerical calculations to reproduce the continuous ammonia release dispersion with and without the mitigating influence of a downwind water curtain using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software ANSYS Fluent 14.0. The turbulence models kɛ and RNG were used to simulate the ammonia cloud dispersion without downwind water curtain. The simulated results were compared with literature using the statistical performance indicators. The RNG model represents better agreement with the experimental data and the kɛ model generates a slightly lesser result. The RNG model coupled with Lagrangian discrete phase model (DPM) was used to simulate the dilution effectiveness of the water curtain system. The ammonia absorption was taken into account by means of user-defined functions (UDF). The simulated effectiveness of water curtains has good agreements with the experimental results. The effectiveness of water mitigation system with and without the ammonia absorption was compared. The results display that the effectiveness mainly depends on the strong air entrainment enhanced by water droplets movement and the ammonia absorption also enhances the effectiveness of water curtain mitigation system. The study indicates that the CFD code can be satisfactorily applied in design criteria for an effective mitigation system.  相似文献   

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has been largely indicated as a promising alternative solution for the transportation and storage of natural gas. In the case of accidental release on the ground, a pool fire scenario may occur. Despite the relevance of this accident, due to its likelihood and potential to trigger domino effects, accurate analyses addressing the characterization of pool fires of LNG are still missing.In this work, the fire dynamic simulator (FDS) has been adopted for the evaluation of the effects of the released amount of fuel and its composition (methane, ethane, and propane), on the thermal and chemical properties of small-scale LNG pool fire. More specifically, the heat release rate, the burning rate, the flame height, and thermal radiation, at different initial conditions, have been evaluated for pool having diameter smaller than 10 m. Safety distances have been calculated for all the investigated conditions, as well.Results have also been compared with data and correlations retrieved from the current literature. The equation of Thomas seems to work properly for the definition of the height over diameter ratio of the LNG pool fire for all the mixture and the investigated diameters.The addition of ethane and propane significantly affects the obtained results, especially in terms of radiative thermal radiation peaks, thus indicating the inadequacy of the commonly adopted assumption of pure methane as single, surrogate species for the LNG mixture.  相似文献   

为了研究LNG动力船在通航隧洞这一新型半封闭空间结构船舶通航设施中的航行安全问题,以贵州乌江构皮滩隧洞中LNG动力船发生泄漏事故为研究对象,通过建立仿真模型,利用Fluent对LNG动力船的LNG燃料在有风和无风2种状态下发生阀门泄漏、管系泄漏和罐体破损的气体扩散过程进行模拟,分别计算得出LNG泄漏造成人员窒息、火灾、爆炸等后果的影响范围和程度.结果表明:无风状态下的泄漏危害高于有风状态下的泄漏危害,泄漏点孔径与危害范围呈正相关关系;在人员窒息、爆炸、火灾3种危害中,火灾危险范围最广,其次为爆炸危险范围,最小为人员窒息危险范围,无风状态下罐体发生泄漏造成火灾面积可达609.942 0 m2,有风状态下阀门发生泄漏可导致人员窒息的危险范围面积仅0.008 0 m2.以此为依据,从LNG动力船和通航隧洞两方面分别提出了安全保障措施.  相似文献   

液化天然气泄漏扩散模型比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
重气扩散的SLAB、DEGADIS和Fluent模型被应用于LNG泄漏扩散实验的模拟过程中,以Coyote3和5为例,对各模型模拟的体积分数随时间的变化与实验值进行了对比,结果表明Fluent模拟的结果最为接近实验值,SLAB模拟结果次之,由于模拟假设风速和风向不变致使模拟结果没有实验结果所存在的频繁波动。文中最后对各模型的统计误差FB,MG,VG,MRSE,NMSE以及FAC2进行了计算,分析结果表明三类模型模拟的结果与实验值一致,但结果都偏高,相比较而言,Fluent的结果更准确。  相似文献   

Water curtains have been suggested as a way of limiting the spread of ammonia in the event of an accidental release. Several field experiments have already been performed to investigate the interaction between a water curtain and a cloud of ammonia, most recently by Bara and Dusserre (1997, J. Loss Prev. Ind., 10(3), 179–183). Those experiments have been modelled numerically, using the computational code Mercure. The calculated velocities and concentrations agree reasonably well with the measurements.  相似文献   

采用CFD软件Fluent对有无水幕作用情况下丙烷泄漏扩散过程进行了数值模拟,探讨了上喷锥形水幕对丙烷扩散的影响,得到了不同情况下丙烷体积分数场、速度场分布,并在此基础上讨论了锥形水幕稀释丙烷泄漏扩散的机理.结果表明:无水幕情况下气体扩散稳定无湍流;水幕开启初期会形成较强的上升气流,随后在水幕周围较大范围造成逆时针流场,当水幕成型后,逆时针流场开始偏转,最终形成复杂的湍流流场;一部分丙烷被上升气流带到水幕上方与空气混合,另一部分丙烷穿过水幕或在湍流扰动下绕到水幕后方与后方空气混合稀释后向出口处扩散;开启水幕后,地面处丙烷体积分数下降非常明显,高处丙烷体积分数略有增加.分析得出锥形水幕稀释丙烷气云扩散机理:上喷锥形水幕在水幕附近形成较强湍流,加快空气流通速率,吸卷更多的空气到水幕处,与水幕处泄漏气体混合,同时湍流加强了周围流场流通速率,防止气体积聚,从而达到稀释气体的目的.  相似文献   

为研究大尺寸、全场景下LNG船舶卸货作业过程中的泄漏爆炸风险,构建某LNG接收站及其周边20.5 km2的区域场景模型,采用FLACS软件数值模拟LNG泄漏扩散、气云爆炸的演化过程.结果表明:LNG从卸料臂处以满输速率持续泄漏5 min,最大液池面积17 047 m2,最大汽化速率350 kg/m3,遇点火源发生气云爆...  相似文献   

城市地区毒气扩散事故数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在城市人口密集区域,一旦发生重大危险气体泄露事故,周围居民将处境危险。由于城市特殊的街道街谷影响,用普通的方法难以精确计算出场的时空分布,大涡模拟(Large Eddy Simulation)虽然较为精确,但对计算机计算能力要求较高。针对于此,可以通过一些方法,例如贴体网格分析、卫星遥感技术,局部网格加密技术,改进大涡模型的计算条件,考虑泄漏事故一旦发生时,道路、房屋、气候对于气体扩散的影响,对事故的致灾机理从动力学的角度进行研究。在箅例中,通过分析城市地区庙会时的一起事故.模拟气体扩散浓度的时空分布,得出城市地区各个地区的不同受灾程度。通过算例我们看到,数值模拟能够为进一步安全规划、灾害预防、应急反应提供决策支持.  相似文献   

In industries some dangerous liquefied gases may accidentally release and it may form a flammable or toxic mixture after mixing with air. One tool that is being developed in industry for two-phase cloud dispersion modeling is computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In this paper, the dispersion processes of different dangerous materials including liquefied chlorine, liquefied ammonia and liquefied petroleum gas were simulated in the same condition to analyze the characteristics of the initial expansion processes by CFD tool. The heat and mass transfer between droplets and the vapor after an instantaneous release event was calculated by using the Eulerian–Lagrangian method. The results from a number of 3-D CFD based studies were compared with the available small-scale experimental results. The results show that the present model and numerical simulation are reliable.  相似文献   

高压管道天然气泄漏扩散过程的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用CFD模型的方法对高压管道内的天然气泄漏和扩散过程进行了数值模拟。其结果表明,从高压管道泄出的天然气在大气中主要表现为高速射流的泄漏过程和随后的扩散过程。在泄漏过程中,天然气在泄漏口附近为欠膨胀射流,整个泄漏过程具有一定的高度;在扩散过程中,天然气在浮力作用下以向上扩散的形式发展。研究了不同环境风速对扩散过程的影响,较大的风速可以使天然气向下风方向更远的距离扩散,从而增大了天然气爆炸危险浓度的范围。研究结果可  相似文献   

In recent years, particular interest has been direct to the issues of risk associated with the storage, transport and use of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) due to the increasing consideration that it is receiving for energy applications. Consequently, a series of experimental and modeling studies to analyze the behavior of LNG have been carried out to collect an archive of evaporation, dispersion and combustion information, and several mathematical models have been developed to represent LNG dispersion in realistic environments and to design mitigation barriers.This work uses Computational Fluid Dynamics codes to model the dispersion of a dense gas in the atmosphere after accidental release. In particular, it will study the dispersion of LNG due to accidental breakages of a pipeline and it will analyze how it is possible to mitigate the dispersing cloud through walls and curtains of water vapor and air, also providing a criterion for the design of such curtains.  相似文献   

Installation of effective safety measures to prevent and mitigate an accidental LNG release is critical. Water curtains are usually inexpensive, simple and reliable and currently have been recognized as an efficient technique to control and mitigate various hazards in the process industries including LNG industry. Actions of a water spray consist of a combination of several physical mechanisms. Detailed analysis of the complex mechanisms and the effects of water spray features to control and mitigate potential LNG vapor cloud are still unclear. This paper discusses the experimental research conducted by MKOPSC to study the physical phenomena involved and the effect of different types of water curtains parameters when applied for LNG vapor. The data from medium scale out-door experiments at the Brayton Fire Training School (BFTF), Texas, are summarized here to understand the relative importance of induced mechanical mixing effects, dilution with air, and heat transfer between water droplets and the LNG vapor. Field test results have determined that water curtains can reduce the concentration of the LNG vapor cloud. Due to the water curtain mechanisms of entrainment of air, dilution of vapor with entrained air, transfer of momentum and heat to the gas cloud, water curtain can disperse LNG vapor cloud to some extent.  相似文献   

当前,建于市区的变电站为了节约用地,其消防系统通常不建设消防水池,消防用水直接从市政管网取水,该消防模式下的取水安全及管网响应情况值得关注.论文以某城市中心城区为例,采用EPANET 2.0构建了供水管网模型,针对供水高峰、流量转输和事故爆管3种不利供水条件,开展了无消防水池变电站的消防系统5种不同火灾工况的水力计算与...  相似文献   

以新型燃油惰气发生器燃烧室为研究对象,对气相采用重整化群(renormalization group,RNG)κ-ε双方程模型,对颗粒相采用随机颗粒轨道模型,考虑气雾两相间的耦合作用,采用二阶迎风差分和SIMPLE算法,数值模拟燃烧室内的气雾两相三维流场,得到了燃烧室内空气一油雾两相流动动力学特性,比较分析了数值模拟结果与实验数据.研究结果表明,在旋流射流、壁面圆孔射流及燃烧室特殊几何结构的共同作用下,燃烧室内充满旋流,同时存在多个回流区,油气掺混剧烈而充分,有助于燃料点火、稳定火焰和提高燃烧效率.本文结果有助于燃油惰气发生器燃烧室燃烧性能的分析及结构与工艺参数的优化.  相似文献   

为研究环境风速对液化天然气(LNG)泄漏扩散过程的影响,采用Fluent建立LNG连续泄漏计算流体力学模型,开展不同风速下LNG泄漏扩散过程的数值模拟研究。结果表明,LNG泄漏扩散分为扩散初期、扩散中期、扩散后期3个阶段,扩散过程中LNG从低温重气逐渐转变成轻质气体。环境风速对气云的扩散主要体现在:低于5级风时,云团以两侧卷吸为主,气云表现为"叶状分叉"、中间低两端高,此时气云横风向扩散较快,甲烷扩散距离与冻伤距离随风速增大而增大;而高于5级风时,云团以顶部卷吸为主,气云表现为云团坍塌、中间高两端低,此时气云垂直风向扩散较快,甲烷扩散距离与冻伤距离随风速增大而减小。初步建立了LNG蒸气云爆炸风险范围与冻伤区域和泄漏时间、环境风速的函数关系,可为爆炸风险区域和低温冻伤区域的预测提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

复杂地层旁通道冻结施工过程的模拟与实测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用FLAC3D模拟分析了在复杂地质条件下,采用冻结法修建上海地铁旁通道时,土体的冻胀和融沉的现象。将模拟得到的地表位移与现场实测值进行了对比,结果表明:(1)积极冻胀阶段:地表竖向位移主要发生在旁通道的正上方,随着向两边的延伸,距离隧道中心的距离越大,垂直冻胀量越小。(2)维持冻结阶段:测点因为开挖过程中的继续冻胀位移值随开挖步距先略有增加而后随着开挖量的增加沉降量随之逐步的增大,最终地表发生了明显的变形。(3)融沉阶段:施作完衬砌结构以后进行60天自然解冻过程中,实测位移和计算位移较为一致,研究表明建立的数值分析模型合理、结果可靠。  相似文献   

Quantifying the size of flammable vapor cloud hazards associated with an accidental release of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) into a spill containment system supported by narrow drainage trenches has posed a modeling challenge since the inception of the LNG industry. Early attempts to treat the vapors evolving from the trenches included using line-source Gaussian models, and the use of the DEGADIS model by modeling “segmented” trench elements and adding the contributions from each trench segment at a specified downwind distance. These approaches often are only reasonable for a select set of conditions (e.g., winds perpendicular to the trench) and have no ability to simulate many of the conditions that might result in a larger potential impact (e.g., winds blowing parallel to the trench).  相似文献   

主要利用FLACS软件,对水陆两处不同的界面下,LNG在同等气象条件下的扩散情况做了相关研究,利用FLACS软件前置处理器CASD对建立简单模型,拟定计算方案进行模拟仿真,对模拟结果进行整理分析后,得到水陆两个不同扩散层面液化天然气气液两相扩散结果与最大扩散距离。处理数据得到LNG气液两相扩散距离,对比结果可知LNG在水面蒸发速率大于地面蒸发速率且扩散距离远远大于地面扩散距离,可燃区域覆盖面更为宽广,说明水面扩散速率大于地面扩散速率。  相似文献   

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